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論台灣華語 [gei wo]、台灣閩南語 [ka gua]、及台灣客語 [lau ngai]句式的語法化 / On the Grammaticalization of Taiwan Mandarin [gei wo], Taiwan Southern Min [ka gua], and Taiwan Hakka [lau ngai] constructions曾柏溫 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文採用Traugott (2010)及Hopper and Traugott (2003)的語法化觀點,探討台灣華語「給我」、台灣閩南語「共我」、及台灣客語「摎ngai」句式在動前位置的祈使用法,主要分析產生此祈使用法的背後動因與機制,包含類推(analogy)、重新分析(reanalysis)、轉喻(metonymy)、語用強化(pragmatic strengthening)、及語言接觸(language contact)等概念。本論文的另一焦點為探討台灣華語「給我」的評價用法,此為台灣華語的新興用法,尚未見於台灣閩南語及台灣客語中。本研究將提出,語法化、主觀性(subjectivity)、及主觀化(subjectification)能闡釋新興用法產生的動因與機制。 / This thesis aims to investigate the preverbal [gei wo], [ka gua], and [lau ngai] construction in Taiwan Mandarin, Taiwan Southern Min, and Taiwan Hakka. The original meaning of these constructions presents beneficial meaning, but they can also frequently appear in imperative constructions. While the extant literature has discussed the pragmatic functions of the imperative meaning, why and how the imperative meaning emerges is still unexplored. Aspects of grammaticalization are adopted (cf. Traugott 2010; Hopper and Traugott 2003). To elaborate how and why the imperative meaning emerges, syntactic and semantic mechanisms and their motivations are proposed. The other issue of the thesis aims to explore the newly emergent evaluative [gei wo] construction in Taiwan Mandarin. In addition to mechanisms and motivation for its development, the notion of subjectivity and subjectification plays a crucial role to account for the motivation for the emergence of the construction in question. Overall, this thesis illuminates the notion that the emergence of special constructions can derive from their original constructions through cognitive and functional foundation.
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The current dissertation is the result of an investigation about the principle of the autonomy of the will. According to Immanuel Kant, the autonomy is the foundation of all morality of the human actions. The autonomy consists in the presentation of the reason for herself of a moral law valid for the will of all rational beings. The moral law is going against the actions that are practiced by selfishness, since she possesses the form of an universal legislation that is expressed in the categorical imperative of the reason. The heteronomy of the will is the principle contrary to the autonomy. Starting from the determination of your will for the moral law the man becomes conscious of your freedom. Consequently, the freedom is what turns possible to the man your self-determination for the moral action. / A presente dissertação é o resultado de uma investigação acerca do princípio da autonomia da vontade. Segundo Immanuel Kant, a autonomia é o fundamento de toda a moralidade das ações humanas. A autonomia consiste na apresentação da razão para si mesma de uma lei moral que é válida para a vontade de todos os seres racionais. A lei moral vai contra as ações que são praticadas por egoísmo, já
que ela possui a forma de uma legislação universal que é expressa no imperativo categórico da razão. A heteronomia da vontade é o princípio contrário à autonomia. A partir da determinação de sua vontade pela lei moral o homem torna-se consciente de sua liberdade. Por conseguinte, a liberdade é o que torna possível ao homem sua autodeterminação para a ação moral.
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Compilation certifiée de SCADE/LUSTRE / Certified compilation of SCADE/LUSTREAuger, Cédric 07 February 2013 (has links)
Les langages synchrones sont apparus autour des années quatre-vingt, en réponse à un besoin d’avoir un modèle mathématique simple pour implémenter des systèmes temps réel critiques. Dans ce modèle, le temps est découpé en instants discrets durant lesquels tous les composants du système reçoivent et produisent une donnée. Cette modélisation permet des raisonnements beaucoup plus simples en évitant de devoir prendre en compte le temps de calcul de chaque opération. Dans le monde du logiciel critique, la fiabilité du matériel et de son fonctionnement sont primordiaux, et on accepte d’être plus lent si on devient plus sûr. Afin d’augmenter cette fiabilité, plutôt que de concevoir manuellement tout le système, on utilise des machines qui synthétisent automatiquement le système souhaité à partir d’une description la plus concise possible. Dans le cas du logiciel, ce mécanisme s’appelle la compilation, et évite des erreurs introduites par l’homme par inadvertance. Elle ne garantit cependant pas la bonne correspondance entre le système produit et la description donnée. Des travaux récents menés par une équipe INRIA dirigée par Xavier Leroy ont abouti en 2008 au compilateur CompCert d’un sous-ensemble large de C vers l’assembleur PowerPC pour lequel il a été prouvé dans l’assistant de preuve Coq que le code assembleur produit correspond bien à la description en C du programme source. Un tel compilateur offre des garanties fortes de bonne correspondance entre le système synthétisé et la description donnée. De plus, avec les compilateurs utilisés pour le temps réel critique, la plupart des optimisations sont désactivées afin d’éviter les erreurs qui y sont liées. Dans CompCert, des optimisations elles aussi prouvées sont proposées, ce qui pourrait permettre ces passes dans la production de systèmes temps réel critiques sans en compromettre la fiabilité. Le but de cette thèse est d’avoir une approche similaire mais spécifique à un langage synchrone, donc plus approprié à la description de systèmes temps réel critiques que ne l’est le C. Un langage synchrone flots de données semblable à Lustre, nommé Ls, et un langage impératif semblable au langage C, nommé Obc y sont proposés ainsi que leur sémantique formelle et une chaîne de compilation avec des preuves de préservation de sémantique le long de cette chaîne. / Synchronous languages first appeared during the 80’s, in order to provide a mathematical model for safety-critical systems. In this model, time is discrete. At each instant, all components of the system simultaneously receive and produce some data. This model allows simpler reasonning on the behaviour of the system, as it does not involve the time required for each of the operations for every component. In safety-critical systems, safety is the rule, so a poor performance behaviour can be allowed if it improves safety. In order to improve safety, rather than conceiving directly the system, machines are used to automatically design the system from a given concise description. In the case of software, this machine is called a compiler, and avoids issues due to some human inadvertence. But it does not ensure that the produced system and the description specification really show the same behaviour. Some recent work from an INRIA team lead by Xavier Leroy achieved in 2008 the realisation of the CompCert compiler from a large subset of C to PowerPC assembly, for which it was proven inside of the Coq proof assistant that the produced system fits its source description. Such a compiler offers strong guarantees that the produced system and its given description by the programmer really fit. Furthermore, most current compiler’s optimizations are disabled when dealing with safety-critical systems in order to avoid tedious compilation errors that optimizations may introduce. Proofs for optimizations may allow their use in this domain without affecting the faith we could place in the compiler. The aim of this thesis is to follow a similar path, but this one on a language which would be more suited for safety-critical systems than the C programming language. Some dataflow synchronous programming language very similar to Lustre, called Ls is described with its formal semantics, as well as an imperative programming language similar to a subset of C called Obc. Furthermore some compilation process is described as well as some proofs that the semantics is preserved during the compilation process.
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Tábory nucené práce České Budějovice 1948 - 1950 / Forced Labour Camp in České Budějovice from 1948 to 1950MÜLLEROVÁ, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
Presented graduation theses dissertate about forced labour camp in České Budějovice in years 1948 -1950. Women´s camp was established at first, it operated from 15 December 1948 to 15 February 1950. Men´s camp was established on 1 September 1949 and its liquidation took place on 15 February 1950 too. Because the literature directly about this camps do not exist, the author, during her research, results from repository saved in Archive of security elements in Prague and in State district paper office in České Budějovice. On the basis of these resources is written how everyday life of the inmates ran on. Their lives were given by the prearranged rules. The main object of these institution was reeducation of individuals and to lead them to the high assignment. The essay contains concrete information how the edifying activity proceeded in České Budějovice. It deals with the companies that the inmates worked for and it analyses the inmates´ rights and duties during the power cycle. The conclusion is due to the statement of Jaroslav Vojtěch, who slipped through several forced labour camp. His testimony told us to what degree the rules and commands on the paper were put in practice.
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A fundamentação moral do direito na filosofia de KantHelfenstein, Mara Juliane Woiciechoski January 2013 (has links)
Esta tese tem o objetivo de investigar o estatuto dos princípios fundamentais do direito, apresentados por Kant na Doutrina do direito, parte constitutiva da obra Metafísica dos costumes, a fim de mostrar como Kant fundamenta a sua teoria do direito racional. A questão fundamental no que concerne à teoria do direito de Kant, e que há muitos anos suscita o debate entre os intérpretes, diz respeito à possibilidade ou não do direito encontrar os fundamentos de seus conceitos e princípios fundamentais na teoria moral elaborada por ele na Fundamentação da metafísica dos costumes e na Crítica da razão prática. Recentemente pode-se observar um crescente número de estudiosos que afirmam a independência da Doutrina do direito da teoria moral kantiana e, consequentemente, a independência dos princípios a priori do direito do imperativo moral. Contrariamente a essa posição, esta tese procura mostrar que Kant fundamenta o direito em sua teoria moral - o direito pressupõe a teoria moral e seu princípio fundamental, o imperativo moral, - e que essa é a única maneira de interpretarmos a Doutrina do direito se não quisermos fazer afirmações que entrem em contradição com o pensamento do próprio autor. A tese que afirma a fundamentação moral do direito se baseia em duas afirmações, que encontram respaldo nos textos de Kant. São elas: a) as leis jurídicas são uma espécie de leis morais, cujo princípio último é o imperativo categórico – os princípios a priori do direito derivam do princípio supremo da moral; b) o uso da coerção externa para obrigar outrem a cumprir um dever jurídico é moralmente justificável, o que significa que esse tipo de constrangimento imposto ao arbítrio é autorizado por uma lei moral. A tese tem, enfim, o objetivo de reconstruir os argumentos de Kant para mostrar que buscar na sua filosofia moral os fundamentos da teoria do direito está totalmente de acordo com seus textos e com o seu pensamento sistemático. / This thesis aims to investigate the nature of fundamental principles of Right, presented by Kant in the Doctrine of Right, a constituent part of the work Metaphysic of Morals, in order to show how Kant grounded his theory of rational Right. The fundamental question regarding the Kant‟s theory of Right, and that for many years raises debate among interpreters, concerns the possibility or not of the Right to find the foundations of its concepts and principles in moral theory elaborated by him in the Groundwork the Metaphysics of Morals and Critique of Practical Reason. Recently one can observe a growing number of scholars who assert the independence of the Doctrine of Right of Kantian moral theory and accordingly the independence of a priori principles of Right of moral imperative. Contrary to this position, this thesis aims to show that Kant bases the Right on his moral theory - the Right presuppose the moral theory and its fundamental principle, the moral imperative - and that is the only way to interpret the doctrine of Right if not want to make statements that come into conflict with the author's own thought. The thesis argues that the moral foundation of Right rests on two assertions that are supported in the writings of Kant. They are: a) juridical laws are a kind of moral law whose ultimate principle is the Categorical imperative - the a priori principles of Right derived from the supreme principle of morality; b) the use of external coercion to compel another to fulfill a duty legal is morally justifiable, meaning that this type of constraint imposed on the choice is authorized by a moral law. In short, the thesis has the objective of reconstructing Kant's arguments to show that find in his moral philosophy the foundations of the theory of Right is fully consistent with his writings and his systematic thinking.
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Implementace zlatého pravidla morálky do krizových plánů ochrany obyvatelstva / The Implementation of the Golden Rule of Morality into Crisis Plans for the Protection of PopulationMARKVART, Petr January 2018 (has links)
In my diploma thesis entitled Implementing the Gold Rule of Morality in Crisis Planning for Population Protection, I will try to draw on the ideas and conclusions of my bachelor thesis, in which I investigated whether members of the Integrated System Can use the golden rule of morality in an emergency. I have come to the conclusion that the members of the individual components of the integrated rescue system are guided by the valid legislation and orders of the commander of the intervention. Nevertheless, they would welcome in certain situations the possibility of deciding according to the golden rule of morality, which briefly tells us: "I do not want to do the other to you." Translated into situations in the event of an extraordinary event may mean deciding in tedious situations so, as if you were the Rescued and not the savior. The aim of my thesis is to find out whether it is possible to implement this idea in the crisis plans themselves and, above all, whether the intervening members of the integrated rescue system themselves would use this rule in certain situations. The association of two seemingly incompatible worlds seems at first glance absurd, but research and interviews with individual members of the integrated system have convinced me that the philosophical questions and the name of Imanuel Kant can very closely mingle with the world of extraordinary events and the salvation of Human lives, health and property of the population. I would very much like to work with this bachelor thesis together with my previous bachelor thesis, tried to create a unified whole as an idea that can motivate us to think whether it is necessary to change the current state of legislation or whether the legislation itself is set as a form of golden rule of morality .
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Sobre respeito e autonomia em KantFernandes, Paulo Cézar [UNESP] 14 August 2009 (has links) (PDF)
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fernandes_pc_me_mar.pdf: 1018807 bytes, checksum: 2fa60ffc2a8ffd6260c0442166e72aa3 (MD5) / Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar alguns conceitos chave da filosofia prática de Kant, especialmente respeito e autonomia, bem como o caminho percorrido pelo filósofo para formulação de uma possibilidade para a liberdade prática. Esse percurso será investigado principalmente junto de duas obras, a saber, Fundamentação da metafísica dos costumes e Crítica da razão prática. Nelas Kant apresenta o respeito como um sentimento que é produzido pela consciência da lei moral, a única lei capaz de mostrar a liberdade como autonomia da vontade. Ao lado do respeito Kant apresenta um outro sentimento prático, a saber, a humilhação. Defenderei a tese de que ambos os conceitos, respeito e humilhação funcionam como duas forças do ânimo que são exercidas pela vontade diante da lei. A análise dos mesmos dar-se-á como sendo duas forças do ânimo descobertas por Kant em analogia com o conceito de força física da mecânica newtoniana, e em conformidade com o próprio conceito kantiano de analogia / This work aims to present some key concepts of the practical philosophy of Kant, especially respect and autonomy, and the path traveled by the philosopher to formulate a possibility for the practical freedon. This kantian`s path will be investigated mainly from two of most important works, namely, the Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals and Critique of practical reason. In this works Kant introduced the respect as a practical feeling that is produced by the consciousness of moral law, the only one able to show practical freedom as autonomy of the will. Beside the respect Kant presents another practical feeling, namely, the humiliation. Both concepts operate as two forces of the spirits that are exercised by the will face the law. The analysis of the feelings of respect and humiliation as two forces of the will be presented in analogy with the concept of physical force, obtained by the philosopher from Newtonian`s mechanics and in according to kantian`s concept of analogy
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Sobre respeito e autonomia em Kant /Fernandes, Paulo Cézar. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques / Banca: Oswaldo Giacóia Júnior / Banca: Aylton Barbieri Durão / Resumo: Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar alguns conceitos chave da filosofia prática de Kant, especialmente respeito e autonomia, bem como o caminho percorrido pelo filósofo para formulação de uma possibilidade para a liberdade prática. Esse percurso será investigado principalmente junto de duas obras, a saber, Fundamentação da metafísica dos costumes e Crítica da razão prática. Nelas Kant apresenta o respeito como um sentimento que é produzido pela consciência da lei moral, a única lei capaz de mostrar a liberdade como autonomia da vontade. Ao lado do respeito Kant apresenta um outro sentimento prático, a saber, a humilhação. Defenderei a tese de que ambos os conceitos, respeito e humilhação funcionam como duas forças do ânimo que são exercidas pela vontade diante da lei. A análise dos mesmos dar-se-á como sendo duas forças do ânimo descobertas por Kant em analogia com o conceito de força física da mecânica newtoniana, e em conformidade com o próprio conceito kantiano de analogia / Abstract: This work aims to present some key concepts of the practical philosophy of Kant, especially respect and autonomy, and the path traveled by the philosopher to formulate a possibility for the practical freedon. This kantian's path will be investigated mainly from two of most important works, namely, the Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals and Critique of practical reason. In this works Kant introduced the respect as a practical feeling that is produced by the consciousness of moral law, the only one able to show practical freedom as autonomy of the will. Beside the respect Kant presents another practical feeling, namely, the humiliation. Both concepts operate as two forces of the spirits that are exercised by the will face the law. The analysis of the feelings of respect and humiliation as two forces of the will be presented in analogy with the concept of physical force, obtained by the philosopher from Newtonian's mechanics and in according to kantian's concept of analogy / Mestre
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A fundamenta??o metaf?sica do Direito na filosofia de KantFreire, Leonardo Oliveira 25 October 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-10-25 / A fundamenta??o metaf?sica do direito a que nos propomos a esclarecer na filosofia de Kant assume n?o somente uma an?lise de temas jur?dicos. Temos uma quest?o filos?fica de fundo a tratar: a justi?a ? poss?vel? Tal indaga??o n?o ? o tema do texto, mas o que est? pressuposto. A an?lise kantiana, de certo modo, assume metafisicamente a possibilidade da justi?a a partir do conceito de liberdade. Mas, com base na liberdade, demonstra a possibilidade da justi?a na ?tica e no direito. A disserta??o ? composta por tr?s cap?tulos. No primeiro cap?tulo, partindo da reconstru??o inicial do conceito de liberdade na Cr?tica da Raz?o Pura, descrevemos a constru??o do conceito cosmol?gico de liberdade transcendental a partir do terceiro conflito antin?mico e de sua solu??o na Dial?tica Transcendental. Feito isso, descrevemos o conceito de liberdade no cap?tulo do C?non da Raz?o Pura e discutimos o problema de como compatibilizar liberdade transcendental e liberdade pr?tica. No segundo cap?tulo, fazemos uma an?lise da distin??o entre a legisla??o moral e a legisla??o jur?dica das a??es humanas partindo da an?lise da liberdade pr?tica interna (moral) e distinguindo-a da liberdade pr?tica externa (ou jur?dica). Nesse contexto, desenvolvemos os pressupostos de uma metaf?sica do direito, tomando como ponto de partida o conceito de liberdade e o imperativo categ?rico como princ?pio da autonomia da vontade, base normativa para a lei universal do direito. No terceiro cap?tulo, a partir da rela??o entre ?tica e direito, reconstru?mos o conceito de Direito e esclarecemos o fundamento da legitimidade da coer??o a partir do princ?pio normativo de coexist?ncia das liberdades individuais. Analisamos tamb?m os aspectos fundamentais do direito que derivam deste princ?pio, tal como os conceitos de Contrato Origin?rio, Estado, Lei, Coer??o,bem como a proposta kantiana de uma paz universal com base numa legisla??o internacional. No fim, discutimos o aspecto metaf?sico presente no fundamento do Direito
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A fundamentação moral do direito na filosofia de KantHelfenstein, Mara Juliane Woiciechoski January 2013 (has links)
Esta tese tem o objetivo de investigar o estatuto dos princípios fundamentais do direito, apresentados por Kant na Doutrina do direito, parte constitutiva da obra Metafísica dos costumes, a fim de mostrar como Kant fundamenta a sua teoria do direito racional. A questão fundamental no que concerne à teoria do direito de Kant, e que há muitos anos suscita o debate entre os intérpretes, diz respeito à possibilidade ou não do direito encontrar os fundamentos de seus conceitos e princípios fundamentais na teoria moral elaborada por ele na Fundamentação da metafísica dos costumes e na Crítica da razão prática. Recentemente pode-se observar um crescente número de estudiosos que afirmam a independência da Doutrina do direito da teoria moral kantiana e, consequentemente, a independência dos princípios a priori do direito do imperativo moral. Contrariamente a essa posição, esta tese procura mostrar que Kant fundamenta o direito em sua teoria moral - o direito pressupõe a teoria moral e seu princípio fundamental, o imperativo moral, - e que essa é a única maneira de interpretarmos a Doutrina do direito se não quisermos fazer afirmações que entrem em contradição com o pensamento do próprio autor. A tese que afirma a fundamentação moral do direito se baseia em duas afirmações, que encontram respaldo nos textos de Kant. São elas: a) as leis jurídicas são uma espécie de leis morais, cujo princípio último é o imperativo categórico – os princípios a priori do direito derivam do princípio supremo da moral; b) o uso da coerção externa para obrigar outrem a cumprir um dever jurídico é moralmente justificável, o que significa que esse tipo de constrangimento imposto ao arbítrio é autorizado por uma lei moral. A tese tem, enfim, o objetivo de reconstruir os argumentos de Kant para mostrar que buscar na sua filosofia moral os fundamentos da teoria do direito está totalmente de acordo com seus textos e com o seu pensamento sistemático. / This thesis aims to investigate the nature of fundamental principles of Right, presented by Kant in the Doctrine of Right, a constituent part of the work Metaphysic of Morals, in order to show how Kant grounded his theory of rational Right. The fundamental question regarding the Kant‟s theory of Right, and that for many years raises debate among interpreters, concerns the possibility or not of the Right to find the foundations of its concepts and principles in moral theory elaborated by him in the Groundwork the Metaphysics of Morals and Critique of Practical Reason. Recently one can observe a growing number of scholars who assert the independence of the Doctrine of Right of Kantian moral theory and accordingly the independence of a priori principles of Right of moral imperative. Contrary to this position, this thesis aims to show that Kant bases the Right on his moral theory - the Right presuppose the moral theory and its fundamental principle, the moral imperative - and that is the only way to interpret the doctrine of Right if not want to make statements that come into conflict with the author's own thought. The thesis argues that the moral foundation of Right rests on two assertions that are supported in the writings of Kant. They are: a) juridical laws are a kind of moral law whose ultimate principle is the Categorical imperative - the a priori principles of Right derived from the supreme principle of morality; b) the use of external coercion to compel another to fulfill a duty legal is morally justifiable, meaning that this type of constraint imposed on the choice is authorized by a moral law. In short, the thesis has the objective of reconstructing Kant's arguments to show that find in his moral philosophy the foundations of the theory of Right is fully consistent with his writings and his systematic thinking.
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