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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Roudnická lobkowiczká knihovna. Jazykově francouzské tisky do roku 1717. / The Roudnice Lobkowiczs Library in Nelahozeves, French Impressions Until 1717.

MÖSTL, Roman January 2009 (has links)
The aim of diploma thesis was to characterize the collection of Roudnice Lobkowicz Library and its evolution in relation to French prints published by the year 1717. These texts were compared with French printouts in noblewoman{\crq}s Marie Ernestine von Eggenberg library in Český Krumlov. In the introductory part of the thesis I created the catalogue of French written texts published by the year 1717, which are situated in Roudnice Lobkowicz Library. In the following part I resulted from the catalogue mentioned above while arranging the chronological order index and various issues index. The thesis also features the history of the Lobkowicz Family, describes the Roudnice Lobkowicz Library collection, and it briefly brings near the history of Nelahozeves Castle and Roudnice nad Labem Castle, which are closely referred to the most important part of Roudnice Lobkowicz Library. In the final part, the project presents the comparison of Roudnice Lobkowicz Library and Marie Ernestine von Eggenberg Library in Český Krumlov on the subject of French texts issued by the year 1717.

Mixed Realities and Product Perception: Experimental Analysis of the Relationship Between Visual Quality and Interaction, and the User's Emotional and Perceptual Response

Palacios Ibáñez, Almudena 20 November 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Las técnicas de visualización innovadoras están transformando la presentación de productos y desempeñando un papel crucial en un mercado altamente competitivo. Las tecnologías de Realidad Virtual (RV) y Mixta (RM) están en constante evolución en términos de hardware, software, ergonomía, usabilidad, calidad y eficiencia, y se han convertido en medios efectivos para representar modelos virtuales en diversas aplicaciones de diseño. La disponibilidad y accesibilidad de estas tecnologías, tanto en términos de hardware (por ejemplo, Meta Quest 2 o Pico 4) como de software (por ejemplo, el "Metaverso"), están impulsando su adopción en entornos de desarrollo de productos y están influyendo en la forma en que trabajamos y colaboramos. Además, los avances continuos en la tecnología de los smartphones están permitiendo cada vez más el acceso a entornos de realidad mixta. De hecho, muchas empresas han utilizado la RM en sus catálogos en línea como una herramienta efectiva para presentar sus productos (por ejemplo, Ikea, Sephora o L'Oreal). En este contexto, es crucial comprender cómo estas tecnologías afectan las impresiones subjetivas de los usuarios sobre un producto en particular, es decir, cómo un producto es percibido, interpretado e interiorizado por el consumidor, ya que esto puede variar significativamente según la plataforma de presentación. Esta variación perceptual puede generar errores significativos durante el proceso de diseño, lo que a su vez puede aumentar los costos del producto. Esta tesis doctoral presenta tres estudios que investigan el efecto de diferentes técnicas de visualización en las impresiones subjetivas del sujeto cuando evalúa un producto. Se seleccionaron diferentes tipos de productos (sillas, paragüeros, cafeteras y teléfonos de sobremesa) que fueron evaluados utilizando un Diferencial Semántico específico para cada uno de ellos. Para obtener resultados más sólidos, las escalas semánticas se clasificaron según las cuatro categorías del placer de Jordan. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el medio utilizado para presentar un producto tiene un impacto en cómo lo percibimos y en nuestra confianza en las evaluaciones que realizamos sobre él. En este contexto, las características relacionadas con el placer físico de Jordan fueron las más afectadas por el cambio de medio. Sin embargo, el uso de RV con hápticos pasivos ayuda a minimizar estas diferencias gracias al sentido del tacto, mientras que realizar evaluaciones conjuntas de productos también reduce las diferencias causadas por la técnica de visualización. Estos hallazgos tienen un valor significativo para los desarrolladores de productos, los especialistas en marketing y los diseñadores que se esfuerzan por optimizar los beneficios de la realidad extendida y crear productos más cautivadores y efectivos. / [CA] Les tècniques innovadores de visualització estan transformant la presentació del producte i jugant un paper crucial en un mercat altament competitiu. Les tecnologies de Realitat Virtual (RV) i Realitat Mixta (RM) estan evolucionant constantment en termes de maquinari, programari, ergonomia, usabilitat, qualitat i eficiència, i s'han convertit en mitjans eficaços de representar models virtuals en diverses aplicacions de disseny. La disponibilitat i accessibilitat d'aquestes tecnologies, tant en termes de maquinari (per exemple, Meta Quest 2 o Pico 4) com de programari (per exemple, el "Metaverse"), està impulsant la seva adopció en entorns de desenvolupament de productes i influïnt en la forma en què treballem i col·laborem. A més, els avenços contínus en la tecnologia dels telèfons intel·ligents estan possibilitant cada vegada més l'accés a entorns de realitat mixta. De fet, moltes empreses han utilitzat la RM en els seus catàlegs en línia com a eina eficaç per exhibir els seus productes (per exemple, Ikea, Sephora o L'Oreal). En aquest context, és crucial comprendre com aquestes tecnologies afecten les impressions subjectives dels usuaris sobre un producte en particular, és a dir, com un producte és percebut, interpretat i interioritzat pel consumidor, ja que això pot variar significativament en funció de la plataforma de presentació. Aquesta variació perceptual pot provocar errors importants durant el procés de disseny, cosa que, a la seva vegada, pot augmentar els costos del producte. Aquesta tesi doctoral presenta tres estudis que investiguen l'efecte de diferents tècniques de visualització en les impressions subjectives dels usuaris en avaluar un producte. Es van seleccionar diferents tipus de productes (cadires, suports per a paraigües, cafeteres i telèfons de sobretaula) i es van avaluar utilitzant Diferencials Semàntics específics del producte. Per obtenir resultats més robustos, les escales semàntiques es van classificar segons les quatre categories de plaer de Jordan. Els resultats obtinguts indiquen que el mitjà utilitzat per presentar un producte té un impacte en com el percebem i en la nostra confiança en les avaluacions que fem sobre aquest. En aquest context, les característiques relacionades amb el plaer físic de Jordan van ser les més afectades pel canvi de mitjà. No obstant això, l'ús de la RV amb haptics passius ajuda a minimitzar aquestes diferències mitjançant el sentit del tacte, mentre que la realització d'avaluacions conjuntes de productes també redueix les diferències causades per la tècnica de visualització. Aquests resultats tenen un valor significatiu per a desenvolupadors de productes, especialistes en màrqueting i dissenyadors que aspiren a optimitzar els avantatges de la realitat estesa i crear productes més atractius i efectius. / [EN] Innovative visualization techniques are transforming product presentation and playing a crucial role in a highly competitive market. Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR) technologies are constantly evolving in terms of hardware, software, ergonomics, usability, quality, and efficiency, and they have become effective means of representing virtual models in various design applications. The availability and accessibility of these technologies, both in terms of hardware (e.g., Meta Quest 2 or Pico 4) and software (e.g., the "Metaverse"), are driving their adoption in product development environments and influencing the way we work and collaborate. Furthermore, continuous advancements in smartphone technology are increasingly enabling access to mixed reality environments. In fact, many companies have utilized MR in their online catalogs as an effective tool for showcasing their products (e.g., Ikea, Sephora, or L'Oreal). In this context, it is crucial to understand how these technologies impact users' subjective impressions of a particular product, i.e., how a product is perceived, interpreted, and internalized by the consumer, as this can vary significantly depending on the presentation platform. This perceptual variation can lead to significant errors during the design process, which, in turn, can increase product costs. This doctoral thesis presents three studies that investigate the effect of different visualization techniques on users' subjective impressions when evaluating a product. Different types of products (chairs, umbrella stands, coffee makers, and desktop phones) were selected and evaluated using product-specific Semantic Differentials. To obtain more robust results, the semantic scales were classified according to Jordan's four pleasure categories. The obtained results indicate that the medium used to present a product has an impact on how we perceive it and our confidence in the evaluations we make about it. In this context, characteristics related to Jordan's physical pleasure were the most affected by the medium change. However, the use of VR with passive haptics helps minimize these differences through the sense of touch, while conducting joint product evaluations also reduces the differences caused by the visualization technique. These findings have significant value for product developers, marketing specialists, and designers who strive to optimize the benefits of extended reality and create more engaging and effective products. / This doctoral thesis has been carried out under the funding of the Ministry of Universities and Research with a University Teacher Training grant (FPU 2019/03878). / Palacios Ibáñez, A. (2023). Mixed Realities and Product Perception: Experimental Analysis of the Relationship Between Visual Quality and Interaction, and the User's Emotional and Perceptual Response [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/199972 / Compendio

Let Music Speak Day and Night: A Performance Guide for George Enescu's "Impressions D'enfance for Violin and Piano"

Huang, Chenshayang 12 1900 (has links)
In the world of chamber music, programmatic suites are more rarely composed and consequently more rarely presented in recital than other musical forms. Perhaps partially for this reason, George Enescu's Impressions d'enfance for violin and piano, his last chamber piece written in the tumultuous year of 1940, has been overlooked for a long time; even the composer himself did not make a recording of this seldom performed piece. This dissertation examines Impressions d'enface in order to explore the relationship between the underlying Romanian folk rhythmic and melodic patterns, to provide an analysis, as well as to serve as a performance guide to assist performers in surmounting the technical challenges and thus create a more effective ensemble. I hope this dissertation will encourage more duos to experiencing the joy of George Enescu's richly fulfilling Impressions d'enfance for themselves.

Jak zvýšit životní úroveň? Komise ÚV KSČ pro otázky životní úrovně v letech 1963-1968 / How to heighten the level of living? Comittee ÚV KSČ for questions of the level of living 1963-1968

RÁMIŠOVÁ, Šárka January 2009 (has links)
The Diploma thesis {\clqq}How to heighten the level of living, with the subtitle Comittee ÚV KSČ for questions of the level of living 1963-1968, deals about the standard of living of the people in Czechoslovakia of 1960s. The Sixties is evaluated for high quality of culture. Althought it was not the priority for the political leadership. Therefore neither do I in my thesis. The interest was rather addressed to the material satisfaction of citizen´s needs before their cultural and spiritual demands. The hightening of the level of living happened one of the partie´s priorities. The aim of the work is to get closer to an everyday live of the citizens on the basics of economic and social policy of the state. All foundations of the comitee UV KSC for the questions of life level became the source basement, which were determined to it by another comitee and organs of authority importance interested in it. On the base of the source it was possible to analyse economic and social conditions of Czechoslovakia and reforms before all, wchich above mentioned comitee was proposing. Before all it concerned to changes having the influence on the state of life standard. Population, flat, salary, price, socila policy of the state induce its quality. I ellected population problemacy, flat crisis, economic reforms, role of women, mainly the employment of women, shortening of working time, a question of free time and socilailist family as the crucial topic of the thesis. Politicaly relieved period of the sixties enabled an introduction of a new system of conducting national economy with the outsanding influence on material satiation of the citizens. Simultaneously with economic reform even a short period feeling of freedom came in. Interviews with contemporaries helped to disclose personal impressions of people.

Du sköna nya era – det måste inte vara text. : En intervjustudie om hur samhällskunskapslärare integrerar specialpedagogik och multimodala verktyg i undervisningen.

Aldeland, Leo January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats är en undersökning som har i syfte att öka kunskapen kring hursamhällskunskapslärare arbetar med specialpedagogik. Där forskningsfrågorna berör vilka extra anpassningar och specialpedagogiska åtgärder lärarna tillämpar i sin undervisning. Om lärarna anser att multimodala verktyg som ett redskap i denna kontext genererar positiva resultat. Utöver själva undervisningen beskriver även lärarna var de hämtat sina kunskaper om specialpedagogik och hur deras relation ser ut med sina lokala specialpedagoger. Den teori som använts kallas KASAM-teorin och den har varit nödvändig för att förstå varför lärarna ständigt återkom till det relationella. Lärarna menar att elevers psykiska välmående är en faktor precis som autism, ADHD och dyslexi är. Men att det relationella inte endast heller handlar om psykisk ohälsa utan det genomsyrar hela yrket. Det relationella inkorporeras i alla delar där lärare och elever möts, exempelvis för att eleven ska använda sig och anamma specialpedagogiken behövs en relationell aspekt. Metoden uppsatsen har använt för att generera data är kvalitativ semistrukturerad intervju där sex samhällskunskapslärare har deltagit. I intervjuerna delar lärarna med sig av sina erfarenheter och kunskaper av specialpedagogik och användande av multimodala verktyg. Dessutom undersöks hur och när samarbete och kommunikation med specialpedagogen inträffar, var lärarna hämtar de tekniker och metoder som används för att hjälpa och kompensera eleverna för deras svårigheter eller olikheter. Lärarna presenteras kort i metodkapitlet för att sedan en och en svara på de forskningsfrågor uppsatsen bygger på. I resultatet och analysen har det framkommit att det data intervjuerna har genererat i visar påen öppenhet och bredd av verktyg och metoder lärarna använder sig av för att se till att eleverna oavsett om de har diagnoser eller inte ska få tillgång till en god och lärorik undervisning. Användandet av specialpedagogiken är dock så vanligt förekommande i informanternas klassrum att det kan vara svårt för dem att urskilja konkreta resultat när ytterligare ett specialpedagogiskt instrument appliceras. Lärarna som deltagit i studien beskriver samstämmigt att den främsta källan till specialpedagogik kommer av andra lärare och då allra vanligast av lärare med samma ämne. Specialpedagogerna betraktas ofta som en resurs som tar hand om enskilda elever där de kan sitta och arbeta med en specialpedagog enskilt eller i enliten grupp. Ett annat vanligt tillfälle då lärarna tar kontakt med specialpedagogen är då ärendet gäller enskilda elever. I frågan om multimodalitet kopplas denne i första hand till det digitala,där lärarna generellt har en positiv och ibland en mycket positiv syn på det multimodala. Elevermed dyslexi anses vara den elevgrupp som har allra störst fördel av det digitala även om samtliga elever uppfattas gynnas av det multimodala. Det digitala beskrivs ha en möjlighet att arbeta med flera semiotiska intryck, något som lärarna tror särskilt ska gynna elever med ADHD, koncentrationssvårigheter och autism. / This essay is a study that aims to increase knowledge about how social studies teachers work with special education. Where the research questions concern which extra adaptations and special pedagogical measures the teachers apply in their teaching. If teachers believe that multimodal tools as a tool in this context generate positive results. In addition to the teaching itself, the teachers also describe where they acquired their knowledge of special education and what their relationship looks like with their local special educators. The theory used is called the KASAM-theory and it has been necessary to understand why teachers constantly returned to the relational. Teachers believe that students mental well-beingis a factor just as autism, ADHD and dyslexia are. But that the relational is not only about mental illness but it permeates the whole profession. The relational is incorporated in all parts where teachers and students meet, for example for the student to use and adopt special education, a relational aspect is needed. The method the essay has used to generate data is a qualitative semi-structured interview in which six social studies teachers have participated. In the interviews, the teachers share their experiences and knowledge of special education and the use of multimodal tools. In addition,it is investigated how and when collaboration and communication with the special educator occurs, where the teachers pick up the techniques and methods used to help and compensate the students for their difficulties or differences. The teachers are briefly presented in the method chapter in order to then one by one answer the research questions on which the thesis is based. The results and the analysis have shown that the data the interviews have generated show an openness and broadness of tools and methods the teachers use to ensure that the students, regardless of whether they have diagnoses or not, have access to a good and educational teaching. However, the use of special education is so common in the informant’s classrooms that it can be difficult for them to distinguish concrete results when another special education instrument is applied. The teachers who participated in the study unanimously describe that the main source of special education comes from other teachers and then most often from teachers with the same subject. The special educators are often regarded as a resource that takes care of individual students where they can sit and work with a special educator individually or in a small group. Another common occasion when teachers contact the special educator is when the matter concerns individual students. In the issue of multimodality, this is primarily linked to the digital, where teachers generally have a positive and sometimes a very positive view of the multimodal. Students with dyslexia are considered to be the group of students who have the greatest advantage of the digital, even if all students are perceived to benefit from the multimodal. The digital is described as having an opportunity to work with several semiotic impressions, something that teachers believe should particularly benefit students with ADHD, concentration difficulties and autism.

Modalização e polifonia no gênero resenha acadêmica:um olhar apreciativo sobre a voz da ciência

Barbosa, Maria vanice Lacerda de Melo 28 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Maike Costa (maiksebas@gmail.com) on 2016-07-20T11:32:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivo total.pdf: 17599967 bytes, checksum: cb2c0f5624933bb75b6adac7eb251e41 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-20T11:32:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivo total.pdf: 17599967 bytes, checksum: cb2c0f5624933bb75b6adac7eb251e41 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-28 / In order to building a spoken or written text, regardless of gender that it is being carried out, the speaker uses linguistic features such as semantic-argumentative strategies intending to guide the interlocutor to certain conclusions. The modalization and polyphony, accordingly, are phenomena that allow the speaker to leave printed his subjectivity in the content of the statements, while acting according to his interlocutor. Focusing in these discussions, this investigation aims to show that modalization and polyphony reveal, linguistically, subjectivity in the digest genre, acting therefore as argumentation features. It is a qualitative research, descriptive and interpretative, which adopts the theoretical and methodological principles of Argumentative Semantics. The corpus consists of ten digests collected in six editions of the Jornal de Resenhas, of the Discurso Editorial, ISSN 1984-6282, published in 2009, 2010 and 2012. The theoretical discussions concerning the Argumentation Theory of Language have based in Ducrot (1994, 1987, 1988), Espíndola (2004), Nascimento (2005, 2009), Koch (2006a, 2006b) and others arguing about the theory approach. The modalization is discussed under the postulates of Castilho and Castilho (1993), Koch (2006b), Cervoni (1989), Nascimento (2009), Neves (2011a), Palmer (2011) and García Negroni (2011). Besides, it was used as theoretical basis, Foucault (2011), Bakhtin (2010a, 2010b), Marcuschi (2008) and others to the formulations about the digest genre. The analysis reveals that digesters use modalization and the polyphony of speakers as phenomena that ultimately report the speakers‟ subjectivity in relation to the view of the voices of other speakers, that is, as a discursive strategy that guides the way the text of the digest should be read. Thus, the gender digest is defined as a place of interaction of voices and subjective impressions through which the speaker summarizes praises, criticizes and evaluates the most diverse academic intellectual productions. / Pour construire un texte parlé ou écrit, indépendamment du genre qui réalise, le locuteur utilise des fonctionnalités linguistiques comme les stratégies sémantiques argumentatif afin de guider les appelants à certaines conclusions. La modalisation et la polyphonie, en conséquence, sont des phénomènes qui permettent au locuteur laisser imprimé sa subjectivité dans le contenu des déclarations, tout en agissant en fonction de son interlocuteur. Avec l'accent dans ces discussions, cette recherche vise à ètidier les annonceurs de modalité et de la polyphonie, comme des phénomènes qui révèlent, linguistiquement, la subjectivité dans le genre compte-rendu, s‟agissant, de cette manière, comme des marques d'argumentation. Il est une recherche qualitative, descriptive et interprétative, qui adopte les principes théoriques et méthodologiques de la sémantique argumentative. Le corpus se compose de dix comptes-rendus dans six éditions du Jornal de Resenhas, imprimés par Discurso Editorial, ISSN 1984-6282, publiés en 2009, 2010 et 2012. Pour les discussions théoriques en concernant a la Théorie de L'argumentation de la Langue, nous fundamentons-nous en Ducrot (1994, 1987, 1988), Espíndola (2004), Nascimento (2005, 2009), Koch (2006a, 2006b) et d'autres qui discutent à propos de l'approche de la théorie. La modalisation est discuté sous les postulats de Castilho et Castilho (1993), Koch (2006b), Cervoni (1989), Nascimeto (2009), Neves (2011a), Palmer (2011) et García Negroni (2011). Et on utilise encore comme une base théorique, Foucault (2011), Bakhtin (2010a, 2010b), Marcuschi (2008) et d'autres pour les formulations sur la révision de genre. L'analyse révèle que les examinateurs utilisent la modalisation et la polyphonie des haut-parleurs comme des phénomènes qui relèvent finalement la subjectivité des intervenants des examens par rapport à la vue de la voix des autres orateurs, qui est, comme une stratégie qui guide discoursivement le chemin du texte de comme l'avis doit être lu. Le genre compte-rendu, dans cette recherche est considérée comme un lieu d'interaction des voix et impressions subjectives ainsi à travers laquelle l'orateur résume louanges, critique et évalue plus diverses productions intellectuelles academiques. / Ao construir um texto falado ou escrito, independente do gênero que o realize, o locutor se utiliza de recursos linguísticos como estratégias semântico-argumentativas com a finalidade de orientar o interlocutor para determinadas conclusões. A modalização e a polifonia, nesse sentido, são fenômenos que possibilitam ao locutor deixar impressa a sua subjetividade no conteúdo dos enunciados, ao mesmo tempo em que age em função de seu interlocutor. Com o foco nessa discussão, esta pesquisa objetiva investigar a modalização e a polifonia de locutores como fenômenos que revelam, linguisticamente, a subjetividade no gênero resenha acadêmico-científica, funcionando, portanto, como marcas de argumentação. Trata-se de uma investigação qualitativa, de caráter descritivo e interpretativista, que adota os princípios teórico-metodológicos da Semântica Argumentativa. O corpus é constituído de dez resenhas, coletadas em seis edições do Jornal de Resenhas, da Discurso Editorial, ISSN 1984-6282, publicadas nos anos de 2009, 2010 e 2012. Para as discussões teóricas concernentes à Teoria da Argumentação na Língua, embasamo-nos em Ducrot (1994, 1987, 1988), Espíndola (2004), Nascimento (2005, 2009), Koch (2006a, 2006b) entre outros que discutem a respeito da teoria em abordagem. A modalização é discutida sob os postulados de Castilho e Castilho (1993), Koch (2006b), Cervoni (1989), Nascimento (2009), Neves (2011a), Palmer (2011) e García Negroni (2011). Ainda servem de embasamento teórico, Foucault (2011), Bakhtin (2010a, 2010b), Marcuschi (2008) e outros, para as formulações acerca do gênero textual resenha. As análises revelam que os resenhistas utilizam a modalização e a polifonia de locutores como fenômenos que acabam por denunciar a subjetividade dos locutores das resenhas em relação ao ponto de vista das vozes de outros locutores, ou seja, como uma estratégia que orienta discursivamente a forma como o texto da resenha deve ser lido. O gênero resenha, nesta investigação, é visto como um lugar de interação de vozes e, portanto, de impressões subjetivas, através do qual o locutor resume, elogia, critica e avalia as mais diversas produções intelectuais acadêmicas.

Technik und Bildung in der verwissenschaftlichten Lebenswelt / Vier Modelle: Fink, Heidegger, Litt, Schelsky

Lumila, Minna 02 June 2023 (has links)
Die Studie versucht, Husserls Modell einer nicht-wissenschaftlichen Lebenswelt für pädagogische Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis von Technik und Bildung in der verwissenschaftlichen Welt zu öffnen. Sie diskutiert Entwicklungsprobleme der Spätmoderne unter pluralen Fragestellungen und führt Ansätze und Traditionen zusammen, die unterschiedliche Wege zur Weiterentwicklung der modernen Bildungstheorie beschritten haben. Im Zentrum steht die Frage, wie moderne Technik einerseits als lebensweltliche Entfremdung des Menschen problematisiert und andererseits als Produkt menschlicher Freiheit und Weltgestaltung gewürdigt werden kann. In vier Kapiteln werden die methodischen Ansätze und Antworten vorgestellt, die der Philosoph und Pädagoge Eugen Fink (1905–1975), der Philosoph Martin Heidegger (1889–1976), der Philosoph und Erziehungswissenschaftler Theodor Litt (1880–1962) und der Soziologe Helmut Schelsky (1912–1984) auf die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Bildung und Technik gegeben haben. Im Durchgang durch ihre Positionen wird ein Konzert erarbeitet, dessen Originalität darin liegt, Abstimmungsprobleme von Bildung, Technik und Lebenswelt aus postdualistischer, praxistheoretischer sowie posthumanistischer Perspektive zu thematisieren. / The study attempts to open Husserl's model of a non-scientific lifeworld for pedagogical investigations of the relationship between technology and “Bildung” in the scientific world. It discusses developmental problems of late modernity under plural questions and brings together approaches and traditions that have taken different paths to the further development of modern “Bildungs”-theory. The central question is how modern technology can be problematized on the one hand as the alienation of human beings from the world of life and on the other hand be appreciated as a product of human freedom and the shaping of the world. Four chapters present the methodological approaches and answers that philosopher and educator Eugen Fink (1905–1975), philosopher Martin Heidegger (1889–1976), philosopher and educationalist Theodor Litt (1880–1962), and sociologist Helmut Schelsky (1912–1984) have given to the question of the relationship between education and technology. In the course of their positions, a concert will be developed whose originality lies in addressing the coordination problems of “Bildung” (education), “Technik” (technology) and “Lebenswelt” (lifeworld) from a post-dualist, praxis-theoretical as well as post-humanist perspective.

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