Spelling suggestions: "subject:"militant.""
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« Divided we stand » ˸ tensions et clivages au sein des mouvements de libération noire, du New Deal au Black Power / “Divided we stand” ˸ tensions and divisions within the black liberation movements, from the New Deal to the Black Power eraMahéo, Olivier 23 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse espère contribuer au dépassement du récit dominant qui a longtemps marqué l’historiographie du mouvement des droits civiques. Différents mécanismes de production du consensus, tant externes au mouvement qu’internes, ont contribué à masquer les tensions qui le traversaient et à le délimiter étroitement autour du seul aspect racial. Ce récit unifiait artificiellement la minorité noire en minorant les clivages de classe, de genre, les tensions générationnelles ou spatiales qui préexistaient aux années 1960 et en limitant les objectifs de ces mobilisations à la revendication de l’égalité des droits raciaux. Par ailleurs le maccarthysme et le triomphe du consensus libéral ont marginalisé la gauche noire et relégué les femmes à l’arrière-plan. Marginalisés en tant que forces politiques, les courants radicaux et les femmes ont aussi été d’abord effacés du récit historique. Cette représentation restrictive du mouvement des droits civiques a pu s’intégrer au récit national américain, aux dépens des voix radicales discordantes et du Nationalisme Noir de la période postérieure à 1966. Cependant ces clivages préexistaient : ce travail s’inscrit dans la perspective d’une histoire longue du mouvement des droits civiques qui met l’accent sur les continuités qui, des années 1930 aux années 1970, lient les générations entre elles. Il s’agit alors de dépasser les limites chronologiques traditionnelles et les clivages spatiaux qui opposent un Nord et un Sud essentialisés pour se situer à l’échelle locale, à la hauteur des militants dans la multiplicité des mouvements locaux. Nos sources en majorité autobiographiques, mais aussi photographiques, permettent de rendre compte de l’écart entre les militants locaux et leurs leaders nationaux du New Deal au Black Power. Les autobiographies militantes constituent des contre-récits qui remettent en question le récit dominant et dévoilent les tensions politiques et les projets minoritaires : ceux de la gauche noire, mais aussi les clivages genrés, générationnels ou spatiaux. Les revendications économiques et féministes de même qu’une dimension internationale sont aussi mis en lumière. La photographie de presse participe à cet effacement des clivages, par l’iconisation de figures célèbres. Malgré le maccarthysme, les thèmes et les idées de la gauche noire perdurent pourtant par le biais de l’image. Cette thèse tente de redonner leurs voix aux leaders anonymes du mouvement, à ceux dont les idées ont été masquées ou déformées et qui témoignent de la complexité d’un combat où classe, genre et race sont liés mais aussi en concurrence. / In this dissertation I hope to contribute to the criticism of the dominant narrative that has long been at the center of the historiography of the black liberation movement. Different consensus-building mechanisms, both external and internal to the movement, masked its tensions and tended to delineate it exclusively around race. This narrative artificially unified the black mi-nority by mostly obliterating the movement’s class divisions as well as the gender, generation-al, and spatial tensions, that existed prior to the 1960s, and by limiting its objectives to the demand for legal rights. Furthermore, McCarthyism and the triumph of the liberal consensus marginalized the black left and relegated women to the background while politically radical currents and the demands of women were also erased from the historical narrative. This nar-row vision of the black liberation movement was integrated into the US national narrative at the expense of the discordant voices of radicalization and Black Nationalism of the post-1966 era. This work adopts the perspective of a long civil rights movement by focusing on the con-tinuities that linked various generations, from the 1930s to the 1970s, thus going beyond the traditional and the spatial divides, which oppose an essentialized regional divide between North and South in the dominant narrative to focus instead on the diversity of local movements The sources used focus on autobiographies and on photography, making it possible to account for the differences in point of view between local activists and their national leaders, from the years of the New Deal to the Black Power era. Militant autobiographies constitute counter-narratives that challenge the master narrative and reveal political tensions and minority projects, including those of the black left; they also point to gendered, generational and spatial divides as well as to economic and feminist demands, and they show the international dimen-sion of the black liberation movement. Mainstream photography participated in the erasure of the tensions in the movement through the iconization of famous figures. Still, in spite of McCarthyism, the themes and ideas of the black left are visible through their own images. With such sources, this doctoral dissertation attempts to give voice to the anonymous leaders of the movement, to those whose ideas have been masked or distorted and whose testimony testifies to the complexity of a struggle where class, gender and race both concur and compete.
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[pt] A dissertação tem como objetivo apresentar e comparar as
trajetórias e
pensamento de Angela Yvonne Davis (Alabama/EUA, 1944) e
Lélia Almeida
Gonzalez (Minas Gerais/Brasil, 1935 - Rio de
Janeiro/Brasil, 1994) - duas
intelectuais e militantes dos movimentos negros nos EUA e
no Brasil. Angela
destacou-se internacionalmente na década de 1960 como
símbolo da luta negra nos
EUA, o impacto da sua imagem se inscreveu na memória
daqueles que viveram
aqueles anos. Lélia foi militante importante do movimento
negro brasileiro de finais
dos anos 1970, quando também participou ativamente luta
política pela
redemocratização do país. Minha discussão das obras dos
autores enfatiza as
teorizações desenvolvidas acerca da inserção das mulheres
negras em seus países,
com destaque para o debate a respeito das experiências das
mesmas com a escravidão.
Explora-se, ao longo da dissertação, o legado conceitual
que deixaram para os estudos
contemporâneos sobre relações raciais. / [en] My goal with this thesis to present and compare the
trajectories and thoughts
of Angela Yvonne Davis (Alabama/USA, 1944) and Lélia
Almeida Gonzalez (Minas
Gerais/Brasil, 1935 - Rio de Janeiro/Brasil, 1994) - both
women intellectuals and
activists of the Black movements in the US and Brazil.
Angela became internationally
known in the 1960s as a Black struggle symbol in the US.
The impact of her figure
still lingers on in the memory of those who lived in those
years. Lélia was an
important activist in the Brazilian Black movement of the
late 1970s, when she
intensively took part in the political struggle for the
return of democracy in Brazil.
My discussion of the authors´ main works emphasizes the
theoretical essays they
developed on the social insertion of black women in their
countries. It specially
highlights the debate forwarded on black women experiences
under slavery.
Throughout the thesis I call attention for the
contribution of their conceptual legacy
for contemporary studies on racial relations.
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Militants et militantisme communiste à la Martinique, 1920-1970 : identification, formes et implication / Communist militants and activism in Martinique 1920-1971 : identification, forms and involvementBosphore-Pérou, Rolande 08 December 2014 (has links)
A travers diverses sources et particulièrement des sources orales recueillies auprès d’anciens militants communistes simples adhérents ou responsables et d’articles de la presse communiste martiniquaise, cette thèse cherche à éclairer sur la ferveur militante d’hommes et de femmes de la Martinique, d’une famille politique essentielle dans le courant du XXe siècle.Cette étude parcourt une longue période s’étendant principalement de 1920 à 1971, montrant les débuts balbutiants du communisme à la Martinique, son ascension, sa période florissante et les débuts de son lent déclin. La problématique est d’abord de faire découvrir des Martiniquais dans leur vécu de militant communiste, montrer comment ces hommes et ces femmes s’approprièrent une doctrine, la transformèrent peut-être pour l’adapter à leurs besoins, à leur culture. Il s’agit également d’examiner quelle structure communiste fut mise en place en Martinique, cette organisation était-elle à l’image des fédérations métropolitaines ou était-ce une formation politique spécifique au milieu martiniquais?Ensuite pour mieux appréhender les choix et les parcours, il a fallu arriver à l’identification des modèles, des origines de ce militantisme et la formation des militants. Les référents furent tant des figures propres au marxisme et au socialisme international et national que des personnalités contestataires du milieu politique martiniquais.Puis proposer une lecture des pratiques et des stratégies militantes pour évaluer la qualité et la particularité de cette militance ainsi que les conséquences de l’engagement de ces militants dans différentes sphères. Quelles étaient leurs propositions, pourquoi leurs revendications politiques différaient-elles de celles des autres communistes coloniaux ? Comment expliquer leurs choix d’une nouvelle société plus égalitaire dans un État socialiste mais toujours associé à la France ?Ce travail de recherches positionne cette militance au centre d’une analyse qui explore l’histoire politique et sociale d’une population, en s’appuyant sur d’autres disciplines comme la sociobiographie et les sciences politiques. Il examine le façonnement d’une société par un groupe politique prégnant entre 1920 et 1971, ainsi que les réponses de ce groupe face à différents problèmes politiques et sociaux en privilégiant une approche par les acteurs. / Through various sources, particularly oral sources collected from ancient communists, ordinary members or officials, and articles of martinican Communist press, this thesis shows about the militant fervor of martinican men and women and essential political family in the course of the twentieth century. This study covers a long period extending mainly from 1920 to 1971 showing the early stuttering of communism in Martinique, his ascension, his prosperous period and the beginning of his slow decline. The issue is first to make discover Martinicans in their experience of communist militant, present how these men and women appropriated a doctrine, transformed it perhaps to suit at their needs, at their culture. It is also to consider what communist structure was put in place in Martinique; this organization was it like the metropolitan federations or was it a specific political party? Then to better understand the choices and paths, it’s necessary arrive at identifying mentors, origins of this activism and training of militants. Referents were as figures specific to Marxism and international and national socialism as figures as specific martinican politics. Then offer a reading of practices and activist strategies for assessing the quality and uniqueness of this militancy and the consequences of the commitment of these activists in different spheres. What were their political choices, why their political demands did they differ from others colonial Communists? How to explain their choice of a new society more egalitarian in a socialist state, but always associated with France? This research study positions that militancy in the center of an analysis that explores the political and social history of a population, based on other disciplines such as socio-biography and political-sciences. It examines the shaping of a people by a political significant group between 1920 and 1971, and the proposals of this group face different political and social problems in promoting an approach by the actors.
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La mobilisation des diplômés chômeurs au Maroc : usages et avatars d'une protestation pragmatiqueEmperador Badimon, Montserrat 09 September 2011 (has links)
Au Maroc, l’insertion professionnelle des jeunes diplômés est problématique. Lors des décennies qui suivent l’indépendance, cette catégorie sociale fait valoir sa formation pour obtenir un emploi dans un secteur public alors en pleine expansion. Un tel débouché consolide une représentation du diplôme comme voie infaillible de promotion sociale. Or, l’application des mesures d’ajustement structurel, à partir de 1983, freine de façon drastique le rythme d’insertion dans la fonction publique. Mis à mal, l’Etat employeur n’est pas relayé par un secteur privé, au demeurant incapable d’assurer la stabilité sociale afférente aux emplois publics.Depuis la fin des années 1980, des « diplômés chômeurs » s’organisent dans des structures militantes pour revendiquer collectivement leur insertion dans la fonction publique. Leurs demandes donnent lieu à diverses formes d’action : marches, sit-in, grèves de la faim, occupations de bâtiments ou lobbying direct auprès des responsables publics. Le discours collectif met en avant le statut de diplômé et l’ « injustice » implicite au chômage de cette catégorie. Devenue une constante de la scène protestataire, la mobilisation des diplômés chômeurs est parvenue à se stabiliser dans une version apparemment « apolitique ». Son efficacité est imprévisible mais réelle, au regard des postes d’emploi accordés aux militants, ce qui entretient une disponibilité de candidats pour le passage à l’acte. L’efficacité de la mobilisation tient aux modalités d’insertion des protestations dans l’arène politique marocaine, faisant du « diplômé chômeur » l’objet d’usages disparates.En tant que catégorie sociologique et acteur protestataire, les diplômés chômeurs incitent une pluralité d’acteurs à « faire et à dire ». Les modalités d’action et de discours des chômeurs sont en constant mouvement, altérées ou intégrées aux calculs de partis en situation de concurrence électorale, de coalitions protestataires élargies critiques à l’égard du régime, de responsables publics visant à légitimer leurs décisions, etc. Protéiforme et apparemment inépuisable, la dynamique protestataire des diplômés chômeurs nous renseigne sur les limites autoritaires des expressions de mécontentement au Maroc. Elle nous permet d’approcher les modalités de la gestion de la question sociale et les ressorts du traitement des débordements sociaux et des (potentielles) oppositions politiques. Si la gestion par la force n’a pas disparu, elle est sans doute effacée et dépassée par une approche publique qui vise à domestiquer la mobilisation protestataire. / In Morocco, educated youth faces difficulties to join the job market. After the independence in 1956, this social category use to be recruited in a growing public sector, therefore consolidating an image of the university diploma as an infallible channel of social promotion. However, structural adjustment policies, implemented since 1983, dramatically slowed down the recruitment of civil servants. The “employer-State” will barely be relieved by a private sector unable to assure the stability of public sector jobs. Since the end of the eighties, « unemployed graduates » organise themselves in mobilization structures claiming for recruitments in the public administration. They set up a wide range of actions: rallies, sit-in, hunger strikes, building occupations or lobbying actions. The collective discourse stresses the interpretation of unemployment as an « injustice » suffered by the graduates. The mobilisation of unemployed graduates has achieved a high level of stability within the contentious politics Moroccan arena. Using an apparently “apolitical” discourse, the action of the unemployed periodically succeeds in obtaining jobs. The efficacy of the collective action is to be understood as an assumption of the targets and stakes that unemployed graduates serve in the multiple scenes of the political. Action and discourse modalities are in constant movement. They are influenced (and sometimes co-opted) by parties within electoral contexts, by contentious actors within projects of opposition to the regime, and by public authorities trying to legitimize their choices. Diversified and apparently inexhaustible, the collective action of the unemployed graduates sheds some light on the authoritarian limits to the expression of collective grieves in Morocco. It enables us to observe how the social question is approached and how power deals with social unrest and potential political oppositions.
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Dynamiques d’empowerment des musulmanes dans l’espace public étatsunien depuis les années 1970 : généalogie et sociologie d’un militantisme féminin au sein de l’islam / Muslim women’s dynamics of empowerment in the US public space since the 1970s : genealogy and sociology of a women’s activism within IslamDjennane Haouchene, Karima 15 November 2019 (has links)
Dans l’histoire religieuse des États-Unis, la féminisation des dénominations protestantes a constitué un processus long et progressif. Cette féminisation a été caractérisée par la participation croissante des femmes dans les institutions religieuses, en tant que fidèles mais aussi en tant que leaders religieux. Bien que l’islam soit considéré comme une religion minoritaire récemment transplantée aux États-Unis, des indices tendent à montrer qu’à l’instar d’autres religions transplantées dans ce pays, comme le judaïsme réformé et le bouddhisme, les institutions islamo-américaines connaissent un processus de féminisation. L’émergence d’une théologie féministe islamique depuis les années 1970, communément appelée « féminisme islamique », et le développement d’un militantisme de terrain, plus particulièrement depuis les attentats du 11 septembre 2001, ont contribué à la féminisation de l’islam. Les militantes musulmanes américaines revendiquent une visibilité dans l’espace public et dans le champ religieux islamo-américain. Quels sont leurs revendications, leurs défis et leurs stratégies ? Quels sont les facteurs internes et externes qui ont conduit à la visibilité croissante des femmes et la focalisation autour de la problématique féminine au sein de l’islam américain ? Comment, de façon concrète, la participation croissante des femmes transforme-t-elle les institutions islamo-américaines, les croyances et les pratiques ? Voici certaines des questions que nous soulevons dans notre thèse. Les résultats sont notamment basés sur une étude qualitative exploratoire (entretiens semi-directif et observations participantes). Nous mobilisons également les données d’une étude quantitative sur l’inclusion des femmes au sein de l’espace cultuel publiée en 2013, afin de mettre l’accent sur les transformations du champ religieux islamo-américain. / In American religious history, the feminization of Protestant denominations has been a long and gradual process. This feminization has been characterized by the increasing participation of women within religious institutions, not only as worshippers but also as religious leaders. Although Islam is considered to be a newly transplanted minority religion in the United-States, there are indicators revealing that, like many other transplanted religions in the United States, such as Reform Judaïsm and Buddhism, Muslim religious institutions are undergoing a process of feminization. These indicators have included the development of an Islamic feminist theology since the 1970s onwards, commonly called "Islamic feminism", and the emergence of a religious grass-root activism, more significantly since the 9/11 attacks. American Muslim women activists claim visibility in the public sphere and within the US Islamic religious landscape. What are their demands, challenges and strategies ? What are the internal and external factors that have led up to the growing visibility of women and women's issues in American Islam ? How specifically has the increased role of women affected American-Islamic institutions, beliefs or practices ? Those are some of the questions we raise in our thesisThe results are based on a fieldwork (semi-directive interviews and participant observation). We also use the data of a report on the inclusion of women within the American mosque published in 2013. The transformations linked to the increasing women’s participation in the mosque are emphasized.
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En quête d'égalité(s). La cause des agricultrices en Bretagne entre statu quo conjugal et ajustement catégoriel / Looking for equality(es). The cause of women farmers in Brittany, between matrimonial status quo and sectorial negotiations.Comer, Clémentine 06 December 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche interroge les conditions de structuration et de perduration d’un engagement séparé pour les femmes dans les organisations et au sein de mobilisations agricoles bretonnes. Majoritairement composés d’exploitantes installées en couple et situés à la frontière entre associations de défense de l’égalité, cercles de sociabilités professionnelles et groupes de parole, les espaces d’encadrement agricole féminins offrent une occasion idoine de questionner non seulement l’imbrication des identités professionnelles et conjugales dans l’engagement mais également la labilité des usages rhétoriques de l'égalité et du féminisme dans des espaces professionnels non-mixtes. L’analyse de leur position dans l’espace de la représentation agricole questionne le degré d’autonomie des revendications portées au nom des agricultrices, leur influence sur les agendas organisationnels et leur effet sur la construction des carrières militantes. L’enquête s’appuie sur un dispositif cumulant une observation de quatre années des activités formelles et informelles des groupes féminins, une étude de leur documentation professionnelle, un recensement de leurs tribunes dans la presse agricole, auxquels s’ajoutent la réalisation d’entretiens avec les actrices qui y sont engagées et la constitution de données statistiques relatives aux mandats féminins dans les organisations agricoles bretonnes depuis 1990. Sur la base d’une analyse croisant les études de genre, la sociologie du militantisme et celle de la représentation professionnelle agricole, notre thèse consiste à démontrer que les groupes et mobilisations d’agricultrices forgent les contours d’une « cause de femmes » agricole mise sous tutelle des intérêts catégoriels et chevillée à l’idéal normatif de la complémentarité des sexes. En tant que réceptacles de positions professionnelles, organisationnelles et conjugales entrecroisées, les espaces de l’engagement féminin produisent des politisations ambivalentes de ces appartenances multiples, à la fois porteuses de contestation comme de reproduction des hiérarchies sexuées et de l’ordre social et politique. / This research looks into the conditions for the structuring and continuation of a separate female activism within Breton organisations and farmers mobilisations. Mainly made up of professionals living in couples and situated at the intersection between gender equality advocacy groups, professional networks and support groups, farming self-help groups are a case in point to question not only the intertwining of professional and marital identities within activism but also the lability of rhetorical uses of equality and feminism within women-only professional spaces. The analysis of their position within the farmers’ representation spaces makes it compelling to question the degree of autonomy of the claims made in the name of women farmers, their influence upon the setting of professional agendas and their impact on the development of activist careers.Evidence was collected through an apparatus which consisted in the addition of a four-year-long observation of female groups’ formal and informal activities, an analysis of their professional literature, an inventory of their opinion columns inside the farm press, to which can be added semi-structured interviews with women farmers engaged in this activism and the setting up of statistical data about female mandates within Breton farm organisations since the 1990s. Drawing on an analysis which mixes gender studies, sociology of militancy and studies of farming professional representation, this PhD aims to demonstrate that women farmers groups and mobilisations shape the features of a farming “women cause” although it is subordinated to corporatist interests and seen through the lenses of the normative ideal of complementarity between the sexes. Being a repository of interlinked professional, organisational and matrimonial standpoints, female activism spaces lead to the ambivalent politicisation of plural belongings. These multiple affiliations can be a catalyst for protest as well as a way to reproduce sexual hierarchies and social and political order.
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Relações de poder no feminismo paulista - 1975 a 1981 / Power relations in feminism in São PauloRibeiro, Maria Rosa Dória 12 August 2011 (has links)
A segunda onda do Movimento Feminista no Brasil emergiu em um contexto de combate à Ditadura. E surgiu em São Paulo como possibilidade de reforçar mais uma frente de luta contra o governo militar. Mas o feminismo ainda era uma novidade pouco conhecida até por aquelas que se declaravam como feministas. Era rechaçado pelos segmentos mais conservadores da sociedade, mas também pelos militantes da Esquerda revolucionária. Estes o consideravam fora de tempo e lugar. Ao impulsionar o movimento social, o feminismo no Brasil reapareceu em meados da década de 70 enfrentando a questão do poder externamente, na sociedade e no Estado, e internamente, no próprio Movimento de Mulheres. Os vários grupos que compunham o campo em que se afirmava o feminismo disputavam o controle do Movimento de acordo com os referenciais tradicionais de poder. E, ao mesmo tempo, buscavam alternativas de gestão do movimento que fugissem daqueles modelos. Ora porque assim as circunstâncias impunham, ora porque assumiam as críticas elaboradas pelo feminismo à natureza patriarcal e autoritária do poder tradicional. As contradições que o Movimento de Mulheres abrigou punham em jogo as posições de todas as suas ativistas, inclusive das próprias feministas. Fazia com que reexaminassem os seus papéis sociais e constatassem as suas condições de oprimidas. Construir as identidades feministas significava romper com os cânones estabelecidos para o ser mulher que haviam aprendido. Assim como implicava assumir-se como sujeito de suas lutas. / The second wave of the Feminist Movement in Brazil emerged in the context of fighting the Dictatorship. And it arose in São Paulo as a possibility to further enhance a battle front against the military government. Yet feminism was still a little known novelty even by those who declared themselves as feminists. It was rejected by the more conservative segments of the society, and also by supporters of the revolutionary Left, who regarded feminism as out of place and time. By propelling the social movement, feminism reemerged in Brazil in the midseventies facing the issue of power both externally, regarding the society and the state, and internally, inside the Women\'s Movement. The various groups comprising the field where feminism was grounded vied for control of the Movement in accordance with traditional references of power. At the same time, those groups sought alternatives to manage the movement, thus trying to escape from those conventional models. And this was because either the circumstances imposed, or because the groups adopted the Feminisms critique regarding the authoritarian and patriarchal nature of traditional power. The contradictions harbored by the Women\'s Movement put at stake the position of all its activists, including the feminists themselves. They were led to re-examine their social roles and to face their condition of oppressed beings. Building feminist identities meant breaking with the established canons that they have learned regarding what is to be a woman. The construction of the feminist identity also meant to become the subject of their own struggles.
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Relações de poder no feminismo paulista - 1975 a 1981 / Power relations in feminism in São PauloMaria Rosa Dória Ribeiro 12 August 2011 (has links)
A segunda onda do Movimento Feminista no Brasil emergiu em um contexto de combate à Ditadura. E surgiu em São Paulo como possibilidade de reforçar mais uma frente de luta contra o governo militar. Mas o feminismo ainda era uma novidade pouco conhecida até por aquelas que se declaravam como feministas. Era rechaçado pelos segmentos mais conservadores da sociedade, mas também pelos militantes da Esquerda revolucionária. Estes o consideravam fora de tempo e lugar. Ao impulsionar o movimento social, o feminismo no Brasil reapareceu em meados da década de 70 enfrentando a questão do poder externamente, na sociedade e no Estado, e internamente, no próprio Movimento de Mulheres. Os vários grupos que compunham o campo em que se afirmava o feminismo disputavam o controle do Movimento de acordo com os referenciais tradicionais de poder. E, ao mesmo tempo, buscavam alternativas de gestão do movimento que fugissem daqueles modelos. Ora porque assim as circunstâncias impunham, ora porque assumiam as críticas elaboradas pelo feminismo à natureza patriarcal e autoritária do poder tradicional. As contradições que o Movimento de Mulheres abrigou punham em jogo as posições de todas as suas ativistas, inclusive das próprias feministas. Fazia com que reexaminassem os seus papéis sociais e constatassem as suas condições de oprimidas. Construir as identidades feministas significava romper com os cânones estabelecidos para o ser mulher que haviam aprendido. Assim como implicava assumir-se como sujeito de suas lutas. / The second wave of the Feminist Movement in Brazil emerged in the context of fighting the Dictatorship. And it arose in São Paulo as a possibility to further enhance a battle front against the military government. Yet feminism was still a little known novelty even by those who declared themselves as feminists. It was rejected by the more conservative segments of the society, and also by supporters of the revolutionary Left, who regarded feminism as out of place and time. By propelling the social movement, feminism reemerged in Brazil in the midseventies facing the issue of power both externally, regarding the society and the state, and internally, inside the Women\'s Movement. The various groups comprising the field where feminism was grounded vied for control of the Movement in accordance with traditional references of power. At the same time, those groups sought alternatives to manage the movement, thus trying to escape from those conventional models. And this was because either the circumstances imposed, or because the groups adopted the Feminisms critique regarding the authoritarian and patriarchal nature of traditional power. The contradictions harbored by the Women\'s Movement put at stake the position of all its activists, including the feminists themselves. They were led to re-examine their social roles and to face their condition of oppressed beings. Building feminist identities meant breaking with the established canons that they have learned regarding what is to be a woman. The construction of the feminist identity also meant to become the subject of their own struggles.
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Fictions, critiques et théories littéraires dans « La Vie en rose » (1980-1987) : entre écriture féminine et conscience féministeNolet, Laurence 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Movimento estudantil universitário de Sergipe : modelos de organização, redes sociais e engajamento individual (2000-2015)Santos, Adrielma Silveira Fortuna dos 01 March 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This dissertation analyzes the forms of organization of the student movements of the UFS during the period 2000 to 2015. This is more particularly investigate how organizational models and repertoires used by student leaders and the Central Directory of Students former presidents are related changes in political, social networks these actors and individual engagement logic. Dialoguing with a theoretical framework that investigates the organizational dynamics, this study aimed to understand the relationship between the individual engagement, social networks and the choice of certain organizational models and repertoires used by different 13 managements DCE / UFS during the investigated period. Breaking with approaches that analyze the individual engagement as a streamlined and co-option process, we used theories and concepts that comprise procedural and relational forms the engagement of individual actors in multiple spaces of political activism. Thus, we investigated the previous relationship networks, the different spaces of socialization, life experiences and also the changes in the political context that factors which influenced the construction of the organizational models used by managements investigated. The empirical universe considered are the student movements that are organized at the Federal University of Sergipe. To account of the issues raised, this work is divided into four parts: the first is to analyze, from the desk research, the emergency conditions of the University Student Movement in Sergipe, the causes defended, organizational repertoires used and the student movements, between the period 1950 and 1999, focusing mainly in the 1980s and 1990s; the second part examines based on questionnaires and the method previously mentioned, the profile of students who are active, focusing mainly on the militant and political itinerary. Also, investigates three significant areas: the CAs, the Student Assemblies and the CEB's; the third part deals with the process of formation and performance of a DCE management, and how this process mobilizes interpersonal networks of leaders and a political dispute over this space that goes beyond the walls of the University; the fourth part discusses the militants careers of DCE former presidents in the last 15 years, whereas the social origin, the multiple engagements and socialization processes and identification with militancy influenced the transformation of the organizational models used by them. This thesis has allowed to show that the organizational models used is directly linked to changes in the political context, the multiple engagement and the construction of dense social networks and socialization processes that promote continuity in militancy. It also shows that the relationship between student movements and political parties, is both confrontational and conciliatory in the face of financial interests, electoral and representative of both parties. In addition, this paper argues that the engagement of activists and student leaders in political parties stems from a personal and professional identification process of the actors themselves, as they make the associative militancy and partisan a life project. / Esta dissertação analisa os modelos de organização dos movimentos estudantis da UFS durante o período de 2000 a 2015. Trata-se de investigar mais particularmente como os modelos e repertórios organizacionais utilizados por lideranças estudantis e pelos ex-presidentes do Diretório Central dos Estudantes estão relacionados com mudanças no contexto político, as redes sociais desses atores e as lógicas de engajamento individual. Dialogando com um referencial teórico que investiga as dinâmicas organizacionais, o presente trabalho teve como principal objetivo compreender a relação entre o engajamento individual, as redes sociais e a escolha de determinados modelos e repertórios organizacionais utilizados por 13 diferentes gestões do DCE/UFS, durante o período investigado. Rompendo com abordagens que analisam o engajamento individual como um processo racionalizado e de cooptação, lançamos mão de teorias e conceitos que compreendem de forma processual e relacional o engajamento individual dos atores em múltiplos espaços de militância política. Desse modo, investigamos as redes de relações prévias, os diferentes espaços de socialização, as experiências de vida e também as transformações no contexto político, como elementos que influenciaram na construção dos modelos de organização utilizados pelas gestões investigadas. O universo empírico considerado são os movimentos estudantis que se organizam na Universidade Federal de Sergipe. Para dar conta das questões suscitadas, esse trabalho divide-se em quatro partes: a primeira trata de analisar, a partir da pesquisa documental, as condições de emergência do Movimento Estudantil Universitário em Sergipe, as causas defendidas, os repertórios organizacionais utilizados e os movimentos estudantis entre o período de 1950 e 1999, focando principalmente nas décadas de 1980 e 1990; a segunda parte examina, com base na aplicação de questionários e do método anteriormente citado, o perfil dos estudantes que militam, tendo como foco principal o itinerário militante e político. Além disso, investiga três espaços significativos: os CAs, as Assembleias Estudantis e os CEBs; a terceira parte aborda o processo de formação e atuação de uma gestão do DCE, e como tal processo mobiliza as redes interpessoais das lideranças e uma disputa política em torno desse espaço que extrapola os muros da Universidade; a quarta parte problematiza as carreiras militantes dos ex-presidentes do DCE nos últimos 15 anos, considerando que a origem social, os múltiplos engajamentos e os processos de socialização e de identificação com a militância influenciaram na transformação dos modelos de organização utilizados por eles. Esta dissertação permitiu mostrar que os modelos de organização utilizados está diretamente ligado a mudanças no contexto político, ao múltiplo engajamento e a construção de redes sociais densas e processos de socialização que promovem a continuidade na militância. Revela ainda que as relações entre movimentos estudantis e partidos políticos é, ao mesmo tempo, conflituosa e conciliadora diante dos interesses financeiros, eleitorais e representativos de ambas as partes. Além disso, este trabalho afirma que o engajamento dos militantes e lideranças estudantis em partidos políticos resulta de um processo de identificação pessoal e profissional dos próprios atores, em que estes tornam a militância associativa e partidária um projeto de vida.
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