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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"If you're a normal kid, reading this because you think it's fiction, great. Read on." : En komparativ narratologisk analys av berättare och narrat i Rick Riordans The Lightning Thief och The Lost Hero / "If you're a normal kid, reading this because you think it's fiction, great. Read on." : A comparative narratological analysis of narrator and narratee in Rick Riordan's The Lightning Thief and The Lost Hero

Eriksson, Evelina January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka berättarna och narraterna i Rick Riordans The Lightning Thief (2005) och The Lost Hero (2010), samt att se vilka implikationer de har på berättandet i sig självt. Uppsatsen fokuserar på en komparativ undersökning av romanerna i fråga, och gör allt detta från en narratologisk utgångspunkt. Det narratologiska perspektivet kommer framför allt ifrån Gérard Genettes Narrative discourse och hans termer extra-, intra-, hetero- och homodiegetiskt berättande. Studien av narraten gör detsamma men med Gerald Prince artikel ”Introduction to the Study of the Narratee” i Reader-response criticism: from formalism to post-structuralism. För ett bredare perspektiv på flera, både nyare och äldre, narratologiska studier använder uppsatsen också Manfred Jahns ”Narratology 2.1: A Guide to the Theory of Narrative”. Genom analysen kan man utläsa att The Lightning Thief antar ett homo- och extradiegetiskt berättande med en specifik grupp av narrater. Detta kontrasteras med The Lost Heros hetero- och extradiegetiska berättande med en grundnarrat utan uppenbara kännetecken. I förlängningen kan man också upptäcka att det finns en skillnad mellan berättarens och narratens förhållande till en verklig läsare och hur, speciellt i The Lightning Thief, läsaren är tvingad att fundera på hur den relaterar till både narraten och berättaren. / This paper aims to study the narrators and the narratees in Rick Riordan's The Lightning Thief (2005) and The Lost Hero (2010), and to see what implications they have on the narrative itself. The paper focuses on a comparative examination of the novels in question and does all this from a narratological standpoint. The narratological perspective first and foremost comes from Gérard Genette's Narrative discourse and his terms extra-, intra-, hetero-, and homodiegetic narrative. The study of the narratee does the same but with Gerald Prince's article "Introduction to the Study of the Narratee" in Reader-response criticism: from formalism to post-structuralism. For a wider perspective of several, both new and old, narratological studies the paper also uses Manfred Jahn's "Narratology 2.1: A Guide to the Theory of Narrative". Through the analysis, one can gather that The Lightning Thief takes on a homo- and extradiegetic narrative with a specific group of narratees. This is contrasted with The Lost Hero's hetero- and extradiegetic narrative with a "zero-degree narratee" that has no apparent characteristics. By extension, one can also notice that a difference lies with the narrator's and narratee's relationship to an actual reader and how, especially in The Lightning Thief, the reader is forced to figure out how it relates to both the narratee and the narrator.

Ett skräckfyllt brobyggande från tv-spel till litteraturens domäner : En narratologisk och didaktisk läsning av transmediala genrekonventioner / A horror-tense overlap from videogame to the domains of literature : A narratological and didactical reading of transmedial genre conventions

Hollström, Hampus January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie utgör en didaktisk läsning av tre tv-spel inom skräckgenren, Among the Sleep (2016), Little Nightmares II (2021) samt Until Dawn (2015). Syftet är att undersöka hur dessa spel potentiellt kan länkas till litteraturen i svenskämnesundervisningen och fungera som en bro mellan medierna tv-spel och litteratur i undervisningen i gymnasieskolan. Analyserna bygger på en narratologisk läsning av materialet i ljuset av karakteristiska drag för skräckgenren som diskuteras i relation till teorier om undervisning. Analyserna visar att de analyserade tv-spelen besitter likheter med de karakteristiska drag som förekommer inom andra medieformat inom skräckgenren, däribland litteraturen. En slutsats som kan dras utifrån analyserna är att det tycks finnas potential i att nyttja tv-spelen som fiktion i litteraturundervisningen i svenskämnet för att använda de som en bro över till litteraturen, i form av gemensamma nämnare mellan medieformaten. / This study constitutes a didactical reading of three videogames within the horror genre, Among the Sleep (2016), Little Nightmares II (2021) and Until Dawn (2015). The aim is to investigate how these games potentially can be utilized to create a connection between videogames and literature within the context of education, more specific the Swedish subject in upper secondary school. The analyses are based upon a narratological reading of the videogames, through the lens of traits usually found within the horror genre, to be discussed in relation to didactical aspects. The analyses address that the videogames, within this study, occupy similarly traits as presented in other formats of media, including literature. A conclusion that can be drawn based upon the analyses is that there ought to be a potential in using the videogames as fiction to create a bridge over to the literature, more specific to use the similarities that exists between the two types of media, this within the Swedish subject at upper secondary school.

Litteraritet i gränslandet mellan drama och roman : En narratologisk analys av genre, form och röst i George Saunders Lincoln in the Bardo / Literariness on the borderline between drama and novel : A narratological analysis of genre, form and voice in George Saunders' Lincoln in the Bardo

Linde, Samuel January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Det mest värdelösa någon kan råka ut för : En narratologisk studie av en våldtäktsskildring i Fredrik Backmans roman Björnstad

Ekström, Eline January 2021 (has links)
I denna uppsats studeras berättartekniken kring ett sexuellt övergrepp och dess konsekvenser i Fredrik Backmans roman Björnstad (2016). Syftet är att undersöka hur Backmans berättare med skiftande fokalisering utmanar de tidigare traditionerna av en litterär skildring av en våldtäkt, samt bidrar till en mer omfattande framställning av brottet. Frågeställningarna är anpassade till en narratologisk studie med ett traumateoretiskt perspektiv. Berättelsen placeras i den rådande våldtäktsdiskursen som diskuterar fenomen som skuldbeläggning och tystnadskultur.  Genom närläsning av passager har analysen använt sig av narratologins begreppsmodell för att förklara hur våldtäkten samt dess efterdyningar skildras ur ett traumateoretiskt perspektiv. Sammanfattningsvis visar studien på att Backmans berättarteknik skiljer sig från de traditionella formerna av traumaskildringar i litteraturen. De estetiska verktyg som förespråkas inom forskningsområdet finns att se i berättelsens olika narrativ, samt synliggörandet av de orättvisa förutsättningarna som råder inom våldtäktsdiskursen idag.

Ta tillbaka kontrollen över din ekonomi : En studie om hur storytelling kan motivera unga till att bli aktiva när de fått en skuld

Ljungberg, Felicia January 2023 (has links)
De senaste åren har det totala skuldbeloppet för unga mellan 18 och 25 år ökat hos Kronofogden. 2022 genomförde Kronofogden en egen studie om unga som har skulder hos dem. Studien visade att många unga blir passiva när de får reda på att de fått en skuld hos Kronofogden. Detta examensarbete handlar om att undersöka detta problem ytterligare och hur man kan skapa informationsmaterial som motiverar unga till att ta kontrollen över sin ekonomi och snabbare ta sig ur överskuldsättningen. För att undersöka problemet ur ett informationsdesignsperspektiv har kvalitativa intervjuer och en sammanställning av tidigare forskning utförts. Med hjälp av teorier som narratologi, retorik och teknikinformation har ett gestaltningsförslag till informationsmaterialet skapats. Gestaltningsförslaget har utprovats på personer mellan 18–25 år och utvecklats därefter. Slutsatsen av studien är att storytelling kan vara ett sätt att motivera användare till att bli aktiva men att användargruppen har olika behov och därför behövs flera alternativa lösningar. / In recent years, the total debt amount for young people between the ages of 18 and 25 has increased at the Swedish enforcement authority, Kronofogden. In 2022, Kronofogden conducted its own study on young people who have a debt at Kronofogden. The study showed that many young people become passive when they find out that they have received a debt from Kronofogden. This thesis investigates the problem further and how to create an information material that motivates young people to take control over their own economy and faster get out of their indebtedness. To investigate the problem from an information design perspective, qualitative interviews and a compilation of previous research have been made. With the help of theories such as narratology, rhetoric, and technology information a design proposal for the information material has been created. The design proposal has been tested by people between the ages 18-25 and developed accordingly. The conclusion of the study is that storytelling can be a way to motivate users to become active, but that the user group has different needs and therefore several alternative solutions are needed. This study is a bachelor thesis in the field of Information design with focus on Text design.

Till Valerie – Av Valerie : En läsning av berättarpositionernas tillhörighet i Drömfakulteten av Sara Stridsberg / To Valerie – By Valerie : A Reading of the Belonging of the Narrative Positions in The Faculty of Dreams by Sara Stridsberg

Annerbo Lång, Anna January 2023 (has links)
The following master’s thesis consists of an analysis of the narrative positions in the novel The Faculty of Dreams of Sara Stridsberg, a literary fantasy written about the life of the writer and radical feminist Valerie Solanas. Through my thesis I argue that the implicit author, the narratological position of the narrator, and the character called “The Narrator”, all three belong to, and constitute, the fictional character Valerie. In order to conduct this analysis I use narratological theory, with Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan and Mieke Bal as primary theorists, along with theory concerning spatiality and temporality. The analysis is backed up with metafictional theory as well as research into physical and mental reactions caused by trauma, conducted by Bessel van der Kolk. The analysis is sectioned into four parts, with every part focusing on a specific topic: “The Narrator’s” dialogues with Valerie, the novels five different sections (“Land of Bambi”, “The Oceans”, “The Laboratory Park”, “The Factory” and “Love Valerie”), the presence of the cursive fragments and finally the alphabetical lists which appear at different occasions in the novel. The novel acts as a reclamation of power as Valerie recovers her stolen voice, giving herself the opportunity of narrating her own life. The fictional character Valerie salvages her autonomy and receives her rectification by rewriting conversations which have taken place in court rooms, psychiatric hospitals and between different people in her life. She is no longer an external spectator of her own life. Instead she is the one in charge. The narratological levels have collapsed. Only Valarie remains.

Låt hjärtat resonera om den rätte : Birollernas narrativa funktion och identifikation i Låt den rätte komma in / Let the Heart Reason About the Right One : The Supporting Character's Narrative Function and Identification in Låt den rätte komma in

Hermansson, Frida January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie analyserar John Ajvide Lindqvists debutroman Låt den rätte komma in (2004).       Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera tre av romanens biroller: Håkan, Virginia och Lacke. Analysen fokuserar på birollernas narrativa funktion, samt hur berättelsen gör för att identifikation ska skapas mellan läsaren och birollerna. De forskningsfrågor som studien sökt svar på är: Vilken narrativ funktion har birollerna Håkan, Virginia och Lacke i handlingen? Och, vilka identifikationsstrategier använder texten i relation till birollerna och hur skapas identifikation hos läsaren?      Resultatet visar att karaktärernas narratologiska funktion är att konkretisera temat ensamhet och gemenskap. Birollernas berättelse har gestaltats genom en heterodiegetisk berättare, som har tillgång till karaktärernas inre tankar. Centralt i detta är användandet av intern fokalisering, som gör det möjligt för den tänkta läsaren att identifiera sig med karaktärerna. Resultatet visar att identifikation skapas med denna berättarteknik, vilket är den största anledningen till att läsaren finner identifikation till birollernas handlingar och känslor. / This essay analyzes John Ajvide Lindqvist’s debut novel Låt den rätte komma in (2004) (Let the Right One In). The purpose of this essay is to analyze three of the novel’s side characters: Håkan, Virginia and Lacke. The analysis focuses on the narrative function of the supporting characters, and how the story creates identification between the reader and the supporting characters. The research questions that this study aims to answer are: What narrative function do the supporting characters, Håkan, Virginia and Lacke, have in the story? And, what identification strategies does the text use in relation to the supporting characters and how is identification created for the readers? The results show that the narratological function of the characters is to concretize the theme of loneliness and fellowship. The supporting characters have been narrated through a heterodiegetic narrator, who has access to the charcters’ internal thoughts. Central to this is the use of internal focalization, which enables the reader to find identification for the characters. The results show that identification is created with this narrative technique, which is the main reason why readers find identification for the characters’ actions and feelings.

På tröskeln mellan världar : Fiktiv paratext i Frank Herberts Dune och Ursula K. Le Guins Four Ways to Forgiveness / On the Threshold Between Worlds : Fictional Paratext in Frank Herbert's Dune and Ursula K. Le Guin's Four Ways to Forgiveness

Rovio, Andreas January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Dubbelmoralens väktare : Två fallstudier av bibliotekarier som motiv och verktyg i film / (Double) Standard Librarians. : Two case studies of librarians as motives and tools in film

Setterwall Klingert, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
This thesis focuses on fictious librarians in film. It uses three research questions: Firstly, how the movies make use of typical elements from movie genres and narrative modes in their portrayal of library work and librarians. Secondly, the way in which myths, stereotypes and ideas surrounding librarians and library work are used – typically or atypically – to build librarian characters and the narrative. Thirdly and lastly, it discusses the protagonists, focusing on their personalities and character arcs in relation to their role as librarians. The theoretical background departs partly in discourse surrounding librarian imagery in general, but also in film genre and mode theories. The thesis consists of two case studies, each focusing on one film, both with librarian protagonists. Even though this thesis focuses on them, the other librarian roles are also discussed, as well as the dynamics of the librarian teams. The two films discussed in this thesis are vastly different. One, Grabben i graven bredvid (2002), is a romantic relationship film with a female public librarian as protagonist, and the other, Bibliotekstjuven (2011), is a dark drama about a male research librarian turned book thief. Both films tie librarian myths to genre patterns: the single yet snotty female librarian is well fit as a romantic lead, and the male librarian as a pale, mysterious underdog makes a great villain protagonist. However, the films also present common themes and traits. Both librarian protagonists display elitism in relation to their professional identity, at the expense of their non-librarian partners. I argue that this is rooted in the historical idea of the librarian as a judgemental snob, but also that of librarians as ambiguous (and possibly false) “guardians” of the treasures of the library. Both librarian protagonists studied here lead double lives in one sense or another – most obvioulsy the book thief in Bibliotekstjuven, but also the confused female librarian in Grabben i graven bredvid who tries to hide her infatuation with a farmer from her colleagues. Some other results concern the use of the library as idea in relation to genre and mode elements. I argue, for example, that the Royal Library of Sweden in different stages of the narrative in Bibli- otekstjuven is not only a crime scene but also plays the part of a betrayed lover. This of course is connected to the societal role of libraries, in particular the relationship between “ordinary people” and libraries - a central theme in both films. One ends in a healing of a historic wound between a working man and an educated woman through love, while the other, in fact, ends in melodrama when the crime of stealing books is punished by death, yet also forgiven in an ideological sense given the protagonists humble beginnings and desperation. To conclude, both films thematise ideas surrounding personal morals, truth, social status and social justice, and do so through struggling librarian protagonists. Both films take place in worlds with a dual structure, where the fine world (represented by libraries) collides with the mundane, and the librarian protagonists try to navigate. Both films, finally, use librarian stereotypes to build the narratives – but they do not, apart from in a few scenes, reproduce them. This is a two years master’s thesis in library and information science.

Ett originalverk och två lättlästa versioner, vad skiljer de tre åt? : Narratologiska närläsningar av George Orwells 1984 / An original work and two easy-to-read versions: What distinguishes the three? : Narratological close readings of George Orwell’s 1984

Thalén, Patrik January 2021 (has links)
This thesis explores a novel’s potential transformations when adapted into the easy-reader format. In early 2021, two distinct easy-reader adaptations of George Orwell’s 1984 were published, accompanied by a new translation of the original full-length version. This analysis primarily seeks to study whether the theme of surveillance undergoes alteration in the easy- reader adaptations, potentially becoming stricter or facilitating a more nuanced interpretation. A notable difference in length among the three versions was observed; when compared as audiobooks at a consistent speed (words per minute), their durations are as follows: the original text: 10 hours and 7 minutes, adapted text 1 by Book Publisher Hedvig: 2 hours and 9 minutes, and adapted text 2 by Vilja Publisher: 33 minutes. Employing comparative close reading and drawing on narratological theory, this study is inspired by the distinctions between round and flat characters, as discussed by E.M. Forster, Maria Nikolajeva, and Mieke Bal. Regarding the theme of surveillance, the thesis concludes that the adaptations do not exhibit as drastic changes as one might anticipate. Analysis of the characters’ transformations in response to surveillance reveals that their portrayal becomes harsher and more rugged in the easy-reader versions compared to the original text. Nevertheless, the shortest adapted text maintains the closest resemblance to the original.

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