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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Låt den som undervisar utan omsorg kasta första stenen! : En hermeneutisk studie av examensförordningens betydelse för professionalisering i svensk grundsärskola

Randau, Ola January 2017 (has links)
Fem år har passerat sedan Läroplan för grundsärskolan 2011, LGRSÄR11 (Skolverket, 2016), infördes. Denna läroplan innebar ett tydligt fokusskifte från att som tidigare ha en något mer omsorgsorienterad verksamhet till att istället arbeta på ett mer kunskapsinriktat sätt. Ungefär lika lång tid har gått sedan examensförordningen (SFS2011:688) trädde i kraft och förändrade behörighetskraven för undervisande personal i grundsärskolan. Grundsärskolan får ofta kritik för att fortfarande vara en alltför omsorgsinriktad verksamhet där kunskapsutveckling får stå tillbaka. En viktig fråga torde i sammanhanget vara att utröna vad omsorg är? Är det en term vars innebörd har förändrats i takt med verksamhetens utveckling över tid? Syftet med studien är dels att genom en historisk återblick påvisa en utveckling från en starkt omsorgsorienterad verksamhet till en modernare kunskapsutvecklande dito. Dels att genom intervjuer med tre speciallärare verksamma på grundsärskolor beskriva om och i så fall hur den nya examensförordningen från 2011 har påverkat och påverkar den svenska grundsärskolans verksamhet. Som teoretiskt ramverk har relationell pedagogik (Östlund, 2012) och Vygotskijs (2001) teorier om ett sociokulturellt perspektiv använts. Arbetet tar sin början med en historisk återblick, både för att synliggöra framväxt och utveckling och för att kunna reflektera över det perspektivskifte som är synligt idag. I beskrivningen av vad en speciallärare med inriktning mot utvecklingsstörning förväntas arbeta med omnämns inte ordet omsorg alls. Det nämns bara i styrdokument som rör alla skolformer, skollagen (SFS 2010:800) och LGRSÄR11 (Skolverket, 2016), vilket för tankarna till att omsorg inte är signifikant för grundsärskola. Studien undersöker genom intervjuer vilka effekter examensförordningen och därmed införandet av speciallärarexamen har för professionalisering, beträffande personalens behörighetsgrad och arbetssätt. Resultat och analys visar dels att termen omsorg kan behöva en modernare definition men också att studiens teoretiska ramverk verkar utgöra hörnpelare för ett gynnsamt arbetssätt i den svenska grundsärskolan.

Les cadres de santé entre « culture du soin » et « culture du management »… Jalons pour une reconstruction identitaire / The identity of health managers in question : finding their feet between two visions of the health-care system : "company culture" versus "patient care culture".

Sirot, Marie-cecile 11 December 2012 (has links)
Le système de santé est traversé aujourd’hui par une tension forte entre deux logiques : l’une privilégie, dans la tradition humaniste, le soin inconditionnel à la personne, l’autre privilégie, au nom d’impératifs de gestion, le management au service de l’efficacité productive hospitalière. Placé au cœur d’une organisation complexe, le cadre de santé semble ainsi condamné à un mouvement de balancier entre une « culture-santé » et une « culture-entreprise », ce qui lui confère un positionnement professionnel délicat au sein de l’institution. Comment se positionne-t-il et vers quoi évolue-t-il ? Nous montrerons que ces acteurs sont en tension et fortement clivés entre une idéologie humaniste et une idéologie gestionnaire, à la recherche de leur identité qui semble désormais problématique. Héritier d’une histoire et positionné dans un entre-deux, il se cherche. Comment concilie-t-il concrètement ces deux logiques dans son quotidien ? En quête d’un modèle lui permettant de résister aux pressions gestionnaires, il adopte une « posture d’accompagnement », se reconstruit ainsi à partir de compétences pédagogiques dans un espace informel, pour créer un antidote au management technicien et réintroduire ainsi un équilibre identitaire. Leurs capacités réflexives renforcent leur posture d’accompagnement et constituent alors un moyen efficace pour dépasser les tensions institutionnelles entre soin et management. Une formation en Sciences Humaines et Sociales, au service de leur développement personnel et professionnel, stabilise leur système de valeurs et leur permet de reconquérir une possible identité. / The French health-care system is currently faced with tensions arising from two different visions of health-care: the first one focuses on the unconditional care given to the patient in accordance with the humanistic tradition. The second one focuses on management priorities aiming for an efficient and productive management of hospitals. At the heart of a complex organizational structure lie the health managers, whose roles inevitably shift back and forth between a ‘company culture’ vision and that of ‘health-care culture’, thereby jeopardizing their professional position. Where do health managers stand and what is their future role? The aim of this study is to show the difficulties of juggling the humanistic tradition with the management-based approach and defining their identity. Health managers often find themselves in overlapping positions and strive to combine and apply the two visions in their work on a daily basis. In need of a model to resist management pressures, they act as a ‘support function’. This support stance helps them redefine their position and balances out the negative effects of technical management in health-care. The ability to look back on their own experience reinforces this support function and allows them to overcome the tensions arising from the cleavage between health-care and management. Providing health managers with a specific training in social and human sciences for their personal and professional development would strengthen their ethical values and allow them to regain control of their identity.

Politique linguistique, développement des enseignants d'anglais langue étrangère et réalité du contexte d'enseignement : : les enjeux de l’adoption du cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues en Colombie / Language policy, professional development of english teachers and reality in teaching educational context: : stakes of the adoption of the common european framework for languages in Colombia / Política lingüística, desarrollo profesional de docentes de ingles lengua extranjera y realidad del contexto de enseñanza : Los desafíos de la adopción Del marco común de referencia para las lenguas en Colombia

Rodriguez montano, Ingrid 02 December 2016 (has links)
L’apprentissage des Langues Étrangères a pris une place indispensable dans l’éducation. Avec la mondialisation, différents pays, notamment en Europe et en Amérique, sont contraints de mettre en place des programmes éducatifs pour le développement des compétences communicatives des citoyens dans le but de s’insérer dans l’économie globale. En Colombie, le contexte auquel s’intéresse notre étude, le gouvernement cherche à renforcer l’apprentissage de l’anglais LE. Dans ce but, le Plan National de Bilinguisme (PNB) a été instauré et a entraîné la conception d’objectifs qui ne peuvent être atteints qu’avec de profonds changements dans la pratique professionnelle des enseignants, des acteurs éducatifs et dans l’organisation des établissements scolaires. La présente thèse porte sur les enjeux de cette politique linguistique par rapport au développement professionnel des enseignants d’anglais et à la réalité des contextes éducatifs. Elle porte aussi sur l’impact de l’adoption du Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les langues (CECR) comme document de base du PNB. Notre étude, qui s’inscrit dans le domaine de la recherche exploratoire, vise à décrire et comprendre le processus de mise en place du PNB et de l’adhésion du CECR. Nous avons procédé à l’application de différents outils pour le recueil de données – à savoir, l’analyse documentaire, l’entretien semidirectif / compréhensif et le questionnaire – auprès de 13 responsables du développement professionnel et 36 enseignants d’anglais, surtout des régions du Valle del Cauca (ouest) et Cundinamarca (centre). Les données recueillies sont analysées et discutées en vue d’apporter des informations sur la mise en place de la réforme, sur les points de vue des acteurs impliqués, les difficultés rencontrées, et sur le rapport objectives théoriques et réalités d’application. Les résultats obtenus rendent compte de la complexité de mettre en œuvre une politique linguistique cherchant à standardiser les processus d’enseignement-apprentissage des langues étrangères dans un contexte tel que le colombien. Ils nous fournissent des pistes de réflexion sur les besoins urgents de formations, de pratiques réflexives et d’un empowerment chez les enseignants. / Learning Foreign Languages has taken a prominent position in the education field. With globalization, countries, mostly in Europe and America are required to set up educational programs for the development of communicative skills of citizens, to have a place into the global economy. In Colombia, the context in which our study was conducted, the government seeks to reinforce the learning of English FL. To this end, the National Bilingual Program (NBP) established and led the design of objectives that can only be achieved with reflective changes in the professional practice of teachers, the organization of the educational stakeholders and schools. The framework or our research is focused on the stakes of the language policy in relation to professional development of English teachers and the reality of educational contexts. It also looks at the impact of the adoption of the European Framework of Reference for Languages (EFRL) as the basic document of NBP. Our study, is part of an exploratory research, that attempts to describe and understand the implementation process of the NPB and the accession to the CEFR. We proceeded by applying a variety of data collection tools -namely, document analysis, semi-structured/comprehensive interview and questionnaire- with 13 teacher trainers and directors of professional development programs. and 36 English teachers, especially from the regions of Valle del Cauca (west) and Cundinamarca (center). The collected data are analyzed and discussed to provide information on the implementation of the reform, on the views of stakeholders involved, the difficulties encountered and the relation of theoretical objectives and school settings. The outcomes reflect the complexity of implementing a language policy seeking to standardize the process of teaching and learning of foreign languages in a context such as Colombia. This results provide valuable insights on the urgent professional development needs, reflective practices and the empowerment of teachers.

Akademisierung und Professionalisierung der Physiotherapie

Schämann, Astrid 10 August 2005 (has links)
Seit dem Jahr 2001 werden in Deutschland aufgrund von Länder – oder Fachhochschulinitiativen zunehmend Studiengänge für Physiotherapie etabliert, ohne dass es sich jedoch zunächst um einen vom Bund mitgetragenen und somit rechtlich abgesicherten neuen Berufsabschluss handelt. Die rasante Zunahme der Studiengänge geht einher mit einer maximalen Varianz hinsichtlich der Dauer, der Inhalte, der fachlichen Ausrichtung und Organisationsform sowie der Anbindung an unterschiedlichste Fakultäten. Die Studierenden dieser ersten Generation sind somit diejenigen, die mit ihren subjektiven Einstellungen, Wünschen, Ängsten, Erwartungen und Wahrnehmungen über einen neuen Blick verfügen. Sie können als die zentralen ExpertInnen in der Beurteilung eines deutlich Verunsicherung schaffenden Professionalisierungsprozess betrachtet werden. Mit der Einführung dieser neuen Studiengänge (z.T. im Sinne des Bolognaabkommens) werden vor dem Hintergrund der Fragen zur Existenz einer physiotherapeutischen Identität, eines physiotherapeutischen Habitus sowie der professionellen Selbstverortung drei unterschiedliche Forschungsstränge aufgegriffen: 1. Berufswahlmotive, existierende Bilder von Physiotherapie vor und nach der Ausbildung, Beurteilung der fachschulischen Ausbildung, Berufseinstieg 2. Gründe für die Aufnahme des Studiums, Vor- und Nachteile des Studiums, Bewertung des Studiums, Erwartungen an das Outcome, Probleme 3. Einstellung gegenüber Profession, Professionalisierung und Professionalität Methodologisch wurde das Forschungsdesign der ExpertInneninterviews gewählt. Die mit 33 Studierenden der unterschiedlichen Fachhochschulen geführten und vollständig transkribierten Interviews sind dann mittels eines qualitative Forschungsdaten verarbeitenden Softwareprogramms sequenzialisiert und codiert worden, um die Ergebnisse des Antwortverhaltens der Studierenden in eine mögliche Typisierung zu überführen. Um die studentische Binnensicht beruflicher Kulturalität um eine Außenaufsicht zu ergänzen, wurden zwei weitere nicht-studentische, jedoch professionszugehörige ExpertInnen interviewt. / The first university degrees in Physiotherapy have been developing in Germany since 2001, without however, any formal, legislative introduction by government. The rapidly increasing number of these courses vary considerably with regard to duration, contents, staffing and faculty membership. In this process of professionalization the students of this first generation of higher education are of particular interest. They are the “experts”, able to look at the profession from a new and different point of view. Their perception of the profession, their insecurities, wishes, hopes and needs highlight a process which could be described as unstable and confusing. The objective of this research project was to investigate whether a PT identity and a PT professional habitus exist and how the students themselves perceive the status of the profession. Expert interviews with students from different universities were chosen to gather the data which was subsequently analysed and codified using a qualitative research softwear to identify response types. In addition to the 33 students’ interviews portraying an “insider´s view” of the cultural identity, 2 further interviews were carried out with non-student experts in the field to represent an “outsider´s view”. This resulted in the examination of these distinct areas: 1. Career choice, satisfaction with initial PT training course, experiences on entering employment 2. Advantages and disadvantages of studying, satisfaction with the degree course, expectations of the outcome, problems 3. Attitude towards the profession, the status of professionalization and professionalism

Pratiques enseignantes et expérience professionnelle antérieure / Teaching practices and prior work experience

Martinez, Chantal 12 May 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche en sciences de l’éducation s’intéresse aux pratiques enseignantes. L’hypothèse générale est que les futurs enseignants ont des pratiques différentes selon qu’ils disposent ou pas d’une expérience professionnelle antérieure significative. Les pratiques enseignantes sont entendues au sens de Bandura comme l’articulation entre des dimensions relevant de la personne, du comportement et du contexte. La démarche s’avère donc comparative entre ces deux populations, mais également heuristique quant aux pratiques dans toutes leurs dimensions. Concernant notre recueil de données, nous avons, après une phase exploratoire, proposé un questionnaire complété par de futurs enseignants (N=324) en formation à l’ESPE de La Réunion en 2013 et se destinant à l’enseignement, dans le premier ou le second degré. Nous avons également procédé à des observations de séances (N=12) en collège. La mise à l’épreuve de l’empirie permet de valider l’hypothèse générale, comparative, de différences significatives sur certains éléments de pratiques, notamment des dimensions sociocognitives. Du point de vue heuristique, nous avons repéré une spécificité du contexte réunionnais par rapport au contexte métropolitain concernant le comportement. / This research in Sciences of Education focuses on teaching practices. The general hypothesis is that the future teachers hold different practices as they have or not a previous significant amount of work experience. The teaching practices shall be understood in accordance with Bandura’s meaning as the structuring between dimensions pertaining to the person, the behaviour and the background. Therefore, the approach turns out to be comparative between these two populations, but also heuristic as for the practices in all their dimensions. Concerning our data collection, after an exploratory phase, we proposed a questionnaire filled in by future teachers (N=324) who trained in the vocational school ESPE de La Réunion in 2013 and sought to prepare for a career in primary and secondary education. Our study included observations of sessions (N=12) in secondary school. The testing of empiricism offers to validate the general and comparative hypothesis of significant differences on some elements of practices, in particular concerning the socio-cognitive dimensions. From a heuristic perspective, we identified a specificity of the Reunionese environment compared with the mainland France background as far as the behaviour is concerned.

Diálogo de traços : etnografia dos praticantes de apropriações visuais do espaço urbano em Porto Alegre

Kessler, Lucenira Luciane January 2008 (has links)
Esta etnografia, apoiada nas inserções exploratórias da pesquisa de campo, recusa certa fronteira pré-estabelecida entre graffiti e pichação (forjada mediante a suposta supremacia estética e moral do primeiro com relação à segunda) e os considera como práticas de apropriações visuais realizadas no espaço da cidade. A partir dessa posição em campo, possibilita a descrição dessas práticas “por sobre o ombro” de determinados sujeitos que as praticam (e as significam) na cidade de Porto Alegre, apontando para outras relações, fronteiras possíveis. Os sujeitos acessados na pesquisa de campo compartilham certa posição no “cenário” das apropriações visuais em Porto Alegre, marcada pela utilização das habilidades desenvolvidas a partir de sua trajetória com relação às apropriações visuais (desenho, pintura) em atividades remuneráveis e capazes de gerar reconhecimento. Desse modo, a intenção de profissionalização, convive com o trabalho e a arte realizados nos espaços da cidade, que são geralmente não autorizados e não remunerados, e tecem a rede de pertencimento e sociabilidade. Mediante a descrição de elementos da visualidade dos praticantes de apropriações visuais, possibilita compreender que a pertença ao grupo está imbricada e é dependente das relações estabelecidas com o espaço (visual) da cidade, e que os praticantes de apropriações visuais dialogam, mas também questionam, tensionam certa visualidade “oficial” da cidade. Por fim são abordadas as fronteiras e os e os trânsitos realizáveis entre graffiti, pichação, publicidade e artes plásticas, conforme experimentados pelos sujeitos acessados em campo, salientando a tensão presente na dupla atuação, legal e ilegal, desses atores sociais. / This ethnography, based on exploratory insertions into fieldwork, refuses a certain pre-established frontier between graffiti and street writing (forged through an assumed esthetical and moral supremacy of the former in relation to the latter) and considers them as practices of visual appropriations realized in the space of the city. Starting from this position in the field, it enables the description of this practices "through over the shoulder" of specific subjects that do (and signify) them in the city of Porto Alegre, presenting other relations and possible frontiers. The subjects accessed in fieldwork share some position in the "scenery" of visual appropriations in Porto Alegre, marked by the utilization of the abilities developed along their trajectory, in relation to the visual appropriations (drawing, painting), in activities which are remunerable and capable of generating recognition. In this way, the intention of professionalization gets on with the work and art realized in the spaces of the city, which weave the net of belonging and sociability and are generally illegal and nonremunerable. Through the description of elements of the visuality of the practitioners of visual appropriations, it becomes possible to understand that belonging to the group is imbricated and dependant on the established relations with the (visual) space of the city, and that the practitioners of the visual appropriations dialogue, but also question, strain some "official" visuality of the city. Finally, it approaches the frontiers and the realizable transits between graffiti, street writing, publicity and plastic arts, as they are tried by the accessed subjects in the field, emphasizing the present tension in the double acting, legal and illegal, of these social actors.

Profissionalização do magistério na educação básica: análise da valorização profissional do professor da educação infantil e anos iniciais do ensino fundamental

Custódio, Maria do Carmo 19 May 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T14:30:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria do Carmo Custodio.pdf: 1700987 bytes, checksum: 8d438671ba4fde82cf931f71a7947be7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-05-19 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This research aims to understand and analyze the implications of educational policies for improving the teaching, post LDB 9394/96, in the process of professionalization of teaching in basic education, especially in kindergarten and early years of elementary school. Considering the professional differences between teachers in initial and final stages of basic education, research is directed toward the analysis of teacher s professional development of kindergarten and early years of elementary school in the municipal schools of Uberaba-MG. Like a conceptual cutout, the study focuses on two axes of discussion and analysis: first, the theoretical debate on the issues related to teaching and professionalization of teaching, and second, the management of public policies aimed at valorization of teaching in the context of the educational reforms arising from the LDB 9394/96, focusing fundamentally training and career. These axes allow us to think the complexity of links and interpenetrations within the process of professionalization of faculty teaching, the tension between public policy of valorization of teaching, when taking the dimensions of training and career as a unit and the implications for the teacher s professional valorization in kindergarten and early years of elementary school. This is a qualitative research with a descriptive and exploratory mold, with the principles of Freire's epistemology dialectic. For the survey, was used as procedures: a bibliographical and documentary research, application of questionnaires and semistructured interviews. For the research of lifting of empiric data were investigated educational managers and teachers working in kindergarten and early years of elementary schools of the municipal school of Uberaba-MG. This study allowed us to realize that policies for valorization of teaching, in those matters which relate to training and career are historically intertwined with the problem of quality of public education. With regard to the teaching profession, we can see a split between those who possess knowledge or not a socially recognized knowledge. In this sense, teaching in kindergarten and early years of primary education is still not recognized as a profession by society and governments in its training and career policies. The discourse of professionalism has been constituted as a contradictory set of values in the articulation of production and reproduction that has served to maintain the devaluation of the teaching profession and to legitimize the control and the reforms sought by the State. Thus, the discourse of the professionalization of the educational policies converges in practices against the professionalization / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo compreender e analisar as implicações das políticas educacionais de valorização do magistério, pós LDB 9394/96, no processo de profissionalização do magistério na educação básica, especialmente na educação infantil e nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental. Considerando as diferenciações profissionais existentes entre os professores das etapas iniciais e finais da educação básica, a investigação está direcionada para a análise da valorização profissional do professor da educação infantil e anos iniciais do ensino fundamental na rede municipal de ensino de Uberaba-MG. Como recorte conceitual, o estudo centra-se em dois eixos de discussão e análise: primeiro, a discussão teórica em torno dos aspectos relativos ao trabalho docente e profissionalização do magistério, e segundo, a gestão das políticas públicas direcionadas à valorização do magistério no contexto das reformas educacionais decorrentes da LDB 9394/96, enfocando fundamentalmente a formação e a carreira. Esses eixos permitem pensar a complexidade das relações e interpenetrações existentes no processo de profissionalização do magistério docente, a tensão entre as políticas públicas de valorização do magistério, quando se toma as dimensões da formação e da carreira como unidade e as implicações na valorização profissional do professor da educação infantil e anos iniciais do ensino fundamental. Trata-se de uma investigação de natureza qualitativa, com caráter descritivo-exploratório, tendo como princípios a epistemologia dialética freireana. Para a realização da pesquisa, foi utilizado como procedimentos: a pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e a aplicação de questionários e entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Para a pesquisa de levantamento de dados empíricos foram investigados gestores educacionais e professores que atuam na educação infantil e anos iniciais do ensino fundamental de escolas da rede municipal de ensino de Uberaba-MG. Este estudo possibilitou perceber que as políticas de valorização do magistério, nos aspectos que se referem à formação e a carreira estão, historicamente, entrelaçadas à problemática da qualidade do ensino público. No que diz respeito ao magistério como profissão percebe-se uma fratura entre os que possuem ou não um conhecimento reconhecido socialmente e, nesse sentido, o magistério na educação infantil e anos iniciais do ensino fundamental ainda não é reconhecido como profissão pela sociedade e pelos governos em suas políticas de formação profissional e carreira. O discurso da profissionalização tem se constituído em um jogo contraditório de valores na articulação das esferas da produção e da reprodução que tem servido para a manutenção da desvalorização do magistério e para legitimar o controle e as reformas pretendidas pelo Estado. Assim, o discurso da profissionalização das políticas educacionais se convergem em práticas desprofissionalizantes

Le journalisme sportif pris au jeu : Sociologie des principes de légitimité professionnelle / Sport journalism caught up in the game : Sociology of professional legitimacy principles

Souanef, Karim 22 November 2013 (has links)
Si l’on se fie aux représentations communes, le journaliste sportif renverrait à un « journaliste-supporter ». La thèse montre que cette spécialité ne se résume pas seulement à cette face visible et à un déterminisme économique. En croisant les matériaux (archives, entretiens, ethnographie, analyse de contenu), nous verrons que l’histoire de la spécialité, profondément imbriquée dans celle du sport-spectacle, est celle de la légitimation d’un journalisme de marché qui s’accommode de la proximité avec l’objet social dont il traite et ce, malgré l’expression d’un esprit critique à la marge. Considéré comme un journalisme « d’en bas » au nom d’un légitimisme culturel, la spécialité occupe aujourd’hui une place centrale dans la hiérarchie professionnelle, invitant à repenser les normes dominantes du journalisme. Ces spécialistes se sentent d’autant plus « à leur place » qu’ils envisagent leur métier comme un « univers de consolation » pour vivre leur passion du sport. / Sport journalists are said to be ‘supporter journalists’. They are supposed to be emotional and then barely closed from the detachment required by professional excellence. This dissertation uses cross materials (archives, interviews, ethnography, and content analysis) to give a broader picture of this occupation. It shows that sport journalism’s history has to do with sport business and the legitimization of a market driven journalism. However, such a market driven conception makes do with - sometimes critical - proximity with its object. Such a mass media conception of the sports news is reproduced via schools of journalism. It is all the more efficient since this schools’ teaching fit the economical reality and students’ expectations toward their future work as a “universe of consolation” to pursue their passion for sport. Sport journalism is still regarded from a legitimist point of view as a low-grade journalism, it occupies nowadays a very central position in the professional hierarchy. Then, once should reconsider dominant norms of journalism. Furthermore, the specialists feels “on their place” as they consider their work as a “universe of consolation” to pursue their passion for sport

« La femme politique paradoxale ». Étude comparative sur la représentation des femmes dans les assemblées politiques en Guadeloupe et en Jamaïque depuis 1944. : Étude comparative sur la représentation des femmes dans les assemblées politiques en Guadeloupe et en Jamaïque depuis 1944 / “The Paradox of the Female Politician”A Comparative Study of Women’s Representation in Political Assemblies in Guadeloupe and Jamaica Since 1944. : A Comparative Study of Women’s Representation in Political Assemblies in Guadeloupe and Jamaica Since 1944

Brohan, Soizic 28 June 2019 (has links)
Les sociétés caribéennes de legs plantationnaire sont souvent associées à des sociétés « matrifocales » à tendance matriarcale où les femmes seraient détentrices d’un potentat féminin et les hommes dépossédés de leur autorité « naturelle ». Les femmes sont certes dotées d'une autorité féminine mais la « matrifocalité » ne nie pas des rapports de pouvoir inégaux entre les hommes et les femmes. Le champ politique en constitue un terrain d'expression privilégié. Le décalage paradoxal entre le pouvoir prêté aux femmes et leur position dans le système politique sert de point de départ à ce travail de thèse qui cherche à étudier les relations entre ordre social et représentation politique du point de vue du genre. Il analyse l'évolution de la représentation des femmes dans les assemblées politiques centrales en Guadeloupe (Conseil départemental et Conseil régional) et en Jamaïque (Chambre des représentants et Sénat) depuis 1944 au prisme des renégociations permanentes entre les contraintes structurelles des deux contextes politiques étudiés et les contraintes symboliques intériorisées par leurs acteur.rices.s porteur.se.s d'une histoire sociale particulière, ainsi que les modalités de professionnalisation politique des représentantes recouvrant une hétérogénéité de trajectoires personnelles, professionnelles et politiques. La méthode de recherche adoptée mobilise des sources archivistiques par le recueil de données de type statistique et monographique, donnant lieu à la réalisation d'une base de données sur les femmes siégeant dans les assemblées politiques et d'une typologie de leurs trajectoires, ainsi que la réalisation d’une série d'entretiens semi-directifs biographiques auprès de certaines d’entre elles afin d'approfondir l'analyse de leurs trajectoires. La perspective comparatiste entre la Guadeloupe et la Jamaïque souligne les spécificités de leurs systèmes de représentation politique en dépit de leurs similitudes socioculturelles. / The Caribbean plantation societies are often described as “matrifocal” or even matriarchal societies in which women hold a female power which deprives their male counterparts of their “natural” authority. Women indeed possess a female power but “matrifocality” does not prevent men from holding more power than women in some domains. The study of the political arena is insightful in this regard. This thesis considers the paradoxical gap between the power women are believed to have in society and their position within the political system, and studies the relationship between the Caribbean social order and its gendered political representation. It analyzes the evolution of women’s representation in the central political assemblies of Guadeloupe (Departmental Council and Regional Council) and Jamaica (House of Representatives and Senate) since 1944, drawing on the permanent evolutions between the structural constraints of the two studied political systems and the symbolic constraints interiorized by the parliamentarians that carry a specific social history; as well as their diversified pathways to political professionalization, echoing their different personal, professional and political trajectories. The research method uses archival data, through the collection of statistical and monographic data which enabled the construction of a database of women seated in the political assemblies of Guadeloupe and Jamaica, as well as interviews conducted with some of them in order to deepen the analysis of their trajectories. The comparative study between Guadeloupe and Jamaica highlights the specificities of their political representation systems despite their similar sociocultural history.

Mieux comprendre les facteurs associés à la satisfaction des parents d'accueil dans leur rôle.

Joly, Marie-Pierre 06 1900 (has links)
Les familles d’accueil sont une composante essentielle du système de protection de l’enfance. Or, le réseau québécois est confronté à certaines difficultés de recrutement et de rétention. De plus, deux importants chantiers modifieront la pratique entourant l’accueil familial : le déploiement de l’approche S’occuper des Enfants (SOCEN) et la mise en application de la Loi sur la représentation des ressources (LRR), qui engendre une professionnalisation du rôle de famille d’accueil. Il importe donc de s’intéresser à l’expérience des parents d’accueil, afin d’identifier certaines pistes pour mieux faire face à ces défis et transformations. L’objectif de ce mémoire est de mieux comprendre les facteurs qui influencent la satisfaction des parents d’accueil dans leur rôle. Un sous-objectif est de comprendre si l’approche SOCEN a une influence sur cette satisfaction. Pour ce faire, des entrevues individuelles semi-directives ont été effectuées auprès de treize parents d’accueil d’une région du Québec qui implante l’approche SOCEN depuis 2003. Une analyse de contenu thématique concernant leur satisfaction, leur motivation et les défis qu’ils rencontrent a été effectuée. Les résultats montrent que selon les parents d’accueil, la satisfaction dans leur rôle s’incarne dans trois dimensions distinctes: la dimension parentale, la dimension professionnelle et la dimension personnelle. Les facteurs qui influencent leur satisfaction sont : les enjeux de parentalité en contexte de placement à long terme, l’impact du placement sur la famille du parent d’accueil et les enjeux de reconnaissance. Il ressort également que les principes et les outils proposés par l’approche SOCEN pourraient agir sur les facteurs évoqués et ainsi augmenter la satisfaction des parents d’accueil dans leur rôle. / Foster families are an essential part of the youth protection system. However, in the province of Québec the youth protection network faces certain difficulties in recruiting and retaining candidates. Furthermore, two major changes may have an important impact on the practice of fostering children and youth: the implementation of the Looking After Children approach (LAC) and the application of the Act on the representation of family-type resources and certain intermediate resources, which implies the professionalization of the role of foster families. It is therefore imperative to take a closer look at foster parents’ experiences in order to identify better ways to cope with these transformations and challenges. The objective of the present thesis is to better understand the influential factors that affect the level of satisfaction foster parents attain through their role as caregivers. An underlying objective is to determine if the LAC approach affects the level of satisfaction. In order to achieve these objectives, thirteen foster parents from a region of the province of Quebec where the LAC approach has been implemented since 2003 were interviewed using individual, semi-directive interview techniques. An analysis of the thematic content pertaining to their level of satisfaction, their motivation and the challenges that they meet regularly was then conducted. According to the results found, the foster parents identify their level of satisfaction as pertaining to three distinct dimensions: parental, professional and personal. The factors which influence their level of satisfaction are: the parenting issues surrounding long-term foster care, the impacts that fostering has on a foster parent’s own family, and issues surrounding recognition/gratitude. The results also found that the principles and means suggested by the LAC approach may affect the factors evoked, therefore increasing the level of satisfaction of foster parents in their role as caregivers.

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