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The Acute Metabolic Response of Intermittent Hypoxic Resistance Exercise : A Cross-Over RCTFalgin Hultgren, Jonas January 2019 (has links)
Aim The aim for this present study was to investigate the acute metabolic response from intermittent resistance exercise during hypoxia, with the following research questions: (1) Are blood levels of lactate and glucose different between hypoxia and normoxia? (2) Does hypoxia induce higher lactate accumulation and pH reduction in the human skeletal muscle? (3) Is there a relationship between plasma-, blood- and muscle lactate? Method Eight healthy males (30 ± 2 years) performed 6 sets of unilateral leg extension on each leg (75% of 1RM) with randomized normoxic (20,9% inspired 𝑂2) and normobaric hypoxic (12% inspired 𝑂2) conditions. A total of 5 muscle biopsies was extracted from m. Vastus Lateralis (pre-, post exercise, 90-, 180min and 24h post exercise) during both normoxia and hypoxia trials, separated by one week for all participants. Blood samples were repeatedly taken with 20 min intervals. Heart Rate (HR) and saturation (𝑆𝑝𝑂2) were measured by a pulsoximeter during resistance exercise. Results No significant main effect was observed for blood lactate and glucose levels as well as the muscle lactate accumulation and pH between normoxia and hypoxia. However, pH in muscle showed a trend between the conditions post exercise where hypoxia reached lower levels in total (P=0.08). Significant correlations were observed for blood- and plasma lactate, where hypoxia showed a stronger relationship than normoxia (r=0.98 compared to r=0.87). Equal findings for the correlation of muscle- and plasma lactate showed an even greater coefficient value for hypoxia compared to normoxia (r=0.860 compared to r=0.59). Conclusion Summarized data indicated that no significant difference between hypoxia and normoxia was evident. Nonetheless, tendencies illustrate that hypoxia may alter the metabolic response slightly. However, further research is needed to draw a conclusion between the conditions. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka kroppens akuta metabola svar från intermittent styrketräning under hypoxi, med följande frågeställningar: (1) Skiljer sig nivåerna av laktat och glukos i blodet mellan hypoxi och normoxi? (2) Skapar hypoxi större laktatansamling och pH reduktion i människoskelettmuskeln? (3) Finns det en relation mellan plasma-, blod- och muskellaktat? Metod Åtta friska män (30 ± 2 år) deltog där deltagarna utförde 6 set unilateral benextension för varje ben (75% 1RM). Intermittent styrketräning randomiserades med hypoxi som utfördes med 12% syrgas och normoxi som bibehöll normal syrgasnivå (20,9% syrgas). Under två testdagar togs 5 muskelbiopsier från m. Vastus Lateralis (före-, efter träning, 90-, 180min och 24h efter träning) på vartannat ben per testdag. Hjärtfrekvensen och 𝑆𝑝𝑂2 mättes via pulsoximeter under träningen. Resultat Ingen signifikant huvudeffekt påvisades mellan hypoxi och normoxi för blodlaktat samt glukos, såväl som laktatackumulationen och pH värdet i muskeln. Muskel pH visade en trend där hypoxi efter styrketräning nådde lägre totalnivå än normoxi (P=0,08). Vidare observerades hypoxi att ha starka relationer mellan blod- och plasmalaktat jämfört med normoxi (r=0,98 vs. r=0,87). Större skillnad framgick för korrelationen mellan muskel- och plasmalaktat där hypoxi-försöket utgav starkare koefficient jämfört med normoxi (r=0,86 vs. r=0,59). Konklusion Sammanfattad data visar att hypoxi inte skapar större metabolisk respons vid intermittent styrketräning. Trots detta framkom tendenser som illustrerar att hypoxi kan påverka den metabola stressen under styrketräning. Däremot krävs vidare forskning för att kunna säkerställa effekten av hypoxi på kroppens metabola svar. / Ingår i Marcus Mobergs projekt: ”Resistance exercise under hypoxia and the acute molecular effects in human skeletal muscle
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Enkomponentsbehandling bestående av sömnrestriktion-sömnkomprimering jämfört med multikomponent KBT för insomni : En benchmark, non-inferiority studie / One-component Treatment Consisting of Sleep Restriction-Sleep Compression Compared to Multicomponent CBT for Insomnia : A Benchmark, Non-inferiority StudyRilöv, Sara, Brunosson, Frida January 2019 (has links)
Insomni är ett vanligt problem och det finns behov av ökad tillgänglighet till kostnadseffektiva behandlingar. Syftet var att undersöka om en enkomponentsbehandling (EK), bestående av sömnrestriktion/sömnkomprimering, var non-inferior till en multikomponent (MK) KBT- behandling vid insomni och om det fanns en skillnad i symtomreduktion. Gränsvärden för non- inferiority var d = 0.8, utifrån tidigare forskning, respektive en strängare gräns d = 0.4. Data från en forskningsstudie där deltagarna erhöll EK (n = 193) jämfördes mot en riktlinje i form av en KBT-behandling i reguljärvården, MK (n = 289). Båda grupper erhöll behandling via samma internetplattform, och Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) användes som utfallsmått. Resultaten visade att EK inte kunde bekräftas som non-inferior till MK direkt efter behandling eller vid 1-årsuppföljning när en sträng gräns användes. När en liberal gräns användes kunde EK bekräftas som non-inferior direkt efter behandling men inte ett år senare. Direkt efter behandling och vid 1-årsuppföljningen visade båda grupperna en signifikant minskning av insomnisymtom, men vid 1-årsuppföljningen visade MK en större minskning. Ett stort bortfall vid 1-årsuppföljning och mer terapeutstöd för MK kan ha påverkat resultaten. Fler RCT-studier med långtidsuppföljningar behövs inom området, och även studier på andra populationer. MK är att föredra, men vid begränsade resurser kan EK erbjudas med god effekt på både kort och lång sikt. / Insomnia is a common problem and there is a need for increased accessibility to cost-effective treatments. The purpose was to examine if an one-component treatment (EK), consisting of sleep-restriction/sleep-compression, were non-inferior to a multi-component (MK) CBT treatment for insomnia and if there was a difference in symptom reduction. The prestated margins for non-inferiority were d = 0.8, based on previous research, and a stricter margin of d = 0.4. Data from a research study where participants received EK (n = 193) was compared to a benchmark consisting of a CBT treatment in regular health care (MK) (n = 289). Both groups received treatment at the same Internet platform, and Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) was used as outcome measurement. The results showed that EK could not be confirmed as non-inferior to MK directly after treatment or at the one-year follow up when using a strict limit. When a liberal limit was used, EK could be confirmed as non-inferior directly after treatment but not one year later. Directly after treatment and at the one-year follow up both groups showed a significant symptom reduction, but at the one-year follow up MK showed a greater reduction. A large number of missing data at the one-year follow up and more therapeutic support in MK may have affected the results. More RCT-studies with longterm follow ups are needed in the area, and also studies of other populations. MK is preferable, but with limited resources EK can be offered with good effect both short term and long term.
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Modélisation mathématique de la dynamique des communautés herbacées des écosystèmes prairiaux / Modelling dynamics of herbaceous communities in grassland ecosystemMoulin, Thibault 11 October 2018 (has links)
La modélisation dynamique des systèmes écologiques constitue une méthode incontournable pour comprendre,prédire et contrôler la dynamique des écosystèmes semi-naturels, qui fait intervenir des processuscomplexes. Le principal objectif de cette thèse est de développer un modèle permettant de simuler la dynamiqueà moyen terme de la végétation herbacée dans les prairies permanentes, en tenant compte à lafois de la productivité et de la biodiversité. Les prairies sont des réservoirs présentant une forte biodiversitévégétale, qui soutiennent de nombreux services écosystémiques. Sur le plan agricole, cette importantediversité contribue à la qualité de la production fourragère, et de plus, elle permet une plus grande résistancede la végétation face à des changements climatiques (réchauffement moyen, vagues de chaleur etde sécheresse).Pourtant, cette notion clé de biodiversité n’est que faiblement prise en considération dans la modélisationde l’écosystème prairial : elle est souvent absente ou alors présente sous une forme très simplifiée. Enréponse à ces considérations, ces travaux de thèse présentent la construction d’un modèle de successionbasé sur des processus, décrit par un système d’équations différentielles ordinaires, qui représente ladynamique de la végétation aérienne des prairies tempérées. Ce modèle intègre les principaux facteursécologiques impactant la croissance et la compétition des espèces herbacées, et peut s’ajuster à n’importequel niveau de diversité, par le choix du nombre et de l’identité des espèces initialement présentes dansl’assemblage. Ce formalisme mécaniste de modélisation nous permet alors d’analyser les relations qui lientdiversité, productivité et stabilité, en réponse à différentes conditions climatiques et différents modes degestion agricole.[...]Ces résultats soulignent alors le besoin de prendre en compte le rôle clé joué par la biodiversité dansles modèles de l’écosystème prairial, de par son impact sur le comportement des dynamiques simulées.De plus, pour rendre correctement compte des interactions au sein de la végétation, le nombre d’espècesconsidéré dans le modèle doit être suffisamment important. Enfin, nous comparons les simulations devégétation de ce modèle à des mesures issues de deux sites expérimentaux, la prairie de fauche d’Oensingen,et le pâturage de Laqueuille. Les résultats de ces comparaisons sont encourageants et soulignentla pertinence du choix et de la représentation des processus écologiques clés qui composent ce modèlemécaniste.Ce travail de thèse propose donc un modèle, en total adéquation avec les besoins actuels en terme demodélisation de l’écosystème prairial, qui permet de mieux comprendre la dynamique de la végétationherbacée et les interactions entre productivité, diversité et stabilité. / Dynamic modelling of ecological systems is an essential method to understand, predict and control thedynamics of semi-natural ecosystems, which involves complex processes. The main objective of this PhDthesis is to develop a simulation model of the medium- and long-term dynamics of the herbaceous vegetationin permanent grasslands, taking into account both biodiversity and productivity. Grasslandecosystems are often hot spots of biodiversity, which contributes to the temporal stability of their services.On an agricultural perspective, this important biodiversity contributes to the forage quality, andbesides, it induces a higher ability of the vegetation cover to resist to different climatic scenarios (globalwarming, heat and drought waves).However, this key aspect of biodiversity is only poorly included in grassland models : often absent ofmodelling or included in a very simple form. Building on those considerations, this PhD work exposes thewriting of a process-based succession model, described by a system of Ordinary Differential Equationsthat simulates the aboveground vegetation dynamics of a temperate grassland. This model implementedthe main ecological factors involved in growth and competition processes of herbaceous species, and couldbe adjust to any level of diversity, by varying the number and the identity of species in the initial plantcommunity. This formalism of mechanistic models allows us to analyse relationships that link diversity,productivity and stability, in response to different climatic conditions and agricultural management.In mathematical grassland models, plant communities may be represented by a various number of statevariables, describing biomass compartments of some dominant species or plant functional types. The sizeof the initial species pool could have consequences on the outcome of the simulated ecosystem dynamicsin terms of grassland productivity, diversity, and stability. This choice could also influence the modelsensitivity to forcing parameters. To address these issues, we developed a method, based on sensitivityanalysis tools, to compare behaviour of alternative versions of the model that only differ by the identityand number of state variables describing the green biomass, here plant species. This method shows aninnovative aspect, by performing this model sensitivity analysis by using multivariate regression trees. Weassessed and compared the sensitivity of each instance of the model to key forcing parameters for climate,soil fertility, and defoliation disturbances. We established that the sensitivity to forcing parameters ofcommunity structure and species evenness differed markedly among alternative models, according tothe diversity level. We show a progressive shift from high importance of soil fertility (fertilisation level,mineralization rate) to high importance of defoliation (mowing frequency, grazing intensity) as the sizeof the species pool increased.These results highlight the need to take into account the role of species diversity to explain the behaviourof grassland models. Besides, to properly take into account those interactions in the grassland cover, theconsidered species pool size considered in the model needs to be high enough. Finally, we compare modelsimulations of the aboveground vegetation to measures from two experimental sites, the mowing grasslandof Oensingen, and the grazing grassland of Laqueuille. Results of these comparison are promising andhighlight the relevance of the choice and the representation of the different ecological processes includedin this mechanistic model.Thus, this PhD work offers a model, perfectly fitting with current needs on grassland modelling, whichcontribute to a better understanding of the herbaceous vegetation dynamics and interactions betweenproductivity, diversity and stability.
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Växters effektorutlösta försvars funktionoch evolution : Ett uthålligt skydd mot patogener?Dölfors, Fredrik January 2014 (has links)
Diversiteten bland gener som ger resistens (R) mot infektionssjukdomar är mycket stor i växtriket, särskilt i den effektorutlösta klassen av försvaret. Denna artikel beskriver interaktioner mellan växters effektorutlösta fösvar och patogeners effektorproteiner och undersöker evolutionära och genetiska mekanismer för uppkomsten av ny resistens. R-genprodukter har en typisk domänstruktur och interagerar både direkt och indirekt med patogeners effektorproteiner.Vid kontakt med ett effektorprotein utlöses en försvarsrespons som kan förhindra fortsatt patogen tillväxt. Flera genetiska mekanismer verkar samtidigt på R-gener, något som resulterar i en hög hastighet för uppkomst av nya R-varianter. Den intima samevolution som existerar hos många patogen-växtsystem formar det evolutionära utvecklingsmönstret av R-gener. Diversifierande positiv selektion via den biologiska kapprustningsmodellen och bevarande negativ frekvensberoende selektion är båda viktiga samevolutionära processer. Denna artikel indikerar att växters immunförsvar är anpassningsbart och robust, men belyser också den kunskapsbrist som råder inom resistensforskningen. / The diversity among genes conferring resistance (R) against infectious diseases is very high in the plant kingdom, especially in the effector triggered class of defense. This article describes the interactions between the plant effector triggered immunity and pathogen effectors and examines the evolutionary and genetic mechanisms for the emergence of new resistance. R gene products have a typical domain structure and interacts both directly and indirectly with pathogen effectors. Upon contact with an effector a defense response is triggered that may prevent the further pathogen growth. Multiple genetic mechanisms act simultaneously on the R-genes, which results in a rapid diversification of novel R variants. The intimate co-evolution of many existing plant-pathogen systems form the evolutionary pattern of R genes. Diversifying positive selection via the biological arms race model and conservative negative frequency-dependent selection are both important coevolutionary processes. This article indicates that the plant immune system is adaptive and robust, but also highlights the lack of knowledge in plant resistance research.
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New concepts for managing diabetes mellitus / Fred KeetKeet, Fred January 2003 (has links)
Preface -
Biotechnology is generally considered to be the wave of the future. To facilitate
accurate and rapid development of medication and treatments, it is critical that we are
able to simulate the human body. One section of this complex model would be the
human energy system.
Pharmaceutical companies are currently pouring vast amounts of capital into research
regarding general simulation of cellular structures, protein structures and bodily
processes. Their aim is to develop treatments and medication for major diseases.
Some of these diseases are epidemics like cancer, cardiovascular diseases, stress,
obesity, etc. One of the most important causes of these diseases is poor blood glucose
Current management methods for insulin dependent diabetes are limited to trial and
error systems: clearly ineffective and prone to errors. It is critical that better
management systems be developed, to ease the diabetic epidemic.
The blood glucose control system is one of the major systems in the body, as we are
in constant need of energy to facilitate the optimum functioning of the human body.
This study makes use of a developed simulation model for the human energy system
to ease the management of Diabetes mellitus, which is a malfunction of the human
energy system.
This dissertation is presented in two parts: The first part discusses the human energy
simulation model, and the verification thereof, while the second presents possible
applications of this model to ease the management of Diabetes.
The human energy system simulation model -
This section discusses the development and verification of the model. It also touches
on the causes, and current methods, of managing diabetes, as well as the functioning
of the human energy system.
The human energy model is approached with the conservation of energy in mind. A
top down model is developed, using data from independent studies to verify the
Application of human energy simulation model -
The human energy simulation model is of little use if the intended audience cannot
use it: people suffering from malfunctioning energy systems. These include people
having trouble with obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc. To facilitate this, we
need to provide a variety of products useable by this group of people.
We propose a variety of ways in which the model can be used: Cellular phone
applications, Personal digital assistants (PDAs) applications, as well as computer
By making use of current technology, we generate a basic proof-of-concept
application to demonstrate the intended functionality. / MIng (Mechanical Engineering) North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004
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New concepts for managing diabetes mellitus / Fred KeetKeet, Fred January 2003 (has links)
Preface -
Biotechnology is generally considered to be the wave of the future. To facilitate
accurate and rapid development of medication and treatments, it is critical that we are
able to simulate the human body. One section of this complex model would be the
human energy system.
Pharmaceutical companies are currently pouring vast amounts of capital into research
regarding general simulation of cellular structures, protein structures and bodily
processes. Their aim is to develop treatments and medication for major diseases.
Some of these diseases are epidemics like cancer, cardiovascular diseases, stress,
obesity, etc. One of the most important causes of these diseases is poor blood glucose
Current management methods for insulin dependent diabetes are limited to trial and
error systems: clearly ineffective and prone to errors. It is critical that better
management systems be developed, to ease the diabetic epidemic.
The blood glucose control system is one of the major systems in the body, as we are
in constant need of energy to facilitate the optimum functioning of the human body.
This study makes use of a developed simulation model for the human energy system
to ease the management of Diabetes mellitus, which is a malfunction of the human
energy system.
This dissertation is presented in two parts: The first part discusses the human energy
simulation model, and the verification thereof, while the second presents possible
applications of this model to ease the management of Diabetes.
The human energy system simulation model -
This section discusses the development and verification of the model. It also touches
on the causes, and current methods, of managing diabetes, as well as the functioning
of the human energy system.
The human energy model is approached with the conservation of energy in mind. A
top down model is developed, using data from independent studies to verify the
Application of human energy simulation model -
The human energy simulation model is of little use if the intended audience cannot
use it: people suffering from malfunctioning energy systems. These include people
having trouble with obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc. To facilitate this, we
need to provide a variety of products useable by this group of people.
We propose a variety of ways in which the model can be used: Cellular phone
applications, Personal digital assistants (PDAs) applications, as well as computer
By making use of current technology, we generate a basic proof-of-concept
application to demonstrate the intended functionality. / MIng (Mechanical Engineering) North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004
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Dynamic behaviour of electric machine stators : modelling guidelines for efficient finite-element simulations and design specifications for noise reduction / Comportement dynamique de stators de machines électriques : règles de modélisation pour simulations par éléments finis et optimisation des propriétés pour une réduction du bruit en fonctionnementMillithaler, Pierre 09 October 2015 (has links)
Dopées par un intérêt croissant des industries telles que l’automobile, les technologies demotorisation100% électriques équipent de plus en plus de véhicules à la portée du grand public. Endépit d’une opinion commune favorable sur les faibles émissions sonores des moteurs électriques,la maîtrise des performances vibratoires et acoustiques d’une telle machine reste un challenge trèscoûteux à relever. Associant l’expertise de l’entreprise Vibrate cet du département MécaniqueAppliquée de l’institut Femto-ST, cette thèse CIFRE vise à améliorer les connaissances actuellessur le comportement mécanique de machines électriques. De nouvelles méthodes de modélisationpar éléments finis sont proposées à partir d’approches d’homogénéisation,analyses expérimentales,recalage de modèles et études de variabilité en température et en fréquence,pour permettre uneprédiction plus performante du comportement vibratoire d’un moteur électrique / Boosted by the increasing interest of industries such as automotive,100% electric engine technologies power more and more affordable vehicles for the general public.Inspite of a rather favourable common opinion about the low noisee mitted by electric motors, controlling the vibratory and acoustic performances of such machines remains a very costly challenge to take up. Associating the expertise of the company Vibratec and the institute Femto-ST Applied Mechanics Department, this industry-orientedPh.D.thesisaimsatimprovingthecurrentknowledgeaboutthe mechanicalbehaviour ofelectric machines. New finite-element modelling method sare proposedf rom homogenisation approaches,experimental analyses, model up dating procedures and variability studies in temperature and frequency, in order to predict the behaviour of an electric motor more efficiently
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How design storms with normally distributed intensities customized from precipitation radar data in Sweden affect the modeled hydraulic response to extreme rainfallsElfström, Daniel, Stefansson, Max January 2021 (has links)
Intense but short-term cloudbursts may cause severe flooding in urban areas. Such short-term cloudbursts mostly are of convective character, where the rain intensity may vary considerably within relatively small areas. Using uniform design rains where maximum intensity is assumed over the whole catchment is common practice in Sweden, though. This risks overestimating the hydraulic responses, and hence lead to overdimensioning of stormwater systems. The objective of this study was to determine how the hydraulic response to cloudbursts is affected by the spatial variation of the rain in relation to the catchment size, aiming to enable improved cloudburst mapping in Sweden. Initially, the spatial variation of heavy rains in Sweden was investigated by studying radar data provided by SMHI. The distribution of rainfall accumulated over two hours from heavy raincells was investigated, based on the assumption that the intensity of convective raincells can be approximated as spatially Gaussian distributed. Based on the results, three Gaussian test rains, whose spatial variation was deemed a representative selection of the radar study, were created. In order to investigate how the hydraulic peak responses differed between the Gaussian test rains and uniform reference rains, both test and reference rains were modeled in MIKE21 Flow model. The modelling was performed on an idealised urban model fitted to Swedish urban conditions, consisting of four nested square catchments of different sizes. The investigated hydraulic peak responses were maximum outflow, proportion flooded area and average maximum water depth. In comparison with spatially varied Gaussian rains centered at the outlets, the uniform design rain with maximum rain volume overestimated the peak hydraulic response with 1-8%, independent of catchment size. Uniform design rains scaled with an area reduction factor (ARF), which is averaging the rainfall of the Gaussian rain over the catchment, instead underestimated the peak response, in comparison with the Gaussian rains. The underestimation of ARF-rains increased heavily with catchment size, from less than 5 % for a catchment area of 4 km2 to 13 - 69 % for a catchment area of 36 km2. The conclusion can be drawn that catchment size ceases to affect the hydraulic peak response when the time it takes for the whole catchment to contribute to the peak response exceeds the time it takes for the peak to be reached. How much the rain varies over the area which is able to contribute to the peak response during the rain event, can be assumed to decide how much a design rain without ARF overestimates the peak responses. If the catchment exceeds this size, an ARF-scaled rain will underestimate the peak responses. This underestimation is amplified with larger catchments. The strong pointiness of the CDS-hyetograph used in the study risks underestimating the differences in hydraulic peak responses between the test rains and a uniform rain without ARF, while the difference between test rains and uniform rains with ARF risks being overestimated. / Intensiva men kortvariga skyfall kan orsaka omfattande översvämningsproblematik i urbana områden. Trots att sådana kortvariga skyfall oftast är av konvektiv karaktär, där regnintensiteten kan variera avsevärt inom relativt små områden, används idag uniforma designregn där maxintensitet antas över hela avrinningsområdet. Detta riskerar att leda till en överskattning av hydrauliska responser, och följaktligen överdimensionering av dagvattensystem. Denna studie syftar till att utreda hur den hydrauliska responsen av skyfall påverkas av regnets spatiala variation, i relation till avrinningsområdets storlek. Ytterst handlar det om att möjliggöra förbättrad skyfallskartering i Sverige. Initialt undersöktes den spatiala variationen hos kraftiga regn i Sverige, genom en studie av radardata tillhandahållen av SMHI. Utbredningen av regnmängd ackumulerad över två timmar från kraftiga regnceller undersöktes utifrån antagandet att intensiteten hos konvektiva regnceller kan approximeras som spatialt gaussfördelad. Baserat på resultatet skapades tre gaussfördelade testregn vars spatiala variation ansågs utgöra ett representativt urval från radarstudien. För att undersöka hur de hydrauliska responserna skiljer sig åt mellan de gaussfördelade testregnen och uniforma referensregn, modellerades såväl test- som referensregn i MIKE 21 Flow model. Modelleringen utfördes på en idealiserad stadsmodell anpassad efter svenska urbana förhållanden, bestående av fyra nästlade kvadratiska avrinningsområden av olika storlekar. De hydrauliska responser som undersöktes var maximalt utflöde, maximal andel översvämmad yta samt medelvärdesbildat maximalvattendjup, alltså toppresponser. Jämfört med spatialt varierade gaussregn centrerade kring utloppen överskattade ett uniformt designregn med testregnens maximala volym de hydrauliska toppresponserna med 1-8 %, oberoende av avrinningsområdets storlek. Uniforma designregn skalade med area reduction factor (ARF), vilken medelvärdesbildar gaussregnets nederbörd över avrinningsområdet, underskattade istället toppresponsen jämfört med gaussregnen. ARF-regnets underskattning ökade kraftigt med avrinningsområdets storlek, från mindre än 5 % för ett avrinningsområde på 4 km2, till 13 - 69 % för ett avrinningsområde på 36 km2. Slutsatsen kan dras att avrinningsområdets storlek upphör att påverka den hydrauliska toppresponsen, då tiden det tar för hela avrinningsområdet att samverka till toppresponsen överstiger tiden till denna respons. Hur mycket regnet varierar över det område som under regnhändelsen hinner samverka till toppresponsen, kan antas avgöra hur mycket ett designregn utan ARF överskattar toppresponserna. Överstiger avrinningsområdet denna storlek kommer ett ARF-regn att underskatta toppresponserna, och underskattningen förstärks med ökande avrinningsområdesstorlek. Den kraftiga temporala toppigheten hos den CDS-hyetograf som användes i studien riskerar att underskatta skillnaderna i hydraulisk topprespons mellan testregnen och ett uniformt regn utan ARF, medan skillnaden mellan testregn och uniforma regn med ARF istället riskerar att överskattas.
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Load Control Aerodynamics in Offshore Wind Turbines / Aerodynamik av laststyrning i havsbaserade vindkraftverkCantoni, Lorenzo January 2021 (has links)
Due to the increase of rotor size in horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) during the past 25 years in order to achieve higher power output, all wind turbine components and blades in particular, have to withstand higher structural loads. This upscalingproblem could be solved by applying technologies capable of reducing aerodynamic loads the rotor has to withstand, either with passive or active control solutions. These control devices and techniques can reduce the fatigue load upon the blades up to 40% and therefore less maintenance is needed, resulting in an important money savings for the wind farm manager. This project consists in a study of load control techniques for offshore wind turbines from an aerodynamic and aeroelastic point ofview, with the aim to assess a cost effective, robust and reliable solution which could operate maintenance free in quite hostile environments. The first part of this study involves 2D and 3D aerodynamic and aeroelastic simulations to validate the computational model with experimental data and to analyze the interaction between the fluid and the structure. The second part of this study is an assessment of the unsteady aerodynamic loads produced by a wind gust over the blades and to verify how a trailing edge flap would influence the aerodynamic control parameters for the selected wind turbine blade. / På grund av ökningen av rotorstorleken hos horisontella vindturbiner (HAWT) under de senaste 25 åren, en design som har uppstod för att uppnå högre effekt, måste alla vindkraftkomponenter och blad stå emot högre strukturella belastningar. Detta uppskalningsproblem kan lösas genom att använda metoder som kan minska aerodynamiska belastningar som rotorn måste tåla, antingen med passiva eller aktiva styrlösningar. Dessa kontrollanordningar och tekniker kan minska utmattningsbelastningen på bladen med upp till 40 % och därför behövs mindre underhåll, vilket resulterar i viktiga besparingar för vindkraftsägaren. Detta projekt består av en studie av lastkontrolltekniker för havsbaserade vindkraftverk ur en aerodynamisk och aeroelastisk synvinkel, i syfte att bedöma en kostnadseffektiv, robust och pålitlig lösning som kan fungera underhållsfri i tuffa miljöer. Den första delen av denna studie involverar 2D- och 3D-aerodynamiska och aeroelastiska simuleringar för att validera beräkningsmodellen med experimentella data och för att analysera interaktionen mellan fluiden och strukturen. Den andra delen av denna studie är en bedömning av de ojämna aerodynamiska belastningarna som produceras av ett vindkast över bladen och för att verifiera hur en bakkantklaff skulle påverka de aerodynamiska styrparametrarna för det valda vindturbinbladet.
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Alla vill varandras väl : Hur ledarskap genom medarbetarskap i en kvalitetskultur skaparpatientnöjdhet vid svenska sjukhusFranzén Ähdel, Carina, Bulukin Wilén, Frida January 2019 (has links)
Engagerat ledarskap är grunden till att skapa en god kvalitetskultur och för attlyckas krävs medarbetarskapets delaktighet. Forskare menar att stödet förnärvarande ledare i vården har fram tills idag varit tämligen outvecklat. Syftetmed denna studie var att förstå framgångsfaktorer för hur kvalitetskulturen isvensk sjukvård kan kopplas mot ledarnas möjlighet att främja ett gottmedarbetarskap. Detta utifrån en förklarande sekventiell mixad metod med tvåkvantitativa mätningar som slutligen resulterade i en kvalitativ intervju. Enmätning av kvalitetskulturen vid svenska sjukhus utfördes utifrån ett tidigareframtaget mätinstrument för att mäta kvalitetskultur. Mätinstrumentetpresenterades genom 13 beteendepar som främjar respektive hindrar enkvalitetskultur. Denna mätning visade att det idag råder en generellt godkvalitetskultur vid svenska sjukhus. Genom denna mätning kunde enregressionsanalys utföras som kopplades samman mot sjukhusens resultat iNationell patientenkät. Ett statistiskt signifikant beteende kunde uppmätassom enligt denna mätning skapar nöjdare patienter ju mer medarbetarnaupplever att detta beteende förekommer i deras organisation. Beteendet ärnär vi har ett problem tar vi reda på grundorsaken innan vi beslutar om enlösning. Detta beteende togs med till två framgångsrika sjukhus för att djupareförstå hur dessa arbetar med medarbetarskapet i just detta beteende. Utifrånworkshop med dessa två sjukhus är slutsatsen att ledare behöver ha erfaritden kvalitetskultur och det medarbetarskap de ska bära för att främja ettmedarbetarskap som kopplats samman med kvalitetskulturen. I jakten på attnå framgång är en stark kvalitetskultur eftersträvansvärd men utifrånworkshoparna ser författarna ingen möjlig snabb lösning för att nå dit.Resultatet visar att dagens ledare i vården behöver stöd i form av mentor ellerreflektion kring ledarskap själv eller i grupp för att utvecklas. I konstruktiv andaär det med förbättringskunskap i grunden som allas delaktighet i arbetet medständiga förbättringar bedrivs. Detta kräver allas reflektion, ärlighet, mod,öppenhet och förtroende där allt grundar sig i att alla vill varandras väl! / Committed leadership is the foundation for creating a good quality culture andto succeed, the participation of employees is required. Researchers argue thatsupport for the current leaders in healthcare has until now been ratherundeveloped. The purpose of this study was to understand how the qualityculture in Swedish healthcare can be linked to the leaders' ability to promotegood co-workership. This study was based on an explanatory sequentialmixed method with two quantitative measurements that ultimately resulted in aqualitative interview. A measurement of the quality culture at Swedishhospitals was taken based on a previously developed instrument formeasuring quality culture . The measuring instrument comprises 13behavioral pairs that promote or hinder a quality culture. This measure showsthat there is generally a good quality culture at Swedish hospitals at present.Through this measurement, a regression analysis was done which links to thehospital's results in the National Patient Survey. A statistically significantbehavior was observed, and according to this measurement, is likely to createmore satisfied patients as more professions feel that this behavior occurs intheir organization. The behaviour in question can be described as: when wehave a problem, we find out the root cause before we decide on a solution.This behavior was brought into two successful hospitals in order to understandmore deeply how they work with the co-workership in this particular behavior.Based on the workshop with these two hospitals, we conclude that leadersneed to have experienced the quality culture and the co-workership they areassumed to carry in order to promote an employee culture that is linked to thequality culture. In pursuit of success, a strong quality culture is desirable, butbased on the workshops, the authors see no possible quick solution to reachit. The result shows that today's leaders in healthcare need support in the formof a mentor or time for reflection on leadership on their own or in groups inorder to develop. In constructive approach, it is with improvement knowledgethat everyone's involvement in the work of continuous improvement isconducted. This requires reflection, honesty, courage, openness and trustfrom everyone involved and intentions rooted in the wellness and prosperity ofall. / <p>2019-06-27</p>
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