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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fråga, Förstå, Förändra: Skolsköterskans roll i att upptäcka våld i nära relation hos elever

Einerth, Terese, Gudiu, Annabell January 2024 (has links)
Protecting children from domestic violence is essential for ensuring their safety and well-being. School nurses are uniquely positioned to identify risks and exposure to domesticviolence through mandatory health examinations without the childrens guardians. This qualitative study with thematic content analysis design explores the role of school nurses inearly detection of domestic violence and their collaboration with social services when violence is identified. Data were collected through five semi-structured interviews with schoolnurses, analyzed using trauma theory and the theory of institutional logics. The results highlight the crucial role of school nurses in childrens lives by identifying and addressing domestic violence. Through regular health check-ups and the use of health surveys, they candetect early domestic violence and provide support, which is critical for childrens safety andwell-being. This study contributes to the discourse on preventive measures and collaborative approaches in safeguarding childrens well-being amidst domestic violence. / Att skydda barn från våld i nära relation är avgörande för att säkerställa deras säkerhet och välbefinnande. Skolsköterskor har en unik position för att identifiera risker och exponering för våld i nära relation genom obligatoriska hälsoundersökningar och att de möter barn utan vårdnadshavare. Denna kvalitativa studie med tematisk innehållsanalysutforskar skolsköterskans roll i tidig upptäckt av våld i hemmet och deras samarbete med socialtjänsten när våld identifieras. Data samlades in genom fem semistruktureradeintervjuer med skolsköterskor, analyserade med hjälp av traumateori och institutionella logiker. Resultaten belyser skolsköterskornas avgörande roll i barns liv genom att identifiera och hantera våld i nära relationer. Genom regelbundna hälsokontroller och användning av hälsoundersökningar kan de upptäcka tidigt våld i hemmet och ge stöd, vilket är avgörande för barns säkerhet och välbefinnande. Denna studie bidrar till diskussionen om förebyggande åtgärder och samarbetsaspekter för att säkerställa barns välbefinnande om våld förekommer.

”De vi utreder som inte har IF på papper, de vi kallar för svaga föräldrar”  : En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares erfarenheter och kunskaper om föräldraskap i kombination med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning

Lyberg, Tilde, Byrsjö, Alma January 2024 (has links)
The number of people with intellectual disabilities having children has increased since the abolition of the forces of sterilizations in Sweden and with the improved right and living conditions. Previous studies showed that this is a large client group within social services and that parents feel mistrusted in their interaction with the authorites despite improved living conditions. Our qualitative study aimed to investigate social workers' experiences of assessing children's needs and parental capacity in families where one or both parents have intellectual disabilities and to identify the social worker’s state of knowledge working with this target group. The study has been conducted with a qualitative approach in the form of semi-structured interviews with professionals working and investigating these families. The empirical data has been analyzed with Michael Lipsky’s theory of street-level bureaucrats which highlights the social workers discretion in their work which can be considered to be complex. The results provide a deeper understanding of the experiences, challenges and knowledge social workers have working with families where the parents have an intellectual disability.

Hur hanterar socialtjänsten våld i nära relationer? : En studie om hur socialarbetare hjälper våldsutsatta kvinnor

khadhoori, Lina, Mezel, Anhaar January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study is to find out the resources and support actions the social services in Stockholm offer women who are abused by men in partnerships and how the social workers experience their room to maneuver in order to help these women. In order to answer the aim of the study, we have analyzed interviews with staff who works in social services, specifically in family violence centers. To interpret our empirical data, we have used four different theories. These are power, empowerment, organizational theory and violence normalization process. The results of the study show that social services offer these abused women two types of aid and support; acute and long term support actions. The emergency/acute interventions are mainly sheltered housing. Long-term assistance efforts include counseling, housing priority, financial assistance and the protection of personal data. The results show that the social workers work is based on different methods and action plans in order to help abused women. Their work builds mainly upon the National Board of health and welfare guidelines and the social services law. However, their work is also based on motivational interviewing, CBT, SOC and empowerment. The results show that there are flaws in their work. Cooperation between various organizations, such as police and medical services are unsatisfactory. Time and resources in terms of money are insufficient to spread the knowledge about the problems and follow-up of cases after the end of a case.

Familjehemsplacerade barns skolgång : En kvalitativ studie / Foster Children's schooling

Bosman, Annemieke January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to get a greater understanding for how the people surrounding children in foster care support these foster children in their education. In order to learn more about that, I had to understand these individuals own opinion on education for foster-children. Do the people that stand close to a child in foster care think that foster children have the same abilities to learn in school as other children? And is it fair to require the same investment as we ask from other children? And how does the way professionals and foster parents inform each other and work togeter influence this process? The study was conducted through six semi-structured interviews. The perspective of four different foster parents, a teacher and a social worker were examined in this qualitative study. To help understand why some people have better chances in life than others and how a foster family can make a difference in that for a child, I have used Pierre Bourdieu's Cultural Theory. The theory helps understand that a foster child is in a very low social position in society, especially at the beginning of the placement, and has to work itself up to get acces to more symbolical resources. The results of the study show that support from people around the foster child is a very important factor for a child to succeed in school. Every one of the individuals I have interviewed was aware of that fact. The main obstacle people experience is that information about the child is not always shared and they do not alwas know how other organizations function. The factor that is most favorable is a positive work relation between the professionals, foster parents and the child.

"Lösningen är en enkelbiljett till hemlandet" : en kvalitativ studie av socialsekreterares uppfattningar av ärenden som rör våldsutsatta papperslösa kvinnor / "The solution is a one-way ticket to home" : a qualitative survey of social workers’ perceptions on managing undocumented women who have been victims of violence

Linder, Emma, Vallin, Lisa January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the study is to examine and analyze social workers’ perceptions of law practice of supportive regulations for abused, undocumented women who are in need of protection, in order to problematize the connection between norm and practice in social service case management. In a qualitative approach, the study is conducted through eight interviews, based on two vignettes, with representatives from the public sector in Gothenburg. The vignettes were based on two fictive narratives that both include women who are victims of abuse, but have different ethnicity and legal status. By using vignettes it was anticipated to find whether there are different perceptions among the social workers in terms of considering the residents’ ethnicity and legal status in relation to the possibilities of receiving support. According to Swedish law the social services have responsibility to assist all residents within the country. Since the undocumented migrants have difficulties claiming their rights in the public sector, many stay in destructive relationships. The focal point of this study is the uncertainties and inconsistencies among social service staff regarding offering support to these women, especially after acute situations. The UN’s Declaration of Human Rights expresses that all humans are equal, regardless of ethnicity, gender, etc. (see declaration). Thus, rejecting a woman her right to claim social service contradicts these regulations. The results of the study relates to T.H Marshall´s, Lister´s and Fernández´s discussion about citizenship, de los Reyes theory about postcolonialism, Mattson´s intersectionality, Hasenfeld´s Human Service Organizations, Libsky´s Street-level Bureaucrat and Johansson’s Freedom of Action. Further, different concepts on new institutional theory from Johansson and Svensson, Johnsson and Laanemets, are used to analyze our data. Our selected theories, concepts and reasoning can be used to understand our empirical data in different levels in society.   The study shows that the juridical fate of undocumented women who have been subject to violence is not only determined by laws and regulations, but also on individual attitudes of social workers as well as cultural interests within an organization. These results indicate that the widely accepted notion of Sweden being an equal society, does not comply with practice. In conclusion, this study shows that social workers have an important role in the development of a women-friendly, gender inclusive theory and praxis of citizenship.

Heder: En gråzon mellan makt, kön och kultur : En kvantitativ studie om socialarbetares upplevda kunskap och förståelse för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck

Ayoub, Maria, Shawali, Shada January 2016 (has links)
The Swedish community and social services face major challenges regarding the management of honor-related violence and oppression. Lack of knowledge and an ambiguous understanding of violence affect the work of social services and may complicate the situation of vulnerable individuals. The main purpose of this study was to investigate social workers, within the section of children and family in a Swedish municipality, perceived knowledge and confidence in honor-related cases and the need for support in their work. The social workers’ views on honor-related violence and oppression were also investigated. The survey was based on a quantitative approach and questionnaires were used for data collection. The main results demonstrate that the social workers to some extent perceive themselves as having expertise in the field of honor. Nevertheless, they feel insecure in the work with honor-related cases. Furthermore, it appears that social workers are in need of specific support from the organization such as education and case supervision. Regarding the view of honor violence, a majority indicated that a gender perspective and a cultural perspective were important to understand the problem. / Samhället och socialtjänsten står inför stora utmaningar gällande hanteringen av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Bristande kunskap och en tvetydig förståelse för våldet påverkar socialtjänstens arbete och kan komma att försvåra situationen för utsatta individer. Det huvudsakliga syftet med denna studie var därför att undersöka hur socialarbetare, inom sektionen barn och familj i Falu Kommun, upplever sin kunskap och trygghet i hedersrelaterade ärenden samt behovet av stöd i arbetet. Vidare kartlades socialarbetarnas syn på hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Undersökningen utgick ifrån en kvantitativ ansats, där enkäter användes som datainsamlingsmetod. Resultatet påvisar att socialarbetarna i viss mån upplever sig ha kunskap inom området hedersvåld. Dock känner de sig otrygga i arbetet med hedersrelaterade ärenden. Vidare framkom det att socialarbetarna är i behov av specifikt stöd från verksamheten såsom utbildning och ärendehandledning. Gällande synen på hedersvåld angav majoriteten ett könsmaktsperspektiv och ett kulturellt perspektiv som viktiga för att förstå problemet.

Familjer med missbruk : Barnens rätt till skydd, stöd och omsorg

Savci, Ninorta January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

När hjälp och stöd blir till bojor och hinder : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares arbete med att återintegrera våldsutsatta kvinnor med skyddade personuppgifter i samhället.

Björndahl, Linda, Saxe, Cecilia January 2017 (has links)
In the society of today there is a gender power order where men are parent of women. This superiority tends to permeate and affect institutions and organizations of the society. The responsibility of abused women in Sweden lies with the social services and is controlled by the social services act. Together with the national guidelines and common advice of the social board the idea is for the business to form strategies and actions to provide help and support for abused women. The purpose of our investigation is to see how social workers are working to reintegrate women who live with protected personal data in the society based on the right to be self sufficient and independent. A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews were conducted. The empirical data, based on six social secretary experience, evaluated through a thematic analysis and linked to previous research and theoretical perspectives SOC and gender power. The conclusions we have reached are that the work is affected by both experience, way of work, as well as guidelines and limitations in the legislation. The activities offered are helping women in the acute phase but the long termed work have several limitations mainly for protected women. / I dagens samhälle råder en könsmaktsordning där män är överordnade kvinnor. Överordningen tenderar även att genomsyra samhällets institutioner och organisationer. Ansvaret för våldsutsatta kvinnor i Sverige ligger på socialtjänsten och regleras i socialtjänstlagen. Tillsammans med Socialstyrelsens nationella riktlinjer och allmänna råd utformas strategier och insatser för att ge hjälp och stöd till våldsutsatta kvinnor. Syftet med undersökning var att titta på hur socialsekreterare arbetar för att återintegrera kvinnor med skyddade uppgifter i samhället, utifrån rätten att vara självförsörjande och självständig. En kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes. Det empiriska materialet, baserat på sex socialsekreterares erfarenheter, utvärderades genom en tematiskanalys och kopplades till tidigare forskning och de teoretiska perspektiven KASAM och könsmaktsordningen. Våra slutsatser är att socialsekreterarnas arbete påverkas av såväl erfarenhet, arbetsformer, riktlinjer samt begränsningar i lagstiftningen. Erbjudna insatser hjälper de våldsutsatta kvinnorna i den akuta fasen men i det långsiktiga arbetet återfinns åtskilliga begränsningar främst för skyddade kvinnor.

Arbetssituationen inom enheten barn och familj : En kvalitativ studie om enhetschefers betydelse för socialsekreterare, inom enheten barn och familj / The work situation within the unit children and family : A qualitative study of unit managers importance for social workers in the Unit Children and Family

Lindholm, Lina, Juteström, Moa January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of the study was through qualitative interviews get a greater understanding of potential difficulties that unit managers perceive in the working situation within the unit children and family, examine the unit managers work with their staff, and what conditions the unit managers feel are necessary for a sustainable working environment for social workers, within the unit children and family. We chose to use a semi structured interview manual during our interviews. The result showed that the work situation within the unit children and family was highly loaded and complex, a major difficulty to recruit staff and for low wages for work performed. The result showed that the unit managers who felt that they had a well-functioning working situation had less staff groups, tutoring each week and were close to its staff. The result also showed that the unit managers advocated the importance of leadership to create and maintain a sustainable work situation for their staff.

“Men det är ju roligt också” : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares arbetssituation på socialtjänstens enhet för barn och ungdom

Köhl, Jacqueline, Dias, Janina January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att få en inblick i arbetsmiljön för socialsekreterare på socialtjänstens enhet för barn- och ungdom inom Stockholms län. Vi ville även ta reda på vilka arbetsmiljöaspekter de tycker är viktiga för det dagliga arbetet. Tidigare forskning visar att viktiga aspekter vid tankar om att lämna sitt arbete är huruvida arbetstagaren upplever uppskattning, omhändertagande och intresse för hälsa och välmående från arbetsledningen. Studien är genomförd utifrån en kvalitativ ansats och sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med socialsekreterare inom barn- och ungdom har utförs. Resultatet visade att socialsekreterare skiljer mellan den fysiska och den psykiska arbetsmiljön samt att den psykiska arbetsmiljön väger tyngre gällande frågan om att vilja lämna sin arbetsplats. Vidare visade sig arbetsmiljön vara ett komplex ämne som ofta diskuteras på informanternas arbetsplatser samtidigt som ingen av våra informanter hade hört om de nya föreskrifterna från Arbetsmiljöverket. Då de nya föreskrifterna trädde i kraft i samband med att denna uppsats skrevs hoppas vi ändå att de ska kunna föra med sig en bra grund i arbetet för en bättre arbetsmiljö. Slutligen kan det finnas en poäng i att rikta de allmänna råden även till arbetstagarna och inte endast till arbetsgivaren, för att på så sätt engagera arbetstagarna ytterligare i frågan. / The aim of this study was to getting an insight of the work enviorment for the social workers at the social service department for child and youth welfare in Stockholm. We also wanted to get an insight into what kind of work enviorment factors they consider as important in their daily work. Previous research shows that whether or not the employee decides to stay in their place of work largely depends whether or not they experience appreciation, care-taking and involvement from the human resources managment. This study is made with a qualitative approach and seven semi-structured interviews with social workers working with child and youth welfare have been conducted. The results show that social workers differed in how they perceived the physical and psychological work environment and that the psychological aspect was more important for those social workers who wished to leave the workplace. Furthermore, the results showed that the work environment was a subject widely discussed among the social workers, while the new regulations from the Swedish work environment agency remained unknown to them. We hope that the new regulations will provide a good foundation and better conditions for the social workers and their work environment. In conclusion, we think that the general recommendations in these regulations ought to be directed not only to the employers but to the employees as well, thus achieving a greater involvement from the employees in questions concerning their work environment.

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