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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Miljön och materialets betydelse när sex Reggio Emiliaförskolor presenterar sin verksamhet : En retorisk analys av sex förskolors hemsidor / The importance of the environment and the material when six Reggio Emilia preschool presents its activities : A rhetorical analysis of six preschool websites

Sundqvist, Karin, Näslund, Jessica January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the study is to conduct a qualitative rhetorical analysis of websites where Reggio Emilia-inspired preschools present their pedagogy to gain increased knowledge of the content that is written, focusing on the environment and materials. The environment is important in the Reggio Emilia pedagogy and they are convinced that the environment is of great importance for children's play, interaction, and upbringing into a democratic society. Rhetorical text analysis examines how the schools present their activities on their websites and how the environment and material the preschools use in their activities emerges in their presentations. With the help of three research questions, we find out how the pedagogical materials used in their pedagogical activities appear and how they describe the different environments at preschool. What material do they present and how it is presented, do they describe specifically what material they use, or do they only give a general description. Do they consider the recipient's experience and background in the presentation? We use rhetorical text analysis according to Lennart Hellspong and the Reggio Emilia pedagogy to find out how well they have phrased their presentations, we have used rhetorical analysis also to analyze the images that are included in the presentations. We investigate how the transmitter's ethos, character and personality, appear in the text. How the text affects the recipient's emotions and thoughts, pathos. We look at how the transmitter uses language and thinking, logos, as a compelling, persuasive, tool. We examine the child perspective that emerges, if the children are also assigned ethos and pathos through the text and how the educator's role and relationships appear in the text. The result shows that there are very few preschools that present their pedagogical activities at all on their website. Among the few who do, it varies a bit how they do it. Some use many images to supplement the descriptive text of the presentation of their material while others do not show any images at all. Some preschools specifically describe the different materials used, while others use collective names such as natural materials. The result shows that all the presentations we analyzed describe parts of the Reggio Emilia pedagogy but only about half of the preschools use concepts that are typical of pedagogy such as "the environment as the third pedagogue", "the competent child" and "the hundred languages". / Studiens syfte är att göra en kvalitativ retorisk analys av förskolors hemsidor som är inspirerade av Reggio Emilia för att få ökad kunskap om det innehåll som skrivs fram, med fokus på verksamhetens miljö och material. Miljön är viktig i Reggio Emiliapedagogiken och man är övertygad om att miljön har stor betydelse för barns lek, samspel, och fostran in i ett demokratiskt samhälle. Genom retorisk textanalys undersöks hur förskolorna presenterar sin verksamhet, på sina hemsidor, och hur miljön och materialet de använder i sin verksamhet träder fram i deras presentationer. Med hjälp av tre forskningsfrågor tar vi reda på hur det pedagogiska materialet man använder i sin pedagogiska verksamhet framträder och hur väl man beskriver de olika miljöerna på förskolan. Vilket material som presenteras och hur det presenteras, beskrivs det specifikt vilket material man använder eller ger man bara en generell beskrivning. Tar man hänsyn till mottagarens erfarenhet och bakgrund i sin beskrivning. Vi använder retorisk textanalys enligt Lennart Hellspong och Reggio Emiliapedagogiken för att ta reda på hur väl man formulerat sina presentationer, vi har använt retorisk analys även för att analysera de bilder som finns med i presentationerna. Vi undersöker hur sändarens ethos, karaktär och personlighet, framträder i texten. Hur texten påverkar mottagarens känslor och tankar, pathos. Vi tittar på hur sändaren utnyttjar språket och tänkandet, logos, som ett övertygande, persuasivt, redskap. Vi undersöker vilken barnsyn som framträder, om även barnen tilldelas ethos och pathos genom texten och hur pedagogens roll och relationer framträder i texten. Resultatet visar att det är väldigt få förskolor som presenterar sin pedagogiska verksamhet över huvud taget på sin hemsida. Bland de få som gör det varierar det en del hur man gör det. En del använder sig av många bilder för att komplettera den beskrivande texten i presentationen av sitt material medan andra inte visar några bilder alls. Vissa beskriver specifikt vilka olika material man använde medan andra använder sig av samlingsnamn som exempelvis naturmaterial. Resultatet visar att alla de presentationer vi analyserat beskriver delar av Reggio Emiliapedagogiken men bara ca hälften använder begrepp som är typiska för pedagogiken såsom ”miljön som den tredje pedagogen”, ”det kompetenta barnet” och ”de hundra språken”.

Anställningsbara humanister : En kvalitativ studie om studenternas syn på anställningsbarhet

Kornilova Phersson, Alice January 2012 (has links)
Employable humanists. A qualitative study on humanist students' views on employability. The crisis of the humanities is a controversial debate in the media and within academic settings. Because of lack of request for humanists in the labor market, the question of humanistic skills and employability is becoming increasingly important. The concept of employability importance not only echoes within the economic discussions, but also on everyday agenda in the academic world and takes a large part in the communication between the university and the students. It is therefore important to get answers to the question whether there is conformity in the interpretation of this concept between the university and the students. The aim of this desk study is to examine how the concept of employability has its significance in the academic communication and how the responsibility for employability is portrayed. This is done by studying how the concept of employability is formed and how the responsibilities outlined in texts from Career Center at the University of Umeå, and by comparing study results with the students' perceptions of the concept of employability and responsibility. The study has a qualitative disposition and consists of two main methods: qualitative interviews with focus groups to explore students' views, and critical linguistic analysis of texts with a focus on metaphor analysis and syntax analysis which are also supplemented by the multimodal text analysis. Results of this study indicate that the concept of employability takes a central part of the university’s communication. There are many common starting points in the interpretation of the concept and the responsibility between the university and students. Both the Career Center at Umeå University and students believe that actual knowledge, skills, experience as well as network forms the meaning of the concept of employability, and has a big importance in the student’s position on the job market. However, because the students look at the use of the concept of employability in the texts as acceptance to the social ideological perception of the individual as objects, there is some criticism of the use of the term employability in the university’s communications.

Trauer in der deutschen Nachkriegslyrik. Zur Emotionsgestaltung bei Günter Eich, Marie Luise Kaschnitz und Nelly Sachs / Sadness in German Post-war Poetry. The Expression of Emotions in the Poetic Works of Günter Eich, Marie Luise Kaschnitz, and Nelly Sachs

Fenner, Anna Magdalena 12 January 2015 (has links)
Die Arbeit untersucht die Gestaltung von Trauer in den zwischen 1945 und etwa 1960 veröffentlichten Gedichten von Günter Eich, Marie Luise Kaschnitz und Nelly Sachs. Dazu wird ein differenziertes, systematisch erarbeitetes Analyseinstrumentarium vorgestellt und angewandt, das den vielfältigen Möglichkeiten der Emotionsgestaltung in lyrischen Texten Rechnung trägt. Das methodische Vorgehen der Untersuchung ist insofern exemplarisch, als es hier zwar auf die Analyse von Trauerdarstellungen beschränkt wird, sich aber prinzipiell auch für die Untersuchung der literarischen Gestaltung anderer Emotionen anbietet. Gleichzeitig verspricht die eingehende Perspektive auf das Werk einzelner Autoren die Identifizierung auch solcher Mittel der Emotionsgestaltung, die eine weniger differenzierte, in die Breite gehende Analyse nicht hinreichend erfassen kann. Die Texte von Eich, Kaschnitz und Sachs werden zunächst in Einzelkapiteln detailliert untersucht. Den bereits bestehenden Forschungsarbeiten wird damit eine differenzierte und umfassende emotionsbezogene Perspektive auf formale und inhaltliche Aspekte des jeweiligen Werkes hinzugefügt. Am Schluss wird der Blick auf die deutsche Nachkriegslyrik insgesamt gerichtet und danach gefragt, inwiefern aus der Untersuchung des lyrischen Werkes der drei hier untersuchten Dichter weiterreichende allgemeine Einsichten im Hinblick auf die Gestaltung von Trauer in der deutschsprachigen Nachkriegslyrik gewonnen werden können.

Das Genfer Modell zur Diskursanalyse - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen seiner Anwendung in der Exegese des Neuen Testaments = The Geneva model of discourse analysis and its application to New Testament exegesis: potential and limitations

Wüsthoff, Cornelia 31 May 2007 (has links)
Summaries in German and English / The Geneva model of discourse analysis is a linguistic tool developed by Eddy Roulet and his team in Geneva. It was first presented in its modular approach in 1999. This dissertation examines whether the Geneva model can be applied to New Testament texts and whether this application yields results for exegesis. I first explain the model with its five basic modules and twelve organization forms, giving examples from German texts as well as simple New Testament examples. Then I apply the model to two New Testament texts (Rom 6:1,11 and John 8:31,42), summarizing the results in relation to exegesis at the end of each analysis. In the final chapter I discuss which parts of the Geneva model should generally be applied to New Testament exegesis, explaining its potential and its limitations and suggesting some areas in which the Geneva model could be complemented by other approaches. / Das Genfer Modell ist ein von Eddy Roulet und seinem Team in Genf entwickelter linguistischer Ansatz zur Diskursanalyse. Er wurde 1999 erstmalig in seiner modularen Auspragung vorgestellt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird untersucht, ob dieses Modell auf neutestamentliche Texte angewendet werden kann und ob diese Anwendung einen Ertrag fur die Exegese bringt. Ich erlautere dazu das Modell mit seinen funf Grundmodulen und zwolf Modulverbindungen zunachst an deutschen und einfachen neutestamentlichen Beispielen. Sodann wende ich das Modell auf zwei neutestamentliche Texte an (Rom 6:1-11 und Joh 8:31-42). Am Ende jeder Anwendung fasse ich die Ergebnisse fur die Exegese dieser Texte zusammen. Im Schlusskapitel schliesslich erortere ich, welche Teile des Modells in der Exegese mit Gewinn eingesetzt werden konnen, wo Nutzen und Grenzen seiner Anwendung liegen und in welchen Bereichen das Modell durch andere Ansatze sinnvoll erganzt werden kann. / New Testament / M. Th. (New Testament)

Kvinna gråter och mannen kritiserar : En genuskritisk text- och innehållsanalys om manlig och kvinnlig katastrofjournalistik / The woman cries, the man criticizes : A gender critical text- and content analysis concerning male and female emergency reporting

Rehn, Sandra, Siljeholm, Emma January 2018 (has links)
Den här studien undersöker om det kan utrönas skillnader, och om så är fallet, i vad dessa skillnader består i, mellan manligt och kvinnligt skriftspråk i katastrofjournalistik med avseende på diskoteksbranden i Göteborg 1998 och tsunamikatastrofen 2004.    Dessa händelser valdes med utgångspunkt av att de liknar varandra, inte bara i att de faller under katastrofjournalistik, utan för att de båda krävde ett stort antal svenska dödsoffer och genom detta haft djupgående påverkan på det svenska samhället. Studiens empiri består av 78 nyhetsartiklar från Dagens Nyheteroch Svenska Dagbladet, vilka genererats med hjälp av databasen Retriever. Dessa har sedan undersökt noga genom text- och innehållsanalys med både kvantitativa och kvalitativa inslag.    Resultatet av studien visade att det i materialet fanns språkmässiga skillnader mellan könen. De kvinnliga journalisterna tenderade att använda fler pronomen i sina texter och att beskriva händelserna mer detaljrikt än männen. Dessutom tenderade nyhetstexterna som författats av kvinnor att vara mer emotionella och innehålla fler ord än de som författats av män, samtidigt som meningslängden i deras artiklar var kortare än männens. / This study is aiming to investigate if there is a detectable difference, and if so, what characterizes that difference, between female and male written language in news reports from two catastrophic events that have had great impact on the Swedish society, namely the disco fire in Gothenburg in 1998 and the tsunami that hit the Bay of Bengal in 2004.   For the purpose of the investigation, 78 articles were pulled from the Swedish newspapers Dagens Nyheterand Svenska Dagbladet, with help by the newspaper search engine Retriever. Those articles were then closely examined through the use of both qualitative and quantitative content analysis.    The study showed that there were some differences to be found in the language use of female and male journalists concerning the two news events. Some of these differences being that the female reporters both tended to use more pronouns in their texts, and too describe events in more detail than their male colleagues. Other features that set female and male articles apart, were that female texts tended to contain more words than male texts at the same time as being more emotionally orientated. Articles by female writers also tended to be divided into shorter sentences than articles by male writers.

Framing the DREAM Act: An Analysis of Congressional Speeches

Koo, Yilmin 05 1900 (has links)
Initially proposed in 2001, the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act (DREAM Act) continues to be relevant after nearly 20 years of debate. The year 2010 was significant because there seemed to be some possibility of passage. This study investigated the ways in which the DREAM Act discourse was framed that year by supporters and opponents. Selected Congressional speeches of three supporters and three opponents were analyzed using the approach to frame analysis developed by Schön and Rein. Accordingly, attention went to each individual's metacultural frame (i.e., culturally shared beliefs), policy frame (i.e., identification of problem and presentation of possible solution), and rhetorical frame (i.e., means of persuading the audience). Attention also went to the shared framing among supporters and the shared framing among opponents as well as differences in framing across the two groups. Although speakers varied in framing the issue, there were commonalities within groups and contrasts between groups. For supporters, the metacultural frame emphasized equity/equal opportunity, fairness, and rule of law; for opponents, the metacultural frame stressed rule of law, patriotism, and national security. For supporters, the policy frame underscored unfairness as the problem and the DREAM Act as the solution; for opponents, the policy frame emphasized the DREAM Act as the problem and defeating the DREAM Act as the solution. Rhetorical frames also differed, with the supporters making much use of testimonial examples and the opponents making much use of hyperbole. The study illustrates (1) how the same named values and beliefs can have dramatically different interpretations in metacultural framing, as were the case for rule of law and American dream in this discourse; (2) how the crux of an issue and its intractability can be seen by looking at how the problem is posed and how the solution is argued, and (3) how speakers strengthen their claims with particular kinds of rhetorical devices. Through descriptions of political positioning on the DREAM Act, the study contributes to understandings of ongoing issues regarding the lives of undocumented young people who have received and are receiving education in the U.S.

Gymnasiefysikens meteorologiinnehåll : En metodkombinationsstudie om hur klimat och väder implementerats i fysikundervisningen / The meteorology content of physics in upper secondary school : A mixed-methods research study about the implementation of climate and weather in physics education

Borgemo, Joakim, Roth, Richard January 2018 (has links)
Studien undersökte implementeringen och undervisningen av klimat och väder som år 2011 lades till under Fysik 1 i den svenska gymnasieskolan. Undersökningen använde sig av metodkombination som omfattade lärarintervjuer kompletterade med intervju av ett undervisningsråd på Skolverket och med textanalys av kursböcker. Lärarna upplevde en del problem kopplat till vad det nya ämnesområdet skulle innehålla. Oklarheten kring vad området skulle innehålla märktes också i kursböckernas framställning. Intervjupersonerna var överens om att viktiga aspekter inom ämnesområdet var växthuseffekten och global uppvärmning. Växthuseffekten och global uppvärmning hade även en framträdande roll i kursböckernas framställning. Från lärarintervjuerna framkom att lärarna gärna inkluderade Samhällsfrågor med Naturvetenskapligt Innehåll (SNI) i sin undervisning, men i bedömningen av elevernas lärande var det fysikalisk begreppsförståelse som accentuerades. Ämnesöverskridande samarbeten beskrevs av lärarna som önskvärt och förekom ofta. / This study examined the implementation and teaching of climate and weather which was added in the year 2011 under Physics 1 in the Swedish upper secondary school. The study performed a mixed-methods approach consisting of teacher interviews supplemented with an interview with an official at the Swedish National Agency for Education and with text analysis of course books. The teacher’s experienced some problems related to what the new subject area would contain. The uncertainty about what the area would contain was also seen in the course books. The interviewees’ opinion that the important issues in the subject area were the greenhouse effect and global warming were shared among the teachers. The greenhouse effect and global warming also had prominent roles in the course books. From the interviews it was found that teachers were positive to include Socio-Scientific Issues (SSI) into their teaching, but when assessing students learning the concepts of physics were emphasized. Cross-disciplinary cooperation was described by the teachers as desirable and often occurring.

Identitet, makt och drama : en undersökning av DRACON-programmet i Sverige ur ett normkritiskt perspektiv / Drama, power and identity : a research of the Swedish DRACON-project from a norm-critical point of veiw

Hawerman, Matilda January 2017 (has links)
Den här studien vill bidra med kunskap kring normkritisk pedagogik inom dramapedagogiken i Sverige. Det genom att belysa det svenska DRACON-projektet ur ett normkritiskt perspektiv. Det svenska DRACON-projektet är en del av det internationella DRACON-projektet vars övergripande syfte var att bygga  en bro mellan drama och konflikthantering. I bakgrunden till den här studien beskrivs dramapedagogik, svensk dramaforskning och internationell dramaforskning utifrån kritiska teorier. Normkritisk pedagogik är en kritisk pedagogik som vänder blicken mot maktstrukturer och privilegier istället för att fokusera på minoriteter eller förtryckta grupper. I det teoretiska perspektivet förklaras och fördjupas begreppet normkritisk pedagogik utifrån feministisk teori, queerteori, postkolonial teori och kritiska vithetsstudier, funktionalitet, intersektionalitet och kritisk pedagogik.   Syftet med den här undersökningen var att genom ett kritiskt makt- och identitetsperspektiv belysa det svenska DRACON-programmet. Det utifrån forskningsfrågorna: Vilka föreställningar om makt och identitet finns inbyggda det svenska DRACON-programmet? Hur förhåller sig dessa föreställningar till den normkritiska pedagogikens syn på makt och identitet?   Studien genomfördes utifrån textanalys av boken DRACON i skolan. Analysen strukturerades med hjälp av en analysmall. Resultatet tyder på att DRACON-programmet i Sverige är inkluderande och försöker ta tillvara på alla deltagares erfarenheter. Samtidigt verkar programmet sakna ett ifrågasättande av kön och genus och fördjupade analyser kring makt. Spår av postkolonialism framträder i någon enstaka lek. / The general aim of this study is to contribute to the knowledge of, so called, norm-critical pedagogy (normkritisk pedagogik) as part of Drama in Education in Sweden. This through looking at the Swedish DRACON-project from a norm-critical point of view. The Swedish DRACON-project is a part of the international DRACON-project which aimed at building a bridge between drama in education and conflict management. Norm-critical pedagogy is a Scandinavian term for critical pedagogy that focuses on the structures of power and privilege, rather than the oppressed. The pedagogy is explained in this paper and has its roots in queer pedagogy, queer theory, feminist theory, postcolonial theory and intersectional perspectives.   The aim of this study was to look at the Swedish DRACON-project from the critical point of view of power, privilege and identity.  The study examines the following questions: What conceptions of power and identity can be found in the Swedish DRACON-program? How do these conceptions relate to norm-critical perspectives of power, privilege and identity?   The examination is done through text analysis of the book DRACON i skolan(DRACON in school). The results indicate that the Swedish DRACON-project is inclusive and tries to seize the experiences of all participants. At the same time the project seems to lack the questioning of gender and the immersing of analyzing power structures.

Un sous-titrage « Basique » ou « Formidable » ? : Une analyse de la traduction des paroles de chanson françaises dans les sous-titres en anglais des clips YouTube / “Basic” or “Wonderful” subtitling? : An analysis of the translation of French song lyrics into English in the subtitles of YouTube music videos

O'Brien-Møller, Hannah January 2023 (has links)
Music videos have been published on YouTube since the site’s creation in 2005. However, on-demand subtitles for music videos are a relatively recent phenomenon. As fans can now understand lyrics in a language that is not their own, by using translated subtitles, artists have the possibility of reaching a wider international audience than ever. This qualitative study aims to fill a gap in translation studies by examining the translation of French song lyrics into English in the subtitles of music videos on YouTube. The study poses the following questions: how are specific linguistic features that are characteristic of song lyrics translated in the subtitles of music videos? What is the overall effect of these translations – is there a loss of meaning or of style once the lyrics have been translated? What are the particularities of this medium of translation?  The corpus consists of 14 music videos published on YouTube within the last decade. All 14 pop/hip-hop songs examined are performed in French and subtitled in English. The study gives an overview of the translation techniques used in the English subtitles on French music videos, by examining both the methods used to translate songs as well as the strategies used by subtitlers to translate specific linguistic features. The linguistic features examined through comparative text analysis are phonetic (assonance, alliteration, rhyme, and language play), socio-cultural (linguistic register, cultural references, and idiomatic expressions including slang), and grammatical.  This thesis begins with an interrogation of previous research on audiovisual and song translation, including an examination of taxonomies of subtitling strategies. These taxonomies are applied to the under-examined context of YouTube music videos, following the paradigm of Descriptive Translation Studies.  Through a descriptive analysis of the pairs of source-language and target-language linguistic features, the study found that translation strategies were varied, and could result in a tension between the prioritisation of stylistic elements over the original meaning of the lyrics. The results confirmed a lack of standardised conventions for subtitled translations on YouTube, and certain markers of this digital, community-oriented medium were present, where they might not be found in more conventional arenas of audiovisual translation.

Managing Intellectual Property and Licensing: A Study on Cooperative Research Centres

Sheen, Peter Bernard January 2005 (has links)
This thesis examines the perceived importance by two-tiered management of Cooperative Research Centres (CRCs) for managing a range of intellectual property issues. Fifty survey items are presented to the executive directors and commercialization managers of 62 CRCs. The survey items are categorized under four themes: relationships with collaborators, project management; design and implementation of agreements; and specific licensing issues. An analysis of the data, using a series of independent samples t-tests, repeated measures t-tests, chi-square tests for independence or relatedness and goodness of fit, shows a range of results. There are significant differences between executive directors and commercialization managers on a number of issues. There are particular emphases or trends about certain issues for the whole sample of managers. These findings are compared with text analyses of 23 CRC strategic planning documents. This is done in order to explore any similarity, difference or nuance between what the managers say in response to the survey items, compared with what is stated in the codified policies of the CRCs. While there is a high degree of consistency among certain themes between the two sets of findings, the overall analysis points to the need for the CRCs to have a better understanding and practice of commercialization opportunities, especially through the involvement of third party commercial interests. It is argued that accommodating third party commercialization interests involves the application of an important knowledge economy principle that has an important bearing on the future economic viability and competitiveness of the CRCs.

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