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Heat transfer analysis on LED-board in closed environment / Värmeledningsanalys av LED-kort i stängd miljöEneberg, Victor, Linby, Johannes January 2022 (has links)
Motorcyclists are more often involved in accidents with severe harm or even fatal outcome compared to other road users. An experienced motorcycle driver is well familiar with the problem when the day light is reduced. The visibility is of course highly decreased. Allight International develops a light bulb that through a gyroscopic feature allows the light image to always be projected in the same axi-symmetric plane. The low beam head light usually accompanies the drivers movement when cornering, creating a black void ahead that leads to decreased vision. The light bulb has not yet been tested in a headlight and the LED is assumed to have high working temperature, which can lead to a shortened service life and technical errors due to the heat. By comparing empirical tests such as infrared camera and thermocouples on the prototype with theoretical tests such as computer aided design, finite element method, and computational fluid dynamics, a better understanding of how the model can be adapted to counteract the high temperature has achieved. Empirical analysis show that at a lower current of where the light bulb produces a brightness around the lower region of an automotive low beam headlight, the existing solution seems to work with the help of the fan creating forced convection. The improved and evaluated prototype, makes it possible to increase the current for the light bulb when more of the generated heat dissipates from the heat source. / Motorcyklister är mer involverade i olyckor med allvarlig eller dödlig utgång jämfört med generella trafikanter. En erfaren motorcykelförare är väl bekant med problemen som uppstår vid mörkerkörning. Givetvis blir sikten kraftigt försämrad. Allight International utvecklar en typ av lampa som med hjälp av ett gyroskop tillåter ljusbilden att alltid projiceras i samma axialsymmetriska plan. Vanligtvis följer lampan med förarens rörelse när denne svänger vilket skapar ett svart tomrum frammåt som leder till skymd sikt. Lampan har inte testas än i strålkastare och värmen antas ge en för hög arbetstemperatur, vilket kan leda till en forkortad livslängd samt tekniska fel på grund av värmen. Genom att utföra empiriska tester på prototypen som infraröd kamera och thermoelement tillsammans med teoretiska verktyg som computer aided design, finita elementmetoden och computational fluid dynamics fås en bättre förståelse för hur modellen kan anpassas för att motverka den höga temperaturen. Empiriska analyser visar att vid en lägre strömstyrka som motsvarar den ljusstyrka som är kravet för fordonsändamålsenliga halvljus, fungerar den nuvarande prototypen tillsammans med en fläkt som ger forcerad konvektion. Den förbättrade och utvärderade geometrin gör det möjligt att öka strömstyrkan då mer värme kan föras bort från värmekällan.
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Att genom design effektivisera räddningsinsatsen för motorcyklister i trafikolyckaVikström, John January 2012 (has links)
What if the emergency response directly knew exactly where to go and what to do if a road accident occured? During the last ten years the number of motorcyclists in Sweden has doubled. Every year, more than 300 riders are seriously injured and over 40 die in road accidents. Being found in time is critical to increase the chance of survival. The goal of this project is to use design methods to find a solution that enables a fast and adequate emergency response for motorcyclists and other unprotected road users. / Vad hade hänt om akutsjukvårdare direkt kände till var en olycka inträffat och vilken vårdinsats som behövdes? Under de senaste tio åren har antalet motorcyklister i Sverige fördubblats. Varje år skadas över 300 förare allvarligt, och över 40 omkommer i trafikolyckor. Att bli hittad i tid är kritiskt för att öka chansen för överlevnad. Målet med det här projektet är att med designmetoder hitta ett sätt att möjliggöra en snabb och adekvat räddningsinsats för motorcyklister och andra oskyddade motortrafikanter.
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Utveckling av integrerad instrumentpanel i ratt samt 3D-modellering av styrsystem på trehjuling / Development of integrated display in steering wheel and 3D modeling of steeringsystem of a tricycleBergman, Tobias, Wahlgren, Pontus January 2021 (has links)
Försäljningen av trehjuliga motorcyklar beräknas att öka de kommande åren. Efterfrågan ökar framför allt på eldrivna trehjuliga motorcyklar. För att lyckas i fordonsbranschen behöver fordonen som utvecklas vara säkra. Säkerhet är av hög prioritet i utvecklingen av Omotion AB:s fordon. OMotion har två problem med sin senaste trehjuliga motorcykel där lösningarna kan bidra till ökad säkerhet. Instrumentpanel bakom ratt skyms när ratten vrids. Föregående modell av styrsystemet interagerar ej med 3D-modellen av fordonet på ett verklighetstroget sätt. Nytt koncept med prototyp av display tas fram med en produktutvecklingsprocess. Produktutvecklingsprocessen innefattar en konceptutveckling, utveckling på systemnivå, detaljutveckling och testning. 3D-modell för nytt styrsystem som interagerar på ett korrekt sätt tas fram med CAD-programmet SolidWorks. Enklare fysikaliska beräkningar utförs med kunskap inom hållfasthetslära och maskinelement. Resultatet är lösningar på OMotions två problem. En fysisk och analytisk prototyp för rattens integrerade display är framtagen samt en verklighetstrogen 3D-modell av styrsystemet. Styrsystemsmodellen möjliggör styrning av motorcykelmodellen i SolidWorks. / Sales of three-wheeled motorcycles are expected to increase in the coming years. Demand is increasing, especially for electric tricycles. To succeed in the automotive industry, the vehicles that are developed need to be safe. Safety is a high priority in the development of Omotion AB’s vehicles. OMotion has two problems with its latest three-wheeled motorcycle Where the solutions can contribute to increased safety. The dashboard behind the steering wheel is obscured when the steering wheel is turned. The previous model of the steering system does not interact with the 3D model of the vehicle realistically. New concept with prototype of display is developed with a product development process. The product development process includes a concept development, development at system level, detailed development and testing. 3D model för a new control system that interacts correctly is developed with the CAD program SolidWorks. Simpler physical calculations are performed with knowledge in solid mechanics and machine elements.The results are solutions to OMotion’s two problems. A physical and analytical prototype for the steering wheel’s integrated display has been developed, as well as a realistic 3D model of the steering system. The steering system model enables control of the motorcycle model in SolidWorks
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Life Cycle Assessment of Lightweight Electric Motorbikes : Case Study - RIDECAKE / Livscykelbedömning av lätta elektriska motorcyklar : Fallstudie - RidecakeEnglert, Savitri Visvanathan January 2023 (has links)
The electric vehicle segments of companies have broadened, and their sales have increased in the past decade. The electric motorcycle sector is growing fast, with improved technology on electric powertrains, increased ranges, charging speeds, and infrastructure. Parallel to the increased sales, the electric battery sector is advancing rapidly, thereby lowering the environmental impacts of these vehicles. The competitive adventure sports sector also benefits from using electric powertrains with their incredible power-to-weight ratio and instant torque. The benefits of using electric vehicles over conventional ones can be seen during the use phase, with zero tailpipe emissions and clean, silent riding. However, with the expansion of the electric motorcycle sector rolling out new technologies and models, there are uncertainties about whether the overall lifecycle has reduced impacts on the environment. Finding and improving the most sustainable model(s) or solution(s) implies scrutinizing the effects of these motorcycles on the environment, which is the goal of CAKE 0 Emission AB, a Swedish lightweight electric motorbike manufacturer. The current project will assess the potential environmental impacts of Kalk&, an off-road electric motorcycle model certified for on-road use, designed, and manufactured by CAKE 0 Emission AB. For this purpose, Attributional Life Cycle Assessment was chosen as the method to study the impact of one whole motorbike over a lifetime of 500 battery charging cycles, used by a hypothetical example user in Stockholm, Sweden. The potential environmental impacts are focused on 12 categories using the ReCiPe Midpoint (H) method. As expected from an electric vehicle, the results show that the impacts mainly stem from the manufacturing phase of the motorbike. The hotspots in the manufacturing phase arise from producing the battery, the electric motor, and the electrical components like lights, the charger, and cables. The materials used for construction that have a high share of impact are Copper and Aluminium. Another environmental hotspot is the casting manufacturing process. Within the vehicle use phase, the impact of using solar energy in Sweden for charging the batteries is not immediately intuitive and has shown to be higher than the Swedish electricity board mix; the results argue that the choice of electricity is vital in reducing emissions. Transporting the vehicle overseas by ship instead of by flight decreases emissions by about 82% to 97% within the various impact categories. A sensitivity scenario was created for a hypothetical user in Barcelona, Spain, to better understand the influence of the selected lifetime and user behavior on the impacts. The results indicate that using an additional battery and thereby increasing the lifetime of the vehicle shows a 34% decrease in emissions per km driven within the lifetime of the motorcycle. Lastly, it is recommended whenever possible to source the numerous components of the vehicle closer to the assembly unit to reduce the transportation impacts incurred from transoceanic freight. / Företagens elfordonssegment har breddats och deras försäljning har ökat under det senaste decenniet. Den elektriska motorcykelsektorn växer snabbt, med förbättrad teknik på elektriska drivlinor, ökade räckvidder, laddningshastigheter och infrastruktur. Parallellt med den ökade försäljningen går elbatterisektorn snabbt framåt, vilket minskar miljöpåverkan från dessa fordon. Den konkurrensutsatta äventyrssportsektorn drar också nytta av att använda elektriska drivlinor med deras otroliga kraft-till-vikt-förhållande och omedelbara vridmoment. Fördelarna med att använda elfordon framför konventionella kan ses under användningsfasen, med noll avgasutsläpp och ren, tyst körning. Men med expansionen av elmotorcykelsektorn som rullar ut nya tekniker och modeller, finns det osäkerheter om huruvida den övergripande livscykeln har minskat miljöpåverkan. Att hitta och förbättra de mest hållbara modellerna eller lösningarna innebär att man granskar dessa motorcyklars effekter på miljön, vilket är målet för CAKE 0 Emission AB, en svensk lättviktstillverkare av elmotorcykel. Det aktuella projektet kommer att bedöma de potentiella miljöeffekterna av Kalk&, en terrängmodell av elektrisk motorcykel certifierad för användning på väg, designad och tillverkad av CAKE 0 Emission AB. För detta ändamål valdes Attributional Life Cycle Assessment som metoden för att studera effekten av en hel motorcykel under en livstid på 500 batteriladdningscykler, som används av en hypotetisk exempelanvändare i Stockholm, Sverige. Den potentiella miljöpåverkan är fokuserad på 12 kategorier med hjälp av metoden ReCiPe Midpoint (H). Som förväntat av ett elfordon visar resultaten att effekterna huvudsakligen härrör från motorcykelns tillverkningsfas. Hotspots i tillverkningsfasen uppstår från att producera batteriet, elmotorn och de elektriska komponenterna som lampor, laddare och kablar. De material som används för konstruktion som har en hög andel av påverkan är koppar och aluminium. En annan miljömässig hotspot är tillverkningsprocessen för gjutning. Inom fordonsanvändningsfasen är effekten av att använda solenergi i Sverige för att ladda batterierna inte direkt intuitiv och har visat sig vara högre än den svenska elkortsmixen; resultaten talar för att valet av el är avgörande för att minska utsläppen. Att transportera fordonet utomlands med fartyg istället för med flyg minskar utsläppen med cirka 82% till 97% inom de olika påverkanskategorierna. Ett känslighetsscenario skapades för en hypotetisk användare i Barcelona, Spanien, för att bättre förstå inverkan av den valda livslängden och användarbeteendet på effekterna. Resultaten indikerar att användning av ett extra batteri och därmed ökad livslängd på fordonet visar en 34% minskning av utsläppen per körd km under motorcykelns livslängd. Slutligen rekommenderas det när det är möjligt att köpa de många komponenterna i fordonet närmare monteringsenheten för att minska transportpåverkan från transoceanisk frakt. Note: The abstract has been translated to Swedish from English using Google Translate
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Acute sports injuries in Sweden and their possible prevention : an epidemiological study using insurance dataÅman, Malin January 2017 (has links)
Physical activity is an essential component of a healthy life, e.g. to prevent obesity, cardiovascular disease and premature death, of which sports can be an important part. Unfortunately, sports activities increase the risk of both overuse and acute injuries. Severe acute injuries may also lead to a permanent medical impairment (PMI), which may influence the ability to be physically active throughout life. However, sports injuries may be prevented, but a profound understanding of the injuries and how to prevent them is needed. This doctoral thesis examine acute sports injuries reported by licensed athletes of all ages and level of sports nationwide in Sweden, by using national insurance data. Approximately 80% of all the Sports Federations (SF) had their mandatory accident insurance in the insurance company Folksam, and since there is no national sports injury surveillance system in Sweden, this is a unique database, able to be used in epidemiological studies on acute injuries occurring in organized sports in Sweden. The main aim of this thesis was to identify high-risk sports for acute injuries, the most common and the most severe injuries, especially in large sports with numerous licensed athletes, many injuries and injuries resulting in PMI. Based on the results, there will be recommendations regarding sports and body locations where injury prevention efforts should be focused to gain the greatest prevention effect at a national level in Sweden. Another aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of a neuromuscular knee control training program (KCP) that has been implemented nationwide to reduce knee and cruciate ligament injuries, among football players in Sweden. After evaluating the validity and reliability of the information within the database based on international guidelines, acute injury data were examined and the results presented in four papers. These results showed that there is a need of injury prevention especially in motorcycle sports, team ball sports, and ice hockey. Particularly, knee injuries need to be prevented since they were both the most common injuries and leading to PMI. The severe head- and upper limb injuries also need attention. Sixty-nine percent of the PMI injured athletes, were younger than 25 years. The injury prevention training program, KCP can be considered partially implemented nationwide, since 21 out of 24 district SFs provided KCP educations. The incidence of knee and cruciate ligament injuries has decreased among football players in Sweden. A concerning aspect is that there is no national official policy regarding sports injury and injury prevention in Sweden, nor an official authority that has the explicit responsibility for these issues.
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Additive Manufacturing Applications for Suspension Systems : Part selection, concept development, and designWaagaard, Morgan, Persson, Johan January 2020 (has links)
This project was conducted as a case study at Öhlins Racing AB, a manufacturer of suspension systems for automotive applications. Öhlins usually manufacture their components by traditional methods such as forging, casting, and machining. The project aimed to investigate how applicable Additive Manufacturing (AM) is to manufacture products for suspension systems to add value to suspension system components. For this, a proof of concept was designed and manufactured. The thesis was conducted at Öhlins in Upplands Väsby via the consultant firm Combitech. A product catalog was searched, screened, and one part was selected. The selected part was used as a benchmark when a new part was designed for AM, using methods including Topology Optimization (TO) and Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM). Product requirements for the chosen part were to reduce weight, add functions, or add value in other ways. Methods used throughout the project were based on traditional product development and DfAM, and consisted of three steps: Product Screening, Concept Development, and Part Design. The re-designed part is ready to be manufactured in titanium by L-PBF at Amexci in Karlskoga. The thesis result shows that at least one of Öhlin's components in their product portfolio is suitable to be chosen, re-designed, and manufactured by AM. It is also shown that value can be added to the product by increased performance, in this case mainly by weight reduction. The finished product is a fork bottom, designed with hollow structures, and is ready to print by L-PBF in a titanium alloy.
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