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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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能力方法、社會福利支出與平均餘命-臺灣地區的實證研究 / Capability Approach, Social Welfare Spending and Life Expentancy---the Empirical Study of Taiwan

鄧軫元, Teng, Chen-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本文採取Sen的能力方法(capability approach),以平均餘命與學齡兒童就學率為福利的指標,探討臺灣地區1917~1997年間,所得、政府福利支出、教育支出、教育程度與貧窮率對福利的影響。 傳統的福利經濟學以效用來定義福利,所得也是一常常被用來衡量經濟發展(economic development,又稱為人類發展human development)的指標。能力方法以平均餘命為福利指標,並且認為:為了提高人民福利,政府應該重視與人民福祉相關的社會福利政策、教育的普及。雖然這些政策也許不會直接提高一國的所得,但是卻對福利水準有很大的影響。 本文的實證結果印證了Sen的理論。1917~1943年間,在經濟成長慢的環境下,政府的福利與教育政策,提高了人民的福利水準。Dreze and Sen(1989)稱這樣的過程為「支援型」(support-led)的經濟發展。1951~1997年間,在經濟成長快速的環境下,政府提高福利支出與教育的普及,使我國經歷了「成長型」(growth mediated)的經濟發展。


郭維雄 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之研究動機原在對川西山區人群變遷的歷程作一通盤的考察;繼而欲以川隴交界地區的白馬人為重心,以歷史、地域與文化三面向為觀察途徑。在第一章緒論裡,曾介紹相關學科的演進以建構歷史民族誌撰述的框架,同時就川西山區歷史民族誌的研究歷程、白馬人系屬問題之提出與相關研究概況作回顧。 第二章與第三章所記述的是歷史記憶與文獻解讀的層面,前一章著眼於川西山區全景在魏晉時期以前曾經出現的人群活動、神話傳說及其歷史記載,並試圖在不同的地理分區歸納出個別人群之間的文化類型;其後一章則集中考究活動於川隴之間的古代氐人及其遺裔的歷史,間或以當時華夏人群西部邊緣的消長為時空背景,對照出其人群歷史興衰的過程。 第四章以川隴山區的地理環境為主軸,分別討論今日白馬聚落與古代氐人部落的向外活動軌跡,由對外通道的變遷亦可了解其歷史重心的轉移過程;第五章則以白馬聚落的文化內涵與社會變遷為研究對象,得知古代的氐人與今日的白馬人之間不僅文化風貌極為接近而有前後相承的類緣關係,在地緣上可比對出古代氐羌系人群的文化分布範圍。第六章則以「在變與常之間的山區人群歷史與文化」為全文結論,希冀作為進一步研究其他山區人群歷史民族誌的開端。

論生物醫學人體研究受試者之保護:以告知後同意及相關行政管制為核心 / On the protection of human subjects in biomedical researches:the informed consent and the related administrative regulations

林綠紅 Unknown Date (has links)
紐倫堡法典之後,生物醫學研究中人類受試者的處境開始受到關注。為避免受試者遭到濫用,進而保障其權益,國際間陸續頒佈與人體研究受試者保護相關之倫理規範,而各國亦逐步將倫理規範落實為國內法規,作為管制手段。涉及受試者之人體研究倫理規範與法規中,自紐倫堡法典以降,逐步確立以告知後同意以及倫理審查為核心,建立確保受試者自主權之管制機制,作為平衡受試者與研究者兩方在知識與處境上的不平等的關係。 本文以當代生物醫學上告知後同意法則發展,以及人體研究受試者保護之相關行政管制為取徑,首先,考察人體研究所涉及的法律、倫理的爭議,以及相關倫理規範發展。進而探討告知後同意在當代生命倫理與醫療法律之意義、內涵,以及如何實踐於生物醫學人體研究上作為確保受試者自主權之手段及所遭遇之限制。其次,分析並比較美國、荷蘭以及我國受試者保護之法規體系,並進一步討論其特色與優、劣。最後,探討我國人體研究受試者保護法規範之現況與不足,並提出法律修正上的建議。 / Since Nuremberg Code, the biomedical researches involving human subjects, based upon the informed consent and human autonomy, has drawn the increasing public attention. The related normative restrictions as well as legal regulations have been regarded as a significant way to abuse-avoidance and interest-protection on the part of human subjects involved. Thus, it becomes a confirmed tendency that the constitution of normative and legal foundation with a consideration of informed consent and ethico-medical review can ensure the human autonomy and strike a balance between the researchers and human subjects. In this thesis, we focus on the development of informed consent and the related normative/legal regulations. Several issues which we will deal with can list as follows: firstly, the trajectory and its legal/ethical controversies, with which the biomedical researches involving human subjects develop and revolve, will be clarified, so as to investigate the ethical/legal implications of informed consent and human autonomy. Secondly, by making a comparison of legal regulations among the United States, Holland and Taiwan, we will illustrate the advantages and drawbacks that different legal systems have on the biomedical researches involving human subjects. At the last part of this thesis, several possible suggestions will be provided to the future legislation on the biomedical researches involving human subjects.

心理傷害之刑法定位 / The position of mental harm in criminal law

林記弘 Unknown Date (has links)
傷害罪的研究,在我國學說實務上對於特定的議題可能有所分歧,但原則上已然有一定的研究成果與結論,對於身體或是健康的定義,或者是所涵攝的範圍等等。然而隨著社會發展,以及對於個人身體期待有更為完整的保護,除了生理機能上的傷害以外,對於心理、精神、或是情緒上的傷害,是否能夠被劃歸於傷害罪的保護範圍,也應有其討論空間。 本文試圖由保護法益出發,討論心理傷害在身體法益的角度下其存在的可能,如果可能存在,則在現行的條文下應該做如何的解釋。這並不是一個純粹學術的討論,而是一個貼近社會每個個體的議題,每個社會個體在社會中的活動,都可能造成他人心理或是情緒上的不愉快;相反的,也可能因為他人的行為而有心理或情緒上的不愉快。這些事實每天重複的發生在我們周遭,重點在於是否有注意到這些心理傷害存在,以及如何給予心理傷害評價。 肯認心理傷害的概念是存在後,如果要作更細緻的分析,就必須先定義心理傷害的概念,去尋找在哪些情況之下,會成為具有法律意義的心理傷害,而為傷害罪之保護範圍。將其具體化,也就是心理傷害的傷害結果是必須符合一些標準的,如果欠缺標準,則會使心理傷害的概念浮動,而可能過度擴張其範圍,故若該結果欠缺實質的情緒傷害、或是未使被害人的反應非屬正常範圍等,則不認為其為心理傷害,而可能是一種負面的情緒反應而已。 心理傷害因為其本質較為特別,是何種行為導致心理傷害結果的存在,也就是行為與結果之間的因果關係並不甚清楚。其理由在於,在心理傷害的情形,特定行為是否確實造成心理傷害結果並不是客觀明顯可見的,是以一個心理傷害結果的存在,是由A行為或是B行為所導致,或是由A、B數行為一同造成,除非有明確的事實證據可以作為依據,否則因果關係的建立上,都只能透過人類經驗的累積作為參考依據,而無法使用條件理論來作為判斷標準,是以在此情形下,透過人類經驗而建立因果關係的假設因果關係理論,在論理上似乎會是比較實用也比較合理的標準。 在因果關係的確立後,同時必須考量該結果是否可以歸責於行為人,如果該行為在社會上是被允許的,則即使該行為可能有造成他人心理傷害的風險,該風險就應該被容許而會是容許風險。而在社會中因為有親疏程度不同之人際關係,如果人與人之間的關係較為緊密,在社會共識上會提高容許風險的門檻,而擴大容許風險的範圍,在結論上,就會是該行為雖然造成心理傷害結果,但是因為該行為本身帶有傷害結果的風險是社會所已經認識且允許的,是以即使該風險確實實現,社會也不會予以處罰。 關鍵字:傷害、心理傷害、負面情緒、情緒傷害、實質情緒傷害、正常範圍、人類經驗、假設因果關係、容許風險 / The researches of assault and battery may exist difference in specific issues between theories and practice, but in general, the researches have got some results and had conclusions, like the definition of body or health, or the area which assault and battery including. However, due to the developing of the society and the more desire to protect individual body, except the harm to the physical functions, if the harm to mind or emotion could be classified as the range of assault and battery may be worth discussing as well. This thesis tries to start from the legal interest(Rechtgut), to talk about the possibility of mental injury included in the legal interest of body. If the legal interest of body include the mental harm, then how to explain the articles which are currently in effect. This is not a pure academic discuss, but a issue which close to every individual in society. The activities of individuals in society may cause mental or emotional unpleasantness. On the contrary, mental or emotional unpleasantness might be caused by other’s behaviors too. Those facts around us happen repeatedly everyday and the importance is whether we noticed the mental harm exist or not, and how to appraisal it. After confirming the notion of mental harm or injury exist, if try to analyze more detailed, defining the mental harm notion is the first step we should take and looking for under what kind of situations the notion of mental harm will become meaningful in legal system. Specifically, which means the results of mental harm must conform with some standards. If lacking of standards, the notion of mental harm will be vague, and the result of the vagueness, it might broaden the range excessively. So if the results lack of substantial emotional harm, or didn’t make victims’ reactions out of normal range, then we don’t admit the result is a mental harm, but a negative emotion. Because mental harm has special quality, the question is which behavior leads to the results of mental harm, and the causation between behavior and result is not clear enough. The reason is that in the situation of mental harm, if the specific behaviors surly cause the result of mental harm can’t be discovered obviously and objectively. As the result, the existence of a result of mental harm is caused by behavior A or B, or is caused by A and B, except we have clear facts and proofs to be reference materials, or we only can apply the accumulation of human experience to the construction of causation and we can not use condition theory(Bedingunstheorie) as the standard to determine the causation. Thus, the theory of hypothesized causation constructs the causation through the human experience seems more practical and reasonable standard. When the causation have been constructed, after that, the question is that if the defendant should be blamed for the result should be considered as well. If the behavior is allowed in the society, then even if the behavior may bring about the risk of mental harm of the others, but the risk shall be allowed or endured and is an allowable risk(das erlaubte Risiko). And the relationships between people are not always as any others, if the relationship is closer, the common consensus of society will raise the line of allowable risk and broaden the range of allowable risk. In conclusion, although the behavior leads to the result of mental harm, the behavior companies the risk of the result of mental harm is recognized and allowed by society, so even the risk occur in deed, society will not punish the behavior. Key Word: assault, battery, harm, injury, emotional harm, mental harm, emotional injury, substantial emotional harm, normal range, causation, allowable risk

理解行動電話:流動的媒介與日常生活 / Understanding mobile phones: mobile media and everyday life

曹家榮, Tsao, Chia Rong Unknown Date (has links)
本文試圖探究行動電話於當代普及所帶來的影響。一直以來,網際網路及隨之而生的「模控空間」都被看作是我們這個時代最重要的媒介與文化發展。然而,晚近十年間的電子媒介技術發展卻顯示出,行動電話已然成為網際網路之外同樣影響人們日常生活甚鉅的一種媒介。甚至,如同Howard Rheingold所指出的,它已逐漸地改變了我們當下與未來的生活形式。循此,簡言之,本文的目的即在於,試圖理解行動電話所帶來的是什麼樣的生活世界,以及這又是如何可能的?在回答此一問題時,本文所採取的基本理論觀點與分析架構乃是一種試圖超越過去技術決定論的新取徑。亦即,立基於「人─技術─世界」相互關連的關係性基礎上,本文主張,人們日常使用與操作技術的實作實際上總是展開於技術物所形塑的結構脈絡之中,同時,此一結構脈絡本身卻也是由人們的實作過程「有方法地」反身維繫與再建構的。換言之,本文將說明,實際上行動電話普及所帶來的影響不僅僅導因於技術特性的結構作用,同時也是人們日常實作持續建構與維繫的結果。 更清楚地說,在論文中我們指出了行動電話普及所導致的結構性變遷與影響為(1)由行動電話「水平嵌合」的延伸形式所帶來的「混雜實在」。也就是說,行動電話的使用者實際上是處於一種「雙面舞台」的情境之中。透過行動電話的中介,人們如今理所當然地將其脈絡視為是混雜交織著虛擬/物質、遠處/近在的指涉。(2)源自於行動電話「流動」的技術特性而逐漸形成的「即刻化時間」與「個人化社會空間」的時空框架。正是在這一轉變的時空框架中,浮現了本文稱之為「隨傳隨到的個人社群」的新形態人際關係樣態。而這些結構性的變遷與影響,在本文看來,同時也是人們日常實作持續「有方法地」完成、維繫與再生產的產物。以俗民方法學為基礎,本文回到實際日常使用與操作行動電話的實作過程中,探究人們是如何有方法地完成「打行動電話」的日常生活。例如,我們指出了「體現」與「轉譯」乃是人們操作行動電話理所當然地依賴著的方法;此外,由於「打行動電話」的實作仍「在」當下既存的互動場景之中,其完成也就有賴於「協同實作」的打造;人們的實作也顯示出,並不只是由於行動電話的技術特性與設計,更是因為人們總是有方法地管理、完成「打行動電話」的過程,人際之間的連結才呈現為「個人化即刻連繫」之樣態。 總之,藉由這些觀察與分析,本文試圖指出行動電話造就的「結構」實際上也是實作建構的產物。然而,雖然本文主張人們實際上參與了框限著自身的「結構」的建構,但這並不意味著人們就必然只能如此生存著。相反地,從「人─技術─世界」的相互關連來看,既然我們的日常生活並非單純由「技術」所決定的、既然我們的生存樣態同樣也取決於自身的「實作」,本文在最後試圖說明的便是,我們也就總是有著「不必然如此」的可能性。藉由三個案例的呈現,本文說明了「多元」的行動電話使用與操作實作如何可能。些實作並不是意圖正面對抗、顛覆既那些與行動電話實作相關的既有「常識」與「預設」,但在其迴避、繞道、偏離與走出的各種形式中,我們卻能清楚地看到實際行動電話的使用與操作中,如何不斷地逾越了既有的軌跡與秩序。換言之,回過頭來,本文試圖說明的是,「理解」行動電話同時也意味著我們必須要在各種「捨」與「得」的權衡之中做出選擇。在每一刻的行動電話操作實作之中,我們不僅選擇了如何完成當下的秩序,同時也選擇了走向什麼樣的「行動未來」。這不僅是「如何生活」──亦即,如何使用行動電話的選擇──的問題,同時也是關於「如何存在」──亦即,在更根本的層次上成為什麼樣的存有──的反思。 / This thesis attempts to discuss the impacts brought by the prevalence of mobile phones. Although the Internet and the cyberspace have been thought as the most important media and cultural development of our age, the progress of the electronic media in recent decade has showed that mobile phones have also brought important structural changes in our life. Accordingly, what we want to understand is how mobile phones have changed our life world. In response to this question, the thesis adopts a new approach which goes beyond the traditional technological determinism. That is, based on the interrelationship of the “human-technics-world”, it proposes that the everyday technological practices always unfold in the context structured by our technics, and the structured context itself is also, at the same time, constructed reflexively by user’s technological practices. First, the thesis indicates the structural changes brought by mobile phones as follows: (1) the “hybrid reality” emerging from the extending and mediation of mobile phones; (2) the “immediatization of time” and the “individualization of social space” resulted from the widespread use of mobile phones. Second, based on ethnomethodology, we explore how the user accomplishes the everyday “using” of the mobile phone skillfully and reflexively. The investigation shows that, for example, (1) the user, while using the mobile phone, depends upon the methods of “embodiment” and “translation”, and takes them for granted; (2) the accomplishments of the using practices actually are the products of the “cooperation” between the user and the members at the scene because the user is still “in” the present situation; (3) the using practices also show that the “individualized and immediatized connection” which emerges as the figure of our interpersonal relationship is not only due to the technical characteristics of mobile phones, but also the product of user’s skillful using practices. Third, although the thesis advocates that the everyday using practices reflexively construct the structural changes which in turn shape the practices themselves, it also attempts to point out that we still have the possibility of transgressing the given structural constraints. We explicate, by three cases, how different and multiple ways of mobile phone using are possible. These “variant practices” do not represent the opposition and the subversion of the given structure shaped by mobile phones, but indicate that we still could choose different ways of using, and different kinds of life.

学校改革としての研究開発学校の取り組み : 「国際理解と平和の教育」から「総合人間科」へ(新教科・総合人間科の実践(第一報))(特別研究)

丸山, 豊 16 October 1995 (has links)


詹孝儀 Unknown Date (has links)
冷戰結束後的世界,使人們重新思考安全的定義,傳統的安全觀已無法應付日益嚴重的全球性危機以及許多非軍事領域的問題,安全的涵蓋面向從國防、軍事延伸至經濟、社會、政治、環境等領域,而安全所關注的對象亦從國家擴展至國際及社會、個人層面,新的安全觀逐漸被重視,其中以提升個人及全人類安全與福祉的人類安全,最符合聯合國及國際社會所強調的以人為中心的發展及安全觀。 人類安全概念經聯合國開發計畫署闡述後,受到國際社會之重視與推展,其實踐需結合全球治理與全球公民社會之理念,經由保障及自授權力兩途徑,使人們之自由與安全受到保障,並有能力維護自身與他人權益。國際上,以闡述並推行人類安全為宗旨之國際性組織與委員會相繼成立,聯合國中亦有人類安全信託基金之設置,對概念之研究與計畫之推動均有相當大的貢獻。而在各個國家中,以加拿大和日本推行人類安全成效最為卓著,在提升免於恐懼及免於匱乏的自由上,均有相當大之進展。 台灣身處軍事敏感地區,一方面有全球化下各國非傳統安全問題跨越國界之威脅,一方面亦有自身內部經濟、社會等領域之安全考量,為提升台灣人民之自由、安全與福祉並與國際社會接軌,台灣應以人類安全為基礎,結合非政府組織與公民社會力量,積極參與國際議程設定,與國際社會對話,維護自身生存與權益,負起推動並維護人類永續發展之責。 本論文從歷史發展過程,探討人類安全及相關概念,在安全概念之演變部分,首先探討傳統安全概念、後冷戰時期國際局勢之演變以及非傳統安全問題之顯現,接著介紹聯合國開發計畫署1994年之《人類發展報告》、以人類安全為主題之國際各大會議與國際組織的討論,以及聯合國相關組織與人類安全之關連,並對聯合國所扮演之角色提出建議。 在人類安全概念內涵部分,首先介紹國際組織、加拿大、日本及學者們對人類安全之定義,其次介紹人類安全之指標、人類安全與其他安全概念(如合作安全、綜合安全)之區分,最後則闡述人類安全與人權概念間之關係。 在人類安全的實踐部分,首先介紹人類安全之實踐途徑與方法、全球治理理念與全球公民社會之概念、亞洲國家對人類安全之觀點、在國際上對人類安全的實踐以及人類安全之爭議。 在人類安全與台灣部分,提出台灣所面臨之各類威脅,並引用人類發展指數相關概念介紹台灣發展現況,以及介紹加拿大與日本以人類安全觀點為基礎之外交政策及實踐成果,希望對於台灣人類安全之推動能有所啟發。 / After the end of the Cold War, people started to rethink the definition of safety. The traditional view of security was no longer capable of dealing with serious global crises and other daily non-military problems. The study of Security extends from national defense and military affairs to such fields as Economy, Society, Politics, and Environment among others; its target also expands from that of the state to the international, the social, and the personal. The new view of Security has been given a gradual increase of attention. Among such, Human Security, which is the improvement of the safety and welfare of individuals and the entire mankind, accords with the view of people-centered development and the view of people-centered security that the United Nations and the international community emphasize most. After explaining the concept of Human Security in the United Nations Development Programme, it received the international society’s attention and impetus—the practice of which requires the effort combination of the whole world and the global civil society, via the ways of protection and empowering, in order to guarantee the freedom and security of mankind, allowing every person to have the ability to safeguard one's own and others' rights and interests. On the international level, international organizations and committees with the purpose of explaining and promoting Human Security have been established in succession. Furthermore, the Trust Fund for Human Security has also been established in the United Nations. Such establishments have exhibited sizable contributions to the research of the concept of Human Security and practice of relevant plans. On the national level, Canada and Japan pursued the issue of Human Security and thus had the most effective and immense progress in promoting the freedom from fear and the freedom from want. Taiwan is located within a military sensitive area. In addition, globalization also contributes to threats on non-traditional security matters across national boundaries of several nations. Furthermore, Taiwan must also possess considerations about its internal safety on the economical, social, and cultural level. In order to improve the freedom, the security, and the welfare of Taiwanese civilians and to integrate Taiwan into the international community, Taiwan should undertake Human Security as its foundation for the combination of non-government organizations (NGO) and civil society forces, so as to actively participate in the international agenda, communicate with the international community, maintain its security and its, rights and interests, and shoulder the responsibility to safeguard the sustainable development of human beings. This thesis looks into the concept of Human Security via historical analysis. In the section regarding the concept of the development of security, this thesis explores into the traditional concepts of security, the development of the international situation during the post-Cold War era, and the appearance of non-traditional security issues. Consecutively, this thesis will introduce the " Human Development Report " of the United Nations Development Programme in 1994; it will also present the discussion of the theme of Human Security by international organizations and other great meetings of the world, Finally, this section closes with the issue on about the relationship between United Nations’ relevant organizations and Human Security, and a suggestion on United Nations’ role. The section of the concept of Human Security introduces the definition of Human Security given by scholars, international organizations, Canada, and Japan. The introduction of the index of Human Security and the explanation of the relationship between the concept of Human Security and the concept of human rights will follow. The following section—the practice of Human Security — introduces the ways and methods to practice Human Security, the concept of global governance and global civil society, Asian’s view on Human Security, the practice of Human Security on the international level, and the disputes of Human Security. In the section about the relationship of Taiwan and Human Security, this thesis puts forward all kinds of threats that Taiwan faces, quoting the relevant concepts of human development index, and recommends Taiwan’s present development situation. It also introduces foreign policy and practice achievement of Canada and Japan which are based on Human Security view, with the hope that those can inspire the promotion and the impetus of Human Security in Taiwan.


江偉峰, Chiang,Wei-Feng Unknown Date (has links)

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