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空屋的迷思: 台灣地區359區市鄉鎮空屋率之成因分析林佳蓉, Lin , Chia-Lung Unknown Date (has links)
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Factors Affecting the Evaluation Criteria of Independent Living Units by Seniors / 影響高齡者評估銀髮安養住宅要素之分析黃惠敏, Huang,Chloe Unknown Date (has links)
本研究提出影響消費者行為的要素,並提供行銷建議供安養住宅業者參考。研究發現65至74歲的銀髮族對所有評估要素的要求,較其他高齡者低,因此對於提供活躍的生活形態和醫療服務的安養住宅而言,這群人最具潛力成為最佳顧客來源。大部分高齡者選擇在熟悉的土地上頤養天年,大台北地區成為最受歡迎的退休居所選擇。在入住保證金方面,由於擔心財務風險與業者的職業道德,多數年長者寧可每月支付較高的管理費,以替代高額的保證金要求。服務品質為競爭優勢的來源。業者設計產品時,應著重於提供優質服務,而非一味追求硬體設施。研究發現認知差異是影響老年人移居安養住宅的主要因素之一,業者應該加強宣傳安養住宅的產品概念,扭轉市場上普遍認為只有老病纏身者才需入住安養住宅的想法。此外,業者行銷時,應該同時增加目標顧客及其子女對產品的瞭解,使其將安養住宅列為退休居所的選擇之一。 / As the proportion of the senior population has increased significantly in Taiwan, the market for seniors is drawing much attention. The recent emergence of the upscale senior housing market is a case in point. Although the independent living communities for healthy seniors have been around since the mid-90s, there have been only a few notable selections and among them even fewer success stories. This research intends to examine the purchasing decisions surrounding high-end independent living communities by surveying the older residents of Taipei.
From the perspective of potential customers, this research first examines how demographic variables affect the evaluation criteria of consumers for independent living communities, and then examines the relationship between the influencing factors motivating the decision of seniors to move to independent living communities and the evaluation criteria. Finally, the relationship between the evaluation criteria of consumers and their specific value preferences is determined.
The research findings identify factors influencing consumer behavior and derive marketing recommendations for senior housing providers. The seniors between the ages of sixty-five and seventy-four are less concerned than other age groups about all evaluation factors, and can be the best customers for independent living communities that provide both opportunities for an active life style and healthcare services. Most seniors prefer to remain in a familiar place, and therefore the greater Taipei area is the most popular location. Since entrance deposits involve financial risks and moral concerns, seniors would rather pay higher monthly fees. The type of services offered provides the competitive advantage. Developers should emphasize services rather than environmental conditions in designing its product. Given that perceptual differences are one of the major obstacles preventing seniors from moving to independent living communities, the concept of independent living communities should be promoted further to alter the perceptions of seniors that independent living communities are solely for the sick and frail. Marketers should attempt to increase the product awareness of both its target customers and their children to help them view senior housing communities as a viable living arrangement.
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住商混合使用對房價之影響-台北市經驗 / The impact of mixed land-use on housing price:Taipei experience楊珮欣, Yang,Pei Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
在大眾運輸導向(Transit-Oriented Development, TOD)所推行的捷運站區土地混合使用政策的背景下,本研究探討住商混合使用對於住宅房價之影響。本研究之研究假設有三:第一,不同空間尺度的混合使用,會對房價形成不同的影響;第二,其他土地使用種類越多,住宅房價越高;第三,商業使用之量體大小,對於房價形成不同的影響。本研究以台北市住宅為研究對象,研究時間為2001年,樣本數670 份。分析工具包含運用地理資訊系統(Geographic Information Systems, GIS)進行空間變數處理,以及多元迴歸分析(Multiple regression analysis)進行統計分析。研究成果驗證研究假設,於同棟及同街廓的空間尺度中,住商混合對住宅房價造成下降的影響,而相鄰街廓的住商混合使用使得住宅房價提升;且相鄰街廓混合使用種類越多,住宅房價越高。研究結果可做為政府擬定土地使用管制計畫之參考。
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日據時期布農族丹社群遷移史之研究(1930∼1940年) / The History of Bunun Taki-Vatan`s Immigration(From 1930-1940)鄭安睎, Anshi-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的
第二節 研究方法
第三節 文獻回顧與研究概況
第四節 丹社群區域的地形與植被
第二章 布農族丹社群的歷史概況與社會組織
第一節 日據前丹社群之遷移
第二節 丹社群舊社之過去
第三節 丹社群舊社詳細資料與現況踏查
第四節 丹社群傳統社會組織與移住前人口概況
第五節 結語
第三章 日據時代原住民移住政策之形成
第一節 日據時期理蕃政策的變遷
第二節 蕃人移住十年計劃之形成
第三節 南投境內布農族集團移住概況
第四節 丹社群境內之蕃害
第五節 結語
第四章 布農族丹社群之集團移住
第一節 集團移住前之遷移
第二節 丹社群之計劃性集團移住
第三節 遷徙道路-關門古道
第四節 集團移住後之新聚落
第五節 結語
第五章 結論
最後,希望藉由此論文獲得丹社群舊社的最新資料,也替整個丹社群的遷移作個歷史分期,把60年前丹社群的「集團移住」歷史,作最完全的描述與研究。另外一方面,也希望獲知「集團移住」對丹社群族人的影響,當年南投到花蓮,居住地方改變了,原本屬於散居形式的丹社群族人,被集中於一個地方管理,心態上是否有改變呢?而遷徙後的丹社群人,是否本身也失去了某些文化遺產,以此作為此論文的結尾。 / Dan Group(“丹社群”) is one of the fives ethnic groups of Bunun. In the early eighteen century, some groups, branching off from Catogulan(“卡特格蘭社”) tribe and the Big Luan tribe of Luan ethnic group, immigrated along the Dan-da stream area to the ancestral tribe-Dan-da tribe; the other to the Hinogun(“溪諾滾社”), Misikowan(“密西可灣社”), or the others. Lacking of tilth for a rapidly growing population, they used to move to find new hunting grounds and then to invent new inhabitation, which even amounted to more than twenty according to the early investigation in the Japanese governing period. In the meanwhile, the Dan-da stream area was considered as the chaotic places, and the trades as well as the affaires among the tribes were done through translators/negotiators(“ 通事”). In order to rule the indigence, the colonial government, the Japanese government, set up offices for helping tillage, dealing with affaires, keeping the public order, and etc. The Viceroy Chitama(“兒玉源太郎”) introduced the police politics/police system(“警察制度”) into the affaires, and successfully governed this area by the organizations of the police station for dealing with the official affaires(“丹大蕃務官吏駐在所”), or for trading, education, sanatorium, and etc.
In the third year of Taishou Period(大正)(1914), the quell over Taroko was over. That the governor punished the Bunun by confiscating their weapons aroused their malcontent and caused their revenges by Chutsau(“出草”)(a custom to hack the heads of the other tribes' persons) and attacking the police offices-remote in the mountains, in the eastern and southern restricts. In the sixth year (1917), the Dan-da event occurred in the DanOda stream area. Afterwards, Caiton(“卡伊冬社”), transferred under Mishikowan by the Japanese Government was the immigrated ancient tribe. Taiwan viceroy government tried to carry out Grouping-immigration Plan in the eight year(1919) of Taishou, but it was just performed in a small scale. The Indigence-investigating-and-developing Program was practiced in the ways of investigating and developing at the same time. The investigating project contains the records of social organization, education, sanitation, economic, public affaires, and overall situation of the eleven tribes-one was in Hualien, and another five cohabited with the Luan tribe. While in the very first beginning, the Oosheh Event(“霧社事件”) happened that let Japanese government to draw up new policy of ruling aborigines (“新理蕃政策”). The policy aimed to rule the indigence and develop the indigenous area sufficiently for the long prosperity, and it was undertaken with the Grouping-immigration Program. At first, the government issued a project of grouping-immigration of aborigines in ten years(《蕃人移住十年計畫書》) to immigrate the valiant and unruly (intractable, obstinate, wild) indigenes in the remote mountains. The government planned to immigrate the Dan Ethnic group collectively in a large scale from the tenth year to the eleventh year of Shouwa(1935∼1936). However, Dan groups seemed to immigrate collectively themselves before, about the end of the ninth year of Shouwa.
In the Ching Dynasty, the government put up the Kuan-men trail(“關門古道”) to quell Mukua Fan(“木瓜番”) in the eastern Taiwan and to connect the east and the west, and even to divide Taiwan into two parts ultimately. In the beginning of Japanese occupied period, the Japanese government once renovate the western section of the trail from Dasheh(“大社”) to the trail of ruling the indigence(“理蕃道路”), and it sequentially became the main line of connecting the ancient tribes of Dan ethic group. Dan Group immigrated in the unit of a tribe, in which Sidoh plays the most important parts. They used to follow the honorable elderly in the tribes. According to the investigation, there were seven to eight groups recorded at that time-some moved to Hualien separately. To sum up, the migratory activity could be divided into two parts by the river limit between the Dan-da West Stream and the Dan-da East Stream. The majority, moving east by the eastern section of Kuan-men trial, immigrated to the Mayuan Village in the Wangron County oh Hualien in four or five days; sometimes they could spend less than three days. The minority immigrated west to Dili Village in the Hsingyi county of Nantou. According to the Kausha-Shochan annual (《高砂授產年報》) in the sixteenth year oh Shouwa(昭和十六年), the immigration of Dan groups were one hundred and forty-six families amounted to one thousand five hundred and sixty-nine persons. The police station still existed to control the immigrating indigence back to the ancient tribes effectively from the fifth year of Showa(1941). While, the amount of the population decreased instead of increasing.
With the practice of the Grouping Immigration program, the humane resources including history in the Dan-da Stream area has changed rapidly. Therefore, we can notify those in two aspects. First, the ancient tribe disappears not only in the maps but also in the history. Second, Dan Ethnic Group has forgot their tribal culture as well as their valuable hunting tradition for getting accustomed to the secular life. I deeply hope to arouse and to promote the disappearing Grouping-immigration history of Dan Ethnic Group of Bunun.
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家戶組成對住宅租購選擇影響之研究--以台北市為例李信佩 Unknown Date (has links)
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台北市居住環境品質之評估-地理資訊系統(GIS)之應用王淑妮, Wang, Shu Ni Unknown Date (has links)
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我國原住民族文官考用政策之研究 / A Study on the Recruitment and Employment Policies of Taiwan's Indigenous People姚婉麗 Unknown Date (has links)
本文選擇考用政策為研究重點,係因考用政策居於整體文官制度之起點及關鍵地位,且在人力資源管理上,亦居於重要的位置,不僅反映了政府取才所採用的價值立場,亦影響到政府整體人力的組成、素質。目前世界各國對原住民族政策及法制釐訂之原則,大體上係朝向原住民自治、人權保障及文化多元自主等理念,承認原住民集體性權利及恢復傳統自我管理能力,並逐漸形成一股現代潮流。因此,在尊重文化多元主義(cultural pluralism)、強調多元化(diversity)的精神及現有文官僱用制度下,如何放寬考試用人限制、建構多元進用之管道,建立具彈性及民族特色和符合原住民族需要之人事制度等,為本論文研究之重點,並擬從政策價值觀點進行研究。基此,茲提出下列研究問題:
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祖靈的凝視:瓦歷斯‧諾幹作品研究廖婉如 Unknown Date (has links)
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住戶屬性與實質居住環境水準分析之研究陳建忠 Unknown Date (has links)
有關理論模型建購,係基於Stone-greay 函數符合需求模型相關假設,及效用之可分性、可加件原則,以儲蓄率自所得中另離析支出之需求模式,再由個人居住需求累計為住戶居住環境需求模型,進一步設定其最小居住環境需求量為Barten之人口規模函數。在實證分析方面,為了瞭解住戶居住環境水準,以次數分析、關聯分析就歷年發展、地區別、住宅權屬、家計負責人屬性分析其分組水準及分析頻度,並檢定住戶與居住環境的變數關聯程度,以擇定需求量迴歸分析的應變數組及自變數組,及就具有居住支出項的大量樣本進行住戶屬性及居住環境特性的群落分析,俾進行各群組需求分析。
本研究雖已跳脫以所得推導居住環境需求窠臼,惟由於資料及分析係援用政府既成問卷,造成研究領域受限,需再就研究之主題深入設計調查問卷。本研究需求函數係設定為直線,然而居住環境需求量與住戶屬性間若非線性關係時,則其相關係數偏低,且無法驗證兩者間之需求關係。住戶自變數(行業、職業、所得等屬性)間,並未檢定其是否已存在高度相關,無法達到自變數完全獨立之要求。居住環境設施具有共用之基本生活設備時,雖可測定其居住環境水準,但無法進行其需求分析。群落分析固然能分離居住環境群及住戶群,但易使迴歸分析模型內部分虛擬變數與其他變數形成共線而無解,而且本分析僅偏重實質居住環境需求,對於住戶非實質需求、偏好及社會文化群族傾向等因素,在經濟學之需求模型中均無法予以論證,有待識者續以作為研析之題材。 / The domestic housing are in great demand, but on the other hand lots of housing remain vacant. This phenomenon reveaIs there exists a significant difference between supply and demand for housing environments. Therefore, both public and private sectors are unable to make the most use of available funds to invest effectiveIy. The purpose of this study is to lessen the above difference. Prior studies stressed the importance and the relationship between income and the demand for housing. In this study,first the anthor build up a theoretic demand model for housing environments.
This demand model is mainly relevant to no only income but also household expenditure. Secondly, the author converts the factor of household scale into the model. That makes income, expenditur,and household attributes serve as three major factors affecting this demand model. Then, applying data (housing status quo ) gathering from government statistics, the author analyzes the relationships between quantities of housing environments and relevant household attributes. FinaIly,the author analyzes the quanities of living environments for each Iiving cluster,which is specified and segregated, to explicate the property of each factor,thus to enhance the reliability of this study. The result of this study indicates that those household with more living expenditure,more emplyed employed persons, higher education and more age, will have more floor area and room number. In addition, the distances between their residenes and the variety of public service facilities are relatively shoty,but they are litte related with the elementary school, work place and market.
Theoretically,this model has been built based on Ston-geary utility function which is suitable for certain hypotheses for demand model. And frOm the additivity and the separability of this utilty function, the author derives the demand mode, reIevant to household expenditure, for housing environments. Then the author integrates individual demand model into the household one for living environments, and further defines the least quantities for living environments as Barten's population scaIe function. In empirical performance, the author applies frequency analysis and Chi-square analysis to analyze physical Iiving environments,respecting the past 20 yeare, different districts, household tenure, and household attributes. Ih addition. the author examines the co-relations of those variables between dwelling units and household environments to determine dependent and independent variables for regression. Besides, a great deal of samples with household expenditure has been inspected by cluster anaiyis.
Although this paper analyzes the demand function for housing environments on many factors instead of only on income (elasticity, the study is somehow limited since the data acquired from government tatistics.It would be more appropriate if we design a better questionnaire proper to this subject. Also, in this paper,the demand function has been defined as linearity,but if the demand quantities of living environment and household properties develop as a non-linear reationship, then the multiple coefficient of determination appears low,hence the demand relationship can not be tested between them.Moreover, the independent variables for resident themse1ves, such as industry,occupation, and income, have not been tested whether if they are highly related,thus these bariables do not fit in the requirement of complete classified into different living environment Ievels, their demands can not be anaIyzed.
Likewise, cluster analysis can segregate living environment clusters and resident clusters, it is apt tO make some variables, especiaIIy those in those regression models with dummy variables, convert into the combination of other variables thus can not be explained. Ih summary,this study underlines the demand for physical living environments. To those factors, such as non-realistic demand, preference, and social/cultural inclinations, they can not be tested in the demand models of economic theories, nowadays. This challenge stiII needs more endeavors to make.
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兩種百步蛇──台灣原住民族文學中基督宗教的治癒與網羅 / Two kinds of hundred-pace snakes : cures and snares of Christianity in Taiwanese aboriginal literature洪瑋其, Horng, Woei Chyi Unknown Date (has links)
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