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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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ECFA服務貿易協議市場開放議題之研究 / A study on market access issue in services sector in the Cross-straits Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement

蔡季穎 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣自加入世界貿易組織(WTO)後,已對於服務業市場進行逐步開放,然面對全球服務貿易自由化之趨勢,以及我國產業結構面臨調整轉型之際,政府欲藉由服務業之發展,帶動經濟成長,使服務業成為我國經濟發展的新動能。由2004年行政院所提出「十二大服務業發展綱領及行動方案」至2009年推動的「服務業發展方案」,未來持續推動六大新興產業、十大重點服務業等細部措施,可看出政府近年來對於服務業的國內發展和對外拓展重視程度不斷增加,期望能將整體服務業的附加價值提升,創造就業機會,增進整體經濟與生活品質。 台灣於2002年加入世界貿易組織,服務業開放承諾項目共計119項,惟對中國大陸並未按照入會承諾履行開放義務,直到2010年6月29日,我國與中國大陸簽署兩岸經濟合作架構協議(Cross-Straits Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement; 以下簡稱ECFA),開啟兩岸經貿自由化之契機,依兩岸經濟合作架構協議第4條規定,雙方後續將推動服務貿易協議,進一步開放服務業市場,未來我國將面臨服務業對中國大陸履行入會承諾之壓力。 本研究將分析兩岸服務業發展現況、相互開放情形及我國對中國大陸開放服務業之原則,探討未來ECFA服務貿易協議我國於協商時可能面臨之挑戰及市場開放議題可能涉及問題,並提出政策建議。 / Since Taiwan acceded to WTO, its services market has been stepping up the process of liberalization. However, confronting the trend of global liberalization of services trade and the change of industry structure, Taiwan government would like to boost its economic growth by developing services industry. The policies “A guiding plan for development of services (2004)” and “The program of services industry development (2009)” will keep promoting the six rising industries and the ten key services. Taiwan government focuses on not only its domestic but also foreign services markets in these years, hoping to increase the value added, employment opportunities and quality of life. Taiwan acceded to WTO in 2002 and opened 119 services sectors in GATS. But it didn’t fulfill its commitment of opening its services market to Mainland China. After, the signing of Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, ECFA on June 29, 2010,both governments have formally started the trade liberalization. According to ECFA Article 4, Both parties will enter into negotiation of an agreement on trade in services, for further liberalization of services market. By the time, Taiwan will encounter great difficulties in liberalizing its domestic market and the pressure of fulfilling its commitments in GATS. The study will try to analyze the liberalization status of cross-straits services market, the principle of Taiwan market liberalization to Mainland China, the difficulties of negotiation on trade in services, the issues regarding market access and suggestions.


林秀鴻, Lin, Hsiu hung Unknown Date (has links)
兩岸三地企業為因應國際化之挑戰,因此對海外籌資產生一定之需求,而海外募集資金的管道中,又以美國存託憑證廣受兩岸三地企業之喜愛,因此本研究之主要目的即為了解不同類別之美國存託憑證之優缺點,並研究兩岸三地企業對於發行美國存託憑證不同類別之選擇,是否因不同需求而有不同偏好。 本研究以Probit 模型為研究模型,對1989年至2006年01月兩岸三地企業發行之美國存託憑證作實證分析。以是否募集資金、會計準則之規定、資訊揭露成本等特性為影響變數,以瞭解企業選擇不同美國存託憑證之決策因素。 依研究結果分析與歸納,兩岸三地企業依自己本身不同的企業需求與當地資本市場特性,對發行不同的美國存託憑證,因存託憑證的特性,而有不同之偏好;而其偏好之顯著性主要集中在「資金募集」、「發行新股」及「發行成本」。

兩岸生涯成熟度調查及比較研究—— 以南京大學和政治大學為例 / The Comparison Study on Career Maturity for Both Straits: A Case Study of Students in Nanjing University& National Chengchi University

常青, Chang, Qing Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,世界青年就業問題持續發酵,中國大陸與台灣學生的就業問題也同樣嚴重。拋開大環境下的客觀原因,學生自身也存在不少問題,比如就業意識不強,就業能力不足等。生涯成熟度是個體在完成與其年齡相應的職業生涯發展任務的心理準備程度,是衡量個體生涯發展水平的有效工具,為提高學生就業能力和相關機構開展就業輔導提供理論基礎。目前,對生涯成熟度的研究逐漸增多,但針對兩岸學生的比較研究還為數甚少。因此展開這方面的研究是有意義的。 本研究爬梳整理了歸於生涯成熟度的的相關文獻,借鑑成熟的生涯成熟度量表,并進一步篩選,以此問卷對1404名政治大學和南京大學的學生進行生涯成熟度調查。研究結果發現:1.本次研究的學生樣本總體生涯成熟度處於較為成熟的狀態;2.學生生涯成熟度並不存在學校的差異;3.學生生涯成熟度存在性別的差異,男性的生涯成熟度高於女性;4.學生生涯成熟度存在教育程度的差異,受教育程度越高,生涯成熟度越高;5.學生生涯成熟度存在年級的差異,大學期間,兩者之間存在正相關關係,但大學延畢生的生涯成熟度最低;研究所期間,生涯成熟度隨年級增長而下降;6.學生生涯成熟度不存在文理專業的差異;7.學生生涯成熟度存在在校成績的差異,兩者為正相關關係;8.學生生涯成熟度存在學生幹部的差異,有學生幹部經驗的學生生涯成熟度高於沒有經驗的學生,擔任班級幹部的學生生涯成熟度高於其他類型的學生幹部;9.學生生涯成熟度不存在社團經驗的差異;10.學生生涯成熟度存在工作經驗的差異,有工作經驗的學生生涯成熟度高於沒有經驗的學生。生涯成熟度隨著工作時間的增長呈現「S」型增長;11.學生生涯成熟度不存在獨生子女的差異;12.學生生涯成熟度存在家庭經濟狀況的差異,家庭經濟較差的學生生涯成熟度最高;13.學生生涯成熟度不存在母親教育程度的差異,存在父親教育程度的差異,父母教育程度越低,生涯成熟度越高;14.學生生涯成熟度不存在學生生源的差異。 / In recent years, the youth employment is becoming more and more serious. Apart from the objective reasons, students’ inadequate employment competitiveness and consciousness also account for the status quo. Career maturity is the level of preparedness, an individual reaches when dealing with his/ herage- appropriate career development tasks. So, career maturity is an effective measurement to test individual’s career developmentlevel and provides the theoretical basis for practical study. Now, more and more people start to research the career maturity, but the research specifically aimed at the comparison of Chinese Mainland and Taiwan is rare. Therefore, the study is inevitably. Based on related literature review on career maturity, referring to the Career Maturity Questionnaire, the study discusses the career maturity and its affecting factors of students of Nanjing University and National Chengchi University. The results are as following: 1. Students’career maturity are not high;2. Campus, major, club experience and the sources of students bear little influence on career maturity;3. There is significant difference in gender;4. There is significant relation between students’ career maturity and their education degree;5. The career maturity differences in grades;6. The career maturity is in positive relation to academic score;7. The students who have the student leader and work experience get higher career maturity than others;8. The fact of being the only child or not does not relate to career maturity significantly;9. Family economic background impacts students’ career maturity;10. Parents’ education level has negative correlation with career maturity.

一般報與財經報如何建構兩岸服務貿易協議新聞 / The Difference From Constructing Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services News Between General and Financial Newspapers

賴柏維, Lai, Bo Wei Unknown Date (has links)
2008年兩岸兩會復談後,大陸與台灣的經貿關係也因為經濟交流腳步更加緊密,彼此成為非常重要之貿易與投資夥伴,兩岸於2010年簽訂ECFA之後,2013年再簽訂攸關台灣經濟前景的「兩岸服務貿易協議」(以下簡稱「服貿協議」)。由於社會各界與媒體對於協議利弊有著巨大爭議。至今尚未通過。 本研究為探究台灣報紙如何再現「服貿協議」,以兩份一般性報紙─《中國時報》與《自由時報》與兩份財經報紙─《工商時報》與《經濟日報》,自102年6月21日至103年2月20日,分析探討報紙之消息來源、報導偏向、議題設定以及框架運作模式。 研究發現,一般報紙與財經報紙在消息來源、報導主題與新聞框架與文本特色具有顯著差異,與過往研究結果類似,兩類報紙的消息來源仍然偏向傳統菁英消息來源(政府、政黨與學者專家),只有財經報紙比較注重服務產業的意見;報導主題部分,一般報紙偏向報導「服貿協議」政治層面,財經報紙則維持財經報紙特色,經濟議題比例仍高;新聞框架方面,政府與政黨論述為兩類報紙偏好之框架,唯財經報紙的經濟框架報導比例較一般報紙高。 本研究認為,兩份一般報紙於「服貿協議」事件出現「資源動員」現象,而且報紙各持己見的立場非常鮮明,媒體的角色已不再是溝通與對話,而是包裹具備立場的論述,且《中時》與《自由》兩報的立場截然不同。反觀財經報紙,雖然仍具備支持政府之立場,但是仍能就事論事,從經濟層面剖析「服貿協議」對於台灣經濟之利弊。

韓流的崛起及其對兩岸之影響研究 / The Emergence of the Korean Wave and its implications for Mainland China and Taiwan

業寶玉 Unknown Date (has links)
韓國的連續劇、電影、音樂等流行文化在1990年代開始大量湧入華文地區,先後在臺灣、香港和中國等地釀成一股熱潮,1999年,華文傳媒首次使用「韓流」(Korean Wave,韓語稱한류, Hallyu)一詞來形容這股韓國文化熱。韓流已經成為隨著三星、LG、現代等大型跨國公司的發展而崛起的韓國經濟的代名詞。 韓流為文化全球化的一個典型案例, 它是韓國的國家文化政策的擴散和實踐的一種象徵,藉由促進創新和創意產業的擴張,來增進韓國的全球經濟競爭力。從韓流在世界各地之現象觀察發現,其威力來得突然且全面,具系統規模且有策略,且其文本意識大膽,更挑戰傳統觀念,並具獨特的文化藝術特質,不僅在韓國國內受到企業和影視界關注與支持,韓流所形成的世界風潮,其崛起的因素及所帶來的效應更引發各國政府和學術界的熱烈討論,尤其聚焦於韓流是否為暫時的效應抑或是長期趨勢。 韓流現象在亞洲各國普遍存在,其中以中國大陸、日本、香港、台灣,以及東南亞越南、泰國、馬來西亞、新加坡及菲律賓等國最為明顯,並擴及印度、中東、中亞和俄羅斯各國,甚至在亞洲以外包括美國、拉丁美洲國家、歐洲、澳洲、非洲等地區逐漸發展。韓劇及韓國流行音樂(以下簡稱K-POP)的流行已經成為一種世界性現象,它以獨特的文化藝術魅力成功地實現了跨文化傳播,使吾人不禁想瞭解韓流何以會成功的關鍵因素,如韓國政府如何推動文化政策?如何運用整合行銷傳播策略?本計畫除進一步探究外,擬針對韓國影視文化產品一旦跨越國界,在亞洲及世界各地如何被消費?如何與當地文化產生互動和交融?甚至產生對經濟的影響及反韓流的效應等進行探討。 「韓流」所帶來對亞洲普及文化現象的反思值得我們深思研究,由於文化接近性,韓流在兩岸的擴散及影響最巨,本論文主要研究目的擬就所探討韓流崛起的背景因素,來分析論述「韓流」流行文化對兩岸的影響及韓國政府如何因應反韓流現象,最後總結研析結果,針對以下重點進行分析,第一,韓流形成的成功關鍵因素及其對國際關係的意義為何?第二,韓流所帶動的經濟效益為何?第三,韓流究竟是短期效應或是長期效應的現象?由於韓流已在一些國家產生反韓流的現象,對當地文化與產業究造什麼樣的衝擊等,進而盼能做為我國推動文化創意產業政策之省思與參考。 研究發現,韓國政府推動文化全球化策略,促使韓流席捲全世界,韓國人展現的企圖心令人心生傚尤之心。韓流對於促進國際關係有著深遠的意義,進而構建亞洲文化的認同,更形塑東亞區域化的作用,但審視東亞流行文化實踐中所發生複雜的互動關係,韓國政府如何維繫韓流及降低反韓流所帶來的負面影響,實為韓國政府應努力的重要課題。

兩岸內線交易法律規制之研究 / A Study of Insider Trading Laws in Taiwan and Mainland China

曲澤 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,內線交易成為困擾兩岸證券市場發展的一個重要問題,兩岸學界與實務界對於該問題都有高度重視。兩岸具有以中文為媒介的共同文化背景,而且兩岸證券市場都是以散戶投資人為主,因此相較於歐美等地,兩岸在證券法規方面,特別是內線交易的法律規制方面更具有相互借鑒的意義。本文從內線交易的主體、主觀、客觀、法律責任及豁免條款四方面切入,在分析兩岸現有規制的基礎上,得出對於彼此有借鑒意義的規定。 / In recent years, Insider Trading has been a major distraction for the development of stock markets in both Taiwan and mainland China. As a result, many scholars and businessmen are increasingly concerned with this topic. It is important to note that stock markets in Taiwan and Mainland China are reasonably similar that retail investors are the major players in both markets. Compared with the United States and European jurisdictions, however, the markets in Taiwan and mainland China have a significant weakness in laws on insider trading. This thesis will first explain subject parts , subjective and objective of insider trading, then go on discussing its legal liabilities and exemption clauses. Finally, based on the analysis of the legal systems of Taiwan and mainland China, the thesis will suggest possible references which maybe beneficial to each systems.

兩岸電視新聞媒體互動歷程個案研究(1998-2008) / Case study: the Interaction of TV news media between Mainland China and Taiwan (1998-2008)

林大法 Unknown Date (has links)
台海兩岸自1949年隔海分治後,到1987年台灣開放民眾到中國大陸探親恢復接觸。台灣雖然也在1987年開放媒體到大陸採訪,但是兩岸電視新聞媒體的交流、合作受到當時的時空環境影響,非常有限。 1997年底,台灣的TVBS(無線衛星電視台)獲得大陸國務院台灣事務辦公室的批准,成為第一家在大陸北京設立駐點記者(不掛牌的記者站)的台灣電視媒體。之後,台灣其他電視媒體也陸續向大陸提出申請派記者駐點採訪,並先後獲得批准;而申請前往駐點的大陸城市也從北京,陸續增加上海、福州、成都、廈門等。 本文主要研究始於1998年起TVBS在大陸派記者駐點採訪後至2008年之間,和大陸電視媒體(從中央到地方)的互動(包括交流、合作及買賣等)歷程,與這十年間兩岸政經情勢變化的關係影響兩岸電視新聞互動的變化。研究藉此歸結出影響兩岸電視新聞媒體互動的因素,並探討台灣電視新聞媒體進入大陸市場的可能性。 研究發現,大陸電視產業近年來雖不斷引進民間(市場)力量參與運作(例如電視廣告、電視劇拍攝等),但是新聞類仍屬於不得市場化的範疇。這主要是因為大陸所界定的媒介理論認為媒體是黨的喉舌與宣傳工具,必須為黨所用,不得為其他私人力量所掌控。但是由於兩岸特有的政治情勢變化,兩岸的電視新聞媒體多年來已逐漸經由人員交流、新聞事件的合作採訪到相互付費傳送新聞畫面建立互動關係。本文也發現兩岸電視新聞的互動,已從原來主要目的是形成(政治)效應為重,逐漸轉變成為產生(經濟)效益為主的變化。 關鍵詞:兩岸電視新聞、交流互動、關係、信任、人脈、社會資本 / Since the two sides of Taiwan Straits split amid civil war in 1949, Taiwan and Mainland China resumed contact only when the Taiwan government lifted restrictions and allowed its people to visit their relatives on the mainland in 1987. Although Taiwan allowed its media to cover news events on the mainland in the same year, the exchange and cooperation of TV news media between the two sides were very limited due to the historical circumstances at that time. At the end of 1997, Taiwan’s TVBS (Television Broadcasts Limited Satellite) obtained permission from the Taiwan Affairs Office of China’s State Council and became the first Taiwanese TV station to set up a correspondent office (a correspondent office for news covering without company registration) in Beijing. Afterwards, many other Taiwanese TV media applied for the same permission and were eventually approved as well. Beginning with Beijing, the locations for the correspondent offices were expanded later to Shanghai, Fuzhou, Chengdu and Xiamen. The purpose of this thesis was to study the interactions (including exchanges, cooperation as well as the sales and procurement deals) between TVBS and TV organizations on the Mainland (both central and local) from 1998 –when TVBS started setting up correspondent offices on the mainland – until 2008. The study would also look into how the evolving political and economic ties between Taiwan and the Mainland had influenced the interactions of TV news on cross-straits relationship over the same time frame. Based on the findings, the study would identify the factors that had affected the interactions between TV news media from both sides and explore the possibility of Taiwan’s TV news media entering the Chinese mainland market. The study found that although the Mainland TV industry had continuously introduced elements of the market economy into its operations (such as TV commercials and TV drama productions, for example), the news media were still excluded from the model of market economy. This was because the Chinese mainland doctrine had defined the news media as a mouthpiece and a tool of propaganda of the Communist Party. Hence, the news media must serve the interest of the Party and cannot be controlled by private forces. But because of the unique changing political situation across the Taiwan Straits, the TV news media from both sides had established interactive relations gradually over the past years through personnel exchanges, cooperation in news coverage and sending news footages with charged fees. This thesis also found that the interactions of TV news on cross-strait relations had moved gradually from its initial objective of making political influences to mainly generating economic benefits. Key Phrases: TV news on cross-strait relationship, exchanges and interactions, connections, trust, contacts, and social capital.

兩岸軍事互信機制倡議之研究 / A study on the cross-strait CBMs proposals

夏宜嘉 Unknown Date (has links)
一、兩岸對建立軍事互信機制,避免兩岸軍事衝突雖有爭論,卻也希望彼此間能夠找出一條可行之路。雖然「軍事互信機制」在歐洲已經建立起一套完整的理論及發展模式,但是其經驗未必就能適用於複雜多變的兩岸關係。 二、軍事互信機制在亞洲之發展案例中,可以發現失敗原因有因雙方缺乏政治意願執行、互信基礎脆弱、核武競賽、歷史淵源與大國的戰略布局等。 三、中共提出兩岸建立軍事互信機制,始於2004年的「五一七聲明」,「胡四點」、「連胡公報」,將軍事互信機制優先順序調整;兩岸關係改善後,「胡六點」亦希望穩定台海局勢,「減輕軍事安全顧慮」,顯示胡擔心無法掌握的意外隨時會發生,這些徵候似可連結到中共迅速通過反分裂法的制定,名義上針對台灣的各項台獨作為,實質上卻將解放軍出兵的舉動用法律來約制。 四、實在廣義的層面上,兩岸對於軍事互信均抱持正面的態度,雖說在時間點、優先順序、實質交流內容等面向或有不同意見,惟大體言之兩岸之間建立軍事互信機制的環境其實已經成熟。 五、本文研究發現中共的「軍事互信機制」是階段性策略、兩岸發展「軍事互信機制」的本質與目的與歐陸不同、兩岸發展軍事安全互信機制內涵迥異、兩岸軍事互信機制建立環境已趨成熟、國防安全上的軍事衝突隱憂仍然存在、軍購仍為我建構軍事互信機制重要籌碼。 六、兩岸應在九二共識下探討軍事(軍事安全)互信機制建構框架,我應建置對中國大陸談判軍事互信機制之跨部會專責機構,以整合政府政策與資源。並應充分運用民間智庫研究能量,聚焦軍事互信機制議題與審慎培育與納管規劃及談判人才,另需積極爭取軍售,以增強軍事互信機制談判實力,最後應加速投入海西特區發展建構非軍事化區域之價值。

兩岸海域執法制度之研究 / Maritime Law Enforcement-A Comparison of Policy in Mainland China and Taiwan

林韋呈 Unknown Date (has links)
海域執法儼然已成為全球化新興環境的核心議題,在面對周邊各國積極強化 海洋經營管理策略及戰略部署的同時,我國更應該思考如何強化海洋政策作為, 藉此與世界接軌,構建與各國間的等距平衡,從中獲得外交自主性,以確保國家 最大利益。 隨著聯合國海洋法公約的出現,為世界各國在海洋權益的維護上帶來全新的 依循規範,各國為因應此一趨勢,均積極採取因應作為,以求國家利益最大化。 兩岸同屬海岸線比例長的國家,且環境相似,加以兩岸文化相近,儘管在政治制 度上有差異,但面對當今海洋趨勢卻有諸多相同點,除海域執法機關演進之制度 走向相當外,與周邊國家海域爭端情形亦多相牽連。儘管兩岸現況仍處於複雜政 治關係,但就海域執法合作部分,雙方都希望可以藉助發展經驗相互交流,並在 對彼此都有利的情形之下展開合作,維護海洋權益,提升人民福祉。 中國大陸挾著其崛起的大國氣勢,明確提出「海洋強國」的戰略目標,具體 透過整合內部海上執法機關,展現維護國家海洋權益之決心,積極鞏固和擴大其 海洋的維權作為。面對中國大陸積極拓展海域執法力量的同時,臺灣應如何突破 政治困境,在維護國家尊嚴與人民福祉的前提下,尋求兩岸海域執法合作之互利 發展,已是現實環境所必須面臨的問題。 / With international communities’ awareness of marine development,the maritime law enforcement has become one of the core issues ofglobalized emergent environment. While the neighboring states havebeen actively promoting their strategies of marine management anddeploying tactically, Taiwan should consider the ways to promote itsmarine policy and conduction, to connect with the world and keepdiplomatic balance, and to ensure the nation’s interests. The announcement of the United Nations Convention on the Law ofthe Sea (UNCLOS) has established the guidelines for states to protecttheir rights and benefits. Hence, the states all actively adjust and modifytheir policies and regulations to seek nation’s interests. Mainland China and Taiwan both are countries with long coastlines and similarenvironments and culture. Although being different in political system,two sides have many viewpoints toward the trends of marine management in common. In addition to the similar institutionalization of maritime law enforcement, agencies of both sides are closely interconnected with the disputes of overlapping waters. Both sides express to protect their marine rights and benefits and the public’s interests by reciprocal exchange and experience sharing in regard to maritime law enforcement, both sides are still in the complicated political situation though. The strategic goal of the Mainland China is to become “marinepower”. The China shows the resolution to protect its marine rights and benefits by integrating domestic maritime law enforcement agencies. While facing the China’s actively strengthening its maritime law enforcement, Taiwan inevitably has to consider the possibilities and promotion of cross-straits cooperation on maritime law enforcement without compromising Taiwan’s dignity and the public’s interests.

民進黨對中共一中框架的策略(2012-2015) / The strategy of DPP to One China frame (2012-2015)

邱宇健 Unknown Date (has links)

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