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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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陳建興 Unknown Date (has links)
網路市場的經濟產值中潛藏巨大商機,且因網路購物市場的進入障礙不高,於是吸引了大批老手新兵加入此一競爭領域。對於網路業者而言,必須了解網路市場中消費者的特性以及其所在意的網路商店屬性。消費者進行網路交易時,因缺乏實體的商品及店鋪,便容易對網路商店信任及負面的態度。因此,要如何藉由主觀的消費者的特性以及客觀的網路商店屬性,以降低消費者主觀的不信任感及負面的態度,進而增進消費者對網路購物之意願,尤其是業者所重視的議題。   本研究基於上述理由,旨在探討根據不同的網路購物者特性與網路商店屬性下,是否新增消費者的網路購物意願?並實證信任、態度與網路購物者特性、商店屬性、購物意願之間的關係,以彌補過去研究之不足。   由實證結果可以發現,整體模型具有相當的適配度,其研究結果如下: ㄧ、對網路商店信任具有顯著的正向影響的有:網路商店屬性(如:網站商譽、網站安全機制、服務品質、產品資訊)與網路購物者特性(從眾行為、追求流行)   二、對網路商店之態度具有顯著的正向影響的有:網路購物者特性(如從眾行為、追求流行、線上購物認知價值),網路商店屬性(網站商譽、網站安全機制、服務品質、產品資訊)與其對網路商店之信任;反向影響關係的有:網路購物者特性(如:線上購物認知風險、逛街購物態度)。 三、對網路購物之意願具有顯著的正向影響的有:網路購物者特性(如:從眾行為、追求流行、線上購物認知價值),網路商店屬性(如:網站商譽、服務品質、產品資訊)與其對網路商店之態度。   由上述結果可得知,網路商店業者應強化本身網站屬性,以及了解消費者內心的想法,以提升消費者對其的信任感與正面態度,這才是影響消費者網路購物意願的關鍵因素。

體驗行銷對網路商店女性顧客保留之影響 / The effect of experiential marketing on the retention of e-store female customers

邱祺馨, Chiu, Chi Hsing Unknown Date (has links)
近年,網路商店如雨後春筍般興起,業者想在網路零售市場佔有一席之地並非易事,此種情況持續惡化是由於業者採用低價競爭策略所致,也使得網路商店之間的差異化程度消失殆盡。「體驗經濟」概念,根據顧客的慾望來營造體驗情境,提供業者一個可作為差異化基礎的思考方向。網路提供了多元的方式營造獨特的購物情境,當消費者沉浸於選購產品的樂趣中且內心需求被充分填滿時,將可提升消費者實際購買產品的可能性。   由於網際網路和電腦的普及,女性在資訊科技的使用上和以往相較之下已不致於造成太大困難,調查資料亦顯示女性網路購物群族在近幾年有漸增趨勢;除此,家庭中大部分品項的購物決策落在女性手中。基於上述原因,網路商店若想擴大收益,應重視女性市場的發展潛力。本研究關切的課題為網路商店提供何種體驗才能有效地留住女性顧客。   本研究以Schmitt之策略體驗模組作為體驗行銷架構,以產品特性為干擾變數,探討體驗行銷模組和顧客保留強度之間的關係。本研究採用網路問卷調查法蒐集樣本資料,並利用階層多元迴歸分析法來驗證整體架構。研究結果顯示,感官體驗、思考體驗、行動體驗和關聯體驗對顧客保留強度具有正向影響,行動體驗之影響程度較微弱,而情感體驗對顧客保留的效果未被確立。在產品特性對體驗行銷模組和顧客保留強度之間關係的干擾效果部分,風險變數的干擾效果未被確立;努力變數對思考體驗和顧客保留之間的關係具有顯著的干擾效果,且是決定女性消費者是否在網路商店購買產品的最關鍵因素。網路商店業者若想成功留住女性顧客,須營造具有啟發性與充滿新資訊的體驗情境,使女性消費者願意付出更多的努力沉浸於該情境中,進而在心境上自然而然地轉移至購物的決定。 / E-stores are springing up quickly for the past decade, making it increasingly difficult for retailers to survive in the Internet retailing market. The situation is worsened by low-price competitive strategy. To online shoppers, the differences among e-stores are shrinking. Facing this difficulty of differentiating themselves, the concept of Experiential Economy seems to come to the rescue for online retailers, because it suggests creating differentiation through offering experiences according to customer desire. Internet is especially promising in the construction of unique shopping environment without incurring high cost. By satisfying the psychological needs of customers, retailers can expect to differentiate themselves and close more deals.   Nowadays the use of Internet is equally popular between males and females. Survey data also showed that female online shoppers have increased in recent years. In addition, studies showed household purchasing decisions are largely undertaken by females. To strengthen their market advantage, retailers should pay more attention to female shoppers. Thus the purpose of this study is to examine which types of online experiences help to retain female customers more effectively.   The experiential marketing construct of this study is based on Schmitt’s strategic experiential modules (SEMs). This study empirically examines the effects among the experiential marketing modules, product properties, and customer retention intensity. The results show that SENSE, THINK, ACT and SOCIAL modules have positive effects on customer retention. The effect of the ACT module is confirmed, although much weaker, while the effect of the FEEL module is not confirmed. As for the moderating effects of product properties between the experiential marketing modules and customer retention, the result does not confirm the moderating effect of the risk factor of product properties; however, the effort factor in the product properties has significant moderate effect between the THINK module and customer retention. It is very interesting to discover female customers’ experiential preference that is described in the THINK module, because intuitively male customers, rather than female customers, are perceived to exhibit such preference. To retain female customers, online retailers need to construct an experiential condition which is rich in new information and is appealing to consumers’ creative thinking.

族群經濟與文化經濟的對話 — 中壢火車站和忠貞市場南洋背景商店的比較研究

林欣美 Unknown Date (has links)
「族群經濟」係指雇主和雇員是相同族群,其著重的相同族群背景,是建立在雇主與雇員的「共同生產」關係上;「文化經濟」係指把具有文化屬性的商品,販賣給與商品文化屬性相異的消費者,以達到吸引異族群的消費者,來消費商品的符號、其背後所象徵的意涵。 本文以分佈在中壢火車站周圍地區與平鎮市忠貞市場的南洋背景商店為研究對象。位於平鎮市忠貞市場的滇緬商店,係緣於1950年代移入的滇緬軍民所組成的忠貞新村,於其聚落周遭拓展而成具南洋(滇緬)氛圍的市集。中壢市火車站附近的東南亞商店,則緣於1990年代來臺就業的外籍勞工湧入桃園縣境內的工業區後,以中壢市為中心形成的消費聚集處。 本研究發現,不能僅用單純的族群經濟與文化經濟去理解兩研究區的案例。田野訪談資料顯示,中壢火車站周遭的東南亞商店雇主多偏好雇用相同背景的人為雇員,以吸引外籍勞工來店內消費。從東南亞背景的雇主鎖定外籍勞工為主要消費者這一點,可發現強調消費關係的「族群經濟」,高於強調生產關係的原始「族群經濟」定義,即使雇主原本期望以含文化經濟的模式來經營,但實際仍是偏向消費關係的族群經濟模式,而非文化經濟模式。另一方面,早期忠貞新村的居民多以滇緬族群作為主要消費者,呈現「族群產業」的初期階段情況(以相同族群背景的人作為主要消費者),且雇主多從自己的社會網絡中找到相同背景的雇員,故同時也呈現「族群經濟」的現象;直至忠貞市場原有的滇緬商店在面臨人口組成(滇緬族群外移)、交通動線(以忠貞市場及其所屬的平鎮市為中心的聯外交通)的變化後,即逐漸形成包容「文化經濟」屬性的經營方式。 朝向兼顧「文化經濟」模式發展的滇緬商店中,店家在文字載體上僅以中文書寫,並未有其所屬的文字出現,是為了讓異族群的消費者(如台灣人)可以看懂,故此分類下的滇緬商店都以中文呈現招牌以及商品。換句話說,文字的出現與否,與強調異文化消費的文化經濟較無關,反而是營造文化親親性的重要媒介。

網路購物取貨服務對便利商店店面需求之影響-以7-Eleven為例 / The Impact of Online Shopping with Pick-up Service on Demand of Convenience Store: An Example from 7-Eleven

石昌國, Shih, Chang-Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
連鎖便利商店由於其據點多、分佈廣、全天候營業的特質,使得便利商店在網路購物的物流末端得以扮演最後一哩(the last mile)的通路角色。這種高附加價值的取貨服務,突破了傳統店面僅限於店內商品銷售的經營模式,創造出門市額外的人潮流量,亦影響到未來便利商店整體店面需求。本研究探討幾個重要議題,包括網路購物取貨服務對便利商店經營的重要程度為何?在未來網購取貨服務環境下,便利商店是否有持續展店的需要?門市選址因素較過去文獻有否改變?對內部空間規模有何影響?位於不同市郊區位影響有何差異?以期瞭解網路購物對實體零售店面需求之影響。 本研究以臺北市325家7-Eleven門市為研究對象,實證結果發現網路購物取貨服務數量對營業額有顯著正向影響,且對市區門市營業額的影響較郊區明顯,長期將提升整體門市競租能力,隱含更有能力進駐條件更佳之區位與擴張佔有率。實證亦顯示位於市區商圈愈小的門市,其網購取貨數量愈多,意味網購取貨消費者對於門市區位可及性便利的要求較高,而未來新增門市的商圈範圍劃設,亦須一併考量當地一般便利品與網購商品的需求總量,以訂定需求門檻,為因應網購取貨龐大市場,7-Eleven應持續擴張門市。在選址因素方面,目前僅發現位於非三角窗門市較有網購取貨潛力,隱含未來網路購物對零售店面區位選擇之潛在影響,而位於郊區或商圈範圍較大的門市,則蘊含潛在的網購取貨需求。門市面積方面,短期可透過選址彈性範圍或內部倉儲與展示空間相互調整予以解決,長期而言,預期門市倉儲空間的需求將會有所增加。 國內外探討網路購物對於實體零售業經營與店面需求影響的相關文獻尚未成熟之際,本研究的貢獻在於從網路零售商與便利商店實體通路結合的面向切入,首度印證網路購物、來店取貨服務對於實體便利商店經營的重要性,並進一步探討其對門市商圈範圍、選址區位與面積的潛在影響,裨以提供未來便利商店業者在網購取貨服務環境下的展店策略建議。

網路商店之資源、事業網路、競爭優勢與行銷策略之關聯--以國內販賣個人電腦產品的網站為例 / The relationship among resources, business networks, competitive advantages and marketing strategies for the web sites in Taiwan to sell PC at least

陳昕, Chen, Hsin Eagles Unknown Date (has links)
1989 年,Tim Berners-Lee 發展了 WWW 網際網路(以下簡稱網路)超媒體架構之後,讓資訊更方便地傳送到全球各個角落,隨著電腦科技的發展,更快速、更便宜及更人性化的電腦不斷地湧入市場,使得一般消費大眾均有能力購買足以處理網路資訊的電腦,也為網路商業化開闢了新的天地。1991 年,網路開始商業化,並被視為一種溝通、交易及配銷的通路。1998 年,在政府相關單位開始大力推動「百萬店家上網總動員」之下,國內販賣電腦產品的網路商店將會逐漸地增加,透過網路販賣個人電腦的市場競爭也將愈趨激烈,然而,在眾多販賣個人電腦的網路商店中,具備何種「資源」及「事業網路」的網路商店容易成功?其形成的「競爭優勢」為何?其採行的「行銷策略」又為何?因此,本研究藉由 Grant(1991)的「以資源為基礎的策略分析架構」深入訪談國內七家網路商店,探討「網路商店之資源、事業網路、競爭優勢與行銷策略之關聯」,主要的研究發現如下: 一、目前,網路商店傾向靠實體商店獲利。 二、簡單結構是目前網路產業中流行的組織型態。 三、經營管理者的工作經驗較能創造管理租,經營管理者的教育背景較無法創造管理租。 四、集團型(或非創業型)網路商店的競爭優勢來源為集團(或公司)擁有的事業網路,及蓄積在集團內部的商譽與知識。創業型網路商店的競爭優勢來源為管理者的經驗與信譽或知名度,及其利基市場化的經營型態。 五、目前,消費者重視網路購物安全性的程度仍然較大於網路購物方便性的程度,因此,在這場「網路行銷戰場」中,集團型網路商店的勝算將高於創業型網路商店的勝算。 / After Tim Berners-Lee created the structure of hyper media as WWW in 1989 ,the information was more conveniently transmitted to all sites where the cable reached .Along the development of computer technology fast ,many more fast ,more unexpensive ,and more humanized computers were promoted continuously into the market ,which let the public had the capability to purchase those computers which could deal with the information in WWW enough , and also paved the new way of the commercialization about WWW. In 1991 ,The WWW which was as the channel of communication , transaction , and distribution started to commercialize. Under the government in Taiwan which has beginning to promote " Millions Online Residences & Enterprises " in 1998 , we believe the online store ( which selling computer systems ) will be increased from time to time , and the competition of the WWW market of selling computer systems will be hard even . However ,In many online stores which were selling computer systems at least , we longed for answering four questions as follows: 1. What kinds of resources and business networks did the online store have? 2. What were kinds of resources and business networks which can make the online store successful easily ? 3. What were the competitive advantages which resulted from those resources and business networks the online store had ? 4. What marketing strategies did the online store take ? This thesis referred the Grant (1991) "The Structure of Strategic Analysis from The Base of Resources " , and probed with interview seven online stores in Taiwan to discover the relationship among resources , business networks , competitive advantages , and marketing strategies .Six main propositions from discovering was as follows: 1. So far as, the online store was subject to dependence upon real ( vs. virtue or online ) store for earning profit . 2. The simple organization was popular in the WWW industry in the recent time. 3. The work experience (of the manager) was more possible to create the " management rent " than the educational background (of the manager). 4. The learning ways of the online store was subject to combination and internalization. 5. The competitive advantages of the consortium online store resulted from the business networks which were owned by the consortium , and the brand reputation and knowledge which were accumulated in the consortium ; The competitive advantages of the entrepreneur online store resulted from the work experience and credit which were owned by manager (and founder) . 6. As far as, the consumer cared about the safety of the online shopping more considerably than the convenience of the online shopping . In the long run , in the " War of The WWW Marketing " , the consortium online store will win more easily than the entrepreneur online store.


林俊役 Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的商業化趨勢,已經使得網際網路形成一種新的溝通、交易、通路,而對於目前的網路商店而言,網路商店經營仍存在著許多的問題。目前在網際網路上獲利的電子商店仍佔少數,因此,本研究主要從WWW使用者在購買決策的不同階段對於WWW購物形式的認知,以及和傳統逛街購物的形式有何不同等,以此來探討影響其上綱購物的意願為何,藉此建立一個架構,以提供給目前的網路商店或是有意進行電子商店的企業一參考的依據。 而本研究主要的研究結果如下所示:在影響WWW使用者網路購物意願的因素方面,依照相對重要性來排列,分別為資訊豐富性、交易安全可靠性、價格、WWW網路購物心理利益、產品預期和實際相似程度、傳統商店購物樂趣、資訊蒐集便利性等。 在不同群體之間,影響因素的相對重要性也不同,在男性使用者中,以資訊豐富性為重要,在女性群體中,以交易安全可靠性最為重要。而在學生類群體及非學生類群體中,均以資訊豐富性最為重要。在已婚者中,以交易安全可靠性最為重要,在單身群體中,則以資訊豐富性最為重要。在過去有網路購物經驗的群體中,以價格因素最重要,在過去沒有網路購物經驗的群體中,則以資計豐富性最為重要。 而男女在WWW網路購物意願上有顯著地差異男生略高於女性。而過去有網路購物經驗的群體其WWW網路購物的意願顯著地高於沒有網路購物經驗者。 最後,本研究根據研究調查結果,對各項因素之改進以及針對購物意願較強的群體之作法為何。提供實務上的建議。期對於購物網站有所助益。

我國電信業者發展軟體商店 的營運模式創新之研究 / A study on application stores of domestic operators from A view of business model innovation

蘇之勤 Unknown Date (has links)
由於行動上網技術不斷地進步,消費者也逐漸養成了行動上網的習慣。Apple公司的iPhone結合了App Store的推出,更帶動了這股風潮。我國電信業者也在這樣的趨勢下,開始自行發展軟體商店(Application Store)以服務用戶。 在過去的行動通訊產業中,電信業者一直擁有主導優勢,各種加值服務都是屬於封閉的型態,所以用戶使用加值服務時,一定得經由電信業者所經營的入口。但是,自從Apple成功發展出軟體商店的模式之後,各種智慧型手機的軟體商店平台也開始蓬勃發展,用戶可繞過電信業者而取得相關的服務。因此,電信業者乃積極發展軟體商店以回應其所面臨的挑戰。 本研究以中華電信、台灣大哥大、遠傳電信等國內三家主要電信業者為個案研究對象,針對個案公司發展軟體商店的創新營運模式進行深入的探討。所得到的初步結論包括: (1)電信業者在經營軟體商店上,會強調多樣化加值服務的策略。(2) 電信業者在經營軟體商店上會根據不同的價值網路進行差異化。(3) 電信業者在經營軟體商店時,在價值創造方面會著重於讓消費者快速地找到正確的、所需要的軟體。(4)電信業者在發展軟體商店時,「在地化」是其經營上的關鍵要素。本文最後並提出實務上的意涵與後續研究的建議。 關鍵字:電信業者、軟體商店、營運模式創新、價值創造 / Nowadays smartphone has an enormous growth over the entire mobilephone market. A lot of people choose to use smartphone such as iPhone or android phone because smartphone brings more fun and convenience into their life. One of the key factors is application store which Apple made it successed in 2008. Application store or so-called app store is an online platform which provides service for customers to download applications and developers to upload. The transaction must be got involved in the whole process. However, the manefactors of mobilephone were active in establishing their own application store but the operators are eager to do so as well. The value-added service used to be controlled fully by the operators. Not only the contents but the portals were hold by operators so end-users had a few choices. Since the application stores become more poplular, operators are encountering a big chanllenge. This thesis studys how operators deal with the problem of decreasing ARPU by running application stores on their own. Based on the case study, the initial findings includes: (1) When operators run an application store, they emphasize variety of value-added services. (2) The methods which operators choose to differentiate their application store are related to the differences in their value network. (3) When operators run an application store, they put emphasis on elimination of information asymmetry. (4) When operators run an application store, localization is the key factor in opration. Key word: oprators, application store, business model innovation, value creation


鄭筱璇, Cheng, Hsiao-hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
近十幾年來,我國連鎖型便利商店如雨後春筍般在大街小巷中紛紛林立,漸漸取代了傳統型的柑仔店,不論在高級地段的商業區或是幽靜的住宅區都可看見它的身影,廣告台詞中常以「有7-11真好!」、「全家就是你家」「Hi!Life總有新鮮事」等宣傳話語,把便利商店塑造成我們生活中的好鄰居,而為了更符合、貼近消費者的日常所需,便利商店不僅販售日用商品,更進一步積極發展鮮食產品(如:便當、飯糰和麵包等等),提供影印傳真、ATM金融服務、代收費用、宅配貨物、設置多媒體機器,讓消費者可以線上購買交通運輸票券或藝文活動票券,而在這五花八門的服務項目中,是否可以就對於人身及財產安全具有相當重要性的保險商品,進一步納入便利商店的服務範圍,此乃本論文之研究動機。 另一方面,傳統上,保險銷售通路係以業務員面對面此種招攬方式為主,常使得民眾背負著不少人情壓力,然隨著生活型態改變,科技日新月異發展,電腦、電視等電子設備成為家家戶戶必備的生活用品,演變出許多新型態的銷售通路,如直效行銷(Direct Mail Marketing, DM)、電話行銷(Telemarketing)、電子商務(E-Commerce)、電視行銷等等,相較於傳統人力部隊的高成本,這些新型態的行銷偏向低成本、高效率的方式,從不同的管道傳遞保險資訊,開發不同層級的客戶群來購買保險,台灣保險的滲透度高居世界第一,換言之,台灣消費者購買保險的頻率很高,如何利用民眾進出便利商店高頻率之行為模式,將超商打造成新型態的保險通路,提供民眾多元的投保管道,亦可作為社區的保險資訊平台,推廣保險知識。本論文之研究目的主要乃探討以便利商店作為新型態的保險通路,其設立與運作過程中會面臨哪些法律問題與相關監理之規範。

網路商店產品數量與消費者偏好之研究 / Consumer preference with product assortments in on-line store

葉晴晴 Unknown Date (has links)
過去大部分研究都認為人們偏好多樣化的選擇,在商店內提供越多的商品,會吸引到更多的消費者來做購買。但近年來,消費者的購物環境充斥著各式各樣的不同資訊,在這樣的情況下,賣方如果再給消費者增加更多的產品選擇,是否有可能會使消費者的購物會產生障礙,而反而延遲消費者的購買行為?近幾年,紛紛有學者發現,產品多樣化所帶給消費者的效益有一定的限制,並不往往是「越多越好」,許多研究試圖找出影響消費者對商品數量偏好的因素,而其中有文獻指出,商店的評價差異,將會影響消費者對不同數量商店的偏好;另外,消費者做選擇前,是否已對產品存有特定的理想偏好,也可能會影響到消費者的選擇結果。 目前過去對消費者商品數量偏好的研究多以實體零售商店作為探討目標,而近幾年網路購物盛行,網路商店往往會提供消費者數量眾多的商品做選擇,因此本研究則改以網路商店作實驗探討,且參考過去文獻所探討之變數,加入不同產品類型來探討對消費者所造成的影響,此外也探討極大化程度對消費者偏好是否具有影響。 本研究結果則發現: 1. 有無理想選擇與產品類型對消費者不同品數量的偏好影響具有交互作用。 2. 當消費者購買的是享樂品時,有理想選擇的消費者會偏好產品數量較少的網路商店。 3. 當消費者購買的是實用品時,有理想選擇的消費者會偏好產品數量較多的網路商店。


熊國華 Unknown Date (has links)
複合式經營乃是企業為了滿足消費者需求,企圖在同一賣場中共同經營多個產業商品,以此達成商品多角化的目的,增加營收。而在消費者意識強烈的現今市場中,能夠結合消費者生活形態的商店將是經營趨勢。在本文中,將針對已經是人們生活中不可缺少的便利商店與早就融入一般人生活習慣中的茶產業,兩相結合做一研究,企圖提供傳統茶行轉型複合經營的一個方向,也拓展便利商店多角化商品的一個可行性。 台灣的茶館產業主要分為三種類型:觀光茶園、茶藝館、複合式茶餐廳,於其中的觀光茶園及複合式茶餐廳是比較符合現代人的消費習慣,尤其台灣民眾在生活水平改善之後,對於富有寓教於樂的觀光茶園更有一番期待,而在簡潔、明亮的年輕訴求下,複合式茶餐廳也闖出一片天地,尤其刺激年輕族群喝茶。 然而,觀光茶園及複合式茶藝館都是需要一筆資金才能投資經營的事業,而此對於那些亟思轉型的傳統茶館、茶行的業者來說,無異負擔更重,也因此提出一個投資成本較低的轉型方式,對於這些業者來說更是一個迫切需要的解決方案。 因此,在本文中,將先針對便利商店及茶產業的現況、市場競爭環境、複合條件做一分析,並依據Hamel的經營模式基礎提出結合兩產業的複合式經營模式,並在此經營模式分析中提出可行的策略活動及經營方向。 / It is enterprises that the complex management attempts to deal in a lot of industry goods together in the same sales field in order to meet the consumer demand, so as to reach the purposes of the diversification for increasing the revenues. In the market now when consumer's consciousness is strong, the shop that can combine consumer's life style will manage the trend. So in this thesis, the purpose is to do the study to combine together of the tea industry and the indispensable convenience store of the life. It attempts to offer a direction for the traditional tea store to make a transition. It also expands the feasibility of diversification for the convenience store. The Taiwan tea industry except the traditional tea store, but also develop several business type. The Leisure Tea Garden emphasizes the function of recreation, education, and culture. The tea art house focuses on the culture aspect. The complex tea restaurant merges the modern and traditional conception. And the chain cold drink tea shop is seen everywhere by the road. All of them do a big effort to develop the new product to expand the tea industry. People who live in Taiwan or anywhere all like to drink ICETEA’s pearl milk tea. CHA FOR TEA combines the tea, tea meals, tea set and atmosphere to deliver the value to customers successfully. Wang De Chuan passes the bright red packaging of the teahouse, tea of different flavors is fragrant to let consumers experience after the charcoal fire is cured too. You can find many surprises and ideas in the tea industry that the proprietor innovate the tea product. The farmer’s association is trying to promote the Leisure Tea Garden industry. It not only offers consumers a good destination of recreation of the vacation, but also promotes the rural economy to upgrade. And the complex tea restaurant is the trend of the market in recent years, so this kind company not only set up the branch in Taiwan, but also expands the market to China and Japan even more. But some bottlenecks exist in developing in the general teahouse, for instance, staffs quit job causes the education and training question, the loyalty question of the brand, house rent cost are high. So teahouse industry proprietor can consider that form an alliance with the different product company, expand the product line, and share some expenses together. It has the benefit of reducing the operating cost, strengthening the competitive power, and diversifying the goods types, those can meet the consumer demand. Tea market is still growing up in recent years, and under the circumstances that some experiments of medical report are proved that tea is good for health. It causes the potential consumer population and purchasing power to grow up constantly, so tea companies need to pay more attention to improve the structure of the goods and offer service of making consumers satisfied, like this, the constant enlargement that the industry of tea could take advantage of this situation. There are three kinds of main types in the teahouse at the present stage: Leisure Tea Garden, tea art house, complex tea restaurant. These three kinds of types of operation have its main products and activities to let consumers experience the enjoyment of drinking tea each. The development which visits the Leisure Tea Garden combines the agriculture, education and characteristic that lies fallow, not only can stimulate the countryside to develop, can also let consumers of the city have places of a party during the vacation. Visit the activity which can be offered to consumers in Leisure Tea Garden and include the agricultural affair to visit, experience the course of make tea, brew tea and drink tea teaching, tea culture are recommend, can also hold various kinds of theme activities in slack business season according to the tea in addition, which will make visitors in the Leisure Tea Garden in an endless stream throughout the year. Among them, it is to visit the unique selling point in the Leisure Tea Garden to visit and experience the course of make tea with the agricultural affair, because consumers emphasize the health now. Customer do not want to eat agricultural products with residues of pesticides, so can introduce consumer's correct agriculture chemical occupation mode while visiting in agricultural affair. In addition, in the course of experiencing the making tea can let consumers feel the preciousness of the tea grower's working hard and tea. Inheriting from classical culture more in the tea art house, adopt more flowing water of flower garden, brick wood ,etc. And it builds the scene too in mounting, complement the works of drawing with the classic's poem etc. And it improves the cultural characteristics in the shop. The tea name which is also rich in the clever thought is the special feather of the tea art house. It has opened another kind of delight of life for guests. Because a kind of quietness that the tea art house give more consumers, quiet and tastefully laid out feeling. So the main activities and services that tea art house offer are brew tea and drink tea teaching, tea culture introduce, work of art appreciate and sell. The characteristic of complex tea restaurant is the function of pluralism and various that he offers, and it has merged more heterogeneous culture. It is simple and unsophisticated that the decoration of complex tea restaurant is different from the traditional tea art house too, and the substitute is a bright and clean, spacious and open design. The waiter or clerk prepares a pot of tea or a cup of tea well, let consumer just needs to taste and experience it carefully and slowly, the concept comes out to transmit 'drink tea may very much light actually, might not take heavy and complicated formality'. Although the service and activity offered in complex tea restaurant are still the teaching, tea culture recommend, the work of art is appreciated and sold. But drinking tea and eat meal are the main business. Its atmosphere builds letting not only younger generations and workers does not repel of it, fond of his environment instead. It can be the replacement of the coffee shop. By the way, customers not only go to coffee shop to have a get-together, but also can choose going teahouse to have a dinner party and have a rest voluntarily too. This can prove from ‘CHA FOR TEA’, ‘AZABUSABO’ crowd state of restaurant. Do the Analysis of the complex convenience store of teahouse by way of Hamel’s model now. Hamel proposes four major elements, whose are core strategy, strategic resources, customer interface and value network. And there are three ‘bridges’ linking the four elements, they are stated as follows: The complex convenience store of teahouse can set out from such an undertaking mission on the core strategy, and not only puts out the entity goods on the products and market range, even service of the virtual goods should be offered. Those can be consumed in the shop and take away are the main entity goods, and this part can be done a big innovation to make customer easily to buy, brew and drink. This will be the marrow of the difference foundation. On strategic resources, except it is apt to brew tea to offer to consumers. It is the key ability that the company needs accumulating even more to make the customer easy to buy and take, and this needs to encourage the staff to interact with customer to develop creative service and products. After that, the accumulating brand name, patent, customer's data and channel will be company's important strategic assets. And do the work to make the selling, purchasing, preparing the goods procedure in the information platform, which is the foundation to upgrade the competitive power. Configuration is the bridge to link core strategy and strategic resources. The main activity is to let staff have chance to experience other department’s work, let R&D and marketing person have chance to be a sales person to feel customer’s real request and puzzle. In customer interface, it needs marketing develop activities, sales activities and after-sale and support service. By these activities, it can find out new customer and maintain the existing relationship with the customer, and these will also maintain the customer's loyalty. On the information platform that has already had, develop the traceability system of production, let consumers experience the transparent advantages, realize the demands of the information. Under this kind interaction, the relationship between the company and customer must be reliable. Under the channel foundation in the convenience store, the supply chain relation and overhead will let the goods cost be reduced, and it will raise the products competitiveness. Customer benefit is the bridge to link core strategy and customer interface. The company can offer some convenient service to customers, like changing the goods within the time limit and re-curing the moist tea. Make up the value network by the way of supplier, partner, alliance. This can develop and sell the goods complementarily, and under the cooperation of honors, improve the sales volume of the goods to make a profit. Company boundary line is the bridge to link value network and strategic resources. It should give the manufacture work to the suppliers or the partners, and the company just needs to focus on the sale, manner of packing, research and develop some new convenient method to brew good tea. In addition, enterprise needs to pay much attention to get money, which can raise the efficiency through the large-scale production and experience curve, reach the uniqueness through small-size package, helping customer brew tea, smooth supply chain system and customer service system. All these strategic factors should be matched to reach a goal to get 25% net profits. Then, the enterprise can be managed continuously forever.

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