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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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張凱達 Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探究三項命題,即中共八大路線的具體內容為何?由黨的最高權力機關制定通過的路線,何以發生轉折變化?以及為何在中共黨史上獲得「正確」路線評價? 1956年的中國大陸局勢,正處於「社會主義改造」的高潮中,共黨於1955年下半年發起的加速合作化運動獲得空前成功,中共的權威和聲望達到高點;受到赫魯曉夫在蘇共「二十大」批判斯大林的影響,共黨有意放鬆高壓的政治思想管制,舒緩社會階級的緊張對立形勢。於是自毛澤東開始,共黨領導人提出一連串傾向民主化和自由化的主張,使得1956年成為中國出現「走向民主道路」可能的一年。此時召開的共黨第八次全國代表大會,制定了中共黨史上極重要的「八大路線」。 八大路線由幾個有機聯繫的部分組成,包括總結「三大改造」的經驗;對當時社會形勢、階級關係的評估;以生產力和生產關係界說得出的主要矛盾論斷;和以發展生產力為中心的主要任務等。這些要素組合而成共黨特定時期的任務目標,既可滿足無產階級政黨對共產主義革命的意識型態需要,又可解釋執政黨領導各級黨政機關實行各項政策方針的合理性,就「理論—路線—政策」的決策模式而言,八大路線可說是一個頗為完備的基本路線。 八大路線的轉折是一個漸進的過程,毛澤東個人的思想與行動,無疑在其中發揮了決定性作用。八大路線的指導思想中,雖然並未全面否定毛澤東思想,但是諸如反冒進或平衡發展原則在路線中的重要性,實際上超過了毛思想中相關原則的地位。這種現象原可使得按照理論結合實踐原則產生的基本路線,具有修正不合時宜的意識型態以推動各項具體政策的作用;經過頗具制度化決策方式產生的八大路線,卻未經實踐即告失敗,足以證明「結合」原則難以在客觀環境下實現,路線模式在中共的現實政治環境中是相當脆弱的。 共將1957年以後的路線走向歸結於「左傾錯誤」的說法,八大路線顯然是一條「非左」的路線。文革之後,鄧小平提出「社會主義現代化建設是我們當前最大的政治」的口號,確立以「生產力標準」作為判別路線正確錯誤的標準。根據此一觀點,中共給予八大路線極高的評價,而確立其「正確路線」的地位。除此之外,中共對歷史的評價顯然離不開現實政治的需要,八大路線可說是以毛澤東時代中的一個「非毛主義」式的基本路線,而受到中共領導階層的相對重視。 於路線模式可以滿足無條件的共黨領導的需要,鞏固無產階級專政理論的有效性,因此共黨將不會輕易放棄路線模式這項政治運作的原則。

交易成本、租稅原則、及廠商移動的兩國一般均衡分析 / The two-country general equilibrium analysis of the trade costs, taxation principle, and firm's relocation

連科雄, Lian, Ke Shaw Unknown Date (has links)
此博士論文乃是以兩國福利受兩國交易成本及關稅的影響、以及兩國 資本所得稅率在就籍與就源課稅兩種稅制下受交易成本及資源稟賦的 影響做為分析的主軸, 以探討交易成本不一致下的國際產業移動之驅 動因素, 以及由此而產生的各國之福利水準和各國各種政策在不同條 件下對於福利的影響, 包含以下3 篇論文。 論文1: 不對稱貿易成本下之雙邊關稅的福利分析 當貿易成本存在時, 關稅的上升或下降對於經濟體系的福利變化之分 析目前仍少有廣泛討論, 本文之目的即在於分析此情況下關稅之存在 是否為兩國之間的次佳選擇之議題。在此, 我們依Dornbusch et al. (1977) 所建立的兩國連續商品空間之貿易模式內生模型進行分析。本 文證明, 當雙方貿易存在出口貿易成本時, 若本國出口成本高於外國 時, 兩國同步提高關稅將會使兩國皆減少出口, 本國所節省的貿易成 本將轉換為本國自行生產所支付的工資。此時, 若兩國經濟規模相同, 則本國的相對工資將會上升; 若本國之人口規模大於外國, 則不但本 國福利上升, 加總後之世界總福利亦會上升。當貿易成本為零時, 本文 則與Dornbusch et al. (1977) 及傳統上文獻的分析之結論一致, 課徵 關稅將使福利下降。因此, 當兩國間存在不對稱貿易成本時, 即使市場 為完全競爭, 零關稅亦非兩國之間的最適貿易政策。 關鍵詞: 貿易成本, 福利, 人口規模, 次佳理論 JEL 分類代號: F15, F42 論文2: 不對稱境內物流成本下之租稅與公共投入競爭 對於不同資本課稅原則下資本稅率與廠商選址之均衡分析, 本文設立 不完全競爭之兩國一般均衡模型, 探討廠商的區位選擇以及兩國間的 租稅競爭在不同的資本所得稅制及各國不同的基礎建設水準下所受到 的影響。在此, 資本所得課稅分為就籍課稅及就源課稅兩種方式, 而各 國之基礎建設的影響則為當地廠商的對內交易成本及對外貿易成本。 本研究發現, 不論是採取就籍課稅或就源課稅, 若兩國的資源稟賦及 基礎建設完全一致時, 則一國須採取降到底部(race to the bottom) 的政策, 透過較低之資本稅率才能使得本國的廠商集中度大於資本豐 富度。當兩國之間的資源稟賦及基礎建設不一致時, 則豐富的資源稟 賦及良好的基礎建設可使一國即使設定較高的資本稅率依然可以擁有 較高的廠商集中度。另一方面, 若原本兩國之貿易成本相同, 若一國以 全球化作為政策方向, 以改善對外貿易基礎建設而使跨國貿易成本下 降時, 將使得境內物流基礎建設較佳的國家的廠商集中度提高, 即使 此一貿易成本下降乃是由對手國所達成亦會得到此一結果。因此, 一 國應優先致力於在地化改善其境內基礎建設再進行全球化之作為。另 一方面, 就福利效果而言, 本研究發現, 改善本國之基礎建設可提高本 國福利、損及外國福利, 將會存在以鄰為壑的效應。當兩國經濟規模一 致、交易成本一致時, 則不論何國改善基礎建設, 加總的世界總福利將 會上升。 關鍵詞: 全球化, 在地化, 基礎建設, 租稅競爭, 福利分析 JEL 分類代號: R12, R53, F21 論文3: 不對稱對外出口成本下之租稅與公共投入競爭 本文設立一個兩國之間存在不對稱的境內物流成本及對外貿易成本, 以分析政府部門的不同公共投入對於其資本稅率及國民福利的影響。 本研究發現, 當兩國之間的對外貿易成本決定於各自的基礎建設與物 流通路時, 改善本國之境內物流基礎建設及對外貿易基礎建設以降低 本國的交易成本將可明確的提高本國的廠商集中度, 使得本國得以擁 有較高的資本稅率臨界值。同時, 當本國之交易成本降低時, 外國會受 到此一政策的負向影響, 使得其廠商集中度降低, 資本稅率的臨界值 亦因而降低。因此, 本國不論是改善境內或對外的基礎建設以降低交 易成本, 皆是以鄰為壑的政策。若就福利效果而言, 改善本國的基礎建 設以降低本國的境內及對外之交易成本皆可使本國的福利上升。就世 界福利而言, 當兩國原本的經濟規模相等、相對交易成本相等時, 世界 之福利將會因而上升。 關鍵詞: 貿易成本, 基礎建設, 租稅競爭, 租稅原則, 福利分析 JEL 分類代號: R12, R53, F21 / This main issues of this dissertation are the effect of asymmetric trade costs and bilateral tariffs on the welfare of the two countries, and the effect of capital tax competition on firms’ location choice under asymmetric trade costs and capital endowment of the two countries. Under these model setting, I discuss the welfare effect of trade policy and public infrastructure by the following 3 essays. Essay 1:The welfare Analysis of Bilateral Tariff under The Asymmetric Trade Costs. Although a large number of studies have been made on the welfare effect of bilateral tariff, little is known about what will be different if the trade costs are embedded in the international trade. The purpose of this essays is to analyze whether the bilateral tariff will be the second best choice under this kind of circumstance. In this essay, it is shown that the wage of the home country will increase from the saving of its higher trade cost if the two countries impose the bilateral tariff and it contribute to less trade between the two countries. If the home country own more population then the foreign country, then the world welfare will increase by the much more increase of the home country welfare. It is also shown that the welfare will decrease if there is no trade cost between the two countries, and this conclusion is in line with Dornbusch et al. (1977). Hence, the existence of asymmetric trade cost will change the traditional conclusion that bilateral tariff will be harmful to the two countries if the market is perfect competition. Keywords : trade cost, welfare, population size, second-best theroy JEL classification : F15, F42 Essay 2: The Tax and Infrastructure Competition under the Asymmetric Homeland Transport Costs This essay build a two-country general equilibrium model with monopolistic competition to discuss the issue of capital tax and the firm’s relocation under different taxation principle and different international trade cost and domestic transport cost between the two countries. In this essay, there are two kinds of taxation principles : the source-based principle and the residence-based principle. The globalization policy is to lower international trade cost, while the localization policy is to lower the domestic transport cost. The first conclusion from this essay is that : no matter what kind of taxation principle, there will be “race to the bottom” tax policy between the two countries for the purpose of attracting more firms if their endowments and infrastructure are the same. When their endowments and infrastructure are asymmetric, the country with better infrastructure and much more endowment can impose a higher capital tax and still own more firms then the other country. The second conclusion from this essay is that the country with better domestic infrastructure will benefit from globalization policy, even it is the unilateral policy of the other country. Hence, localization policy has higher priority than the globalization policy. Besides, this essay also shows that the localization policy will enhance the domestic welfare and lower the foreign welfare. Hence, localization policy will have the effect of beggar-thy-neighbor. However, the world welfare still increases from this policy. Keywords : globalization, localization, infrastructure, tax competition, welfare analysis JEL classification : R12, R53, F21 Essay 3:The Tax and Infrastructure Competition of The Two Countries with Asymmetric Export Costs This essay builds a two-country location model with asymmetric domestic transport cost and international trade cost to analyze the effect of infrastructure on the tax rate and welfare of the two countries. There are perfect capital mobility between the two countries and the transport cost and trade cost is decided by the location of the firms. Hence, its cost will be the result of the infrastructure policy of each country. It can be derived from this essay that the improvement of domestic or international infrastructure of own’s country can increase the concentration of firm and lead it to be capable of imposing a higher capital tax. Hence, the improvement of domestic and international infrastructure in one country will be “beggar-thy-neighbor” to the other country. For the welfare effect, it can also enhance its own welfare. When the two countries are of the same economic size and face the same relative trade and transport cost, the world welfare will increase from the improvement of infrastructure of either country. Keywords : trade cost, infrastructure, tax competition, tax principle, welfare analysis JEL classification : R12, R53, F21

中國大陸城市化對住宅價格的影響 ——基於2003-2011年中國不同規模城市追蹤資料的實證檢驗 / Impacts of urbanization on residential housing prices in Chinese cities

莊凱融, Rong, Zhuang Kai Unknown Date (has links)
城市化意味着城市的經濟結構、社會結構和空間結構變遷。隨着中國大陸城市化的推進,城市人口遷移、建成區面積增長,城市發展質量逐步提高,而同期內城市商品住宅價格亦呈現普遍而明顯的上漲趨勢。 過去雖有許多國內外文獻對全國城市商品住宅價格的影響因素進行了探討,但少有文獻從城市化的層面着眼進行研究;在部分集中討論城市化效應的文獻中,亦存在以省域代替城市作爲研究對象,以及採用橫截面數據進行實證研究,未能體現不同城市化和社會經濟發展階段之變動趨勢的缺憾。 有鑑於此,本文使用中國大陸2003年至2011年不同規模城市的相關追蹤資料,以“人口城市化”“土地城市化”和城市發展質量優化作爲城市化的主要體現,用從業人口、建設用地面積、房地產開發投資額等一系列指標作爲自變數構建追蹤資料固定效應模型,分析城市化對不同規模城市商品住宅價格的影響,探究中國大陸社會經濟重要發展來源的城市化能否繼續維持城市商品住宅市場的穩定。實證結果顯示,城市化發展對城市商品住宅價格上漲的貢獻明顯,而人口城市化的作用較之土地城市化更爲顯著;大城市和中小城市在城市化發展過程中商品住宅價格影響因素亦有所不同,城市發展中由政府主導的城市土地開發利用與基礎設施建設應集約化發展,土地城市化必須與人口城市化以及城市發展質量提升相互協調。 / Urbanization means changes of cities ‘economic structure, social structure and spatial structure. With the development of Chinese urbanization, the urban population and construction land area is growing, the urban development quality is improving gradually, in the same period city residential housing prices also presents common and obvious rising trend. In the past, although there were many domestic and external literature focusing on the influence factors of the national urban residential housing prices, but there were few literature based the study on the impact of urbanization; many of literatures in which the urbanization effect discussed, also taken provincial data as the research object instead of city , using cross-sectional data for empirical research, so failed to reflect changes in different stages of urbanization and social and economic development trend. In light of this, this article refer to mainland China from 2003 to 2011, 213 level panel data, related to "land urbanization" and "population urbanization" quality optimization as the main embodiment of urbanization, taking urban working population, construction land area, real estate investment and a series of indicators as independent variables to construct panel fixed effects model, in order to analyze the effect of urbanization on the urban residential property prices. We expect to explore whether if mainland China's urbanization, which is a source of important social and economic development of the nation, will continue to maintain the stability of the urban residential market. Empirical results indicates that the influence of urbanization on city residential housing price is evident, besides population urbanization plays a more important role than land urbanization. In the process of urbanization, the influential factors of residential housing price varying in metropolis and small cities, therefore development of urban land dominated by local government ought to realize intensification, and land urbanization should be coordinated with population urbanization and city development quality.

1930 年代國民政府的造林事業:以華北平原為個案研究 / Economy and Environment: the afforestation in North China in the 1930s

侯嘉星, Ho, Chia-hsing Unknown Date (has links)


謝靜琪 Unknown Date (has links)
市地重劃是目前落實都市計畫的重要工具之一透過市地重劃可取得十公共設施用地及部分設施之建設經費。在地方政府財源短絀的情況下,市地重劃不啻是為優良之地方建設工具之一。 市地重劃運用使用者付費之觀念,將開發利益以公共設施用地及建設經費的內容,轉換成抵費地之方式回饋社會,目前依法令規定此回饋比例不得超過市地重劃總面積之百分之四十五。然而如何適當地評估開發利益(即市地重劃效益),並依此獲利負擔回饋(即市地重劃負擔)是本研究所欲了解的。本研究藉由地價理論,確定市地重劃效益主要是因為公共設施投資建設所產生之寧適性與可建性,資本化為每宗土地之土地價值一部分而得;其次依分配價值理論與使用者付費方法,確定市地重劃負擔具有類似稅捐性質,其意為每宗土地支付重劃負擔所繳納之土地比例。由此觀點,本研究藉由市地重劃地價函數之建立,依特徵價格法( Hedonic Price Method)建構實證模型,並且選定臺中市第七期及第八期重劃區為實證地區,以討論公共設施投資建設對市地重劃後土地價值的景響程度,2重劃負擔法定比例的經濟意義及土地所有權人對重劃負擔的真實負擔能力,以及3以個體經濟之觀點,衡量土地所有權人對重劃之利益與負擔,願意支付之價格。最後再進一步檢討1現行市地重劃分配計算方式之缺失,2以抵費地支付重負擔之問題,以及3重劃估價方式之間題,並提出改進方向。 本研究經以理論及實證分析,獲得之主要結論為:參與市地重劃之住宅地,透過地方性公共建設投資資本化作用,可獲得相當利益,此時以抵費地方式回饋部分利益是極可行的方式,且依實證結果可知,目前地主支付重劃負擔之實力仍大於法規要求之百分之四十五。因此,若再考慮土地使用變更所獲之超額利益,則回饋利益之比例應遠大於百分之四+五。


鄭惠嘉, Cheng, Hui-Chia Unknown Date (has links)
建設公司為典型的內需產業,隨著國內經濟的發展而變動。在民國80年後房地產市場因經濟與政治的動盪而一路下滑,陷入長期的衰退時期,因此政府採取許多利多措施以振作該產業的發展,而土地增值稅減半徵收政策就是其中一項振興措施。土地增值稅減半措施可以降低土地的交易成本,被房地產市場認為是利多消息,而國內研究多從投資人的觀點探討政策對股價的影響,未曾探討該政策對身為房地產市場供給者之建設公司經營效率的影響程度。 因此,本研究針對1998年至2003年的36家上市櫃建設公司,採用資料包絡分析法與大邊界法的概念,畫出單一包絡曲線以涵蓋整體樣本期間,求出所有樣本的效率值並分析其長期趨勢,以探討減半徵收政策對建設公司成本效率、配置效率與技術效率的影響。 實證結果顯示,政策實施後之純技術效率顯著大於政策實施後,而政策實施後之規模效率則顯著小於政策實施前;以Tobit迴歸分析顯示,政策實施對建設公司整體而言有提升配置效率與純技術效率的效果,但規模效率是下降的,表示建設公司尚未達到最適生產規模,仍有調整提振的空間。另外,就不同組織型態下的建設公司探討政策對其影響程度,若就上櫃建設公司與上市建設公司兩個子群體分別觀察,分析結果發現上櫃建設公司在政策實施前與實施後之成本效率、整體技術效率、純技術效率與規模效率皆顯著大於上市建設公司,且政策實施對上市建設公司之純技術效率有大幅度提升的效果,而Tobit迴歸分析亦顯示上櫃建設公司之經營效率較上市建設公司為佳。從有無集團背景著眼分析顯示非屬於集團企業之建設公司在政策實施前與實施後之成本效率、整體技術效率與純技術效率皆顯著大於屬於集團企業之建設公司,而Tobit迴歸分析亦顯示屬於集團企業之建設公司在整體技術效率方面不如非屬於集團企業之建設公司。 / Developers as the typical domestic demand industry change with development of the domestic economy. Because of turbulence of the economy and politics the real estate market fell into long-term decline after 1990. So the government took many favorite policies to improve the development of this industry, and the Land Value Increment Tax (LVIT) cut was one of those policies. The LVIT cut could reduce the transaction cost of the land, so it was thought a profitable policy to the real estate market. Most domestic researches are based on the investors’ view to test the impact of the policy on stock market, but not focus on the influence on the suppliers of real estate market, developers. In order to trace the trend of developers’ efficiency, this research employs data of 36 listed developers from 1998 to 2003 and applies Date Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to construct a grand frontier. Therefore, based on the trend of grand frontier this research could examine the impact of LIVT cut on developers` cost efficiency, allocation efficiency and technical efficiency. The major findings of this research as follows. The statistical results show that pure technical efficiency after the policy is statistically significant greater than that before the policy, and scale efficiency before the policy is statistically significant greater than that after the policy. The Tobit regression suggests that the implement of the LIVT cut could improve pure technical efficiency and allocation efficiency but drop scale efficiency. The finding suggests that developers have not yet reached the best scale and still have adjustment space. In addition, this research examines the impact of the policy on developers under different organization type. First, to divide developers into TSE and OTC. The analysis result shows that whether before the policy or after the policy cost efficiency, technical efficiency, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency of OTC are statistically significant greater than that of TSE, and Tobit regression also shows that business efficiency of OTC is greater than that of TSE. Besides, from views of group background, the analysis result shows that whether before the policy or after the policy cost efficiency, technical efficiency, and pure technical efficiency of independent developers are statistically significant greater than that of group developers, and Tobit regression shows that technical efficiency of independent developers is statistically significant greater than that of group developers.

一帶一路對Visegrad聯盟之影響 / Impact of belt and road initiative on visegrad group

蓋蓮娜, Geppert, Alena Unknown Date (has links)
無 / This qualitative study provides conclusions on Impact of Belt and Road Initiative for Visegrad countries – the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. It analyses trade indicators and foreign direct investments between Visegrad countries and China for years 2012-2016. It compares results and status of relations based on Belt and Road Initiative on economical, geopolitical and political level. In the end, this study provides suggestions for Visegrad countries to be more attractive for Chinese investors or to benefit more from cooperation.

印尼雅萬高鐵的援助政治—中國與印尼的合作研究 / The Politics of Aid in Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Rail Project—A Study in Cooperative Interaction between China and Indonesia

吳承憲, Wu, Cheng Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
傳統對援助的認知是兩方互動中有著「施與受的單向關係」,但今日轉變為兩方透過援助為名來進行發展之需要的「夥伴關係」。本研究採用印尼雅萬高鐵的個案來探討究竟是何種考量促使印尼做出選擇,所以才促成雅萬高鐵建設與中國進行合作。在方法上藉由文獻分析探討中國以及印尼彼此的合作意圖,並透過相關資料的蒐集、整理與分析,找出適當的證據來支撐並解釋印尼雅萬高鐵的建設為什麼是與中國合作的原因,最後從對於該項個案的分析延伸探討中國的援助在東南亞是否展現了一種援助上的新殖民主義行為。 中國的高鐵外交主要特色在於政府主導、商業取向以及戰略性選擇,而高鐵建設也成為現階段中國實力的展現,以及對外關係合作上的優先手段與工具。本文對中國的探討,發現雅萬高鐵並不能單純視之為援助國與受援國「求雙贏」的商業投資合作案,反倒是個充滿著援助國為「求所得」的政經援助合作案。 佐科威的施政願景需要大量基礎建設來帶動國家發展,而中國能夠以划算的方式提供印尼發展所需的技術,專業知識和資金。同時,中國所提出的方案其建設所需時間較日本短,工程期間將經歷印尼總統選舉,所以若能如期完工,將對佐科威的連任帶來助益。本文透過對印尼的討論足見雅萬高鐵的合作成案是建基在受援國本身的政治經濟想望中,而不單是援助國單方面的決定。 透過本研究之考察可以發現中國對印尼的援助並未具有獨佔或壟斷的權力,印尼擁有援助中的自主權來與中國進行協商並議價雅萬高鐵的合作方向。從這些面向觀之,中國和印尼間並不存在著殖民式關係,印尼在雅萬高鐵中的角色也不是被剝削或依賴的關係,反倒擁有左右中國的能力,因此很難將中印(尼)在雅萬高鐵合作的關係貼上新殖民主義的標籤。最後,本文認為透過對援助知識的探討,對於我國未來的國際參與將有所助益。 / A great deal of previous research into foreign aid has focused on ‘Aid Dependency’. However, there has been increasing attention paid to ‘Partnership’ between Donors and Recipients. This paper presents an analysis of cooperative interaction within the politics of aid, with a particular focus on Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Rail. By means of textual analysis and case studies, the study has collected rich data which enable descriptions of the critical reasons of cooperative interaction between China and Indonesia in Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Rail project. Besides, in terms of case, the correlations between China’s aid intention and Indonesia’s development goal were calculated to determine the relationship of Neo-colonialism between these two variables. The results obtained confirm that China’s High Speed Rail Diplomacy shows three characteristics¬─State-led、Business-driven and Strategic choice. Using High Speed Rail to foster infrastructure assistance becomes a major tool in China’s foreign aid technique. These findings shed light on Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Rail project is not only a commercial contract but also a political deal. Additionally, results of this study revealed that President Jokowi pursue a macro Indonesia’s national development vision, infrastructures stand for a priority position in his thought. Because China’s aid is more cost-effective than Japan’s program, and China’s program suits Jokowi’s political intention, it facilitates Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Rail is the China-Indonesia cooperation project. It means Recipients can grip ownership in development assistance, the politics of aid shows a new image that recipients can bargain their goal with donors. It can be concluded that China's aid to Indonesia does not have exclusive or monopoly power. Indonesia has the ownership to negotiate with China and bargain for the cooperation of the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Rail. From these perspectives, there is no colonial relationship between China and Indonesia. In the case, Indonesia is not exploited or dependent on China. Instead, it has the ability to influence China. Therefore, it cannot be seen as a Neo-colonialism. Finally, based on these findings, this study suggests that we need to strengthen the discussions about Foreign Aid or Development Assistance. These findings have important implications for the Republic of China (Taiwan), it will make a useful contribution to Taiwan’s international participation.

從正當行政程序論民間參與公共建設甄審與爭議處理 / A study on Evaluation and Dispute of the Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects from Due Administrative Process

蔡志明 Unknown Date (has links)
司法院釋字第520號解釋於理由書指出:「基於法治國原則,縱令實質正當亦不可取代程序合法」,即一語道出程序正義之重要性。 民間參與公共建設具專業性、複雜性及高風險性、隔代性、利益衝突等特性,在政府與民間合作理念的推動下,法律規定模式已呈現由「條件式」的模式轉向「目的式」模式,致使政府合作對象的甄審(選)成為一種高度專業趨向之判斷,並且可能陷於「決策於未知之中」的困境。民間參與公共建設的推動上,除技術層面之實體審查標準外,實應認真思考面對決策的程序問題,藉由程序之提升,用以補足實體規範的不足。據此,有關引進民間參與公共建設之法規,甄審程序選出的最佳締約對象、最優申請案件或最優申請人「是否即屬適當」,應思考甄審(或評選)程序與組織設計,是否妥適。 本文擬由正當法律程序於美國及日本之發展出發,藉以了解其規範基礎與發展情形,並分析我國司法實務有關正當法律程序原則之解釋,理解我國對於正當法律程序之內涵與要求。其後聚焦行政實務上經常引用作為民間參與公共建設案件辦理依據之獎參條例、採購法及促參法,就其甄審、評選或評審程序與爭議處理程序檢視正當法律程序實踐情形。 本於基本權保障意旨及法律承認權利之保障,基本上本文認同至少應有一最低限度之保障(即聽證權)。至於其他要求為何?本於民間參與公共建設之興建或營運,涉及政府有限資源之分配及申請人(營業自由、契約自由)與使用者(生命、身體、財產)之基本權保障相關,應可由司法院釋字第384號解釋及釋字第709號解釋推導出「組織」要求,而其他如公正作為(迴避、禁止程序外接觸)、受告知權、說明理由及資訊公開,亦正是落實組織適法與聽證權,所不可或缺之要素。


蕭慈飛, Xiao, Ci-Fei Unknown Date (has links)
第一章「導論」:凡四節,對本文之研究目的、研究方法與研究範圍作一論述。 第二章「幼工區輔導體系」;凡四節,探討本輔導體系之結構、流程、制度及對被輔 導者之溝通方式;并分析幼工區與一般工業區之異同。 第三章「幼工區開發現狀」;凡四節,討論本工業區之開發背景、開發目標、籌建經 過與廠商的經營現狀。 第四章「評估理論」;凡五節,定義政策評估、評估目的、評估構面、評估限制以及 提出本論文的評估理論架構。 第五、六、七章分別對幼工區輔導體系就「事前規劃」、「事中執行」、「事後表現 」進行評估;「事前評估」又分為「開發目標之界定」、「輔導制度之合理化」、「 對外溝通管道之建立」;「事中評估」分為「幼工區之規劃闢建」、「廠商之申購輔 導」、「廠商之後續輔導」;「事後評估」再以「經濟成長績效」、「社會心理建設 績效」兩項來探討。 最後一章將研究所得作結論并提出對本輔導體系之看法與建議。

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