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陸資赴台直接投資法制之研究 / A Study on the Regulation of Mainland China's Direct Investment in Taiwan

上官丹怡, Shang Guan, Dan Yi Unknown Date (has links)
台灣開放陸資赴台直接投資已逾七年,相關投資法制體系初步形成,而法制環境對評估投資而言,一直都是最重要的影響因素。本文基於對陸資赴台投資直接適用之法令,並結合與之相關的其他法規範,通過研究,對陸資赴台直接投資之法制有較為清晰之認識。 由於台灣對陸資與僑外資採分別立法管轄,並將陸資經由第三地區公司赴台投資視為陸資間接投資,與陸資直接投資適用相同之法律規範。故本文首先對陸資的意涵進行分析,釐清其所指代的範圍,並說明主管機關在實務認定上的要點。其次,本文結合台灣公司法上涉及股東出資的相關規定,對陸資赴台直接投資可為之出資方式進行討論。最後,陸資投資業別項目的歷次開放說明,以及陸資可選擇之投資型態亦為本文論述的重點,目的在於明確現階段台灣市場對陸資的開放程度,以及陸資的相關投資待遇。 在對陸資赴台進行了法令結合實務的研究之後,本文進一步將其與外資赴台投資進行比較分析,並從開放投資業別項目、投資主體身分限制、申請程序、後續核查機制四個方面論述了二者投資台灣的差別待遇。兩岸雖然已經在逐步減少投資限制,促進投資便利化等方面達成協議,但台灣對陸資與外資在事實上的差別對待仍然較為明顯。 隨著陸資赴台投資逐漸顯現其正面效益,台灣同樣應該對現行的陸資政策進行檢討,適時作出調整,逐步放寬對陸資的限制,改善陸資投資環境。 / Taiwan has permitted Mainland China to make direct investment in the Island over seven years, and the relevant preliminary legal investment system has been formed. This thesis has made a research on the directly applicable laws for the direct mainland investment in Taiwan and other related laws and regulations, so as to give readers a clearer understanding of the law of direct investment in Taiwan. Considering that Taiwan has made different laws to manage mainland investment and overseas investment, firstly, this paper analyzes the connation of mainland investment and clarifies its meaning ranges. Secondly, combined with the part of contributions of shareholder stated on Taiwan company law, the paper also discussed what way the investors from mainland could choose to make direct investment in Taiwan.Finally, descriptions of all previous business categories that could be invested and investment patterns that could be chosen by mainland investors are also the important discussion points of the paper. After a research combining the practice with regulations, this thesis will make a further contrasting analysis of mainland investment with the foreign investment in Taiwan, as well as their treatment difference for aspects of opening investment projects, investment restrictions on the identity, application procedures and the subsequent verification mechanism. Although, the two sides have gradually reduced investment restrictions and promote to make agreements on investment facilitation, there are still obvious differences of Taiwan’s treatment on mainland investment and foreign investment. As mainland investment is gradually making positive effect on Taiwan’s development, Taiwan should also review the current policy on mainland investment and make timely adjustments, so as to slowly relieve its restrictions and improve the investment environment for mainland investors.


石新俊, SHI , HSIN-JUN Unknown Date (has links)
我國當前推動這套績效獎金及績效待遇制度為移植美公部門績效管理制度,以公開賽模式理論為基礎和運用目標管理法進行考核,圖引進風險性收入計劃來提振公務員士氣和行政效能與國家競爭力,以滿足人民需求。 本研究經深度訪談十位不同部會的現職薦任非主管人員,以瞭解本制度在公部門的實際運作情況及其衍生問題和影響,反映並尊重公部門內逾30﹪相關利害人的實質感受與權益。發現此制度確可強化定期目標追蹤與考評,促使公務員更重視計劃執行,然績效是主觀詮釋下的社會建構,其標準易受操縱,政府將風險轉嫁至公務員身上,致使彼等引發道德危機而產生逆選擇的嚴重競租行為,反將工作重心轉向主管身上的「目標錯置」現象,如此則增加主管濫權機會、加深政治干預、弱勢更形不利、員工績效與組織績效未能有效連結產出等現象。 顯然這種變革方向是具爭議的,未明瞭此項工程是高度政治性而非行政性或管理的問題,且未尊重相關利害人的正當權益和反應,輸方可能運用各種機制來反向引導變革。故本人認為可朝下列調整:創造強有力領導團隊,應實施每年撤換績效不彰主管,至少佔主管職位五分之一;慎防躁進,穩健改革較符合公部門的最大利益;應提出突破性具體改善策略來支持和驅使員工做事;績效改革應考慮系絡問題,如對阻力的確認、克服與排除,採用獎懲極端、模糊中間方式,衡量影響,而非產出等。 由以上分析可知本制度在公部門能否發揮績效管理功能的核心問題在於如何克服執行層面的「人性弱點」,要回歸道德價值的創造與實踐,「道德力」是一種競爭優勢,可帶來巨大經濟效益,應認真的將道德議題納入管理制度與流程中。


張義德 Unknown Date (has links)
對於雇主而言,工會的存在如芒刺在背,因此常常對工會採取敵視的態度,並採取種種的手段以影響工會之成立、發展與活動,此種現象在世界各工業先進國家皆然,為資本主義經濟下所無法避免的結果。此種涉及工會之組成、活動的不當行為,即為所謂的「不當勞動行為」。 以日本勞動組合法為例,於第七條規定了「不利益待遇」、「拒絕團體協商」與「支配介入」等三大不當勞動行為的類型,並於第二十七條以下規定了特殊的行政救濟程序。然而由於「不利益待遇」事件為最容易發生的不當勞動行為類型,故本文於闡述了不當勞動行為之共通基本法理後,將焦點置於「不利益待遇」之探究。 依日本勞動組合法,不利益待遇的要件有三,即:1、「不利益待遇之原因」,乃包括勞工「身為工會之會員」、「欲加入或欲組成工會」、及「進行工會之正當行為」等行使團結權的行為。而對於2、「不當勞動行為意思」日本之實務及學說有「主觀要件說」與「客觀要件說」之爭。又,與「不當勞動行為意思」相關的另一重要問題為在雇主對於勞工之不利益處分有正當理由而與不當勞動行為意思產生競合的情況究應如何解決,實務及學說對此亦有所爭論。此外,3、「不利益處分」所發生的問題乃究竟雇主的那些行為構成不利益待遇,亦即不利益待遇態樣之問題。 因為不利益待遇之態樣五花八門,不同的類型可能有不同的認定方式與救濟內容,故本文乃按下列之分類一一加以檢視,亦即:(1)「對於勞動契約關係之不利益」與(2)「對於勞工進行工會活動上之不利益」與(3)「對於勞工私生活上之不利益」。而「對於勞動契約關係之不利益」又可再分為①「勞動契約成立上不利益」(包括黃犬契約、拒絕錄用)、②「勞動契約存續中之不利益」(包括工資與其他金錢給付之差別待遇、昇格、昇任、調職、懲戒、精神上之不利益等)與③「勞動契約終止上之不利益」(包括解僱、合意終止與強迫辭職、定期勞動契約之拒絕更新、試用期間後拒絕採用為正式員工等)。 雖然日本勞動組合法第七條第一款對於不利益待遇有明確地禁止規定,然而僅有明確地法規範尚不足以保障團結而形成公正的勞資關係秩序,尚需實務及學說充實及豐富其內容,才能使勞動組合法中的規定發揮功能。例如:不將「雇主」的概念限縮為勞動契約的相對人,而採取擴張解釋之方式;於發生查定差別時,採取「大量觀察方式」以減輕勞方的證明責任;除了「對於勞動關係上之不利益」外,尚承認對於「勞工進行工會活動之不利益」與「對於勞工私生活上之不利益」等。 相對於日本法,我國法則有如下之問題。 首先,對於我國現行工會法中的「工會之保護」相關規定所保障的不當勞動行為類型範圍過於狹窄,對於工會活動之保護僅限於勞資爭議期間而有保護期間過短的問題。而對於雇主違反工會之保護規定時之法律效果,工會法第五十七條雖有規定罰則,但在實際上根本無法運作,從而我國工會法中的「工會之保護」規定根本無法達成保護工會之目的,而有修正之必要。 其次,本文發現在實際的訴訟案件中,不論當事人之主張或法院判決均對於「工會之保護」相關規定之認識相當有限,不只當事人多僅主張雇主違反個別勞動法上之規定或法理,請求法院確認雇主之不利益待遇行為無效,即使當事人主張雇主違反工會法上之工會保護相關規定,法院仍然多僅依個別勞動法上之規定或法理來解決此爭議。而就案例的數量與類型而言,在法院中所爭訟的不當勞動行為相關案件並不多見,僅約有六十個事件,且多集中在「解僱」之不利益待遇。 由於我國現行的「工會保護」規定在立法上及實務的運作上有上述之問題,故在學界及工運界均有主張應引進美、日之不當勞動行為制度之聲,行政院勞工委員會也提出了多次的工會法修正草案。以行政院院會於2007年4月26日所通過之工會法修正草案為例,除於第三十一條對於不當勞動行為有較現行工會法之工會保護規定有較為完善的規範外,亦有明確地處罰規定。故對於保護的類型、違反之效果與救濟之內容均較現行工會法中「工會保護」規定周延許多。雖然本文以為這些規定仍有所疑義,對於這些疑義若不以立法的方法加以解決,則僅得以學說或施行後的所發出的裁決命令或司法判決加以補充。此外,日本實務及學說對於不利益待遇之認定方式與救濟內容,於我國未來完成立法後,應得供實務參考,以保障勞工之團結權,並使我國之勞資關係朝「正常化」之方向邁進。

我國高階文官制度之研究-法制研究途徑 / The Legal Approach to the Study on the Institution of Senior Civil Service in Taiwan

張騰亞, Chang, Teng Ya Unknown Date (has links)
文官體制為體現國家公權力的表徵,文官系統則為落實政策的團隊,面對現代政府複雜而多元的治理情境,考量文官結構中的「高階文官」位居銜接政務官與事務官的關鍵階層,同時肩負政治角色、管理角色與專業行政角色,對於國家公共政策績效影響甚鉅。是以,為提升我國高階文官核心職能,有必要探討現行高階文官法制,並做為未來擘劃「高階主管特別管理制度」的基礎。 為達成本研究之目的,本研究所處理的問題包含:現行各國高階文官法制及實施成果;他國實施高階文官專法之原因、做法和推動成果;我國訂定高階文官專法所選擇的制度邏輯與立法原因;而為達成我國訂定專法之目的,相關制度內容應如何設計?在專法制定與推動過程中,可能碰到哪些阻礙?又應如何解決? 本研究運用文獻分析法,爬梳現行各國實施高階文官制度及高階文官專法的內容與情形,並歸納3項制度邏輯及相應的立法原因,進而提出6項高階文官專法的法制項目:法制編制、甄選任用、訓練發展、績效待遇、陞遷退離、政務-事務關係。此外,應用深度訪談法瞭解我國高階文官專法相關規劃人員、人事主管、高階文官,以及高階文官業務重要相關人員等對於我國高階文官制度的想像,從中勾勒出未來我國訂定高階文官專法的輪廓。 本研究運用前揭研究方法,歸納10項研究發現: 1.他國實施高階文官專法原因與作法歸納;2.高階文官制度邏輯決定立法原因與制度內容;3.臺灣高階文官專法主要是為創造合作文化;4.高階文官培養歷程應納入「職位制」思維;5.高階文官專法適用職務範圍仍未達成共識;6.高階主管職位開放遴用規範仍需細緻化;7.高階文官發展性訓練與人才庫應結合部分強制任用;8.應發展客觀並重視團體績效的考核方法;9.績效待遇結合績效管理計畫及契約任期制度;10.院際間對專法關鍵項目仍需協商以獲支持。 本研究對上開研究發現提出相應政策建議: 1.確認臺灣高階文官專法制度邏輯與立法原因;2.高階文官專法適用職務範圍分階段納入;3.小規模試辦高階主管職位開放制度;4.強化發展性訓練及人才庫之訓用連結;5.績效待遇機制結合績效管理計畫、6.建構院際合作機制以促進高階文官之政策溝通。 期望藉由本研究對高階文官制度及專法在理論面向與實務經驗的歸納與分析結果,對於未來我國規劃高階文官專法政策能夠略盡貢獻。 / The civil institution is an embodiment that government to exercise of public authority; the civil system is a team to implement their policies. When the modern government to face the complicated and pluralistic situation to govern, we must discuss the ability of our senior civil servant due to they are the key node to play three roles, including politics, management and administrative specific. The aim of this research is to gain a better understanding of the legal institution of Senior Civil Service(SCS), and the results of this research would become a basic to legislate the Senior Executives Administration System in Taiwan. To achieve the goal of this study, there are some problems to deal with, such as the institutional logics and the legislative purposes; the other countries’ legislation and outcomes of SCS, and the reason why we choose to legislate the SCS and how to enact it. This research takes legal approach and using the Documentary Analysis to explore the results of the other countries to implement SCS, and this thesis distributed three institutional logics and the corresponding causes. Furthermore, there are six legislative subjects of SCS: 1. The system of staffing classification; 2. Recruitment; 3. Training & Development; 4. Performance Related Pay; 5. Promotion & Withdrawal; 6. Politics-Administration Relations. This study applies the in-depth interviews to realize and gather the opinions and suggestions of the important relevant persons how to consider the SCS. The interviewee such as the law-makers, the personnel leaders of the government, senior civil servants and councilors, etc. Conclusions were made based on the research results, and contributed 10 findings: 1.Summarizing the current institution of the nations have enacted the special norms of Senior civil servant ; 2. The Institution logics decides the legislative purposes and the context of act; 3.The main subject of SCS in Taiwan is mainly to create the collaboration culture in the civil system; 4.The development process of senior civil servant should take the thinking of “Position System” instead of “Career System”; 5.The range to implement SCS does not reach a consensus yet in Taiwan; 6.The prescript of the open recruitment is lack of the widely discussion; 7.The TOP(Take Off Program for Senior Civil Service) is inefficient the link between promotion and recruitment of SCS; 8.The skills of performance evaluation should consider highly of the performance of the group(or team); 9.The Performance Related Pay(PRP)should combine the performance agreement and the terms of contract of SCS; 10.The Examination Yuan should to negotiate the core subjects of SCS between the different departments to get their supports. This research makes six policy suggestions to reach the conclusions above:1. To confirm the institution logics and legislative purposes of SCS in Taiwan;2. The range of open recruitment of SCS should enact with the different phase; 3. The open positions for external competitor could implement to specific positions in the beginning; 4. To improve the linkage of developmental training between promotion and recruitment; 5. The mechanism of performance pay should combine the plan of performance agreement; 6.To enhance the quality of collaborative mechanism of Intergovernmental Relations to advance the useful consensus of SCS in Taiwan.


吳柏誼, Wu, Po Yi Unknown Date (has links)
政治、經濟、科技與醫療技術的進步,今日的工作力已不似以往在需求、價值親與期望上有較高的同質性;人口組成的改裝亦使非傳統人力的開發為組織保持競爭力的方法。人與人之間存在各種差異:性別、年齡、種族、族群、身心狀況、體能、性別取向、教育程度、文化背景等;雖然此些差異並不必然影響其工作表現,但卻往往成為組織對成員採取差別待遇的原因。此外,組織成員也常因所處之層級、部門的不同,而有不同的觀點、立場、與需求。差異可以是誤解與衝突的來源,卻也可以提升創造力與決策品質。因此,組織不應壓抑各種差異,而應塑造一個可以容忍、利用差異;而使各種不同的人都可以發揮潛能的組織-多重文化組織。   多重文化組織是一個善用差異的組鐵,並對組織多樣化的成員予以良好的管理,使其發揮能力;而正這是多樣化管理之立意。由差異產生的刻板印象或偏見屆心理層面,在處理上是組織整個生活方式的轉變,亦即組織文化之變革。在智理策略上,多樣化管理以彈性與賦與活力為核心;在政策、定歸與系統採取個人化的彈性管理策咯,使組織更合於人文精神與正義原則。由多樣化管理產生打問題,有時是因自免、瞭解或彼此容忍便可解決;多樣化訓練除提供彼此互動以增加對多樣化的尊重與欣賞外,亦提供組織成員處理多樣化議題所需的技巧。由於多樣化管理是處理最基本的組織因素-「人」,因此可說是組織其它干預技術的基礎。本論忒以全面品質管理與學習型組織為例,介紹多樣化營理與其結合的方式。結論除點明多樣化管理對現代機關組織的啟示,並對實務界與學術界提出建議;以期現代組織對人員予以真正的尊重與發揮;創造一個組織與成員雙贏的工作環境。


陳姝廷 Unknown Date (has links)
2005年3月14日通過「反分裂國家法」,把廿多年來對台方針政策法律化,不僅上升為國家意志,且規範兩岸關係,使反分裂、維護國家主權領土完整有法可依。中共的「反獨」政策是配合國際戰略,為其「和平崛起」創造穩定的週邊環境,以「爭取談、準備打、不怕拖」作為「反獨」的最高原則。因此,我們可發現,中共制定「反分裂國家法」後,對台是以「底線清晰、彈性務實」與「軟硬兼施、分而治之」為指導方針,更特別強調如何與台灣推展交流合作。所以在對台交流作法上更趨靈活細緻,如釋放選擇性利益,拉攏我特定地域、黨派、階層、行業,以及擴大交流,深化兩岸經貿關係,更強調「主動出撃、區別對待、軟硬兼施、入島入心」,積極推動兩岸交流、給予我國民待遇以及廣邀我青年學子赴大陸交流等等。 本論文共分六章,茲將其內容分述如下: (一)第一章為緒論,主要說明本文的研究動機與目的,相關文獻回顧、研究途徑與研究方法、研究範圍與限制以及研究架構等。 (二)第二章探討中共對台交流策略的環境因素,先以中國大陸內部因素加以分析,再對國際因素以及台灣因素進行探討。 (三)第三章敘述胡錦濤主政下「反分裂國家法」制定之內容與意涵,首先分析胡錦濤主政下對台政策新思維,其次探討「反分裂國家法」之內容及意涵,最後分析「反分裂國家法」之意涵。 (四)第四章是探討中共制定「反分裂國家法」後對台交流策略與作法,首先探討「反分裂國家法」之目標,再討論中共制定「反分裂國家法」後對台交流策略。最後探討中共制定「反分裂國家法」後對台交流作法。 (五)第五章探討中共對台交流策略之評估,如中共在「反分裂國家法」後對台交流作法更趨務實,企圖打開兩岸僵局,並且以國民待遇化爭取民間,以及造成我政府壓力。 (六)第六章結論,探討中共對台交流策略之研究發現與建議,為使台海地區保持和平,應繼續爭取美國的支持以及加強兩岸交流合作。 / Ever since the “Anti-Secession Law” passed on March 14, 2005, it has legalized Taiwan policy in the last twenty years, which has not only elevated national volition but also confined the cross-Straits relations to gain a legal ground for “anti-secession” and to preserve national right and its territorial intact. The “anti-idependence”policy of Chinese Communists is tied in international strategy to create stable surroundings for its “peace initiatives,” and to observe the ultimate principle of “anti-independence” in the context of “negotiation first, ready for war and no fears of prolonging.” Therefore we found out that after Chinese Communists have set their“Anti-Secession Law,”with provided guidelines to treat Taiwan under“clear bottom line, flexible and practical” and “hard and soft play, splitting will rule” principles and a strong emphasis on promoting interexchange collaborations with Taiwan. Therefore the execution of interexchange collaborations with Taiwan are seen rather flexible and thorough in terms of optional interest concerns with an intention to release preferential to certain regions, parties, bureaucracy and industries and expanding interexchange scope, deepening cross-Straits economic relations. Furthermore stressed on the propaganda of “making initiatives, discrepancy treatments, hard and soft play, penetrating island to win hearts” with such aggressive interexchange activity promotions and an offer of national treatment and wide open policy for academics exchange in Mainland China to our youngsters. This thesis contains six chapters and the descriptions of each chapter as follows: A. Chapter One is a preface, which mainly describes research motive and objective of this article, and it includes the related literatures with research channels and methods, scope and limitation and the research restructure. B. Chapter Two is discovering the environmental factors of Taiwan interexchange strategy by the Chinese Communists, first part will analyze the internal factor of Mainland China and then global and Taiwan accordingly. C. Chapter Three describes the contents and meanings of “Anti-Secession Law” led by Hu Jintao, first will be the analysis of new aspirations toward Taiwan by Hu Jintao, second will discuss the contents and meanings of “Anti-Secession Law” and last will be the analysis of the meanings of “Anti-Secession Law.” D. Chapter Four is discussing the Taiwan interexchange strategy and execution of “Anti-Secession Law” set by the Chinese Communists. It will discuss the objective of “Anti-Secession Law” first and then Taiwan interexchange strategy after the setting of “Anti-Secession Law” by the Chinese Communists, finally, it will discuss the implementation of Taiwan interexchange of “Anti-Secession Law” set by the Chinese Communists. E. Cheaper Five is a discussion of Taiwan interexchange strategy assessment by the Chinese Communist such as pragmatic ways of dealing Tawain interexchange after setting “Anti-Secession Law” by the Chinese Communists in order to break the deadlock of the cross-Straits and treat our civil with national treatment to put pressures on our government. F. Chapter Six will be the conclusion of this thesis; the main emphasis will be on exploring the discovery and proposition of Taiwan interexchange strategy research by the Chinese Communist with an objective in maintaining peaceful state of Taiwan Strait and continuously rallying for the support form the United States and reinforce the collaborations of cross-Straits interexchange.

GATT 1994之最惠國待遇與數量限制之適用原則評析-WTO歐盟香蕉進口案評釋

楊琬瑜, Yang, Wan-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

美國柯林頓政府對中共的貿易政策:以最惠國待遇案為例 / Clinton Administration's Trade Policy toward the People's Republic of China: MFN issue as a Case Study

徐海蕾, HSU, HAI-LEI Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的研究目的有三:(一)學習國際政治經濟學的分析方法:從文獻閱讀中,學習國際政治經濟學的分析方法,包括此分析方法的內涵和適用範疇。(二)試用此方法來分析柯林頓政府對中共的貿易政策:本論文試用國際政治經濟學的自由主義的觀點,來分析柯林頓政府對中共的貿易政策,並試圖藉由此觀點驗證以下假設性問題:柯林頓政府對中共的貿易政策符合自由主義的精神;亦即,柯林頓政府是根據自由主義的精神來制定對中共的貿易政策。(三)試用此方法分析最惠國待遇問題:本論文認為美中的貿易問題以續惠問題最有代表性,因為續惠問題不僅反應美國對經濟利益的關切,更反應美國對人權價值的關切,因此選擇此問題作為柯林頓政府對中共貿易政策的案例分析。本論文試圖用國際政治經濟學的方法來分析續惠問題,並且驗證以下假設:柯林頓政府將人權與最惠國待遇從掛勾到脫勾的政策變化,符合自由主義的精神;亦即,柯林頓政府是根據自由主義的精神而決定續惠中共。 根據本論文的研究結果,認為柯林頓政府是以自由主義的觀點推動貿易政策,在自由主義的觀點中,自由貿易最能達到貿易各國互利互惠,而自由貿易的核心原則即是「不歧視原則」(亦即最惠國待遇原則),一旦不歧視原則(最惠國待遇原則)被破壞,自由貿易也無從存在。因此,雖然柯林頓政府為了推動公平、互惠的貿易秩序會對他國威脅使用三0一條款、課徵反傾銷稅、施以高姿態的政治壓力,卻從來很少運用撤銷最惠國待遇來威脅他國就範。最惠國待遇是自由主義貿易政策的核心原則,柯林頓政府為了推動自由貿易秩序,絕對不會動搖這個核心原則。同樣的道理適用在中國的最惠國待遇問題上。柯林頓總統入主白宮之後,並沒有認真考慮過撤銷中共的最惠國待遇,因為一旦他撤銷中共的最惠國待遇,不僅美「中」關係受損,美國經濟利益受損,美國賴以建立貿易秩序的核心原則更將受到破壞。此即柯林頓政府所以將人權問題和最惠國待遇問題脫勾的最重要原因。人權固然是自由主義看重的價值,最惠國待遇亦是自由主義看重的價值,美國不可能為了取得其中之一,而放棄另外之一,也就是美國不可能為了中共不改善人權,即取消最惠國待遇。將這兩者掛勾自始就不可行,也不是有效的政策,柯林頓政府將這兩者脫勾也就是必然的了。根據以上的研究結果,筆者認為驗證了本文的兩個假設性問題。 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與研究目的 1 第二節 研究方法與論文架構 2 第三節 研究範圍與研究限制 4 第二章 國際政治經濟學的觀點 6 第一節 導論:何謂國際政治經濟學? 6 第二節 重商主義(Mercantilism)的觀點 8 第三節 自由主義(Liberalism)的觀點 15 第四節 結構主義(Structuralism)的觀點 22 第五節 小結 29 第三章 戰後美國貿易政策的演變 33 第一節 戰後到一九七0年代的自由貿易政策 33 第二節 一九七0年代以後的貿易保護主義政策 38 第三節 小結 46 第四章 美國貿易政策之制定及執行機構 49 第一節 立法部門:國會 50 第二節 行政部門:總統與其他部會 54 第三節 民間力量:利益團體 60 第四節 小結 63 第五章 柯林頓政府對中共的貿易政策 66 第一節 經濟安全:柯林頓政府施政的中心目標 66 第二節 柯林頓政府的貿易政策 72 第三節 柯林頓政府的中國政策 79 第四節 柯林頓政府對中共的貿易政策 85 第六章 案例分析:續延中共最惠國待遇問題 91 第一節 美「中」最惠國待遇爭議的由來 92 第二節 美國續惠中共問題案的發展 95 第三節 國際政治經濟學的分析 107 第七章 結論 115 參考書目 118 / This thesis endeavors to use International Political Economy perspectives as an analytical framework to explain Clinton Administration's trade policy toward the People's Republic of China. According to the research, Clinton Administration's trade policy toward the PRC is based on the perspective of liberalism. His decision to delink "human rights" from "MFN" can also be rationalized in the perspective of liberalism.

中共加入關稅暨貿易總協定問題之研究 / A Study on Mainland China's Participation in GATT

金中燮, Kim, Jung-Sup Unknown Date (has links)
關貿總協於一九四八年成立以來、已成為規範世界貿易最重要的 協定。而中共為全球第十五大貿易國、因此自然不應被排除在外 中共之情況特殊、引發一些法律上以及經濟上的問題、使其入蟫藆撬繺祭蛂C共入會案之法律問題主要來自其「恢復原會籍」之要求。此一起祖父條款、入會費、與排除條款之適用上的問題。另外、中籍亦對香港、澳門之會籍有重大影響。經濟問題則是起因於中共之非市場經濟體制以及其要求享受開家之優惠。雖然中共以進行大幅的經濟改革、但主要締約國仍經濟制度不夠自由。另外、由於中共龐大的出口潛力、使各締願給予其開發中國家所享有的優惠。於中共加入關貿總協對雙方皆有正面意義、因此預料兩方面都度的妥協以求問題之解決。實上、中共已經以「新加入」的方式與關貿總協展開談判、因恢復會籍」之要求並無任何實質意義、至於入會條件方面、關同意中共可以以關稅減讓的方式入會、但中共卻無法避免歧視限制以及特別防衛條款。

論《文化創意產業發展法》與服務貿易總協定之互動關係 / Analysis on the legal interaction between the cultural and creative industries development act and general agreement on trade in services (GATS) – Based on the measures of subsidies and tax preferences

黃玉如 Unknown Date (has links)
文化是一種民族精神、社會價值、生命哲學與生活方式的體現,而創意是人類文化定位的重要成份,而以各式各樣的形式表現,兩者皆能透過產業流程與全球分銷去複製、推廣。文創產業是「那些以無形、文化為本質的內容,經過創造、生產與商品化結合的產業」,因此文創產業不僅涉及文化與創意,也包含由創意衍生之「文化商品及服務」(cultural goods and services)的經濟價值與商業運作。 我國為使發展文創產業之政策制度在施行上於法有據,經濟部乃多次召集會議邀請各部會及學者專家討論研擬《文化創意產業發展法》(以下簡稱《文創法》),並於92年9月24日函報行政院審核修訂,經過多年的推動與研議,該法終於2010年1月7日三讀通過,完成立法程序,並於2月3日以華總一義字第09900022451號總統令制定公布,相關子法亦陸續公布施行。 然而《文創法》內立意甚佳的產業措施,因台灣加入世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization, WTO)而不得不受到WTO相關協定的規範。作為掃除關稅與非關稅貿易障礙、確保自由貿易之WTO,經由多回合的貿易談判逐步開放市場,並藉由對關稅與補貼之約束以及服務業市場准入、國民待遇之承諾等建立市場開放之可預測性。文化商品與服務在其規範下並無例外,同樣必須接受WTO上述原則,即最惠國待遇、國民待遇與市場准入等義務的檢驗。鑑於《文化創意產業發展法》所具備產業扶植之本質,及其涵蓋之16種文化創意產業多屬服務部門,本文遂將檢驗重點聚焦在該法之獎補助及租稅優惠措施與GATS的互動關係上,尤其是《文創法》在服務業補貼暫行定義、第17條國民待遇、國內規章第6.1條與第23.3條非違反協定控訴之適法性分析,以作為日後執法或修正之參考。 但值得注意的是,相對於WTO以降低貿易壁壘,促進貿易自由化為職志,文化商品與服務之雙重特質在WTO無法獲得特殊之待遇或保障,2005年10月UNESCO通過之《保障及促進文化表現多樣性公約》(以下簡稱《文化多樣性公約》)卻主張國家有促進與保護文化表現多樣性之權利,並具有採行其認為適當之政策與措施達成該目的之主權。若《文創法》有其適用《文化多樣性公約》之可能,則我國在採行諸多文創產業推展措施卻有違WTO內括協定所涉及之貿易原則或義務時,是否得根據《文化多樣性公約》正當化該等爭議措施? 當《文化多樣性公約》與WTO內括協定產生規範衝突時,兩者之適用與解釋是否有互補或調和之可能? 在文化產業與貿易活動上,《文化多樣性公約》若能正當化違反WTO規範之政策措施,則我國《文創法》所擬定之政策措施在GATS框架下之解釋與義務即有所不同。因此在檢驗《文創法》與GATS之互動關係前,本文將先簡單介紹《文化多樣性公約》之優劣特性,及公約與WTO規範競合之解決與適用結果。 關鍵字:文化創意產業發展法、世界貿易組織、文化多樣性公約、國民待遇、非違反協定控訴 / Culture is the embodiment of a national spirit, social values, people’s worldview and life style, while creativity in all its manifestations presents an essential constitution of human culture. By way of industrialization and global distribution, the two are allowed to copy repeatedly and promote worldwide. Cultural and creative industries are “those industries that combine the creation, production and commercialization of contents that are intangible and cultural in nature”, which involve not only abstract culture and creativities but also material economic value and commercial operations of cultural goods and services derived from human ingenuity and originality. To make sure the policy and measures implemented in Taiwan to promote and flourish cultural and creative industries are legally based, the Ministry of Economic Affairs had invited the relevant ministries, scholars and experts in the field to deliberate and prepare the Cultural and Creative Industry Development Act (hereinafter referred to as "the Act") since mid-‘90s, and finally submitted the draft Act to the Executive Yuan for review and approval on September 24, 2003. After years of promotion and negotiations, the Act was passed its third reading in the Legislative Yuan on January 7, 2010 and promulgated on February 3 by Presidential Decree Hwa Zong Yi Zi No. 09900022451. The related rules and regulations were also proclaimed in effect one after another ever since. However, as a WTO (World Trade Organization) member, it is our duty to keep the deliberately constructed measures set in the Act in line with the WTO-related disciplines. WTO, acting as an international forum calling for free trade, vows to eliminate tariff and non-tariff trade barriers, facilitate further market opening by multiple rounds of trade negotiations, and increase the predictability of market dynamics through the establishment of binding tariff rates, subsidy disciplines, specific commitments and various requirements such as most-favored-nation treatment, market access and national treatment. The same principles and obligations mentioned above apply to goods and services with culture in nature equally with no exception. In this regard, the paper will examine how the Cultural and Creative Industry Development Act, especially its subsidy and tax preference measures legally interact with the articles related including Article 15 Subsidy, Article 17 National Treatment, Article 6.1 Domestic Regulation and Article 23.3 Non-violation complaints (in view of the measures adopted in the Act are industry-supportive oriented and most industries categorized in the same act are belonging to service sector) in General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) for reference of law enforcement and further amendments in the future. But it is worth noting that, while WTO (the organization and covered agreements) are dedicated to exterminate trade barriers, promote trade liberalization and ignore cultural goods and services have both an economic and a cultural nature, the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Cultural Expressions (hereinafter referred to “the UNESCO Convention”) adopted by the General Conference of the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESC) on October 20, 2005 recognizes member countries have their sovereign right to formulate and implement their cultural policies and to adopt measures to protect and promote the diversity of cultural expressions when necessary. If the rules and principles of the UNESCO Convention apply to the Cultural and Creative Industry Development Act, then is it possible for the Convention to justify the measures we adopt to nourish the cultural industries, but somehow in violation of WTO principles and obligations? And if the answer is “Yes”, all the interpretation and obligations derived from the Act will not be the same as those covered by GATS only. Therefore, the potential conflicts and the harmonization between the UNESCO Convention and WTO covered agreements (GATS in particular) will be explored before the legal relationship between the Act and GATS is examined. Keywords: Cultural and Creative Industry Development Act, World Trade Organization, UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Cultural Expressions, National Treatment, Domestic Regulation, Non-violation complaints

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