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SMN promotes mitochondrial metabolic maturation during myogenesis by regulating the MYOD-miRNA axis / SMNは、骨格筋分化においてMYOD-miRNA 経路を制御することにより、ミトコンドリアの機能的成熟を促進するUehara(Ikenaka), Akihiro 24 July 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(医学) / 乙第13564号 / 論医博第2291号 / 新制||医||1068(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 齊藤, 博英, 教授 滝田, 順子, 教授 萩原, 正敏 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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カント道徳的人間学の研究髙木, 裕貴 23 March 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(文学) / 甲第23623号 / 文博第880号 / 新制||文||711(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院文学研究科思想文化学専攻 / (主査)教授 水谷 雅彦, 教授 出口 康夫, 准教授 児玉 聡 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DGAM
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中國與亞洲之領導 / Leadership in China and Asia蘇永漢, Mark Severin Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis is divided in three main parts. It is overall designed to give a better understanding of leadership in China and Asia. This work mentions Leadership methods used, as well as cultural aspects related to the different practices. The first part is made to give basic notions related to leadership in Asia. Important leadership concepts such as the effective leadership, some cultural aspects such as relationships in Asia and their management, the paternalistic way, and implicit leadership are introduced. The part also contains notions about organizational change and leadership strategy including the task integration strategy, the behavioral integration strategy, transactional and transformational leadership. This part is introductory and provides a basic knowledge about elements needed for leadership in Asia.
The second part is dedicated to important concepts about leadership in China specifically, and this with comparisons to Western practices. This part contains important elements to know for people willing to have leadership positions in China. Some important cultural Chinese aspects are mentioned here in order to have a better understanding about why some leadership practices are the way they are. Even if this work is more China focused, other Asian examples are taken in the last part.
The third part is about examples of leadership in different Asian countries. For this research, the following countries have been selected: Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and Philippines. Even if this work is more focused on the Chinese world, having a look at other Asian countries might be useful to realize that some elements might have similarities to Chinese culture, some less.
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馬克思「巴黎手稿」中的自由概念黃美珍, HUANG, MEI-ZHEN Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 馬克思對黑格爾和費爾巴哈的揩判
第二章 馬克思對人的看法
第三章 異化勞動
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主管與員工認知、溝通風格之相似性對員工溝通滿足、工作滿足、工作績效、與離職傾向的影響李佳倫, Lee chia-lun Unknown Date (has links)
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客服人員的人格特質對其工作績效之影響 / The Effects of CSRs' Personality on Job Performance.黃至賢, Huang, Corey Unknown Date (has links)
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大學圖書館應用社會性軟體之研究 / The Application of Social Software in the Academic Library王盈文, Wang,Ying-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
即時通訊(Instant Messaging,IM)和部落格(Blog)是近來廣受應用的社會性軟體(Social Software, SS)。面對網路世代的發展趨勢,圖書資訊學界亦開始探討網路科技對資訊服務所帶來的衝擊,特別是以年輕族群為服務對象的大學圖書館,若能適當地利用社會性軟體,不僅可做為館員與使用者溝通的橋樑,亦有助於館員組織其工作,成為促進圖書館在網路時代拓展服務和提高價值地位之利器。
最後建議:一、大學圖書館應積極推動與行銷即時通訊參考服務,實踐圖書館數位參考服務理念。二、針對館員的即時通訊參考服務技巧與能力加以訓練,培育參考諮詢服務優質人選。三、利用即時通訊暢通組織交流,並研訂明確管理辦法,以提升館內同仁協調合作績效。四、建置圖書館部落格,拓展圖書館實體與虛擬服務機會。五、圖書館部落格應結合RSS功能及連結圖書資訊領域部落格,開展即時和新穎的資訊服務。六、開設不同層次的部落格教育與訓練課程,培養館員管理維護知能。七、掌握和分析社會性軟體之發展和應用趨勢,並定期審核與評估實施效益。八、圖書資訊學教育應開設社會性軟體相關課程,鼓勵師生學習和使用。 / Instant Messaging (IM) and Blog are two kinds of the Social Software extensively used recently. While facing the trend and development of network generation, the field of library and information science also began to discuss the impact of network technology on information services, especially the academic libraries of serving young undergraduate. If used appropriately, social software not only can bridge the communications between librarians and users, but also benefit librarians to organize their works effectively. Moreover, it can become the powerful tool of facilitating libraries to extend services and enhance value in the network age.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the applications of social software in the academic libraries. Using IM and Blog as subjects, the study tries to understand how academic librarians use those two social software, analyze their viewpoint of applying both in the field of library and information science, and further discuss the issues of using IM reference services and Library Blog at the academic libraries in the United States and Taiwan for the application of social software in the field of library and information science. The “Internet questionnaire” and “Case study” were used, followed by quantitative and qualitative method to discuss and analyze the use, viewpoint and the application models of IM and Blog.
The findings shows: (1) Academic librarians had used IM extensively, but rather for personal matters; (2) IM can be used for communications among library organizations and digital references services; (3) IM application is the trend of information services, but manpower issues and management must be addressed; (4) Academic librarians had experiences in Blog establishment and most librarians built their Blog based on free service platforms; (5) Library Blog can be used for the extension of library services; (6) Library Blog could be a new portal of information service, but the human resources, maintenance, management and education training need to be seriously considered; (7) The application of IM reference services and Library Blogs had been highly developed in American academic libraries which can be good models for the libraries in Taiwan; (8) The IM reference service would achieve better success if it goes across work day an holiday, and provides diversified software , downloading and manuals for users’s option; (9) Library Blog shall well employ Blog functions to combine with library services and enhance the visibility of information services.
Finally, the conclusions were made: (1) Academic libraries should actively promote IM reference services; (2) Training librarians for IM reference service skills, develop talented person for reference consulting services; (3) Using IM to communicate and coordinate among library staffs; (4) Establish Library Blog to provide virtual service; (5) Library Blog should properly use RSS and link the Blogs within the field of library and information science to develop real-time and innovative information services; (6) Design Blog educational training courses for different levels to develop maintaining and managerial skills of librarians; (7) Observing the trend of social software development and evaluate its implementation periodically; (8) Library and information science schools should conduct course on social software, and encourage teachers and students to apply it effectively.
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拼裝主體:台灣當代小說的賽伯格閱讀 / The cyborg reading of contemporary Taiwanese literature林新惠, Lin, Hsin-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以「賽伯格閱讀」的方式在台灣當代小說中「讀取」三種賽伯格主體,並且展望賽伯格閱讀批判當代科技社會的可能性。賽伯格閱讀意指將文本中的人事物讀出賽伯格的意味。也就是說,賽伯格閱讀所分析的文本不必然、也不需要是容易讓人直接聯想到賽伯格理論的科幻文本,而能是更寬泛的、各種形式的文本──包括不是科幻小說的文本。重點不在於有沒有,而在於如何;不在於文本「本身」有沒有賽伯格主體的再現,而在於如何以賽伯格閱讀去讀取文本當中的賽伯格主體,並且探討該賽伯格主體如何構成,終而批判科技和特定權力位階的共謀。本論文盡量選擇科幻小說以外的文本作為分析對象,藉此挑戰「賽伯格理論通常連結到科幻文本」的刻板印象。此外,本論文也以「拼裝」這個詞彙思考混雜各種異質元素的賽伯格主體構成。本論文所提出的「義肢人」、「遊戲人」、「動物人」這三種賽伯格主體,是受哈洛威(Donna Haraway)的〈賽伯格宣言〉中「三種關鍵的界線破裂」之說所啟發。三種賽伯格主體各自對應、補充三種界線的不穩固──義肢人體現了「有機體和無機物的混淆」、遊戲人呼應「物質和非物質的曖昧不明」、動物人則為「人類和動物的難以區別」。本研究聚焦於1990年代以後的非科幻文本,並在分析其中賽伯格主體及處境時,納入身心障礙研究和生態女性主義的批判方法。本研究並非藉著後人類和賽伯格鼓吹單純地擁抱科技、宣稱人類已非人類,而是要藉著後人類和賽伯格來再次警惕科技的利弊、鼓勵各界在不同脈絡中「重新發明人類」──意即,重建一種更不具排斥性、更為寬廣的對於人的想像。 / The current study suggests that the reinvention of the human stands as a potential field for future Taiwanese literature. This thesis attempts to conceptualize the subjectivities of the posthuman even beyond the field of science fiction. This thesis labels the literary practices outside science fiction as “non-science fiction.” The focus lies on non-science fiction for two reasons. One, this study attempts to challenge the assumption in Taiwanese literature that associates the concept of the posthuman only with science fiction. Second, this study finds that the presupposed literary category of science fiction limits the imagination of cyborg- or posthuman-related subjects in Taiwanese literature. Inspired by the work of well-known cyborg theorist Donna Haraway, this study notes that non-science fiction texts present three kinds of posthuman existence. According to Haraway’s “Cyborg Manifesto,” “three crucial boundary breakdowns” make the cyborg possible. The three kinds of posthuman in this thesis correspond to Haraway’s three boundary breakdowns. The man of prosthesis corresponds to the blurred boundary between organism and non-organism, the man of video games to the physics and non-physics, and the man of animal to the humans and animals. This analysis focuses on Taiwanese non-science fiction texts from the 1990s onwards and applies concepts from disable studies and ecofeminist criticism, in addition to posthuman and cyborg theories. Situated within posthuman/cyborg studies, this thesis does not celebrate the breakdown of boundaries but points to the redefinition of the human which reduces and deconstructs hierarchal oppressions.
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大學生的社會焦慮與其相關因素之研究 / Social anxiety and its correlates among college students in Taiwan何春慧, Ho, Chuen-Huei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究根據上述結果加以討論,並提出若干建議以供未來研究及教育與輔導工作之參考。 / The first purpose of this study was to assess the degree of social anxiety of college students in Taiwan. The second purpose was to investigate how gender, attachment style, physical attractiveness and goal orientation approach related to social anxiety. The third purpose was to study how social anxiety influences style of language use and communication satisfaction.
The Chinese versions of the Interaction and Social Anxiousness Scale (Leary, 1983), Attachment Scale (Mikulincer, 1990), Goal Orientation Inventory (Dykman, 1998), Physical Attractiveness Inventory (Wu & Liu, 1994), Conversational Indirectness Scale (Holtgraves, 1997), and Interpersonal Communication Satisfaction Inventory (Hecht, 1978) were administered to 572 college students from 13 universities in Taiwan.
The results supported most hypotheses. College students’ social anxiety was of moderate degree, but significantly higher than the American samples reported in Leary’s study (1983). There was no difference between males and females on overall social anxiety; however, males were more anxious in meeting strangers and females felt more uncomfortable in social situation. In comparison with secure students, both avoidant and anxious-ambivalent students were significantly more socially anxious. The more students perceived themselves to be physically unattractive, the more socially anxious they felt. Both growth-seeking and validation-seeking goal orientation approaches were negatively correlated with social anxiety.
The study also found that social anxiety was positively and significantly correlated with indirectness of conversation, but negatively and significantly correlated with interpersonal communication satisfaction.
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彩券與娛樂性消費支出關係之研究 / A Study on the Relationship between Lottery and Recreation Expenditure陳慧琪, Chen, Hui-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
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