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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

重省女性主義對梅洛龐蒂的批判:以楊〈像女孩那樣丟球〉為例 / Rethinking feminist's critique on merleau-ponty: by example of Young's "Throwing like a girl"

劉芝吟, Liu, Chih Yin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究選擇楊 (Iris Marion Young) 在1977年首次發表的文章〈像女孩那樣丟球—論女性身體經驗〉為主要藍本,對梅洛龐蒂《知覺現象學》的身體主體概念進行討論。楊在文章中採用梅洛龐蒂活生生身體做為核心,以《知覺現象學》中〈身體本身的空間性和運動機能〉此篇章做為對照架構,置入性別化的反思,重新編織由女性主體經驗出發的身體模態。 在2005年楊以此文為書名同時收錄多篇聚焦於女性身體經驗的現象學討論,從懷孕、乳房、月經、老年照護等女性身體的各個面向,經由性別觀點的探問辯證處理多位歐陸哲學家和現象學家的論述,透過理論思考和生命經驗交揉出女性身體主體的視野。在〈像女孩那樣丟球—論女性身體經驗〉中,楊選擇梅洛龐蒂《知覺現象學》對活生生身體與世界關係的描述架構,同時立基於西蒙波娃對女性存在的分析和觀察,分析陰性身體的特定風格,以及這種風格及活動方式,與其在世界中的交往有什麼樣的關係?又具有什麼樣的意義?梅洛龐蒂在《知覺現象學》裡說明主體如何通過身體在世界中展開存在活動,在這些活動的運作中,我們不是如同船長掌舵一樣,作為純粹的思維者操作客觀的身體,也不是一個刺激-反應的制約機體對世界做出規律和法則的回應,主體與世界的關係,就座落在我作為一個活生生的身體主體向世界開放,朝世界投射。但是,這個身體的分析架構是否為一個普遍性的論述?如果經驗世界中有一大部分的身體典型在特定的層次上展現的差異性,這種獨特風格是基於什麼樣的存在處境中出現的?梅洛龐蒂突破笛卡兒純粹思維者的傳統,修正胡賽爾在《觀念一》朝向超驗觀念論的追求路線,試圖以一個具體化、肉身化的樣貌來理解人的在世存有,然而是否必須面對我們活生生的身體中是帶著性別、文化的銘刻?因此本研究將以楊所提出的女性身體活動與空間經驗為基礎,對照梅洛龐蒂文本中描述的身體模態,重新思考梅洛龐蒂的身體論述,與性別向度之間的關連性。

台灣補習教育經驗之研究 / A Study of Cram School Experience in Taiwan

欣怡, Rebecca Gourrier Unknown Date (has links)
一國如在教育上過度強調以學業為導向,就會出現具有雙刃劍角色的補習現象通常會,一方面幫助學生在學術能力測驗中取得高成就,另一方面限制了學生的創造性發展。部分學生因為在普通學校中無法取得足夠的知識和技能,故而轉向補習班為測驗做準備。尤其在英語科目成為主要考核科目之後,補習班的項目也因此更加多元。本研究旨在關注台灣補習教育何以在1990年代教改之後,依然擴張的現況,補習班如何從日常學習的補充角色,轉向台灣中學生教育中的必要部分。研究者針對補習班英語教學方法進行探討,透過對補習班經營者、教師和補習學生進行深度訪談,來瞭解他們的相關經驗。研究結果發現,補習班經營者意透多元與另類等途徑,聘請英語教師,來提升教學的創意。至於教師的訪談發現,英語教師通過嘗試新的教學方法來幫助學生在學業方面取得更好的成績,但是這種方式存在一定的局限性。本研究印一步發現補習班教師包括來自英語國家的和非英語國家,即使某些補習班老師並未取得教師資格證書,但在學生看來比一般學校的英語任課老師更加優秀。值得注意的是,大多數學生認為補習班的教學方法與一般學校相差無幾,但是學生滿意度明顯高於主流學校英語教師。本研究進一步確認補習班因商業利益等考量,許多訊息備受保密,使得研究者難以獲得一套完整的教學方法和學生經驗。 / In an academically oriented nation, there is a realization that attending a cram school can be double-edged, as they often offer great outcomes in students’ academic achievements especially with their test scores but they can also limit students’ creative development. Unable to obtain sufficient knowledge and skills for tests in mainstream schools, students have commonly turned to cram schools for examination preparation. Educational reforms enforcing English as a main examination subject greatly diversified the possibilities for tutoring and in fact helped cram schools’ diversification. The study focuses on the phenomenon of the influx of cram schools, and how it’s no longer a supplement, but instead a necessity of a secondary student’s education in Taiwan. This study starts with investigating the cram school phenomenon, as well as to discuss the teaching methods used in English classes. Finally, data has been collected through in-depth interviews among cram school owners, teachers and former attendees to look at their experience in cram school . The results of the study shows that the cram school owners approved the necessity to enhance creative teaching through alternative methods so as hiring teachers with supplementary talents. The teacher interviews revealed that trying new approaches to teaching have helped students achieve better outcomes academically, but sometimes only to a certain extent that is why cram schools can be double-edged. The paradox of this study is the cram school teachers’ qualifications for both native and English speakers. In fact, even though they may not have any teaching qualifications, cram school teachers are described by students as being better teachers compared to the ones in regular school. Significantly, the study discovered that a majority of students find cram school teaching methods in general so as the overall experience to be more satisfactory than with mainstream school The study finally showed that gaining information about cram schooling can be difficult as there is some secrecy surrounding it. This prevented the researcher from gaining a complete picture of cram school teaching methods and students’ experience.


李玉宏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究嘗試以CAPM所衍生出來之Market Model為主要模型,進行我國股市除權事件之分析、檢定與異常報酬分析,期能對投資人之投資決策能有所助益。本研究共蒐集了民國80年1月至民國88年6月共8年的時間,台灣證券交易所首次上市與中華民國證券櫃臺買賣中心首次上櫃的資訊電子公司,無償配發股票股利的樣本,共23個樣本點。研究在股東大會後五日與除權交易前10日到除權交易後10日之間,以市場模式估計每個樣本之合理報酬後,觀察平均股價異常報酬之變化,其實證結果顯示: 1. 對首次上市公司來說,股東大會的宣告效果不存在,股價已經先行反應該公司董事會議決之股利發放結果。至於首次上櫃公司,對於股東大會亦無其宣告效果存在,但較首次上市公司明顯,並達顯著水準。 2. 首次上市、上櫃公司在除權前10日這一段研究事件期間內,公司的股價並無除權行情的發生,而彼此間的差異也未達顯著水準。 3. 首次上市、上櫃公司在除權日當日平均異常報酬AR值均為呈現填權現象的產生,且皆是達到顯著水準。 4. 首次上市公司之股價有明顯的填權現象發生,至於首次上櫃公司的填權行情在除權後就不那麼顯著,而彼此間的差異也明顯的達到顯著水準。 5. 首次上市公司增發股利與否,其股價有呈現增加之趨勢,首次上櫃公司其股價在除權交易日當日則有呈現上漲之趨勢,而在除權後10日期間則呈現下跌之趨勢。

未婚男性的愛情觀--現象學方法的研究 / Pre-Marital Males’ Views about Love--A Phenomenological Approach

余振民, Jenn-Min Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討未婚男性的愛情觀。探究個人的愛情經驗在他們的生活中所扮演的整體角色,以歸納出愛情對他們個人的意義。並以研究所獲得的結果為基礎,進一步比較當代相關的理論,發展符合本土愛情現象的論述。   研究方法以現象學探索個人「生命世界」的方式為出發點,採用深度訪談及焦點團體來蒐集資料,邀請十一位受訪者參與訪談。訪談資料以現象學方法為基礎發展出基本架構,輔以研究者的主觀知識來完成整體男性愛情觀的詮釋與討論。主要的研究發現如下: 一、受訪的男性在青少年時期大多缺乏兩性親密互動的經驗,他們往往會藉由追求愛情來肯定自己、探索兩性關係。男性在挑選對象時相當注重外表,女性美麗的外表對他們個人的意義,在於帶給他們愉快的感受、性的快感,自我肯定,他們並會藉著女性的外表來判斷她們的內在。 二、男性在愛情關係中常扮演主動的追求者,在不斷追求愛情的經驗中,他們漸漸累積了對真實兩性關係的瞭解,以及兩性互動深刻的體驗。在愛情經驗的累積中,他們滿足自己的需求,像是自我肯定、自我成長、征服感、被關愛、被照顧、擺脫孤獨、性需求等等。透過這些需求的滿足,他們感到愛情的意義。但是對於維繫長期關係所需要的付出、犧牲自由、情慾限制、卻常讓他們感到痛苦。並且無論在他們的內心,以及他們和女友的互動中,都容易會產生不少的衝突。這樣的衝突本身不易解決,往往他們期待脫離當下的親密關係,尋找更適合自己的愛情。 三、整體來說,男性的愛情中包含了以性為主體的親密感,這樣的親密感不只是一種慾力的宣洩,而是包含著身體與心理的親密互動,甚至是一種能達到精神安定的對話關係。此外,愛情還是男性們滿足各種個人需求與成長的一個過程,端看他當下所期待的需求與成長是什麼。而在愛情關係中所獲得的成長,往往也是一種改變,推動他們再尋找最適合他們的愛情關係。   最後依據以上的研究發現,提出有關於男性、女性、諮商者以及未來研究的建議。 目 錄 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究範圍的界定 12 第三節 本研究的限制 13 第二章 文獻探討 15 第一節 愛情的本質 15 第二節 愛情的來源 20 第三節 愛情的過程 24 第四節 兩性特質及其社會化影響因素 28 第五節 相關知識在本研究中的定位 33 第三章 研究方法 34 第一節 研究進行的架構 34 第二節 研究對象的選取 37 第三節 研究者自我涉入與自我檢核 42 第四節 蒐集資料的程序 45 第五節 資料整理與分析 56 第四章 研究發現 64 第一節 對象的挑選 64 第二節 愛情的追求 80 第三節 關係的發展 96 第四節 愛情的意義 109 第五章 結論、討論與建議 125 第一節 研究結論與討論 125 第二節 建議 156 參考書目 162 附錄 169 附錄一 訪談邀請函 169 附錄二 焦點團體邀請函 171 附錄三 訪談契約書 173 附錄四 個別訪談大綱 174 附錄五 田野日誌 175 附錄六 焦點團體訪談大綱 176 附錄七 個別訪談意義單元編輯舉例 177 附錄八 D的中心主題、開放編碼舉例 179 附錄九 個別訪談核心單元編輯舉例 180 附錄十 個別訪談的初步分析結果大綱 182 附錄十一 焦點團體訪談稿意義單元編輯舉例 184 附錄十二 研究方法的背景哲學 191 附表目次 表一 張老師近年求助問題前三名摘錄表 1 表二 台北市「生命線」近年求助問題統計資料 2 表三 愛情的內涵 3 表四 本土心理學界的愛情質性研究 6 表五 愛情的來源 22 表六 愛情的過程 27 表七 台灣男女兩性的特質 29 表八 研究對象的個人基本資料 37 表九 不同文化下的男女特質差異 136 附圖 圖一 研究進行的基本架構 35 圖二 資料分析的步驟 57 圖三 研究發現的初步架構 60 圖四 加入焦點團體資料後的研究發現架構 62 / The purpose of this study is to acquire the awareness of love of single males. This study tries to find the role of love in their lives to define their attitudes toward love. After all, this study compares the finding with contemporary theories, and tries to produce some discourse of romances in Taiwan.   Eleven interviewers have participated in this study. The phenomenological deep interview and focus group were adopted to collect data, along with the method of Phenomenological Psychology to analyze data. Finally, some hermeneutic approaches were used to illuminate the finding. The main findings were as the following.   First, most interviewed males lacked experience of mutually sexual interaction at their teens. They used to confine themselves and explore bi-sexual relations through the pursuing of love. Males intended to care about the appearance of females, as the beautiful appearance is of significance for them. Males judged the existence of females by the appearance of females, as it accommodated males with delighted feeling, sexual contentment, and self-confidence.   Secondly, Males frequently played an aggressive role in the process. Males accumulated their understandings of sexual relationship and experience of impressing sexual interaction. They were mentally and physically fulfilled with self-ascertain, self-growth, sense of conquering, being loved, being cared, and sexual interaction. Through the satisfaction of these needs, they aware the meanings of love. They, however, felt uncomfortable with the consistently long term giving, sacrifice of freedom, and control of sexual desires Such conflicts were not easily resolved, and they led males to pursue more suitable love under the present expectations. Literally speaking, love attitude of bachelors consists of intimacy mainly. Such intimacy contains physical and mental interactions and even the achievement of dialogue relations of spiritual comfort, rather than an outlet of desires.   Furthermore, love is also the process of various needs and self-growth at the moment of what makes expect to obtain and to be. The growth mostly in love relations is a change as well. It motivates males to define a more suitable relationship among themselves and others.   Based on the above findings, comments are made for males, females, consolers, and future advanced research.

台灣地區人民對兩大政黨與政策的認同取向-社會認同理論的驗證 / The political identity of Taiwan area people - A demonstration of social identity theory

高恒信, Gau, Handsome Unknown Date (has links)
近幾十年來的台灣,政治舞台上一直是由兩大政黨扮演主角。然而,兩大政黨支持者意識形態的嚴重分歧,導至在政黨政治的發展過程中,蒙上一層情緒化、不理性的陰影。本研究乃選擇了社會認同理論(Social Identity Theory)做為論文的理論依據,企圖探討這些問題。本研究目的是探討國內兩大政黨的支持者,如何形成其政黨認同,以及對政策的判斷是否受認同團體的影響而有所偏差。研究方法的使用,除了設計一問卷,來了解兩大政黨不同的意識形態,並企圖驗證台灣地區人民對於政策好壞的判斷,是否受其政黨支持屬性所左右。另外,在文獻的探討過程中,也對兩團成員的認同發展,做了一些探索與推論。前一部份符合心理學科學實驗的典範,後一部份則檢示歷史的發展,偏重於邏輯的推理。在實徵研究方面,分成兩個部分。研究一是使用一份自編的政黨意識形態問卷,施以大樣本問卷調查,比較兩大政黨支持者所具有的不同意識形態,以及不同的族群自我定義。研究二以一個實驗操弄來驗證內團體偏私現象。研究結果發現,新的族群分類方式正在取代原有的省籍分類,一種抽象的族群自我定義:「台灣人是台灣人」和「台灣人是中國人」的二分法,將台灣地區的人民劃分為兩個新族群。這兩個新族群恰與兩大政黨意識形態相符。另外以本省人和外省人為主的省籍情結並未消失,它只是轉化為上述的兩種抽象定義。因此,省籍的背景,加上個人對中國文化的信仰程度,決定了一個人的政黨認同取向。而一個政黨意識形態較強的人,在對政策的態度上,常常不知不覺的受到己團體意見所左右,而不能客觀地判斷政策的優劣。尤其以民進黨意識形態者所產生的這種內團體偏私較強,國民黨意識形態者的內團體偏私現象則較不明顯。最後,根據本研究的結果,對台灣政治生態發展所做的建議是,唯有將台灣意識或中國意識視為一種文化意識,而非族群意識。台灣地區人民才可能將族群認同與政黨認同分開 ,並發出理性的政黨認同,與團結的國家認同。 / There are two major political parties that play important roles in the scene of Taiwan politics. The KMT have government Taiwan area over fifty years, which came from mainland China. Being a minority group as opposed to the KMT, the natures of the DPP supporters are not as same as the members of the KMT. Their ancestors have lived in Taiwan for hundreds of years. Consequently, the ethno identity and the political identity are confused with each other for most of the people in Taiwan. Someone would choose suort one political group not because their cognition to politics, but because most their ethno background. It is to say, one whose fathers came from mainland china would mostly support the KMT than the DPP. One whose fathers were birth in Taiwan is mostly support the DPP than the KMT.The purpose of research is to find out the difference of ideology between two political groups. Besides I will utilize the real- life intergroup relationship for proving in-group bias. Two methods of research were adopted. One is historical research, and the other is an experimental method. The results reveal that there were different ideology in two groups. The KMT supporters usually have more conservative attitudes about politics. The DPP supporters have more open attitudes with their opinions. The ethno backgrounds usually display the role of accentuation. On the other hand, The in-group bias phenomenon has been partly proved. It means that there is a vivid in-group bias phenomenon in minority group. Someone who supports the DPPave a higher rating with the statement that talked by the DPP member. The conclusion of the research also reveals something. There were two opposed opinions rising to explain someone's identification for their sense of belonging. What opinions someone may choose are usually decided by their political identity. One who supports the KMT choose more likely the opinion "Taiwanese is also a Chinese." One who supports the DPP accept more likely the opinion "Taiwanese is just a Taiwanese." Because the two opinionsre abstract definition, so they are not decided by someone's descent. That is to say the traditional manners of ethno category by dialect are broken. The new manner of ethno category is not imposed by someone's descent. I am not optimistic about the phenomenon. The rise of the new ethno definition does not only completely displace the old system of category but also confused with each other. It must have the Taiwan people divided into more small groups. So I predict in the future, The ethno identity of Taiw people would be more complicated .

縣市合併後選區劃分之分析與研究-以高雄縣市為例 / Study of Electoral Redistricting after the Merge of Kaohsiung City and Kaohsiung County

徐立軒, Hsu, Li Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區在2010年的行政區域調整中,有三個區域進行縣市合併,合併後的縣市其選區必須重新劃分,而進行劃分時有三個因素可以做為縣市合併後衍生之選區劃分原則,分別是縣市融合、大市效應與優勢現象。這三個因素在以往的選區劃分中甚少被提及,因此本論文特別討論考慮這三個因素的選區劃分。 由於大市效應或優勢現象產生的原因是單一選區中有太多的選舉人口來自縣市合併前的同一行政區,因此我們在劃分前處理中,先對人口過多的行政區進行分割,然後進行選區劃分。為促進縣市融合,我們優先考慮將原縣市交界區域的行政區域劃分至選區,然後才考慮非交界區的行政區域。劃分的過程中,我們參考最多限制優先的原則,透過貪婪演算法進行劃分,劃分結束後再進行選區調整,以求能滿足中選會對選區人口數等相關的規定。 我們在論文中提出了選區評估的指標,可以對縣市融合、大市效應與優勢現象進行衡量與評估,以便作為劃分結果的比較與參考。 最後我們透過對合併後的高雄縣市進行選區劃分,以說明我們整體的概念與方法。根據我們的劃分原則與方法,我們的劃分結果產生6個縣市融合的選區,而中選會所公布的選區劃分結果,沒有任何符合縣市融合精神的選區。同時,相較於中選會的結果,我們的劃分方式有較好的大市效應指標與優勢現象指標。 / During the administrative district adjustment of Taiwan in 2010, three regions conducted the city and county merges. The electoral districts must be redistricted after these merges. There are new issues, related to the merge of city and county, which have seldom being discussed before, namely, the city-county integration, the overpopulation-region effect, and the dominance phenomenon. In this thesis, we will consider these issues as the new principles to be included in electoral districting. The reason that causes overpopulation-region effect or dominance phenomenon is due to too much of population comes from the same administrative district in the city of county prior to the merge. One could avoid these by dividing the overpopulation borough before carrying out the electoral districting. In order to promote the city and county integration, we give priority to these administrative districts on the junction regions of the original city and county configurations before considering the administrative districts on the non-junction regions. The most constraint principles and greedy algorithms are employed in the actual electoral districting processes. After the first districting, we conduct a region adjustment to comply with the regulations of the Central Election Commission (CEC). We also proposed the assessment indices that can be used to evaluate the possible effects due to the city-county integration, the overpopulation-region effect, and the dominance phenomenon. Using these indices, one can compare the results of various districting outcomes. Finally, we illustrated our idea and methods by actually districting the merged region of Kaohsiung city and county. According to our mechanism, we produced six city-county integrated electoral districts where no city-county integrated electoral district was found in the CEC’s districting results. In addition, the districting results produced by our method have better overpopulation-region effect index and better dominance phenomenon index than that announced by CEC.


江澤明, Chiang, Tse-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在運用經濟的觀點與計量的方法來探討中華職棒球員的表現與薪資間的關係。究竟中華職棒勞動市場中,對於球員是存在超額給付(overpayment)?還是過低給付(underpayment)?我們將運動產業勞動市場之三大決定要素結合在一起:球團收益、球員表現與球員薪資,並蒐集中華職棒1997~2005年間相關的資料,以此探討球員薪資之決定。 本文首先對台灣的職棒運動作一鳥瞰式的歷史回顧,並將中華職棒球員薪資、年資的基本統計量提出與日本職棒做一比較。接著以Scully(1974)、MacDonald and Reynolds(1994)和Krautmann(1998)所提出的薪資估計方法,將球團收益、球員表現和薪資決定變數結合在一起,估計出中華職棒球員的邊際報酬貢獻(marginal revenue product),以此進行球員薪資的檢視。合理的情形下,球員邊際報酬貢獻應該等於球員薪資。本研究並將中華職棒的球員群組分為本土球員與洋將部分,觀察是否因為勞動市場條件的不同,而使兩群組球員薪資與表現間的關連性存在異同。在本土球員中,我們進一步以美國大聯盟的年資分類方式,將球員分為新人(apprentice)、中堅球員(journeymen)與老將(experienced players)三大群組,以觀察同樣的薪資決定變數在不同年資間造成的影響是否有異。我們並檢視年薪超過240萬的球員,其技術是否存在規模報酬遞增的情況,若存在,則中華職棒與國外成熟的職業運動一樣都存在所謂的「超級明星現象」。 實證結果發現,整體而言,中華職棒聯盟當中存在超額給付(overpayment),而洋將因為勞動市場條件較為接近完全競爭市場,因此表現更能反映到薪資的改變上。超額給付的存在應是由於中華職棒的賽程密集度不足,且缺乏二軍與完善的球員交易制度。另外,由於球團經營與行銷手法上仍未臻成熟,中華職棒球員尚未存在「超級明星現象」。我們並以在1997~2005間250位至少完成六個球季的選手,以這些球員的薪資檢視是否存在明顯結構性的轉變,以作為將來制訂自由球員年限的參考。實證結果發現這樣的年限並不存在,我們因此推論,中華職棒應要加強基本面的基礎與改善球員交易制度,當這些基礎獲得良好的改善後,自由球員制度就會是一個水到渠成的結果。 / In this thesis we mainly discuss the relationship between players’ performance and their salaries in the CPBL (Chinese Professional Baseball League) through the point of economics view. Are the players overpaid or underpaid? Are the whole environ -ment in the CPBL mature enough to adopt the FA (Free-Agent) system? To analyze these issues, we combine three main factor of determinants in the field of sports economics together, which are team revenue, players’ performance, and players’ salaries, and use the skills in econometrics with data from 1997~2005, we illustrate an overview of these issues. First of all we make a brief description of the history of CPBL, and we also present some comparison of basic statistics between CPBL and NPB (Nippon Professional Baseball) players. In the following section we introduce the most popular model in the similar research, such as Scully’s model (1974) and the salary determination equation (MacDonald and Reynolds, 1994). Following the methodology of these research, we divide players in the CPBL into some different groups by players’ experience and nationalities. With the ZSUR (Zellner’s Seemingly Uncorrelated Regresion) model, and traditional OLS (Ordinary Least Square) regressions, we could have some empirical results which imply that players are actually overpaid. However, players are overpaid due to the degree of tension and intensiveness are neither sufficient in the CPBL rather than their skills are amateurish. We also find that unlike the English Soccer, MLB, and NBA, there does not exist superstar phenomena in the CPBL. Moreover, the conditions of environment in the CPBL are not mature enough for CPBL to apply the FA system: It would be very possible for the CPBL to face the same dilemma which the NPB are facing now if we prematurely implement the FA system.

論基督宗教神聖感之體現—以長老教會內在醫治為例 / The Embodiment of Christian Understanding of Sacredness—the Inner Healing of Presbyterian Churches in Taiwan

曾如芳, Tseng ,Ju-fang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究試圖從實際的例子觀察基督宗教的神聖感在組織中如何形成。以靈恩運動當中的神聖感現象為例,首先了解整體靈恩運動的發源以及區域的發展,再縮小到台灣的靈恩運動;本研究選擇由長老教會牧師組成的台灣教會更新協會,及其訓練單位頌泉內在醫治學校作為田野觀察對象。 一開始先由兩個層面了解內在醫治,首先是內在醫治的抽象概念以及發生的原則,它強調基本的認知符合基督教聖經教義,並相信靈界的存在,以及在靈界中有聖靈與邪靈的正邪力量存在。其次是內在醫治的身體實踐,它將人分成靈魂體三個部分因為靈會影響人的身心,因此身體的疾病和心理的困擾都和靈相關,其中聖靈帶來正面的影響,邪靈則帶來負面影響;所以內在醫治便以一些得到恩賜能力的信徒,本文稱為服事者,在儀式語言中驅逐邪靈或以及與其他靈之間不合宜的連結。 本研究一方面以韋伯的宗教社會學分析靈恩卡里斯瑪力量在宗教組織產生的身分分化,以及靈恩運動組織受到全球化以及本地化的影響;另一方面以現象學分析內在醫治的實際做法,藉由實際田野的觀察,將信徒在內在醫治當中的感知分成身體的感知以及意象的感知,並且引用Csordas對他者意識形成的分析,以及梅絡龐蒂對習慣形成的分析,解釋內在醫治當中信徒神聖感的形成,自我的神聖感與醫治的關係。 / This study tries to observe how the understanding of sacredness is formed in Charismatic Christian organizations. Therefore, this study starts the investigation from the development of Charismatic movement in North America and how it spread to Taiwan. To involve more and provide reliable observation, a charismatic organization Taiwan Church Renewal Ministry and its training partner organization Singing Waters Ministries thus are chosen as study cases. These two organizations stress on a specific Charismatic activity called inner healings. The investigation of inner healing can be divided to two dimensions, the understanding of the concepts and principles of inner healing which always stress its teaching that have matched Christian faith, and the body practice of inner healing. Human beings are divided into three parts—body, soul, and spirits in inner healing teachings. For that the spirits will affect bodies and souls of human beings, there could be both positive and negative influences. Holy spirits bring positive effects such as the feeling of heats and peace, while evil spirits bring negative effects such as illnesses and disturbance on emotions. There will be some gifted disciples designated “servers” are able to help the participants to chase away evil spirits or cut the inappropriate connection among human souls, “soul-ties.” Inner healing phenomenon could be analyzed through sociology of religion of Max Weber by charismatic domination and its influences on religious organizations. Besides, it could be set in a globalization context as well. On the other hand, it could be analyzed by phenomenological approaches. Through the approaches such as the sacred self and alterity theory of Csordas Thomas and the habitus theory of Merleau Ponty can not only explain how the understanding of sacredness is developed among the participants in inner healing activities but elaborate the relation between self secredness and healings.

先秦儒家的宗教性之哲學省察 / A Philosophical Inquiry into the Religiosity of Classical Confucianism

李彥儀, Lee, Yen Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究擬從宗教現象學的角度探討先秦儒家的宗教性。本研究以維根斯坦的「家族相似性」作為描述「宗教」的理據,運用海德格的「形式指引」(“formal indication”)與呂格爾的「象徵主義」(symbolism)作為探討「宗教性」時的現象學方法,並以尼尼安‧斯馬特(Ninian Smart)的「宗教向度論」作為展開論證的參考架構。本研究透過討儒家之道、經典與傳統的內涵,而將《詩》、《書》、《易》、《論語》、《孟子》、《荀子》等典籍當作研究範圍與主要分析文本。   本研究指出:《詩》、《書》、《易》裡所反映的殷周初民思想為先秦儒家之宗教性的根源,於其中我們可窺見其宗教性的敘事與神話、經驗與情感向度、儀式與實踐以及社會與制度等向度。孔子則承繼了《詩》《書》《易》的宗教內涵,而予以哲理形塑與倫理轉化。孔子之後,作為代表著先秦儒家的內聖與外王之內部的分化發展的孟子與荀子,他們皆自詡為道統的接班人與宣揚者,並分別使得先秦儒家之宗教性的情感經驗向度得以深化、儀式制度向度得以開展。 / This study aims at investigating the religiosity of classical Confucianism from the perspective of phenomenology of religion. It takes Wittgenstein’s concept of “family resemblance” as the methodological guide for characterizing “religion” in general, and Martin Heidegger’s concept of “formal indication” as well as Paul Ricœur’s symbolism as the phenomenological tools in describing “religiosity” in particular. It also adopts Ninian Smart’s theory of dimensions of religion as the framework for unfolding its argument. Meanwhile, by way of discussing the Confucian ideas of “dao,” “classics” and “tradition,” this study delimits its intellectual journey and choses the Classic of Poetry, the Book of Documents, the Book of Changes, the Confucius’ Analects, the Mencius and the Xunzi as the main texts for its inquiry. This study indicates that the thoughts contained in the Classic of Poetry, the Book of Documents and the Book of Changes are the roots of the religiosity of classical Confucianism. They reflect the narrative and mythic, experiential and emotional, social and institutional dimensions of that religiosity. Then this study shows that it is later philosophically reshaped and ethically transformed by Confucius. Finally, this study argues that Mencius and Xunzi, who regard themselves as the apologists and propagandists of orthodox Confucianism, have explored the experiential and emotional dimension and developed the social and institutional dimension of classical Confucianism’s religiosity respectively.

夜裡的魔境魔鏡:青少年夜晚家外活動的自我形塑歷程探究 / Examine the course of self-development for adolescents involving in evening activities in the community

李筱涵, Lee, Hsiao Han Unknown Date (has links)
本研究試圖從青少年的視角,透過詮釋現象學方法論觀點來認識三位青少年夜晚家外的活動經驗、活動歷程的轉變、對活動經驗所賦予的意義,以及在夜晚家外活動中,所覺察到的自身角色定位與自我的意義。藉由深度訪談的方式蒐集分析文本,資料分析方法上則使用主題分析法呈現三位青少年夜晚家外活動與自我形塑的歷程。 三位青少年夜晚家外自我形塑的歷程故事,呈現了「青少年」不是只有單一的樣貌。隨著每一位青少年不同的個人特質與喜好,再加上生活情境脈絡的差異,在與不同的人事物互動當中,形塑了每一個人不同的經歷與角色形象,展現了不同的「自我」。「自我」的意義存在於每一個人的行動當中,是個人與環境互動過程而產生的,因此青少年夜晚的家外行動,一部份展現其生活環境的區域特性,另一方面,也展現了個人的主體性,在看似相同的活動當中,卻有一些不同的行動,以及行動背後所隱藏著不同的意義脈絡。所以如同我和三位青少年,四個人,就有四種夜晚的故事,而一千零一個青少年,就會有一千零一夜的故事。 最後根據本研究之結果,研究者於文末針對家庭、學校、青少年相關政策、青少年外展工作提出了相關建議與省思。 / Using hermeneutic phenomenology, this study examined evening activities of three adolescents in the community. I conducted in-depth interviews, asking the participants to describe their evening activities, the meaning of these activities, and the role of self in these activities. I analyzed the transcripts using thematic analysis and presented their course of self-development involving in these varying evening activities in the community. The evening stories of these three participants showed that three were no stereotypical images of youth. Every youths had their own personal traits and preferences. And, their individual life situations and people interaction shaped who they have become and how they see themselves. Therefore, the meaning of self exists in every human action with other individuals and in the environment. So, the types of evening activities youths participated in showed the characteristics of the environment they lived in and showed their individual unique characteristics. Even though there were some activities seemingly identical, there were hidden meanings behind them. These study showed that ever youth has their own unique story. Like me and the participants, we together had four evening stories to tell. So if there were one thousand and one youths, there would be one thousand and one stories to tell. At the end, suggestions and implications were discussed about family, school, and youth-related policies and youth outreach work.

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