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跨疆域的技術移轉與技術整合之研究-以台商鑫昌機械赴大陸投資為例林永達 Unknown Date (has links)
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育成中心的知識獲得、加值、擴散與累積-以工研院、台大、成大、元智與經濟部中小企業處為例陳峻志 Unknown Date (has links)
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知識倉儲的知識結構之研究-以某行政部門為例盧美惠 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊科技的蓬勃發展,經由資訊媒介的傳播,造成了企業或組織內部資訊大量的累積。因此,知識倉儲(knowledge repository)可以說是儲存各類型文件的儲存庫,主要用來管理和組織各類型資訊,例如資料庫、報告、文件、表單,都可以數位化方式儲存在知識倉儲,其功能在於進行組織內部各類型文件知識內容管理,進而協助組織提供網路服務(web service),包括:提供目錄、索引以協助使用者尋找資訊的檢索服務以及辨識和確認資訊位址的定址服務。因此,當知識不斷地從組織運作之中產生,知識與資訊的量也跟著不斷增加,如何管理這些知識就益顯重要,包括知識的表達、結構、儲存與取用方式等。
在這篇論文中,本研究試圖整理對於知識倉儲的『知識結構』之相關或背景知識,並針對文件彼此之間的相互參照關係以及索引典建立知識地圖(knowledge map),進一步將領域的相關知識,如術語或關連性等資料儲存成有結構性之知識,利用此領域知識對於文件內容附加上有語意關係之處理,在進行資訊檢索時,從而利用領域知識結構以協助使用者準確地檢索與查詢有用或相關之資訊內容。
本研究運用檔案管理全宗理論及控制層級(control level),提出因應組織結構改變之檔案系統目錄結構,劃分全宗、系列、案卷、文件等層次,知識倉儲系統藉由文件虛擬位址(DL)以及文件實體位址(URL)之對映,以處理組織結構改變之動態文件管理。本研究進一步針對具有關連的一組文件進行案卷內部分類,利用所分析之案卷類型結構,描述具有單一文件以及具有複合文件概念之文件,包括:會議記錄、法令規章等,並運用都柏林核心集(Dublin Core)描述文件資料建立Metadata結構,然後透過索引典(Thesaurus)詞彙語意關係之處理,提供概念性之語意資訊檢索。
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知識分享意願、管道與行為之研究:以幼稚園教師為例郭小真 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 知識分享意願與知識分享行為類型皆有顯著正向相關。
二、 知識分享管道中,工作坊顯著正向影響內隱知識分享行為,團隊型管道顯著正向影響共構式分享行為。
三、 中心型-會議與研習有顯著干擾意願與外顯知識分享行為;中心型-工作坊有顯著干擾意願與內隱知識分享行為;團隊型管道有顯著干擾意願與共構式分享行為。
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研發機構知識分享機制之研究-以工研院光電所研發團隊為例 / A Research of Knowledge Share Mechanism in Research and Development Institution汪金城, Wang, Chin-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
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知識管理應用於創業投資評估行為之研究-以創業投資事業為例 / How do the Venture Capital Apply the Knowledge Management in the Valuation Behavior曾凱瀚, Tseng, Kai-Han Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣精密機械業產品創新與組織知識流通之研究 / Product innovation and organizational knowledge flow in Taiwan precision machinery industry許月瑛, Hsu, Yueh-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以個案訪談法為主要研究方式,共訪問台灣精密機械業 6 家公司/機構產品開發專案。本研究以「技術知識特質」與「團隊特質」兩項變數探索台灣精密機械產業廠家「組織知識流通」之影響。本研究之發現如下:
(一) 技術知識模組化程度影響組織知識流通
(二) 技術知識外顯程度影響組織知識流通
台灣精密機械產業技術知識內隱程度較高者,知識吸收以人為主要媒介。台灣精密機械產業技術知識內隱程度愈高者,知識創造過程中人員培育時間較長,新人培育時間皆超過 2 年以上,而國內研發機構更在此年限之上。台灣精密機械產業技術知識內隱程度較高者,其知識儲存傾向蓄積在人員經驗中(如:師徒制)
(一) 團隊成員異質性影響組織知識流通
(二) 團隊成員溝通影饗組織知識流通
四、台灣精密機械產業跨業的產品創新,傾向與國內研究機構合作研發。 / Product Innovation and Organizational Knowledge Flow in Taiwan Precision Machinery IndustryYueh-Ying HsuDirect Professor : Jen-Fang LeeIntroductionIn the effort of Taiwan machinery tools firms, Taiwan machinery tools has become a new shining star in the world. In 1997, the industry production value of Taiwan machinery tools is up to $1,758,000,000(US dollar). Taiwan is now top6 only after Japan, Germany, America, Italy, and Swiss.
Drucker(1993) in his book "Post-Capitalist Society" had pointed out that future society is knowledge economies. Traditional production factors, such as capital, land. labors, no more play an important role. In place of those is knowledge capital.In this paper, from the perspective of knowledge, researching how Taiwan precision machinery firms use their knowledge to develop a product, how they import knowledge, and how they save knowledge.This paper can make reader understand Taiwan precision machinery firms more how they use their technology and how they raise their capability from traditional fields to new technology application.Research QuestionsThe research questions is:1. What is technological knowledge features of product development project in precision machinery industry?2. What is team features of product development project in precision machinery industry?3. How do technological knowledge features and team features affect organization knowledge flow?4. What is product innovation characteristics of Taiwan precision machinery industry?Method1.Research Structure2. Variable Definition2.1 Technological Knowledge Feature(1) Modularity* Separate degree of product technological knowledge.* The standard degree of product technological knowledge.(2) Explicitness It can be written down, transferred and shared. It is explicit on media, such as papers, and screens. 2.2 Team Feature(1) Heterogeneity Capion, Medsker and Higgs(1993) define heterogeneity as: difference of team member's ability and experience.(2) Communication and Cooperation Capion, Medsker and Higgs(1993) define it as: team members exchange opinions each other and complete the mission together.4. Data Collection(1) Interview Data Fourteen key product developers were formally interviewed.
The interview took about 17 hours from December 1997 to May
1998.(2) Secondary Data The secondary data about these companies and industry information was collected from company year reports, books, journals, newspapers, and internet.
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由知識管理雷達圖衡量模式觀諸軟體產業推行知識管理之現況 / Knowledge Management Measurement of the Software Industry with the Radar Visual Measurement Model of KM洪其豪, Hong, Chi Hou Unknown Date (has links)
在發出447份附上回郵信封的問卷、213份e-mail電子問卷,並持續進行近4個星期的監控及問卷追縱後,最終回收率為21.03%,有效問卷回收率則是19.69%。經過資料分析,發現目前高達9成軟體公司皆從事過知識管理的相關活動,然而實踐知識管理的程度卻僅僅「三顆星」等級,顯示未來努力的空間仍不少;仍有7%左右的軟體業者,在各大要素的努力乏善可陳,這些公司屬於「不知不覺」型,絲毫沒察覺知識時代已經來臨,未來前景堪憂。在假設檢定方面,其結果出乎意料,公司的規模大小、上市上櫃與否、年營業額多寡以及業務範疇的差別,皆不影響知識管理的成敗,似乎在宣告「知識管理」非大企業的專利,無名小卒亦有出頭日的機會。 / Since the 1990s, software industry has been good at building a virtual kingdom by its incredible knowledge power. And now it is a pioneer navigating by the flooding water of knowledge-base economy. Everyone is curious to understand how software firms manipulate their knowledge spells to have the world in hands. Nevertheless, the researches of industrial knowledge management usually focused on case study of best practices and resulted in many myths. Unlike them, one of the purposes of this thesis is trying to develop a new and visual knowledge management measurement model, using it to judge and explain the software industry's implementation of knowledge management and analyzing whole industry in a macro view.
The questionnaire operationalized to measure the variables of the new measurement model was verified after pretesting. Then the new model is framed and named “Radar Visual Measurement Model of KM.” Through a radar graph, to judge the depth and breadth of the software firm's achievements of knowledge management and to position the kind of “The Six Types of Knowledge Management Achievement” are easy to accomplish. Furthermore, five hypotheses are set up to explore some suspicions between software industry and “Radar Visual Measurement Model of KM,” such as “Are the performances (depth and breadth) of knowledge management significant different if one software firm's characteristics (included the capital, the amount of employees, listed or not listed, revenues and major scope of business) differ greatly from the others' ?” or “Is there a significant relationship between ‘knowledge strategy’ and ‘information technology’ ?” and so on.
After sending 447 mails (each one accompanied by a qestionnaire and a self-addressed stamped envelope) and 213 electronic questionnaires by e-mail, monitoring and tracing returns were begun and continued about four weeks. The final response rate is 21.03% but the valid response rate is 19.69%. Then the result of the qualitative data analysis indicates that 1) it's a common phenomenon in the software industry that over 90 per cent of software firms have ever performed knowledge management but the average level of performance depth only belongs to ‘three-star’ class. So all the software firms have to keep on making their extra efforts in the future. 2) There are near 7 percent of software firms doing nothing effort on five dimensions called ‘Unconsciousness’. They are unaware that the knowledge era is coming; therefore, they probably have a dark future. Moreover, two of the five hypotheses are not supported by the facts and surprised us. They point out that the scale of a company, the situation of listed, the total revenues and the scope of business don't affect the performances of knowledge management. In other words, they may proclaim that KM is not a monopoly of a large enterprise and a small firm still has its chance to be strong by knowledge management.
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室內設計公司知識管理系統建置之研究 / A Study of Knowledge Management System Implementation of the Interior Design Industry李仁, Lee, Jen Unknown Date (has links)
1.室內設計公司建置知識管理系統的架構,包括 (1) 設計專業知識庫、(2) 設計案例資料庫、(3) 工程專業知識庫、(4) 工程案例資料庫、(5) 企業管理知識庫等五個主要資料庫。
2.室內設計公司建置知識管理系統的目的,包括 (1) 累積設計創意和傳遞設計知識、(2) 善用設計知識達成創意加值、(3) 提高員工工作效率和累積員工專業職能、(4) 增加設計提案成功率、(5) 節省組織與相關人力成本、(6) 建置並強化人才培訓基礎、(7) 增加組織營運績效與組織營業利益、(8) 擴展公司組織規模並提昇公司競爭力。
3.室內設計公司建置知識管理系統的關鍵因素,包括 (1) 具備領導力的知識工作者、(2) 組織與個人對於「知識管理」的意願和動機、(3) 重視「知識管理」的組織制度、(4) 重視「知識管理」的組織環境、(5) 有利發展「知識管理」的組織結構、(6) 具有清楚及正確的組織知識策略、(7) 重視知識內容的品質管理、(8) 詳盡細緻的管理「知識管理」相關流程、(9) 足夠力量支援「知識管理」的資訊科技、(10) 維運「知識管理系統」所花費資源。 / This study hopes to take tacit knowledge from the interior design industry and organize it into explicit information through the implementation of knowledge management systems. The modularization of design knowledge will facilitate a company’s accumulation and utilization of design creativity, thereby effectively increasing employee efficiency, reducing operational costs, and increasing overall company efficiency. Further, this will help interior design companies to establish an optimal business model, thereby achieving significant business profits.
This study analyzes data obtained through individual case studies, and gathered information through secondary data collection and in-depth interviews. This study draws the following conclusions:
1. The knowledge management systems implemented by interior design companies include five major databases for the following types of knowledge: (1) Design expertise; (2) Previous design cases; (3) Engineering expertise; (4) Previous engineering cases; (5) Enterprise management.
2. The reasons for which interior design companies implement knowledge management systems include: (1) Accumulation of design creativity and to pass on design knowledge; (2) Utilization of design knowledge to create added value to creativity; (3) Increase employee efficiency and enhance employee professionalism and expertise; (4) Increase success rate of design proposals; (5) Reduce costs related to the company and workforce; (6) Establish and bolster the basic skills for further staff training; (7) Boost operational efficiency and business profits; (8) Expand company operations and bolster competitiveness.
3. There are a number of key factors to the successful implementation of knowledge management systems in interior design companies. These include: (1) Knowledge workers with leadership capability; (2) An organization and individual employees that are willing and motivated to engage in “knowledge management”; (3) An organization structure that emphasizes “knowledge management”; (4) A working environment that emphasizes “knowledge management”; (5) An organization structure conducive to developing “knowledge management”; (6) A clear and consistent set of knowledge strategies for the company; (7) A quality control system that emphasizes knowledge content; (8) Detailed attention to the monitoring of “knowledge management” protocols; (9) Adequate support for the information technology necessary for “knowledge management”; (10) Sufficient resources to maintain the operation of “knowledge management systems”.
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跨部門知識互動對企業創新之影響 / The Impact of the Intra-Organizational Knowledge Interaction on Business Innovation蘇嘉偉 Unknown Date (has links)
創新來自知識的互動。本研究將創新知識來源分成客戶類知識與技術類知識,並將企業創新分成新產品開發、解決客戶問題與提高企業自身創新能耐,以探討知識互動特性對不同類型創新的影響。本研究針對業務端與研發端的知識互動,採個案研究的方式,蒐集14個企業創新個案。分析結果發現,高深度的知識互動是新產品開發成功的關鍵;不同客戶問題,所需的知識互動廣度與深度則不一;若欲提高企業自身創新能耐,需要的是高廣度的知識互動。本研究透過不同實際個案歸納出各類創新類型下的知識互動特性,除了有助於更加瞭解知識互動對創新的影響之外,亦有助於企業經營實務上的操作。 / The objective of this study is to understand the impact of intra-organizational knowledge interaction on business innovative performance. The study divided knowledge of innovation into customer-related knowledge and technology-related knowledge, and classified business innovation into product innovation, problem-solving innovation and general innovation capability. Focusing on the knowledge interaction between sales people and R&D engineers the study analyzed 14 business innovation cases in four selected companies. The results reveal that high depth of knowledge interaction is the key to product innovation while the level of the depth and scope of the knowledge interaction is highly related to the context of the problems to be solved. In regard to general innovation capability, high scope of knowledge interaction seems to be the influential factor. The findings about intra-organizational knowledge interaction provide insights about how different levels of the scope and depth of knowledge interaction affect different types of business innovation and offer useful guide in managing technology and customer knowledge in business practices.
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