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從集體行動看社區意識與管理制度對公寓大廈管理維護之影響-主觀滿意度與客觀績效分析陳香妃 Unknown Date (has links)
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基於網路服務的共享資料規格管理機制 / Mechanisms for Managing the Specifications of Web-Based Data Sharing Services楊劍銘, Yang, Jang Ming Unknown Date (has links)
大型政府機關或企業,由於服務範圍廣大,應用系統繁多,各系統間不時有資料共享的需求(如各系統須使用人資系統)。但對於這些共享資料的管理上,常常因缺乏有效的機制與流程,而一直有無法同步或同步上資訊不一致的困擾。本研究提供一套中央控管規格機制,以管理面和技術面雙管齊下來解決此問題。本研究認為統一資訊必需先從統一資料規格(Data Specification)做起,同時訂定單一資料的提供來源及多個資料使用對象。
本研究利用Web Service WDSL語言特性作為制訂資料規格的依據。WSDL本身即是可自我描述的一種資訊規格,並具有跨平台的特性,以利各使用不同程式語言開發之系統進行整合。本研究認為既然共享資訊是一種共用行為,理當有一資訊規格維護者負責制訂維護管理規格,同時定期召開共享資訊制訂會議討論共享資訊範圍,本研究所設計之系統藉由資訊規格維護者,訂定WSDL共享資訊規格,供資訊提供者實作,並經由發表給各系統開發單位使用。本研究已實作一個工具來產生WSDL。
本研究期藉由集中控管資料規格的共享服務方法,定義各系統開發者的角色與責任,以治理源頭的方式,讓系統整合或資料交換更為容易,開發時程可以縮短,節省系統開發成本,讓有意參與政府機關的廠商不會怯步,讓機關招商更為容易。 / For the wide range of services and diversified application systems in operation in large government agencies or businesses, information sharing among systems is becoming increasingly necessary (such as users’ personal data on different systems). When it comes to managing shared information, lacking an effective system and flow process makes synchronized operation or access to information a less successful task. The research in question brings up a centralized control specification as solution to the issue through sound management and technique. In the research, uniform information starts from uniform data specification. At the same time, a single data source is set together with a plurality of data destinations.
In the research in question, information specification is made based on Web Service WDSL language characteristics. WSDL refers to a kind of self-descriptive information specification that is operational across different platforms for successful integration of systems developed in different program languages. In this research, it is believed, since information sharing is a common behavior; there must be an information specification guard responsible for the scheming, maintenance and management of the same. On the other hand, regular meetings on information sharing must be convened for discussion of the scope. In the system made available in this research, the information specification guard makes the WSDL information sharing specification for operation by information providers and use by the system developers once publicized.We also Implement a tool to generate WSDL.
In this research, it is expected, through the centralized managament of the specifications for shared services, the system developers could have their roles and responsibilities properly defined. By means of sorting out the sources, system integration or data exchange could become much easier and development could become successful more rapidly as a way to reduce the cost involved in system development and eventually, allow those who are willing to bid in public projects come to participate without much concern. If so, bidding by private sector could be an easy task.
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公寓大廈管理服務人責任之研究 / A study of the apartment building management and maintenance corporations賴佳琪 Unknown Date (has links)
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我國性交易管制政策之研究-以臺北市警察取締為例 / The research of the Sex-Trade Regulation Police-A case study of law enforcement of Taipei City Police Department林俊燁 Unknown Date (has links)
從事性交易之性工作者,大多數為面臨龐大經濟壓力的弱勢婦女,法令的禁止只會迫使她們淪為制度性剝削的受害者。我國政府針對性交易行為,應擬定適宜的管制政策,以有效的管理政策替代執法取締,如此一來,才能體現我國憲法保障人權之基本精神。 / Our regulations on sexual trade is based on Social Order Maintenance Act (abbreviated to SOMA), which adopts the principle of what in main provisions are prohibited yet the exceptional causes are permitted. Regarding the Constitution of R.O.C on citizen rights , such as work, sexual autonomy, and privacy, however, such ideas above are all referred to whether the permission of sexual trade is OK or NOT. We will look into some regulations of sexual trade, via bits of Grand justice interpretations, to determine if SOMA would be appropriate now days and if it would defy the principle of proportionality and human rights, from the aspect of the Constitution that ought to secure Human rights.
Besides collecting related materials, we will further explain the No.666 Grand justice interpretation by combining some scholars’ researches and opinions and some Concurring opinions, and that would be demonstrated on Chapter 2. Secondly, we’ll analyze whether the legalization of sexual trade would be against the social convention, or whether the definition of public order and good morals is permanent. On chapter 3, we’ll establish the main structure and distinguish those who necessarily receive our interview in line up with the cause, problems and ethics of researching. On Chapter 4, we’ll interview the police officers and sexual traders in person to absorb their opinions on by-then regulations, clampdown, human rights of sexual trade and their recommendations. In the final part of the essay, in addition to proposing our discoveries, we will put forward our suggestions on the revision of by-then sexual trade regulations and evaluate the possibilities of validation of sexual trade.
Those who feed on sexual trade mostly are afflicted from enormous economic pressure and the ban on sexual trade of regulations make them institutionally deprived. In order to exert the spirit of the Constitution that ought to secure human rights, we advise the government need to enact appropriate laws and rules focusing on sexual trade behavior to effectively replace the clampdown.
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TPM手法應用於產業績效提升之實務探討 / The study of TPM Techniques Applied in the Performance Improvement of Industries林木森, Lin, Mu-Sen January 1900 (has links)
綜觀國內外推動TPM(Total Productive Management)之成功案例,讓不少企業獲得極大的成效,增強了他們堅實的競爭力,然不少企業也亟希望能導入此活動,卻缺少了具體的了解與推行方法,終究是半途而廢,因此乃融合了本身的實務推動經驗、相關成功企業之個案,來說明具體研究心得與推動要領。
本研究發現TPM是企業改善體質的一種工具也是一種方法,它透過了系統性的活動展開,結合各種分析改善手法,以品質、成本、效率、士氣、安全、環保為其衡量之指標,由個案研究中可以看到各項顯著的活動成效,如加工不良率由6150ppm降至108ppm;設備平均故障間隔時間延長了5倍;庫存低減50%,可見TPM對產業績效之貢獻。 / In the rapidly changing and highly competitive business environment, in order to break through the difficulties, the companies should do every effort to improve the physical and strengthen the competitiveness of the preparation. To achieve this goal, they must have an effective management technique, how to find a enables companies to form strategic "sense of direction" and to build capacity to strengthen the "focal point" of management reform practices that is the research target of the report.
Checking around the world to promote the TPM of the success stories , so many companies get great results, and enhance their competition, although a lot of companies are also want to introduce this activity, but lack of a concrete understanding and implementation method, after all, is halfway, so I use the integration of their practical experience of successful enterprises related case studies, to illustrate the specific experiences and promote essentials.
This study found that TPM is a tool also a method for enterprises toimprove physical fitness, It is expanded through a systematic activity, combined with a variety of analytical techniques improve, quality, cost, efficiency, morale, safety, environmental protection for measure of its targets, and more, safety, zero disasters, quality zero defect, zero fault of equipment, these items are for its ultimate purpose. Case studies can be seen by the remarkable effectiveness of the various activities, such as machining defect rate fell to 108ppm from 6150ppm; equipment MTBF extended to five times; Inventory Reduction 50% showing that the contribution TPM on industrial performance. / 目 錄
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌 謝 iii
目 錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 4
1.4 研究限制 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 產業績效之內涵 5
2.2 產業績效提升應用之探討 7
2.2.1 TPM應用於產業績效領域 7
2.2.2 應用於產業績效提升之相關手法 9
2.2.3 TPM應用於其他相關領域 15
2.3 TPM的演進過程與定義 16
2.3.1 演進過程 17
2.3.2 TPM的定義 18
2.3.3 TPM的真義 20
2.4 TPM的全貌 22
2.4.1 追求目標 22
2.4.2 TPM之特色與整體架構 23
2.4.3 TPM與TPS、TQM之差異 23
2.5 TPM之應用手法 24
2.5.1 TPM展開步驟 25
2.5.2 八大支柱展開 32
2.5.3 QC Story 41
2.5.4 QC七大手法 42
2.6 TPM活動績效之評價指標 43
2.6.1 設備總合效率 44
2.6.2 生產績效指標 44
2.7 TPM之應用與展開 46
2.7.1 TPM之應用手法 47
2.7.2 TPM之展開模式 47
2.8 本章小結 47
第三章 研究方法 49
3.1 研究流程 49
3.2 研究方法說明 50
3.2.1 個案研究 50
3.2.2 專家訪談 51
3.3 研究方法特色 53
第四章 個案實證分析 54
4.1 個案研究 54
4.1.1 C公司簡介 54
4.1.2 C公司TPM推動狀況 56
4.1.3 活動過程與成效 59
4.1.4 方針目標達成之活動展開做法 60
4.1.5 個案研究小結 82
4.2 專家訪談 85
4.2.1 訪談對象 85
4.2.2 訪談目的 86
4.2.3 訪談狀況 87
4.2.4 訪談內容彙整 98
4.2.5 專家訪談小結 99
第五章 結論與建議 100
5.1 研究結論 100
5.1.1 TPM對產業績效最主要之貢獻 100
5.1.2 對產業績效最有效的改善手法與工具 101
5.1.3 找出TPM導入成功與失敗之關鍵 101
5.1.4 相關建議 102
5.2 未來研究方向 103
附錄一 專家電話訪談轉載紀錄表
附錄二 專家訪談問卷表
表2.1 平衡計分卡的衡量指標 11
表2.2 TPM與TPS.TQM手法特徵之比較 24
表2.3 推行TPM的四階段十二步驟 25
表2.4 TPM講座課程概要 27
表2.5 各支柱的工作分配實例 29
表2.6 建構生產效率化體制 33
表2.7 展開個別改善的10步驟 34
表2.8 自主保養實施之七步驟 35
表2.9 計畫保養活動七步驟 36
表2.10 品質零不良七步驟 36
表2.11 教育訓練體系表 39
表2.12 QC七大手法 42
表2.13 QC STORY之8個步驟 43
表2.14 TPM活動的評量項目(1) 45
表2.15 TPM活動的評量項目(2) 45
表3.1 專家訪談主題 52
表3.2 研究方法特色與差異 53
表4.1 TPM活動成效 59
表4.2 設備分類評價基準表 68
表4.3 保養模式分類 69
表4.4 16大LOSS定義 78
表4.5 LOSS與支柱及部門別之關聯 79
表4.6 LOSS二維分析法 80
表4.7 改善主題等及定義 80
表4.8 LOSS改善主題管控表 81
表4.9 重要績效指標之成長狀況 83
表4.10 C公司TPM應用手法 84
表4.11 訪談對象 86
表4.12.1 專家訪談之彙整表 88
表4.12.2 專家訪談之彙整表 89
表4.12.3 專家訪談之彙整表 90
表4.12.4 專家訪談之彙整表 91
表4.12.5 專家訪談之彙整表 92
表4.12.6 專家訪談之彙整表 93
表4.12.7 專家訪談之彙整表 94
表4.12.8 專家訪談之彙整表 95
表4.12.9 專家訪談之彙整表 96
表4.12.10 專家訪談之彙整表 97
表5.1 TPM活動之整體效果 101
圖1.1 每年通過TPM賞廠商家數推移 3
圖1.2 台灣地區各業界取得狀況 3
圖1.3 台灣地區獲得TPM賞廠家狀況 4
圖2.1 TPM之發展沿革 18
圖2.2 阻礙生產效率化之16大損失 21
圖2.3 TPM之追求目標 22
圖2.4 活動理念展開之推動架構 23
圖2.5 重複小集團組織 28
圖2.6 災害發生的金字塔 40
圖3.1 研究流程 49
圖3.2 個案研究實施流程 50
圖3.3 專家訪談流程 51
圖4.1 C公司TPM推進歷程 55
圖4.2 TPM展開方針 57
圖4.3 九大支柱 58
圖4.4 TPM組織圖 58
圖4.5 安全衛生活動四大構面 61
圖4.6 安全零災害活動成效 62
圖4.7 來件品質保證做法 64
圖4.8 良品條件管理圖 65
圖4.9 品質保證之三關卡 65
圖4.10 品質零不良活動成效 66
圖4.11 設備零故障活動方針 67
圖4.12 零故障七步驟 72
圖4.13 設備管理情報系統 72
圖4.14 設備零故障活動成效 73
圖4.15 物料零庫存活動成效 76
圖4.16 資源零浪費活動成效 82
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應用禁忌基因演算法劃分路燈巡修範圍之研究 / Using tabu-genetic algorithms in street lights patrolling and maintaining region layout曾斐瑜, Tseng, Fei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台北市政府公園路燈工程管理處的路燈東區分隊為實作對象,在考慮不同的基因演化條件下,分別比較巡修區域劃分前後之變化情況,由實驗結果顯示,我們提出的劃分方法,確實使各區管理員的巡修時間差不超過3%,並且滿足巡修不跨區作業之需求。 / The efficiency and quality of street lights maintenance is influenced by the operation of patrolling and maintaining. In order to raise the working efficiency of maintenance crew, the supervisors pay more attention to region redistricting recently. The formor region districting methods normally base on human experiences without systematic or scientific evaluations, These facts, not only result in human resources wasting and uneven labor allocations, but also affecting the maintenance qualities. Therefore, it is a crucial issue to make region redistricting more scientifically.
The key point of this research is to provide a systematic redistricting mechanism to minimize the patrolling time variation for all the districts. Our mechanism is based on genetic algorithm to reduce the patrolling time differences. Tabu search list is used to improve the searching efficiency of general genetic algorithms. Various factors were integrated in our mechanism to minimize the patrolling time variations. These factors include total number of street lights, average failure rate, average maintenance time, traffic delay, patrolling and maintaining frequency, etc.
We used districts covered by the East Branch of SET/PSO of Taiepi City Government as the examples in our studies. The experimental results show that, using our mechanism, the patrolling time difference is reduced to 3% and maintenance crews can perform their duty without crossing region boundary.
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二戰期間紙質檔案保存維護策略之研究-以國史館、國史館台灣文獻館為例 / A study on preservation strategies of world war ii archives : case studies of Academia Historica & Taiwan Historica洪碧苓, Hung, Pi Ling Unknown Date (has links)
最後針對以上研究結果提出七項建議:一、制定紙質檔案用紙與媒材之標準;二、設置專門且專業之管理人員;三、空間整併規劃;四、設置檔案緩衝室;五、實施「點、觀、聞、測、錄」五步驟檢視法;六、制定檔案修復用紙與相關材料;七、資源經費有限,對於待修復檔案應採分級處理。 / Paper not only records people’s wisdom but also transmit the important information. Otherwise, paper is a good tool to communicate our opinions and thinking. If paper archives can be appropriately kept and organized, we will find more historical treasures, passing down the experiences.
For deeply understanding how the paper archives in the world war of conservation status. The research firstly collects both international and national literature, which is focus on this topic, and then analyzes, compiles, and generalizes it to a useful material for research. Then, it is adopted that“case study”method for research and “interview”will be set up as the tool for collecting the opinions. This research is done with hope to understand characteristical and conservation of these archives, to sum up the faced problems and to propose resolutions for archives of Repository agencies.
The study made the following conclusion: (1)The qualities of the papers in Academia Historica are almost rough, but in Taiwan Historica are high. (2)Because of the bad environment in the earlier Academia Historica and Taiwan Historica, now there are some damages in these archives including pests, mold. (3)To restore the archive of damaged-papers, so far most organizations use full of the mounting papers. (4)About the qualities of the paper, archival mending uses basic, unity and more natural handmade materials. (5)Use the standard from The National Archives Administration for the prime simple; we can adjust it appropriately by space, environment, financial, and human resources. (6)Paper Archives should use acid-fee, non-mixed media folders, or keep it in the archival box. (7)Normally, archive of the office paper should put in Acid-free paper and bundle it, and we put it straightly one by one. The special papers, as Large-scale chart should put in a suitable file cabinet and keep it side up. (8)Select professional managers and maintainers. (9)Schedule survey the archived condition of the papers, and record it clearly. (10)Use wisdom, and according status of archives and resources to classify the archives levels.
Finally provide seven suggestions to support above of stud: (1) Set up the standard of papers and materials for archive. (2) Appoint the specialized and professional managers. (3) Arrange the space.(4) Set up the archival buffer room.(5) Follow these five steps to check, “POINT, READ, SMELL, DETECT, RECORD”.(6) Regulate archive-repaired papers and materials.(7) Because of the limit of finance resource, we should classify the archives to restore it.
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公務人員撫卹制度之研究:正義的觀點 / The research on the pension system of civil service from the point of justice呂明泰, Lu, Ming-Tai Unknown Date (has links)
重要名詞:1.「正當程序」、2.「公平原則」、3.「秉道執中」4.「公益維護」5.「憲政民主」、6.「公民社會」、7.「自由安全社會」 / Pension is not meant to create more wealth for a family, nor remedies to the survivals in poverty for an affordable life. The genuine intent of pension serves two purposes. One is for the government to express to the survivals its appreciation and condolences of a civil service died in the course of performing duties and the other is to help the survival to pull through a certain period of hardship. The ultimate objective of pension is to seek building up a free and secure society. Pension measures based on the idea of establishing a free and secure society shall be the ideas for the efforts of reconstruction of a society of justice to stick to. Therefore, whether an appropriate legal framework can be carefully mapped out for a pension system has been one of the key topics highly regarded by those fundamentals who promote a social security with justice.
However, to cope with the "Paradigm Shift" of social security theories, justice-based popular value to realize an idealistic living style wherein every one enjoys justified living means and social status has become one of the basic objectives held fast in any democratic nation practicing constitutionalism. Accordingly, we have to invest more concerns and efforts to focus on the issue that "if the existing pension system of civil service of our country is sufficient to be developed into a system of good faith that meets the value of justice" while we are refreshing out review of various mechanisms set forth in the existing pension system of civil service in the point of justice. This paper, with the attempt to help in the development of the pension system of civil service, is constructed by having "the general context of the pension system of civil service of the Republic of China" as a weft, and by having the "the concept of substantial fair and justice" as the waft as the framework to proceed cross
arguents in the hope of going beyond the one dimension of linear logic of thinking to challenge the option of "Reconstruction of Pension System of Civil Service of the Republic of China" according to the interaction modes between being conservative and revolutionary.
In this paper, the compatibility between "pension measures" and "social security" is first touched for the inference of the conclusion that "the pension must be incorporated with the thoughts of social security for the construction of a free and secure society that "shares common wealth without poverty, common peace without misfortune and common security without instability" by following the substantial context realized from the point of justice (Sec.1,Chap.Ⅱ); followed by angling at the aspects of ethics and administration legal principles, four major areas of context, respectively, "justice procedure", "fair principle", "impartial practice" and "maintenance of public interest" that should be taken serious in the scientific theory of "the concept of justice" are inferred (Sec.2,Chap.Ⅱ); then intervened with "the general context of the pension system of the Republic of China" as the weft and "the concept of substantial justice and fair" as the waft for the framework of the research (Sec.3,Chap.Ⅲ), those
pension systems currently and respectively adopted in advanced nations (UK, USA and Japan) and in our country are examined (Chap.Ⅲ and Chap.Ⅳ); later based on the "context of justice" as inferred, an in-depth review is made to analyze the compliance of the existing pension system of our country with such context of justice (Chapter V); and finally, by following the teachings revealed in the "Paradigm Shift" to take a leap from the conventional logic of linear thinking for presenting the findings of the research, and further to make feasible proposals for the reconstruction of the pension system of civil service based on those four major contexts of justice as disclosed above (Chap.Ⅳ).
Keyword: 1.justice procedure 2 .fair principal 3. impartial practice 4. maintenance of public interes 5. constitutional democracy 5. civil society 6. free and secure society
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台北市集合住宅管理維護模式之研究洪子茵 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:集合住宅、管理維護、管理模式、住戶滿意度、戶數與管理費門檻值 / Households typically manage their living environment using one of two modes. Under the first, household conducts all of the basic and day-to-day management functions. Under the second approach, the household hires a property management company to provide and monitor a number of services such as repair and maintenance quality control.
In Taiwan, the current proportion of the implementation of condominium ( collective housing ) management and maintenance is 68% of owner management and 32@/o of company management. Comparing to Hong Kong and Japan where the company management is more common than owner management, this proportion is far behind.
This research is focus on the reason of less popular of company management in Taiwan collective housing and the factors of affecting the choice of management mode. Moreover this research also discusses the results and effects of different management modes and which management mode can provides the highest degree of satisfaction.
The empirical results show that the main factors of selections between different management modes are the "scale" and the "price" of the condominium. On average, comparing company management and owner management, the possibility of choosing company management is 6.357 times more in high-rise buildings (above 13 floor) than in apartment (under 5 floor) and 4.245 times more in the community (large projects) than in apartment. Besides, when the scale of the quantity increases additional ten units averagely, the possibility of choosing company management will increase 3.9% ; and when the management cost averagely goes up extra ten dollars per Pin, the possibility of choosing company management will also increase 6.5 % .
As for the discussion of the relationship between the management modes and the household satisfaction, general speaking, the household can get more satisfaction from the result of appointing building management & maintenance companies. Moreover, the outcome of "part company management mode" is the most outstanding one in the four types. The reason is that although the company has the professional knowledge and superior management skills, there does also exist the problem of agency. Due to the trade-off relationship, the satisfaction of complete company management mode is less than part company management mode.
In order to relate the theoretical model to the practice, this research infers the thresholds of "scale" and "price". The results show that every household in the community which has hired the building management & maintenance industry has to pay 70 NT$ per Pin-Month in average; furthermore, the number of its households should be approximate 100 units. Therefore it can be said because of the fact that the average number of the household in condominium in Taipei might not excess the threshold of economic scale, company management is not very common in Taipei.( note that at this stage 80% of the registered condominium is less than hundred households.). Besides, the reason of low proportion of company management is that there does exist the difficulty in negotiations and externalities. Consequently, it is suggested that government should use the effect of tax policy to intemalize the externalities. It is also recommended that government can direct or indirectly authorize the non-profit organizations to assist home owners associations to register, so that the cost of negotiations can be reduced.
keywords: condominium、 management & maintenance 、 management mode、household satisfaction 、 thresholds of "scale" & "price"
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集合住宅管理維護績效之研究:集體行動、管理模式、使用衝突之影響探討 / Performance Evaluation of Property Management Services for Condominiums: A Research of Collective Action, Management Modes, and Usage Conflicts朱芳妮, Chu, Fang Ni Unknown Date (has links)
因此,本論文主要有三個探討課題:第一,從集體行動困境角度分析並釐清管理委員會自治管理問題;第二,依據代理理論、公司治理機制,從決策控制權移轉的程度來重新定義集合住宅社區的事務管理模式,分析事務管理模式對於管理維護效率的影響;第三,了解使用混合與面積混合所產生的使用衝突與管理維護績效間的相互關係。本文使用台北集合住宅管理維護現況調查的問卷資料進行實證研究,期望透過上述課題的探討,釐清管理維護潛在問題,並對不同類型社區提出適宜管理維護方式的建議,產生兼具學術與實務面之貢獻。 / Common property belonging to all owners of a condominium may cause usage conflicts or collective action dilemmas, due to the characteristic of quasi-public goods diminishing most residents' utility or benefits. Besides, agency problems derived from different management modes established by management committees may have unfavorable influence on management performance to some extent ccording to the delegation degree of decision control and management.
Therefore, the main topics of this dissertation are as follows: First, analyzing and cectifying the collective action dilemmas through the self-organized CPR regimes;
Secondly, redefining condominium management modes through delegation or outsourcing degrees of decision control according to agency theory and corporate governance framework and analyzing the effects of these modes on management performance; Thirdly, discovering the relationship between usage conflicts derived from the features of housing mix and usage mix and management performance of condominiums. Data collected from a postal questionnaire survey in Taipei city was used in several empirical analyses based on the main topics. Clarify the potential problems of condominium management and proposing appropriate management modes and approaches according to various features of condominiums are expected to be both academic and practical contributions.
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