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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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論產物保險經紀市場之檢討與改進-以Eliot Spitzer vs. Marsh & McLennan案為借鏡 / A Study and Review on Non-Life Insurance Brokering Market:Lessons Learned from Eliot Spitzer vs. Marsh & McLennan Case

魏家祥 Unknown Date (has links)
在保險市場中,保險商品主要透過保險經紀人、保險代理人以及保險人所掌握的直接通路予以販售,特別是在大型商業財產及責任保險的行銷通路上,保險經紀人扮演了舉足輕重的角色。本論文主要是以商業財產及責任保險市場為研究重心,並由經濟觀點探討保險經紀人的仲介角色、市場競爭態勢、報酬結構以及業務安排方式等,同時以保險監理的角度檢討保險經紀行業存在的誠信自律、利益衝突以及客戶公平對待等問題。 不同於保險代理人,保險經紀人係基於保單持有人之利益為其安排保險。因此,保險經紀人必須透過多家保險人提供報價的方式,從中選擇價格及條件最佳者做為保險業務安排之對象;換言之,誠實的報價程序,方足以保障客戶之利益並維繫保險市場的健全。然而國外近年發生的大型保險經紀人與部分保險人共謀提供不實之報價事件,不僅嚴重影響到保單持有人的權益,更引發了對於保險經紀人不當市場力量運用以及或有佣金(contingent commissions)制度存廢的廣泛討論。2004年10月14日紐約州總檢察官Eliot Spitzer向紐約州最高法院針對全球最大保險經紀商Marsh & McLennan及部分保險人所涉及的投標詐欺、操縱價格、收受保險公司或有佣金等三大罪狀提出了民事訴訟。此案例不僅使得涉案公司付出鉅額賠償,更暴露出大型保險經紀人公司存在已久的市場壟斷、價格操控、利益衝突等問題。 對照於英、美等國在保險經紀人制度方面的成熟與發達,我國在此方面尚屬新興發展階段,所謂他山之石可以攻錯,借重先行者的經驗,不僅可以避免重蹈覆轍,更可加快成長的腳步;在全球化的浪潮衝擊之下,保險經紀市場唯有與國際充分接軌,並健全相關制度,才能為國內保險市場的業務成長,帶來蓬勃生機,並立下永續發展的堅固磐石。 / In the insurance market, policies are sold through direct channels controlled by insurance companies or intermediaries, such as brokers and agents. Brokers play a vital role in the property & casualty insurance market and serving commercial clients with complex and large exposures. This report focusing on the commercial property & casualty insurance market, we look at the economic performance by brokers, the competitive structure of the marketplace, the compensation arrangements for brokers, and the placement with insurers. Furthermore, we also from regulators’ point of view to study and review a variety of issues, such as the ethics and conduct , conflict of interest, treating customers fairly, which are raised from insurance brokers industry. In contrast to captive agents, brokers act on behalf of the insured, for this circumstance, the role of the brokers is to increase price and coverage competitiveness, by providing the customers access to a wider range of possible insurers. Clearly the integrity of the bidding process is very important to protect the interest of customers and to the health of the insurance brokers market. Unfortunately, the integrity of the placement process by brokers has been questioned due to the allegations of bid rigging in which one or more global brokers and a few insurers appear to have conspired to submit non-competitive bids. This anti-competitive practice is not only detrimental to the customers but also cause public concerned that too much market power lead to abuses by brokers and that contingent commissions should be abolished. On October 14, 2004, New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer filed suit against Marsh & McLennan alleging that the insurance brokers engaged in bid rigging and received widespread kickbacks from insurance companies. On January 31, 2005, Marsh agreed to pay $850 million in restitution to buyers as part of an agreement to settle the suit, but lawsuits still in progress. The above-mentioned case has revealed conflict of interest, anti-competitive and market manipulation for meg-brokers, in fact, these problems existed for a long time. Comparing with US and UK insurance brokers market, Taiwan is belong to emerging market, to gain knowledge of pioneer’s developing experience, we could shorten the time to get more progress. When we deal with the globalization challenge, local insurance broker market should be complied with international practices, improve relative rules and regulations is also necessary, once above situations are available, it could help domestic insurance market rapid and healthy growth.


鍾俊山 Unknown Date (has links)
2002年元月,美國小布希總統宣稱北韓與伊拉克、伊朗,同屬「邪惡軸心」(Axis of Evil)國家,這些國家均係美國列入防止核武擴散之對象,於是北韓與美國關係旋墜落谷底,北韓之鬥爭策略是先昇溫,復加壓,然後迫使美國讓步;北韓復於2006年10月9日,正式對外宣布成功進行地下核武試驗,此舉無疑對東亞及國際安全均帶來衝擊。台灣基於同為亞太國家成員之一,應該理解北韓核武危機所牽動東北亞安全環境變化,以及美國、日本、中國及俄羅斯等國家多邊體系關係,倘北韓核武危機未能圓滿解決,擁核後之北韓除易成為東北亞潛伏威脅外,將引起日本加速武裝。北韓除製造核武問題外,北韓經濟困頓、民不聊生,朝鮮勞動黨為維繫獨裁政權統治,大肆販售飛彈等軍火牟取利益,甚至遭控訴涉及國際間多起販毒、製造假煙及偽造美鈔事件,而台灣位居東亞海空交通樞紐,台灣海峽為北韓船隻往來必經之路,因而有必要瞭解北韓政軍經現況,深入剖析北韓對於國際間衍生種種安全問題,訂定因應措施,以確保國家安全。 由於台灣外交情勢嚴峻,往往無法參與區域性國際組織,北韓乃伺機對台洽購精密儀器或刺探高科技產業技術,使得台灣容易成為北韓覬覦獲得國際管制性物品漏洞,本論文試圖探究並思索如何防止北韓向台灣採購可供軍事用途之精密儀器等用品,或可供生產提昇國防武器裝備之科技機器流向北韓,並配合國際反恐措施予以列管,這樣不僅符合國際利益,而且可以提昇台灣國際形象與國家地位;況且台灣亦有必要隨時瞭解國際上及美、歐等先進國家之最新出口管制措施,從而監督台灣廠商禁止將進口之高科技戰略性物品與生產之精密工具機,輾轉出口至管制地區(包括:伊朗、伊拉克、利比亞、北韓、中國、古巴、蘇丹等國),並配合國際防止擴散組織,共同防止大規模毀滅性武器擴散,形成全球安全之出口管制制度。 / In January 2002, President George W. Bush declared North Korea, Iraq, and Iran as an “axis of evil”. These countries are regarded as subject to the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons by the U.S. As a result, the relationship between North Korea and the U.S. has deteriorated. North Korea has attempted to gradually increase pressure to force the U.S. to concede; on October 9, 2006, North Korea officially announced the success of its secret nuclear weapon test, which undoubtedly made a tremendous impact on security in East Asia and the world. As a member of the Asia Pacific Region, Taiwan should understand how security in Northeast Asia changes due to the fact that North Korea is now a country with nuclear weapons. Taiwan should also be aware of the multilateral relations between the U.S., Japan, China, and Russia. Without a satisfactory solution to the threat of North Korean nuclear weapons, Japan may accelerate its military build-up in response to this lurking danger in Northeast Asia. Besides the nuclear weapon issue, North Korea has a poor economy and starving people. The Korean Workers’ Party has been accused of being involved in arms sale (such as missiles), international drug smuggling, counterfeit tobacco products, and counterfeit U.S. banknotes in order to maintain its dictatorship. As Taiwan’s geographic position is vital in the air and sea transport in East Asia, it is imperative for Taiwan to understand North Korea’s politics, armed forces, and economy. Taiwan must analyze and understand international security issues related to North Korea and map out corresponding actions so as to ensure national security. Due to its difficult diplomatic situation, Taiwan is unable to join many regional organizations. Therefore, North Korea takes this opportunity to purchase precision devices or pry into high technology from Taiwan. This makes Taiwan prone to become a legal loophole of which North Korea can take advantage to obtain international control items. This study investigates the ways for Taiwan to prevent North Korea from purchasing precision devices for military use or high-tech machinery that can improve defense weapons. In addition, the study also discusses how Taiwan can have better export control against North Korea by conforming to international anti-terror measures. To follow international principles is not only in line with global interests, but can also improve Taiwan’s international image and status. Therefore, Taiwan must keep itself updated of the latest export control measures implemented by the U.S., Europe, and other advanced countries. By doing so, Taiwan government can also prevent corporations in Taiwan from re-exporting strategic high-tech commodities and related production machinery to controlled territories, such as Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, China, Cuba, and Sudan. With cooperation with international non-proliferation organizations, proliferation of WMDs can be stopped and a comprehensive export control network can be formed to maintain global security.


歐陽富 Unknown Date (has links)
海外華人人口,截至2004年底止,約為3,808萬人(不含香港、澳門),政府為照顧為眾多之海外僑胞,先於1926年於國民政府下設僑務委員會以推進僑務,復為擴大服務僑社並增進僑民福址,於1985年針對海外僑社需求,選擇華僑眾多之地區,設置華僑文教服務中心,自1985年起迄2004年底止,僑委會在海外各地前後共設置了十七個文教服務中心。為維持該等中心之運作,政府每年均編有巨額預算挹注,為瞭解相對於投入之資源,中心之產出是否符合經濟學上『投入』與『產出』之生產效率概念,本文之研究爰以產出導向之資料包絡分析法建立實證模型進行探討,同時以各文教服務中心為一決策單位,將2001年至2004年間各文教中心之投入及產出項目投入實證模型中,以計算各文教中心的經營績效。 實證結果顯示,海外文教中心整體的技術效率平均值介於2.4662與3.1605之間,同時規模效率平均值大於1,顯示造成各文教中心技術無效率的來源,大部份來自於純技術效率,另一部分則來自於規模無效率。 同時依實證結果資料可以發現,(一)僑委會截至2004年止之十七個文教中心,在各種不同的組合下,僅有4至9個中心之效率值為1,占全部文教中心的二成至五成,顯示整體經營績效有待加強與提升;(二)以僑委會關閉倫敦及墨爾本文教中心雖與實證分析結果相符,然績效較墨爾本中心為低之雪黎文教中心卻未關閉之情況而言,益顯數據性資料於決策過程中之重要性;(三)以全球華人人口分配來看,北美洲地區文教中心之技術效率值,無論在固定或變動規模下,就各種組合而言,均較其他地區文教中心之效率值為佳,顯示除應提高北美地區以外中心之效率外,似乎也反映了服務海外僑胞之資源分配是否過度集中,及與僑胞互動應予加強之問題。 最後,由於本研究係首次將DEA運用於駐外機構經營效率之評估,因此本文之相關實證模型將可作為評估我國其他部會所屬駐外機構效率衡量之基礎及參考。 / The overseas Chinese population, up till 2004, approximates 3.8 millions (not counting Hong Kong, Macao). To attend to their needs, the government has first established the Commission of Overseas Chinese Affairs under the Nationalist Government in 1926. To better and further serve this overseas Chinese community, the government has chosen among several populous areas to set up Chinese Culture and education service center later in 1985. Between 1985 and the end of 2004, 17 service centers have been set up. To keep these centers running requires a big budget support from the government each year. To examine if these centers provide values that conform to the economic concept of "the input" and "the output" production efficiency, this article has used the data envelopment analysis method to establish the real diagnosis model. This model has used various culture and education service centers as policy-making units from 2001 to 2004 to evaluate the efficacy of these service centers. Test results have shown that the mean value of central whole technical efficiency is between 2.4662 and 3.1605. Also, the mean value of scale efficiency is bigger than 1. This demonstrates the inefficient central technology rate of the service centers results mainly from pure technical inefficiency, and partly from diseconomy of scale. On the other hand, test results also show that, (1) up till 2004, among 17 culture and education centers, just only remain 4 to 9 with central efficiency value of 1 under different kinds of combinations. The fact that they account for two tenths to five tenths of the total number of service centers demonstrates the need for improvement in their operating performance (2) the closing of both London and Melbourne culture and education centers does not conform to the findings of the real diagnosis analysis, but Sydney center is not closed, which reveals the importance of data material in the decision-making process; (3) looking at the distribution of global overseas Chinese population, the technology efficiency values for culture and education centers in North America area are far higher than other areas, measured by all sorts of combinations regardless of fixed or variable scale. This has revealed issues of not only efficiency enhancements for local centers excepting this area, but also excessive concentration of service resources allocated within the region and augment the co-activity with compatriots. Finally, since this is the first time DEA has been utilized in a research to evaluate the management efficiencies for government agencies abroad, the real diagnosis model presented in this article might be used as a reference for similar studies in the future.


江炘杓 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採文獻分析法和戰史研究法,並從戰略——目的、手段、方法——之研究途徑切入。 研究重點首先從以色列之海域環境和威脅來源著眼,探討以色列國家安全戰略與防衛戰略構想;由於以色列之兵役制度與軍隊訓練情形,實為支持其遂行防衛戰略,達成其國家安全之重要支柱,故亦予分析。 其次,針對以色列海軍參與之重要戰爭,包括獨立戰爭、六日戰爭(美海軍情報船自由號被以色列海空軍擊沈事件和以色列埃拉特號驅逐艦被埃及飛彈快艇擊沈事件)、十月戰爭(以敘「拉塔基亞海戰」與以埃於紅海戰線之對決)、以及其他零星之重要衝突加以析論。 第三,探討以色列海軍之兵力建設與準則發展狀況,析出以色列海軍建軍發展之三個階段,研究其硬體建設(水面作戰艦艇、潛艦、突擊隊)、海軍任務、海軍作戰準則、反恐作戰準則與行為規範之發展情形。 最後,分析以色列海軍面臨之挑戰、探討其國防資源之分配問題、海軍高科技武器發展以及其於未來之展望。 具體研究成果包含找出以色列海軍影響深遠之戰役——拉塔基亞海戰,瞭解以色列海軍建軍發展之歷程,並且發現以色列海軍邁向新時代之發展趨勢。 研究心得有三點:第一,以—阿海軍戰爭之啟示;第二、以色列海軍發展之啟示;第三,研究以色列海軍之啟示。 / The Study of the Israeli Navy was made use of literature analysis and war history research method. It was written within the approach of the strategy research which of the aims, the means, and the ways. The paper will (1) introduce the sea environment of Israel and sources of the threats, discuss Israel national security and its defense strategic conception, and Israeli conscriptions and its military training; (2) examine the significance and importance of the Israeli Navy war history; (3) give a description of structures of the Navy and its doctrines; and (4) propose the challenge of the Navy, analyze its problem of the defense budget distribution, open its hi-tech weapon systems, and observe its future development. The results of this paper include: (1) excavate the most valuable warfare among the Israeli Navy war history which is the Battle of Latakia; (2) understand the structures of the Navy; and (3) find out the trend of the Navy future development.


青木, 健太郎 25 January 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第22892号 / 工博第4789号 / 新制||工||1749(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科社会基盤工学専攻 / (主査)教授 藤田 正治, 教授 中川 一, 教授 角 哲也 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM


羽田, 浩二 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第21730号 / 工博第4547号 / 新制||工||1709(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科建築学専攻 / (主査)教授 林 康裕, 教授 竹脇 出, 教授 松島 信一 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM


李佳樺, Lee-Chia-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究考慮市場、規模、淨值市價比及前期累積報酬,這四個影響股票報酬的因子,分別以個股特徵之持股比例變動法與四因子評估模型,對共同基金風險調整後的報酬作績效評比,不但可以評估基金的選股能力與擇時能力,並進一步瞭解報酬之風險來源。最後討論這兩種評比方式的適用性,並藉由基準投資組合將市場股票區分成不同的風險類別,根據基金在各類別股票的持有比例,引伸出對基金持股風格的另一種看法。現將本篇研究結果整理如下: 1. 四因子模型對於資產的解釋能力比資本資產評價模型(CAPM)好;並且透過規模、淨值市價比、前期累積報酬之風險溢酬因子,可以瞭解報酬之不同風險來源。 2. 依照個股特徵為基準之持股比例變動法,計算出實際績效、特徵擇時、特徵選股及平均持股型態的績效。結果顯示共同基金多具有正的選股能力,擇時能力,但經過檢定,並沒有顯著的超額報酬。 3. 以四因子評價模型對共同基金績效做評估。結果發現幾乎不具有顯著的超額報酬;兩種方法的評比結果相類似。但是部份基金在規模、與前期累積報酬項有顯著異於零的結果,顯示基金在規模、量能操作上有穩定的績效表現,因此使得檢定的結果顯著。 4. 而以持股類型風格上來看,顯示部份基金會高度持有大型股、以及過去表現良好的股票,持股風險類群明顯而集中,屬於穩健、偏重長期,並配合量能操作的投資策略。 最後根據本文的實證結果,分別對投資人與基金經理人提出建議。而從持股比例計算的過程,對持股風格分析提供一個更簡易明瞭的看法,並將研究中發現的問題,一併列在建議中,提供給後續研究者作為參考。 第一章 緒論…………………………………………1 第二章 文獻回顧……………………………………4 第一節 風險調整因素……………………………4 第二節 四因子評估模型…………………………7 第三節 依個股特徵之持股比例變動法…………9 第三章 研究設計……………………………………13 第一節 研究假說…………………………………13 第二節 研究架構…………………………………14 第三節 研究範圍與期間…………………………16 第四節 變數定義與資料處理……………………18 第四章 實證結果與分析……………………………22 第一節 四因子評估模型…………………………22 第二節 共同基金績效評估………………………27 第三節 基金之持股類型比例……………………36 第五章 結論與建議…………………………………40 第一節 結論………………………………………40 第二節 建議…………………………………………41 參考文獻……………………………………………45


李志村 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣隨著聯電與台積電陸續成立晶圓製造廠以來,帶動了整個半導體高科技產業的蓬勃發展,也因而創造了台灣的經濟奇蹟。以電子資訊業為首的高科技產業,無論在營收成長、獲利力或個人產值等方面均有傑出的表現。雖然過去,台灣高科技產業能持續在市場上生存並佔有一席之地,乃在於擁有完善的製造能力與完整的產業供應鏈。但今日,高科技產業長期的經營與運作模式已面臨嚴重挑戰。企業間過度擠壓所造成的削價競爭、產業外移,供應鏈失調等問題,正是高科技產業停滯不前瀕臨生存威脅的最大因素。因此,台灣企業該如何提升其自身的競爭優勢與經營管理能力,並且妥善運用有限的資源進而轉化成對外的競爭策略,將是企業是否能安然渡過該波擠壓洪流,而得以永續經營的關鍵成功因素。 因此,本研究將探討『台灣電腦晶片組設計業經營問題與競爭優勢分析』,藉由分析探討國內兩大電腦系統晶片組設計廠商-矽統科技與威盛電子公司的實際經營狀況,來了解台灣電腦系統晶片組設計業現今所面臨的經營問題。 針對上述探討研究方向,除了參閱多方理論文獻與次級文獻資料外,吾人亦以十多年來實際參與電腦產業經營運作的經驗,並收集分析矽統科技與威盛電子公司發展推動市場的手法,試圖來解釋分析本論文所發現的問題,同時在總結各方面的研討後,提出可能性的對策與方案,使之能在既有的核心能耐與有限的資源下,對其所擁有的核心能力加以強化及發揮,進而產生另一層的經營優勢並提昇該產業的核心競爭力。 本研究結果發現台灣電腦系統晶片設計業: 一、 台系電腦晶片組廠商目前所面臨經營上的機會與問題 劣勢與威脅部分: 1. 新產品的創新能力、類比技術及系統整合能力較差,加上電腦系統晶片組功能整合開發難度與日俱增,在國際競爭上始終無法超前國際大廠(如Intel與nVIDIA)。 2. 由於新技術能力的不足,造成產品推出時程落後;沒有新穎產品的創新能力,無法提供附加價值,不得不採取低價策略。 3. 同業間惡性競爭、下游廠商代工成本提高、獲利不佳引發財務資源不足。 競爭優勢部分: 1.台灣半導體產業專業分工,群聚效果顯著,產業供給鏈完整,對電腦晶片組產品開發設計幫助大。 2.人力素質佳,上下游產業垂直分工,能力強。 3.專業晶圓代工關係密切,並帶動上下游產業發展。 4.營運彈性大,效率高,以達經濟規模,具成本競爭優勢。 5.下游PC資訊產業為堅強支援。 6.設計技術高、能力強、產品運用靈活、整合力佳。 其機會在於: 1.大陸PC/數位消費性電子市場胃納大,台灣具同文同種優勢。 2.IA產品衍生的零組件商機。 3.業界聯盟、技轉和併購增加實力。 4.台灣矽島計畫(IP Mall)成立。 5.與中國市場提供規格制定的可能,進而能利用中國人才加強研發能力。 6.低價電腦需求持續成長,帶動低價的台灣晶片組產品出貨量。 關鍵性成功因素: 台灣廠商應持續強化其競爭優勢,使此優勢有持續性與不可取代性。因此,台灣廠商應憑藉著自身有限的資產與技術能力為競爭的基礎,採用最佳的競爭手段來對抗後進的ATi與nVIDIA的激烈競爭,如:提供更多的產品組合以發揮其綜效的產品策略、最低價產品的定位策略、利用台灣產業群聚效益的優勢發掘最有效率的製造策略等;採用正確的競爭方式以避開正面與外商優勢產品的直接競爭,如:基於目前擁有成熟的技術,運用其技術延展性的特性,積極開發新產品並鎖定中國、印度、印尼、俄羅斯及巴西等新興電腦市場之選擇。 二、 台灣廠商的整合核心技術能力普遍不及外商,尤其在整合性產品中的繪圖核心邏輯部分與類比技術;不過值得慶幸的是新技術的市場推廣往往必須花費許久時間,台灣廠商可藉此發展較便宜的產品,一旦新技術被市場接受時,迅速推廣至市場達到後發先至,後來居上的成功策略,畢竟類似的產品其價格仍佔優勢。 三、 近年來,電腦晶片組所賴以為生的上下游產業,多數廠商雖被迫遷至中國設廠以降低製造成本來爭取較高獲利,原以為此種現象將會造成台灣電腦產業群聚效益的喪失,但所幸的是新的產業群聚效益逐漸於中國的上海地區形成,就如同台灣的竹科與南科一般;因此,台灣電腦晶片組廠商仍擁有較國際大廠較佳的電腦產業群聚效益的優勢。除了該優勢外,台灣廠商若能在有限的資產與技術能力的基礎下,更持續強化其自身的競爭優勢,使此優勢具有持續與不可取代性。如此方能統合己身的資源優勢,進而得有能力來對抗後進的ATi與nVIDIA等廠商的激烈競爭。 / Following the establishment and operations of TSMC(Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited)and UMC(United Microelectronics Corporation)in Taiwan, the high-tech industry of wafer production flourished and created a reputation nothing short of an economic miracle for Taiwan. In the electronic information field, it became the leading business; outperforming in all aspects showing outstanding profits, income, growth, and personal production value. The high-tech industry of Taiwan then occupied a strong-hold of the market continuously, owing to its manufacturing capability and complete supply chain. Today however, the long time operational model of this industry confronts a serious challenge because of compression among local enterprises. Prices have been cut, factories have been moved abroad, creating a disorder in the supply chain and all can be seen as life or death threatening risks to this systematic industry. The key success factors for sustainable management objectives is going to be how the Taiwanese enterprisers promote their competitive advantage; utilize their business management ability for better efficiency of factories; manipulate the limited resources; and further divert all of the above into a competitive strategy. Through analysis of actual practice and business operations of two PC chipset design house companies(Silicon Integrated Systems Corporation and VIA Technologies, Inc.), this study will examine and predict『The operational problems related to business management and competitive advantages analysis which are in front of the PC chipset design industry in Taiwan』. Aiming at directions of above stated examinations and analysis by using my experience of participating in management and review of all aspects in PC industry for more than ten years and by reading of papers at sublevels; also by collecting marketing methods of the above two companies; I will explain the problems I have revealed. At the same time, I will provide applicable stratagem and programs for PC chipset industry of Taiwan to upgrade its core competencies and strengthen its competitive force. Results of this study are stated below: A. The operational problems related to business management and competitive advantages in front of the PC chipset design industry of Taiwan A/1: Weaknesses and Threats 1. The PC chipset vendors of Taiwan cannot compete or overtake Intel or nVIDIA in the international market until the following is addressed. In addition to extended difficulties in PC chipset integration, there is an inferior ability in the following aspects: the invention or creation of new products; analogy techniques, and system integration. 2. Due to inadequate new technologies, the new products cannot put into market on schedule. Further, without innovation of products to create added value to a product low price policy has become the only strategy. 3. Vicious competition among similar enterprisers and an increase of labor cost of factories in the production line may induce monetary crises at any point of the chain of the PC industry. A/2 : Competitive Advantages 1. Specialty divisions, clustering of the Taiwan Semiconductor industry and good supply chains all contribute a lot to the development of PC chipset products. 2. Good quality of labor and vertical division of top to bottom production are the factors which enforce the industry. 3. Close ties to the chip production manufacturers promote development of top to bottom enterprisers. 4. Flexibility of management facilitates higher efficiency to reach the economics of scale. A definite cost competitive advantage. 5. The PC information industry constitutes concerted support. 6. Design technology at high level, good capability, splendid flexibility on product applications and fine integration of these elements. A/3: Opportunities 1. Markets for PC and digital consumer appliances for Taiwan and the mainland China is huge because of population and economic growth there in recent years. Consumers share the same culture; belonging to same race also is an advantage. 2. Opportunity deriving from IA products for companies to produce peripheral parts. 3. Through alliance of enterprisers, transit of techniques and business merging is an opportunity. 4. Establishment of Taiwan IP mall. 5. To formulate protocols and define specification together with enterprisers in mainland China for a market there. Further to utilize local professionals to promote research and development. 6. Demand for low cost PCs will increase steadily which will enable Taiwan to export more PC chipset products. A/4: Key Factors for Success The Taiwan companies should continue to strengthen their competitive advantages to maintain their continuity and non replaceable character. Also apply the limited resources and technical know-how as a base of competition. Furthermore by adopting better competitive measures to confront the new more advanced competitors such as ATi and nVIDIA. These measures may include a greater product portfolio synergy; the assembly of more complex and efficient products made in Taiwan; a low cost product positioning strategy in order to avoid face to face competition; a redirection of the current mature technologies into technology extensions for products aimed at the emerging PC markets such as China, India, Indonesia, Russia and Brazil. B. The ability to integrate core technologies by the Taiwan industry is less efficient than foreign companies especially the graphics core-logic and analog techniques. It is fortunate that it often needs a long time for a new technique to appear in a market. The Taiwan companies can use this time gap between the existing mature technique and another generation of know-how to develop modified low price alternative products. Once the new technique is accepted by the market, it can be spread to the market with a faster speed to achieve a better result. After all, prices of similar products still occupy the good position for profit. C. In recent years many factories, from top to bottom producers were forced to move to the mainland China in order to lower the cost of their production for higher profits. At first it was thought that these phenomena may cause the disappearance of industry clustering in Taiwan adversely affecting the supply chain. Fortunately the outgoing factories were clustered in the Shanghai area very similar to Hsienchu Science Park and Southern Taiwan Science Park in Taiwan. The PC chipset design industry of Taiwan can thus still maintain their clustering advantages to confront the big factories world wide.


江村, 治樹 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:一般研究(C) 課題番号:62510192 研究代表者:江村 治樹 研究期間:1987-1989年度

情報システム開発に向けた日本語要求記述からの概念モデルの構築とその活用に関する研究 / ジョウホウ システム カイハツ ニ ムケタ ニホンゴ ヨウキュウ キジュツ カラノ ガイネン モデル ノ コウチク ト ソノ カツヨウ ニカンスル ケンキュウ

井田 明男, Akio Ida 12 September 2019 (has links)
本研究は,情報システム開発に向けて,(1) 日本語要求記述からより良い概念モデルを構築すること,(2) 構築した概念モデルを開発の要求定義以降の作業分野においても有効に活用すること,をテーマとした研究である.本研究では,概念モデルを,「業務を成立させる本質的な要素を,業務プロセスの側面,および,業務プロセスで扱うオブジェクトの側面から抽出し,それらを時間的,あるいは空間的に配置した,組織的かつ実装独立ではあるが実装にストレートに変換可能なモデル」,と定義する. / This research is aimed at the field of information system development. Its themes are : (1) constructing a better conceptual model from Japanese requirements description, and (2) utilizing the constructed conceptual model effectively in the disciplines after development requirement definition. The definition of the conceptual model in this research is: a group of elements arranged in time and/or space. These elements are the essential objects that make up business from the side of the process and the side of the knowledges handled in the process. The model can be converted to the implementation model straightforwardly but independent from its implementation. / 博士(工学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

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