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黃春明與台灣鄉土文學運動張瓊文 Unknown Date (has links)
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七O年代台灣鄉土文學運動析論李祖琵, Li, Zu-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
第三章分五節,沿用傳播學者拉斯威爾(H.D. Lasswell )的五W 公式來探討鄉土文
之即是探討鄉土文學運動中的主要作家、作品內容、作品分佈頻道、讀者 及影響效
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主體、病體與國體:閻連科鄉土小說的精神系譜陳孟君 Unknown Date (has links)
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由鄉土小說看台灣發展過程中的依附現象蔡文婷, CAI, WEN-TING Unknown Date (has links)
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韓少功「後新時期」創作論 / A Study of Han Shaogong's Creation in Post-new Period蘇怡如, Su, Yi Ju Unknown Date (has links)
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阿美族鄉土文化教材、教學歷程及其相關問題研究─以邦查國小為例 / A study on Ami indigenous culture teaching materials, teaching process and related problems—the case of Pangcah elementary school劉唯玉, Liu, Wei-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
壹 在理念部分,研究發現本教材實施的最大困難在於邦查國小師生皆無法完全肯定原住民鄉土文化教材的價值。他們無法肯定本教材實施的主因在於幾個看似衝突概念之間的矛盾與混淆,分別是「國際化」對「本土化」、「同化」對「多元化」、「認同」對「生存」等。除非能夠釐清這幾個概念,否則原住民鄉土文化教材仍很難在國小教育中落實。
貳 在阿美族鄉土文化教材之內容部分,研究發現本套教材之照片多於圖片,較能說服學生相信文字所敘述的是「現在真實存在」的文化,而更有真實感。本教材之文字描述最著重精神文化,其次為社群文化,最少的則為物質文化。而圖片呈現最多的是精神文化,其次為物質文化,最少的是社群文化。研究並發現此套教材隱含有父權意識型態,並有避免呈現負面、衝突和困境,標題和內容不符,以及母語標注系統不一致等疏誤。
參 在阿美族鄉土文化教材之實施部分,大環境所看到的是不斷變動之課程改革政策與虛化之鄉土教材教科書;蘊涵豐富阿美族文化的邦查村,卻因族人參與意願、信仰因素、及青壯年之族人遠離部落到他鄉工作等主客觀因素,使得學童接觸本族文化機會少。在邦查國小鄉土活動課程之實施部分:八十七學年度上學期邦查國小實際上課的節數只有十四次。上課主題部分只有四次是關於阿美族族群文化的,另外十次則是邦查村之鄉土教材。在實際教學部分:發現教師對教材陌生、感到生疏、不自在、不知道如何教。教學重陳述,少有比較、評論或價值澄清。教學法強調記憶與背誦,互動偏向教師對全體學生的封閉性問題之問答。經過一個學期的教學,學生對於自己本族的看法不是太樂觀積極。
肆 整體而言,阿美族鄉土文化教材之實施至少有以下幾個問題:1.本鄉鄉土教材課程優先於原住民鄉土族群文化課程,原住民學童在學校仍無法學到自己的族群文化;2.教師在教導鄉土教學時,相關之教學專業知能不足,影響教學效果;3.想讓一個民族明白自己文化的根,使他們有自信,但卻只提供單一課程,則其功用有限。
最後,本研究並針對上述研究發現提出討論與建議。 / The study aims to analyze the contents of Ami indigenous culture teaching materials and to explore the process of employing these teaching materials in Pangcah elementary school. Content analysis and discourse analysis were conducted. Participatory observation and interview were also employed.
Findings include:
1. The most difficult thing for implementing Ami teaching materials is that the staff and students were unconvinced of their values. The Ami indigenous culture teaching materials cannot be successfully implemented unless people can clarify the concepts of “internationalization vs. localization”, ”assimilation vs. diversification”, and “identification vs. survival”.
2. In the contents of Ami indigenous culture teaching materials, there are more photos than drawings, making the depicted real things of the past even more convincing. Most of the text describes the spiritual culture, less of the text describes the social system culture, and least of the text describes the substance culture. However, most pictures show the spiritual culture, less pictures show the substance culture, and least pictures show the social system culture. There was fatherhood ideology hidden in these teaching materials. Additional mistakes include the avoidance of negation, conflicts and dilemma, the incompatibility between title and content, and the inconsistent phonetic symbol systems of labeling Ami indigenous language.
3. The implementation of the Ami indigenous culture teaching materials was conditioned by the unceasingly changing curriculum policies, inefficient use of textbooks, and the ignorance of abundant Ami culture existing in the Pangcah village. In the instructional process, time is very limited, and the teacher did not perform very well. When he taught, he spoke alone and hardly has any comparisons, comments or clarifications. The teacher emphasized on reciting and rote-memory, with little teacher-student interaction. In the end of the semester, students did not develop positive attitude toward their own culture.
Overall speaking, the implementation of Ami cultural teaching materials encounter at least the following problems:
1) the local mainstream curriculum takes precedence over the Ami cultural curriculum, thus precludes the absorption of their own culture by the Ami school children.
2) The effect of special instruction is usually offset by teachers' lack of the specialized pedagogical knowledge.
3) It is virtually impossible to restore self-confidence of the indigenous race through the implementation of one single subject's curriculum. Doing so would undoubtedly produce limited effect.
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瓦.拉斯普京作品中的鄉土主義思想(以中篇小說《最後的期限》、《告別馬焦拉》、《失火記》為例)茹靜芳 Unknown Date (has links)
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主體性的追尋:台灣鄉土教育理念的實踐與發展 / In search of subjectivity:王雅萍, Ong, Nga Ping Unknown Date (has links)
台灣在解嚴後的22年內,一共換了9位教育部長,除了是教育改革問題外,也呈現了在台灣教育領域中台灣的國家想像(nation image)與國族主義(nationalism)之間的複雜糾葛。
本研究全文有五章,先整理鄉土教育政策發展歷程,再討論「師資」、「教材」、「施教老師與受教學生」三個面向,發現「台灣主體性」教育哲學的建構,展現解嚴後在「人的主體性」和「國家主體性」在教育領域的辯證互動。 / From the aspect of education rights, the education with Taiwan as the subject is involved with individual subjectivity and national subjectivity. In the past, education in Taiwan blurred both individual subjectivity and national subjectivity.
Since the Martial Law was abolished, there have been nine ministers of education, in part because of issues on education reforms. Moreover, it underlines the complex twist of nation image and natoionalism in Taiwan’s education system.
After the Second World War, the development of the siangtu education, education about neighboring communities and the land we live on, in Taiwan has entered the sixed stage. In the prospect of in search of the subjectivity of Taiwan, the periods before and after the implementation of the 9-year integrated curriculum are worth making observations on. Thus, this thesis looks deeper into these periods and discusses them.
There are five chapters in the thesis. First is the development of the siangtu education policy presented. Then come the discussions in the aspects of “teacher resources,” “material,” and “those who teach and those who are taught.” That results in the possible ways which may help the construction of education philosophy of the “subjectivity of Taiwan.” The debates in the education field about “individual subjectivity” and “national subjectivity” after the abolishment of the Martial Law are also shown in the thesis.
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現代性/民族性:韓少功、莫言、阿來長篇鄉 土小說中的認同政治 / Modernity/Nationalism : Identity Politics of Han Shao-Gong, Mo Yan and A-Lai’s Native-soil Fictions郭澤樺, Kuo, Tse-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
自新時期以來,中國作家與主流政治共同自「鄉土」汲取文化動能,建構屬於自身獨特的話語形式(discourse)回應中國新時期的後革命論述。 / As a literary category, the native-soil literature was originated from the care that the writers had on the relationship between pre-modern, traditional culture and the land. With the changing times, the native-soil literature has been given more functions. It is no longer just to re represent the utopian salvation of our modern spiritual crisis, or just the mourning for the passed-by beautiful interpersonal affection, or only be viewed as the opposite of modernity. Since the May Fourth period, the native-soil literature has now developed a completely different appearance. The only constant is that the core value of the native-soil literature remains to be centered around the “people and the land”, rooting from the relationship between people and the land to think about the different stages of social transformation and cultural impact. Under the ongoing modernization and globalization, the native-soil literature is bound to be impacted. In the modern and highly capitalist social environment and under the double attacks of urban literature and mass entertainment culture, the native-soil literature has become a difficult genre. Due to the generation differences, the native-soil literature will inevitably lose its influence and vitality.
In addition, the special political framework and system of China cause the native-soil literature to have different changes, transforming into a flexible genre and viewing the “native soil” as the globalized local capital. Moreover, due to rapid and comprehensive transformation of China, the old and new cultures were rubbed into the same period. The concepts of new and old, modern and traditional, and urban and rural were all condensed into the same period as well. Therefore, while the native-soil literature of China has been somewhat limited in terms of degree of modernization and popularity due to the vast territory, the most important thing is that the backbone generation in China today all went through high cultural impact, and they still retain the traditional cultural experiences while having deep understandings about the pros and cons of modernization. The writers try to understand the contemporary China and the world through their own life experiences.
This study uses the development processes of Chinese contemporary cultural context and native-soil literature as background, and then discuss the identity identification within the native-soil novels through dedicated chapters of three writers who were born after 1950 – Han Shao-gong, Mo Yan and Alai. All three writers went through dramatic social changes of contemporary China, and with their “native-soil experiences”, they re-examined how China's modernity swung between the modernity and nationality, displayed the cultural motility therein, and defined the mainstream politics in the form of multivariate native-soil literature.
Ever since the new era, writers and mainstream politics in China have all been drawing cultural energies from the “native-soil” to construct their own unique discourse forms, so as to respond to the post-Revolution discourse of China’s new era.
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鍾理和文學裡的「魯迅」張清文 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
此外,我們也明確的看到鍾理和是在文學上認識、接受並詮釋魯迅的,有別於被中共神化或國民黨貶抑的扭曲形象,在這裡我們重新看到魯迅作為文學家的真實形象。而鍾理和借鑑魯迅文學的事實,也說明魯迅或中國文學確曾對台灣文學的發展產生作用,並客觀證成台灣文學開放性的特色。 / Abstract
Zhong Li-he pointed out in his correspondence with his literary friend Liao Qing-xiu that sometime around 1930 he began to be in touch with a lot of literary works written by Chinese new-vernacular literary writers, which aroused his intense reading interest to the extent that he couldn’t eat and sleep without finishing reading them. Lu Xun was the Chinese writer who had the greatest influence on Zhong Li-he because his name was most often mentioned in either his diaries or his correspondence with his literary friends.
Lu Xun, whose achievement in literature exerted profound influence not only in China but also on neighboring countries such as Japan, South Korea, and Singapore, was the most important writer in the Chinese new-vernacular literature movement. Not only was he a literary giant in Chinese literature, but he was also an eminent writer in world literature. In fact, the literary arena of Taiwan under Japanese colonial rule started to read and accept the works of Lu Xun from the perspective of World literature, and it was against this literary background that Zhong Li-he began his contact with the literary works of Lu Xun. Therefore, we do not treat Lu Xun’s influence on Zhong Li-he as a unique phenomenon; in contrast, we place it in the field of “Lu Xun Studies in Taiwan,” and regard it as one of the many facets of how the literary works of Lu Xun were disseminated in Taiwan. Therefore, this dissertation first discusses how Lu Xun literature was disseminated in Taiwan. It then inquires into the influence Lu Xun exerted on Zhong Li-he literature by comparing their literary texts.
When carrying out a research into the inheritance or influence of the literary works of different writers, we cannot emphasize simply on the way they contact with one another; on the contrary, we must also examine other facets such as the literary subjects, the ways they are expressed, the writing skills, the creative writing styles etc. so as to arrive at a more complete and correct conclusion. Therefore, we attempt to find out how Lu Xun literature was inherited or transformed through the reading of Zhong Li-he’s literary works. For instance, when dealing with the issues of national characteristic criticism and the promotion of realistic writing, we not only discuss the influence they embodied in written language, but also take notice of the possible correlation between them in terms of spirits or thoughts. By means of comprehensive and thorough discussion, we find out that Zhong Li-he’s acceptance of Lu Xun literature was undoubtedly because of his focus on the aspect of “modernity”. Similarly, on the issue of national characteristic and on the realism and criticism of “hometown”, Zhong Li-he’s position was anchored in “modernity”, expressing his discontentment with traditional feudalistic thinking and his great eagerness for social reforms. Even though Zhong Li-he learned and soaked up Lu Xun-related literature and thoughts, Zhong Li-he literature is not equivalent to Lu Xun literature because Zhong always had his own unique style. He grounded his position from the perspective of Taiwan, which reflected his subjectivity.
Finally, we clearly find out that Zhong Li-he came to know, accept and interpret Lu Xun literarily, which is different from the distorted image conjured up by the Chinese Communist Party’s deification or Kuomintang’s disparagement of him. It is in this context that we see the real image of Lu Xun as a literary man. On the other hand, the fact that Zhong Li-he drew lessons from Lu Xun literature explained that Lu Xun or the Chinese literature did exercise influence on the development of the literature of Taiwan, which objectively testified to the fact that openness was a characteristic of the literature of Taiwan.
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