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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv Elkoninovy metody na fonologické schopnosti dětí v předškolním věku / Influence of Elkonin's method on phonological ability of preschool children

Konopásková, Šárka January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the influence of Elkonin's method on phonological abilities in preschool age. In the term of content, the thesis is divided into two main parts - teoretical and empirical. The first main part creates a theoretical framework of the selected topic and is further divided into four chapters. First, the basic terminology - speech and language - are defined and the ontogenesis of human speech is conceptualized in more detail. The next chapter describes the phonological skills. There is also a distinction between phonological and phonemic awareness and a possible diagnosis of the field of phonological processing. Above all, the Battery of Tests of Phonological Abilities (by the authors Seidlová Málková and Caravolas) is described, because it was used for the needs of the research. The third chapter characterizes the methodology of D. B. Elkonin. The last chapter approaches school maturity and its diagnosis. The empirical part has a qualitative character and its main purpose of the researche is to analyze the influence of Elkonin's method on the phonological abilities of preschool children. From the research methods the analysis of the results of the activity, the analysis of the documents, the observation and the elaboration of the case study were used. Four preschool...

Исследование связи эмоционального интеллекта с адаптацией первокурсников к вузу : магистерская диссертация / The study of the relationship of emotional intelligence with the adaptation of first-year students to the university

Савицкая, С. В., Savitskaya, S. V. January 2018 (has links)
The object of study first-year students The subject of the study emotional intelligence The master's thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references (41 sources) and an Appendix that includes a description of the applied methods and tables with the results of data processing by means of methods of mathematical statistics). The volume of the master's thesis 108 pages, which contains 13 figures and 8 tables. The introduction reveals the relevance of the study, the development of problems, sets the purpose and objectives of the study, defines the object and subject of the study, formulates the basic hypothesis, specifies the methods and empirical base, as well as the stages of the study. The first Chapter includes a review of the literature on the topic of the study, a description of the concept of emotional intelligence and related concepts, Conclusions on the first Chapter are the results of the study of theoretical material. The second Chapter is devoted to the empirical part of the study. It presents a description of the organization and methods of the study and the results obtained by all the methods used: the questionnaire of emotional intelligence by Lyusin D.V., the method of diagnosing the level of development of the ability to adequately understand the nonverbal behavior by Labunskaya V. A, the method of diagnosis of social and psychological adaptation by K. Rogers and R. Diamond. The conclusions of Chapter 2 include the main findings of the empirical study. In conclusion, the results of theoretical and empirical parts of the work, as well as conclusions on the proposed hypothesis are summarized. / Объект исследования студенты-первокурсники Предмет исследования эмоциональный интеллект Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения, списка литературы (41 источник) и приложения, включающего в себя описание применявшихся методик и таблиц с результатами обработки данных посредвом методов математической статистики). Объем магистерской диссертации 108 страниц, на которых размещены 13 рисунков и 8 таблиц. Во введении раскрывается актуальность исследования, разработанность проблематики, ставятся цель и задачи исследования, определяются объект и предмет исследования, формулируется основная гипотеза, указываются методы и эмпирическая база, а также этапы проведения исследования. Первая глава включает в себя обзор литературы по теме исследования, описание понятия эмоционального интеллекта и смежных с ним понятий, Выводы по первой главе представляют собой итоги по изучению теоретического материала. Вторая глава посвящена эмпирической части исследования. В ней представлено описание организации и методов проведенного исследования и результатов, полученных по всем использованным методикам: Опросник эмоционального интеллекта Люсина Д.В., методику диагностики уровня развития способности к адекватному пониманию невербального поведения Лабунской В.А, методику диагностики социально-психологической адаптации К.Роджерса и Р.Даймонд. Выводы по главе 2 включают в себя основные результаты эмпирического исследования. В заключении в обобщенном виде изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы по выдвинутой гипотезе.

Эмпатия и рефлексивность геймеров, предпочитающих командные и одиночные игры : магистерская диссертация / Empathy and reflexivity of team and single players

Полякова, М. В., Polyakova, M. V. January 2022 (has links)
Объектом исследования является эмпатические способности и рефлексивность. Предметом исследования является различия в уровне выраженности эмпатических способностей и рефлексивности между игроками, предпочитающими одиночные и командные компьютерные игры. Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения, списка литературы (77 источников) и приложений, включающих в себя изображения теоретических исследований, таблицы описательных статистик, подсчёта нормальности распределения шкал и бланки применявшихся методик. Объем магистерской диссертации составил 119 страниц, на которых размещены 39 рисунков и 35 таблиц. Во введении раскрывается актуальность проблемы исследования, разработанность проблематики, ставятся цель и задачи исследования, определяются объект и предмет исследования, формулируется основная гипотеза, указываются методы и эмпирическая база, а также научная новизна, теоретическая и практическая значимость работы. Первая глава включает в себя исследование российской и зарубежной литературы и ресурсов на тему эмпатических способностей, рефлексивности, цифровой среды и компьютерных игр. Представлены имеющиеся на данный момент в России и за рубежом исследования психологических особенностей геймеров. Выводы по первой главе представляют собой итоги по изучению теоретического материала. Вторая глава посвящена эмпирической части исследования. В ней представлено описание организации и методов проведенного исследования и результатов, полученных по всем использованным методикам: тест рефлексивности А.В. Карпова, многофакторный опросник эмпатии М. Дэвиса, торонтская алекситимическая шкала, тест межличностных отношений Лири. Выводы по главе 2 включают в себя основные результаты эмпирического исследования. В заключении в обобщенном виде изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы по выдвинутой гипотезе, обоснована практическая значимость исследования и описаны возможные перспективы дальнейшей разработки данной проблематики. / The object matter of the study is empathic abilities and reflexivity. The subject of the study is the differences in the level of expressiveness of empathic abilities and reflexivity between players who prefer single and team computer games. The master's thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of literature (77 sources) and an appendix, which includes images of theoretical studies, tables of descriptive statistics, calculation of the normality of the distribution of scales and forms of the methods used. The volume of the master's thesis was 119 pages, which contain 39 figures and 35 tables. The introduction reveals the relevance of the research problem, the development of the problematics, sets the goal and objectives of the research, defines the object and subject of research, formulates the main hypothesis, indicates the methods and empirical base, as well as scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the work. The first chapter includes a study of Russian and foreign literature and resources on empathic abilities, reflexivity, the digital environment and computer games. Presented are currently available in Russia and abroad studies of the psychological characteristics of gamers. The conclusions on the first chapter are the results of the study of theoretical material. The second chapter is devoted to the empirical part of the study. It presents a description of the organization and methods of the study and the results obtained by all the methods used: the reflexivity test of A.V. Karpova, M. Davis' multifactorial empathy questionnaire, Toronto alexithymic scale, Leary's test of interpersonal relationships. Conclusions on the second chapter include the main findings of the empirical study. In the conclusion, the results of the theoretical and empirical parts of the work are summarized, as well as conclusions on the hypothesis put forward, the practical significance of the study is substantiated, and possible prospects for further development of this issue are described.

Influence of interpersonal abilities on social decisions and their physiological correlates

Kaltwasser, Laura 17 February 2016 (has links)
Das Konzept der interpersonellen Fähigkeiten bezieht sich auf Leistungsaufgaben der sozialen Kognition. Diese Aufgaben messen die Fähigkeiten Gesichter zu erkennen und sich diese zu merken sowie Emotionen zu erkennen und diese auszudrücken. Ziel dieser Dissertation war die Untersuchung des Einflusses von interpersonellen Fähigkeiten auf soziale Entscheidungen. Ein besonderer Fokus lag auf der Quantifizierung von individuellen Unterschieden in zugrundeliegenden neuronalen Mechanismen. Studie 1 erweiterte bestehende Evidenz zu Beziehungen zwischen psychometrischen Konstrukten der Gesichterkognition und Ereigniskorrelierten Potentialen, welche mit den verschiedenen Stadien der Gesichterverarbeitung (Enkodierung, Wahrnehmung, Gedächtnis) während einer Bekanntheitsentscheidung assoziiert sind. Unsere Ergebnisse bestätigen eine substantielle Beziehung zwischen der N170 Latenz und der Amplitude des frühen Wiederholungseffektes (ERE) mit drei Faktoren der Gesichterkognition. Je kürzer die N170 Latenz und je ausgeprägter die ERE Amplitude, umso genauer und schneller ist die Gesichterkognition. Studie 2 ergab, dass die Fähigkeit ängstliche Gesichter zu erkennen sowie die generelle spontane Expressivität während der sozialen Interaktion mit prosozialen Entscheidungen korreliert. Sensitivität für das Leid anderer sowie emotionale Expressivität scheinen reziproke Interaktionen mit Gleichgesinnten zu fördern. Studie 3 bestätigte das Modell der starken Reziprozität, da Prosozialität die negative Reziprozität im Ultimatum Spiel beeinflusste. Unter der Verwendung von Strukturgleichungsmodellen entdeckten wir, dass Menschen mit ausgeprägter Reziprozität eine größere Amplitude der relativen feedback-negativity auf das Gesicht von Spielpartnern zeigen. Insgesamt sprechen die Ergebnisse dafür, dass die etablierten individuellen Unterschiede in den Verhaltensmaßen der interpersonellen Fähigkeiten zum Teil auf individuelle Unterschiede in neuronalen Mechanismen zurückzuführen sind. / The concept of interpersonal abilities refers to performance measures of social cognition such as the abilities to perceive and remember faces and the abilities to recognize and express emotions. The aim of this dissertation was to examine the influence of interpersonal abilities on social decisions. A particular focus lay on the quantification of individual differences in brain-behavior relationships associated with processing interpersonally relevant stimuli. Study 1 added to existing evidence on brain-behavior relationships, specifically between psychometric constructs of face cognition and event-related potentials associated with different stages of face processing (encoding, perception, and memory) in a familiarity decision. Our findings confirm a substantial relationship between the N170 latency and the early-repetition effect (ERE) amplitude with three established face cognition ability factors. The shorter the N170 latency and the more pronounced the ERE amplitude, the better is the performance in face perception and memory and the faster is the speed of face cognition. Study 2 found that the ability to recognize fearful faces as well as the general spontaneous expressiveness during social interaction are linked to prosocial choices in several socio-economic games. Sensitivity to the distress of others and spontaneous expressiveness foster reciprocal interactions with prosocial others. Study 3 confirmed the model of strong reciprocity in that prosociality drives negative reciprocity in the ultimatum game. Using multilevel structural equation modeling in order to estimate brain-behavior relationships of fairness preferences, we found strong reciprocators to show more pronounced relative feedback-negativity amplitude in response to the faces of bargaining partners. Thus, the results of this dissertation suggest that established individual differences in behavioral measures of interpersonal ability are partly due to individual differences in brain mechanisms.

The Relationship Between Students’ Performance On The Cognitive Abilities Test (Cogat) And The Fourth And Fifth Grade Reading And Math Achievement Tests In Ohio

Warnimont, Chad 10 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

The Job of Human Capital:What Occupational Data Reveal About Skill Sets, Economic Growth and Regional Competitiveness

Stewart, Lillian Frances 15 December 2015 (has links)
No description available.


VANESSA GOUVEIA RIBEIRO 18 May 2020 (has links)
[pt] Neste estudo investigam-se as habilidades linguísticas de indivíduos incluídos no chamado Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) e as dificuldades de linguagem observadas nesse quadro. A análise de problemas de linguagem no autismo, com dados do Português Brasileiro (PB), sob uma perspectiva que articula Teoria Linguística, em seus pressupostos minimalistas, com a pesquisa psicolinguística, motivou esta pesquisa. O trabalho aqui conduzido teve como objetivos verificar em que medida estruturas de alto custo, que apresentam dificuldades no Transtorno no Desenvolvimento da linguagem (TDL) acarretam dificuldades nesse quadro e, em particular, se os problemas apresentados na linguagem desses indivíduos podem estar situados na interface gramáticapragmática. Um estudo preliminar foi conduzido com jovens com diagnóstico de TEA com idade entre 16 e 21 anos – com graus de desenvolvimento intelectual e capacidade de comunicação variados e que podem ser situados nos níveis 2 e 3 de gravidade no espectro autista (DSM 5) – e um segundo um grupo de mesma média de idade também com diagnóstico de TEA, mas homogêneo, no que diz respeito ao graus de desenvolvimento intelectual e capacidade de comunicação, podendo ser situado no nível 1 do TEA. Os grupos foram submetidos a testes de compreensão do Módulo 1 da bateria MABILIN (Módulos de Avaliação de Habilidades Linguísticas) desenvolvido no Laboratório Psicolinguística e Aquisição da Linguagem (LAPAL/PUC-Rio). Trata-se de um teste de identificação de imagens associadas a estruturas que demandam alto custo de processamento, tais como passivas, relativas e interrogativas QU e QU+N. Os resultados obtidos apontam desempenho sugestivo de comprometimentos na linguagem no primeiro grupo, nas estruturas consideradas mais custosas, como passivas reversíveis e relativas/interrogativas de objeto, como também dificuldades em estruturas de menor custo, como relativas e interrogativas de sujeito. O segundo grupo TEA não apresentou dificuldades fora do esperado nodesenvolvimento típico. A continuidade da pesquisa foi feita com crianças autistas, com idade entre 7 e 13 anos, com grau de desenvolvimento intelectual e capacidade de comunicação compatíveis com o nível 1 de gravidade no espectro (DSM 5), com necessidade de apoio, e um grupo controle com desenvolvimento típico de linguagem. Todos os participantes (TEA e Controle) foram submetidos ao primeiro módulo do MABILIN. Os resultados da avaliação indicam pior desempenho do grupo TEA comparado ao grupo controle, embora não sejam sugestivos de comprometimento de linguagem no domínio da sintaxe. Para a interface gramática-pragmática foram concebidos cinco experimentos de compreensão de sentenças e/ou pequenos segmentos discursivos, incluindo uma tarefa interativa que também visou avaliar Teoria da Mente. Os testes focalizaram o reconhecimento/acesso de traços formais de elementos de categorias funcionais que interagem com sistemas intencionais da cognição mais ampla e codificam na língua a referência a entidades e eventos, constituindo uma interface entre gramática e pragmática: modo, aspecto e definitude. Questões pertinentes à ambiguidade na referência pronominal em posição de sujeito, e à interpretação de reflexivos e pronominais acusativos foram particularmente investigadas. O grupo TEA teve desempenho abaixo do grupo controle, no conjunto das tarefas, e se diferencia do grupo controle particularmente na compreensão de modo, de reflexivos e pronominais acusativos. / [en] This study investigates the linguistic abilities of individuals included in the so-called Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the language difficulties observed in this cases. The analysis of language problems in autism, with data from Brazilian Portuguese (BP), from a perspective that articulates Linguistic Theory, in its minimalist assumptions, with the psycholinguistic research, motivated this research. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the linguistic abilities of BPspeakers in the autistic spectrum in order to verify the extent to which high costly structures cause them processing difficulties and, in particular, if their language difficulties can be related to problems in the Grammar-Pragmatics interface. A preliminary study was conducted with a adolescents diagnosed with ASD between 16 and 21 years of age, with varied degrees of intellectual development and communication skills and a age-matched group of ASD individual, homogeneous, with regard to degrees of intellectual development and communication skills Module 1 of MABILIN (Modules of Evaluation of Linguistic Abilities), developed in the Laboratory of Psycholinguistics and Acquisition of Language (LAPAL/PUCRio). It is a battery of picture-identication tasks for the assessment of the comprehension of highly costly structures: passives, relatives and WH/WH+N interrogatives. The results obtained indicate below-average performance in the first group in the most demanding sentences, such as reversible passives, object relative and WH+N questions, though lower cost structures, such as subject relative clauses, also presented difficulties for them. The performance of the second ASD group was compatible with typical development. The investigation continued with 7-13 year old autistic children with high degree of intellectual development and communication skills and an age-matched group of typically development children (TD). The scores of the ASD group were below those of the TD children in MABILIN 1, though the results were not indicative of syntactic impairment. Five experiments were conducte with these groups of children making use of pictureidentication tasks and an interactive task, in which Theory of Mind was alsoevaluated. The expreiments focused on children s knowledge/access to formal features of functional categories at the grammar-pragmatics interace: aspect, mood, definiteness. Ambiguity in pronominal reference and the comprehension of reflexives and accusative pronominals were also investigated. The ASD group showed lower scores than the TD group in all tasks taken together. These groups differed particularly in the comprehension of mood, reflexives and accusative pronominals.

individual differences in Chronotype in relation to Cognitive Abilities and Academic Achievement : A systematic literature review of studies conducted in 2022

Sumaili, Pamela January 2022 (has links)
Abstract There has been an increase in the number of studies investigating the relationship between chronotype, cognitive abilities and academic achievement in different populations. It has been found that an individual’s natural tendency to prefer morning or evening activities is associated with circadian rhythms. The current literature review aims to further review and explore individual differences in chronotype in relation to cognitive abilities and academic achievement and an overview of current evidence on different moderators in chronotypes. The systematic literature review was conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines and the Study Quality Assessment tool for Observational Cohort and Cross-Sectional studies from the National Institute of Health was employed to assess the quality of the studies included. The systematic literature review identified three studies with 2162 health students from various countries that were eligible for inclusion. Due to the heterogeneity of the studies included, a meta-analysis could not be performed. One of the three studies’ reports was marked with fair quality as some data were missing from their report while the other two were marked to be good quality. The research on individual differences in relation to chronotype, cognitive abilities and academic achievement was not conclusive; however, a positive but weak correlation between cognitive abilities and academic achievement was found when GPA score was considered. Additionally, a significant correlation was identified between learning styles and chronotypes with eveningness obtaining a higher percentage in auditory learning than morningness. On the other hand, morningness obtained higher scores on visual learning styles than eveningness. This correlation was influenced by their chronotype. This systematic review observed differences in outcomes, which could not be compared due to the small sample size, more research into the relationship is required to fill the research gap and determine the effects of these inconsistencies in the relationships / Sammanfattning Det har skett en ökning av antalet studier som undersöker sambandet mellan kronotyp, kognitiva förmågor och akademisk utförande i olika populationer och det har visat att en individs naturliga tendens att föredra morgon eller kvälls aktiviteter är förknippad med dygnsrytmer. Den aktuella litteraturöversikten syftar till att ytterligare granska och undersöka kronotyp i relation till kognitiv förmågor och akademisk prestation samt att ge en översikt över aktuella bevis på olika moderator variabler i kronotyper. Den systematiska litteraturen granskning utfördes efter de riktlinjerna i Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) och Study Quality Assessment tool for Observational Cohort and Cross-Sectional studies from the National Institute of Health användas för att bedöma kvaliteten på de inkluderade studierna. Den systematiska översikten identifierade tre studier med 2162 friska individer med olika nationalitet som mötte inklusionskriterierna. På grund av studiernas heterogentitet kunde en meta-analys inte utföras. En av de tre studierna rapporterar var märkt med rimlig kvalitet eftersom vissa data saknades i artikeln medan de andra två bedömdes ha god validitet. Forskningen om sambandet mellan kronotyp, kognitiva förmågor och akademiska presentation var inte övertygande; dock fann man ett positivt, men svagt samband mellan kognitiva förmågor och academiska prestation när GPA-poäng beaktades. Dessutom identifierades en signifikant korrelation mellan inlärningsstilar och kronotyper, där kvällskänslan fick en högre andel i auditiv inlärning än morgonkänslan. Å andra sidan fick morgonen högre poäng på visuella stilar än kvällskänslan. Denna korrelation påverkades av deras kronotype. Denna systematiska översikten observerade skillnader i resultat som inte kunde jämföras på grund av den lilla urvalsstorlekan, mer forskning om sambandet behövs för att fylla forskningsluckan och fastställa effekterna av dessa inkonsekvenser i relationerna

När den anställde tror på sina egna förmågor kan en kompensutveckling ske inom den offentliga förvaltningen Vård och Omsorg : En kvalitativ studie om hur ett stödjande ledarskap kan främja kompetensutveckling inom den offentliga förvaltningen Vård och Omsorg / When the employee believes in their own abilities, a compensation development can take place in the public Health and care administration : A qualitive study about how supportive leadership can promote employees´ skills development in the public Health and care administration

Eriksson, Anna January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie har undersökt vilka förutsättningar en chef upplever sig ha för att tillämpa ett stödjande ledarskap inom den offentliga förvaltningen Vård och omsorg. Bakgrunden till denna studie bygger på att det finns ett behov av att personal som arbetar inom den offentliga förvaltningen Vård och Omsorg att utveckla sin kompetens. Detta behöver ske på grund av att personalens kunskapsbrister inom dessa verksamheter har medfört att brukare utsätts för risker om missförhållanden på grund av personalens kunskapsbrister. Studien har belyst vilka behov av stöd som de anställda inom Vård och omsorg kan tänkas behöva ha för att kunna utveckla sin kompetens. Det framkom att det kan finnas ett behov av stöd för eventuella kognitiva nedsättningar som kan beskrivas vara ett dolt funktionshinder. Efter detta har chefer som arbetar inom Vård och omsorg blivit intervjuade för att beskriva sin upplevelse av sina förutsättningar för att kunna ge sina medarbetare de stöd som kan tänkas behövas. Resultatet visade att det kunde ske om cheferna upplevde sig ha rätt förutsättningar för att arbeta med syfte, metod och ledarskap i relation med att det tydligt att det var brukarfokus som var syftet. Syftet förtydligade vad som skulle göras och varför det var viktigt med brukarfokus. Det gav också metodiska förutsättningar inför att kunna planera och utvärdera arbetet i verksamheten samt för medarbetarens utvecklings. Om brukarfokus var ett tydligt syfte kunde deras ledarskap liknas vid ett verktyg för att ge ett individanpassat stöd till medarbetaren. / The study has examined the conditions a manager feels he or she has for applying supportive leadership within the public administration Health and care. The background tells that there is a need for the employers in the public administration Health and Care to develop their skills. This is happened because the employers insufficient knowledge has affected the residents who need their support being exposed to risks of misconduct due to the staff's lack of knowledge. The study has highlighted the need for support that employees in Health and Care may need to be able to develop their skills. It emerged that there may be a need for support for any cognitive impairments that can be described as a hidden disability. After this, managers who work in Health and Care have been interviewed to describe their experience of their conditions to be able to give their employees the support that may be needed. The results showed that it could happen if the managers felt they had the right conditions to work with purpose, method, and leadership in relation to the fact that it was clear that it was the user focus that was the purpose. The purpose clarified what was to be done and why user focus was important. It also provided methodical conditions for being able to plan and evaluate the work in the business and for the employee's development. If user focus was a clear purpose, their leadership could be likened to a tool to provide individualized support to the employee.

Les capacités parentales critiquées dans les jugements en matière de garde d’enfant : analyse à la lumière du marqueur identitaire du genre

Morin-Aubut, Arianne 02 1900 (has links)
Cette étude s’intéresse à l’analyse qu’ont fait les juges de la Cour supérieure du Québec, entre 2016 et 2020, du critère de réussite de la garde partagée des capacités parentales comparables afin de déterminer s’il existe une différence entre les reproches émis à l’endroit des parents en fonction de leur genre. Nos résultats nous amènent à répondre par l’affirmative. En effet, non seulement les pères dans l’échantillon de décisions analysées voient leurs capacités parentales plus souvent remises en question que les mères, mais les reproches que les juges attribuent aux parents varient selon le genre de ces derniers. Principalement, les pères sont visés par des reproches concernant leur prise en charge des besoins de leur enfant, alors que les mères le sont quant à leur capacité à favoriser le lien de l’enfant avec le père. Certaines hypothèses sont finalement explorées afin de tenter d’expliquer les principales différences recensées à l’égard des reproches remettant en question les capacités parentales des pères et mères : les rôles parentaux traditionnels, les problèmes de santé mentale vécus plus spécifiquement par les pères et mères dans le cadre d’une rupture conjugale ainsi que l’influence des allégations de violence. / This study focuses on the Superior Court of Quebec judges’ analysis, between 2016 and 2020, of the shared custody criterion of parental abilities to determine whether there is a difference based on gender between the criticisms levelled at fathers and mothers. Our results lead us to answer in the affirmative. Indeed, not only do fathers in the sample of decisions analyzed find their parental abilities questioned more often than mothers, but the blame that judges attribute to parents varies according to their gender. Mainly, fathers are targeted by criticism regarding their support of their child’s needs, while mothers are targeted with respect to their ability to co-parent. Finally, some hypotheses are put forward to explain the main differences identified regarding the criticisms calling into question the parental abilities of fathers and mothers: traditional parental roles, mental health problems experienced more specifically by fathers and mothers in the context of a marital breakdown and, finally, the influence of allegations of violence.

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