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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jazyk barokních kazatelů Bílovského a de Waldta / The language of two Baroque preachers, Bílovský and de Waldt

BUTULOVÁ, Klára January 2010 (has links)
The overall theme of this diploma thesis are homilies entitled to Saint Anna by two baroque homilists, who origin from various language backgrounds. This thesis is divided into two major sections. The first section includes general information about the important baroque preachers {--} with a focus on Bílovský and de Waldt. It also provides valuable information about the contemporary grammars. The first section of this thesis is primarily based on a proven literature theory. The second section of this thesis includes practical analysis of three specific homilies on the phonological and morphological levels. The analysis is based on the theme, style, and lexicon pages of content as well as the confrontation of their means of expression. The objective of this thesis is a comparison of the languages, shown by both preachers through phonology, morphology, and the judgment of a level to which spoken language extends into their language.

Bloody women : a critical-creative examination of how female protagonists have transformed contemporary Scottish and Nordic crime fiction

Hill, Lorna January 2017 (has links)
This study will explore the role of female authors and their female protagonists in contemporary Scottish and Nordic crime fiction. Authors including Val McDermid, Denise Mina, Lin Anderson and Liza Marklund are just a few of the women who have challenged the expectation of gender in the crime fiction genre. By setting their novels in contemporary society, they reflect a range of social and political issues through the lens of a female protagonist. By closely examining the female characters, all journalists, in Val McDermid’s Lindsay Gordon series; Denise Mina’s Paddy Meehan series; Anna Smith’s books about Rosie Gilmour; and Liza Marklund’s books about Annika Bengzton, I explore the issue of gender through these writers’ perspectives and also draw parallels between their societies. I document the influence of these writers on my own practice-based research, a novel, The Invisible Chains, set in post-Referendum Scotland. The thesis will examine and define the role of the female protagonist, offer a feminist reading of contemporary crime fiction, and investigate how the rise of human trafficking, the problem of domestic abuse in Scotland and society’s changing attitudes and values are reflected in contemporary crime novels, before discussing the narrative structures and techniques employed in the writing of The Invisible Chains. This novel allows us to consider the role of women in a contemporary and progressive society where women hold many senior positions in public life and examine whether they manage successfully to challenge traditional patriarchal hierarchies. The narrative is split between journalist Megan Ross, The Girl, a victim of human trafficking, and Trudy, who is being domestically abused, thus pulling together the themes of the critical genesis in the creative work. By focusing on the protagonist, the victims and raising awareness of human trafficking and domestic abuse, The Invisible Chains, an original creative work, reflects a contemporary society’s changing attitudes, problems and values.

”Med afseende på handarbeten och sysselsättningar har tillämpats den Fröbelska metoden.” : Om Anna Wemans undervisning vid Katarina småbarnsskola vid sekelskiftet 1900. / ”In regards to handicrafts and activities, the Froebelian method has been applied.” : On Anna Weman’s teaching at Katarina Infant School during the turn of the 20th century.

Blomqvist, Celina January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att med en mikrohistorisk ansats lyfta fram Anna Wemans roll som en föregångare i den svenska förskolans historia. I undersökningen av Wemans pedagogiska material skapas en bild av hur den småbarnsskolornas pedagogiska utveckling i riktning mot Fröbel såg ut vid sekelskiftet 1900. Med hjälp av en analys som påbörjades redan vid arkivet har jag hittat tecken på spårberoende, förändring och kontinuitet gentemot såväl dåtid som nutid. I arbetet har en empiridriven metod använts och empirin har visat tydliga tecken på att Anna Weman var engagerad och påläst inom gängse pedagogiska metoder och att förändringsarbetet bedrevs med en respekt och ödmjukhet inför det förflutna.

Min kära lilla ponny : Hästbokens utveckling från Black Beauty till Sigge / My dear little pony : The evolution of the horse book from Black Beauty to Sigge

Rosenqvist, Jessica January 2023 (has links)
The horse-book is a literary genre which is considered very popular among young girls. Black Beauty (1877) by Anna Sewell is the very first horse-book and was therefore what started the genre. It is highly different from the horse-books of today which is what this paper looks at to see how the genre has evolved. This is done by comparing Sewell’s novel to Britta och Silver (1966) by Lisbeth Pahnke and Alla älskar Sigge (2004) by Lin Hallberg. This is done by looking at how these novels are alike and different from one another with connection to the horse and the human. And how it differs when the horse is the narrator as compared to when the human takes the narrating role. In Black Beauty the horse is telling its life story and how humans treat the horse as some of the people in the novel are cruel towards horses. Many of the dangerous moments are caused by the humans being mean towards the horse. Whereas in the other books it is pure accident, the danger also mildens. In Britta och Silver there are mainly riding accidents but also a death incident where a horse dies. In Alla älskar Sigge the most dangerous thing that happens is that a pony gets so sick that it must go to the hospital where it is cured. These dangers getting milder is connected to how the genre is targeted towards a younger audience nowadays. In all three books there is also a clear boy-girl relationship between horse and human. The narrative makes how the human girl views the male horse sound like a description of a love interest. This makes the genre heteronormative. And with the narrative switching from the horse to the human there is also shown more of the human’s relations to one another and rivalry in the stable.

När rummets väggar rämnar : Anna Berglund 1857-1946. Ett konstnärskap i brytningstid mellan tradition och modernitet. / When the walls of the room crumble : Anna Berglund 1857-1946. An artistic practice in the break between tradition and modernity.

Olsson, Helena January 2022 (has links)
The overall objective of this thesis is to fill a gap in art historical research as well as in the history of women in a more general sense. The main focus is the life and work of artist Anna Berglund (1857-1946), who’s artistic practice spanned the fields of design, decorative art, calligraphy and watercolour painting. The thesis is the first attempt to conduct research into Berglund’s artistic practices. Primary sources from and about Berglund are scarce, as not much has survived the test of time in terms of personal documents such as letters, notes or diaries. Therefore, the political, social and cultural conditions of Berglund’s time and environment have complemented and contextualised the primary source material. Biographical method, archival research, and the application of sociologist Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory have formed the foundation of the thesis. In addition, the thesis is built around questions into 19th century women’s development of social networks and adaptation of strategies to navigate and establish themselves as professionals. The research show that Anna Berglund’s habitus and economic, cultural and social capital enabled her to enter and navigate the field. Furthermore, Berglund developed and adapted professional strategies to navigate the field and to build a network that enabled her to push her career forward. The nature of pattern drawing as a new and quickly expanding professional field in the late 1800s contributed and enabled Anna Berglund, as well as others, to enter, navigate and establish themselves on the field and as entrepreneurs.

Undergången tur och retur : Ödelagd framtid och främmandegjord samtid i fyra moderna svenska postapokalyptiska fiktionsverk / Through the apocalypse and back again : Devastated future and estranged modernity in four contemporary swedish literary works of postapocalyptic fiction

Sandgren, Emil January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Nyhetsankaret : En studie om hur erfarna nyhetsankare förhåller sig till sin yrkesroll / The Newsanchor

Jakobsson, Lisa, Pettersson, Lisah January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Weibliche Jugendpflege zwischen Geselligkeit und Sittlichkeit : zur Geschichte des Verbandes der evangelischen Jungfrauenvereine Deutschlands (1890-1918) / Female youth welfare between sociability and morality : the history of the German young women's christian association (1890-1918)

Brinkmeier, Petra January 2003 (has links)
Die Arbeit untersucht erstmals die evangelischen Vereine für weibliche Jugendliche, die so genannten Jungfrauenvereine, von ihrer Entstehung in den 1840er Jahren bis zum 1. Weltkrieg, sowie insbesondere den 1893 gegründeten Verband der evangelischen Jungfrauenvereine Deutschlands (später Evangelischer Verband zur Pflege der weiblichen Jugend Deutschlands, ab 1929 Evangelischer Reichsverband weiblicher Jugend). <br><br> In der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhundert begann ein Teil des protestantischen Bürgertums damit, für die hochmobilen Unterschichts-Jugendlichen, die im Zuge der Industrialisierung als Handwerksgesellen und Dienstmädchen, später als Fabrikarbeiter und -arbeiterinnen in die expandierenden Großstädten gingen, Herbergen und Vereine zu gründen. Damit trugen die Initiatoren wesentlich zur Entstehung eines öffentliches Bewusstsein für die prekäre Lebenssituation der Unterschichtsjugend und für die Notwendigkeit präventiver Jugendarbeit bei. Der Verband initiierte dann in den Jahren um 1900 zahlreiche innovative soziale Projekte in der weiblichen Jugendpflege und Jugendfürsorge. Die Arbeit untersucht drei Bereiche: 1. Vereine (sog. Abendheime) und Wohnheime für Fabrikarbeiterinnen; 2. die 1894 begonnene Bahnhofmission, die sich der mobilen weiblichen Jugendlichen direkt an die Bahnhöfen annahm; 3. Erholungshäuser für erwerbstätige Jugendliche. Bei allen Initiativen arbeitete der Verband eng mit seinem lokalen Partner, dem Berliner Verein zur Fürsorge für die weibliche Jugend zusammen, der neue Arbeitsbereiche in der Praxis testete. <br><br> Neben der Verbandsgeschichte im engeren Sinne thematisiert die Untersuchung auch die Konzeption und die Inhalte der Vereinsarbeit. Orientiert an dem Konzept einer christlichen Persönlichkeitsbildung sollte die Vereinsarbeit möglichst viele Bereiche jugendlichen Lebens umfassen: Arbeit (inkl. Erholungsurlaub), Wohnen, Freizeit (Geselligkeit, Lektüre), Gesundheit und Bildung. Da jedoch aufgrund der Orientierung an einem konservativen Frauenbild der Bereich jugendlicher Sexualität bewusst ausgeklammert wurde, erreichte man mit diesem Konzept präventiver Jugendarbeit im wesentlichen nur die ohnehin wohlanständigen Jugendlichen. <br><br> Die Spannung zwischen einem konservativen Frauenbild einerseits und den modernisierenden Impulsen einer Jugendarbeit mit weiblichen Jugendlichen andererseits zeigt sich auch daran, dass der Verband durch die Gründung eines Berufsverbandes für Sozialarbeiterinnen (Verband der Berufsarbeiterinnen der Inneren Mission) und der Einrichtung von Ausbildungsstätten wesentlichen Anteil an den modernisierenden Prozessen der Verberuflichung der sozialen Arbeit und der kirchlichen Jugendpflege zu Berufen bürgerlicher Frauen hatte. / This is the first study into the Protestant association for female youths, the so-called Jungfrauenvereine, from their origins in the 1840s until World War I, and especially the German Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) founded in 1893. <br><br> In the first half of the 19th century, members of the Protestant middle-class began founding hostels and associations for the highly mobile youth from the lower classes that went to the expanding cities to find jobs as manual labourers or housemaids, then later as factory workers. As a consequence, the initiators of Protestant youth welfare contributed significantly to the common awareness for the precarious situation of lower class youth (females) and of the necessity for preventive youth care. <br><br> In the decade preceding and subsequent to 1900, the Association initiated various pioneering social projects in the area of female youth work and youth welfare. This study examines three areas: 1. The associations and homes for young female workers; 2. The Railway Station Mission (Bahnhofsmission) which was founded in 1894 and cared for mobile female youths directly at the central stations of big cities. 3. Rest homes for young working women. In all these efforts the national associations worked together very closely with their local partner, the Berlin Association for the Welfare of Female Youths (Berliner Verein zur Fürsorge für die weibliche Jugend), which tested and practised new forms of social work. <br><br> Apart from the history of the German Young Women’s Christian Association in a narrower sense, this study also explores the conception and content of the Association’s work. Based on the concept of Christian inspired personal development, the work of the Association sought to encompass various parts of juvenile life such as: work (including holiday), living, leisure (social gatherings, reading), health and education. Because of the focus on conservative female role models, juvenile sexuality was explicitly ignored. This meant that this concept of preventive youth care only reached those young women who already conducted themselves in the perceived decency. <br><br> The tension between the conservative female role model on the one hand and the modernising impact of new models of youth welfare on the other hand is also visible in the fact that the Association made an essential contribution to the institutionalisation of new social professions for middle-class women by founding a vocational association of social workers and vocational schools and colleges.

Nyhetsankaret : En studie om hur erfarna nyhetsankare förhåller sig till sin yrkesroll / The Newsanchor

Jakobsson, Lisa, Pettersson, Lisah January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

I ljugen, I ljugen, jag är ej en kvinna! : En queerteoretisk analys av huvudkaraktären Tinto och maskeradmotivet i C.J.L. Almqvists Drottningens juvelsmycke.

Ims Johansson, Jesper January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to do an analysis of the characters and the theater/masquerade motif in C.J.L. Almqvist’s Drottningens juvelsmycke (The Queen’s Diadem), based on queer theory, by using Judith Butlers’s Gender Trouble. As an alternative to the Swedish, gender determined, feminine pronoun ”hon”, which has been used by earlier critics concerning the main character of the book, ”hen” is proposed. By using the pronoun ”hen” the mistake made by the earlier critics who, without reflection, state that the character is a woman, will hopefully be avoided. In this analysis, the fact that the main character Tinto – generally known as Tintomara – is an androgyne, is demonstrated. The analysis of Drottningens juvelsmycke also shows that the other characters of the book try to – by heteronormative patterns – define Tinto’s gender identity according to their own requests and purposes. The recurrent theater/masquerade motif, which is closely connected with the main character of the novel, reflects the drift of the gender identities between fiction and reality, between acting and real life. By not staying or getting caught in any specific heteronormative gender identity, Tinto reveals the binary gender categories ”man” and ”woman” as non-natural constructions, just as true or false as any other gender.

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