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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

SSII, laboratoire de formes modernes de mise au travail ? / IT companies laboratoy of modern forms of getting to work ?

Thomas-Chauffin, Solene 06 December 2013 (has links)
En définissant les notions de „travail“ et de „ métier“, nous avons observé l’importance du „système d’information“ dans la réinvention du „travail“. Constatant la disparition ainsi que la modification des métiers ; en atteste les licenciements et les réorganisations des entreprises ; le travail ne disparait pas pour autant et s’invite sous de nouvelles formes, comme les statuts auto-entrepreneur et stagiaire, mais aussi en positionnant le consommateur comme travailleur. Du travail visible, sous la forme d’un travail salarié, au travail „caché“, c‘est la société tout entière qui s’en trouve réinventée, et invite à de nouvelles perspectives sociales.Au travers de l’étude de deux SSII (société de services en ingénierie informatique), pendant une durée de 5 ans, nous nous sommes intéressés aux différentes formes de mise au travail de 152 ingénieurs informaticiens. Appréhender le contexte des SSII comme un laboratoire de formes modernes de mise au travail, nous a permis d‘identifier ces mises au travail novatrices et leurs valorisations.Le système d’information se constituant comme l’axe incontestable de cette modification du travail, permet la mise en place d‘un travail normé et standardisé, dessine les nouveaux contours du travail, et ouvre vers de nouvelles perspectives sociales et économiques enrichissantes.Si le système d’information contribue à la mise en œuvre de ces nouvelles formes de travail, les décisions managériales se constituent comme étant à l’origine de cette l’utilisation.Vers quel paradigme nous oriente, cette utilisation du système d‘information ? / Defining the concepts of "work" and "job", we observed the importance of "information system " in the reinvention of "work".Noting the loss and modification of „jobs“ ; evidenced by layoffs and reorganization of enterprises , the work does not disappear , however, and invites new forms , such as statutes of freelance and student , but also by positioning the consumer as a worker.Work visible, in the form of wage labor, to work "hidden" , it is the whole society that is reinvented, and calls for new social perspectives.Through the study of two IT compagnies, for a period of 5 years , we are interested in various forms of work activity concerning 152 computer engineers .Understand the context of IT compagnies as a laboratory for modern forms of development work has enabled us to identify these updates in innovative work and valuations.The information system is forming as the undisputed center of this change of work, allows the establishment of normalized and standardized work , draws the new border of work, and open to new rewarding social and economic opportunities.If the information system contributes to the implementation of these new forms of work , managerial decisions are to be at the origin of this use.To what paradigm directs us, this use of information system?

以4C架構探討中國顧問式行銷策略運用 / Research the Operating of Consultant Marketing in China Based on 4C Strategic Marketing Analysis

向書賢, Hsiang, Austin Unknown Date (has links)

Personnalisation et adaptation d’environnement multimédia pédagogique : le cas de ScienceEnJeu

Pelletier, Evelyne 08 1900 (has links)
La personnalisation et l'adaptation d'environnement multimédia pédagogique a pour but de favoriser l'intégration d'application web de formation en fonction de la personnalité de l'apprenant, de sa progression, de ses préférences et de son contexte d'application. Le contrôle de certaines de ces options doit être donné à l'enseignant afin de pouvoir suivre la progression de ses étudiants, de prescrire des activités complémentaires en ce qui est fait en classe et de gérer ses groupes. Nous avons participé au développement et à l'évaluation d'une application pour appuyer le suivi des activités et donner du soutien aux apprenants dans un environnement pédagogique disponible gratuitement en ligne pour l'apprentissage des sciences nommé ScienceEnJeu. ScienceEnJeu est un environnement où l'apprenant peut explorer différents mondes d'apprendre le contenu, comme les mathématiques, l'écologie, la physique, la génomique, etc. Notre système utilise une base de données qui se construit en fonction de conditions comme les activités des utilisateurs dans le jeu et offre la possibilité de lier les activités du jeu à des structures de concepts issues du programme du Ministère de l'éducation de loisirs et du sport (MELS). Une interface permet aux parents ou à l'enseignant de visualiser la progression dans l'environnement d'un étudiant et / ou d'un groupe, voir le modèle de l'élève de superposition sur la structure des activités et des structures de concepts. L'enseignant peut chercher une activité liée à des concepts particuliers et la définir comme une tâche pour son groupe d'étudiants selon un calendrier. Un système de soutien personnalisé fondé sur des règles y est aussi intégré. Ces règles sont des stratégies de soutien construites en fonction de différents paramètres du contexte de l'activité, des préférences de style d'apprentissage de l'élève et de l'aide précédente. De par ces règles, différents avatars animés peuvent être affichés avec des messages qui sont écrits pour soutenir la motivation des élèves selon leur personnalité d'apprenant. / The goal of this case study is to promote, customize and adapt the integration of a multimedia educational environment depending on the personality of the learner, his progression, his preferences and the context of application. The control of some of these options must be given to the teacher in order to follow the progress of his students, prescribe activities in the game and manage groups. We participated in the development and evaluation of an application to aid the monitoring of activities and provide support to the players in a science learning environment available for free online named ScienceEnJeu. ScienceEnJeu is an environment where learners can explore different worlds and learn on numerous subjects such as mathematics, ecology, physics, genomics, etc. Our system uses a database that is based on conditions such as the users activities or progression in the game and offer the possibility of linking the above to the structure of concepts from the program of the Ministère de l’éducation, des loisirs et du sport (MELS). An interface allows parents or teachers to see the progress of a student and/or a group in the environment according to the structure of the activities and/or concepts. Teachers can find an activity related to a particular concept and set it as a task for the group of students on a set schedule. A set of rules based on the personality of the learner in also integrated. These rules support strategies derived from different context specific parameters and the learning style preferences of the student. From these rules, different animated avatars are displayed with written messages to support the learning personality of the student and increase his motivation.

Možnosti a úskalí práce školního metodika primární prevence na ZŠ / Possibilities and difficulties of a school primary prevention consultant work in primary schools

Vondrová, Martina January 2013 (has links)
This thesis has been divided into two parts. The first - the theoretical part sta- tes the concept and methodology of school competence of a primary prevention worker at elementary school. The paper presents three reference frames of his wor- king - the legal framework, the framework of professional and social framework. These frameworks define specific competencies, potentials and risks in the per- formance of specialized activities in practice. General picture of the specialized activities SMPP is further elaborated in the following areas: methodology positi- ons in the school environment, the methodology and relationship with the school management , working among the pedagogical staff, the proportion of co-creation methodology for school climate and his possible influencing the climate. The text also discusses the ethics of educational and socio-educational work. Throughout following description of specific methods (social pedagogical intervention, facili- tation of communications, contract, consultation and supervision) The effect is by the potential interaction methodology at school. In conclusion, the theoretical work mentioned conflicts of children and youth with legal standards and presents the project Early Intervention System of the Ministry of Interior. The chapter on the SAHA provides data on...

Intellektuellt kapital : En jämförelse av årsredovisningar mellan svenska företag / Intellectual capital : Comparison of annual reports by Swedish companies

Holm, Olof, Haglund, Alexander, Sukhin, Jonas January 2019 (has links)
Paraplybegreppet intellectual capital (IC) innefattar alla former av tillgångar som saknar fysisk substans och som utgör skillnaden mellan ett företags redovisade värde och deras marknadsvärde. Två noterade företag med identiska tillgångar på balansräkningen kan alltså värderas till helt olika priser. Anledningen är att det finns mer abstrakta former av tillgångar som är svåra att kvantifiera och redovisa. I en årsredovisning finns det utrymme för företag att delge information som de anser viktig. Syftet med studien är att redogöra hur svenska företag inom olika branscher rapporterar och kommunicerar förekomsten av IC genom årsredovisningar. Studien baseras på en kvantitativ innehållsanalys. Utifrån resultatet gör vi en ansats att identifiera eventuella mönster inom branscherna och diskuterar om dessa mönster kan förklaras av branschernas olika egenskaper. Den teoretiska modell som används i denna studie utvecklades av James Guthrie. Med hjälp av Guthries kodschema och definitioner för IC identifierar vi skillnader mellan fyra olika branscher inom Sverige. Dessa branscher är läkemedel, IT-konsult, bank samt fastighetsbranschen. IC delas in i tre huvudkategorier, internal capital, external capital och human capital, vilka i sin tur består av ett antal underkategorier. Kategorierna används som begrepp för att representera de tillgångar i verksamheten som inte kan fångas av den traditionella redovisningen. Insamlingen av data gör vi genom en tvärsnittsstudie bestående av ett teoretiskt urval, där vi analyserar fyra företag inom respektive bransch med högst P/B-tal. Resultatet av vår studie leder till slutsatsen att det finns skillnader mellan branscher vid rapporteringen av IC, genom fördelningen mellan olika underkategorier och framförallt i omfattningen av rapporteringen - skillnader som inte alltid är självklara eller uppenbara. Dessa skillnader framträder inte om fokus ligger på antal och fördelningen av de olika kategorier av IC, utan uppkommer vid en djupare nyanserad analys av hur företagen kommunicerar sitt IC. Därför har vi i vår studie presenterat materialet med citat från de olika företagens årsredovisningar, för att belysa hur IC uttrycks samt för att få med dess kontext. Resultatet visar på att svenska företag inom läkemedelsbranschen kommunicerar mest om internal capital och att bank-, It-konsult- samt fastighetsbranschen kommunicerar mest om external capital. Läkemedelsbranschen rapporterar relativt mycket om IC, jämfört med de resterande branscherna. Det största företaget inom respektive bransch är också det som rapporterade mest IC. / The generic term intellectual capital (IC) contains all forms of assets that lacks the aspect of a physical substance and makes the difference between a company’s book value and market value. Two stock-listed companies with identical assets on the balance sheet can thus be valued at notably different share-price. The reason for this is the presence of more abstract forms of assets that are more difficult to quantify and account for. An annual report contains given space for companies to communicate information that they consider important and relevant. The purpose of this paper is to examine how Swedish companies in different sectors report and communicate the occurrence of intellectual capital by analyzing annual reports. The study is based on a qualitative content analysis. Based on the result, we have made an effort to identify any patterns within the sectors and discuss whether these patterns can be explained by the different characteristics of the sectors. The theoretical model used in this study is developed by James Guthrie. With help of Guthrie’s code scheme and definitions for intellectual capital, we examine differences between four different sectors in Sweden. These sectors are pharmaceuticals, IT consultants, banks and the real estate sector. IC is divided into three main categories, which in turn consist of a number of subcategories. The categories are used as a concept to represent the assets in the business that cannot be seized by the traditional accounting. We have collected the data through a cross-sectional study consisting of a theoretical sample, where we analyze four companies within each sector with the highest price to book value. The results from our research lead us to the conclusion differences exists in between the different sectors when it comes to their reporting of intellectual capital, differences regarding the distribution between different subcategories and particularly in the magnitude of the reports. Differences that sometimes do not come across as obvious or self-evident. These differences will not show if one only focuses on how many numbers there are and allocation of the different categories of IC, but arises from a deeper nuanced analysis of how companies communicate their IC. Therefore, in our study, we have presented the material with quotes from the various companies’ deductions, in order to illustrate how IC is expressed and to capture its context. The result shows that Swedish companies in the pharmaceutical sector communicate mostly about internal capital and that the banking, IT consultancy and real estate sector communicates mostly about external capital. The pharmaceutical sector reports relatively much about IC, compared to the remaining sectors. The largest company in each sector is also the one that reported the most IC.

L'expertise et le comité d'entreprise : mise en perspective / A perspective on expertise and the works council

Jégat, Sylvaine 04 December 2017 (has links)
Face à la complexité du monde de l’entreprise, le recours à l’expertise s’avère être indispensable afin de permettre au comité d’entreprise d’exercer pleinement ses attributions, et, in fine, de contribuer à l’application du principe de participation des travailleurs. Une approche plus réaliste de l’expertise permet d’établir que le comité d’entreprise a à sa disposition deux types d’experts : les experts institutionnels (l’expert-comptable, l’expert technique, l’expert libre et l’expert économique) et les experts non institutionnels (certaines commissions du comité d’entreprise et le comité d’hygiène, de sécurité et des conditions de travail). Les liens que le comité d’entreprise et les experts entretiennent oscillent entre vision traditionnelle et vision renouvelée. De façon tout à fait traditionnelle, ces deux types d’experts accomplissent, de façon inégale, une mission d’éclaireur pour le comité d’entreprise en lui apportant de l’information mais également en la traitant lorsque cela est nécessaire. De façon plus singulière, il apparaît que les experts interviennent également dans le processus de décision, mais également dans le processus de concertation. Au-delà du rôle que les experts peuvent jouer auprès du comité d’entreprise, les liens qu’ils entretiennent avec le comité révèlent l’existence de deux sortes de dynamique sous-jacentes : une dynamique relationnelle entre les différentes parties prenantes à l’expertise, marquée par un subtil équilibre entre dépendance et indépendance des uns envers les autres, et une dynamique collective qui témoigne de l’existence d’une expertise collective constituant un système d’intelligence collective nécessaire à l’effectivité du principe de participation des travailleurs. / Given the complexity of the business environment, resorting to expertise proves to be essential for the works council to fully exercise its powers and ultimately for the council to contribute to the application of the employee involvement principle. A more realistic approach to expertise enables us to establish that the works council has two types of experts at its disposal: institutional experts (chartered accountants, technical experts, expert consultants and economic experts) and non-institutional experts (some of the works council commissions and the Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee (CHSCT)). The relations between the works council and experts oscillate between a traditional perspective and an updated perspective. In a very traditional fashion, these two types of experts unevenly act as pathfinders for the works council. They provide the council with information but also process this information when it is necessary. More strangely, however, experts also appear to be involved in the decision-making process as well as in the process of consultation. Beyond the tasks that experts can perform for the works council, two kinds of underlying dynamic can be evidenced by the relations between the experts and the council: a relational dynamic between the various players involved in the expertise that is characterised by a subtle balance between dependence on and independence from one other, and a collective dynamic that indicates the existence of a collective expertise. This collective expertise consists in a system of collective intelligence that is necessary to the effectiveness of the employee involvement principle.

Are you willing to go the extra mile? : Konsulters arbete för att skapa känslomässigt engagemang till förändring bland kundens medarbetare vid implementering av CRM

Gustavsson, Frida, Svärd, Isabelle January 2019 (has links)
This thesis aims at investigating how consultants enable affective commitment to change amongst customers’ employees during implementation of customer relationship management (CRM) in the client organization. Further, Herscovitch and Meyers (2002) model of commitment to organizational change with an emphasis on affective commitment to change has been used as the theoretical framework to guide the empirical study conducted in the thesis. To answer the research question, a qualitative research method has been applied in which eleven semi-structured interviews with consultants at four consulting firms have been carried out.Finally, the thesis makes a contribution in terms of five guidelines that imply how consultants through change management may enable affective commitment to change amongst customers’ employees. Ultimately, these guidelines relate to managing people facing change given the organizational change that implementation of CRM entails. / Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka hur konsulter arbetar för att skapa känslomässigt engagemang till förändring bland kundens medarbetare vid implementering av customer relationship management (CRM) hos kund. Vidare har uppsatsen använt Herscovitch och Meyers (2002) modell för engagemang till organisationsförändring med fokus på känslomässigt engagemang till förändring som teoretiskt ramverk. Detta för att vägleda den empiriska studien som har utförts inom ramen för uppsatsen. En kvalitativ forskningsmetod har använts och elva semistrukturerade intervjuer med konsulter på fyra konsultföretag har genomförts för att besvara uppsatsens forskningsfråga.Uppsatsen lämnar ett bidrag i form av fem riktlinjer för hur konsulter genom förändringsledning kan arbeta för att skapa känslomässigt engagemang till förändring bland kundens medarbetare. Detta för att skapa möjligheter för människor som står inför förändring som följd av de förändringar som implementering av CRM innebär.

Online Tables & Tablecloths: Facilitating Space for Online Learning & Collaboration

Boyle, Bettina Helth Arnum 14 December 2009 (has links)
This thesis describes the researcher’s journey as an online facilitator and reflective organization development (OD) practitioner as she explores how to nurture and cultivate space for learning and collaboration in an online community of practice. The research setting is a small group of mostly volunteers in a national health charity. The researcher adopts a reflective practitioner research approach engaging in a continuous process of story-telling throughout the thesis. She struggles with questions such as her own dynamic role as an outside facilitator, the role of technology, dilemmas of emergence versus design and discovery of purpose. Rather than arriving at a to-do-list for potential online facilitators, she discovers that hosting café style conversations, setting the online tables and enabling space for learning, collaboration and aliveness is more a matter of the facilitator’s capacity to listen, to be authentically present and to relinquish control.

Online Tables & Tablecloths: Facilitating Space for Online Learning & Collaboration

Boyle, Bettina Helth Arnum 14 December 2009 (has links)
This thesis describes the researcher’s journey as an online facilitator and reflective organization development (OD) practitioner as she explores how to nurture and cultivate space for learning and collaboration in an online community of practice. The research setting is a small group of mostly volunteers in a national health charity. The researcher adopts a reflective practitioner research approach engaging in a continuous process of story-telling throughout the thesis. She struggles with questions such as her own dynamic role as an outside facilitator, the role of technology, dilemmas of emergence versus design and discovery of purpose. Rather than arriving at a to-do-list for potential online facilitators, she discovers that hosting café style conversations, setting the online tables and enabling space for learning, collaboration and aliveness is more a matter of the facilitator’s capacity to listen, to be authentically present and to relinquish control.

Conception d’une application intégrée d’aide à la gestion des connaissances pour une PME de consultants travailleurs du savoir

Durand, Luc 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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