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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rätten till varan och subjektetsuppkomst : En undersökning av Jevegenij Pasjukanissubjektivitetsbegrepp

Huhmarniemi Elfving, Ville January 2022 (has links)
Evengy Pashukanis was a russian legal scholar who with his book Law and Marxism: a general theorydeveloped a theory according to which law emerges from the exchange of commodities undercapitalism. The aim of this essay, called “the Right to the commodity and the origins of subjectivity”,is to determine the meaning of the term “legal subjectivity” and how the legal subject gains “adouble” with a “juridically constituted” will and how this affects a concrete person’s lived experienceaccording to Pashukanis. Legal subjectivity arises from the need of commodities to be exchanged onthe market, which makes the law and the economy mutually dependent upon each other. Thecommodity gives subjectivity to its owner and engenders it with a profit maximizing will, asubjectivation completed through a mutual recognition between two commodity owners in whichthey recognize each other’s abilities to hold rights and duties. This means the subjects recognize eachother as formally equal and independent. This leads to the beliefs that the will comes from theconcrete person and not the commodity, and that the subject is autonomous when in fact it is theresult of a social interplay. When the two legal subjects get into a conflict it gives rise to a statemachinery in the form of the judiciary and the law which appears neutral but acts in accordance withthe needs of the capitalist system, and the legal form, which the machinery then spreads to othersocial relations, turning them into to relations between legal subjects based on rights and duties. Thestate and the economy appear separate but are linked through the legal subject. The legal formtransforms the legal subject into its own double, this more abstract subjectivity can be described asdifferent roles that the legal subject acts out in different scenarios with a will based on the needs ofthe capitalist system, although the will seems to be free and absolute and emanating from theconcrete person. The legal subjectivity is coded as a male and limited in what duties it can take on.


石敏文, SHI, MIN-WEN Unknown Date (has links)
凱因斯經濟學乃二十世紀經濟學的主流,對於這一個影響深遠的學術思潮,存在著各 種不同面向、不同立場的觀點;本文則試圖由「發生的」(GENETIC) 角度對此學術 思潮的源流進行分析。 克萊恩(L.R.KLEIN) 以為,1936年出版的「一般理論」(THE GENERAL THEORY )乃是凱因斯經濟學的濫殤,而視之為經濟思想史上的重要分水嶺,稱之為「凱因斯 革命」,依克萊恩之意,在前「一般理論」時代的凱因斯,乃是從屬於古典學派的陣 營,而其作品亦不脫離古典學派的路數,特別是1930年出版的重要著作「貨幣論 」(A TREATESE ON MONEY) ,是一部古典學派的作品;此已成為主流的看法。 梅它(G.MEHTA) 並不同意此種觀點,他在「凱因斯革命的構」(THE STRUCTURE OF THE KEYNESIAN REVOLUTION) 一書中以孔恩(THOMAS KUHN) 的「期範」(PARADI GM)理論對「凱因斯革命」進行分析,指出凱因斯「決定性地與古典學派傳統的決裂 ,乃發生在1930年『貨幣論』出版時」;他認為「貨幣論」的出版乃是一個新的 典範的出現。 本文分別以「克萊恩命題」(KLEIN'S THESIS)及「梅它命題」(MEHTA'S THESIS) 代表兩人對「凱因斯革命」的不同觀點: 克萊恩命題:「凱因斯革命」產生自「一般理論」。 梅它命題:「凱因斯革命」產生自「貨幣論」。 本文所謂「發生的」角度即是再度以孔恩的「典範」理論對「克萊恩命題」與「梅它 命是」進行檢討,而提出我們的看法。

Les normes à constitutionalité renforcée : recherches sur la production du droit constitutionnel

Déchaux, Raphaël 10 December 2011 (has links)
Le contrôle de constitutionnalité des révisions n’est pas encore accepté en France. Il s’agit d’une position qui fait consensus en doctrine depuis les débuts de la IIIème République. Dans sa décision du 26 mars 2003, le Conseil constitutionnel a également rejeté sa compétence en matière de lois constitutionnelles. Pour autant, la situation française reste, à l’aune du droit comparé, si ce n’est exceptionnelle, du moins isolée par rapport à ses proches voisins allemands et italiens. En outre, il existe dans le texte de la Constitution de 1958 une disposition formellement non-révisable. L’article 89 alinéa 5 dispose ainsi : « La forme républicaine du Gouvernement ne peut faire l’objet d’une révision ». Loin des débats sur la supraconstitutionnalité, il est donc possible d’envisager un contentieux spécifique des lois de révision constitutionnelles sur le fondement même de la Constitution. On désigne ces normes comme des normes à constitutionnalité renforcée. Il s’agit d’envisager d’abord s’il existe en théorie une hiérarchie entre les normes à constitutionnalité renforcée et les normes à constitutionnalité simple. Cette recherche ne peut se fonder que dans le cadre d’une analyse positiviste et kelsénienne du droit. Elle montre bien que le pouvoir constituant pose des normes spécifiques lors de la production de la constitution que le pouvoir de révision, mais aussi tous les autres pouvoirs constitués de l’État, doit respecter. Ensuite, il convient de vérifier que cette théorie est effective dans la pratique. L’étude des « changements de constitution », lors de transitions constitutionnelles ou des révisions totales conforte cette posture théorique. L’analyse de la jurisprudence constitutionnelle comparée démontre enfin que, loin d’être la prémisse d’un « Gouvernement des juges », le contrôle des révisions constitutionnelles permet le parachèvement de l’État de droit / Judicial review of constitutional amendments is not yet accepted in France. The legal community quasi-unanimously agreed on that solution since the early days of the III Republic. In its decision dated from march 26th, 2003, the Constitutional Council has explicitly denied its power concerning constitutional amendments. In view of the situation in neighboring countries Germany and Italy, the French situation remains singular, if not exceptional.The Constitution contains a provision which cannot be amended. Article 89 para 5 thus states: The republican form of government shall not be the object of any amendment.” Far from the debate on supraconstitutionaliy, it is therefore possible to envisage a specific action of constitutional amendment, based on the Constitution itself. These norms are called constitutionally enforced. The idea is to determine whether a hierarchy exists between “enforced constitutionally norms” and “simple constitutionally norms”. This research must be conducted under a positivist and kelsenian approach. It demonstrates that the constituent power creates specific norms that the amending power, along with all delegated power must respect. It should then be assessed if this theory is effective. The analysis of “constitutions changes” during constitutional transition reinforces the theoretical analysis. Comparative constitutional law studies demonstrate that judicial review of constitutional amendments is not a “Government by judiciary”; it further advances the rule of Law

Etude sur le renouvellement normatif du droit des contrats / Study about the normative renewal of contract law

Maisonnat, Bérangère 12 December 2018 (has links)
L’étude du renouvellement normatif du droit des contrats conduit à présenter le phénomène avant d’envisager sa portée. En premier lieu, ce phénomène est aisément observable et met en évidence deux crises : une « crise de croissance » et une « crise de normativité ». Toutes deux confirment une tendance à l’instrumentalisation des normes qui se veulent désormais harmonisatrices, protectrices, modèles ou encore persuasives. La part de nouveauté réside dans leur texture, leur élaboration ou encore leur mise en œuvre. Et les difficultés engendrées par ce renouvellement concernent l’articulation des diverses normes qui régissent le droit des contrats, ainsi que leur intégration au sein de l’ordre juridique interne.En second lieu, il s’agit de se questionner sur l’intérêt et l’influence de ce renouvellement à travers sa capacité à produire des effets sur le modèle contractuel. Au regard de la récente réforme, le renouvellement normatif a vraisemblablement participé à la modernisation du Code civil puisque des mouvements convergents vers la souplesse contractuelle et la sécurité juridique sont observés. Cependant, la limite des effets de ce renouvellement apparaît car il ne provoque pas une modélisation du droit des contrats qui permettrait de maintenir une cohérence malgré les transformations majeures à l’œuvre en la matière. / The study of the normative renewal of contract law requires a general presentation of the phenomenon before taking an in-depth look at its impact. Firstly, this phenomenon is easily noticeable and calls attention to two crisis : a “growth crisis” and a “normative crisis”. Both highlight a tendency to exploit norms by making them instruments of harmonization, protection, standardization or persuasion. The innovation comes from their substance, their elaboration or their enforcement, however, the articulation of the various contract law norms and their integration within the domestic legal order raise many issues that need to be addressed. Secondly, this renewal’s potentiality to influence and impact contractual models needs to be questioned. Taking the recent reform into account, it seems that the normative renewal has taken a major role in the modernization of the Civil code. Indeed, converging movements towards both contractual flexibility and legal security are visible. However, this normative renewal movement is still unable to promote a modelling of contract law that would allow it to maintain its coherence in spite of the major transformations taking place. As such, the normative renewal of contract law shows its limits.

Elementos fundamentais para uma teoria própria dos contratos de consumo

Lorentino, Sérgio Augusto Pereira 17 December 2016 (has links)
O trabalho batizado como Elementos fundamentais para uma teoria própria dos contratos de consumo é uma tese apresentada ao Programa de Doutorado em Direito Privado, da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais – PUC Minas e que almeja comprovar a impropriedade de utilização da figura do negócio jurídico para disciplinar os contratos de consumo. Valendo-se de uma revisão bibliográfica e jurisprudencial, a pesquisa parte da observação de que a teoria do negócio jurídico, atualmente vigente no Brasil, apesar de ter logrado diversos avanços após a Constituição Federal e no início do século XXI, especialmente com o advento do Código Civil de 2002, que a fizeram mais sociabilizada, ainda permanece lastreada na atuação da liberdade do sujeito, o qual, em sendo detentor de autonomia, pode decidir por celebrar ou não celebrar contratos, assim como moldar o conteúdo desses, disso decorrendo valor jurídico-obrigacional. Entretanto, o estudo da sociedade de consumo demonstra que, na verdade, a lógica da liberdade não pode ser aplicada às relações de consumo, especialmente ao consumidor, pois este não atua no mercado guiado pelo poder da autonomia, mas sim pela necessidade que demonstrar ter em relação aos produtos e serviços necessários a uma vida digna. Por isso, tanto a Teoria do Negócio Jurídico quanto a Teoria Geral dos Contratos são tidas como inapropriadas para a tarefa de regência dos contratos de consumo. Consequentemente, é apontada a necessidade de uma teoria própria capaz de reconhecê-lo como fenômeno distinto dos contratos privados em geral e que, a partir disso, desenvolva mecanismos jurídicos ligados às suas peculiaridades. Um paradigma importante, nesse sentido, é o estudo das relações contratuais de fato, decorrentes de comportamentos sociais típicos, que oferecem reflexões importantes sobre o comportamento do consumidor em situações como a do tráfego massificado de determinados serviços. Dessa forma, são ofertados elementos fundamentais para a construção da Teoria dos Contratos de Consumo, assentados na pressuposição do contrato de consumo como promotor de funcionalidade humanizadora e constitucional, que resulta, por fim, em uma definição do contrato de consumo, dotado-o de singularidades capazes de diferenciá-lo do contrato lato sensu de que cuida o Direito Privado. / This research named Fundamental elements for an proper theory of consume contracts is the thesis presented to the PhD Program in Private Law, at Pontifícia Universidade Católica of Minas Gerais - PUC Minas. It aims at confirming the impropriety of using the “legal business” to discipline the consumer contracts. Drown on a bibliographic and jurisprudential review, the research is based on the observation that the current Brazilian legal business theory, although being developed after the Federal Constitution, and in the beginning of 21st century, is still supported by the subject’s freedom of actuation, who, as the titleholder of the autonomy, is able to decide for celebrating or not the contracts, as well as shape their content, deriving from this the juridical obligational value. Nevertheless, the study of consumer society shows that, actually, the logic of freedom cannot be applied to consumer relations, especially to the consumer, because he does not act in a market guided by the autonomy power, but by the necessity of showing relation to the products and services needed for a worthy life. Because of that, both, the legal business and contracts’ general theory, is considered inappropriate for ruling consumer contracts. Consequently, the need of a proper theory, capable of recognizing consumer contracts as a distinct phenomenon of the private contracts in general, is presented. In addition, legal mechanisms connected to its peculiarities are shown. An important paradigm, in this sense, is the study of fact contractual relations, due to their typical social behavior, that offers important reflections about the consumer’s behavior on situations like the massive traffic of certain services. In this way, some fundamental elements for creating consumer contracts are approached, based on the presupposition of the consumer contract as the promoter of a human and constitutional functionality, which results, at the end, in a definition of consumer contract, giving it a single capacity of making it different from the lato sensu contract, which is approached by private law.

O dinheiro entre o direito tributário e o direito penal: um estudo sobre a sanção, a coação e a coerção, com o auxílio de Freud

Serafini, Fabricio de Carvalho 23 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:20:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fabricio de Carvalho Serafini.pdf: 2174708 bytes, checksum: b4b0a81d724e6647978c41ed2cd174c0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-23 / Starting with the forecast, in our positive law, about the extinguishing of the punshability of the tax crimes, for the tax payment (regardless of the time), we arrive at the conclusion that the criminal law is working as collecting agent of the tax law, what it opposes the characteristic of ultima ratio of the first one, characteristic this, pointed since its origins, until the present days, as basic with respect to the same, being one of its differentials for other branches of low. This show us that's more important for our State the payment of the tax then the punishment for who commit tax crimes. This coaction propagated by the accusation for tax crime ended showing very efficient, therefore it increased the tax collection, which will be argued in terms of the general theory of the law, once confirmed what we always defend, unique as characteristic of the complete rules of law, of the several species of norms, that is the forecast of a sanction, for the State, for the one who did not follow the law, imposed in coercitive way. This took us to study the sanction, as well as differentiating the coaction of the coercion, therefore the first one happens before the non compliance of the complete rule of law, threatening the expectation of a sanction, while the second one happens after the non compliance of the complete rule of law, being the application form of the sanction. Confirming our sanctionist idea, we look for the reasons of the fulfilment of many of the rules of law are given by the fear of the sanction, what took us to look for answers in psychology, more specifically in its analysis of the behavior stream (behaviourism), but for our surprise, this showed unfruitful. With this disillusionment, we went to search aid in an opposing chain, the psychoanalysis, more precisely in the ideas of its founder Sigmund Freud. Its ideas in social, cultural and anthropological terms, permeated for its fundamental concepts of the psychoanalysis, had supplied what we looked for, that is, the confirmation of that the human beings follow many norms due to the fear of its sanctions, what it strengthened our sanctionist idea of the law / Partindo da previsão, em nosso direito positivo, da extinção da punibilidade dos crimes tributários, pelo pagamento do tributo (independentemente do seu momento), chegamos à conclusão de que o direito penal está funcionando como agente arrecadador do direito tributário, o que contraria a característica de ultima ratio do primeiro, característica essa, apontada desde seus primórdios, até os dias de hoje, como fundamental para o mesmo, sendo um de seus diferenciais para os demais ramos do direito. Isso nos mostra que mais importa para o nosso Estado o pagamento do tributo do que a punição para os que cometem crimes tributários. Essa coação veiculada pela acusação por crime tributário acabou por se mostrar muito eficiente, pois aumentou a arrecadação tributária, o que será discutido em termos da teoria geral do direito, pois confirmou o que sempre defendemos, como característica diferenciadora das normas jurídicas completas, das demais espécies de normas, que é a previsão de uma sanção, pelo Estado, para seu descumpridor, imposta de maneira coercitiva. Isso nos levou a estudar a sanção, bem como diferenciar a coação da coerção, pois a primeira se dá antes do descumprimento da norma jurídica completa, ameaçando, pela previsão de uma sanção, ao passo que a segunda se dá após o descumprimento da norma jurídica completa, sendo a forma de aplicação da sanção. Ao confirmamos a nossa idéia sancionista, procuramos buscar os porquês do cumprimento de muitas das normas jurídicas se dar pelo temor da sanção, o que nos levou a buscar respostas na psicologia, mais especificamente na sua corrente análise do comportamento (behaviorismo), mas para nossa surpresa, isso se mostrou infrutífero. Com essa decepção, fomos buscar auxílio numa corrente oposta, a psicanálise, mais precisamente nas idéias de seu fundador Sigmund Freud. As suas idéias em termos sociais, culturais e antropológicos, permeadas por seus conceitos basilares da psicanálise, nos forneceram o que procurávamos, ou seja, a confirmação de que os seres humanos seguem muitas normas devido ao temor de suas sanções, o que reforçou a nossa idéia sancionista do direito

Un régime de la liberté : la démocratie dans l’œuvre de Claude Lefort / Democracy as a "regime of liberty" : thinking the Political with Claude Lefort

Couillerot, Jérôme 01 December 2017 (has links)
Claude Lefort est un penseur majeur du totalitarisme soviétique et un théoricien original de la démocratie ; mais cette pensée souffre d’être encore trop peu étudiée, et surtout peu comprise dans son articulation générale. Ce travail se propose de remédier à cette carence, et s’efforce, au travers d’une reconstruction des dimensions fondamentales de l’œuvre, de restituer à la pensée de l’auteur sa cohérence interne. Nous postulons ici que cette cohérence se dévoile à bien vouloir identifier le projet central de Claude Lefort, qui fut de penser les conditions de possibilité de la liberté politique, et partant, la démocratie comme un régime de la liberté. Un tel projet, d’abord envisagé dans le cadre de la théorie marxiste, va progressivement être réévalué à l’aide de la philosophie de Maurice Merleau-Ponty, pour aboutir à une récusation des acceptions traditionnelles – telles que comprises en droit public – des notions de pouvoir et de liberté. Il s’agit alors pour Lefort de permettre la liberté politique, c’est ce que s’efforce de montrer la première partie. Il faut ensuite tirer les conséquences logiques d’une telle récusation. Elle amène à reconsidérer en profondeur la nature des deux termes : le pouvoir gagne une dimension « symbolique », et les libertés se pensent comme indissociablement individuelles et collectives. Cette construction se veut une manière spécifique d’organiser la liberté politique, c’est ce que s’emploie à révéler la seconde partie. / Claude Lefort is a major thinker of Soviet totalitarianism and an original theorist of democracy. However, his contributions remain much overlooked, and the overall coherence of his body of work is often misunderstood. This work aims to remedy this deficiency, and endeavours to identify and organize the fundamental dimensions of his thought, in order to re-establish its internal coherence. The hypothesis of this doctoral thesis is that this coherence is revealed through the identification of the central project of Claude Lefort, which was to apprehend the necessary conditions for the advent of political liberty, and therefore democracy as a “regime of liberty” (régime de la liberté). This intellectual project, developed first of all in the context of Marxist theory, was progressively reassessed in the light of the philosophy of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, eventually resulting in a rejection of the traditional understanding – that of public law – of the two concepts of power and liberty. The problem, for Lefort, is how to bring about the existence of political liberty ; which the first part of this work aims to demonstrate. It then becomes necessary to draw the logical consequences of such a rejection. It leads to a profound reconsideration of the nature of the two concepts : power gains a “symbolic” dimension, and liberties are inseparably thought as both collective and individual. Lefort’s construction must thus be understood as a specific way to organise political liberty ; as the second part of doctoral work attempts to reveal

Crise do Direito ou dos direitos?: uma reflexão sobre o formalismo no processo civil e o acesso à justiça

Forjaz, Regina Coeli Pacini de Moraes 16 May 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:34:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Regina Coeli Pacini de Moraes Forjaz.pdf: 740878 bytes, checksum: c1ff0b2436aa895fa7238e5e7a9677ca (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-05-16 / This work was the result of a national and worldwide juridic research in many branches of juridic knowledge, as Law s History, Law s General Theory, Constitutional Law and Civil Process Law. Based in the generalized crisis diagnose which affects the Brazilian Judiciary Institution, we intend demonstrate that the constitutional principles as large defense, due process of law do not guarantee justice access. Offering solutions in the direction of process efectiveness and juridical protection is modern doctrine purpose, in order to reach celerity, without compromise juridical-insurance. The polemics is torned between Civil Process Law formalism followers and those who wants it more flexible. This task is directed not only to Law Society but also to the Brazilian Civil Society as a whole, once it demands both institutional, legislative and ethical behaviors changes, concerning to legal proceedings because it is an important citizenship instrument. / Este trabalho é fruto de pesquisa efetuada na doutrina jurídica nacional e alienígena, nas áreas da História do Direito, Teoria Geral do Direito, Direito Constitucional e Direito Processual Civil. Uma vez diagnosticada a crise generalizada por que passam as instituições jurídicas, objetivou-se demonstrar que os princípios constitucionais da ampla defesa, do devido processo legal e do contraditório já não mais atendem à garantia de pleno acesso à justiça. A doutrina hodierna, imbuída do propósito de oferecer soluções que garantam a efetividade do processo e da tutela jurisdicional, que permita, a um só tempo maior celeridade, sem comprometer a segurança jurídica, se debate entre os que defendem o formalismo jurídico e os adeptos da sua flexibilização. Essa tarefa cabe, não apenas aos operadores do Direito, mas a toda a sociedade civil, já que demanda ampla reformulação institucional, legislativa e ética, pois o processo judicial representa, um instrumento decisivo para o pleno exercício da cidadania em nosso País.

La "riflessione critica" sull'illecito commesso alla luce dei principi costituzionali e della teoria generale del reato: problemi e prospettive / “Critical rethinking” on committed wrongdoings in light of constitutional principles and the general theory of crime: problems and perspectives

SPRICIGO, BIANCAMARIA 25 March 2013 (has links)
La tesi si occupa del concetto di “riflessione critica” dell’autore di reato sull’illecito commesso. Secondo l’art. 27 d.P.R. 30 giugno 2000, n. 230, essa consiste in una riflessione dialogica concernente le condotte antigiuridiche e colpevoli, le correlate motivazioni, le conseguenze che discendono per l’autore medesimo e le possibili azioni di riparazione attuabili nella fase di esecuzione. La ricerca si sviluppa in cinque momenti: il primo capitolo focalizza l’attenzione sullo studio di un fondamento costituzionale del concetto di “riflessione critica”, anche al fine di una rinnovata lettura del finalismo rieducativo; il secondo capitolo mette in luce i punti di intersezione tra “riflessione critica” sull’illecito commesso e “teoria generale del reato”; il capitolo successivo offre una panoramica degli ostacoli e dei problemi operativi che impediscono la piena predisposizione di un modello responsabilizzante e che sollecitano ipotesi di riforma del sistema penale e penitenziario; nel quarto capitolo ci si sofferma sull’approfondimento delle premesse di un modello dialogico e riparativo di giustizia; quindi, il capitolo conclusivo si dedica a un’esplorazione dei confini e delle congruenze dei concetti di “rehabilitation” e “restorative justice”, per muovere oltre verso la considerazione di un modello di giustizia ispirato all’idea di “responsività” [John Braithwaite] e di “restorative justice dialogue” [Mark S. Umbreit]. In sostanza, lo studio mira a proporre un modello che faciliti, in modo dialogico e inclusivo, forme di responsabilità attiva nel settore penale. / The dissertation examines how offenders deal with “critical rethinking” on their crimes. According to art. 27 d.P.R. 30 June 2000, n. 230, it consists in a dialogical reflection on the wrongdoings they committed, their motivations, the consequences that follow on for the offenders themselves, and the possible reparations during the post-sentencing phase. The study is divided into five chapters. The first chapter focuses on the research for a constitutional basis of the “critical rethinking” and for a renewed understanding of the “finalismo rieducativo” (equivalent to the rehabilitative goal). The second chapter highlights the points of intersection between the “critical rethinking” and the “general theory of crime”. The third chapter summarizes the obstacles and the operative problems that hamper the implementation of this dialogical reflection and describes hints for a possible reform of the criminal justice system, particularly with regard to the post-sentencing phase. The fourth chapter proposes an in-depth analysis of some of the basic key-concepts for the introduction of a dialogical-restorative model of justice. Finally, the fifth chapter investigates the relationship between “rehabilitation” and “restorative justice” and takes into consideration a justice model that is inspired by “responsivity” [John Braithwaite] and “restorative justice dialogue” [Mark S. Umbreit]. By means of that, the study aims at providing a framework for an active assumption of responsibility in a more dialogical and inclusive culture.

影響臺灣青少年偏差行為之貫時性研究-以TEPS資料分析為例 / The panel study of the deviation behavior in Taiwan: evidence from Taiwan education panel survey

李昭鋆, Lee, Chao Yun Unknown Date (has links)
對偏差行為的解釋有多種理論,不過以後天的角度詮釋偏差行為,則社會控制理論、自我控制理論是最有力的解釋理論。本研究亦欲圖驗證此兩種理論在多變量潛在成長模型的效用。因此,研究者採用臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫之資料,以自我控制信念、親子關係、同儕關係、學校依附感、教育抱負、學業成就預測偏差行為之變化。此外,並探究性別對潛在成長模型之影響。茲將研究成果陳述如下。 1、偏差行為隨著年級逐漸增加,日益增加,變異數亦逐漸擴大。 2、整體多變量潛在成長模型中,整體模式適配度良好。 3、自變項對偏差行為截距、斜率解釋量分別為.19、.32,顯示模式的解釋量仍有改善空間,其中對截距之預測達顯著者,分別為同儕關係截距、學校依附感截距、學業成就截距、親子關係截距。對斜率之預測力達顯著者,分別為學校依附感斜率、學校依附感截距、同儕關係斜率、同儕關係截距、教育抱負截距。 4、運用多群組分析,發現男女生並無測量不變性。 5、性別對偏差行為有重要影響。 6、預測女生的斜率主要考量其學校依附感和同儕關係,但預測男生偏差行為的斜率除了與學校、同儕的關係外,還要考量其教育抱負。 最後,根據上述的結論,研究者分別提出實務、研究方法、未來偏差行為研究之建議,以作為參考。 / The cause of deviation behavior is explained by many theories. However, social control theory and self control theory are the most famous and important theories. Research would like to confirm the theories which are applied in multivariable latent growth curve model. Therefore, TEPS data are analyzed to investigate the model, and the results are as follows: (1)Deviation behavior gradually increases with time and variety of it also rises. (2)The fit of model is good. (3)The intercept is explained 19% by independent variables and the slope is explained 32%. In addition, it is significant for the intercept of the relation of peer group, attachment feeling of school, parental relation and academic achievement in the regression which is employed to anticipate the intercept. It is significant that the intercept of the relation of peer group, attachment feeling of school, and educational ambition and the slope of peer group, and attachment feeling of school can anticipate slope of deviation behavior effectively. (4)Employing multi-group analysis, there exist gender differences in the model. (5)Sex has influence on deviation behavior. (6)For girls, the slope of deviation behavior is anticipated by social relations, but for boys, besides the peer relationship, it is also included the educational ambition. According the results, some suggestions are proposed for future researches and the administration authority.

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