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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Det är svårt att arbeta som journalist om man har en utländsk bakgrund" : En kvalitativ studie om representationen av etnisk mångfald bland journalister inom lokaljournalistiken / “It is difficult to work as a journalist if you have a foreign background” : A qualitative study of the representation of ethnic diversity among journalists in local journalism

Johansson, Jesper, Klint, Elliot January 2022 (has links)
Swedish journalists often get criticized for not depicting our society's cultural- and ethnic diversity in the media. Journalists in Sweden often get described as being a homogenous group, consisting of ethnically Swedish people that live in the same area and belong to the same social class. The aim of this study is to explore the ethnic diversity in local news organizations in Sweden. How journalists with a foreign background experience their work role, and how local news organizations discuss ethic diversity and their responsibilities in broadening it. A qualitative research method was adopted for this study. We conducted six in-depth interviews with journalists who identified themselves as having a foreign background. We also used structured interviews in order to capture the perspective of the local news organizations. The structured interviews was answered by 17 managing editors, editorsin- chief, and others with staff liability at their respective editorial office. To be able to analyze the collected material from the interviews, we used a thematic text analysis to find themes and patterns in the answers. The result of the study suggest that local news organizations in Sweden have a very limited etnic- representation among their staff. Several of the journalists that we interviewed were conscious of the lack of ethic diversity. They unanimously agreed that ethnic diversity in the newsroom was needed to understand and reflect their audience properly, many of them also described an imposed work role from the organization, a role where they were expected to cover certain geographical areas and topics because of their background. The local news organizations that answered our structured interview all said that ethinic diversity was highly sought-after. Most recruiters described a will to hire more journalists with a foreign background, but that it wasn't possible because of the lack of competent applicants and economic issues within the organization. Most organizations have created policies and guidelines in an attempt to broaden the ethnic diversity. The results of our study suggest that very few of these attempts have led to any meaningful increase in ethnic diversity for local news organizations in Sweden.

"Hotfull man sköts av polis" : En kritisk diskursanalys av hur polisen konstrueras i svensk riks- kontra lokaljournalistik / ”Threatening man shot by policeman” : A critical discourse analysis of how the police is constructed in Swedish national- versus local journalism

Andersson, Joacim January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine if local newspapers construction of the Swedish authorities differs from the national newspapers. This was done using a qualitative method, using the Swedish police authority as a practical example. This by analyzing two articles each from five different news events concerning the police and their job. One article from the local newspaper from were the event took place, and one article from one of the most read national newspapers in Sweden, Dagens Nyheter. To then compare the results between the articles.  Previous studies show that the Swedish police takes a big part of the construction of themselves in the media. This partly by being one of the main sources of information for the journalists. The police also tend to be constructed in a positive way in some sort of ”hero”-discourse, and with a lack of critical questioning from the journalists. Some studies have also showed that the local media tend to lean into the aforementioned construction of the police in a greater extent than national media.  This study came to a similar conclusion as the previous studies has done. The local media tend to construct the police in some sort of ”hero”-discourse more often than the national media. This discourse is often presented in connection with a stressed or threatening situation, which in a way justifies the actions done by the police.

"Att vara en incel är som att vara en fet ponny" : En inramningsanalys av incels i svenska tidningsartiklar från hösten 2021

Larsson, Matilda, Roth, Alva January 2021 (has links)
Involuntary celibates, or “incels”, have receieved increased attention in the public discourse in the recent years. This is partly due to the news media reporting on cases where the incel culture has been linked to acts of mass violence. Here, incels are often framed as misogynic and as a new terrorist threat. In this study we wanted to take a deeper look at this due to the power that media has in influencing how society views incels. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify how incels were framed in the Swedish news media discourse during autumn 2021. This study answers: 1. Which frames of incels existed in Swedish news articles autumn 2021? and 2. How can these frames be analyzed using theory of media discourse? To answer these questions the thesis uses framing theory and news discourse as a theoretical framework. A framing analysis was performed of 15 Swedish newspaper articles from the selected time frame. The results reveal that incels are framed as both dangerous perpetrators and as an outcast group of society. The first frame was more prominent and was often accompanied with varied negative and hostile comments directed toward the group. We argue that these frames reveal a one-sided image of incels and that the comments reproduce traditional norms of masculinity. Moreover, we briefly discuss the development of the journalistic profession in how it hinders the consideration of specific ethical ideals, which could have a negative effect on incels.

Afrika söder om Sahara : En komparativ studie om hur DN & SvD rapporterade om subsahariska länder 2009 respektive 2019

Svensson, Mathilda, Mazerant, Viktoria January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet rapporterade om subsahariska länder i Afrika under 2009 och 2019 och huruvida den svenska mediebilden av de 48 länderna söder om Sahara har förändrats över tid. Denna uppsats använder en kvantitativ innehållsanalys för att undersöka hur mediebilden av subsahariska länder ser ut i de valda morgontidningarna. Vi undersökte om det finns någon skillnad mellan de olika tidpunkterna om vilka länder och teman som respektive tidning lyfte samt vilka aktörer som oftast valts som intervjupersoner och om det oftast är män eller kvinnor som kommer till tals.  Det teoretiska ramverket är byggt på teorier om gestaltning, nyhetsvärdering samt global journalistik. Resultatet av den kvantitativa innehållsanalysen visar att DN och SvD:s mediebild om subsahariska länder varken har blivit mer positiv eller negativ över tid. Rapporteringen har ökat om klimat och livsstil och minskat om humanitär kris. Sydafrika var det mest förekommande landet i båda tidningarna under både 2009 och 2019. Våra resultat visar att de teman som är de mest förekommande samtliga år och i båda tidningarna är politik och sociala frågor. Inom temat sociala frågor fokuserade båda tidningarna mest på subkategorierna sjukdom och kriminalitet. En positiv utveckling som vi har sett är att i båda tidningarna har antalet kvinnor som intervjuperson ökat. De mest förekommande aktörerna i båda tidningarna 2009 och 2019 var politiker, privatpersoner, organisationer och experter.

E-sportens utveckling i tidningsmedier – hur ser den ut? : En kvantitativ studie av Aftonbladet och Expressens rapportering av e-sport under 2017, 2018, 2019 och 2020. / The evolution of e-sport in newspaper media - what does it look like? : A quantitative study of Aftonbladet and Expressen's reporting of e-sports during 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020.

Nord, Jonathan January 2022 (has links)
This study aimed to study the the relatively unexplored field of e-sport within journalism. This was achieved by conducting a quantitative content analysis of publicised textual material on the Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen’s websites. The subject of analysis was to define how texts touching the topic of e-sport looked like in terms of, content, placing, tone, framing of e-sport as a professional area or an leisure activity and the general topic in focus. Material for this study was chosen by a systematic sampling of every third text produced by each newspaper during the years of 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. From the selected searchterms 564 publisiced texts were found which amounted to 191 text distributed over both newspapers and every year. After the initial analysis of the results a comparison between the newspapers and years was performed to determine if there is differences and variance in the reporting.   The results of this study shows that texts touching the topic of e-sports were mostly categorized under the category of Sports, were written by the newspaper in question, contained a medium to large amout of signs or word and were written as in the form of a news article. At the same time the tone towards e-sport was mosly neutral and the newspapers framed e-sport as a professional area with topic in focus being individual characters in the stories. While there was differences between the the newspaper they were mostly small with the exeption of topic in focus where Expressen focused on individual characters and Aftonbladet stories about matches and what happened during them. During the years small differences in the reporting occured but they were mosly related to 2017 who, in realation to the other years and values, had a lower amout of texts categorized under the term sport, less material produced by the newspaper in question, less texts in the form of news articles, less of a neutral tone and framed less towards e-sport as a professional area.

News flash! Nyheter i nya digitala format : En studie av traditionell nyhetsvärdering på TikTok

Reuterfors, Evelina, Dahlander, Frida January 2023 (has links)
Only a fraction of events make it into Swedish news media. Previous theories on news values and selection agree on the news factors that enhance news value but new digital formats might be putting the relevance for these news values up for discussion. Younger generations primarily consume news through social media and curate their own personalized news feeds and if journalists don’t adjust their news production after this new climate we might look into democratic consequences for society in general and young people in particular. This study explores the relevance of traditional news factors for news on TikTok. Based on a summary of previous research on news value, ten news factors are proposed for studying news in new digital formats. These ten factors are the main part of the theoretical framework of this study. The study aims to investigate the news supply on TikTok and examine the correlation between news factors and news dissemination. 171 TikTok videos from five Swedish nationwide news channels with TikTok accounts were randomly selected. These videos were coded based on views, shares, and the ten news factors. Regression analysis and a correlation matrix were conducted. The study finds that news factors are present on TikTok, but few correlations exist between these factors and dissemination. Notably, views correlate with geographical proximity and surprising elements. This questions the relevance of traditional news values for user interest on TikTok and questions the role of journalists in the future. Future research could explore the news supply on TikTok based on user feeds instead of traditional news values, given that young people are influenced by their personalized feeds.

Reporter med egen röst : En studie av reporterns berättelse om sig själv och sitt arbete i två nutida reportageböcker / The Reporter’s Own Voice : Self-Narration in Contemporary Literary Journalism

Sedelius, Selma January 2022 (has links)
Uppsatsen studerar två nutida reportage i reportagebokens format: Klubben av Matilda Gustavsson, och Smärtpunkten av Elisabeth Åsbrink. Syftet är att undersöka hur reportern själv och det journalistiska arbetet framställs i reportagen och vad det får för konsekvenser för reportagens journalistiska syften. I uppsatsen tillämpas narratologisk teori utifrån begrepp som modus, tempus, röst, konsonans och dissonans. Även journalistisk teori om objektivitet och transparens, samt teorier om trovärdighet, autenticitet och life writing används. Båda reportagen har en komplex narratologisk konstruktion som innehåller en subjektivt jag-berättande reporter och en ramberättelse som detaljerat beskriver reporterns eget journalistiska arbete. Analysen visar hur konstruktionen med ramberättelsen om det journalistiska arbetet och det subjektiva jag-berättandet skapar trovärdighet, närvaro och engagemang för reportagets ärende. I synnerhet i Klubben används det subjektiva jag-berättandet som en strategi som stämmer väl överens med teorierna om life writing. Detta framhäver reportagets vittnande karaktär, där både reportern och de karaktärer som hon berättar om framstår som röster och vittnesbörd i en större berättelse om förövare och offer, men också i berättelsen om journalistikens viktiga roll att granska samhället och avslöja missförhållanden. Det subjektiva berättandet, med sina drag av life writing, bidrar alltså till engagemang, autenticitet, trovärdighet och transparens i beskrivningarna av både de händelser som reportagen beskriver och av det journalistiska arbetet i sig.

Fotboll och politik : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur rapporteringen av landslag från MENA-regionen respektive Europa konstrueras inom svensk sportjournalistik i samband med fotbolls-VM i Qatar 2022

Ibrahim, Suleiman January 2023 (has links)
Tidigare forskning har visat att medias rapportering om olika länder, kulturer och etniciteter skiljer sig åt beroende på vad och vilka som porträtteras, vilket i synnerhet förtydligas kring framställningen av avvikande kulturer. Kunskap kring dessa förhållanden problematiseras även i sportsliga sammanhang, där forskning bland annat tittat närmare på medierepresentation utifrån ett ”vi” och ”dem”-tänkande. Information kring hur media valt att konstruera landslag utifrån ett regionalt perspektiv, är dock inte lika utbrett. Denna studies syfte är därför att undersöka hur landslag under fotbolls-VM i Qatar 2022 porträtteras inom svensk sportjournalistik. Vidare behandlar studiens frågeställningar mer specifikt hur landslag från MENA-regionen (en engelskspråkig förkortning av länder från ”Mellanöstern och Nordafrika”), respektive Europa konstrueras i Expressen och Aftonbladets rapporteringar, och hur dessa skildringar kan förstås utifrån ett postkolonialt perspektiv. För att på ett djupare plan analysera dessa mediers rapporteringar, har diskursteorin tillämpats i undersökningen. Samtidigt har den postkoloniala teorin använts för att utröna historiska och kulturella förklaringar till mediernas skildringar. En kritisk diskursanalys har vidare tillämpats som metod för denna studie, med utgångspunkt i ett analysschema.  Resultatet visar att svensk sportjournalistik avviker i sin rapportering under mästerskapet, där yttre faktorer såsom politiska aspekter i stor utsträckning syns i texterna som behandlar landslagen från MENA-regionen. Medan sportsliga företeelser i synnerhet kommer till bruk i texterna som redogör för europeiska landslag. Studien visar även att de sportsliga resultaten redogörs på olika sätt beroende på vilka landslag som det rapporteras om. Anledningarna till dessa olikartade skildringar kan möjligen förklaras i den kulturella närhet respektive avstånd, som svensk sportjournalistik har till Europa (västerlandet), samt MENA-regionen (orienten).

Podcastens påverkan på traditionell radio : En kvalitativ intervjustudie på journalisters syn på podcasts påverkan på traditionell radio / The impact of podcasts on traditional radio reporting :  A qualitative interview study how journalists view the impact of podcasts on traditional radio

Lundvall Runsten, Eyla January 2024 (has links)
This study examines how journalists view the impact of podcasts on traditional radio, with focus on the growing popularity of podcasts and their influence in the radio industry. The study uses a qualitative research method with semi structured interviews with journalists who have experience with both radio and podcast. Throughout the interviews where five central themes identified:  Podcast as an opportunity and challenge Changed listening behaviorAdaptation and restructure of radio production Continued relevance of traditional radio  The future for radio and podcast  The results show that while podcasting offers new possibilities for content creation and audience engagement, it also presents challenges for traditional radio, especially when it is about keeping the audience and adapting to a changing media landscape. The study contributes with insights into how the radio industry evolves alongside digital trends and changes listening preferences, and how the professionals in the field handles the integration of traditional and new media forms.  This research is of importance to understand convergence culture in media and medialization theory, by exploring the relation between traditional radio and podcasts. The study also gives deeper insight into how media landscape affects producers and consumers of contents, it also emphasizes the need of flexibility and innovation in traditional radio to compete and coexist with the growing podcast industry.

“Vi kommer inte överleva om vi inte hittar nya läsare” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om journalisters syn på interaktionen med unga på sociala medier / "We won't survive if we don't find new readers" : A qualitative interview study on journalists' perspective on the interaction with a young audience on social media

Lindström, Malvina, Lundberg, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Social media platforms have become a natural part of gathering information and news consumption by the audience. Using social media as a journalistic tool is therefore valuable to reach target audiences, and through this, create a relationship with future subscribers. Social media has also been established by previous research to be the most central platform of consuming news among teenagers and younger adults. This suggests a further reason for social media to be of interest in journalistic research but also motivates the selection of a younger target audience as the chosen subject of inspection. In addition, previous research reveals that with the immense amount of information circling on social media and the commercialisation of media, the trust in journalism is decreasing which can be considered as a threat to democracy. Researching journalists perspective on the interaction with a young audience was found relevant since previous research shows studies of either trust in media through the eyes of young audiences or the journalistic work methods for creating content on social media but never combined to investigate how these two correlate. This qualitative study conducted in depth interviews with six social media editors at six different newspapers within the media organization Gota Media. Through a thematic analysis scheme, codes and themes were identified and further analyzed using Habermas theories concerning mass media and the public sphere and Dahl’s theory of democracy. The study found a common ambition of reaching the young target audience through social media, however the strategy of doing so differed. While one group of the interviewees believed in extending the dialog with the audience and increasing their vocal intervention in the comment section, the other part of the interviewees believed in improvement of the brand and increasing the material published to reach the target audience through a heightened visibility on social media. In addition, the study also found that the democratic role of journalism was deprioritized in the process of making content for social media as well as comforting to the social media platforms media logic.

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