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Hälsoundervisning i grundsärskolan : En intervjustudie om lärares beskrivning om hälsoundervisning i idrott och hälsa / Health education in special schools : An interview study about how teachers describe their health education within physical educationSvensson, Pär January 2016 (has links)
The objective of this study was to get knowledge about teaching health in special schools through an investigation on how four teachers in physical education describe their teaching in health. To find out how the teachers describe their teaching the qualitative research interview method was used. On the basis of this study interviews with four teachers, teaching in physical education, was conducted. The result was analyzed using the perspective of KASAM (sense of coherence) by Antonovsky (2005) which showed a comprehensive view on the teachers concept of health. To mediate the health curriculum content to the students among others visualization and student interests were used as methods. The result showed furthermore that some teachers´ varied the lesson content a lot and that some teachers repeated a lot. Linked to the curriculums central content for special schools the result shows that the teachers´ lesson content only partly is included. Some parts of the central content of the curriculum are not included at all. Keywords Health, special school, physical education, KASAM (sense of coherence), teaching, central content / Syftet med studien är att få kunskap om hälsoundervisning i grundsärskolan genom att undersöka hur fyra lärare i idrott och hälsa beskriver sin hälsoundervisning. För att ta reda på hur lärarna beskriver sin undervisning användes den kvalitativa intervjun som metod. Studiens underlag bygger på intervjuer av fyra lärare som undervisar i idrott och hälsa i grundsärskolan. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt är Antonovskys (2005) KASAM (Känsla Av Sammanhang). Resultatet visade att lärarna har en helhetssyn på begreppet hälsa. För att förmedla läroplanens hälsoinnehåll till eleverna användes bland annat elevernas intresse och visualisering som metoder. Resultatet visade vidare att vissa av lärarna varierar lektionsinnehållet medan andra upprepar mycket. Kopplat till det centrala innehållet i läroplan för grundsärskolan (Skolverket, 2011) visar resultatet att det centrala innehållet i kursplanen tas upp i lärarnas lektionsinnehåll men bara delvis. Vissa delar i kursplanens centrala innehåll (Skolverket, 2011) finns inte med i lärarnas innehåll överhuvudtaget. Nyckelord Hälsa, grundsärskola, idrott och hälsa, KASAM (Känsla Av Sammanhang), undervisning, centralt innehåll
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Psykisk hälsa i skolan, ett förebyggande arbete : En enkätstudie över lärare i ämnet Idrott och hälsas uppfattning om arbetet med psykisk hälsa på lektionstid / A survey of teachers in the subject Physical education´s view on the work of mental health in classAndersson, Anna, Melandsö, Kajza January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study was to study how Swedish teachers in Physical education work with mental health, their own perceived level of knowledge and how they wish to work. A quantitative survey has been conducted via Facebook. In total 146 respondents participated in the survey. The results were analyzed with the theories KASAM and OCB role perception taken into account, and linked to previous research. The result shows that teachers plan for mental health in the education quite rarely, but nevertheless talk about mental health relatively often outside of scheduled time. Most teachers consider themselves to have a fairly good knowledge of mental health. However, more than half of them perceive that the subject has been treated to a low degree during their own education. Most teachers want mental health to take a greater part in lessons. Several teachers suggest that mental health should become an own subject. / Studiens syfte var att studera hur lärare i Idrott och hälsa arbetar med psykisk hälsa, deras upplevda kunskapsnivå samt hur de önskar arbeta med psykisk hälsa. En kvantitativ enkätundersökning har genomförts via Facebook. I denna deltog totalt 146 respondenter. Resultatet har analyserats och tolkats utifrån teorierna KASAM och OCB rolluppfattning, samt utifrån tidigare forskning inom området. Resultatet visar att nästan alla respondenter anser att skolan har ansvar för undervisning i psykisk hälsa. Lärare planerar ganska sällan för psykisk hälsa på lektionstid, men berör ändå ämnet relativt ofta utanför schemalagd lektionstid. De flesta lärare anser sig ha en ganska god kunskap om psykisk hälsa, dock upplever mer än hälften att ämnet behandlats i låg omfattning under lärarutbildningen. De flesta lärare vill att psykisk hälsa ska utgöra en större del av undervisningen även om bristande tid och utrymme utgör hinder. Flera lärare föreslår att psykisk hälsa borde bli ett eget skolämne.
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Skolan i restaurangen och restaurangen i skolan : En undersökning av hotell och restaurangelevers känsla av sammanhang i sin köksundervisningVooremaa, Aime January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Pedagogiska verktyg i arbetet för elevens motivation : En studie inom särskolanMartini Calmen, David January 2012 (has links)
This study was conducted at a special school for children with autism and developmental disabilities. The study consists of three interviews where pedagogues have different experiences of working with children in need of special support. The aim is to get an idea of how teachers think about working with children autism, but above all to find out what methods and educational tools that are used, and why they are used to best motivate students to a rewarding education. Sense of coherence (SOC) is a central concept and a theoretical basis of the study relating to the student to create comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness in life. All of these three are essential for the student to find a predictable environment. From the result shows how schools and teachers use different methods and different tools, but both have a focus to help the student find motivation in the learning process. Pedagogues mentions three pedagogical tools where two of them get a little more space in the paper. The pedagogues tell how they think about the various tools and intention of these in the process of helping the student in the quest to find the motivation and meaningfulness in school and life. It is important to highlight the need for special education for children with special needs where special school is an institution that offers expertise in this. Something that makes a big impression is the discussion of how education and training should be tailored along each student's abilities and needs. The pedagogue dialogue is easy to attach to the policy in their operations, curriculum for special school (2011). One pedagogue also expresses this to be a living document which will also serve as support staff in the business.
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AS-bra arbetskraft : En studie om personer med Aspergers syndrom (AS) och arbete / AS good as anyone : A study of people with Asperger syndrome (AS) and workÅslund, Anna, Edlund, Maria January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to highlight the type of actions that can facilitate people with Asperger syndrome to get and keep a job in the regular labour market. Four interviews were done with people who have been diagnosed with Asperger syndrome and who got a job in the regular labour market. The study shows that efforts from society and friends at work have played a role when they had got their jobs and when they managed to keep it. The study shows that these efforts have strengthened their self-image and confidence. The study also shows that adaptations in the work, the ability to control over social contacts and the importance of having a job may have contributed to the respondents stayed in the workplace. The study also shows that counseling has played a role in the investigated people’s career development and helped them to find a job. The study draws no general conclusions when the result concerns four peoples own views. However, the above factors have played a role for the respondents. The result cannot be interpreted to apply to all persons who have Asperger syndrome, it is important to see the individual behind the diagnosis. / Syftet med studien var att belysa vilken typ av insatser som kan underlätta för personer med Aspergers syndrom att få och behålla ett arbete på den reguljära arbetsmarknaden. Fyra intervjuer genomfördes med personer som har diagnosen Aspergers syndrom och som har ett arbete på den reguljära arbetsmarknaden. Studien visar att insatser från samhället och från arbetskamrater i kombination med en egen drivkraft har haft betydelse när de respondenterna fått sitt arbete och när de klarat av att behålla det. Insatserna har stärkt självbild och självförtroende. Studien visar även att anpassningar i arbetet, möjlighet att själv styra över sociala kontakter samt betydelsen av att ha ett arbete kan ha bidragit till att respondenterna stannat kvar på sin arbetsplats. Studien visar också att studie- och yrkesvägledning har haft betydelse för respondenternas karriärutveckling samt hjälpt dem till arbete. Studien drar inga generella slutsatser då resultatet avser fyra personers egna uppfattningar. Dock konstateras att ovanstående faktorer har haft betydelse för respondenterna. Slutsatserna kan heller inte tolkas att gälla alla personer som har Aspergers syndrom, det är viktigt att se individen bakom diagnosen.
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Skolan i restaurangen och restaurangen i skolan : En undersökning av hotell och restaurangelevers känsla av sammanhang i sin köksundervisningVooremaa, Aime January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Samordnad arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering vad händer med projekt som har avslutats?Olofsson, Birgitta January 2013 (has links)
Inledning: Under min praktik 2011 kom jag i kontakt med ett samordningsförbund FINSAM, som arbetar med rehabiliteringsfrågor. Det var också här som jag kom i kontakt med de olika samverkansprojekt som bedrivs inom regionen både inom Samordningsförbundet FINSAM samt ESF projekten. Syfte med studien var att se vad det är som har hänt när ett samverkansprojekt avslutas. Metoden är en litteraturstudie som jag sen har kopplat samman med det intervjuerna som jag har gjort. Intervjuerna spelades in på en diktafon på respektive arbetsplats samt via samtal i ett bokat grupprum på biblioteket. Därefter transkriberade och analyserade jag utifrån innehållsanalysen. Resultatet presenteras utifrån de intervjuerna. Dessa utgår ifrån de sju olika teman som har berörts i den här studien. Resultatet visar en enighet utifrån hur projektledarna och samordnaren ser på det här med; samverkan, samarbete, KASAM och Coachning samt att använda olika grupper som referensgrupper och att nätverka. Hur de ser på hur implementeringen har fungerat är en annan del av resultatet. / Introduction: During my practice in 2011, I came in contact with a coordination covenant FINSAM, working with rehabilitation issues. It was also here that I came in contact with the various cooperation project conducted within the region both in the association FINSAM and ESF projects. Objective: Aim of the study was to see what happened when a collaborative project completed. Method: Is a literature which I then have interconnected with the interviews that I have done. The interviews were recorded on a dictaphone at the persons workings place and I also booked a study room at the library. Then I transcribed and analyzed by content analysis. The result: The results are based on the interviews, which are constructed on the seven different themes that have been affected in this study. The results show a unity based on how the project managers and coordinators look at this with; collaboration, cooperation, KASAM and coaching as well as various groups and peer networking. Then how they look at how the implementation has worked is another part of the result. / <p>2013</p>
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Hela min själ är fylld utav sår : En studie utifrån kvinnors egna upplevelser av att leva med självskadebeteende / All my soul is filled of wounds : A study based on women’s experiences of living with self-injury.Axelsson, Camilla, Karlsson, Josefin January 2015 (has links)
This study intends to illuminate women’s experiences of their own self-harm. Self-harm is mostly associated with women and research shows that women mostly are over-represented. This study describes women’s experiences about their self-harm but also how they perceive the elements around them during their illness. There is a focus on women’s abilities to manage emotions and how they are expressed. There is also a focus on how women perceive the support from important people in their individual social network. This study is completed by a qualitative approach based on six autobiographies there young women tells about their self-harm and mental health. The study has a hermeneutic approach which enables interpretation of our collected material. The result is presented based on two themes that focus on the women’s emotional management and their support from their social network. The empirical material is analyzed on the basis of theoretical concepts of systems theory and network theory but also Antonovsky’s (1987) theory; KASAM. The result of this study resulted that the women’s social network have significance for them during the time with self-harm whether their social network are functional or not. The study has also found that the women’s emotional management are affected by meaningsfullness, manageability and comprehensibility.
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Samverkan inom internationella HR-funktioner : Vilka faktorer främjar respektive hindrar att samverkan ska bidra till en ökad känsla av sammanhang och självtillit? / Collaboration within international HR-functions : What factors promote or prevent cooperation to contribute to an increased sense of coherence and self-efficacy?Olofsson, Elin, Eriksson, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Denna studie har ämnat undersöka vilka faktorer som möjliggör respektive hindrar att internationell samverkan kan påverka HR-medarbetares känsla av sammanhang och självtillit samt vilka effekter det kan resultera i. Metod: Studien bygger på en abduktiv ansats och forskningsfrågorna har besvarats genom en kvalitativ metod. Datan som ligger till grund för studiens resultat samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Vid datainsamlingen undersöktes fem internationella organisationer med respondenter som har en befattning inom HR och en tematisk analysmetod tillämpades vid sammanställningen av resultatet. Resultat: Resultatet visar att det finns olika framgångsfaktorer och barriärer för att internationell samverkan ska leda till en känsla av sammanhang och självtillit. Teknologi, fysiska möten, ledarskap och kultur samt HR-funktionens struktur och medarbetarnas roller har identifierats som de viktigaste framgångsfaktorerna. Kultur, tid och avstånd utgör barriärer för att internationell samverkan ska leda till en känsla av sammanhang och självtillit. Resultatet påvisar också att sambandet mellan internationell samverkan, en känsla av sammanhang och självtillit leder till flera olika effekter, som en ökad prestation, motivation och arbetstillfredsställelse. Dessa effekter resulterar i en ökad vilja hos HR-medarbetarna till att samverka över nationella gränser. Teoretiska implikationer: Studien bidrar med teoretiska implikationer till forskningen inom SIHRM genom att studera internationell samverkan ur ett nytt perspektiv. Studien bidrar till en ökad förståelse för vilka faktorer som möjliggör eller hindrar att samverkan ska bidra till en känsla av sammanhang och självtillit för medarbetarna inom HR-funktioner. Studien bidrar även med en ökad förståelse för hur effekterna av sambandet kan främja HR-funktionens internationella samverkan positivt. Praktiska implikationer: Studien kan användas som ett ramverk för HR-medarbetare och chefer samt andra individer som samverkar över nationella gränser. Detta genom att det kan bidra med en förståelse för vilka faktorer som främjar eller hindrar att samverkan kan påverka en känsla av sammanhang och självtillit. / Purpose: The aim of this study have been to examine barriers and success factors for how international collaboration affect HR employees sense of coherence and self-efficacy and the resulting effects. Method: The study is based on an abductive approach and the research questions have been answered with a qualitative method. The data on which the results of the study is based were collected by conducting semistructured interviews. Interviews was conducted with HR people in five international organizations and a thematic analysis method was applied. Results: The results show that there are several different success factors and barriers to international collaboration leading to a sense of coherence and self-efficacy. Technology, physical meetings, leadership and culture, structure and roles of the employees have been identified as the most important success factors. Culture, time and distance are barriers to international collaboration leading to a sense of coherence and self-efficacy. The result also shows that the relationship between international collaboration, a sense of coherence and self-efficacy leads to several different effects, such as increased work performance, motivation and job satisfaction. These effects result in an increased motivation to collaborate across national borders. Theoretical implications: The study contributes theoretical implications to SIHRM research by studying international collaboration from a new perspective. The study contributes to an increased understanding of which factors enable or prevent international collaboration to affect HR employees' sense of coherence and self-efficacy. The study also contributes with an increased understanding of how the effects of the association can positively promote the HR function's international collaboration. Practical implications: The study can be used as a framework for HR employees and managers as well as other individuals who collaborate across national borders. It can contribute with an understanding of which factors enable or prevent collaboration to affect a sense of coherence and self-efficacy.
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Hemlösas upplevelser av deras livssituation och bemötande från socialtjänsten / Homeless people´s perspectives on their situation and the treatment of the social servicesEdin, Nathalie January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the situation of homeless people, how they perceive the efforts of the social-services and what opportunities and limitations there is for homeless people to live a health-promoting life. Through qualitative interviews with five acute homeless people I interpreted the results based on the salutogenic perspective of KASAM and the theory of relational power. Results show that homeless people are a vulnerable group with a weak social network, a life characterized by addiction and mental healthproblems and with a limited participation in the society. They express both positive and negative experiences of the social-services, mostly negative. Despite their difficult situation, I found that they have the potential to live a health-promoting life if they are able to manage their existence by accessing alternative social resources such as significant relationships or a religious belief, meaningful activities and the understanding of how they ended up in this situation. Homeless people would like for the social-services to work faster and to design requirements and support based on their individual conditions and needs. Priority initiatives include housing, drugtreatment, occupation and support through good relationships and conversations.
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