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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En litteraturstudie om språk- och kunskapsutvecklande undervisning i naturvetenskap på högstadie- och gymnasienivå

Strid, Matilda, Sjödahl, Emma January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie är att bidra till den kunskap som finns för hur skolan kan utforma en undervisning i de naturvetenskapliga ämnena som integrerar språk i ämnesundervisning på högstadie- och gymnasienivå. Internationell forskning har analyserats tematiskt varpå tre teman framkommit: 1) Vikten av en språk- och kunskapsutvecklande undervisning i naturvetenskapliga ämnen, 2) Språk- och kunskapsutvecklande undervisningsstrategier och metoder, och 3) Naturvetenskapslärares attityder till språk- och kunskapsutvecklande undervisning, och dess inverkan på förutsättningarna för lärande. Resultatet visar på att ett språk- och kunskapsutvecklande arbetssätt är viktigt inom naturvetenskapliga ämnen och på högstadie- och gymnasienivå eftersom det innefattar höga språkkrav där språket blir mer abstrakt, avancerat och distanserat. Arbetssättet verkar gynna alla elever, men särskilt flerspråkiga elever och elever från socioekonomiskt svaga familjer. Resultatet visar också på flertalet olika strategier för utveckling av elevers språk- och ämneskunskaper. Vidare framkom att lärare har olika attityder till och kunskap om att integrera språk i ämnesundervisningen. Därför hoppas vi kunna bidra med kunskap inom området som kan visa på vikten av ett språk- och kunskapsutvecklande arbetssätt, vilka undervisningsstrategier och metoder man som lärare kan använda samt vad lärare och skolledningen behöver satsa på för att ett sådant arbetssätt ska vara genomförbart. I denna litteraturstudie har vi kommit fram till att ett språk- och kunskapsutvecklande arbetssätt bör implementeras i ämnesundervisningen för att kunna bidra med en likvärdig utbildning. / The purpose of this systematic literature study is to contribute to the knowledge that exists for how the school can design teaching in the science subjects that integrate language in subject teaching at high school and upper secondary school level, ages 12-19. International research has been analyzed thematically and three themes have emerged: 1) The importance of language and knowledge development teaching in science subjects, 2) Teaching strategies and methods for language and knowledge development teaching, and 3) Science teachers' attitudes towards language and knowledge development teaching, and its impact on the conditions for learning. The result shows that language and knowledge-development teaching is important in science subjects and at higher school levels because it includes high language requirements where the language becomes more abstract, advanced and distant. The working method seems to benefit all students, but especially multilingual students and students from socio-economically weak families. The result also shows several different strategies for developing students' language and subject knowledge. Furthermore, it emerged that teachers have different attitudes towards and knowledge of integrating language into subject teaching. Therefore, we hope to be able to contribute with knowledge in the area that can demonstrate the importance of language and knowledge-development, which teaching strategies and methods you as a teacher can use and what teachers and school management need to invest in for such a working method to be feasible. In this literature study, we have come to the conclusion that a language and knowledge-developing working method should be implemented in subject teaching in order to contribute with an equivalent education.

”Vi måste språka med barnen” : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärares beskrivningar kring hur de stöttar språkutvecklingen hos flerspråkiga barn genom högläsning i förskolan.

Green, Elin, Alameli, Nada January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to deepen the understanding of and contribute knowledge about how preschool teachers work to promote the language development of multilingual children through reading aloud. The following questions are:  What tools do preschool teachers describe that they use when reading aloud to support the language development of multilingual children? How do preschool teachers describe the work in the inclusion of multilingual children in reading aloud in preschool? In this study, a qualitative method has been used to get closer to the preschool teachers' perspectives and thoughts through semi-structured interviews. The study's theoretical point of departure is the socio-cultural perspective where mediation and scaffolding are used as two central concepts as well as translanguaging as theory. In the results of the study, it appears that the preschool teachers describe different tools and methods that include, among other things, AAC (augmentative and alternative communication), image analysis, choosing a suitable book, smaller groups of children, collaboration with others children and digital resources such as Polyglutt. The analysis method that has been used in the study to analyze the material is a thematic analysis. The results of the study also show that the preschool teachers describe their way of working with the inclusion of multilingual children based on the different opportunities and obstacles they encountered during reading aloud with multilingual children. / Denna studie syftar till att fördjupa förståelsen av och bidra med kunskap om hur förskollärare arbetar med att stötta språkutvecklingen hos flerspråkiga barn genom högläsning. Följande frågeställningar är: Vilka verktyg beskriverförskollärare att de använder vid högläsning för att stötta språkutvecklingenhos flerspråkiga barn? Hur beskriver förskollärare sitt arbetssätt medinkluderingen av flerspråkiga barn vid högläsning i förskolan? I denna studie har en kvalitativ metod använts för att komma närmre förskollärarnas perspektiv och tankar genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt är det sociokulturella perspektivet där mediering och scaffolding används som två centrala begrepp samt transspråkande som teori. Analysmetoden som tillämpats i studien för att analysera datamaterialet är en tematisk analys. Resultatet visar att förskollärarna använder olika verktyg såsom TAKK, bildanalys, val av lämplig bok, mindre barngrupper, samarbete med andra barn och digitala resurser som Polyglutt under högläsning. Studiens resultat visar även på att förskollärarna beskriver sitt arbetssätt med inkludering av flerspråkiga barnutifrån vilka olika möjligheter och hinder som de stött på under högläsning med flerspråkiga barn.

När spårket brister : En fenomenologisk studie som lyfter förskollärarens upplevelse kring arbetet med barn som har språkliga svårigheter / When language fails : A phenomenological study that highlights the preschool teacher's experience of working with children who have language difficultiess

Lickander, Maria, Laine, Tove January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att lyfta fram sex förskollärares upplevelser kring arbetet med barn som har språkliga svårigheter. Studien baseras på en kvalitativ forskningsundersökning där förskollärarna intervjuades genom frågor som handlade om deras förutsättningar, metoder, stöttning för barnen, utmaningar och samarbetet. Studien utgår ifrån ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv där epoché, fenomen, livsvärld, meningsbärande enheter och essens är de centrala begrepp som används i koppling till analysen. I resultatet och analysen framställs det som ansågs vara kärnan i förskollärarnas upplevelser utifrån det som togs upp under intervjuerna. Här läggs fokus på språkmedvetet arbete, synligheten av svårigheter, tiden, vikten av att se varje barn och det viktiga samarbetet. / The purpose of this study was to highlight six preschool teachers' experiences of working with children with language difficulties. The study is based on a qualitative research where the preschool teachers were interviewed through questions about their conditions, methods, support for the children, challenges and cooperation. The study is based on a phenomenological perspective where epoch, phenomenon, lifeworld, meaning-bearing units and essence are the central concepts used in connection with the analysis. In the results and analysis, what was considered to be the core of the preschool teachers' experiences is presented based on what was raised during the interviews. Here, the focus is on language-aware work, the visibility of difficulties, time, the importance of seeing each child and the important collaboration.

Det handlar inte bara om att läsa, utan om ett omsorgsfullt relationsskapande : En kvalitativ studie kring förskollärares relationsskapande utifrån högläsning / It´s not just about reading, but also about a careful relationship building : A qualitative study of preschoolteachers´ relationship building based on reading aloud

Nyström, Anneli, Petersen, Mikaela January 2022 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur förskollärare arbetar relationellt med högläsning, både analogt och digitalt i verksamheten på förskolan. För att uppnå syftet besvaras följande frågeställningar i studien:  ·       På vilket sätt använder sig förskollärarna av högläsning i förskolan och vad är deras syfte med högläsningen?  ·       På vilket sätt skapar förskollärarna gemensamt lärande genom högläsning? ·       Hur bjuder förskollärarna in barnen till ett gemensamt lärande med hjälp av högläsning? Studien bygger på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod där empirin kommer från sex semistrukturerade intervjuer, som efter transkribering kodats och genomgått en tematisk analys. Detta för att visa hur förskollärarna arbetar med högläsning utifrån ett relationellt perspektiv. De centrala begrepp som använts för att analysera det insamlade materialet är relationskompetens, det mellanmänskliga, sociala band, pedagogiska möten, pedagogiska tillvägagångssätt och pedagogisk rörelse.  Resultatet visar att högläsning med hjälp av det relationella perspektivet bidrar till barns språkutveckling. Det bidrar även till samspel, gemenskap och gemensamt lärande på ett lustfyllt sätt. I de fall då förskollärarna inte hann eller prioriterade planeringen inför högläsningstillfällena blev språkutvecklingen utifrån högläsning lidande. Slutsatsen blir att när förskollärare bjuder in barnen till att lyssna på både analog och digital högläsning, samt använder sig av sin relationella kompetens vid högläsningstillfällena ges barnen många möjligheter till att utveckla sitt språk. När förskollärarna däremot inte hinner eller prioriterar planeringen av högläsningstillfällena blir dessa lidande och barnen får därmed inte den språkutveckling förskollärarna önskar att de kunde ge dem.

Zur sprachlichen Frühförderung von Kindern mit Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalte unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Zusammenarbeit mit den Eltern

Horbank, Ulrike 21 August 2013 (has links)
Bereits im frühen Kindesalter zeigen Kinder mit Spaltbildungen im Vergleich zu Kindern ohne Spaltbildungen eine veränderte Sprachentwicklung. Untersucht wurden die Möglichkeiten einer von Geburt ansetzenden Sprachförderung von Kindern mit Spaltbildung unter intensiver Zusammenarbeit mit den Eltern im Hinblick auf eine physiologische Sprachentwicklung. Innerhalb der Arbeit wurde ein sprachliches Frühförderkonzept für Kinder mit Lippen-, Kiefer-, Gaumenspalte (LKG) für die Zeit der ersten zwei Lebensjahre entwickelt und mit sieben Kindern mit LKG (Untersuchungsgruppe) in Form von Hausbesuchen erprobt. Im Alter von zwei Jahren wurde die Sprachentwicklung dieser Kinder mit sieben Kindern ohne Spaltbildung (Vergleichsgruppe) verglichen. Für die Auswertung der Untersuchungen kamen die Testverfahren ELFRA-1, ELFRA-2 und SETK-2 sowie eine informelle Prüfung des Lautbestandes zum Einsatz. Die Ergebnisse bestätigten bei fünf Kindern der Untersuchungsgruppe Unterschiede im sprachlichen Entwicklungsverlauf, die sich in Tendenzen zu Sprachentwicklungsrückständen bzw. Auffälligkeiten auf phonetisch-phonologischer Ebene niederschlugen. Deutlichere Hinweise auf Symptome der Gaumenspaltensprache gab es nur bei zwei Probanden. Zwei Kinder der Untersuchungsgruppe zeigten eine altersgerechte sprachliche Entwicklung. Möglicherweise sind diese positiven Ergebnisse auch auf die frühe sprachtherapeutische Förderung zurückzuführen. Zukünftig müsste die Wirksamkeit frühsprachlicher Förderkonzepte anhand von größeren Probandengruppen und längerem Förderzeitraum untersucht werden. / Even in the earliest stages of speech and language development children with cleft lip and palate show differences compared to children without clefts. This study focussed on encouraging early speech development of children with cleft lip and palate and investigated an intensive cooperation between speech pathologist and parents straight after birth up to the age of two years. An early intervention speech program was developed for the first two years of life and tried out on seven children with cleft lip and palate (research group). At the age of two the speech and language development of these children was compared to seven children without clefts (control group). For the time of the investigation the speech pathologist visited the families at home on a regular basis. Evaluation was done with the help of the following instruments: parent questionnaire ELFRA-1, ELFRA-2, language test SETK-2 and an informal screening of the childrens’ sound inventory. The results show differences in speech development in five children with clefts that are reflected in tendencies for delayed speech development and decreased phonological abilities. However, only two children of the research group showed distinctive signs of cleft palate speech. Two children of this group even had speech and language outcomes without pathological findings. Tentatively, these positive results may also be attributed to the effects of the early speech intervention. In future, the effectivity of such programs must be evaluated by researching larger groups of children over a longer period of time.

Cross-dialectal acceptance of written standards : two Ghanaian case studies

Hasselbring, Sue 31 July 2006 (has links)
Cross-dialectal acceptance of a written standard (CAWS) is essential for that standard to be used by speakers of divergent dialects of a language. Earlier works have focused on the influence of linguistic differences on comprehension of the standard, but little attention has been given the influence of socio-cultural and programmatic factors on acceptance of a standard. Case studies of the Lelemi and Likpakpaanl language development programmes provide information through which the socio-cultural and programmatic factors which influence CAWS can be identified. Due to the complex nature of the topic, various indicators are used to measure levels of acceptance of the written standard by speakers of each dialect. Socio-cultural factors which influence CAWS relate either to the language community's degree of interdialectal communication or to their perception of being a unified people. These factors include social structure, governance, cultural and religious activities, and patterns of marriage, commerce, transportation and migration. The existence of extensive social networks and the role of opinion leaders were also influential Activities of the two language development programmes which positively influenced CAWS included those which informed and involved speakers of all dialects of the language. These activities built on the existing levels of unity and inter-dialectal communication by using existing social networks. The Lelemi programme involved speakers of all dialects more uniformly than did the Likpakpaanl programme. However, both programmes informed and involved speakers of all dialects to some extent. The dialect communities of each language did not equally accept the written standards. Acceptance appeared to correlate more strongly with programmatic factors than with sociocultural or linguistic factors. This thesis provides a model for language teams to follow in 1) identifying socio-cultural factors which have the potential to influence CAWS; 2) applying knowledge about the socio-cultural situation to programme planning; and, 3) assessing levels of acceptance by speakers of each dialect. / Linguistics / D. Litt. et Phil. (Linguistics)

Avaliação do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor em uma coorte de nascimento, a frequência de atraso aos 6 meses e a associação com fatores psicossociais e ambientais / Neurodevelopment assessment in a birth cohort, the delay rate at 6 months and the association with psychosocial and environmental factors

Tella, Patricia Constantino de 26 November 2015 (has links)
O presente estudo é um subprojeto do Instituto de Psiquiatria do Desenvolvimento intitulado \"Novas Ferramentas na Compreensão do Desenvolvimento Infantil: a Interação Gene-Ambiente e Conectividade Neuronal\", financiado pela FAPESP e aprovado pela CAPPESQ com o número de protocolo 0054/09. Os primeiros anos são particularmente importantes no ciclo vital, é rápido o crescimento e desenvolvimento do cérebro, tornando-se vulnerável à exposição a diferentes fatores de risco biológicos e psicossociais. Os fatores biológicos, em geral, são acompanhados por fatores psicossociais e ambientais que potencializam o seu efeito. Essas condições adversas são fatores de risco e ameaça ao desenvolvimento infantil. Devido à importância e ao impacto dos atrasos no desenvolvimento sobre o futuro da criança, quanto mais precocemente forem identificadas as crianças de maior risco, menor o agravamento futuro. O objetivo dessa dissertação foi caracterizar o desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor de crianças de 6 a 9 meses através da Escala Bayley de Desenvolvimento, em uma amostra de base populacional. Estimou-se a prevalência de atraso e a identificou os fatores de risco psicossociais e ambientais associados. É um estudo epidemiológico de coorte de nascimento longitudinal, com três seguimentos. A primeira entrevista com a gestante, para coleta de dados socioeconômicos e a entrevista para diagnósticos psiquiátricos, o segundo encontro para verificar diagnósticos psiquiátricos no puerpério, dados de nascimento e alimentação do lactente e por último aos 6 meses a aplicação da Escala Bayley. Avaliados 368 lactentes, encontramos 15,4% das crianças classificadas com atraso significativo em pelo menos um dos domínios, entre eles 10,87% tiveram atraso no desenvolvimento motor, com déficit de linguagem o total de 8,15% e 3,01% dos lactentes apresentaram atraso no desenvolvimento cognitivo aos 6 meses. Em analises constatou que o desenvolvimento cognitivo foi o fator com maior associação a fatores de estresse materno. Os transtornos, de humor durante a gestação, transtorno psicótico e transtorno de ansiedade no puerpério, a classe econômica, escolaridade materno, mãe adolescente e fumo durante a gestação, foram associados ao atraso no desenvolvimento mesmo após ajustes para fatores confundidores. Conclui-se que os transtornos psiquiátricos são preditores de atraso no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor aos 6 meses de idade. Esse estudo mostra a importância da triagem para identificação de possíveis atrasos no desenvolvimento, para consequentes programas de intervenção a fim de evitar ou minimizar agravos futuros e possibilitar a criança desenvolver-se com todo seu potencial / This study is a subproject of Developmental Psychiatry Institute entitled \"New Tools in Child Development Understanding: Gene-Environment Interaction and Connectivity Neuronal\", funded by FAPESP and approved by CAPPESQ with protocol number 0054/09. It aims to characterize the neurological development of children aged 6 to 8 months by the Bayley scale in a population-based sample. It is expected, therefore, to estimate the prevalence of delay and the identification of psychosocial and environmental risk factors. The first years are particularly important in the life cycle, when is the rapid growth and development of the brain, making it vulnerable to exposure to different biological and psychosocial risk factors. Biological factors generally are accompanied by psychosocial and environmental factors that increase its effect. These adverse conditions are a risk factor and threat to child development. The importance and the impact of delays in the development of the child\'s future, the earlier identified the delay development, the risk could be smaller. The purpose of this thesis was to characterize the neurological development of children 6-9 months ago through the Bayley scale in a population-based sample, then estimate the prevalence of delay and identifying psychosocial and environmental risk factors. A longitudinal epidemiological study of birth cohort with three segments, the first interview with the pregnant woman, to collect socioeconomic data and the psychiatric diagnoses interview, the second meeting to check psychiatric diagnoses in the postpartum period, data of birth and infant feeding. At last, on six months, implementation the Bayley Scale of Development. Evaluated 368 infants, 15.4% children were classified as significant delay in at least one of the areas, among them 10.87% had delayed motor development, language delay total of 8.15% and 3.01 % of infants were delayed cognitive. In analysis, found that cognitive development was the factor with the largest association of maternal stress factors. Disorders, mood during pregnancy, psychotic disorder and anxiety disorder in the postpartum period, economic class, maternal education, teenage mother and smoking during pregnancy were associated with delayed development even after adjusting for confounding factors. It is concluded that, psychiatric disorders are predictors of delay in psychomotor development at 6 months of age. This study shows the importance of screening to identify possible developmental delays, for subsequent intervention programs to prevent or minimize future hazards and allow the child to develop to their full potential. Keywords: development; risk factors; infants

Avaliação do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor em uma coorte de nascimento, a frequência de atraso aos 6 meses e a associação com fatores psicossociais e ambientais / Neurodevelopment assessment in a birth cohort, the delay rate at 6 months and the association with psychosocial and environmental factors

Patricia Constantino de Tella 26 November 2015 (has links)
O presente estudo é um subprojeto do Instituto de Psiquiatria do Desenvolvimento intitulado \"Novas Ferramentas na Compreensão do Desenvolvimento Infantil: a Interação Gene-Ambiente e Conectividade Neuronal\", financiado pela FAPESP e aprovado pela CAPPESQ com o número de protocolo 0054/09. Os primeiros anos são particularmente importantes no ciclo vital, é rápido o crescimento e desenvolvimento do cérebro, tornando-se vulnerável à exposição a diferentes fatores de risco biológicos e psicossociais. Os fatores biológicos, em geral, são acompanhados por fatores psicossociais e ambientais que potencializam o seu efeito. Essas condições adversas são fatores de risco e ameaça ao desenvolvimento infantil. Devido à importância e ao impacto dos atrasos no desenvolvimento sobre o futuro da criança, quanto mais precocemente forem identificadas as crianças de maior risco, menor o agravamento futuro. O objetivo dessa dissertação foi caracterizar o desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor de crianças de 6 a 9 meses através da Escala Bayley de Desenvolvimento, em uma amostra de base populacional. Estimou-se a prevalência de atraso e a identificou os fatores de risco psicossociais e ambientais associados. É um estudo epidemiológico de coorte de nascimento longitudinal, com três seguimentos. A primeira entrevista com a gestante, para coleta de dados socioeconômicos e a entrevista para diagnósticos psiquiátricos, o segundo encontro para verificar diagnósticos psiquiátricos no puerpério, dados de nascimento e alimentação do lactente e por último aos 6 meses a aplicação da Escala Bayley. Avaliados 368 lactentes, encontramos 15,4% das crianças classificadas com atraso significativo em pelo menos um dos domínios, entre eles 10,87% tiveram atraso no desenvolvimento motor, com déficit de linguagem o total de 8,15% e 3,01% dos lactentes apresentaram atraso no desenvolvimento cognitivo aos 6 meses. Em analises constatou que o desenvolvimento cognitivo foi o fator com maior associação a fatores de estresse materno. Os transtornos, de humor durante a gestação, transtorno psicótico e transtorno de ansiedade no puerpério, a classe econômica, escolaridade materno, mãe adolescente e fumo durante a gestação, foram associados ao atraso no desenvolvimento mesmo após ajustes para fatores confundidores. Conclui-se que os transtornos psiquiátricos são preditores de atraso no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor aos 6 meses de idade. Esse estudo mostra a importância da triagem para identificação de possíveis atrasos no desenvolvimento, para consequentes programas de intervenção a fim de evitar ou minimizar agravos futuros e possibilitar a criança desenvolver-se com todo seu potencial / This study is a subproject of Developmental Psychiatry Institute entitled \"New Tools in Child Development Understanding: Gene-Environment Interaction and Connectivity Neuronal\", funded by FAPESP and approved by CAPPESQ with protocol number 0054/09. It aims to characterize the neurological development of children aged 6 to 8 months by the Bayley scale in a population-based sample. It is expected, therefore, to estimate the prevalence of delay and the identification of psychosocial and environmental risk factors. The first years are particularly important in the life cycle, when is the rapid growth and development of the brain, making it vulnerable to exposure to different biological and psychosocial risk factors. Biological factors generally are accompanied by psychosocial and environmental factors that increase its effect. These adverse conditions are a risk factor and threat to child development. The importance and the impact of delays in the development of the child\'s future, the earlier identified the delay development, the risk could be smaller. The purpose of this thesis was to characterize the neurological development of children 6-9 months ago through the Bayley scale in a population-based sample, then estimate the prevalence of delay and identifying psychosocial and environmental risk factors. A longitudinal epidemiological study of birth cohort with three segments, the first interview with the pregnant woman, to collect socioeconomic data and the psychiatric diagnoses interview, the second meeting to check psychiatric diagnoses in the postpartum period, data of birth and infant feeding. At last, on six months, implementation the Bayley Scale of Development. Evaluated 368 infants, 15.4% children were classified as significant delay in at least one of the areas, among them 10.87% had delayed motor development, language delay total of 8.15% and 3.01 % of infants were delayed cognitive. In analysis, found that cognitive development was the factor with the largest association of maternal stress factors. Disorders, mood during pregnancy, psychotic disorder and anxiety disorder in the postpartum period, economic class, maternal education, teenage mother and smoking during pregnancy were associated with delayed development even after adjusting for confounding factors. It is concluded that, psychiatric disorders are predictors of delay in psychomotor development at 6 months of age. This study shows the importance of screening to identify possible developmental delays, for subsequent intervention programs to prevent or minimize future hazards and allow the child to develop to their full potential. Keywords: development; risk factors; infants

Cross-dialectal acceptance of written standards : two Ghanaian case studies

Hasselbring, Sue 31 July 2006 (has links)
Cross-dialectal acceptance of a written standard (CAWS) is essential for that standard to be used by speakers of divergent dialects of a language. Earlier works have focused on the influence of linguistic differences on comprehension of the standard, but little attention has been given the influence of socio-cultural and programmatic factors on acceptance of a standard. Case studies of the Lelemi and Likpakpaanl language development programmes provide information through which the socio-cultural and programmatic factors which influence CAWS can be identified. Due to the complex nature of the topic, various indicators are used to measure levels of acceptance of the written standard by speakers of each dialect. Socio-cultural factors which influence CAWS relate either to the language community's degree of interdialectal communication or to their perception of being a unified people. These factors include social structure, governance, cultural and religious activities, and patterns of marriage, commerce, transportation and migration. The existence of extensive social networks and the role of opinion leaders were also influential Activities of the two language development programmes which positively influenced CAWS included those which informed and involved speakers of all dialects of the language. These activities built on the existing levels of unity and inter-dialectal communication by using existing social networks. The Lelemi programme involved speakers of all dialects more uniformly than did the Likpakpaanl programme. However, both programmes informed and involved speakers of all dialects to some extent. The dialect communities of each language did not equally accept the written standards. Acceptance appeared to correlate more strongly with programmatic factors than with sociocultural or linguistic factors. This thesis provides a model for language teams to follow in 1) identifying socio-cultural factors which have the potential to influence CAWS; 2) applying knowledge about the socio-cultural situation to programme planning; and, 3) assessing levels of acceptance by speakers of each dialect. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (Linguistics)

Term creation : an analysis of the strategies used in some selected Shona specialised terms dictionaries

Gumbo, Lettiah 02 1900 (has links)
This study is in the area of terminology activities in Zimbabwe and it analyses the term creation used in the following selected specialised terms dictionaries: Duramazwi Reurapi Neutano (Dictionary of Biomedical Terms), Duramazwi Remimhanzi (Dictionary of Shona Musical Terms), and Duramazwi Redudziramutauro NeUvaranomwe (Dictionary of Shona Linguistic and Literature Terms). The study specifically analyses and explores how terminographers together with health, music, language and literature specialists made use of their term creation skills and strategies in the creation of new specialised terms for the field of music, health and linguistics. In addition, this research takes into account the impact of factors such as culture, socio- economic, etymological purity, attitudes of the target users, language policy, as well as availability of resourceson term creation. Hence, term creation is an exercise that involves many aspects and interlinked factors. This research advances the argument that while some term creation strategies (compounding, coining and derivation) can be adequate and appropriate, however, at times; they are some which result in created terms that are rather cumbersome, vague, artificial, and difficult to master and remember. In addition, this study found out that some term creation strategies (semantic expansion and loan translations) are unproductive; that means they do not add any value on the Shona language vocabulary. Moreover, the borrowing term creation strategy was analysed on the basis of whether it is promoting and elevating the Shona language or is it undermining its value and vitality. This study emphasises the need for a collaborative approach to term creation, with terminologists, linguists, subject area specialists and target language users during the different phases of word formation processes for the collective ownership of the created term and their acceptability to the target users. This study highlights that, through good term creation strategies the Shona Language can significantly contribute to the promotion and development of Shona language in Zimbabwe. Overally, the research yields a substantial amount of information in the terminological formation processes as well as the identification of factors that can be used to improve term creation strategies in order to develop indigenous languages for use in all spheres of life.The major contribution of this study is the identification and highlighting of the major strength and weaknesses of term creation strategies as a way of developing indigenous languages. The useful findings in this study will benefit the indigenous language development and language policy planners and terminologists in Zimbabwe and other African languages in similar situations. The significant amount of information about term creation that was used in the analysis of term creation in the three dictionaries was solicited from questionnaires and interviews that were carried out with linguists, the specialised dictionary compilers, music students, medical students and high school students doing Shona language and literature subject in Zimbabwe. More information on the term creation was done through content analysis of the three specialised dictionaries and the present researcher’s own experiences as a former Shona high school teacher, linguist and above all as a Shona language speaker. / African Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)

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