Spelling suggestions: "subject:"multionational board off"" "subject:"multionational board oof""
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”… utslussen från institution till samhälle, öppet samhälle där är det för mycket vakuum.” : En kvalitativ studie av samarbetet mellan Statens institutionsstyrelse och Socialtjänst / “… the transition from an institution to a society, an open society there it is too much vacuum.” : A qualitative study about interaction between The national board of institutional care and The social welfare boardEldh, Sofia, Gill, Ida January 2010 (has links)
<p>The intention of this study was to examine the interaction between authorities. More specifically it had a purpose to look at the ongoing cooperation between social workers and staff of special homes of closed institutional youth care. The sanction system for young offenders’ reform of 1999 where young people between the ages of 15-17 who have committed serious crimes, can be sentenced to secure institutional treatment instead of prison, aims to counteract the harm which can result from a stay in prison. The social welfare board in the young person´s local authority and the national board of institutional care shall cooperate during the youth’s placement at the special home of closed institutional youth care. This study was based on eight qualitative interviews with social workers chosen randomly from all over Sweden and staff members from different special homes of closed institutional youth care. To interpret the material we have been using theory of collaboration and cooperation of Danermark and Kullberg. We have also used earlier studies within the area. The study has resulted that the social welfare board are more satisfied with the corporation than the national board of institutional care are. The study also shows that there has been an improvement. Significant reasons for this result has proved to be; the two different employers with different mission statement who are cooperating, unclear guidelines and the lack of knowledge within in the social services. Today there’s an ongoing cooperation that needs to be developed.</p>
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Ett främmande element i nationen : Svensk flyktingpolitik och de judiska flyktingarna 1938−1944 / A Foreign Element within the Nation : Swedish Refugee Policy and the Jewish Refugees 1938−1944Kvist Geverts, Karin January 2008 (has links)
The aim is to increase our understanding of the mechanisms of social categorization and discrimination, as well as the connection between them. This has been accomplished by examining Swedish refugee policy towards Jewish refugees during the Second World War and the Holocaust, as conducted by The Foreigner’s Bureau of the National Board of Health and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during 1938−1944. The study also compares the Swedish refugee policy with that of Denmark, Switzerland, Great Britain and the United States. The investigation is guided by such concepts as social categorization, discrimination, antisemitism, organizational culture and established practice. The primary sources are documents, minutes and personal dossiers; Svensk författningssamling (legislation) and articles in Sociala Meddelanden (the National Board’s official journal). The main conclusions are that Sweden was not perceived as a country of immigration, based partly of the widespread fear that too many Jewish refugees would create a “Jewish Question”. Swedish authorities discriminated against Jewish refugees on grounds of “race” through a process of categorization. This process began already in the 1920’s, and gradually transformed the definition of “Jew” from a religious to a “racial” definition, based on the Nuremberg Laws. The differentiation of Jewish refugees in official statistics ceased in September 1943, yet it continued secretly until February 1944, encompassing the Norwegian and Danish Jews as well. One important result shows that the shift in policy – from discrimination to large scale reception – was a slow process where this differentiating practice and antisemitic perceptions remained operative. What is defined as an antisemitic background bustle is used to explain how moderate antisemitic expressions were perceived as “unbiased” and “normal” within the Swedish society. Though Sweden’s refugee policy seems similar to that of other countries surveyed, the shift in policy stands out as unique in comparison.
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”… utslussen från institution till samhälle, öppet samhälle där är det för mycket vakuum.” : En kvalitativ studie av samarbetet mellan Statens institutionsstyrelse och Socialtjänst / “… the transition from an institution to a society, an open society there it is too much vacuum.” : A qualitative study about interaction between The national board of institutional care and The social welfare boardEldh, Sofia, Gill, Ida January 2010 (has links)
The intention of this study was to examine the interaction between authorities. More specifically it had a purpose to look at the ongoing cooperation between social workers and staff of special homes of closed institutional youth care. The sanction system for young offenders’ reform of 1999 where young people between the ages of 15-17 who have committed serious crimes, can be sentenced to secure institutional treatment instead of prison, aims to counteract the harm which can result from a stay in prison. The social welfare board in the young person´s local authority and the national board of institutional care shall cooperate during the youth’s placement at the special home of closed institutional youth care. This study was based on eight qualitative interviews with social workers chosen randomly from all over Sweden and staff members from different special homes of closed institutional youth care. To interpret the material we have been using theory of collaboration and cooperation of Danermark and Kullberg. We have also used earlier studies within the area. The study has resulted that the social welfare board are more satisfied with the corporation than the national board of institutional care are. The study also shows that there has been an improvement. Significant reasons for this result has proved to be; the two different employers with different mission statement who are cooperating, unclear guidelines and the lack of knowledge within in the social services. Today there’s an ongoing cooperation that needs to be developed.
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På spaning efter Socialpedagogik : en studie om utredningssystemet BBICSvensson, Anna, Hajra, Teuta January 2011 (has links)
Den här studien utgår ifrån en dokumentanalys med syftet att undersöka på vilket sätt socialpedagogik tar sig uttryck i Socialstyrelsens rapport om utredningssystemet BBIC, Barns behov i centrum. Centrala begrepp för studien är socialisation och inklusion och det är även utifrån dessa vår frågeställning utgår ifrån. Undersökningen är gjord med hjälp av en riktad kvalitativ innehållsanalys med ett socialpedagogiskt perspektiv som tolkningsram. I vårt material fann vi två kategorier för inklusion och två för socialisation. Kategorierna för inklusion är Med barnet i fokus, där vikten av barnet som en central del i allt som rör barnet betonas, och Delaktighet, där innehållet tar upp vikten av människors deltagande i barnavårdsärenden och i samhällets olika system. Kategorierna för socialisation är Utveckling i interaktion, där man betonar vikten av barnet som ett aktivt subjekt, och Inträde till gemenskapen, vilken uttrycker att människor i socialisationsprocessen behöver ha vissa kunskaper och kompetenser för att uppnå en lyckad socialisation. Vår tolkning av materialet är att innehållet i våra kategorier uttrycker ett socialpedagogiskt förhållningssätt genom målet att arbeta inkluderande samt genom medvetenheten om barns utveckling och socialiseringsprocess.
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Textvärld för särskilda : Lärares uppfattning och åsikter om Literacy, inkludering och dess nytta för den tvångsvårdade eleven i Sverige. / Literacy for the secluded : A Survey of a Teaching Staff´s Opinions and Knowledge on Literacy, and it´s Benefits for the Incarcerated Juvenile Student in Sweden.Forsberg, Ebbe January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this survey is to examine how teachers at The Swedish National board of special directories (Statens institutionsstyrelse, SiS) perceive the juvenile students’ text worlds/ Literacy, and how they are used as resources in their reading- and writing-related education. Questions regarding how this category of juveniles should be met in the public school system, and the means used to support the students in their reading and writing development, have also been touched upon. The cumulative results signify that these teachers tend to express that the use of the students’ Literacy is important and constructive, and that the students’ own choices should be at the centre of the education in this school environment. There seems to be a tendency that teachers employing reading and writing to a greater extent in their teaching have more explicit views on the students’ Literacy, and its usefulness for their reading and writing development. The preferred methods of educational strategies are those who engage the students by giving them an understanding of the reasons and purposes of their study assignments. This creates an enhanced intrinsic motivation, which fosters the students’ study abilities. / Denna undersöknings syfte är att undersöka lärares åsikter och uppfattningar om hur undervisningsmetoder anknutna till Critical Literacy är använd och hur dessa metoder fungerar som hjälp för ungdomar inom Statens institutionsstyrelses skolverksamhet. I undersökningen har frågor som berör lärares åsikter om elevernas textvärld undersökts och på vilket sätt elever med behov av stöd inom läs-och skrivproblematik undervisas. Lärare har även tillfrågats vad de skulle rekommendera för elever som riskerar att komma inom institutionsvården. Undersökningen har utförts med hjälp av en webbenkät inom myndighetens eget system, samt analyserades med hjälp av statistikanalysprogrammet SPSS. Undersökningens resultat visar tecken på att lärare inom Statens institutionsstyrelse har en tendens att använda metoder för läs-och skrivutvecklande stöd, som innefattar personlig kontakt och en strävan efter att utveckla en inre motivation. Detta sker genom att aktivt arbeta på ett sådant sätt att elevens förståelse för syftet med undervisningen prioriteras. Kunskapen om de begrepp som behandlas är generellt god och den samlade bilden av vad lärare tenderar att föreslå som arbetsmetoder för det allmänna skolsystemet är sådana som är ämnesöverskridande och gynnar ett omedelbart återkopplande av resultaten av elevens arbete och ger en möjlighet att delta i den offentliga debatten. Resultatet tyder även på att lärare i denna undersökning ser elevens egen inre motivation till utveckling av läs-och skrivförmågan som centralt, för att kunna lyckas med detta.
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Socialstyrelsen som resurs i arbete med könsstympning av flickor och kvinnor : En webbaserad innehållsanalys av socialstyrelsens publicerade dokument kring könsstympning. / Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare as a resource in work with genital mutilation : A web-based content analysis of documents about genital mutilation published by the swedish national board of health and welfareJawhar Hanna, Nanita, Zymeri, Dielleza January 2017 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund Fokus för studien är att uppmärksamma Socialstyrelsens vägledande information rörande könsstympning av flickor och kvinnor. Traditionen innebär total eller delvis borttagning av det kvinnliga yttre könsorganet, vilket innefattar avsiktliga skador som förändrar eller orsakar defekter på det kvinnliga könsorganet utan medicinska skäl eller grunder (WHO, 2008). Till följd av migration och befolkningsomflyttningar har traditionen kommit att uppmärksammas internationellt och även i Sverige. I Sverige har traditionen en tydlig relevans för socialt arbete eftersom könsstympning diskuteras och definieras som våld mot kvinnor/barn, förtryck, heder, brott mot mänskliga och barns rättigheter (Talle, 2008). Myndigheter i Sverige står inför en utmaning att informera, uppmärksamma, integrera och arbeta preventivt med denna målgrupp. Syfte Syftet med studien är att beskriva och analysera hur socialstyrelsen via sin webbplattform förmedlar kunskap om könsstympning av flickor och kvinnor. Utifrån hemsidans tillgängliga texter granskas och analyseras vägledning och kunskapsstöd riktade till olika professioner, exempelvis socialtjänsten och hälso-och sjukvård. Vidare studeras hur kunskapsstöd vägleder professioner till att förstå och handla i frågor som rör könsstympning som ett arbete på samhälls-, grupp och individnivå. Utifrån det analyseras hur socialstyrelsen främja det sociala arbetet kring könsstympning. Metod Studien bygger på en kvalitativ forskning baserad på systematisk litteraturstudie och induktiv ansats. Litteraturstudien grundades på analys och granskning av socialstyrelsen kunskapsstöd. Genom en webbaserad innehållsanalys granskades 53 publicerade dokument som direkt eller indirekt berör könsstympning av flickor och kvinnor. Resultat I resultatdelen identifieras tilltänkta mottagare av det publicerade materialet som illustreras i form av ett diagram. Den allmängiltiga informationen representerar hälften av urvalet. De två mer framträdande grupper identifieras som Hälso-och sjukvård och den berörda målgruppen. I mindre omfattning riktas material till socialtjänst och samhälls-/hälsokommunikatörer. Resultat påvisar att Hälso-sjukvården i sitt arbete med könsstympning, har i större omfattning tillgång till praktiskt och teoretisk vägledning i jämförelse med de andra representerade mottagargrupperna. Slutsatser Studien visar att socialstyrelsen förmedlar ett arbete mot traditionen på individ-, grupp- och samhällsnivå. Information kring könsstympning av flickor och kvinnor stämmer i stort sett överens med tidigare forskning gällande ursprung, förekomst, utformning och konsekvenser. Studien visar att Socialstyrelsen är en källa för kunskap och information kring ämnet. Det föreligger dock skillnader i den praktiska vägledningen som skapar grund för handling. Vid det konkreta arbetet på individnivå framträder skillnader beroende på om frågan aktualiseras inom hälso- och sjukvård eller socialtjänst. / Abstract Background The focus of the study is to draw attention to the National Board of Health and Welfare directory information concerning female genital mutilation (FMG). The tradition involving the total or partial removal of the female external genitalia, including intentional damage which alter or cause defects on the female genitalia without medical reasons or reasons (WHO, 2008). As a result of migration and population movements, the tradition came to be recognized internationally and in Sweden. In Sweden, the tradition has a clear relevance to social work because FGM is discussed and defined as violence against women/children, oppression, honour, violation of human and children's rights (Talle, 2008). Authorities in Sweden is facing a challenge to inform, alert, integrate and work preventively with this audience. Purpose The purpose of this study is to describe and analyse how the National Board of Health and Welfare by its web platform conveys knowledge of FGM. Based on the websites available texts examined and analysed guidance and knowledge subsidies to various professions, such as social and health care. Further studies show knowledge and support guides professionals to understand and act on issues related to FGM as a work of social, group and at a individual level. Based on the analysis of how the National Board of Health and Welfare promotes the social work of FGM. Method The study is based on a qualitative research based on a systematic literature review and inductive approach. The literature review was based on analysis and review by the National Board of Health and Welfare knowledge support. Through a web-based content analysis examined 53 published documents that directly or indirectly affects FGM. Results In the results section identified the receiver to think of the published material illustrated in the form of a diagram. The universal information represents half of the sample. The two prominent groups identified as Health and the touch target. In smaller scale material is directed to social and community -/health communicators. Results demonstrate that the health-care system in his work on FGM, has been more widely access to practical and theoretical guidance in comparison to the other receiver groups represented. Conclusions The study shows that the National Board of Health and Welfare conveys a work against the tradition of individual, group and societal level. Information about FGM are broadly in line with previous research on the origin, presence, design and impact. The study shows that the National Board of Health and Welfare is a source of knowledge and information on the subject. However, there are differences in the practical guide to creating a basis for action. In the concrete work at the individual level, disparities, depending on whether the issue arises in healthcare or social services.
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The Effects of Curricular Change on Student Learning and Well-Being in Biomedical and Clinical EducationNovak, Rachel Jalaire Tomco 03 March 2022 (has links)
The implementation of curriculum change, and innovative pedagogical theory, can help educators and administrators in higher education further the learning gains of students in the sciences. But the introduction of new methods of teaching, or curricular restructuring, can be interpreted by students differently, potentially affecting students' emotional states as well as their relationships with peers. To support not only the learning of students, but also their emotional and social well-being, pedagogical and curricular theory should be enacted in ways that take into consideration the full scope of the student experience. In this dissertation, the implementation of curriculum and pedagogical theory, and the effects of the usage of active learning methods, are examined through student learning gains as well as through any reported social and emotional affects. In the first chapter we examine the history and realization of the integration of clinical and biomedical sciences in the field of predoctoral dental education. In the second chapter, the effects of early experiential learning opportunities are examined via students' progression to clinical competence and students’ self-reported confidence in a predoctoral dental program. In the third chapter, we consider and review how curricular change may affect students' emotional states, their relationships with peers, and if the concept of stereotype threat played any role in the complication observed. Lastly, in chapter four we explore how active learning may benefit, or hinder, the learning of students in an undergraduate anatomy course with social anxiety in a virtual learning environment. Throughout this dissertation, we seek to promote student learning through the use of educational best practices and consider how curriculum and pedagogical changes might also affect the feelings and emotional states of students, for the purpose of building a considerate and effective educational environment.
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Attefallskvarter : ett nytt bostadsalternativ? / Attefall block : a new housing alternative?Ekberg, Sanna, Jafari, Leila, Forsberg Kjellkvist, Malin January 2021 (has links)
Today, there is a housing shortage in the larger cities. This together with the long housing waiting lists makes it difficult for younger people to make a housing career and invest in a condominium. In 2014, the Swedish Parliament introduced the reform of attefallshus with the aim of reducing the housing shortage in the country and facilitating entry into the housing market. The work studies whether an attefall block can be a favorable housing concept and an example of such a housing concept is designed. The purpose of the study is to analyze which legal obstacles limit a block of attefall houses and whether the housing concept can possibly reduce the housing shortage. To answer the study's purpose and questions, interviews were conducted with experienced people in the field. The results show that very few attefallshus are currently used as dwellings. Instead they have other functions. Furthermore, the results show that the legal obstacles that limit an Attefall block are, according to the study, availability to existing one- or two residential buildings that allows additional buildings of in total 30 on the plot. The interviewees believe that the concept should change the name to single-family neighborhoods and establish detailed development plans specifically for this. The conclusions are that an attefall block will not be economically favorable, is impracticable and not a solution for housing shortages.
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Sjuksköterskors bemötande och hantering av våldsutsatta i heterosexuella och samkönade relationer : En kvalitativ jämförande studie av en akutmottagning / Nurses treatment of victims of violence in heterosexual and same-gender relationshipsHindriks, Julia, Johansson, Amanda, Jönsson, Sophie January 2021 (has links)
Våld i nära relationer är ett stort samhällsproblem, i synnerhet mäns våld mot kvinnor. Vad som inte får glömmas är att våld i nära relationer inte är begränsat till heterosexuella relationer, utan även förekommer i samkönade. Syftet med denna uppsats är att genom en kvalitativ undersökning, öka kunskapen om och hur sjuksköterskor på en akutmottagning tillämpar Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter och allmänna råd om våld i nära relationer (SOSFS 2014:4). Av särskilt intresse är att undersöka om skillnader finns i bemötandet av heterosexuella och HBTQ-personer. Vår studie är således en fallstudie och bygger på en vinjett undersökning, kombinerat med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studien genomfördes med fyra informanter, vilka är anställda sjuksköterskor på en akutmottagningen. Resultatet av studien tyder på att sjuksköterskor på akutmottagningen inte korrekt följer Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter och allmänna råd, vad gäller våld i nära relationer. Resultatet tyder även på att sjuksköterskorna är präglade av den heteronorm som råder i samhället, vilket innebär att de inledningsvis eller helt misstar samkönade relationer för att vara vänskapsrelationer. / Intimate partner violence is a major societal problem, especially mens violence against women. What should not be forgotten is that intimate partner violence is not limited to heterosexual relationships, but also occurs in same-gender relationships. The purpose of this essay is to increase knowledge about and how nurses, in an emergency department, apply the National Board of Health and Welfare's regulations and general advice on intimate partner violence through a qualitative study (SOSFS 2014: 4). Of particular interest is to investigate whether there are differences in the treatment of heterosexuals and LGBTQ people. Our essay is a case study and is based on a vignette survey, combined with semi-structured interviews. The study was conducted with four informants, who are employed nurses at an emergency department. The results of the study indicate that nurses at the emergency department do not correctly follow the National Board of Health and Welfare's regulations and general advice regarding intimate partner violence. The results also indicate that the nurses are characterized by the heteronormative that prevails in society, which means that they initially or completely mistake same-gender relationships to be friendships.
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Relationer under tvång : - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om personalens perspektiv på relationen till de unga flickorna på SIS-hem / RELATIONSHIPS UNDER DURESSNilsson, Frida, Unevik, Josefina January 2023 (has links)
Följande studie syftar till att undersöka behandlingspersonalens perspektiv om hur arbetet på särskilda ungdomshem (SIS-hem) för flickor ser ut i praktiken samt öka kunskapen om hur det relationsskapande arbetet fungerar inom tvångsvård. Mer specifikt kommer relationen mellan behandlingspersonalen och flickorna på SIS-hem att undersökas utifrån behandlingspersonalens perspektiv. Studien har genomförts genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med behandlingspersonal, som är eller har varit anställda under det senaste året på något av de SIS-hem i Sverige som tar emot flickor. Resultaten från intervjuerna har analyserats med hjälp av begreppet makt, Michel Foucaults teori om maktens olika former och Arlie Russell Hochschilds emotionssociologi. Studiens slutsatser belyser att fenomenet makt ständigt förekommer i relationen mellan personalen och flickorna, samtidigt som makten dessutom kommer till uttryck i alla dess olika former likväl i relationen som i det dagliga arbetet. Relationerna utgörs av kommersialiserade relationer där personalens relationsskapande arbete präglas av ett emotionellt lönearbete, där de anpassar både sina känslor och emotioner utifrån vad som anses acceptabelt utifrån de organisatoriska målen. Anledningen till att studien har genomförts är för att belysa personalens perspektiv samt bidra med andra aspekter av tvångsvård. / The following study aims to examine the treatment staff's perspective on how the work at special youth homes (SIS-homes) for girls looks like in practice and to increase knowledge of how the relationship-building work functions within compulsory care. More specifically, the relationship between the treatment staff and the girls in SIS-homes will be examined from the perspective of the treatment staff. The study was conducted through semi-structured interviews with treatment staff, who are or have been employed during the past year at one of the SIS-homes in Sweden for girls. The results from the interviews have been analyzed using the concept of authority, Michel Foucault's theory of the different forms of power and Arlie Russell Hochschild's sociology of emotions. The study's conclusions highlight that the phenomenon of authority constantly occurs in the relationship between the staff and the girls, while power is also expressed in all its different forms, both in the relationship and in the daily work. The relationships consist of commercialized relationships where the staff's relationship-building work is characterized by emotional wage work, where they adjust both their feelings and emotions based on what is considered acceptable in accordance with the organizational goals. The reason why the study has been conducted is to shed light on the staff's perspective and to contribute with other aspects of compulsory care.
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