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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sjukvårdspersonals syn på arbete och arbetsplats, utifrån organisatorisk- och nationell kultur : En jämförande studie mellan Sverige och Schweiz

Brynte, Sofia, Hörnqvist, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel:Sjukvårdspersonals syn på arbete och arbetsplats, utifrån organisatorisk- och nationell kultur - En jämförande studie mellan Sverige och Schweiz. Nivå:Examensarbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare:Emma Hörnqvist och Sofia Brynte Handledare:Monika Wallmon Datum:Juni 2023   Syfte: Denna studie syftar till att jämföra svensk och schweizisk sjukvårdspersonals syn på arbete och arbetsplats, utifrån organisatorisk och nationell kultur. Detta genomförs utifrån Hofstedes kulturella dimensioner & Competing value framework.   Metod: I studien har vi använt oss av en kvalitativ metod, där vi genomfört tio semistrukturerade intervjuer och enkäter. Vi valde att använda oss av respondenter som arbetar inom sjukvården men som inte besitter någon ledarroll.    Resultat & slutsats: Resultaten visar på olika faktorer inom nationell- och organisatorisk kultur som påverkar sjukvårdspersonalens syn på arbete och arbetsplats. Schweiz och Sverige uppvisar likheter inom exempelvis vikten av lagar, formaliteter och protokoll för att skapa stabilitet, maskulina drag inom organisationen samt att patientkontakt påverkas av feminina karaktärsdrag. Den största skillnaden mellan länderna är hur medarbetarna behandlas av organisationen. Schweiz fokuserar mer på det anställdas välmående, beskrivet av HR synsättet från CVF, i jämförelse med Sverige.   Examensarbetets bidrag:Studiens teoretiska bidrag grundar sig i vikten att förstå det anställdas syn på arbete och arbetsplats, utifrån nationell- och organisatorisk kultur, oavsett om företaget är vinstdrivande eller inte. Detta påverkar nämligen verksamhetens möjlighet att uppnå gynnsamma resultat. Det praktiska bidraget är att studien visar på en del, av troligtvis många delar, som skulle kunna bidra till framtida utveckling av sjukvården.  Förslag till fortsatt forskning:Vidare forskning kan studera hur existerande konkurrens inom sjukvården påverkar de anställda. Andra kulturella dimensioner kan inkluderas för att se hur det skiljer sig mellan dessa. Vidare studie skulle även kunna studera om liknande mönster kan urskiljas i de andra delarna av Schweiz, andra länder eller specifika avdelningar på sjukhuset, utifrån exempelvis samma teoretiska ramverk.    Nyckelord:Ledarskap, Hofstedes kulturella dimensioner, Competing Value framework, sjukvården, organisationskultur, nationell kultur. / Abstract Title:Healthcare workers' view on work and work environment, through the perspective of organizational and national culture - A study comparing Sweden and Switzerland. Level:Student thesis, final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration.  Authors:Emma Hörnqvist och Sofia Brynte Supervisor:Monika Wallmon Date:June 2023   Aim:A study aiming to compare Swedish and Swiss healthcare workers' view on work and work environment, through the perspective of organizational- and national culture. Executed using Hofstede's cultural dimensions & the Competing value framework.    Method:Qualitative methods were used throughout this study, conducting ten semi-structured interviews and surveys. Respondents currently working within the health sector, and not in a leader role of the organization, were chosen.     Results & conclusions:The results reveal factors within national- and organizational culture affecting healthcare workers view on work and work environment. Switzerland and Sweden show similarities regarding the importance of laws, formalities and following of protocol to maintain stability, masculine characteristics within the organization and that interactions with patients are affected by feminine characteristics. The most distinct difference between the countries is how the coworkers are treated by the organization. Switzerland has a noticeable focus on the employees well-being, described using the HR in CVF, in comparison to Sweden. Contribution of the thesis:Our study's theoretical contributions lean on the importance of understanding the employees´ view on work and work environment, through the perspective of organizational- and national culture. No matter if the organization is revenue driven or not, since it affects the organization´s possibility to achieve favorable results. The practical contribution of the study is based on displaying one, of probably many, parts to factor in when discussing future improvements of the healthcare sector.   Suggestions for future research:Future studies would benefit from examining existing concurrent on the healthcare market and its effect on the employees. Including other cultural dimensions would also be a beneficial addition. Future studies could also examine if similar patterns exist in other parts of Switzerland, in other countries or in specific sectors of the healthcare system, using the same theoretical framework as our study.  Key words:Leadership, Hofstede's cultural dimension, Competing Value framework, healthcare, organizational culture, national culture

Morgondagens Sverige skall timras av de unga : Ungdomens roll i konservativa och nationalistiska ungdomsrörelser 1930-1946 / Youth Will Build the Sweden of Tomorrow : The Role of Youth in Conservative and Nationalist Youth Movements 1930-1946

Nynäs, Josefina January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this master thesis is to study and compare conservative, fascist and nationalist youth movements active in Sweden during the 1930s and 40s. The political youth movements at the centre of this study are the Young Swedes (Ungsvenskarna), Swedish Rural Youth League (Svenska Landsbygdens Ungdomsförbund), Nordic Youth (Nordisk Ungdom) and National Youth League of Sweden/National League of Sweden (Sveriges nationella ungdomsförbund/Sveriges nationella förbund). During the early 1900s, youth was often described as both the reviver of society and the future of the nation. Regardless of different ideological and political alignments, the youth movements were all invested in shaping and educating young people to prepare them for the future. In this study, the focal point has been the question why these youth movements wanted the role as educators of young people, as well as what was expected of the young after this education. The main task of the political youth movements seems to have been to give young people ideals to fight for through physical and spiritual education. Through this education the young would realize what was expected of them and finally transform into an ideal youth that could inherit the responsibility as caretakers of the nation as well as the future. The view on the ideal youth varied between the studied youth movements. The Young Swedes wanted to create a conservative youth, actively engaged with the main political party of the movement, the Right (Högern). The ideal youth of the Swedish Rural Youth League were aware of their responsibilities towards the rights of the rural areas and agriculture. The ideal youth of Nordic Youth and National Youth League would have very similar personalities and would be ready to fight and sacrifice for the future rebirth of the nation into similar, yet different, fascistic utopias.

Hur diskuteras flyktingspionage som hot mot Sverige i digitaliseringens tidevarv? : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av debatten om flyktingspionage i riksdag och media åren 2014- 2023 / How is refugee espionage discussed as a threat to Sweden in the age of digitisation? : A qualitative content analysis of the debate on refugee espionage in the Swedish parliament and media 2014-2023

Kristiansson, Daniel January 2023 (has links)
Refugee espionage, the act of spying on individuals to gather information for a foreign state, is illegal in Sweden. In this study, this phenomenon is considered part of transnational repression, an increasing threat against primarily dissidents posed by authoritarian states.  By using the method of qualitative content analysis on texts from the Swedish parliament and four large Swedish newspapers, the study attempts to answer questions about the debate on refugee espionage in the Swedish parliament and media. The timespan ranges from 2014- 2023. How do debaters talk about sovereignty and national security in relation to refugee espionage? Do debaters discuss the digital dimension: the opportunities, and risks from digital technology, in relation to refugee espionage?  The theoretical perspective is based on Lucas Kello’s cybertheory in international relations, on how cyberspace alters relations between states and has the possibility of expanding and enhancing ways to perform espionage.  Results reveal that debaters see refugee espionage as a threat to both Swedish sovereignty and national security. However, the debate rarely touches on concerns with digital technology as a mean to use refugee espionage against a state.

Fredens Öar : Ålands relevans ur ett militärstrategiskt perspektiv

Fredén, Jonathan, Wilhelmsson, Tobias January 2022 (has links)
After the cold war the border or epicenter in the conflict between east and west has moved north. From central Europe to the Baltic sea region. The Åland archipelago in the middle of the Baltic Sea, is a military strategic interest for many actors in the Baltic Sea. Demilitarized and neutral according to international law. This thesis will study the Swedish, Finish, Russian and Nato perspective of which impact Åland has a on national security policy and military strategy for the Baltic region. What are the mechanisms and strategic motives for the actors in using Åland for military purposes. Will the international agreements concerning Åland have any effect in armed conflict? This case study is performed as a qualitative study based on Graham Allison and Philip Zelikows book Essence of decision which will also serve as frame of reference for the thesis. In order to understand Ålands special status according to international law, we have made a historic exposé which aims to give the reader the background needed to understand the islands significance, both historically and present. The analysis is based on four perspectives; The actors ideological position, The rational actor model (RAM), Organizational behavior and Governmental politics. The result of this study shows that Åland will not be left untouched in case of a conflict in the Baltic area. Due to the geographic position of the islands it will be affected regardless of its status in accordance with international law. The motives for using Åland for military purposes can be found with all our four actors with regards to the islands strategic location. The one who can control Åland will also increase his ability to control sea and airspace in the northern Baltics. He will also be able to control the sea lines of communication in to the bay of Bothnia. The incentive to re-militarize Åland and use the island for own military purposes however varies with the four actors. We have found that the incentive is strongest with Finland and Sweden and very limited with Russia and Nato. Ålands status as demilitarized and neutral will probably not have any big significance in an armed conflict in the Baltic sea area. However, it may delay military intervention on Åland but not stop it.

The outlook for HL7 FHIR profiles in Sweden / Utsikterna för HL7 FHIR-profiler i Sverige

Hansson, Rebecka January 2019 (has links)
The Vision for eHealth infers that Sweden should be best in the world to utilize the opportunities of the digitization by 2025. One of three particularly important areas of action to realize the vision is standardization of e.g. exchange of information. HL7 FHIR is a modern standard for interoperability within e-health. HL7 FHIR enables the exchange of information between different healthcare information systems in an easy way. The basic building blocks in HL7 FHIR are called resources. These represent healthcare entities of some kind, e.g. Patient, Medication, Care plan, and Device. A base set of resources should either together, or by themselves, be able to satisfy the most common use cases in healthcare. A set of rules about a resource's content is called a profile, which is used for defining extensions and constraints on a resource. Profiles can be used to customize the standard to everything from a small local use-case to characteristics common for a whole country, so-called national profiles. This master thesis project sought to investigate the opportunities and restrictions with HL7 FHIR profiling by mapping the outlook of e-health stakeholders in Sweden. The project conducted a mixed method approach. Surveys were sent out to regions, county councils and private caregivers and interviews were held with national stakeholders, industry suppliers, HL7 Sweden and subject experts. The qualitative data was processed through a thematic analysis and the quantitative data was processed through a descriptive analysis. The results showed that there were positive views on governing and maintaining HL7 FHIR and FHIR profiling on a national level and to the establishment of national FHIR profiles. However, questions remain on how it shold be done. Among caregivers there were in general positive attitudes towards HL7 FHIR as a standard for interoperability and towards a possible implementation. However, the implementation level was low and specific knowledge of HL7 FHIR profiles is yet needed. / Vision e-Hälsa 2025 innebär att Sverige ska vara bäst i världen på att utnyttja möjligheterna med digitaliseringen år 2025. Ett av tre särskilt viktiga handlingsområden för att förverkliga visionen är standardisering, t.ex. av utbyte av information. HL7 FHIR är en modern standard för interoperabilitet inom e-hälsa och möjliggör utbyte av information mellan olika hälsoinformationssystem på ett enkelt sätt. De grundläggande byggstenarna i HL7 FHIR kallas resurser. Dessa representerar hälso- och sjukvårdsentiteter av något slag, t.ex. Patient, Medicin, Vårdplan och Apparat. En basuppsättning av resurser ska antingen tillsammans eller i sig själva kunna tillgodose de vanligaste användningsfallen inom hälso- och sjukvård. En uppsättning regler om en resurs innehåll kallas för profil och används för att definiera tillägg och begränsningar på en resurs. Profiler kan användas för att anpassa standarden till allt från ett litet lokalt användningsfall till egenskaper som är gemensamma för ett helt land, så kallade nationella profiler. Detta masterexamensarbete ämnade undersöka möjligheter och begränsningar med HL7 FHIR-profilering genom att kartlägga utsikterna för ehälso-aktörer i Sverige. I projektet genomfördes en mixad metodinriktning, i vilken enkäter skickades ut till regioner, landsting och privata vårdgivare och intervjuer hölls med nationella intressenter, leverantörer, HL7 Sverige och ämnesexperter. Kvalitativ data genomgick en tematisk analys och kvantitativ data genomgick en deskriptiv analys. Resultatet visade på en generellt positiv attityd gentemot ett framtagande och förvaltande av HL7 FHIR och FHIR-profiler på nationell nivå och införande av nationella FHIR-profiler. Däremot kvarstår frågor om hur det ska realiseras. Bland vårdgivare var det generellt positiva attityder gentemot HL7 FHIR som en standard för interoperabilitet och en eventuell implementation. Däremot var den generella implementationsnivån låg och ytterligare kunskap om HL7 FHIR-profiler behövs.

Andra världskriget i läroböcker: Hur olika länder minns och berättar historia / World War II in textbooks: How different nations remember and tell history

Ekeroth, Erik, Rekstad, Fabian January 2023 (has links)
According to Skolverket the aim of history as a subject is to teach the students about different narratives in history. The purpose of this overview is to analyze and compare what earlier research tells us about how World War II is portrayed in textbooks in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. To achieve this purpose we are focusing on a number of narratives. The ability to critically review textbooks is important in the profession because usually the facts that are presented are in the interest of the nation. The material that has been used was found through the databases: Education Research Complete (ERC) and ERIC via EBSCO. The sources have been reviewed and analyzed to make sure that they are relevant for the subject. To narrow the material further we have only used peer-reviewed sources. Furthermore, additional sources have been presented through Google Scholar. The result in this overview tells us about how the countries in question use different narratives as a tool in nation building and the creation of a national identity. Depending on the country the narratives change to either connect or disconnect from other countries and their actions. A lot of the focus in the textbooks deals with things that happen within their own countries borders and the people that live within those borders. On the contrary, other countries and the people within those countries tend to be forgotten, especially in cases such as foundation, suffering and resistance. Concluding the overview,  the different materials used all argue that textbooks play an important role in nation building and the creation of a national identity. Focusing on a number of narratives, the difference in how nations portray the same narratives in different ways to build a national identity is clear. The results presented by the sources opened up for discussions about the relation between the teacher and the textbook as well as how the textbook is used.

Svenskt ledarskap, kultur och styrning : Anpassning i företag som agerar i Sverige med utländskt ägande / Swedish leadership, culture and management control : Adaptation of culture and control to Swedish leadership in companies that act in Sweden with foreign ownership

Thyrén, Hanna, Björnsvik, Hampus January 2023 (has links)
Titel: Svensk ledarskap, kultur och styrning - Anpassning av kultur och styrning till svenskt ledarskap i företag som agerar i Sverige med utländskt ägande Problemställning: Mellan koncernen och dotterbolag ges direktiv om hur dotterbolaget ska styra sin verksamhet. Svenskt ledarskap är världsunikt, och det finns därav anledning att studera hur förhållandet mellan koncernen och dotterbolaget fungerar i den svenska kontexten med ett unikt ledarskap. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att bidra till litteratur om styrning och organisationskultur genom att skapa förståelse för hur utländskt ägda koncerner kan behöva anpassa styrningen och kulturen i sina svenska dotterbolag för att det ska fungera med svensk kultur och svenskt ledarskap. Forskningsfrågor: 1. Anpassas organisationskultur och styrning i ett företag med utländskt ägande när de agerar i Sverige utifrån svenskt ledarskap, och i så fall hur? 2. Vilken upplevd påverkan har eventuell anpassning eller icke-anpassning på medarbetarna? Metod: För att studera detta har vi genomfört en kvalitativ flerfallsstudie med tre fall. Studien genomfördes med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultat: Utifrån vår studie har vi sett att de svenska dotterbolagen använder sig av en filtrering genom det svenska ledarskapet för att göra en anpassning av koncernens styrning och kultur. Filtrering innebär att ledningen i dotterbolagen anpassar kulturen och styrningen som kommer från koncernen så den passar den nationella och organisatoriska kulturen som finns på dotterbolagen i Sverige. En högre grad av anpassning resulterar i att anställda blir mer motiverade och färre interna motsättningar. Kunskapsbidrag: Även om dotterbolag arbetar på olika sätt i förhållande till sin koncern så finns det ett behov av att anpassa kultur och styrning till den nationella kontexten. Anpassningen görs genom ett filter av svenskt ledarskap för att passa svensk kultur. / Title: Swedish leadership, culture and management control - Adaptation of culture and control to Swedish leadership in companies that act in Sweden with foreign ownership Problematization: Between concern and subsidiary, directives are given about how the subsidiary should control its operation. Swedish leadership is unique, and therefore there is a need to study how the relationship between concern and subsidiary works in the Swedish context with the unique leadership. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to contribute to literature about management control and organizational culture by creating an understanding of how a foreign owned concern could need to adapt its management control and culture in their Swedish subsidiary in order for it to work with Swedish culture and Swedish leadership. Research question: 1. Is organizational culture and management control adjusted in a company with foreign ownership when they work in Sweden, based on Swedish leadership, and if so, how? 2. What impact is experienced by the employees by the adaptation or lack of adaptation? Method: In order to study this, we have conducted a qualitative multiple case study with three cases. The study was conducted with semi-structured interviews. Results: Based on our study, we have seen that the Swedish subsidiaries use a filtration through the Swedish leadership to adjust the concern’s management control and culture. The filtration is a way for top management in the subsidiaries to adjust the culture and management control in order to make sure that it fits the national and organizational culture in the Swedish subsidiary. A high degree of adjustment results in more motivated employees and less internal disagreements. Contribution of knowledge: Even if subsidiaries work in different ways in relation to their parent company, there is a need to adjust culture and management control to the national context. The adjustment is done through a filter of Swedish leadership to suit the Swedish context.

Intranationella migrationserfarenheter bland simmare på riksidrottsgymnasium under Covid-19 / Intra-National Migration Experiences of Swedish National Institute Swimmers During Covid-19

Almeida Sundell, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
Atleter mellan 16-18 år migrerar allt oftare till andra orter inom Sveriges gränser med ambitionen att fortsätta sin idrottsliga karriär parallellt med gymnasiala studier, så som genom ett riksidrottsgymnasium [RIG]. En migration bland så unga atleter är dock en osäker investering och följs utifrån en migrationsaspekt utav flera anpassningssvårigheter samt psykologiska, psykosociala och akademiska utmaningar. RIG-uppsättningen är ämnad att dämpa denna övergång genom att erbjuda bra utbildning tillsammans med en god idrottsutveckling. Under Covid-19 försvårades den migrationsanpassning som RIG-elever förväntas göra i form av att flera restriktioner lades på individerna. Trots att några studier har gjorts på såväl elevers som idrottares påverkan under pandemin, har inga gjorts på individer som dessutom satsar på dubbla karriärer och migrerade under pandemin, så som RIG-elever. Därför ville jag i denna studie undersöka RIG-elevers upplevelser och erfarenheter av en migration och anpassning till en ny miljö under Covid-19 med syftet att skapa förståelse för hur pandemin påverkade migrationen samt hur individerna lyckades överkomma de hinder och utmaningar som de stod inför. Följande möjliggjordes genom att göra en fallstudie på RIG-simmare från Helsingborg och Jönköping. Fem semistrukturerade intervjuer fördes med RIG-simmare, vilka senare analyserades genom en tematisk analys. Bourdieus teoretiska ramverk och begreppen kapital, habitus, fält och illusio vägledde mig i tematiseringen och den efterföljande analysen/diskussionen. Resultatet visar att RIG-simmarna upplevde olika svårigheter att anpassa sig utifrån de resurser och tidigare förutsättningar de besatt. Olika typer av kapitalinnehav innebar också olika typer av anpassningar vilket i ett längre led påverkade motivationen i positiv eller negativ bemärkelse. Samtliga elever, oavsett kapitalinnehav, upplevde utmaningar i distansundervisning, disciplin och rutiner samt brist på gemenskap. Utifrån undersökningen konkluderas det därmed att RIG-elevers anpassning är beroende av hur mycket kapital man besitter inom det nya fältet och hur stark känsla av illusio individerna upplever att de har. Undersökningen belyser i ett längre led hur viktigt det är att hitta hållbara sätt att stödja karriärmöjligheter för unga idrottsutövare, även under en samhällskris som Covid-19. / Athletes between the ages of 16-18 are increasingly migrating to other locations within Sweden with the ambition to continue their athletic careers in parallel with their secondary education, such as through a national sports high school [RIG]. However, migration among such young athletes represents an uncertain investment and is accompanied, from a migration perspective, by several challenges of adjustment, as well as psychological, psychosocial, and academic challenges. The RIG system is intended to ease this transition by offering a good education alongside athletic development. During Covid-19, the migration adjustment that RIG students are expected to make was made more difficult by several restrictions. While some studies have been conducted on the impact of the pandemic on both students and athletes, none have been conducted on individuals who are also pursuing dual careers and migrated during the pandemic, such as RIG students. Therefore, the present study aimed to examine RIG students' experiences and perceptions of the move and adjustment to a new environment during Covid-19, with the goal of understanding how the pandemic affected migration and how individuals were able to overcome the obstacles and challenges they faced. This was made possible by conducting a case study on RIG swimmers from Helsingborg and Jönköping. Five semi-structured interviews were conducted with RIG swimmers, which were later analyzed through a thematic analysis. Bourdieu's theoretical framework and concepts of capital, habitus, field, and illusio guided the thematic analysis and subsequent discussion. The results show that RIG swimmers experienced different difficulties in adapting based on the resources and previous conditions they possessed. Different types of capital ownership also meant different types of adaptations, which in the longer term affected motivation positively or negatively. All students, regardless of their capital ownership, experienced challenges in distance learning, discipline and routines, as well as a lack of community. The study therefore concludes that RIG students' adaptation depends on how much capital they possess within the new field and how strong a sense of illusio they have. In the longer term, the study highlights the importance of finding sustainable ways to support career opportunities for young athletes, even during a societal crisis such as Covid-19.

Folkhemsnostalgi och gängvåldsdystopi : Ett genus- och kritiskt vithetsperspektiv på SVT:s framställning av gängvåldet som en nationell kris

Wall Scherer, Josefine January 2022 (has links)
In 2021, Sweden was ranked as the European country with the highest number of fatal shootings per million inhabitants. As a result, gang violence is described as a national crisis and has turned in to one of the main debate themes among political parties ahead of the parliamentary election in 2022. In the debates on gang violence, it is often linked to migration politics. Swedish Television (SVT) has broadcasted numerous programs on gang violence, and these programs are the main material used in this study.  Drawing on feminist- and critical whiteness theory I examine how ideas of gender, whiteness and Swedishness interplay in the construction of gang violence as a national crisis. By using a retrotopic, a security politic and an affective theoretical perspective it is possible to analyze who is portrayed as vulnerable or problematic in relation to the gang violence. A further ambition of this study is to investigate the connection between folkhem nostalgia and the construction of gang violence as a national crisis. I argue that the Swedish exceptionalism is being used to establish collective feelings of folkhem nostalgia, which contributes to the understanding of gang violence as a national crisis. Based on a thematic analysis (Braun & Clark 2006) I show how feelings of folkhem nostalgia are used to establish narratives of a threatening and problematic Other; a male non-white threat within the nation. Further, the debates and documentaries broadcasted on SVT can be seen as part of political and national interests, where a (hi)story of folkhemmetas a part of the Swedish exceptionalism is being used to establish certain feelings and perceptions related to gender and race. This enables a placement of gang violence in another place, in another culture and in another body.

“Ibrahimović vs Svensson” : En komparativ diskursanalys av de svenska rikstidningarnas framställning av svenska fotbollsspelare med utländska respektive inhemska namn / "Ibrahimović vs Svensson" : A comparative discourse analysis of the rendering of swedish football players with foreign and native names in swedish nationwide newspapers

Hägerfelth, Lo January 2018 (has links)
In January 2018 the france tv-channel Canal Plus broadcasted a documentary where the swedish football player Zlatan Ibrahimović contributed in an interview, claiming that there is "under-cover"-racism in the swedish sports media. My purpose with this studie was to examine if that's true, if swedish media treat swedish football players with foreign names different then swedish football players with swedish names. Using a combination of a qualitative content analysis, critical discourse analysis and comparative method I analysed 100 articles based on ten different players - five with swedish names and five with foreign names - in the four nationwide newspapers Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet. Based on theories of racism, hegemony, national identity and framing the result showed me that the biggest difference was how the players with foreign names generally speaking was shaped in a more cocky way then the players with swedish names, especially in the way the heading and preamble was angled in a more cocky manner for the players with foreign names then the players with swedish names. But besides that the most part of the result pointed at a similar treatment between the two groups. / I januari 2018 sände den franska tv-kanalen Canal Plus en dokumentär där den svenske fotbollsspelaren Zlatan Ibrahimović ställde upp på en intervju, där han hävdade att det finns "under-cover"-rasism inom de svenska sportmedierna. Mitt syfte med denna studie var att undersöka ifall det stämmer, ifall svenska medier behandlar svenska fotbollsspelare med utländska namn annorlunda än svenska fotbollsspelare med svenska namn. Med en kombination av kvalitativ innehållsanalys, kritisk diskursanalys och komparativ metod analyserade jag 100 artiklar baserat på tio olika spelare - fem med svenska namn och fem med utländska namn - i de fyra rikstäckande tidningarna Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet. Med grunden i teorier om rasism, hegemoni, nationell identitet och gestaltningsteorin visade resultatet att den största skillnaden var hur spelarna med utländska namn överlag gestaltades på ett mer kaxigt sätt än spelarna med svenska namn, speciellt på det sätt som rubriker och ingresser vinklades på ett mer kaxigt sätt bland spelarna med utländska namn än de med svenska namn. Men vid sidan av det pekade det mesta av resultatet på en liknande behandling av de två grupperna.

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