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風險社會下的開放政府:以台北市為例 / The Open Government in Risk Society: The Case of Taipei City王尹辰, Wang, Yin Chen Unknown Date (has links)
根據學者Gwanhoo Lee和Young Hoon Kwak所提出的開放政府程度之檢視以及開放政府的三大準則—透明、公共參與、合作,對照本研究之測量,本研究發現:台北市公民與專家對資訊的準確程度未呈現質疑態度,而資訊品質之評價亦為正面,符合「資料透明」。然而,普遍來說公眾會隨著年齡不同而對於公民參與的認知有所不同,實際參與的次數也不高。綜上所述,本研究認為台北市開放政府的情形有涵蓋資料透明但缺乏「公民參與」。也因為缺乏公民參與,以至於合作的概念目前尚未實踐。至於如何突破現階段的困境,可做為將來研究的方向。 / This paper uses right to information and the level of civic participation as indicators to discuss citizens living in a risk society how the open government performs in Taipei City. The study adopts the World Justice Project(WJP) Open Government Index as the foundation of questionnaires and has done some revision, focusing on the case in Taipei City. The general public questionnaire aims to survey whether citizens in different age ranges hold different opinions toward right to information and civic participation; Expert questionnaire, on the other hand, is to investigate whether experts have different perspectives toward these two indicators.
Based on the survey of the level of open government and the three principles proposed by Gwanhoo Lee and Young Hoon Kwak: transparency, public participation, and collaboration in contrast to the assessment of the study, the paper discovers that citizens and experts in Taipei City are undoubting of information accuracy and hold positive feedback to information quality, which corresponds to “information transparency.” However, generally the public varies in the understanding of civic participation as citizens age. The frequency of the actual participation remains low. In sum, the study deems that open government in Taipei City has incorporated information transparency but lack “civic participation.” Because of this, the concept of “collaboration” has not yet achieved. As for how to break through the current difficulties, it can serve as a research direction in the future.
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候選人競選策略之研究:以1998年台北市長選舉馬英九為例蔡佳洹, Jia-yuan Tsai Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論
壹、 研究動機與目的
貳、 研究主題的背景
參、 文獻檢閱
肆、 研究方法
第二章 選區的政治生態
壹、 台北市的人文區位背景
貳、 台北市政治生態環境變遷
參、 小結
第三章 競選初期的策略
壹、 競選初期的主要事件
貳、 競爭條件評估與策略抉擇
參、 競選組織的建立
肆、 策略制定與執行
伍、 小結
第四章 競選中期的策略
壹、 競選中期的主要事件
貳、 主要訴求策略及運用
參、 攻擊策略之應用與調整
肆、 回應策略
伍、 組織與動員
陸、 策略效果
柒、 小結
第五章 競選後期的策略
壹、 主要競選活動
貳、 議題訴求
參、 向對手的攻擊策略
肆、 回應對手攻擊的策略
伍、 造勢活動
陸、 小結
第六章 結論
壹、 研究發現
貳、 檢討與建議
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第七屆台北市議會內三黨互動關係之研究-以85年度總預算審議過程為例 / The Interaction Among Three Parties In 7nd Taipei City Council王娟娟, Wang, Chuan-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
第二章理論基礎與文獻探討:介紹博奕理論基本概念,並對相關研究文獻予以探討。 第三章現行台北市議會內的政黨政治:首先介紹市議會內的政黨組織,再進一步了解議會立法過程中的政黨運作,最後論及影響政黨互動關係的因素。
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大型活動建構臺北市城市品牌形象研究 / The study of Mega events on the image branding of Taipei蔡依蒨, Tsai, Yi Chien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過修正式德菲法問卷的五個5個構面共59項以大型活動建構城市品牌形象之評估指標,專家小組認為利用參與大型活動建構城市品牌形象中,「組織構面」的領導者決策、策略規劃及策略執行能力為最主要關鍵,而包括城市的交通建設網絡以及城市風格等,都是影響形塑城市重要因素。而研究結果則建議建構城市品牌形象可採用地區性行銷策略,而在策略實際操作部分則延攬專業的行銷規劃團隊,以規劃主題式行銷活動,並透過新興媒體進行宣傳等方式為臺北市形塑優質的城市品牌形象。 / As a consequence of globalization, the marketing of region has grown in importance as countries, regions compete with one another to attract investment and visitors. To compete effectively, it is essential to identify the critical success factors of image branding and ensure those who are into the strategic planning. City's image branding is largely dependent on the construction, communication and management as well as the style of the city.
A city's brand image provides, on one hand, the basis for developing city marketing to pursue economic development and, on the other hand, provides as a conduit for people outside the country. This study examines the effectiveness of the efforts on the image branding of Taipei based on an analysis of image branding strategies through the participation of mega events.
The theoretical background from literary reviews of this study covering city marketing, city branding and image, mega events and event marketing topics, which are the conceptual but technical and structural viewpoints included. The primary city brand-driven mega events indicators would be developed by reorganizing these past researches and by dividing them into five aspects: organizational, environmental, target market, marketing, and strategies. All primary indicators are evaluated by 10 marketing, communication, media, and administrative experts to evaluate which have the most criteria toward the image branding of Taipei, and how these factors could be utilized to form the strategic framework.
Based on the survey of the modified Delphi method, the result indicated that the most crucial success factor of the image branding of Taipei is organization leadership, which refer to the city governing philosophy of decision-making, strategic planning, and implementation represention the core building block of image branding. This survey points out that the convenient transportation network, unique city style and applied communication channel, such as social media, are also drawing a line determining the effect of the image branding of Taipei.
Accordingly, some recommendations can be made for the use of the image branding of Taipei: diversified cultural driven assets can be attractive points; Fesvital and activities also can be applied; new style of promotiation channel such as social media can also be developed. Those are based on a combination and the components of the city's brand management.
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新北市財政自主能力之探討 / A Study on Financial Autonomy of New Taipei City洪鳳娟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以新北市為主要研究對象,選取1982-2011年資料,以一般化最小平方法GLS(generalized least squares)進行迴歸分析,探究對於新北市財政收入或自主財源之影響因素。實證結果發現,家庭平均每戶全年經常性收入、土地增值稅減半徵收及調降稅率政策,對於歲入及自有財源具有正向影響效果;失業率則具有負向影響效果。以上三項影響因素中,失業率對於歲入及自有財源之影響程度不同,對於自有財源則更具顯著性負向響影。 / It is undoubted that the municipality can get more resources than counties and cities. Due to the fact, most of counties and cities try for upgrading to a municipality in Taiwan. After city-county consolidation in 2010, the Fiscal Deficit of five special municipalities is still seriously short, they rely on central government subsidies or loans to cope with the operation and construction funds. Because of the limitation of resources, it is the sole solution of solving the fiscal gap for New Taipei City is to enhance the ability of financial autonomy and implement fiscal discipline.
It is necessary for New Taipei City to have the corresponding law to upgrade municipality. We hope that the Act Governing the Allocation of Government Revenues and Expenditures can be revised as soon as possible and the revised law can provide the appropriate financial autonomy and implement fiscal self-responsibility mechanism for New Taipei municipality. However, because of the low proportion of cases under its own financial resources, the fixed expenditure structure and the high proportion of staff costs, the self-decided expenditure is quite limited. In addition, earmarked grants and other issues also narrow its financial autonomy.
New Taipei City is the main object of this study. The specific data (1982-2011) and the GLS(generalized Least Squares) are used in this study to find out the impact factors of New Taipei's revenue and its independent revenue sources. The empirical results indicate that Average Current Receipts Per Household, LAT Halved and Tax Reduction policyhave a positive effect on its revenue and independent revenue sources; Also, the unemployment rate has a negative impact on results. Among these three impact factors, the Unemployment Rate has the different influence degree between the revenue and independent revenue sources, especially; it has significant negative impact on the independent revenue sources.
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警察機關巡邏勤務規劃與執行之研究-以新北市政府警察局分駐(派出)所為例 / The study of patrol task planning and enforcement in the police department :an example of police department’s divisions in New Taipei City government張清峰 Unknown Date (has links)
警察機關應採問題導向巡邏勤務策略,實施因地制宜措施以規劃巡邏勤務,落實盤查作為為主,巡簽巡邏簽章表為輔,因應需求適時添購裝備,強化巡邏勤務精進作為;並落實金融超商業自我防護機制,精簡業務提升警力運用,同時面對問題落實檢討規劃。 / Patrol duty is one of the most common duties for the police officers, which has been generally accepted as their core duty for a long time. Moreover, the patrol duty’s importance and characteristics are more highlighted by its active actions like fighting against crime and its passive actions like prevention and control. However, the policy officers’ planning and executive methods of patrol duty are affected by various factors. Therefore, it deserves deeply exploration about how to achieve the expected effect of patrol duty.
Taking the purposive sampling and qualitative semi-structured in-depth interview, this study interviewed 10 persons including a police station chief and some grassroots police officers assisting the chief to plan and carry out patrol duty, with the aim to explore the patrol planning and operation process. In this way, it can find out the existing problems and provide the study results to relevant units as reference of planning and operation for the police officers, expecting to effectively achieve the function of crime prevention and social order and security maintenance.
The major study results are illustrated as below:
1.Patrol duty is the core duty for the police officers: the duty is 24-hour planned, and accounts for 50%-70% of the work hours every day, so it is the core duty for the police officers.
2.The work. details conform to the primary purpose: Patrol duty focuses on crime prevention, smooth traffic and public service, which conform to the primary purpose of patrol.
3.Offense duty has the preventive effect: Patrol service belongs to offense duty, which is quick and mobile, and has the effect of crime prevention.
4.It conforms to the basic principles and can prevent crime effectively: Patrol operation conforms to the four principles of quickness, mobility, flexibility and conspicuousness, and can prevent crime effectively.
5.Patrol duty is mainly served at late-night: The late-night is the peak period of crime activity, so the patrol duty should be strengthened during that period to meet the practical demands.
6.Use vehicles based on the specific time and place: The vehicles used for patrol service should be flexible based on the specific time and place, so as to achieve the mobility and conspicuousness of patrol service.
7.Accident handling affects the effect of patrol duty: Patrol planning and scheduling is often delayed or vacated due to accident handling, which further affects the expected effect.
8.Strengthen the measures to carry out the patrol duty: Strengthen the function of the command center, carry out the pre-duty education and adopt senior-junior grouping to facilitate teaching experience and achieving the purpose of patrol duty.
9.Procure the patrol equipments in time: Patrol equipments should be procured in time based on the specific demands, so as to ensure secure duty and improve the patrol efficiency.
10.Carry out question to reduce the number of patrol boxes: The patrol duty should strengthen question primarily, together with patrol duty form signing, so as to achieve the expected patrol effect.
11.Patrol service has both advantages and disadvantages: Patrol duty has the function of effective crime prevention. However, it can’t be carried out due to various factors.
Based on the study findings, this study proposes the following suggestions:
The police institutions should adopt the problem-oriented patrol strategies and make measures based on the specific conditions for patrol duty planning. It should carry out question primarily, together with patrol duty form signing. Moreover, it should procure equipments in time based on the demands to strengthen the patrol practice. Besides, it should also carry out the self-defense mechanism of finance-over-business and simplify the business to improve the manpower application. At the meanwhile, it should implement review and planning for the problems.
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新北市「閱讀起步走」活動經驗與滿意度研究 / A study of the experience and satisfaction on bookstart in New Taipei City沈惠珠, Shen, Hui Chu Unknown Date (has links)
五、持續推動相關政策,銜接目前所欠缺之閱讀階段。 / Over the years, reading for infants and toddlers has gained attention from the society. In February 2006, Hsin-Yi Foundation, by means of recruiting cooperative efforts from Taichung County Government and Taipei City Government, initiated Bookstart, a reading activity for parents and kids, in Taiwan. Three year later, New Taipei City started to execute Bookstart, including a good number of funny, inspiring activities such as granting participants with a “Bookstart Pack”, holding parent-kid reading seminars, story-reading for newborns and applying for library cards for newborns.
The study aims to conduct a survey among in-charge librarians and participants, and evaluate the actual effects of Bookstart executed in New Taipei City, including to what extent participants are satisfied with the activities, and the problems or predicament encountered by in-charge librarians in the process of implementation. By so doing, the study induces relevant experiences and offer suggestions for other counties or cities that intend to execute the program of Bookstart in the future.
The study undertakes the analysis of the data with questionnaire investigation method and interviewing method. To start with, by means of random sampling, a questionnaire over satisfaction is conducted among the parents with young-aged kids who have participated in Bookstart; effective copies were 250. Meanwhile, 6 in-charge librarians and 3 parents were selected to take in-depth interviews, so as to better explore the thoughts and ideas of the aforementioned people.
The research results have indicated that:
1.The participating citizens and librarians all give approval for the notions of Bookstart, thinking it beneficial to the promotion of parent-kid reading.
2.The participating citizens have a better satisfaction over the librarians’ attitude of service and the content of the activity, yet their satisfaction for the time and venue of the activity, the hardware facilities of the library and the quality and quantity of the stock is relatively low.
3.Participated citizens do not think the promotion adopted by the library has been well received in everyday life, and hence have the lowest satisfaction for current promotion.
4.The most serious problems facing up to in-charge librarians were short of manpower and insufficient promotion.
5.In-charge librarians regard the factors that affect the quality of activities as manpower and the environment of the library.
6.The assistance needed in promoting Bookstart includes “adding manpower” and “a packaged promotion by the government”.
Hence, the study offers suggestions for the future development of Bookstart as follows:
1.Enrich the collection of books for infants and young children to enhance reading quality.
2.Parents learning courses can group types of workshops or study will be conducted.
3.The current promotion strategies shall be incorporated, and the activity should be promoted by the government as a package.
4.To enhance reading the penetration rate paid by the Bookstart packs.
5.Related policies should be publicized in the future, so the new program can be connected with the current one by adding a “reading phase”.
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電視競選廣告產製策略:2014連勝文參選台北市長個案研究 / TV Campaign Advertising Production Strategy:the Case Study of Lien's Camp during the 2014 Taipei Mayoral Election.朱凱翔, Chu, Kai Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
若從組織動力的角度切入,連勝文陣營競選傳播策略不明的問題,與遲遲無法建立領導核心有關。競選陣營的決策機制,往往是多元與效率的拉鋸,但為了因應瞬息萬變的選戰情勢,必要時應以效率為先,只是在組織與內規建立時,也應設下內控機制。 / This research focuses on Sean Lien camp’s strategy on the production of televised campaign communication during the 2014 Taipei city Mayoral election. First, the campaign can be divided into three phrases in terms of external factor and internal factor. This research will further look into the campaign communication strategy, and how televised campaign communication of Lien camp’s organization during the three phrases. The research methods are in-depth interview and observation in person.
The research results show that Lien camp lacks campaign communication strategy, so Lien camp cannot produce effective campaign ads during his campaign. Lien camp fails to identify what kind of the candidate will play if elected, and also cannot adjust its campaign strategy to cope with urgent situation. Lien camp’s campaign communication cannot effectively promote candidate, but just to become the experiment of imagination and leads to counter-effect to the campaign.
Judging from Lien camp’s organization, Lien camp fails to establish a clear leadership which is related to ineffectiveness of campaign communication. Decision-making mechanism of campaign headquarters is the tug-of-war between diversity and effectiveness. Sometimes, campaign headquarters must set effective measures as top priority in order to deal with changing campaign situation. However, internal control mechanism must be built while the establishment of organization of campaign headquarters and internal rules.
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年級、性別、自我統整與成敗歸因關係之研究游淑燕, YOU, SHU-YAN Unknown Date (has links)
後考驗,T 考驗等方法分析資料。
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刺激尋求動機與創造力、偏差行為之關係研究楊蕢芬, YANG, KUI-FEN Unknown Date (has links)
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