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Programmering i läroplanen– Hur och varför? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med syfte att belysa F-3 lärares arbete med uppdraget att implementera programmering i matematikundervisningen för ökad digital kompetens.Catherall, Jessica, Living, Rebecca January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to contribute to the knowledge of teachers work regarding programming as an educational tool to strengthen the school´s mission towards digital competence. To approach this issue, a qualitative approach was adopted and interviews were conducted with a limited number of teachers in primary school, working with pupils in the lower ages. The statements and stories from the respondents, constitutes the empirical basis of this study and has been analyzed and discussed on the basis of this study’s research background and framework theory. The results show that the informants find the new implementations relevant and challenging. The informants use different kinds of methods, within three overall strategies, when integrate programming in the mathematics curricula. The results also show that the informants believe that programming methods contributes to the development of skills such as strategies for problem solving, collaboration skills and evaluative thinking. We argue that the teacher´s positive views regarding programming in the curriculum has to do with the understanding of the societal development. We also argue that a more equal set of educational skills for teachers regarding how to teach programming should be an advantage for the equivalent school system.
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I pandemins kölvatten : En studie av hur jobbcoachers arbete förändrats under pandemin covid-19 / In the wake of the pandemic : A study how workcoaches work has changed during the pandemic Covid-19Lindqvist, Jonas January 2021 (has links)
When the Covid-19 pandemic started many companies had to cut down on workers to save on expenses. As a part of this workcoaches might face new challenges because more people becomes unemployed. The purpose of this study is to find out if there has been any change in how workcoaches work due to the pandemic. Manu workers, mostly officials, have gone from physical meetings to have them digitally. Interviews has been done in Västerbotten in Sweden. Comparison between how the work was done before and during Covid-19 will be made. The interviews show that an adaption of work has been done. Workcoaches has gone from many physical meetings with a single person to meetings in group using digital technologies. The interview shows that it has been both pros and cons about the adaption. Pros is the fact that you can fast share information to many people at the same time, independent of where they are. Example of cons is that it is hard to create a good relationship between the workcoach and the one that is being coached. One of the reasons is that the digital solution can act as a filter between people and body language can be harder to perceive. Another con is the fact that when you work from home it counts as working alone. The fact that you may have connection with other work coaches only by digital solutions can result in that you get worse cooperation between co-workers. A result of this can lead to negative stress. In summary have the interviewed workcoaches made good changes to how they work and have thoughts of taking some of the changes with them into the future after the pandemic.
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Distansundervisning under COVID-19 pandemi : En kvalitativ studie om gymnasielärares och elevers erfarenheter av övergången från klassrumsundervisning till distansundervisning i ämnet svenska / Distance education during the COVID-19 pandemic : A qualitative study regarding upper secondary teachers’ and students’ experiences of the transition from classroom-based teaching to distance education in the Swedish subjectGaquit, Antonette January 2021 (has links)
Denna studies syfte var att undersöka gymnasielärares och elevers erfarenheter av övergången från klassrumsundervisning till distansundervisning i ämnet svenska. För att samla in data genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med svensklärare och gymnasieelever. Resultatet visar att omställningen från klassrumsundervisning till distansundervisning skedde väldigt fort, men lärarnas höga digitala kompetens bidrog till att distansundervisning i svenska gick relativt bra. Vidare visar resultatet att eleverna var positivt inställda till en början, men att bedriva distansundervisning under en längre period påverkade elevernas mentala mående vilket resulterade i minskad motivation till skolarbete. Följaktligen påverkades elevernas betyg till det sämre och de upplevde att svenskämnet var betydligt svårare på distans. Resultaten skulle troligen ha sett annorlunda ut om informanterna inte hade haft hög digital kompetens som informanterna i denna studie. Slutligen är de lärdomar lärarna tar med sig till framtiden att en blandning av distans- och närundervisning kan vara en möjlighet, eftersom det erbjuder en flexibilitet i undervisningsformen, men studien visar också hur viktig lärarens närvaro och stöd är för en lyckad studiegång för eleverna.
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Självledarskap vid digitaliseringsförändringar : En kvalitativ studie inom revisionsbranschenBjärehäll, Evelina, Johansson, Sara January 2021 (has links)
The world is getting more and more digitalized, and the progress has been further accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic. In March 2020, the Public Health Agency of Sweden encouraged everyone that could to work from home. The auditing industry is one of the affected industries due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and the risk of an impaired quality in the audit was high. One thing that increases in importance when working from home is self-leadership since the individual is getting a greater responsibility to plan their workday. The purpose of this study is to describe how self-leadership strategies are used by auditors to handle digitalization changes, and to develop a framework. The purpose will be answered by the following research question: How are self-leadership strategies used by auditors to handle digitalization changes? The method used in this study is a qualitative case study where each respondent forms an individual case. The empirical material has been collected by semi-structured interviews with six respondents. After the interviews, the empirical material has been analyzed by a thematic analysis. This study shows that self-leadership strategies are generally used by the auditors, and the most used behavior-focused strategies are self-goal-setting, self-rewarding, positive cues, and negative cues. Within the thought-focused strategies, the most commonly used are self-talk, belief and assumptions, and change of thought patterns. From the natural rewarding strategies, the most common are natural rewards, and only one respondent uses focus on positive aspects. The study shows that some of the strategies are used by the auditors independent of digitalization changes or changes due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Self-leadership strategies used to handle digitalization changes are foremost the thought-focused strategies and, to a certain extent, positive cues, negative cues, and natural rewards. The authors of this study have also found empirical support for the usage of other strategies that the respondents are using to handle digitalization changes and changes in the workplace due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The contribution of this study to the self-leadership research is hence the two new self-leadership strategies of focus together with recovery and relaxation. / Världen blir hela tiden mer digitaliserad och något som påskyndat denna utveckling ytterligare är Covid-19-pandemin. I mars 2020 uppmanade Folkhälsomyndigheten att alla som har möjlighet att jobba hemifrån ska göra det. En bransch som påverkades av detta är revisionsbranschen och det fanns en risk att revisionens kvalité skulle försämras. Självledarskap får en större betydelse vid hemarbete eftersom individen får ökat ansvar för att planera sitt arbete och arbetsuppgifter då. Syftet med denna studie är beskriva hur självledarskapsstrategier används av revisorer för att hantera digitaliseringsförändringar samt att utveckla ett ramverk, vilket besvaras med hjälp av frågeställningen som är: Hur används självledarskapsstrategier av revisorer för att hantera digitaliseringsförändringar? Metoden som använts är en kvalitativ fallstudie där varje respondent utgör ett enskilt fall. Empiriinsamlingen har skett genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex stycken respondenter som sedan har analyserat genom en tematisk analys. Studien visar på att självledarskapsstrategier används generellt i en revisors arbete men de som används mest under de beteendemässiga strategierna är självmålsättning, självbelöning samt positiv och negativ signalering. Inom de tankemässiga används självprat, tro och antagande samt att ändra tankemönster. Av de naturliga belöningsstrategierna används främst naturligt belönande uppgifter men endast en av respondenterna använder sig av fokusering på positiva aspekter. Studien visar således på att vissa av strategierna används av revisorerna oberoende av digitaliseringsförändringar eller förändringar till följd av Covid-19-pandemin. De strategier som vidare använts av revisorer för att hantera digitaliseringsförändringar är de tankemässiga strategierna samt i viss utsträckning signalering och naturliga belöningar. Författarna till studien har även hittat underlag för att andra strategier används av revisorer i syfte att hantera digitaliseringsförändringar och hemarbete till följd av Covid-19-pandemin. Dessa två strategier är studiens bidrag till självledarskapsforskningen och benämns av författarna som fokus samt återhämtning och avkoppling.
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Hur en digitalisering av valsystemet påverkar valdeltagare : en studie kring hur röstberättigade medborgare påverkas vid en digitalisering av valdeltagarprocessen / How a digitalization of the elections system affects voters : a study around how citizens entitled to vote are affected by a digitalization of the election processRajaniemi, Jonas, Jaksch, Oliver January 2021 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks en potentiell digitalisering av det svenska valsystemet. Utöver en undersökning kring vad en digitalisering av valsystemet innebär presenteras olika digitala valalternativ som finns till det traditionella valsystemet. Samtidigt samlas åsikter in från svenska valdeltagare om vad de tycker om dessa olika valsystem och vilket system som valdeltagarna anser uppfyller sitt syfte mest optimalt. Potentiella fördelar och nackdelar som kan uppstå för valdeltagare vid en digitalisering av röstningsprocessen, samt de primära skillnader som finns mellan det traditionella valsystemet kontra ett digitalt valsystem är även ett huvudområde inom denna studie. Avslutningsvis kommer det i denna studie att forskas kring vad som förhindrar digitaliseringen av valsystemet. All information har samlats in via en litteraturstudie samt en intervju med Valmyndigheten, som ansvarar för att svenska val ska fungera. Utöver detta har valdeltagare kontaktats via en enkät som har skapats för att samla in valdeltagares ställning till de olika valsystemen som presenteras. / Within this study a potential digitalization of the Swedish electoral system is made. Beyond a research around what a digitalisation of the electoral system means will this study present different digital alternatives to the traditional electoral system. Meanwhile, opinions will be collected from Swedish election participants regarding what election system they prefer and what system they think is the most optimal. Potential benefits and disadvantages for the election participants that could originate from a digitalization of the election system is also a key goal of the study. Finally within this study a research about what prevents a digitalisation will be presented. All the information has been collected through a theory research and an interview with Valmyndigheten, who is responsible for Swedish elections. Beyond the interview and the theory study a survey has been made to collect the voter participators position regarding the different electoral systems presented.
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Grundläggande taluppfattning hos elever i särskilda utbildningsbehov i matematik (SUM) : En studie av vilken påverkan en intervention med Vektor kan ha på SUM-elevers grundläggande taluppfattningMalin, Wintenby, Therese, Alfheim January 2021 (has links)
Early efforts in order to be able to detect and remedy mathematical difficulties are of great importance for students mathematical knowledge development. Students in need of special education in mathematics (SEM) all have the same right to, based on their ability, receive the right guidance and stimulus for optimal development. The purpose of this study is to investigate which changes in the basic number sense comprehension of students in SEM can be detected after an intervention with Vektor and how this change manifests itself. A group of students age 6-7 and educators participated in the study. The study was conducted through both student interviews and an intervention. Before and after the intervention, the students were interviewed in order to discover whether the intervention has contributed to any changes in the students basic number sense comprehension. The results of the study show that the change in the understanding of number sense has been predominantly positive for the students who participated in the study. The semiconcrete representations that are in the application have been supportive during the work. Both for the students who need to consolidate their knowledge and the students who with the help oft the support have been able to generalize their previous knowledge. The conclusion that can be drawn from the study is that Vektor, as a complement to good teacher-led teaching, can contribute to SEM students mathematical development. From a special educational perspective, Vektor, through its adaptive ability, is a good tool for stimulating and motivating students in SEM. This means that the combination of Vektor and teacher-led teaching can create increased accessibility to mathematics for all students.
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Digitalundervisning i geografi med videomöte som redskap i årskurs 4 / Digital Teaching in Geography with Video Conferencing as a ToolAugustsson, Andreas January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Det är 2021 vi lever i och vårt samhälle är nästan helt digitaliserat : En studie om den digitala teknikens roll i förskoleverksamheten / It is 2021 we live in and our society is almost completely digitized : A study of the role of digital technology in early childhood educationNorrman, Madeleine, Mårtensson, Elsa January 2021 (has links)
Med den ständiga digitala teknikens utveckling och framgång har teknologin fått en större del i både vuxnas och barns utbildning. Sedan 2018 har begreppet digitalisering implementerats i läroplanen, men eftersom digital teknik är ett relativt nytt område inom förskolan finns det därför inte så mycket befintlig forskning kring detta ämne och då specifikt kring pedagogernas roll och arbetssätt med digitalisering. Syftet med studien är därför att undersöka den digitala teknikens roll i förskoleverksamheten. Studiens syfte har besvarats med hjälp av följande frågeställningar: "Hur används digital teknik i undervisningen i förskolans verksamhet, hur ofta och på vilket sätt?", "Finns det skillander med kompetens i digital teknik bland erfarna pedagoger kontra nyexaminerande förskollärare?" och "Hur påverksas kvalitén på förskolans digitala kunskaper av pedagogernas kompetens?". För att besvara studeins frågeställningar har vi använt oss av triangulering med på kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod. Vi har analyserat vårt empiriska material med hjälp av det teoretiska persepktiven läroplansteori, det sociokulturella perspektivet, likvärdighetsperspektivet samt pedagogisk kvalité. Vid inblick i både enkät och intervjuer kan det urskiljas att alla som har medverkat i studien använder sig av den digitala tekniken tillsammans med barnen i utbildningssyfte. Utifrån det insamlade materialet visar resultatet att uppemot hälften av alla som deltagit i studien inte blir erbjudna någon form av fortbildning kring digitalisering av sin arbetsgivare och känner därför behovet av kompetensutveckling kring de digitala teknikerna.
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Arbetstagarnas integritet : En rättshistoriskt studie om arbetstagares integritetsskydd vid behandling av personliga uppgifter.Cancade, Chloé January 2021 (has links)
As the name ”personal data” demontrates, such data are a part of the personal integrity of an individual. Their use on the labour market and in employment relations must be regulated in order to minimize the risks of infrigement in the personal integrity of the employees. Such regulations must evolve in the same rate as the methods of processing and the technological development. This creates many difficulties for the legislators and companies who are concerned by the legislation. Therefore, will this thesis examine the evolution of the regulations regardingthe processing of personal data in the last 50 years through a comparaison of the processing of non-sensitive and sensitive personal data. In addition, this thesis studies the role of digitalisation and globalisation on the legislations and how the challenges present in the early 70s has evolved to the challenges we are now facing.
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Analys av distanserad ledning för produktion inom anläggningHeimer, Nils, Norberg, Casper January 2021 (has links)
Veidekke contract limited company is a construction company from Norway but is established in the entire Scandinavia. An analysis of remote management for production sites in construction has together with Veidekke been executed. The story behind this analysis is that Veidekke has seen development potential in this area. The pandemic (SARS-CoV-2) has brought a development need in technical tools to be able to achieve remote management. The purpose of this analysis is to investigate the effects of remote management. The analysis strives to finding solutions that can generate a more effective remote management at a smaller cost. This study limits itself to construction sites. Gathering of data material has only been from Veidekke. The study has had a core project, Advania but has also gathered information from other ongoing projects within Veidekke. The analysis has two types of data. An interview study has been done and analyzed, with the purpose to study the responders’ opinions, experiences, and proposals of remote management. Veidekke has assisted with data including project expenses as well as hours, the extent of servicemen, and actual final costs together with completed hours. In this study’s current situation analysis, the technical tools used within the management as of today is being explored. The description tells of how documentation is being handled, drone footage for an overall view as well as different forms of digital meetings. The interview study shows parting views on remote management. These rely on different facts considering the responders’ individual home environment for example, but also route to work, age, and the extent of each project. The gathered data from Veidekke shows an average of professional roles found on each project. This average number represents the extent of the different roles on each project. Conclusions of the study as well as the result, shows different outcomes of remote management. The conclusion summarizes opportunities to enhance work environment and economy, streamlining as well as contribute to a more sustainable construction.
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