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Kvinnor i den jemenitiska fredsprocessen : en innehållsanalys av kvinnligt deltagande i ljuset av reella makthierarkier och hegemonierCetinkaya, Dilara January 2021 (has links)
Women’s participation in peace processes has become increasingly important as the UN resolution 1325 was adopted in 2000. The resolution encourages women’s participation in peace processes and validates that increased female participation builds sustainable peace. This master thesis provides an in-depth case study of women’s participation in Yemen’s peace process. The purpose of this thesis is to identify and analyze what kinds of Yemeni women are participating in the peace process, and who are not, as well as investigating why there might be a difference in inclusion. Additionally, an interpretation is offered on what these results may say about peace processes in general. To answer the research questions, empirical material in terms of reports, articles, documents, and semi-structured interviews have been gathered and processed through a qualitative content analysis. The empirical data has been analyzed through a theoretical framework consisting of theories on intersectionality and hegemonic femininity. The results of this thesis show that Yemeni women who participate in the higher track levels of the peace process mainly consist of women holding a high level of education and stemming from higher social classes, while women from the countryside, women who have a lower degree of education and stem from lower social classes, are mainly excluded. However, the results also show that the inclusion of women in the peace process is hybrid, as participating women are being excluded from meaningful participation. The thesis also concludes that women are included and excluded according to different specific power dynamics. This thesis finalizes in a discussion on what these results say about peace processes in general, and reflect upon possible continuous research.
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Svensk snabbinsats med stridsflyg i Libyen / Swedish Rapid Reaction with Air Force in LibyaJönsson, Anders January 2012 (has links)
Vilja är avgörande för politiska beslut om väpnad insats och i Libyen efterfrågades på kort tid stridsflyg i en konflikt som fick ett starkt folkrättsligt mandat. Viljan till insats med stridsflyg, vilket inte använts internationellt sedan 1963, ställdes mot Sveriges tradition av att ställa upp när FN kallar. I uppsatsen analyseras viljan till insats i beslutsprocessen som föregick insatsen, stridsflygets förmåga och interaktionen däremellan. Uppsatsen har en kvalitativ ansats med förklarande ambition där intervjuer utgör en stor del av empirin. Den nationella beslutsprocessen har använts som teoretisk struktur för analysen. Sammanfattning: Resultatet visar att stridsflygets förmåga vid tillfället för beslutsprocessen var särskilt hög. Försvarsmakten uppvisade en stark vilja till insats genom hela beslutprocessen. Den politiska viljan var inledningsvis svag för en insats men växte sig stark inom delar av stridsflygets förmågebredd. Förmågan möjliggjorde tidiga och klara besked från Försvarsmakten vilka var avgörande för den politiska viljan. Tillgängligheten skapade en politisk press på att agera och bidrog till ett högt tempo som, med en stark gemensam vilja som grund, kunde förkorta tiden för beslutsprocessen. / Will is decisive for political decisions for armed intervention and in Libya fighters were on short notice requested in a conflict with a strong international legal mandate. The willingness to send fighters to an operation was challenged by the tradition to contribute when needed from UN. The purpose is to study the capability and willingness, and the interaction between them, in the decision making process prior to the operation. The paper has a qualitative approach and interviews are a major part of the empirical data. The national decision-making process has been used as a theoretical framework in the research. Abstract: The results show that the capability at the time was high and that the willingness from the Armed Forces was strong throughout the whole decision process. The broad political will was initially weak but grew stronger during the process, but only for participation in a certain role in the operation. The capability enabled the early and clear signals from the Armed Forces that were crucial to the political will. The high availability also created pressure for political action and the high pace of decision making that, with a common will, shortened the process.
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Att sitta i samma båt - Sverige och det internationella samarbetets friktioner i Operation AtalantaBlomberg, Marcus January 2022 (has links)
International military cooperation constitutes a vital part of states’ security policies. However, the aspect of friction in cooperation processes tends to be overlooked. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to shed light on this matter by examining the case of the Swedish Navy’s contribution to EU NAVFOR Operation Atalanta conducted in the waters off Somalia. To identify which frictions and challenges that were prominent during the operation, a qualitative methodological approach based on a theoretical framework by Nora Bensahel were implemented where Six senior officers of the Swedish Navy were interviewed about their experiences in Operation Atalanta. Results suggest that the operation in general was seen as successful but not without challenges. Sources of friction were identified in the form of conflicting national interests among participating nations, coordination efforts of parallel ongoing missions in the area, difficulties in cooperation and exchange with local authorities, as well as in national differences regarding cultural, lingual, and traditional conditions. Some of these results are likely to be contextually dependent on the circumstances of the specific case of Operation Atalanta. Therefore, further research is required to broaden our understanding of international military cooperation from a military, operational perspective. Nevertheless, results may still make up valuable empirical contribution to such further studies.
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LSS – en viktig lagstiftning på det socialpolitiska området.Gabrielsson, Anna January 2021 (has links)
Funktionsnedsatta är och har alltid varit en mer eller mindre diskriminerad grupp i samhället. Genom uppkomsten av lagen om särskilt stöd till vissa funktionshindrade (1993:387) (LSS) har emellertid funktionsnedsatta fått väsentligt förbättrade levnadsvillkor, och bättre förutsättningar att kunna leva ett liv "som alla andra". LSS betonar alla människors lika värde. Ett av lagens huvudsyften är att tillförsäkra trygghet för den enskilde och dennes familj. I arbetet beskrivs också hur denna trygghet hotades genom den omprövningsmöjlighet som Försäkringskassan hade med stöd av tidigare bestämmelser i Socialförsäkringsbalken och skapade stress och oro hos den funktionsnedatte och dennes familj. Sverige är bunden är konventionen av mänskliga rättigheter för funktionsnedsatta och den kraftiga nedskärningen av personlig assistans som pågick i Sverige mellan 2010-2014 fick skarp kritik av FN. Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att med hjälp av lagstiftning, förarbeten och rättspraxis utreda förutsättningarna för stöd enligt LSS, exempelvis vad domstolen tar i beaktande när det uppstår oklarheter kring om det finns (omfattande) behov av stöd och service. I arbete redogörs även för LSS, dess uppkomst, samt syfte och funktion.
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”Det är det största jag gjort för min personliga utveckling” : Gymnasielevers upplevelser kring FN-rollspel i samhällkunskapsundervisningen / ”The greatest thing I´ve done for my personal development” : Upper secondary school students’ experiences with Model UN in civicseducationPedersen, Hanna January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to provide insights into Swedish upper secondary school students experiences with Model UN, a roleplay simulation of the United Nations General Assembly, and it´scontributions to the development of knowledge and skills in civics education. Examining Model UN is crucial for evaluating its pedagogical effectiveness and understanding students' perspectives and experiences. It is also essential to investigate how Model UN can enhance students' understanding of societal issues and international relations, particularly in a time of increasing global complexities. By exploring questions that emphasize the function of roleplaying as a tool for increased understanding of societal issues, international relations, and democracy, as well as students' interpretations of participation, the study aims to enhance understanding of how Model UN can benefit students' learning and development.The study utilizes theoretical frameworks that draws from civics didactics such as Christina Odenstad´s (2010) subject profiles and Sara Blanck´s (2014) subject didactics to examine the impact of model UN simulations. Odenstad (2010) categorizes social studies or civics into orientation subject, analysis subject, and discussion subject, while Blanck (2014) adds a subject didactic aspect emphasizing the ability to act and citizenship education. These profiles help analyse how Model UN contributes to students' learning and skills development.Drawing from interviews with upper secondary school students, the study finds that Model UN simulations is an engaging teaching method where students perceive significant development. Students' interest and engagement in societal issues rises, and by assuming roles and discussing crucial topics, they gain a deeper understanding of subjects such as politics and democracy. Factual knowledge develops through participation in role-playing, aiding students in effective argumentation and understanding diverse perspectives. Following the simulations, students emphasize the importance of nuanced analysis, which has enhanced their critical thinking and ability to avoid falling victim to propaganda. Students who participated in Model UN describe developing skills in oral presentation, self-confidence, political self-efficacy, and understanding beyond facts. Through their experiences, they describe a collective journey of nervousness, uncertainty, and growth.The experience led them to realize that political issues are more nuanced than they previously believed, emphasizing the importance of being prepared for counterarguments and understanding different viewpoints. They believe that the practical approach of role-playing is a valuable complement to traditional theoretical education and advocate for more inclusion of such activities in school curricula. Model UN was an enriching and rewarding experience that not only strengthened their skills but also increased their understanding of political issues and international relations. They stress that such activities should become available to more students to promote a deeper understanding and a more engaged approach to societal issues.The study's findings indicate that Model UN provided a breadth in education where all four didactic profiles were demonstrated and developed, suggesting that UN role-playing can be a useful teaching tool in civics education.
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Charge pumps and floating gate devices for switching applicationsMabuza, Bongani Christopher 27 November 2012 (has links)
On-chip impedance tuning is used to overcome IC perturbations caused by packaging stress. Tuning is more important for matching networks of radio frequency (RF) systems. Possible package resonance and fabrication process variations may cause instability, which is a major problem in RF systems. Thus, precautions need to be taken in order to maintain the overall stability of components and the final system itself. Electrically erasable programmable read-only memory switches (EEPROMs) occupy less die area compared to e-fuses and microelectromechanical system (MEMS) switches, thus EEPROMs are proposed to be used as tuning switches in millimetre-wave (mm-wave) applications. It is anticipated that EEPROM switches will also enable multi-time programming because of the smaller area and the fact that more switches can be used for fine-tuning. The problem addressed in this research is how suitable EEPROMs are for switching applications in the mm-wave region. The main focus of this dissertation is to characterise the suitability of EEPROM switches qualitatively for tuning with systems operating in the mm-wave spectrum. 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS IBM 8HP process technology was used for simulation and the fabricated prototypes. The Dickson charge pump (CP), two voltage doubler CPs and four floating gate (FG) devices were investigated. Literature and theoretical verification was done using computer aided design (CAD) Cadence software through circuit analysis and the layouts were also designed for integrated circuit (IC) prototype fabrication. The qualitative evaluation of the hypothesis was based on investigating reliability issues, switching characteristics, CP output drive capability and mm-wave characterisation. The maximum measured drain current for FGs was 1.4 mA, 2.7 mA and 3 mA for devices 2, 3 and 4, respectively. The ratio between ON state switching current (after tunnelling) and OFF state switching current (after injection) was 1.5, 1.35 and 6 for devices 2, 3 and 4, respectively. The ratios correlated with the expected results in terms of FG transistor area: a high area results in a higher ratio. Despite the correlation, devices 2 and 3 may be unsuitable because the ratio is less than 2: a smaller ratio between the ON and OFF states could also result in higher losses. The Dickson CP achieved an output voltage of 2.96 V from an input of 1.2 V compared to 3.08 V as computed from the theoretical analysis and 4.5 V from the simulation results. The prototypes of the voltage doubler CP did not perform as expected: a maximum of 1 V was achieved compared to 4.1 – 5 V as in the simulation results. The suitability of FG devices for switching applications depends on the ratio of the ON and OFF states (associated to insertion and isolation losses): the larger the FG transistor area, the higher the ratio. The reliability issues are dominated by the oxide thickness of the transistor, which contributes to charge leakages and charge trapping: smaller transistor length causes more uncertainties. Charge trapping in the oxide increases the probability of leakages and substrate conduction, thus introduces more losses. Based on the findings of this research work, the FG devices promise to be suitable for mm-wave switching applications and there is a need for further research investigation to characterise the devices in the mm-wave region fully. AFRIKAANS : Impedansie-instelling op skyf word gebruik om steurings in geïntegreerde stroombane wat deur verpakkingstres veroorsaak word, te oorkom. Instelling is meer belangrik om netwerke van radiofrekwensiesisteme te paar. Moontlike verpakkingresonansie en variasies in die vervaardigingsproses kan onstabiliteit veroorsaak, wat ‟n groot probleem is in radiofrekwensiesisteme. Voorsorg moet dus getref word om die oorhoofse stabiliteit van komponente en die finale sisteem self te handhaaf. Elektries uitveebare programmeerbare slegs-lees-geheueskakelaars (EEPROMs) neem minder matrysarea op as e-sekerings en die sekerings van mikro-elektromeganiese sisteme en word dus voorgestel vir gebruik as instellingskakelaars in millimetergolfaanwendings. Daar word verwag dat EEPROM-skakelaars ook multi-tydprogrammering sal moontlik maak as gevolg van die kleiner area en die feit dat meer skakelaars gebruik kan word vir fyn instellings. Die probleem wat in hierdie navorsing aandag geniet, is die geskiktheid van EEPROMS vir skakelaanwendings in die millimetergolfstreek. The hooffokus van die verhandeling is om die geskiktheid van EEPROM-skakelaars kwalitatief te karakteriseer vir instelling met sisteme wat in die millimetergolfspektrum funksioneer. Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering v University of Pretoria 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS IBM 8HP-prosestegnologie is gebruik vir simulasie en die vervaardigde prototipes. Die Dickson-laaipomp is gebruik vir simulasie en die vervaardigde prototipes. Die Dickson-laaipomp, twee spanningverdubbelinglaaipompe en vier swewendehektoestelle is ondersoek. Literatuur- en teoretiese verifikasie is gedoen met behulp van rekenaarondersteunde-ontwerp (CAD) Cadence-sagteware deur stroombaananalise en die uitleg is ook ontwerp vir die vervaardiging van geïntegreerdestroombaanprototipes. Die kwalitatiewe evaluasie van die hipotese is gebaseer op die ondersoek van betroubaarheidkwessies, skakelingeienskappe, laaipompuitsetdryfvermoë en millimetergolfkarakterisering. Die maksimum gemete dreineerstroom vir swewende hekke was 1.4 mA, 2.7 mA en 3 mA vir onderskeidelik toestelle 2, 3 en 4. Die verhouding tussen die AAN-toestand van die skakelstroom (na tonnelling) en die AF-toestand van die skakelstroom (na inspuiting) was 1.5, 1.35 en 6 vir toestelle 2, 3 en 4, onderskeidelik. Die verhoudings het ooreengestem met die verwagte resultate rakende die swewendehek-transistorareas: ‟n groot area het ‟n hoër verhouding tot gevolg. Nieteenstaande die ooreenstemming, mag toestelle 2 en 3 moontlik nie geskik wees nie, omdat die verhouding kleiner as 2 is: ‟n kleiner verhouding tussen die AAN- en AF-toestande mag ook hoër verliese tot gevolg hê. Die Dickson-laaipomp het ‟n uitsetspanning van 2.96 V vanaf ‟n inset van 1.2 V vergeleke met 3.08 V soos bereken volgens die teoretiese analise en 4.5 V volgens die simulasieresultate. Die prototipes van die spanningverdubbelinglaaipomp het nie gefunksioneer soos verwag is nie: ‟n maksimum van 1 V is bereik vergeleke met 4.1 – 5 V soos in die simulasieresultate. Die geskiktheid van swewendehektoestelle vir skakelingtoepassings hang af van die verhouding van die AAN- en AF-toestande (wat met invoer-en isolasieverlies geassosieer word): hoe groter die swewendehektransistorarea, hoe hoër die verhouding. Die betroubaarheidkwessies word oorheers deur die oksieddikte van die transistor, wat bydra tot ladinglekkasies en ladingvasvangs: korter transistorlengte veroorsaak meer onsekerheid. Ladingvasvangs in die oksied verhoog die moontlikheid van lekkasies en substraatgeleiding en veroorsaak dus groter verlies. Die bevindings van hierdie navorsing toon dat swewendehektoestelle waarskynlik geskik is vir millimetergolfaanwendings en verdere navorsing is nodig om die toestelle volledig in die millimetergolfstreek te karakteriseer. Copyright / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted
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EU Unity at the UN General Assembly : A Study of Actorness Cohesion in the First CommitteeGeijer, Clara January 2017 (has links)
This study analyses the Actorness Cohesion (AC) of the EU’s foreign policy in the United Nations General Assembly First Committee by comparing the EU Delegation foreign policy-maker’s role conceptions to those made by the EU Member State (EU MS) Delegations on the same topic clusters. The concept of AC is developed from actorness and role theory as an ideational, constructivist measure of vertical policy coherence. AC represents the absence of ‘vertical conflicts’ between the EU and EU MS Delegation’s expressed role conceptions along four dimensions; Identity Cohesion, Goal Cohesion and Function Cohesion and Worldview Cohesion. This is studied by interpreting the role stability in the role-set; whether the contents are consistent, the EU role conception is central or whether the EU MS Delegations complement and/or are compatible to the EU role conception. Statements on topic clusters: ‘Disarmament Machinery’, ‘Conventional Weapons’ and ‘Outer Space (disarmament aspects)’ are analysed in order to determine the AC. The study concludes that whilst there is little evidence of the EU Delegation’s role conception being central to the EU MS Delegations, there is considerable consistency of contents. There are also indications of an emerging AC due to the EU MS Delegation’s role conceptions being complementary to that of the EU Delegation. The study calls for more research that will complement this plausibility-probe study and the concept of AC.
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Gemensamt mål eller gemensamma medel? : En komparativ textanalys av svensk och finsk säkerhetsstrategi efter kalla krigets slut och dess konsekvenser för det svensk-finska försvarssamarbetet. / Common ends or common means?Anderssson, Linus, Karlberg, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
COMMON ENDS OR COMMON MEANS? The Cold War is over and Sweden and Finland are starting to deal with the new security enviroment that has emerged. Grand Strategy in both countries is changing to meet the new Europe and surroundings. Both Sweden and Finland consider the risk of a direct attack in the near future to be highly unlikely and this has effects on the respective countries grand strategy. A broadened approach to security is applied and the military instrument is no longer the primary concern in the strategy. Both Sweden and Finland become members of the European Union in 1995 but neither is a member of NATO, the countries both consider themselves as military non-aligned, the only two countries with a coastline to the Baltic Sea with that stance. This makes for a logic choice to cooperate for the common security and a cooperation is formed to cover security policies to be relevant in peace, crisis and war. Even though the countries are existing in and interpret the new security enviroment in similar ways they approach the challanges in differing ways. This creates the differences that we identify and describe in this thesis. The purpose of this thesis is to identify and describe the differences between Sweden's and Finland's grand strategy, how this difference has changed from 1996 to 2018 and if these differences can have consequences for the cooperation between the two countries, mainly military and at the highest strategic level. The thesis is focused on the elements of the grand strategy that involves the armed forces of the respective countries. This comparative text analysis compares political policy documents within the grand strategy field from both Sweden and Finland. We will compare the period from 1996-2018. The comparison will be made by examining three occasions in the period, year 1996, Year 2004 and year 2018. The documents used have relevance against these years and are analyzed by applying Jacob Westberg's model; ends, means, ways and environment. The differences and the consequences that are the conclusions of this thesis are that cooperation are not always formed because it is the best possible option but sometimest the only possible options. Sweden and Finland's history differ in some parts and this has affected the respective country's security strategies. Finland has a history of coping for itself and has thus a national focus with focus on a stable national defense while Sweden has a history without war in modern times and a constant glance at military international engagement and the political benefits that can be achieved on the international scene.
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Detta är Katolska kyrkan : en studie av framställningar i historie- och religionsskolböcker mellan 1840-2011Sabir, Adam January 2011 (has links)
Denna studie söker att inventera och identifiera bilder eller framställningar rörande Katolska kyrkan i skolbokslitteratur mellan 1840-2011. Behovet av en sådan inventering har funnits länge och genom denna studie tas en första ansats till att fylla en kunskapslucka om hur skolbokslitteraturen har framställt och hur den framställer Katolska kyrkan. Den metod som har används i denna studie är den tankestruktur klargörande kvalitativa textmetodiken som är en underkategori av en bredare innehållslig idéanalys och resultatet har påvisat att den undersökta skolbokslitteraturen genom åren har framställt Kyrkan som en antagonist gentemot frihet i form av religionsutövning i den äldre litteraturen och gentemot moralisk konsensus i modernare skolbokslitteratur.
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FN:s Miljökonferens 1972 i Stockholm : En studie av svensk dagspressAndersson, Viktor January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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