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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reducing Swedish Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Basic Industry and Energy Utilities : An Actor and Policy Analysis

Stigson, Peter January 2007 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to analyze the design of the present climate and energy policies. The main focus is on how the policy instruments affect the Swedish stakeholders who are included in the European Union’s Emission Trading Scheme (EU-ETS). In-depth interviews have been carried out with representatives from the basic industry, energy utilities as well as industrial and green organizations. The purpose is to illustrate have how these stakeholders view the current policy framework and what amendments that they view as necessary. Suggestions to the Government are given regarding the design of national policies and policy instruments to provide for an improved policy framework. The information and synthesis have furthermore been collected through extensive literature studies as well as participating at conferences and seminars. The thesis is written as a monograph in order to address a larger group of readers interested in the transition of energy systems towards sustainability as well as policy makers and Swedish stakeholders. The common understanding that the global energy systems have to undergo a transition to renewables and higher energy efficiency due to the earth’s finite sources of fossil fuels and uranium presents large challenges for policy makers and business sectors as well as the society in general. Global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have to be drastically reduced and the work to achieve this has started through international negotiations such as the Kyoto Protocol. As the present commitment levels are low, an important issue in a short-term perspective is to develop a more comprehensive and efficient system with a much wider participation and more stringent emission targets. In order to achieve current national policy goals and international GHG emission commitments the Swedish Government utilizes a number of policy instruments that are either nationally self-assumed or called for by international agreements or the European Union. The Swedish stakeholders that are included in the EU-ETS face a broad policy framework that has a large impact on their daily operations and future investment strategies. It is imperative for the policymakers, i.e. the Government, to act in accordance with the long-term perspective that the climate change issue and the transition of the energy system require. It is likewise important that any actions are in accordance with the operational and investment climate that the business sector faces. It is argued that these aspects are not fully considered as the success of the next national budget or term of public office seems to overshadow these issues. A long-term perspective is required to provide the business sector with stable and reliable incentives. This is needed to provide the economic conditions under which the businesses can realize investments that will result in emission reductions. Short-term policies reinforce the view of environmental investments as a form of risk investments. This negatively affects the possibility of the policy instruments to effectively achieve established policy goals. Paying attention to these requirements is however not a simple task for policy makers as it will require agreements between the political parties. This demonstrates the main political difficulty with climate change – the requirement of a long-term and full commitment by all state authorities. It should be noted that the thesis does not attempt to describe the Swedish policy makers as neglecting the urgency of acting to mitigate climate change. The national agenda is far to advanced from an international perspective for such statements. The thesis however pinpoints some important issues highlighted by stakeholders, within the business sector and other organizations, who are concerned with the present climate and energy policy framework. Some of the findings are as follows: • Reducing GHG emissions in order to combat climate change must include a long-term perspective • The design of policy instruments should consequently be long-term to increase the support for investments in GHG emission reducing technologies • The design of policies that promote low GHG production alternatives within the energy utilities should be improved • The large potential for reduced GHG emission available through fuel switching and energy efficiency improvements in the Swedish basic industry should be promoted by amended policies • Reformulate or abandon the national GHG emissions target goal with the current formulation • Strive for an emission rights allocation system that is as transparent, fair and predictable as possible • The policy framework should aim for a high level of stability through interaction with the affected stakeholders • These factors are inherently important for the overall efficiency of the policy framework

Ochrana klimatického systému Země / Legal Protection of the Earth's Climate

Vaverka, David January 2015 (has links)
In accordance with its title, this Thesis Aims to Analyse Legal Aspects of Climate protection. Therefore its structure comprises of Five major sections dedicated to offer substantial amounts of information on the topic of Climate Change and its Protection. The first section describes the Issue of Climate Change, the History of its Protection as well as necessary measures and certain difficulties to achieve a consensus usually occurring during international negotiations. The second, third, and forth sections address Legal Climate Protection at International, European Union, and National Levels. Finally, the closing fifth section not only summarizes all that has been stated in previous sections but also evaluates Efficiency of actions taken at the three levels mentioned. Furthermore, the last section suggests where the major efforts should be focused on in the forthcoming years. All in all, the main objective of all the sections introduced is to Highlight the Urgent Need for Effective and Coordinated Action taken by the Whole International Community based on Conscious and Mindful Doings of each and every Individual. This requirement is the very crucial precondition in order to keep the global rising temperature below 2 degrees celsius by the end of the 21st Century so that potential negative and...

EU-USA: partnerství či konflikt / EU-USA: Partnership or Conflict

Šedivá, Linda January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the relationship between the EU and the USA with an emphasis on the period after the year 2000. The analysis was only possible with knowledge of preceding milestones that have formed the partnership, the thesis- therefore- begins with the period after the Second World War, to which the European Union can trace its roots. The thesis follows the changes in the relationship during the decades of the Cold War (long-term trends) and in the first decade after its end (short-term trends), and then, due to the broadness of the issue, concrete themes from the period after the year 2000. The thesis also examines the relationship in terms of partnership and conflict, and examines the reasons and events behind the motivation on both sides. The first chapter deals with the Europe-USA relationship development since 1945 and is divided into five parts according to post-war decades. The second chapter deals with the Europe (EU)-USA relationship development after the Cold War up to the beginning of the new millennium. The third chapter represents the centerpiece of the thesis- key issues in the transformation of the relationship. The chapter is divided into four subchapters: divergent and shared opinions on the fight against terrorism (Afghanistan, Iraq), divergent and shared opinions in relation to international organisations and treaties (the Kyoto Protocol, the International Criminal Court), divergent and shared opinions on solving the financial crisis. The fourth subchapter examines the transformation and continuity of the relationship after the accession of the Obama administration.

全球主要碳市場發展之經驗及對臺灣碳交易之啟示 / Experiences from the Evolution of Major Carbon Markets and Their Implications for Carbon Transactions in Taiwan

林家賢, Lin, Chia Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球溫室氣體排放量的增長,氣候變遷帶來的衝擊益加嚴重,京都議定書的三種彈性減量機制為人類對抗氣候變遷帶來了新的契機,「碳交易」及「碳市場」於焉而生。為與國際的潮流接軌,立法院於2015年6月15日三讀通過了《溫室氣體減量及管理法》,嗣經總統於同年7月1日公布施行,我國將可藉由「總量管制與排放交易」(Cap and Trade)的實施,建立一個強制性的碳市場。本論文以市場規模最大的歐盟及中、美兩大排碳國為例,探討它們碳市場發展的經驗,並將重點聚焦在其歷史背景、制度面的設計、碳交易的情形及執行減量的成效上,希望從中找出我國碳交易可以學習與借鑑的地方。 歐、美及中國的碳市場各在不同的背景之下產生,歐盟及中國以強制性市場為主,美國則以自願性市場為主。本論文發現,歐盟排放交易體系(EU ETS)及中國的7個碳試點,其發展有賴明確的溫室氣體減量目標與碳交易的強制規定作為基礎,此正是美國碳市場所缺乏的。芝加哥氣候交易所(CCX)本質上其實類似歐盟及中國的碳市場,它們最大的差別在於:前者可由企業自行決定加入與否,後兩者則強制達一定排放量的企業加入。CCX失敗的例子,恰恰說明了缺乏國家明確方向的指引,單靠企業憑良心加入的自願性市場,發展仍然有限。 最後,本論文提出對我國碳交易後續規劃方向的7項建議,以及後續論文研究方向的3項建議。 / With the rapid growth of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, impacts of climate change become more serious. To reduce GHG emissions, the Kyoto Protocol was adopted in 1997 and entered into force on 16 February 2005. Various carbon markets have been structured at the domestic or international level, especially since the introduction of three flexible mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol. To demonstrate Taiwan’s commitment to combating climate change in line with the global trend, the Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction and Management Act was promulgated by the president on 1 July 2015. It provides a legal basis for establishing a cap and trade system, and a compliance carbon market will be structured in Taiwan. In this paper, we consider the world’s three major carbon markets, the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS), the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) and the Chinese seven official ETS pilots. This study seeks to provide some suggestions for future carbon transactions in Taiwan from their evolution experiences. The discussions developed in this study will focus on their historical backgrounds, system designs, allowance transactions, and emission reductions achievement. By comparing their evolution experiences, we find critical success factors behind carbon markets. Finally, suggestions for Taiwan’s government and future researches are presented.

全球氣候變遷治理中的美中關係 / The U.S.-China relations in global climate change governance

黃憶如, Huang, Yi Ru Unknown Date (has links)
由於氣候變遷對全球帶來不可回復的危害,並成為影響國家安全的重要因素之一,聯合國自1988年起成立「政府間氣候變遷專門委員會」並啟動氣候治理談判,陸續於1992年及1997年通過《聯合國氣候變遷綱要公約》與《京都議定書》兩項協議,是現今全球應對此議題主要的兩項機制,透過每年召開締約方會議的方式進行協商,促進各締約方達成共識,提升全球節能減排的執行成效。 美國與中國的溫室氣體排放量在全球排名前二名,是已開發國家與開發中國家中具影響力的大國,故對氣候治理的立場與政策,成為影響全球節能減排成效的關鍵。然而由於氣候變遷議題涉及政治、經濟及安全利益,因此兩國對聯合國氣候治理機制所規範的「共同但有區別的責任原則」與減排份額規範的遵守,有各自的利益考量,在應對氣候變遷議題上,有衝突與摩擦,也有合作與實踐。 在聯合國所主導的氣候變遷治理機制中,美國與中國呈現競爭關係,但若跳脫此一機制,兩國反而能運用雙邊的交流協商,例如高層會談、簽署協議及戰略與經濟對話等平臺,進行雙邊合作達到自主的節能減排目標。從多邊的聯合國氣候談判機制與雙邊的交流分析,未來美中在應對氣候變遷議題上,仍將是既競爭又合作的關係。如果美國與中國能將現有積極進行雙邊合作立場推進到多邊的國際談判,減少已開發國家與開發中國家對氣候治理立場的分歧,那麼將能在國際氣候談判機制中發揮領導作用,促進新氣候協議的達成,對全球應對氣候變遷有極大的助益。 / Global climate change which has caused irreversible harm and become one of the important factors that affect international security, the United Nations set up Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988 has held talks since then. After that United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC)and Kyoto Protocol(KP)were passed in 1992 and 1997 respectively, which are the world’s two main mechanisms to promote and enhance the implementation of effective emission reduction. The United States and China’s greenhouse gas emissions are the top two in the world and represent developed countries and developing countries. Their attitudes and policies of climate governance have become the key to the effective reduction in global greenhouse gas emissions. However, due to climate change issues related to political, economic and security interests, diffefent views on “common but differentiated responsibilities” and “responsibilities for emission reductions” give rise to both conflict and cooperation between the two countries. In the United Nations-led climate change governance mechanisms, the United States holds a competitive relationship with China. But outside the mechanisms, their bilateral consultations, such as high-level talks, agreements and U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) help them achieve reduction targets. In the future, the U.S.-China relations on the climate change issue will continue to be both competitive and cooperative. If they can modify their stances through climate governance, it will be able to play a leadership role in international climate negotiations and promote the new climate agreement to solve global climate change issues effectvely.

全球暖化與台灣的氣候政治-以《溫室氣體減量法》為例 / Global warming and the politics of climate change in Taiwan

施奕任, Shih, Yijen Unknown Date (has links)
隨著氣候變遷及其不利影響的科學證據日益明確,國際社會與主權國家從1980年代以來關懷思考如何因應氣候議題。台灣受限於特殊的國際地位,難以參與《氣候變遷綱要公約》與《京都議定書》為主的國際氣候談判,但是台灣如何因應氣候議題,對於國內與國際都具有重要性。對於國內而言,氣候變遷產生議題連結的效果,加劇環境退化現象,觸發極端氣候事件的頻率與程度,衝擊處於生態脆弱的台灣。對於國際而言,台灣屬於主要的排放溫室氣體國家,意謂台灣是否願意承諾積極的減排責任,對於全球氣候行動舉足輕重。然而,當台灣從2005年推動《溫室氣體減量法》的立法過程,卻採取消極的政治立場,不僅不願意建立積極的減量目標與期程,同時立法院也不願意通過該法以因應全球氣候倡議。本研究討論不同國家面對國際氣候行動採取各自的政治立場,台灣為何選擇消極的政治立場。 在研究理論與方法上,本研究提出修正的利益解釋模型,該模型認為有兩個因素得以解釋國家因應國際環境倡議的立場。第一個因素是風險認知,其認為國家面對國際環境倡議的政治立場,考量國內民眾對於生態脆弱性的風險認知。第二個因素是考量污染減量經濟成本,國內決策者基於各自的成本與利益考量,在決策過程中彼此協商,形塑國家減量成本與利益盤算,當減量成本越低,則國家越傾向於支持國際環境行動,反之亦然。基於修正模型的假定,本研究利用不同的研究方法與資料,分析上述兩項因素。在風險認知面向,本研究利用中央研究院社會學研究所進行台灣社會變遷基本調查2010年六期一次問卷Ⅱ環境題組的實證資料進行統計分析。在減量成本面向,本研究就《溫室氣體減量法》立法過程涉及相關行為者進行深度訪談,透過質化分析理解不同行為者在決策過程的互動。 在研究結果上,本研究發現在風險認知上,台灣民眾儘管認知氣候風險的嚴重性,但是考量氣候變遷的不利影響與後續因應都具有長期特性,降低民眾支持台灣採取積極的政治立場以因應氣候議題的意願。在減量成本上,因應氣候議題的決策形成一種姿態政治(gestural politics),儘管積極倡議台灣必須因應國際氣候議題,但是卻不願意制訂涵蓋積極減量目標與總量管制的《溫室氣體減量法》,其原因在於氣候決策嵌入能源與產業結構的挑戰。在能源結構上,台灣面對核能使用的政治爭議,加以再生能源短期難以巨幅成長,使得台灣仍然呈現以化石燃料為主的能源結構。在產業結構上,既有發展型國家的思維使得政治菁英傾向於強調發展的重要性,依賴高污染、高耗能與高排碳產業推動國家經濟發展,而難以透過調整能源價格等政治策略,改變依賴高排碳產業的產業結構。

Parisavtalets inverkan på utsläppsrättigheter : En undersökning av handeln med utsläppsrätter och dess förenlighet med Parisavtalets klimatmål / The impact of the Paris agreement on emission rights : An analysis of emissions trading and its compatibility with the Paris Agreement’s objective

Ekstrand, Johan January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka nyttjande- och överlåtelserätten av utsläppsrätter samt om dessa kan inskränkas under åberopande av Parisavtalet. Parisavtalet är ett internationellt klimatavtal som trädde i kraft år 2016. Avtalet innebär huvudsakligen att ingående parter ska uppnå målet att begränsa den globala temperaturökningen till 1,5 grader Celsius, genom att minska utsläpp av växthusgaser. Avtalets målsättningar innebär inga skyldigheter för parterna, men trots det lades avtalet till grund för en nederländsk dom mot energikoncernen Shell år 2021. Domen innebär för Shell att minska utsläppen med 45 % fram till år 2030 i syfte att uppfylla Parisavtalet, vilket inskränker Shells utsläppsrättigheter. I artikel 3 utsläppshandelsdirektivet uttrycks att innehavaren av en utsläppsrätt har en rätt att släppa ut ett ton koldioxidekvivalenter. I artikel 12 utsläppshandelsdirektivet uttrycks att innehavaren har en rätt att överlåta utsläppsrätter till fysiska och juridiska personer inom unionen. När domen mot Shell inskränker nämnda artiklar, väcks intresset för dels hur exklusivt utsläppsrätter ägs, dels hur rätten att överlåta kan inskränkas. I Sverige regleras utsläppsrätter i lag (2020:1173) om vissa utsläpp av växthusgaser. Sverige har under lång tid framstått som en förebild i att visa resten av världen att man kan föra en offensiv klimat- och miljöpolitik och att fortsätta vara ett välfärdsland. Trots det, kommer Sverige under år 2022 inte lyckas uppfylla sin del av Parisavtalet om inte kraftigare minskningar genomförs, varför rättigheter om utsläpp kan komma att inskränkas även här. Kortfattat framgår följande av uppsatsen. Endast innehavandet av en utsläppsrätt innebär inte en juridisk rätt att släppa ut. För det erfordras tillstånd. Tillståndet är villkorat och utsläppsrätten måste nyttjas inom den tilldelade handelsperioden, vilket innebär att ett exklusivt ägande inte kan anses föreligga. Således uppfyller inte en utsläppsrätt Elgebrants villkor för begreppet egendom. Överlåtelserätten, som innebär en oinskränkt rätt att överlåta utsläppsrätter, faller emellertid under ett undantag vid tillämpning av Parisavtalet. Vidare har överlåtelserätten betydelse för statliga intäkter och företags överlevnad. En successiv minskning av växthusgaser är nödvändig för ett hållbart samhälle. Parisavtalet visar sig kunna inskränka nyttjande- och överlåtelserätten i Sverige under vissa förutsättningar. Försiktighetsprincipen, i 2 kap. 3 § miljöbalken, får även betydelse i frågan.

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