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Politik eller Säkerhet? : Hur Säkerhetsrådet ramar in klimatfråganSundin, Jakob January 2018 (has links)
Många frågor har gått från att inte handla om politik till att bli politiserade, men det finns ytterligare ett steg – när en fråga blir så brådskande och hotande att den anses vara för viktig för att lämnas åt politiker, så har den blivit säkerhetiserad. En av de mest debatterade frågorna på senare år har varit klimatförändringar, särskilt efter Agenda 2030 och Parisavtalet antogs. Står klimatförändringar nu inför att säkerhetiseras? Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om klimatfrågan har blivit säkerhetiserad i FN:s Säkerhetsråd under mandatperioden 2017-2018. Olika inramningar från Säkerhetsrådets medlemmar identifieras och kategoriseras, för att sedan undersöka hur dessa inramningar resonerar med publiken. Detta tillåter oss att se vilka inramningar som har accepterats av rådet och vilka inramningar som ignoreras, för att analysera om vissa specifika inramningar har säkerhetiserats och andra inte. Uppsatsens främsta slutsats är att Säkerhetsrådet enhälligt har säkerhetiserat klimatförändringar som ett regionalt problem, men inte som ett globalt. Vissa medlemmar har utan framgång försökt ta säkerhetiseringen längre, men att säkerhetisera frågan på lägre nivå är även det nytt för Säkerhetsrådet. Vidare forskning kan exempelvis fokusera på vilka anledningar som förekommer för att motsätta sig säkerhetisering av klimatförändringar som ett globalt problem, jämföra säkerhetiseringen i Säkerhetsrådet med andra forum eller undersöka de praktiska effekterna av regional säkerhetisering. / Many issues have taken the journey from being non-political to being politicized, but there is one further step – when an issue becomes so urgent and threatening that it is considered too important to be left in the hands of our politicians, it has become securitized. One of the most debated issues of recent years has been climate change, especially after the adoption of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement. Does climate change now stand on the brink of securitization? The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the issue of climate change has been securitized in the UN Security Council during the term of 2017-2018. Different ways in which members of the Council have framed the issue are identified and categorized, before looking at how these frames resonate with the audience. This allows us to see which frames are accepted by the Council and which frames are disregarded, in order to analyze if some specific frames have been securitized while others have not. The main finding of this thesis is that the Security Council unanimously has securitized climate change as a regional issue, but not as a global one. Some members have unsuccessfully tried to take the securitization further, but even a smaller-scaled securitization of climate change is new to the Council. Further research could, for example, focus on what the reasons are for opposing securitization of climate change as a global issue, compare the securitization in the Council with other forums, or study the practical effects of regional securitization.
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Samspel mellan miljöpolitik, innovation och teknikutveckling : Fallstudier om svenska avlopp, kylskåp och bilar / Interdependance between environmental policy, innovation and technological development : Case studies on Swedish wastewater treatment, refrigerators and carsWallentin, Sam January 2013 (has links)
Within process or manufacturing industries, the production of goods and services or the products themselves may have negative side effects such as pollution. An important task for environmental policy is to control and limit these pollutions, for example via regulatory measures. Although, the efficiency of such measures vary greatly between different industries and an increasingly important task for environmental policy is then to encourage companies to engage in environmentally motivated innovation. Governments can utilize other measures than regulation to indirectly decrease pollution. This thesis aims to analyze such activities and how it affects the innovativeness of wastewater treatment, refrigeration and automobile manufacturing industries. The aim is also to investigate how environmental policy is shaped by opinion, technology and relationships within and to an industry. In each of the cases, the current technical system was a major determinator for what could be accomplished in an industry. This was more or less dependent on foreign conditions, such as market, opinion and policy, but the domestic level of technical advancement was critical. The geographical breadth of the issue at hand was a major factor. Also, all three cases showed that each industry has, for good or bad, dominating players that either dictates or largely influences the pace of adoption of environmentally motivated innovation. Government agencies must understand these facts, inventively use the array of policy tools at hand and include both industry representatives and foreign piers to speed up environmentally motivated innovation.
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Utveckla enhetlig miljömålsuppföljning : En fallstudie av kommunerna i Kalmar länHansson, Dag January 2017 (has links)
Miljön är något som påverkar alla människors vardag och det är därför viktigt att kommuner, länsstyrelser och centrala myndigheter i Sverige arbetar tillsammans för att lyckas med att uppnå de nationella miljömålen. För att utveckla det miljöarbete som sker är det viktigt att kontinuerligt arbeta med uppföljning av miljömålen. Studien genomfördes via ett samarbete med Länsstyrelsen Kalmar län och syftet var att ta reda på hur kommunerna i Kalmar län kan arbeta mer enhetligt med miljömålsuppföljningen. För att kunna besvara studiens frågeställningar undersöktes nuläget i kommunerna samt vilka visioner som fanns för framtiden. I studien skedde en intervjuserie där utvalda politiker och tjänstepersoner i nyckelroller från samtliga av Kalmar läns kommuner deltog. Studien visar att det finns flera likheter mellan hur kommunerna idag arbetar samt hur de i framtiden vill prioritera miljöarbetet och det är dessa likheter som bör ligga som en gemensam grund för utvecklingen av miljömålsarbetet. Hur kommunens egna organisation är uppbyggd och vikten av att samverka över kommungränserna är några faktorer som verkar spela en avgörande roll för hur väl de lyckas med miljömålsarbetet. I studien påvisas ett behov av att extra resurser satsas inom området och att detta är ett måste för att vi tillsammans ska lyckas bättre med att uppnå målen inom Agenda 2030 jämfört med hur det hittills gått med att nå de nationella miljömålen. Förhoppningen är att om resultatet från studien faller väl ut, kan den bidra till att stärka Sveriges arbete med på kort sikt de nationella miljömålen och på längre sikt arbetet medatt uppnå målen i Agenda 2030 och en hållbar framtid. / The environment is something that affects everyones everyday lives and it is therefore important that municipalities, county administrative boards and central authorities in Sweden work together to succeed in achieving the environmental goals set. In order to develop the environmental work that is taking place, it is important to continuously work on monitoring the environmental goals. The study was conducted through cooperation with the County Administrative Board of Kalmar County and the purpose was to find out how the municipalities in Kalmar County can work more coherently with environmental monitoring. In order to answer the study's questions, the current situation in the municipalities and the visions that existed for the future were investigated. In the study, a series of interviews took place in which selected politicians and service personnel in key roles from all of Kalmar County's municipalities participated. The study shows that there are several similarities between how the municipalities work today and how they want to prioritize environmental work in the future and these are similarities that should be used as the common ground for the development of the environmental objectives. The study demonstrates the need for additional resources to be invested in the field and that this is a must in order for us to succeed better in achieving the goals of Agenda 2030, compared to how we until now achieved the national environmental objectives. How the municipality's own organization is structured and the importance of collaborating over the municipal boundaries are some factors that seem to play adecisive role in how well one can achieve environmental goals. The hope is that if the outcome of the study is successful, it can help to strengthen Sweden's work on short term national environmental goals and, in the longer term work towards achieving the goals of Agenda 2030 and a sustainable future.
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Drömmar om makt och ekologi : Miljöpolitiska debattböcker och konkurrerande sociotekniska föreställningsvärldar under det svenska ekologiska genombrottet 1967–1972 / Dreams of Power and Ecology : Environmental Political Literature and Competing Sociotechnical Imaginaries During the Swedish Ecological Breakthrough 1967–1972Thiberg, Andreas January 2021 (has links)
The Swedish ecological breakthrough of the late 1960’s and the early 1970’s entailed a rapid proliferation of competing perspectives on the environment, on man’s relation to it, and on the possible – dystopian or utopian – futures that lay ahead. By drawing on the theoretical concept of sociotechnical imaginaries as defined by Sheila Jasanoff and Sang-Hyun Kim, this thesis aims to explore the critical role played by these perspectives, and by these visions of the future, during this formative period of the emerging environmental consciousness and of early Swedish environmental politics. With this purpose in mind, the thesis examines the sociotechnical imaginaries mobilized in three Swedish books on environmental politics written by politically concerned scientists, as well as the two first environmental manifests published by the ruling Social Democratic Party in 1968 and 1972. By comparing the imaginaries mobilized in each text, the thesis then argues that the party incorporated certain elements of the critical perspectives into the dominant paradigm, but that they never wavered in their commitment to industrial development. The thesis also shows how these environmental imaginaries were used to legitimize political power, as well as the social democratic hegemony.
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A REPERCUSSÃO DAS INICIATIVAS DO GOVERNO BRASILEIRO PARA A PROTECÇÃO DA AMAZÓNIA NA IMPRENSA SUECA ONLINE DURANTE O GOVERNO DE LULA / To what extent have the initiatives of the Brazilian government been reported by the Swedish online news providers regarding the protection of the Amazon rainforest during the Lula administration?Barrenechea, May January 2012 (has links)
A problemática ambiental no mundo é um tema de suma importância na atualidade. Devido ao incremento do efeito estufa, as mudanças climáticas têm despertado grandes reações no mundo em todas as esferas. Para isso, a Amazónia cumpre um papel decisivo na salvação do planeta e portanto é imprescindível a proteção da mesma. A implementação de uma série de medidas legais do governo brasileiro é fundamental para consegui-la. Este trabalho enfoca a importância global e internacional do assunto, analisando o impacto das iniciativas do governo brasileiro na imprensa sueca versão online. O objetivo deste trabalho é deduzir qual imagem da problemática ambiental amazónica brasileira, das políticas ecológicas brasileiras na Amazónia e indiretamente do Brasil no geral se transmite potencialmente ao leitor sueco. A conclusão obtida concorda com a hipótese que os jornais falam, em pequena escala, sobre o tema ambiental na Amazónia brasileira e sobre as políticas ecológicas brasileiras para a proteção da floresta amazónica. / Environmental issues are receiving more and more media exposure today than ever before. What was first a healthy interest amongst people, has led to serious concerns when one takes into account the repercussions that the greenhouse effect is having on the environment. The increased environmental awareness that now exists amongst an ever growing section of the world’s population, has resulted in politicians having to start to take action as there is now a political will to do so. Brazil has the largest mass of tropical rainforest in the world and its protection is of interest to the Brazilian government, the citizens of Brazil and to the inhabitants of the world. A series of legal action measures have been initiated by the Brazilian government to preserve the wellbeing of the rainforest. This thesis examines how and what the Swedish online news providers have reported these measures during the Lula period of administration. The objective of this thesis is to understand how the Brazilian government’s measures have been perceived by the Swedish online news providers and thus by the reading population. Specifically, the focus is on measures taken by the Brazilian government with regards to Brazilian environmental problems in the Amazon rainforest, Brazilian ecological policy in the Amazonia and how all of this in turn leads to better protection of the Amazon rainforest. The data obtained supports the hypothesis that out of all the Brazilian related articles published by the Swedish online news providers, only a small percentage of the total amount of articles are relating to environmental issues in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest and/or the Brazilian environmental politics to protect the Amazon rainforest. / Miljöproblematiken i världen är en mycket viktig fråga. Den ökande växthuseffektens förändringar på klimatet har väckt stora reaktioner överallt i världen på alla områden. Miljömässigt spelar Amazonas regnskog en avgörande roll i att rädda planeten. Därför är det nödvändigt att skydda Amazonas regnskog. Genomförandet av en rad rättsliga åtgärder från den brasilianska regeringen är avgörande för skyddet av den brasilianska regnskogen. Den brasilianska regeringen har genom lagstiftning försökt att vidta nödvändiga åtgärder för att skydda Amazonas regnskog. Denna studie fokuserar på den internationella betydelsen av ämnet och analyserar hur den svenska pressens internetupplagor behandlar den brasilianska regeringens ansträngningar. Huvudsyftet med detta arbete är att få en uppfattning om hur den brasilianska miljöproblematiken i Amazonas regnskog, lagstiftningen runt densamma samt indirekt Brasilien, förmedlas till den svenska tidningsläsaren. Slutsatsen överensstämmer med hypotesen att tidningarna endast skriver kortfattat om miljöfrågor relaterade till den brasilianska regnskogen i Amazonas och den brasilianska miljöpolitikens insatser för att skydda Amazonas regnskog.
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