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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ageing in a changing society : Elderly men and women in urban Sweden 1830-1930

Högman, Ann-Kristin January 1999 (has links)
This study deals with the impact of industrialisation and urbanisation on the living conditions of aged men and women. By studying labour force participation, savings and pensions, the role of the family, and the extent of dependency of aged men and women from a gender and class perspective, continuities and changes between pre-industrial and industrial times are examined. The main focus is placed on the situation of elderly persons living in the town of Sundsvall between 1830 and 1930. This town became the commercial centre of one of the largest saw-mill districts in the world at the end of the nineteenth century. The residence patterns of old men and women in Sundsvall are also compared with those in two other Swedish industrialised urban areas; the capital Stockholm and the textile centre Norrköping. According to modernisation theorists, industrialisation and urbanisation led to an increase in dependency in old age, due to weakening family ties and unemployment. This study shows the complexity of the issue. It is true that some sources reveal a declining proportion of men participating in the labour force at the very end of the period of observation, but this was primarily due to the introduction of the national pension system in 1914. On the other hand, other records show a stability or even an increasing proportion of elderly men and women in the labour market. By contrast with previous studies of the residence patterns of aged persons, this dissertation shows a very high percentage of elderly women living alone in all three urban areas selected for study. However, this was not solely a sign of isolation, since the vast majority of those elderly living in households of their own had children residing in the vicinity. Furthermore, many old men and women shared households with their children, although this pattern was less common among the working class. The role of off-spring appears to have been important both in pre-industrial and industrial times. The residence patterns of the urban elderly were probably influenced by traditional rural living arrangements, to the extent that old couples and their married children often lived close to each other but usually maintained households of their own. Old parents and their adult children might have preferred to live in separate households instead of crowding in with each other. The unmarried elderly were probably most affected by the transformations taking place at the end of the nineteenth century. A considerable number of them migrated late in life, leaving all their relatives behind. Therefore, they became highly vulnerable. Unmarried men tended to be more exposed to the dangers of urban life. They probably experienced tougher working conditions, had weaker social networks, and could not manage on their own to the same extent as women. Therefore, a larger propor-tion of men than women ended up in the workhouse. / digitalisering@umu

Kultur i förändring : En vidgad syn på kultursektorn och dess roll för samhället

Ahlner, Ida, Thisell, Felicia January 2008 (has links)
How can you do a right measurement of culture as well as with other social sectors and with what can culture contribute when it comes to a town´s development? We found out that in Linköping the regional federation Ostsam recently (2005) started mapping the region's creative centers in order to look into the spreading of the culture in the county, and then use the uniqueness of the culture as an advantage in society- planning contexts. The reason was that both municipal - and State directions detected that the culture has a broader importance when it comes to building up society and infrastructure than earlier considered. This is called Cultural planning and is the foundation- method that Östsam used when working with their new projekt The creative sector. The outcome of the Östsam study resulted in an exciting study basis to work further on with and to examine through own demarcations and directions. This research manages the matter of the creative sector as an extension to the cultural sector. Our aim with this report is to find out the concept of the creative sector, what it stands for, and also to look into how the creative sector runs in practice.

Kultur i förändring : En vidgad syn på kultursektorn och dess roll för samhället

Ahlner, Ida, Thisell, Felicia January 2008 (has links)
<p>How can you do a right measurement of culture as well as with other social sectors and with what can culture contribute when it comes to a town´s development? We found out that in Linköping the regional federation Ostsam recently (2005) started mapping the region's creative centers in order to look into the spreading of the culture in the county, and then use the uniqueness of the culture as an advantage in society- planning contexts. The reason was that both municipal - and State directions detected that the culture has a broader importance when it comes to building up society and infrastructure than earlier considered. This is called Cultural planning and is the foundation- method that Östsam used when working with their new projekt The creative sector. The outcome of the Östsam study resulted in an exciting study basis to work further on with and to examine through own demarcations and directions.</p><p>This research manages the matter of the creative sector as an extension to the cultural sector. Our aim with this report is to find out the concept of the creative sector, what it stands for, and also to look into how the creative sector runs in practice.</p>

Demokrati ur politikers och ungdomars perspektiv : - En diskursanalytisk studie om demokratiska förutsättningar i Norrköpings kommun

Siverskog, Anna January 2007 (has links)
The democratic conditions in national states have change radically at the same time as the society has changed. Because of social and economic globalization processes, the states and government has lost power for the benefit of transnational and global institutions. That affects the democracy since the nation state earlier defined the domain of citizenship. At the same time, citizens’ confidence towards political parties and politicians has gone down. These trends have lead to a situation that is spoken about as the crisis of democracy. The globalization has however also created new possibilities for political arenas and way to be politically organized. This thesis is about democracy; about being able to influence one’s own situation and the society one live in. It’s also about the protracted struggle between different groups to be able to do this. This field is very wide and the possible ways to examine it are endless, but the part that will be in focus here is the municipality of Norrköping. It will be about how the municipality, trough the Committee of Democracy, which is appointed by the municipal council, works with democracy, but also about how young people in Norrköping feels that they can influence and effect. The study is based on analysis of reports and interviews with representatives from the Committee of Democracy and on interviews with young people who are politically involved in social movements. The study is written from a discourse analysis approach and the theoretical frame of reference revolves around discourse, power, governmentality and theories about the postmodern society.

Politiskt utanförskap : en studie av invandrarsammansättning, kommunorganisation och kommunpolitikers demokratisyn som förklaringsfaktorer av underrepresentation av invandrare. / Political alienation : a study of immigrant composition, municipality organization and the view of democracy of politicians as determinants of the representation of immigrants.

Därth, Magnus January 2001 (has links)
The development that the Swedish society has experienced during the last four decades and the higher part of the population coming from foreign countries calls for a more intensive research on the situation of these groups. The purpose of this study is to find explanations of the differences in the share of immigrant politicians in Linköping and Norrköping. The starting point of the study is a model of factors assumed to affect the representation of immigrants in the municipality assemblies. The immigrant composition, the municipality organization and the view of democracy of the politicians, are all assumed to affect the civic participation. The civic participation is then assumed to affect the representation of immigrants in the municipality. The model stipulates that in a municipality with a low representation of immigrants you can expect an immigrant composition of low participating immigrant groups. Furthermore the model stipulates that in such a municipality you will also find a more participationhostile organization and politicians with a less participationfriendly view of democracy. The opposite is true for a municipality with a high level of representation of immigrants. When tested on Linköping and Norrköping the model well seemed to explain the differences in the level of representation of immigrants in the two municipalities.

Design and Implementation of an Out-of-Core Globe Rendering System Using Multiple Map Services / Design och Implementering av ett Out-of-Core Globrenderingssystem Baserat på Olika Karttjänster

Bladin, Kalle, Broberg, Erik January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the design and implementation of a software system enabling out-of-core rendering of multiple map datasets mapped on virtual globes around our solar system. Challenges such as precision, accuracy, curvature and massive datasets were considered. The result is a globe visualization software using a chunked level of detail approach for rendering. The software can render texture layers of various sorts to aid in scientific visualization on top of height mapped geometry, yielding accurate visualizations rendered at interactive frame rates. The project was conducted at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), New York and serves the goal of implementing a planetary visualization software to aid in public presentations and bringing space science to the public. The work is part of the development of the software OpenSpace, which is the result of a collaboration between Linköping University, AMNH and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) among others.

Att visualisera en utställning på Internet i Flash : - ett arbete för Norrköpings Visualiseringscenter C / To visualize an exhibition on Internet in Flash : - a work for Norrköping Visualization Center C

Kulin, Hanna January 2010 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att, genom att kombinera kunskaperna inom interaktionsdesign med kunskaperna inom visuell kommunikation, ta fram en designlösning åt Norrköpings Visualiseringscenter C som presenterar innehållet i deras utställning “Att visa det man inte kan se“ på deras hemsida. För att nå detta syfte har utvalda teorier och metoder använts och i uppsatsen beskrivs designprocessen steg för steg - hela vägen från uppdragsbeskrivning, genom teorier och metoder till den färdiga designlösningen. Teorierna i denna uppsats handlar om interaktionsdesign, gränssnittsdesign, användbarhet, visuell kommunikation och teknik. Metoderna för att få reda på användarnas åsikter behandlar användartester, Card sorting, LoFi- och HiFi-prototyper. Resultatet av rapporten beskriver hur Adobe Flash kan användas för att skapa en interaktiv design för en webbsideapplikation med kontroll över interaktion, visuell kommunikation och användbarhet. Resultatet visar också hur användarnas återkoppling under användartesten påverkade slutresultatet. Resultatet visar även att en designprocess är olik från gång till gång men att det finns vissa riktlinjer som kan hjälpa en designer genom processen på ett kontrollerat sätt. / Abstract The goal of this thesis is to combine knowledge from interaction design with knowledge from visual communication in order to create a design solution for Norrköping Visualization Center C and their exhibition “To show what can’t be seen“ for their website. To reach this goal, theories and methods have been used and in this thesis the design process is described - step by step - all the way from the clients brief to the final design solution. The theories in this thesis are concerned with interaction design, interface design, usability, visual communication and technology. The methods employed are usability tests, card sorting, and LoFi- and HiFi-prototypes. This thesis report describes how Adobe Flash can be used to create an interactive design for a website application that establishes control over the interaction, visual communication and usability. It also shows how the users feedback on the user tests affected the end result. This thesis also shows that a design process can vary from time to time but there are some guidelines that can help a designer through the process in a controlled way.

Parkering i Norrköping : Processen att skapa ett mobilt användargränssnitt för att underlätta reseplanering / Parking in Norrköping : The process of creating a mobile interface to facilitate trip planning

Farhadi, Anna, Norin, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
Under sommaren 2014 kommer Norrköping locka många turister till staden genom ett flertal stora evenemang, till exempel Bråvallafestivalen och Harry Potter: The Exhibition. Som besökare från en annan stad kan det vara svårt att hitta lämpliga parkeringsplatser i sådana situationer. I nuläget har Norrköpings kommun en karta över parkeringsplatser på deras hemsida. Denna är endast anpassad till webbläsare och ger en översiktlig bild över var parkeringar finns utplacerade i de mest centrala delarna av staden. Att söka upp kartan på en mobil enhet, lokalisera sig på kartan, välja lämplig parkering och sedan hitta till denna kan vara svårt och tidskrävande för den som har bråttom eller inte hittar i staden. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ta fram ett användarvänligt gränssnitt för en mobil applikation som ska underlätta parkeringsprocessen för förare som bor i eller besöker Norrköping. Till studien har sekventiella blandade metoder använts och designprocessen har baserats på både en målinriktad och användarcentrerad designmetod. En enkät, intervjuer och andvändbarhetstester har använts som datainsamlingmetoder för att på bästa sätt utveckla ett gränssnitt som möter användarens behov. Studien har resulterat i ett gränssnitt för en parkeringsapplikation som kan användas i planeringssyfte och som navigationshjälp. Design- och interaktionsval är grundade på användarnas mål och preferenser. Slutsatsen är att i en stressfylld situation är det viktigt att informationen är lättöverskådlig, tydlig och kräver minimal ansträngning av användaren samtidigt som antal steg för att nå informationen bör minimeras. Överflödiga funktioner bör sorteras bort. Olika användare har även olika inställningar till användandet av mobila applikationer för reseplanering och parkering. I första hand vänder sig majoriteten av mobilanvändare till Google för informationssökningar således bör den enklaste lösningen vara att Norrköpings kommun upprättar en mobilanpassad hemsida med information om parkeringar i staden. Dock finns det komplexa funktioner i applikationen som inte går att efterskapa på en mobil hemsida och även för att nå en bredare målgrupp blir skapandet av en applikation nödvändigt. / With a series of prestigeous events such as the Bråvalla Music Festival and the European premiere of Harry Potter: The Exhibition, Norrköping will, during the summer of 2014, attract many tourists. As a visitor, it may be difficult to locate appropriate parking spots in situations like these. Norrköpings Municipality currently has a map on their website with an overview of parking spots in the central areas of the city. This map, however, is only suited for viewing on big screens. To search for the map on a mobile device, find an appropriate parking and then correctly navigate to its location may serve difficult for a user who is new to the town or pressed for time. The purpose of this study is to create a user-friendly interface design for a mobile application that aims to facilitate the parking process for drivers who live in, or are visiting, Norrköping. The study uses a sequential mixed method approach and the design process is based on a goal-directed and user-centered design. Surveys, interviews and usability testing have been employed to collect research in order to create an interface that meets the needs of the user. The study resulted in the creation of an interface for a parking application that can be used for planning purposes as well as navigation. Choices for design and interactivity are based on the users' goals and preferences. The study concludes that a stressful situation requires information to be clear, easily understood and call for minimum effort from the user's side. Redundant information should be removed and the steps it takes to obtain information should be reduced. Different users have different attitudes towards the use of mobile applications for planning and parking. The majority of interviewees would in a similar situation rely on a Google search for information. From this we can conclude that the easiest solution would be for Norrköping's Municipality to create a mobile website with information about parking in the city. However, in order to reach a broader target group and to incorporate certain complex functions and features, the creation of an application becomes necessary.

Samhällsförändring och det ömtåliga hjärtat : En analys av samhälle, ohälsa och hjärtdödlighet i Linköping och Norrköping från 1950-tal till 2000-tal

Grip, Björn January 2012 (has links)
The study Social Change and the Fragile Heart is an analysis of contemporary history in two neighboring Swedish cities, Linköping and Norrköping. The analysis has been made from a special perspective: the changes in deaths due to heart disease in the age group 50-74 years. The differences in mortality between the two cities is a measurable way to study how well a society functions and is governed. These cities in the county of Östergötland differ historically and socially. This has led to clear differences in socio-economic conditions and even variations in health and mortality that have been to Norrköping’s disadvantage. There is an exception, the 1970’s, when the rise in the numbers of deaths due to heart disease was broken in Norrköping, while the figures continued to increase in the neighboring city, especially among men. Uneasiness about the future and opportunities to make a living grew. This may have influenced health negatively, especially among middle-aged men who feared their jobs were threatened. In Norrköping the textile industry had definitely died in the beginning of the 1970’s. The closing of this industry meant at the same time that poor working conditions and low-paid work were phased out. The earlier rising trend in deaths due to heart diseases was broken, and instead a noticeable decline occurred that was especially clear among women. Deaths due to heart disease in ages 50–74 began to decline generally in the 1980’s and sank significantly in the following decade. The difference between the cities, however, grew from the relatively equal situation of the 1970’s. These are the years during which economic and political power shifted from Norrköping to Linköping. As the regional center and a relatively new university town, Linköping survived the recession of the 1990’s rather well. Simultaneously, Norrköping suffered from what might be called a “social exhaustion depression.” During the last decade of the 20th century long-term unemployment and illness affected far more people than in Linköping. The great transformation from an industrial to a post-industrial society left its mark on Norrköping in the form of increased differences between the cities in the case of premature deaths due to heart disease.

I allmänhetens intresse : Utvecklingen av allmänintresset i översiktsplanering 1987-2020

Ödfalk, Tim January 2021 (has links)
Konflikten mellan allmänna och enskilda intressen är central för fysisk planering. Fysik planering får sin legitimitet genom att vara den kraft som väger dessa intressen mot varandra och slår vakt om allmänhetens intressen. Särskilt i översiktsplanering, där en mångfald av intressen på en omfattande geografisk skala ska hanteras, är denna konflikt mellan allmänna och enskilda intressen tydlig. I takt med att allmänintressets teoretiska utgångspunkter har förändrats har dock idén om ett entydigt allmänintresse blivit alltmer ifrågasatt. De rationella, nyliberala samt postmoderna planeringsteorierna ger alla olika svar på vad allmänintresset är och hur den fysiska planeringen bör hantera det. Denna studie av allmänintressets planeringsteoretiska influenser genomförs i form av en kvalitativ textanalys där ett antal översiktsplaner från olika år studeras och ställs i förhållande till ett antal planeringsteorier. I analysen undersöks vilka planeringsteoretiska ställningstaganden som influerar hur allmänintressen definieras i översiktsplanerna, samt hur dessa definitioner har förändrats över tid.  I den undersökta empirin observeras ett antal utvecklingar där allmänintresset alltmer blir influerat av postmodernism, men hanteras genom en fortsatt rationell planeringsprocess. Översiktsplanerna framställer allmänintresset som alltmer flertydigt och enskilda intressen ges mer uppmärksamhet i de senare översiktsplanerna. Det praktiska resultatet av detta verkar vara en mer försiktig översiktsplanering där allmänintressen i allt större uträckning formuleras vagt och opreciserat.

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