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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gymnasielärares syn på skolbibliotekariens roll och samarbetet professionerna emellan : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Upper secondary school teachers' view of the school librarian's role and the collaboration between the professions : A qualitative interview study

Burman, Linn, Johansson, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study is to develop a deeper understanding of how upper secondary teachers view the role of the school librarian and how these professions collaborate. Although the subject is well researched within Library and information science, there are few studies that illustrate the teacher's perspective and experiences of the school librarian's role, and collaboration between the professions. Thus, the aim of this study is to fill this knowledge gap. The empirical material was collected through eight semi-structured interviews with professional teachers in the Swedish upper secondary school. To highlight how the teachers see the role of the school librarian, Abbott's (1988) theory of professions was applied. Montiel-Overall (2005) teacher and librarian collaboration model (TLC-model) was also chosen, since the aim is to analyze how the professions collaborate with each other. The result and conclusions show that teachers in this study generally have a positive view of the school librarian’s role, and that they mainly describe the librarian's role as a literacy promoter. This is reflected in how the professions collaborate. The majority of the interview participants engage in more superficial collaborative practices, though a few engage in deeper collaboration that include integrated instructions. Despite the positive image of the role, some ambiguities were found regarding what the school librarian's role entail, an aspect that is confirmed by research and literature within the field. The view of the school librarian's role in the school is vital for whether a collaboration takes place and develops.

” […] Nu har de varit inne och petat en gång, så vad skulle stoppa dem från att göra det igen?” : En studie om folkbibliotekariers syn på icke-legitim politisk påverkan / "[…] Now that they have meddled once, what would stop them from doing it again?"

Sköld, Cornelia January 2023 (has links)
This study explores the impact of non-legitimate political influence on professional ethics in the librarian profession, focusing specifically on the Swedish context. It addresses the conflict between politics and public libraries, which jeopardizes the library's role as an open and democratic place. This study is based on qualitative interview studies within the research topic, which is a limited research method in the field. Employing a professional theoretical framework, this study examines variations in non-legitimate political influence experienced by public librarians and their strategies for navigating ethical challenges. It aims to illuminate the potential conflicts between political agendas and core library values, which can undermine public trust in the profession. By highlighting the unique conditions of Swedish libraries and analyzing the interplay of politics and library operations, this research contributes to a further understanding professional ethics within library and information science. Given the limited research on this topic, particularly in the Swedish context, filling this gap is important. Through interviews centered on undue political influence, the findings provide valuable insights into ethical dilemmas faced by librarians and exposes conflicting interests that may not align with the library's values. In summary, this research deepens our understanding of how non-legitimate political pressures challenge professional ethics in the librarian profession. It addresses the urgent need to bridge the research gap on professional ethics and lays the groundwork for future studies on this topic in library and information science.

”Det vidgar ens värld” : En studie av samverkan mellan Biblioteken i Halmstad, Regionbibliotek Halland och Logopedimottagningen i Halland / ”It broadens one’s world” : A study of collaboration between Biblioteken i Halmstad, Regionbiblioteket Halland and Logopedimottagningen i Halland

Hamp, Anna Maja January 2022 (has links)
Studies have shown that early literacy is important for both language development and literacy later in life. One of the missions for public libraries in Sweden is to promote language and literacy amongst children, something they often do in collaboration with other professions who also work close to these children.  The aim of this study is to explore the collaboration between two library departments and a speech therapists’ clinic.  With a theoretical framework of theory of professions and collaboration theory, semi structured interviews with four respondents, three librarians and one speech therapist, and a document analysis of the organizations governing documents was conducted. A qualitative content analysis was then used to analyze the material, with the research questions and theoretical framework in mind. The study showed that the collaboration between the professions and their departments was longstanding and is active on several levels today. Thanks to a supportive management and anchoring in governing documents, the collaboration is given room in the daily work. All respondents expressed themselves positively about the collaboration and the possibility of learning from each other and work together to reach a goal they cannot reach on their own. They are aware of what the difficulties with their collaboration are and have learned to compromise and work around it.

Elevcoacher i högstadieskolan : vilken funktion och betydelse har de?

Kylin-Blom, Evelina, Skarin, Malin January 2018 (has links)
Bland andra Skolverket och EU:s barnkonvention stadgar att staten har ansvar för att barn och unga ska ha en trygg uppväxtmiljö. Skolan utgör en stor del av uppväxtmiljön och på vissa skolor har man tillsatt insatsen elevcoach. Syftet med studien var att undersöka elevcoachers funktion inom högstadieskolan. Studien hade utgångspunkt i professionsteori och salutogent perspektiv. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med tre elevcoacher och tre lärare gav studien resultatet att elevcoacher kan räknas som paraprofessioner, men inte som den klassiska definitionen av professioner. Elevcoacher beskrevs ha en tryggande roll och funktion både för elever och personal. Det framkom även av studien att elevcoacher upplevdes ha en avlastande funktion för lärare. Dock antydde informanterna på att elevcoachernas arbete inte alltid respekteras av övrig personal. Elevcoacher beskrevs ha betydelse både för elevers välbefinnande och skolresultat. Slutligen presenterades att elevcoacher som insats är betydelsefull och uppskattad av informanterna, som har erfarenhet av insatsen. / Student coaches in upper secondary schools -What function and significance do they have? Among others The Swedish Agency for Education and The EU Children’s Convetion determines that the government has a responsibility for children and youth to have a safe growing environment. The school is a major part of children’s living environment and in some schools the function and staff category student coaches have been added. The purpose of this study was to examine what function student coaches have in upper secondary schools. The study was conducted through qualitative interviews with three student coaches and three teachers, and the collected data were analyzed using profession theory and a salutogenic perspective. The results show that student coaches can be characterized as so-called para professions. Student coaches was described as having a supportive and calming function for students and teachers in upper secondary schools. However, the informants described that the work of student coaches was not always respected or understood by teachers and other adults. Student coaches were  perceived as important, both for the well-being of the students and for the improving of their school results.

Släcka bränder eller jämbördiga villkor? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om lärare i fritidshems  arbetsuppgifter under den obligatoriska skoldagen

Diaconu, Alexandra January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att bidra med fördjupad kunskap om hur nyutbildade lärare i fritidshem upplever sitt yrkesutövande under den obligatoriska delen av skolverksamheten. Vidare undersöktes på vilka sätt yrkesutövandet under den obligatoriska skoldagen upplevs vara en tillgång och på vilka sätt det upplevs vara ett hinder för fritidshemmets verksamhet. Den genomförda uppsatsen är en kvalitativ studie där tio nyexaminerade lärare i fritidshem har intervjuats med semistrukturerade intervjuer som sedan analyserades med hjälp av kontextuell analys. Studiens resultat delas in i tre huvudkategorier:   elevorienterat yrkesutövande - inom denna kategori anses det givande att agera elevassistent samt att det går i linje med uppdraget. Det anses också att arbetet med enskilda elever som är i behov av särskilt stöd bidrar till att arbetsdagen upplevs meningsfull. kompetensorienterat yrkesutövande – ett ifrågasättande perspektiv – inom denna kategori är det yttre faktorer som dikterar villkoren och ledningen samt klasslärare delegerar delvis irrelevanta arbetsuppgifter i relation till uppdraget. kompetensorienterat yrkesutövande – ett möjlighetsperspektiv innebär att organisatoriska förutsättningar ges, det vill säga rektor är väl förtrogen med fritidshemmets uppdrag vilket resulterar i att lärare i fritidshem tilldelas arbetsuppgifter som de är utbildade för eller som de anser har relevans för yrket.   En övergripande slutsats är att organisatoriska förutsättningar har stor betydelse, i både positiv och negativ bemärkelse, för lärare i fritidshems yrkesutövning under skoldagen.

Den auktoriserade revisorns professionella identitet under Covid-19 pandemin : Upprätthållande av revisionskvalitet och profession vid distansarbete / The professional identity of the certified Auditor during the Covid-19 pandemic : Maintaining audit quality and professionalism in teleworking

Raudmets, Johanna, Einerskog, Emelie January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund och problemdiskussion. Den globala Covid-19 pandemin har påverkat många, både personligt och professionellt. Företag och organisationer tvingades att bedriva verksamheten från distans och via digitala kanaler i ett försök att minska smittspridningen, där revisionsbyråer var en av de yrkesgrupper där detta var genomförbart. Revisorers yrkesroll är förknippad med en professionell identitet där både positiva och negativa förändringar har inflytande på denna identitet. För att säkerställa att klienter upplever fortsatt nytta med den tjänst revisorerna tillhandahåller bör dessa professionsutövare, även under oförutsedda situationer, kunna upprätthålla kvalitet och professionalitet i sitt arbete. Syfte. Studiens syfte är att bidra med kunskap och ökad förståelse kring den effekt Covid-19 pandemin haft på kvaliteten i revisionsprocessen i Sverige, för att sedan undersöka om detta medfört en förändring i de auktoriserade revisorernas professionella identitet. Studien avser även att bidra med kunskap kring huruvida revisorer upplever distansarbete som ett lämpligt tillvägagångssätt för arbetsprocessen samt i vilken utsträckning den professionella identiteten kan upprätthållas under dessa förutsättningar.   Teori. Den teoretiska referensramen utgörs av professionsteorin, där studien huvudsakligen utgår från den professionella identiteten. Den professionella identiteten innefattas av flertalet faktorer vilka alla har en påverkan på professionsutövarens identitet. Denna studie utgår från tre huvudsakliga aspekter från denna teori; social förmåga, kognitiv förmåga och personlig kunskap. Dessa aspekter är alla centrala i analysen av de auktoriserade revisorernas professionella identitet.   Metod. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ metod där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med auktoriserade revisorer för att fylla studiens syfte. Intervjuerna med revisorerna avser att undersöka huruvida dessa upplever att omställningen till distansarbete och förändrade kommunikationskanaler påverkat kvaliteten i arbetsprocessen kring revisionsarbetet. Vidare tillämpas en abduktiv ansats då denna anses vara mest lämpad för studier där observationer av verkligheten kan kopplas samman med den teoretiska referensramen.   Studiens resultat. Trots att arbetsprocessen har förändrats för de auktoriserade revisorerna upplever respondenterna i denna studie att det varit möjligt att upprätthålla kvaliteten i arbetet och revisionen. Kvalitet och professionell identitet anses vara starkt sammankopplade vilket innebär att de auktoriserade revisorernas professionella identitet kan antas vara oförändrad då kvaliteten inte försämrats. / Background. The global Covid-19 pandemic has affected a lot of people, both personally and professionally. Companies and organizations were forced to conduct their business by teleworking and digital in an attempt to reduce the spread of the infection. Audit firms had to take this into consideration and adapt to this new way of working. The professional role of auditors is associated with a professional identity where both positive and negative changes have the power to influence this identity. To ensure that clients continue to benefit from the service provided by the auditors, these professionals should be able to maintain quality and professionalism in their work, even in unforeseen situations.   The purpose of the study. The purpose of this study is to contribute with knowledge and increase the understanding of the effect the Covid-19 pandemic has had on the quality of the audit process in Sweden. This in order to investigate whether this has led to any changes in the professional identity of the certified auditor. Furthermore, the study aims to contribute knowledge about whether auditors perceive telework as a suitable approach to the work process and to what extent the professional identity can be maintained under these conditions. Theoretical framework. The theoretical framework consists of the professional theory where the study is mainly based on the professional identity. The professional identity consists of several different factors which all have a direct impact on the professional identity of the professional. This study is based on three main aspects of this theory; social ability, cognitive ability and personal knowledge. These aspects are all important to the analysis of the professional identity of the certified auditors during the Covid-19 pandemic.   Method. This study is based on a qualitative method. To fulfill the purpose of the study semi-structured interviews with certified auditors were conducted. The purpose of these interviews is to examine whether the auditors experienced that the transition to telework and the change in communication has had a negative effect on the quality of the audit process. Furthermore, an abductive approach is applied as this approach is considered to be most suitable in studies where observations of reality can be linked to the theoretical framework.    Results of the study. Despite the fact that the audit process has changed for the certified auditors, the respondents in this study all agree that it has been possible to maintain the quality in the audit. Quality and professional identity are considered to be strongly interconnected. This indicates that the professional identity of the certified auditors can be assumed to be unchanged as the quality has not deteriorated

Skolbibliotekarie sökes! : En studie av hur skolbibliotekariens roll förändrats i platsannonser med skola som arbetsgivare / School Librarian Wanted! : A Study of how the School Librarian's Role has Changed in Job Advertisements with Schools as Employers

Ohlström, Tove, Lundberg, Anna January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to increase the understanding of the school librarian's profession in a Swedish context, by making visible how the professional role has changed over time from a school-related employer perspective. By using content analysis, the study has investigated how the school librarian's role has been described in 132 job advertisements with schools as employers over a twenty-year period, between 2001 and 2021. The content of the job advertisements has been analyzed, looking at both the skills required and the tasks described. The IFLA School Library Guidelines has been used as a framework for the coding process. The authors examined the extent to which the key roles and competencies of a school librarian mentioned in the Guidelines were represented in job advertisements seeking school librarians from 2001 to 2021.  Abbotts theory of the professions and the central concept of jurisdiction was used in the analysis of the data. The results show that the tasks and competencies described in the job advertisements have become more profession-specific during the chosen twenty-year period. This increase of profession-specific tasks and competencies indicates that the jurisdiction of the school librarian profession has been strengthened. The empirical data also show that the school librarian profession has renegotiated jurisdiction over teaching and reading promotion and acquired new professional tasks.  This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

BoI-utbildningars pedagogiska innehåll och högskolebibliotekschefers beskrivningar av pedagogisk kompetens / LIS programmes pedagogical content and university library directors’ descriptions of pedagogical competence

Strömbäck, Linn January 2022 (has links)
Discussions about an assumed discrepancy between the content being taught in Library and Information Science (LIS) education and the needs of the labour market has been noted both on an international and a national level. Previous studies have highlighted a lack of pedagogical content in LIS programmes which, as a result, seemingly inadequately prepares students for the many pedagogical aspects of library work. Even so, few studies have explored the relationship between education and working life further in order to understand their unique position and context. Therefore, the aim of this master’s thesis is to contribute to a deeper understanding of the relationship between LIS education and its professional practice. In doing so, it will highlight pedagogical content in LIS education in Sweden and library directors outlook on relevant competencies among teaching university librarians. The empirical data of the study has been collected by studying thecontent of the syllabuses of four different LIS educational programmes in Sweden, as well asconducting qualitative semi-structured interviews with six university library directors. Thematic analysis was administered. A sociocultural perspective has been applied. The results show a presence of pedagogical content in the syllabuseswith a focus on user needs and digitalisation. The library directors describe pedagogical competence integrated with digital and social competence as crucial. The relationship between educational and professional practice is understood and problematised using three themes in the analysis, namely a common subject theoretical ground, a shared language, and a consistent agenda.

Specielpedagogens uppdrag, yrkesroll och profession : En kvalitativ studie utifrån chefens uppfattning / The mission, professional role and profession of the special education teacher : A qualitative study based on the manager's opinion

Jarl, Sandra, Louhema, Charlotte January 2023 (has links)
Det problem studien utgick från var hur de differentierade uppfattningarna om den specialpedagogiska yrkesrollen kan förstås utifrån olika pedagogiska verksamheter, chefer och uppdrag. Syftet var att bidra med kunskap om hur den specialpedagogiska yrkesrollen formas i praktiken och vad det här kan få för konsekvenser för professionen. Problemet har utretts genom en kvalitativ forskningsansats där chefer har intervjuats med semistrukturerade frågor. Analysen skedde utifrån ett analysverktyg som inspirerats av Dahllöf (1999), Imsen (1999) och Brante (2009). Vid analys framkom hur faktorerna påverkade yrkesrollen och uppdraget, vilket gav implikationer för professionen. De implikationer som skapades för professionen påverkade i sin tur även faktorerna. Vilket visade hur yrkesrollen formades i och av en cirkulär process där faktorer var en del. Härav framkom vikten av att förstå professionen i sitt samhälleliga sammanhang (Brante, a.a.). Genom analys och diskussion framkom hur implikationer för professionen i sig även gav specialpedagogiska implikationer för specialpedagogens målgrupp, barn och elever i behov av särskilt stöd.

Förskolerektorers reflektioner kring förutsättningar och stöd för skolutvecklingsuppdraget / Pre-school principals’ reflections of conditions and support for the mission of school development

Jönsson, Johanna January 2024 (has links)
Abstract As written in the pre-school's governing documents, principals are responsible for the work with school development and systematic quality work in the organization. In previous studies and in reports from the Swedish National Agency for Education, criticism has been given regarding, among other things, the lack of prerequisites and support for principals in carrying out school development. This study has sought knowledge on preschool principals' experiences and reflections of working conditions and subsequent support for the developmental part of their work docket, as well as which support structures principals believe should facilitate the work geared towards school development. This study reveals that principals, due to a relatively widespread lack of understanding of the pre-school's mission, confirm a lack of suitable conditions and support for their work. The need for increased resources both to educate uneducated staff and to create opportunity for school development and systematic quality work is analysed. The study also mentions the impact of school culture on and that of conditions concerning school development. In accordance with Abbott's profession theory, signs are shown in the principals' experiences that increased governance and control of professions can lead to de-professionalization and that competition for jurisdiction (the field with exclusive tasks linked to a profession) can lead to a change in the status of an entire professional group. A strong and clear profession with autonomy and control over its tasks and jurisdiction can, through these distinguishing characteristics, exclude competing professions or groups fighting for the same tasks. / Sammanfattning Rektorer har genom förskolans styrdokument, ansvar för arbetet med skolutveckling och systematiskt kvalitetsarbete i organisationen. I forskning samt i rapporter från Skolverket finns återkommande kritik mot bland annat bristande förutsättningar och stöd för rektorer att bedriva skolutveckling. Föreliggande studie undersöker förskolerektorers reflektioner och erfarenheter av förutsättningar och stöd från huvudman och personal för skolutveckling samt vilka stödstrukturer som rektorerna anser bör underlätta arbetet med skolutveckling. Resultatet visar att rektorer ofta upplever en utbredd brist på förståelse för förskolans uppdrag samt att de saknar förutsättningar och stöd i sitt arbete. Det finns behov av ökade resurser både för utbildning av outbildad personal och för att frigöra tid i verksamheten för skolutveckling och systematiskt kvalitetsarbete. I resultatet framkommer också att skolkulturen påverkar förutsättningar för skolutveckling. Rektorerna uttrycker, i enlighet med Abbotts professionsteori, att ökad styrning och kontroll av professioner leder till avprofessionalisering samt att konkurrens om jurisdiktion (fältet med exklusiva arbetsuppgifter knutna till en profession) kan leda till förändring av status för en hel yrkesgrupp. En stark och tydlig profession med autonomi och kontroll över sina arbetsuppgifter och jurisdiktion, kan genom dessa utmärkande egenskaper, exkludera konkurrerande professioner eller grupper som konkurrerar om samma arbetsuppgifter i syfte att stärka sin profession.

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