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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sagan om skolmajor Jan Björklund och det heliga kravet : eller, en studie över argumentation och berättelser i Jan Björklunds pluggskola

Stagnell, Alexander January 2009 (has links)
<p>I denna kandidatuppsats undersöks narrativer och argumentation i Jan Björklunds pluggskola. Bakgrunden till uppsatsen är att undersöka hur politiker använder berättelsens övertygande kraft för att vinna röster, och huruvida en argumentation baserat på narrativer är hållbar. Materialet som ligger till grund för denna uppsats är insamlade debattartiklar och uttalanden där Jan Björklund presenterar sin skolpolitik. Teorierna som denna uppsats grundar sig på är den retoriska pedagogiken utifrån Quintilianus och Giambattista Vico, samt det sociokulturella perspektivet på pedagogik. Dessutom används psykologiteorier om narrativens funktion för människans förståelse. Som metod används Ernest G. Bormanns fantasy-themeanalys samt argumentationsanalysen utvecklad av Frans van Eemeren, Rob Grootendorst och Francisca Snoeck Henkemans. Resultaten som framkommit av analysen är att Björklund använder narrativen i argumentativt syfte vilket gör hans argumentation icke hållbar och fallasityngd.</p> / <p>This essay examines narratives and argumentation in Jan Björklunds pluggskolan. The background for this essay is to investigate how politicians use the narratives argumentative force to persuade and if an argument based on a narrative is durable. The material contains articles and statments by Jan Björklund concerning the swedish school system.The theories used in this essey are the rhetoric view on pedagogy, based on Quintilian and Giambattista Vico, and the sociocultural view on pedagogy. The essay also uses psychological theories on the narrative function of human understanding. The methods used in this essay is Bormanns Fantasy theme criticism and the argumentation analysis developed by Frans van Eemeren, Rob Grootendorst and Francisca Snoeck Henkemans. The results of this essay are that Jan Björklund uses the narrative as arguments, which leads to non-durable argumentation.</p>

Sagan om skolmajor Jan Björklund och det heliga kravet : eller, en studie över argumentation och berättelser i Jan Björklunds pluggskola

Stagnell, Alexander January 2009 (has links)
I denna kandidatuppsats undersöks narrativer och argumentation i Jan Björklunds pluggskola. Bakgrunden till uppsatsen är att undersöka hur politiker använder berättelsens övertygande kraft för att vinna röster, och huruvida en argumentation baserat på narrativer är hållbar. Materialet som ligger till grund för denna uppsats är insamlade debattartiklar och uttalanden där Jan Björklund presenterar sin skolpolitik. Teorierna som denna uppsats grundar sig på är den retoriska pedagogiken utifrån Quintilianus och Giambattista Vico, samt det sociokulturella perspektivet på pedagogik. Dessutom används psykologiteorier om narrativens funktion för människans förståelse. Som metod används Ernest G. Bormanns fantasy-themeanalys samt argumentationsanalysen utvecklad av Frans van Eemeren, Rob Grootendorst och Francisca Snoeck Henkemans. Resultaten som framkommit av analysen är att Björklund använder narrativen i argumentativt syfte vilket gör hans argumentation icke hållbar och fallasityngd. / This essay examines narratives and argumentation in Jan Björklunds pluggskolan. The background for this essay is to investigate how politicians use the narratives argumentative force to persuade and if an argument based on a narrative is durable. The material contains articles and statments by Jan Björklund concerning the swedish school system.The theories used in this essey are the rhetoric view on pedagogy, based on Quintilian and Giambattista Vico, and the sociocultural view on pedagogy. The essay also uses psychological theories on the narrative function of human understanding. The methods used in this essay is Bormanns Fantasy theme criticism and the argumentation analysis developed by Frans van Eemeren, Rob Grootendorst and Francisca Snoeck Henkemans. The results of this essay are that Jan Björklund uses the narrative as arguments, which leads to non-durable argumentation.

Komediant och riksförrädare : Handskriftcirkulerade smädeskrifter mot Gustaf III

Mattsson, Annie January 2010 (has links)
The opposition against Gustavus III (1746–1792) had limited access to the printing press, but managed to spread a variety of political pamphlets through clandestine manuscripts. The main purpose of the dissertation is to analyse this communication and thereby enhance our understanding of the political culture of the period. The manuscript published oppositional works against Gustavus III have hitherto been little explored. With source material consisting of 120 manuscript libels, this study makes use of three interrelated methodological perspectives: media analysis, rhetorical analysis and analysis of ideas. The combination of media studies and classical rhetoric is inspired by the works of Peter Burke. Questions of production, distribution and consumption frame the discussions. The libels – published anonymously for fear of persecution – were spread through what Harold Love calls “user publication”. This means that many readers contributed to their distribution and through the act of copying also functioned as co-authors. The majority of the libels originated among the estate of the nobility and their political allies. The authors were often accomplished writers, skilfully using a variety of rhetorical strategies to interest and entertain their readers. When viewed in an international context, the Swedish material is revealed as relatively conservative. The arguments in the Swedish works were generally founded on established and traditional values and ideas, and treated Monarchy and Lutheran Christianity as given institutions which stood unquestioned. In comparison to French libels against royalty, Swedes were also more reluctant to use sexual slander. One explanation for this conservatism is that the authors were aiming for a wide audience, and therefore strove to ground their arguments in common values. Another explanation can be found in the fact that many of the works originated within the noble classes: a privileged group which had much to gain from the preservation of traditional social structures.

Kärlek eller bara en fling? : En retorisk komparativ analys av Match och Victoria Milans TV-reklamfilmer / Just a love story?

Holst, Susanne January 2011 (has links)
Denna studie ämnar belysa de två företagen Match och Victoria Milans TV-reklamfilmer. Det primära syftet är att undersöka vilka retoriska grepp Match och Victoria Milan använder sig av i reklamfilmerna för att värva nya betalande medlemmar till webbplatserna. Genom retorisk analys granskas respektive reklamfilm. De retoriska teorier som används är ethos, pathos, logos -triaden och de semiotiska aspekterna denotation och konnotation. I mitt arbete analyserar jag även videoproduktionstekniken för att belysa kameravinklar. Med hermeneutik som vetenskaplig ansats tolkas reklamfilmerna med hjälp av den hermeneutiska cirkeln som tillvägagångssätt. Det sekundära syftet med detta arbete är att jämföra likheter och skillnader mellan reklamfilmerna. De frågor jag ställer är 1) vilka likheter och skillnader finns i reklamfilmerna och 2) hur skiljer sig könsmönstret åt mellan reklamfilmerna. För att synligöra de strukturer som finns kommer jag att använda mig av strukturalistisk teori. Victoria Milan har fram till idag enbart producerat en reklamfilm som analyseras. Match har däremot producerat flera reklamfilmer och jag har därför valt att granska den senaste av dessa reklamfilmer. Analysen visar att båda reklamfilmernas styrka och persuasiva effekt ligger i att de förenar rationella och emotionella apeller – att den tänkta mottagaren både känner igen sig i reklamfilmerna och att de innehåller argument. Reklamfilmerna vilar på strukturalistiska binära motsatspar som ligger till grund för hur mannen och kvinnans roll i reklamfilmerna framställs/upplevs olika. I Matchs reklamfilm är det mannen som styr. I Victoria Milans reklamfilm är det kvinnan som är aktiv. En slutsats som dras är att två undermedvetna frågor väcks hos mottagaren, ”det kan bli verklighet” (Match) och ”det kan bli bättre” (Victoria Milan). Genom denna emotionella påverkan ingjuts hopp i det undermedvetna hos de tänkta målgrupperna. Hoppet mottagaren känner är ett starkt retoriskt grepp som båda företagen använder sig av. Att hitta en ursäkt till ett dåligt beteende blir dock Victoria Milans främsta retoriska grepp. Nyckelord: ethos, pathos,logos- triaden, visuell retorik, TV-reklamfilm, hermeneutik, binärt motsatsförhållande, dejting, internet, Barthes, Lévi-Strauss / This study aims to highlight the two firms Match and Victoria Milan's television commercials. The primary purpose is to explore the rhetorical strategies Match and Victoria Milan use in the commercials to attract new paying members to the sites. Each advertisement is examined through rhetorical analysis. The rhetorical theories used are the triad of ethos, pathos, logos and the semiotic aspects of denotation and connotation. In my work I also analyze video production technology to illuminate the camera angles. With hermeneutics as a scientific approach I will interpret the commercials by using the hermeneutic circle approach.The secondary objective of this work is to compare the similarities and differences between the commercials. The questions I ask are 1) the similarities and differences in the commercials and 2) how different gender patterns differ between the commercials. To visualize the structures that exist, I will use structuralist theory. Victoria Milan has until today only produced one television commercial that is analyzed. Match, however, produced several commercials and I have therefore chosen to examine the most recent of these commercials. The analysis shows that both advertising films strength and persuasive power lies in that they combine the rational and emotional Apelles – the intended recipient both recognize themselves in the commercials and that the commercials contain arguments. The Promotional Films are based on structuralist binary opposites that form the basis of how man and woman's role in advertising films are produced / perceived differently. In the Match commercial the man is in control. In the Victoria Milan commercial the woman is the one who is active. One conclusion is that two sub-conscious issues are raised by the recipient, "it can become areality" (Match), and "it could be better" (Victoria Milan). This emotional influence instilles hope in the subconscious of the intended target groups. The hope they feel is a strong rhetorical approach that both companies use. Finding an excuse for bad behavior, however, is Victoria Milan's main rhetorical strategy. Keywords: triad of ethos, pathos, logos, visual rhetoric, television commercials, binary opposition, dating, internet, Barthes, Lévi-Strauss

Persuasiva spel: Ett medium med spännande möjligheter : Procedurell retorik i två svenska opinionsbildande datorspel

Haag, Nils January 2011 (has links)
This essay is about the principles and rules that control persuasive computer games. The term persuasive games mean computer games, video games and other similar artifacts that are produced to shape opinion. The rhetorical scholar Ian Bogost at Georgia Tech claims that this kind of games mainly get their persuasive power by using procedural rhetoric and that games as a medium gives special conditions for procedurality.  By procedural rhetoric Bogost means an argumentation that is based on rules and choices, as opposed to texts, movies and images. (Bogost 2007). Bogost describes these procedures as quite specific for games and claims that they differ qualitatively from “ordinary” rhetorical arguments even if they just as other arguments work by establishing enthymems. However when I in my preliminary study tried this hypothesis, I seemed to distinguish several similarities with argumentation strategies used in political or juridical debate, such as Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca´s associative argumentation techniques. In this essay I examine if and how Perelman and Olbrechs-Tytecas associative argumentation techniques can be used to describe (and understand?) rulebased rhetorical procedures in persuasive games. This analysis is carried out on two recent Swedish persuasive games and proves the hypothesis fruitful. This result also points to the possibility to view rules as something that control all forms of argumentation. Despite this result, the investigation doesn´t contradict the presumption that computer games in many ways, have specific possibilities, beyond procedural rhetoric, such as the opportunity for interaction, receiver adaptation, and the capacity to process big amounts of data.

Apologia i offentligheten : En studie av Ola Lindholms retoriska försvar mot Expressens kokainanklagelser

Lindquist, Peter January 2011 (has links)
On the 12:th of April 2011, the Swedish tabloid magazine Expressen publishes a story, claiming that Ola Lindholm, presenter of critically acclaimed TV-show “Wild Kids” has been suspected and apprehended on cocaine allegations. The serious allegation called for Ola Lindholm to defend himself against the allegations. His only public response was a blog-post where he claimed his innocence, albeit with some reservations.   The purpose of this paper is to analyze Lindholm’s rhetorical defense. By applying Benoit’s theory of image restoration, the stasis theory and the rhetorical situation my goal is to find what strategies Lindholm’s defense consists of.   The analyses showed that Lindholm used four different kinds of image restoration strategies. The most salient strategies consisted of bolstering and attacking the accuser. By applying a proposition analysis it was possible to find textual themes used to either undermine the tabloid Expressen's credibility or to mitigate his own actions.   The results also point out that ethos and image restoration strategies are closely intertwined.

"Humankind before the flood" : En kvalitativ studie om användningen av retorik i en dokumentärfilm av och med Leonardo DiCaprio / "Humankind before the flood" : A qualitative study about the use of rhetoric in a documentary film by and with Leonardo DiCaprio

Björnberg, Nana, Hansen, Jonna January 2018 (has links)
Följande studie undersökte Before the Flood, en dokumentärfilm av och med Leonardo DiCaprio, utifrån ett retoriskt perspektiv. Studiens syfte var att undersöka om och i så fall på vilket sätt Leonardo DiCaprio, experter och skaparna bakom dokumentärfilmen använde retoriska strategier för att förstärka Before the Flood’s budskap och verka övertygande inför sin publik. Som metod tillämpade studien kvalitativ textanalys och de tre grundläggande appellformerna, visuell retorik samt argumentation var studiens analysverktyg. Analysen resulterade i nio olika analysenheter, tre för varje analysverktyg. Fokus lades på de tre grundläggande appellformerna: ethos, logos och pathos. Analysen fokuserade på visuella bilder, kroppsspråk och gestikulering samt kameravinklar inom visuell retorik. Bildargumentation, hotargumentation samt auktoritetsargumentation var de tre analysenheterna för argumentationsdelen. Vidare diskuterades användningen av inflytelserika personer som argument för förändring i ett visst beteende och hur användningen av retoriken kan spela en betydande roll för förstärkandet av budskapet. Resultatet visade att retoriska strategier används i Before the Flood. Både DiCaprio och experterna använder retoriska appellformer och olika typer av argument för att verka övertygande inför tittarna. Studien visade också att det fanns ett samspel mellan de retoriska appellformerna och argumentationen. Samspelet var viktigt för att förstärka dokumentärfilmens anspelning på känslor och dess trovärdighet. Slutligen har dokumentärfilmens skapare tillämpat visuella medel för att förstärka appellformerna och argumentationen, vilket resulterade i att budskapet i Before the Flood förstärktes. / Following study examined Before the Flood, a documentary film by and with Leonardo DiCaprio, from a rhetorical perspective. The purpose of the study was to see if and in what ways Leonardo DiCaprio, experts and the creators of the documentary film applied rhetorical strategies to strengthen the message of Before the Flood and how to seem convincing to the audience. The study applied a qualitative text analysis as a method and the three appeal forms, visual rhetoric and argumentation were the analysis tools of the study. The result showed nine different analysis units, three for each analysis tool. Focus was put on ethos, logos and pathos as the rhetoric’s three different appeal forms. It also focused on visual images, body language and camera angles. Furthermore, the analysis focused on three different kinds of argumentation: images, threats and authorities. The study discussed the use of influential people as an argument to convince viewers to change in certain behaviour. Further, the study discussed how the use of rhetoric could play a major role in the strengthening of the message. The result showed that rhetorical strategies are used in Before the Flood. Both DiCaprio and the experts are using the rhetoric appeal forms and different kinds of arguments to seem convincing to the audience. The study demonstrated that there is an interaction between the rhetorical appeal forms and the argumentation, and the interaction is important to strengthen the emotions and the credibility of the documentary film. Lastly, the creators of Before the Flood have also applied visual tools to strengthen the emotions and argumentation, which resulted in a more reinforcing message.

VemFörVem? : En retorisk studie av den feministiska jämställdhetskampanjen SheForHe / WhoForWho? : A rhetorical study of the feminist equality campaign SheForhe

Nilsson Persson, Cajsa January 2017 (has links)
All around society, examples are found for how the debate for equality is being rhetorised, giving various suggestions for how the struggle should, or may, be fought, as well as suggestions for who and whom should be included within the term equality. Here a study is presented on the feminst equality campaign SheForHe and the debate article ”Men can – but you need our help”, in which a critique of malevolent norms of masculinity encourages women to free the man from the chains of patriarchy. The purpose is to investigate how, within the perspective of rhetorics, the article can be seen as to challenge the present discourse in the debate about equality through the following questions: Which motives are being constructed? Which rhetorical strategies are at play? Which ”men” and which ”women” as well as their internal relations are constructed? This is done based on Kenneth Burke’s theories on dramatism and the pentad as method of analysis for change of perspectives, as well as Karlyn Khors Campbell’s theories on the rhetoric of women’s liberation. The analysis is discussed drawing from Judith Butler’s terms performativity and the heterosexual matrix. The main conclusion is that the article can be seen as a rhetorical action in solidarity that through a societal critique aims to offer men new possibilties of identification. At the same time the article can be regarded as, within the scope of the equality debate, a rhetorical provocation that gives women actorship in the struggle for equality and highlights a male dominance within the debate. A further conclusion is that the article, although it may be viewed as an important act of resistance, is at risk of reproducing the view of ”men” and ”women” as homogenous collective identities, further constituting the gender system and contributing to the consolidation of a learned mandatory heterosexuality.

"Tillsammans gör vi världen lite godare" : En retorisk analys av hur tre hamburgerkedjor förmedlar hållbarhet på Instagram

Hartelius, Alexander, Stjärna, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Wash away greenwashing : Retorisk analys av kriskommunikation vid anklagelser av greenwashing / Wash away greenwashing : Rhetorical analysis of crisiscommunication when being accused of greenwashing.

Envall, Ebba, Hagander, Kimberley January 2020 (has links)
The study ”Wash away greenwashing” aims to analyze crisis communication caused byaccusations of greenwashing and whether the accused organizations succeed in repairing their image. Greenwashing is when an organization is trying to portray themselves as more environmentally friendly than they actually are. The chosen organizations are Sveaskog, Preem and Svenskt Flyg, who have been accused of greenwashing and won the annual anti- prize which is voted forward by the swedish environmental organization Jordens Vänner. The study conducts a qualitative rhetorical analysis and a smaller quantitative content analysis based on theories about the rhetorical situation, ethos, pathos and logos, green rhetoric and Image repair theory. The study analyzes four different media texts belonging to the organisations which are called ”Kommentar till Svenska Greenwashingpriset”, ”Sveaskog välkomnar en dialog om skog”, ”Så ska Preem hantera Svenska Greenwashingpriset” och ”De får Svenska Greenwashingpriset 2017”. The result of the analysis shows that all of the accused organizations are using the different theory’s within crisis communication, but theextent differs. The main thing to achieve effective crisis communication is to have available information concerning the accusations and that the crisis communication should be as correct and balanced as possible regarding rhetoric. The conclusion is that Sveaskog is the most efficient with their crisis communication and thus succeeds in repairing their image after the accusations in the best way. / Studien ”Wash away greenwashing” ämnar analysera kriskommunikation som uppstått efter anklagelser om greenwashing och huruvida organisationerna lyckas reparera sin image. Greenwashing är när en organisation försöker framställa sig som mer miljövänliga än vad de i själva verket är (Jordens Vänner, u.å.a). De valda organisationerna är Sveaskog, Preem och Svenskt Flyg, tre organisationer som anklagats för greenwashing och har vunnit det årliga antipriset som röstas fram och delas ut av miljöorganisationen Jordens Vänner (Jordens Vänner, u.å.a). Studien genomför en kvalitativ retorisk analys och en mindre kvantitativ innehållsanalys analys som utgår från teori om retorisk situation, retoriska appellformer, grön retorik och Image Repair Theory. Genom analysen analyseras fyra olika medietextertillhörande organisationerna vid namn ”Kommentar till Svenska Greenwashingpriset”, ”Sveaskog välkomnar en dialog om skog”, ”Så ska Preem hantera Svenska Greenwashingpriset” och ”De får Svenska Greenwashingpriset 2017”. Resultatet visar att avsändarna Sveaskog, Preem och Svenskt Flyg alla använder sig av strategier inom kriskommunikation, men vid olika antal tillfällen och genom olika uttryck. Det huvudsakliga för att kunna uppnå effektiv kriskommunikation är att det ska finnas tillgänglig information angående anklagelserna och att den ska vara så korrekt och retoriskt balanserad som möjligt. Trots att alla avsändare använder sig av olika retoriska appellformer, så är slutsatsen att det är Sveaskog som lyckas mest effektivt med sin kriskommunikation och därmed lyckas reparera sin image efter anklagelserna på bästa vis.

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