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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Monitored Neural Networks for Autonomous Articulated Machines / Monitored Neural Network for Curvature Steering of Autonomous Articulated Machines

Beckman, Erik, Harenius, Linus January 2020 (has links)
Being able to safely control autonomous heavy machinery is of uttermost importance for the conversion of traditional machines to autonomous machines. With the continuous growth of autonomous vehicles around the globe, an increasing effort has been put into certifying autonomous vehicles in terms of reliability and safety. In this thesis, we will investigate the problem with a deviation from the planned path for an autonomous hauler from Volvo Construction Equipment. The autonomous hauler has an error within the kinematic model, the feed-forward curvature-steering controller, due to a slip-effect that comes with the third wheel-axle. The deviation can especially be seen in sharp curves, where the deviation needs to be decreased in order to make the autonomous hauler more dependable and achieve an increased accuracy when following any given path. The aim of the thesis is to develop a fully functional Artificial Neural Network that has a new steering angle as output. The hypothesis for this thesis is to use an ANN to mimic the steering of a human driver, since a real driver compensates for the slipping behavior; both because the operator knows where on the road the machine is and also in the way that a human thinks many steps ahead whilst driving. This proposed ANN will have a monitor function which ensures that the steering angle command operates within its boundaries. Hence this thesis implies that it is indeed possible to ensure that the ANN performs reliably with the help of a monitor function in a simulated environment and can thus be used in dependable systems.

The Dawn of a New Era : A Case Study of an Incumbent Car Manufacturer’s Transition to Electric Cars

Modiri, Yashar, Olsson, Oskar January 2020 (has links)
How do firms tend to their current viability while remaining competitive in the long-term? This question lays out the basis for this thesis by highlighting their conflicting logics through the concept of organizational ambidexterity. Literature makes a distinction between competing in mature markets and existing technologies (exploitation) versus new markets and new technologies (exploration). The preponderance of studies shows that, as firms grow larger, they tend to form core rigidities in their culture, structure and processes that hamper their efforts to adapt to the changing environment. By overemphasizing exploitative activities, future challenges or opportunities remain unexplored which can have a devastating effect in the event of radical, external changes. The cases of Nokia and Kodak should serve as cautionary tales in this regard. The automotive industry is currently undergoing a transition to electric cars. We conduct a case study at Volvo Cars from a senior leadership perspective, to illustrate the importance of exploration and how it can be legitimized during an industry transformation. Our work points to three major findings. First, communicating the importance of the transformation with the rest of the organization is imperative to creating goal alignment. Secondly, interorganizational collaboration in R&D helps Volvo to tap into knowledge that resides outside the organization and thereby increasing the chances of a successful transition to electric cars. Thirdly, agile management contributes to knowledge diffusion and is a powerful tool to counter organizational inertia by adding to firms’ speed and responsiveness, making them act more similarly to smaller, entrepreneurial firms.

UI Design Trends InAutomobile DigitalMedia Players : How Trends Compare To User Preference In Sweden

Kézy, Máté, Stendahl, Adam January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to evaluate the preferences of drivers in Sweden, in regard to incar digital media players. As interfaces in cars, to some extent, are taking over thefunctionality of physical buttons and knobs, it is increasingly important for carmanufacturers to better understand what their users prefer.Through an analysis of current trends and measurements of user preferences, wehave identified areas for improvement and further development of these mediaplayer interfaces. These suggested improvements are as follows: • Using the screen real estate for important items • Emphasizing important elements by more efficient use of spacing andsizing • Removing or hiding menu items that are used sparingly • Using the concept of familiarity to create more user-friendly interfaces

Integrating Weather Conditions in Truck Route Optimization : Maximizing Utilization and Cost-effectiveness

Stenbratt, Sigrid, Lundell, Paulina January 2023 (has links)
Abstract The focus of the thesis is researching how to optimize a certain route, highlighting theimportance of weather conditions in the context of optimizing truck routes. Additionally, itemphasizes the goals of maximizing human utilization and cost-effectiveness. The project teamconducted a survey on fuel habits, and the results showed that the participating companies lackeda defined strategy for the company's fuel habits or a specific approach for selecting fuelingcompanies. The project team developed an algorithm that assists drivers in selecting the mostoptimized routes while enabling companies to calculate these routes efficiently. Data wascollected on the fuel consumption associated with the loading and unloading of goods. The totalroute cost is calculated using a custom equation that includes the driver´s salary, the employer´ssocial security contribution, the cost of the truck when loading and unloading, and the wear onthe truck. The company naturally expects to generate a profit, and such profit margins may differamong companies. Therefore, the project team excluded this factor from the equation todetermine the route's cost. The findings showed that varying weather conditions did impactconsumption, thereby influencing the final cost. The algorithm that the project team made is asignificant milestone toward the completion of the final product. However, there are still a fewremaining steps to be taken in order to achieve the desired end result and future development.

From Chaos to Cohesion, Identifying Inter-team Dependencies in Large-scale Agile Organisations : A case study of Volvo Cars / Från kaos till samarbete, Identifiering av beroenden mellan team i storskaliga agila organisationer : En fallstudie av Volvo Cars

Källström, Anton, Westerberg, Johan January 2023 (has links)
Product development is more complex than ever. Industries all over the world face intensified competition, forcing firms to improve their innovation performance. This involves integrating software development to a greater extent. As an effort to cope with such progression, agile project management methodologies have been adopted. These include methodologies that are tailored to fit large organisations, made to enhance communication and speed up decision-making. Moreover, such methodologies allocate time for joint planning sessions (such as Program Increment Planning) to foster coordination between teams. The need for extensive coordinating capabilities increases with firm size and product complexity, meaning that large, multinational manufacturers with integrated software- and hardware development face the greatest challenges. With difficult coordination challenges comes a demand for prominent organisational coordination capabilities. This includes capabilities to identify dependencies between agile teams in time, to avoid delays, budget overruns, and quality issues. Hence, firms must adopt sufficient project management procedures, as well as shape organisational artefacts, processes, and culture to maximise their organisational coordination capabilities. In this project, these artefacts, processes, and the organisational culture were defined as factors. Furthermore, the project aimed at (1) – identifying factors that positively contribute to organisations’ capabilities to find inter-team dependencies, and (2) – investigating how to favour those identified factors. The research was conducted at Volvo Car Corporation, a Swedish car manufacturer that undergoes a transition towards being a large-scale agile organisation. Theories concerning coordination, communication, and knowledge management were jointly deployed to construct a state-of-the-art theoretical framework. Thereafter, the conceptual model was the guiding lens for collecting and analysing empirical evidence. Consequently, this project was able to assess 26 factors for identifying inter-team dependencies. Furthermore, several of these factors are proven to be interconnected as they fuel each other and exist in symbiosis. Thus, this project advocates that large-scale agile organisations must understand these factors and their connection to each other — that is when incorporating coordination mechanisms to better identify inter-team dependencies.

Eavesdropping Attacks on Modern-Day Connected Vehicles and Their Ramifications / Avlyssningsattacker på moderna uppkopplade bilar och deras följder

Bakhshiyeva, Afruz, Berefelt, Gabriel January 2022 (has links)
Vehicles today are becoming increasingly more connected. Most cars are equipped with Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi hotspot capabilities and the ability to connect to the internet via a cellular modem. This increase in connectivity opens up new attack surfaces for hackers to exploit. This paper aims to study the security of three different cars, a Tesla Model 3 (2020), an MG Marvel R (2021) and a Volvo V90 (2017), in regards to three different eavesdropping attacks. The performed attacks were a port scan of the vehicles, a relay attack of the key fobs and a MITM attack. The study discovered some security risks and discrepancies between the vehicles, especially regarding the open ports and the relay attack. This hopefully promotes further discussion on the importance of cybersecurity in connected vehicles. / Bilar idag har blivit alltmer uppkopplade. Idag har de inte bara bluetooth och Wi-Fi funktionalitet utan vissa bilar har förmågan att kopplas till internet via ett mobilt bredband. Denna trend har visats ge bilar nya attackytor som hackare kan utnyttja. Målet med denna studie är att testa säkerheten hos tre olika bilar, Tesla Model 3 (2020), MG Marvel R (2021) och Volvo V90 (2017) med åtanke på tre olika avlyssningsattacker. De attackerna som studien valde var port-skanning på bilen, relä-attack på bilnycklarna och mannen-i-mitten attack. Studien hittar vissa säkerhetsrisker och skillnader mellan de olika bilarna särskilt vid reläattacken och port-skanningen som förhoppningsvis främjar en fortsatt diskussion om cybersäkerhetens vikt för säkrare uppkopplade bilar.

Tillverkningsmetoders påverkan på en transmissions vikt och tillverkningskostnad / Manufacturing processes impact on a transmission’s mass and manufacturing cost

Flyktman, Stefan, Johansson, Jan January 2010 (has links)
Volvo Powertrain, VPT, i Köping tillverkar idag växellådor för tunga fordon. Till medeltunga fordon köper Volvo växellådor från bland annat underleverantören ZF. Volvo vill undersöka scenariot att ta fram AMT - växellådor för medeltunga fordon. I-shift modellen AT2412, som är dimensionerad för en max belastning på 2400 Nm och anpassad för tunga lastbilar, skulle kunna fungera även i medeltunga fordon men är då överdimensionerad och onödigt tung. Med tanke på kommande utvecklingsprojekt behöver Volvo öka sin kunskap hur val av tillverkningsmetoder påverkar vikt och tillverkningskostnader. Det behövs för att öka förståelsen för hur olika prioriteringar ska göras med avseende på vikt och tillverkningskostnader. Examensarbetets syfte var att ge denna förståelse för hur olika tillverkningsprocesser påverkar en transmissions utformning med avseende på mått och vikt utifrån ett givet momentområde. Målet med examensarbetet var att påvisa samband mellan valet av tillverkningsmetoder för enskilda artiklar och hur mycket det kan påverka den kompletta transmissionens vikt samt tillverkningskostnad. Arbetet var avgränsat till att analysera modifierade kugghjul i baslådan. Första delen av arbetet bestod av att dimensionera nya kugghjul anpassade för max belastning på 1600 Nm, detta utifrån samma produktionsupplägg som för befintliga kugghjul som återfinns i bland annat AT2412. Den andra delen bestod av att ta fram faktorer för hur olika tillverkningsmetoder påverkar dimensioneringen och för varje enskilt kugghjul beräkna vikt och tillverkningskostnad då åtta kombinationer av tillverkningsmetoder används. Avslutningsvis gjordes en summering för att visa vilka varianter som ger en optimal växellåda utifrån minimal vikt respektive minimal tillverkningskostnad. Resultatet visar att valet av tillverkningsmetoder leder till att vikten på kugghjulen kan reduceras mer eller mindre. Generellt visar beräkningarna att kugghjul som slipas, kulpenas och manganfosfateras får lägst vikt och blir dyrast att producera. Lägsta tillverkningskostnad uppnås genom att vissa tillverkningsprocesser som kulpening och manganfosfatering utesluts men detta måste då kompenseras med ökad kuggbredd vilket leder till högre vikt. Om VPT väljer att ta fram en ny variant av I-shift där kugghjulen är dimensionerade för 1600Nm så kan växellådan göras 6-11 kg lättare och tillverkningskostnaderna för kugghjulen kan minska med ca 10 procent. / Volvo Powertrain, VPT, in Köping currently manufactures transmissions for heavy-duty vehicles. For medium-duty vehicles Volvo purchase transmissions from their parts supplier ZF. Volvo wants to investigate the scenario to develop AMT - gearboxes for medium-duty vehicles. The I-shift model AT2412, which is designed for a maximum load of 2400 Nm and adapted for heavy-duty vehicles, would be able to function even in the medium-duty vehicles, but would be oversized and excessively heavy. In view of future development Volvo need to increase their knowledge in how the choices of manufacturing methods affect the mass and the manufacturing costs. They need to increase the understanding to make the optimal priorities with respect to mass and manufacturing costs. This study aimed to provide this understanding of how different processes affect a transmission design with respect to mass and measures from a given torque range. The aim of the study was to demonstrate the influence of the choice of production methods for individual items and how much it can affect the complete transmission's mass and manufacturing cost. The work was limited to analyzing the modified gears in the base unit. The first part of the work consisted of designing new gears designed for a maximum load of 1600 Nm, based on the same list of operations as the existing gears, which are found in AT2412. The second part consisted of revealing the factors for the different processes affecting the design regarding to fatigue and structural strength. For eight combinations of manufacturing processes the mass and manufacturing cost was calculated for each gear. Finally, a summary was made to show which combination of manufacturing methods that would give the optimum transmission based on minimum mass and minimum manufacturing cost. The results show that the choice of production methods leads to more or less reduction of mass of the gears. Generally, the calculations show that the gear that is ground, shootpeened and manganese phosphated get the lowest mass and become the most expensive to produce. On the other hand, lower manufacturing cost can be achieved by excluding certain manufacturing operations as shootpeening and manganese phosphate, but this must be compensated by increased facewidth of the gear, leading to increased mass. If VPT decide to develop a new variant of the I-shift in which the gears are designed for 1600Nm then the gearbox can be 6-11 kg lighter and the manufacturing costs of the gears can be reduced by about 10 percent.

Collaborative new product development strategy : the case of the automotive industry /

Wolff, Timo. January 2007 (has links)
Hochsch. für Wirtschafts-, Rechts- und Sozialwiss., Diss.--St. Gallen, 2007.

Key Characteristics as a Practice toAchieve Robust Design : A case study in the aerospace industry / Användande av nyckelegenskaper för att uppnå robust konstruktion : En fallstudie inom flygindustrin

Berglund, Jacob, Ericsson, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Continuous technological development and increasing efficiency demands are driving products toward becoming more and more complex. For the aerospace industry - where the requirements for performance, safety and low environmental impact already are substantial - this means that more extensive quality assurance measures must be taken to ensure the fulfillment of the requirements of each individual component.However, to avoid that the work with quality improvement become too extensive and increase the product cost to unbearable levels it is necessary to have methods to prioritize and focus improvement efforts on the product features that matters most for fulfilling customer requirements. Therefore, the concept of Key Characteristics is used today, both in the aerospace and other industries; a term for those characteristics that have a significant impact on requirement compliance and whose outcomes at the same time are expected to vary considerably in manufacturing.The concept itself is similar among those who use it but the purpose of and methodology for identifying and managing Key Characteristics vary, even within the same industry. This thesis is therefore aimed to create a view of which factors that characterize an effective and efficient way for companies in the aerospace industry to work with Key Characteristics. The thesis involves a case study to create a framework for how companies within this industry work with Key Characteristics, a literature review to see which approaches are advocated by previous research and two benchmark studies to see examples of how Key Characteristics are used and handled in practice in industry.The results show that the work of Key Characteristics should meet three main criteria in order to be effective and efficient: • it must be clearly focused on the characteristics that have critical impact on customer requirements and at the same time considerable variation in production, • it should be initiated early in the product development process and then performed iteratively during the process of continuously reducing variation problems in manufacturing, and • it should identify Key Characteristics using both qualitative and quantitative tools to best capture all different kinds of requirements on the product.Finally a practical example is given of how the work with Key Characteristics should look like at GKN Sweden AB, the case study company in the aerospace industry, to effectively minimize the costs associated with production variation, and yet satisfy all customer requirements. / <p>Validerat; 20140811 (global_studentproject_submitter)</p>

Samspel mellan miljöpolitik, innovation och teknikutveckling : Fallstudier om svenska avlopp, kylskåp och bilar / Interdependance between environmental policy, innovation and technological development : Case studies on Swedish wastewater treatment, refrigerators and cars

Wallentin, Sam January 2013 (has links)
Within process or manufacturing industries, the production of goods and services or the products themselves may have negative side effects such as pollution. An important task for environmental policy is to control and limit these pollutions, for example via regulatory measures. Although, the efficiency of such measures vary greatly between different industries and an increasingly important task for environmental policy is then to encourage companies to engage in environmentally motivated innovation. Governments can utilize other measures than regulation to indirectly decrease pollution. This thesis aims to analyze such activities and how it affects the innovativeness of wastewater treatment, refrigeration and automobile manufacturing industries. The aim is also to investigate how environmental policy is shaped by opinion, technology and relationships within and to an industry. In each of the cases, the current technical system was a major determinator for what could be accomplished in an industry. This was more or less dependent on foreign conditions, such as market, opinion and policy, but the domestic level of technical advancement was critical. The geographical breadth of the issue at hand was a major factor. Also, all three cases showed that each industry has, for good or bad, dominating players that either dictates or largely influences the pace of adoption of environmentally motivated innovation. Government agencies must understand these facts, inventively use the array of policy tools at hand and include both industry representatives and foreign piers to speed up environmentally motivated innovation.

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