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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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英語為外語的進階學習者使用完成式之研究 / Perfect Aspect in Advanced EFL Learners' Interlanguage

楊宇婷, Yang,Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本論文藉由分析三十二位主修英語的研究生所寫的克漏字測驗以及引導寫作來探討其使用完成式的情形。文中的討論主要涵蓋了三個面向:語言形式和語意之間的連結,語法體(grammatical aspect)與情狀體(lexical aspect)之間的關聯,以及語法體與篇章組織(discourse organization)之間的關係。本篇研究發現,進階學習者能將完成式的語言形式正確使用,但是似乎仍未能達到高度的適當使用(appropriate use)。此外,研究發現學習者有使用完成式的動詞似乎偏向於其語意中帶有終點(endpoint)或結果狀態(result state)的類別,此項發現並支持之前文獻的研究結果。最後,結果亦顯示學習者在篇章中所使用的完成式似乎具有情景建立的功能(scene-setting function),幫助他們在文章的開頭建立起背景。 / This study aims to explore the advanced learners’ use of the perfect aspect from the perspectives of form-meaning matching, lexical aspect influence and discourse organization influence. Thirty-two English-majored graduate students participated in the present study and they had to complete two tasks: a cloze test and a composition. With a careful examination over the collected data, these advanced learners’ use of the perfect aspect could be summarized as the following. First of all, they showed better formal accuracy than appropriate use of the perfect aspect. Although they presented more underuse in the task of cloze, they had more overuse in their compositions. Secondly, it was found that the perfect aspect was closely related to the verbs involving a semantic endpoint. These verbs, according to Vendler’s classification, are ACCOMPLISHMENTS and ACHIEVEMENTS. Finally, the learners in the present study showed a tendency of using the perfect aspect as the scene-setting function in the opening paragraph of their compositions.


黃楷元 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台大批踢踢實業坊(PTT)政治類看板為例,企圖評估電子布告欄(BBS)系統是否為承載政治意見的理想論域。 在文獻探討的過程中可知,「政治參與」對於民主發展至為重要,而其中透過網際網路進行的政治意見表達,在數位時代來臨後的重要性與日俱增。因此本研究以哈伯瑪斯的公共領域與溝通行動理論為核心,建立「理想意見論域」的三項標準:開放性、公共性、理性。並據此三項標準,對研究場域PTT政治類看板進行評估。 本研究以量化的內容分析法為主,輔以直接觀察,對研究場域及其中政治意見的性質,進行客觀的描述與分析。研究結果發現,PTT政治類看板進入和參與的門檻低、互動熱絡頻繁、討論規範也並未限制理性發言空間,在「開放性」上表現佳;至於「公共性」的部分,在討論規範與看板管理者的約束下,討論的議題多能與公共事務相關;然而在「理性」面向上,論證嚴謹程度普遍不足,亦僅有半數的發言能完全保持冷靜平和。 另外,在把政治意見的各項性質進行交叉分析後,可歸納出「理想網路論域」中的「理想政治意見」,應該具有的條件包括:沒有明顯的政黨傾向、篇幅充實、切合討論主題、以事實陳述輔助個人意見、不純粹批評而是褒貶參半或持平而論、情緒冷靜平和、論證深入而嚴謹等。

透過電子郵件之過程寫作對高職學生英文寫作能力效益之研究 / The Effects of Process Writing via E-mail on Vocational High School Students' English Writing Ability

查獻瑞, Cha, Hsien jui Unknown Date (has links)
有鑒於英文寫作能力日趨重要,英文寫作的教學也愈來愈受到重視。然而在高職英文寫作教學方面來看,其成效卻往往不彰。基於這個原因,研究者運用透過電子郵件之「過程寫作」教學法,期能對高職學生在英文寫作能力的提升上有所裨益。 本研究以北縣某高職綜高學術學程部五十八位二年級學生為研究對象,研究者教導實驗組學生運用「過程寫作」的策略,配合在電子郵件的環境下加強英文寫作的能力;控制組學生則僅接受「過程寫作」策略之教學。實驗前,對實驗組及控制組學生施予前測來檢視學生英文寫作能力之起點行為;實驗後,對實驗組及控制組學生施予後測來檢視學生英文寫作能力之進步情形。實驗終了,再以一問卷來探討實驗組學生對實驗之態度及其自評成效。 研究結果如下: 一、 透過電子郵件之「過程寫作」教學法對學生英文寫作能力確有助 益。實驗組後測成績高於控制組;再者,實驗組在其前後測比較 下,整體寫作能力有顯著之進步。 二、 在電子郵件的環境下運用「過程寫作」的策略幫助學生在作文中之 內容、組織、文法、用字體例方面有所助益。實驗組與控制組之進 步情形雖無顯著差異,實驗組進步情形仍大於控制組。 三、 實驗組學生對透過電子郵件之「過程寫作」教學法,持正面的態 度。 四、 實驗組學生認為在接受透過電子郵件之「過程寫作」教學法之後, 自己的英文寫作能力進步了。 最後,研究者根據上述研究結果,對高職英文作文教學提出建言,作為未來從事英文寫作教學之教師及研究人員參考。 / Owing to the importance of English writing ability on various purposes, teaching writing has received more and more attention nowadays. However, the traditional teaching and then learning process does not work on vocational high school students. This failure inspires the researcher to resort to alternative methods to upgrade his students' English writing ability. The present study was intended to prove that the instruction of process writing via E-mail is effective in enhancing students' English writing ability. Fifty-eight second-year students from two intact classes of Academic Oriented Course in a comprehensive high school in Taipei County participated in this study. The experimental group was taught to apply the strategies of process approach in an E-mail environment at every stage during the experiment while the control group was instructed in process writing strategies solely. Before the experiment, the pretest was used to indicate the starting points of students' writing proficiency. After the experiment, the posttest was administered to examine the effectiveness of process writing via E-mail. In addition, a response questionnaire was given to the experimental group to probe students' attitudes and their self-evaluation of the experiment. The results were as follows. First, the instruction of process writing via E-mail enhanced students' overall English writing ability. The experimental group outperformed the control group in total scores of the posttest. In addition, concerning the total scores between pretest and posttest, the experimental group made a significant progress. Second, the experimental group outperformed the control group in content, organization, grammar, diction, and mechanics after the experiment although the results showed no significant difference. Still, the experimental group made more progress in all five subskills than the control group did. Third, the majority of students in the experimental group responded positively to the instruction of process writing via E-mail. Last, most students in the experimental group considered they made a progress in their English writing ability after the experiment of process writing via E-mail. The present study concluded the effects of process writing via E-mail. Based on the results, the researcher provided writing teachers and educators with constructive suggestions for conducting a writing class or further studies.


林瑞瑀, Lin, Ruei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討中美文化差異對於建議語行為的影響,並且進一步探究文化差異以及社會地位、人際熟悉度等情境因素如何影響台灣英語學習者的建議語行為。本研究的三組受試者分別為35位英語母語人士、35位中文母語人士、35位英文程度佳的台灣英語學習者。語料蒐集工具為言談情境填充問卷(DCT)。所蒐集的語料針對受試者的建議語策略使用來進行量化以及質化的分析。 研究結果顯示,中文組的建議語行為比英語組來的直接。而學習者組在建議語的策略使用上則近似於中文組,也表現出比英語組直接的建議語行為。這樣的結果很可能由中美文化的差異所導致。此外,台灣英語學習者的建議語行為受到了文化差異的影響,表現出來自於母語的語用移轉(pragmatic transfer),除了語用移轉所造成的語用失敗(pragmatic failure)之外,研究者還發現兩項學習者在建議語使用上的語用失敗,分別是:教學引起的誘發性錯誤(teaching-induced errors),以及使用過多文字(waffle phenomenon)。有鑑於這些語用失敗,本研究提出兩點教學上的啟示。一、語言教師必須引導學生瞭解文化差異對於跨文化溝通的影響。二、語言教師以及教材編者必須提供充足的語境訊息(contextual information)以教導英語學習者如何適宜地的表達。 / The present study aimed to explore the cross-cultural differences between the suggestion behaviors by Chinese and Americans, and further investigated how the differences affect Taiwanese EFL learners’ interlanguage suggestion under two social variables. Three groups of participants were concerned in this study. They were 35 native speakers of American English, 35 native speakers of Mandarin Chinese and 35 Taiwanese EFL learners. The data were collected by written DCT elicitation questionnaire. Participants’ responses were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively to see how the three groups of participants employed the suggestion head act strategy, hedging devices, supportive moves and suggestion patterns. The results showed that the Chinese group was more direct than the American group. Besides, the learner group approximated the Chinese group and thus also employed more direct suggestion patterns and strategies than the American group did. This may be possibly due to the cultural differences between the Chinese and the American culture. This study also found that the EFL learners transferred both their native socio-cultural norms and pragmalinguistic conventions into their suggestion behaviors. In addition to pragmatic transfer, two more pragmatic failures were found; they were teaching-induced errors and the waffle phenomenon. With regard to these failures, this study suggested that language teachers should make learners aware of the importance of cultural differences in cross-cultural communication. Besides, teachers and language materials designers should provide as much contextual information as possible so that learners can learn the appropriate form or structure for its corresponding function.


劉孝從 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來全球醫藥市場競爭越來越激烈,歐美製藥產業面臨:1.暢銷藥品專利即將到期、2.新藥產品生命週期縮短、3. 研發支出與產出不成比例、4. 健保藥價之削減,過去傳統藥廠以垂直整合方式開發新藥的方式已無法負荷艱困的產業環境。因此,開發新藥方式已從過去垂直整合轉向產業分工的方式,減低風險,提升新藥開發成功機會。因此,吾人可以預測這些廠商必須借用大量的外部資源才能快速地推出新藥。 目前我國新藥開發處於萌芽期,廠商規模小且較無經驗,加上國內過去以學名藥為主,因此,開發新藥一直是國內廠商的一個夢,也是製藥產業獲利最高的一項產品。然而,過去的研究重點往往著重在製藥產業相關業者發展策略、關鍵成功因素、營運模式或生技公司之創新管理、智財管理等層面探討,對於新藥開發流程的實務歷程的研究較少著墨。故本研究針對我國新藥開發公司的「新藥開發流程」進行研究,試圖以開放式創新觀點,探討其新藥開發流程中,專案團隊的外部技術網路與內部專案管理的關係,期能對於「團隊間之開放式創新管理」方面,提供一些實務上與學理上的貢獻。 本研究方法採個案分析法,文獻探討部分包含新藥開發流程、開放式創新、外部技術網路、專案管理,導出本研究之觀念性架構,以此理論架構發展出個案訪談問題,在研究中實地訪談四家之我國新藥開發廠商,並從中分析我國新藥開發流程中外部技術網路與專案管理之關係,透過個案分析推論我國新藥開發流程內、外部合作的關鍵成功因素。 本研究發現,新藥開發流程中,各階段技術不同,新藥開發專案團隊須清楚地界定本身的研發能力,才能有效連結外部技術資源。同時,專案團隊要能有效連結外部技術資源,團隊成員須擔任技術中介人,以促進適當的技術流進、流出,達成開放式創新。因此,選擇適當的技術中介人是新藥開發成功的關鍵因素。

大學生生活壓力、解釋風格與情緒幸福感之關係研究 / The relationships among life stress, explanatory style, and emotional well-being of college students.

楊晴如, Yang, Ching Ju Unknown Date (has links)
在急速變遷與多元渾沌的現今,如何轉化複雜且遽增的壓力以提升個體本身的幸福感實屬一重要的議題。本研究主要目的在建立生活壓力、解釋風格與情緒幸福感的結構方程式模型,藉以探討之間的影響關係,進而瞭解解釋風格在這關係中所扮演的中介效果。 本研究以兩組各644位政治大學的大學生為研究對象,採問卷調查法施以生活壓力量表、解釋風格量表及情緒幸福感量表,使用的資料分析方法包括:t考驗、單因子變異數分析、因素分析、及結構方程式模型。本研究以第一組樣本探究不同性別與不同年級在研究變項上的差異,接著,經建構與修正模式後提出最終的關係模式,最後,以第二組樣本驗證最終模式的穩定性。主要結果茲分述如下: 一、在背景變項方面: (一)不同性別與不同年級大學生在「生活壓力」與「解釋風格」上有顯著差 異。 (二)不同性別與不同年級大學生在「情緒幸福感」上未有顯著差異。 二、在結構模式方面: (一)課業壓力、人際壓力對解釋風格有直接正向效果。 (二)課業壓力、人際壓力對情緒幸福感有直接負向效果。 (三)解釋風格對情緒幸福感有直接負向效果。 (四)人際壓力能直接影響情緒幸福感,也能透過解釋風格間接影響情緒幸福感。 (五)解釋風格在課業壓力與情緒幸福感間扮演完全中介變項的角色。 (六)最終模式的交叉驗證具有模式穩定性。 最後,根據研究結果提出建議,供諮商輔導實務及未來研究參考。 / With the rapid change and the multicultural context of the modern society, how to deal with the complicated and hastily increased stress and to promote people’s well-being is an important issue. The main purpose of this study is to construct the structural equation modeling (SEM) of stress, explanatory style, and emotional well-being. By this way, the researcher can explore the relationship among the three variables, and know the mediator variable of explanatory style. The participants were two groups of students at National Chengchi University, and each group included 644 college students. The data was collected by questionnaires, including the stress scale, the explanatory style scale, and the emotional well-being scale. Moreover, the data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, factor analysis, and SEM. The study, firstly, used the first group to explore the differences of gender and grade, and constructed the final structural model after setting and modifying model. Finally, the researcher used the second group to verify the stability of the model. The main results were summarized as follows: About the background variables: 1.Students with different gender and grade were significantly different in the scores of stress and explanatory style. 2.Students with different gender and grade were not significantly different in the scores of emotional well-being. About the structural model: 1.Academic stress and relationship stress had positive influence on explanatory style directly. 2.Academic stress and relationship stress had negative influence on emotional well-being directly. 3.Explanatory style had negative influence on emotional well-being directly. 4.Relationship stress had influence on emotional well-being directly, and it also affected emotional well-being through explanatory style. 5.Explanatory style was a mediator variable between academic stress and emotional well-being. 6.Through the cross-validation, the final structural model was of model stability. Finally, based on the findings of the study, the researcher made some practical strategies for counselor and some suggestions for further studies.

台灣推理小說文化生產場域的行動者分析 / An analysis of agencies in the field of Taiwanese detective novels production

劉芮菁, Liou, Ray-Jing Unknown Date (has links)
2000年以來,台灣出版社大量引進翻譯推理小說,日本及美國籍推理作家相繼來台舉辦簽書會,顯現推理小說在台灣有一定市場版圖。相對之下本土推理作品卻寥寥可數,本土推理創作者也鮮為人知。本研究以Bourdieu提出的文化場域理論為研究架構,探討創作者與文化中介者的資本組合與美學標準,如何影響本土推理小說的生產機制、交換條件與流通過程,並形成台灣推理市場以翻譯為主的現象。 本研究先以次級文獻分析法調查彙整近年推理小說市場概況,再透過半結構式深度訪談法相關行動者15位。研究發現2000年後歐美與日本推理小說出版產業成熟,相對於1980年代後才重新起步的本土創作,使台灣出版業者傾向引進翻譯作品,其中文化中介者的特定品味扮演了關鍵影響力。本土創作則以文學獎為生產關鍵。創作者不僅能透過文學獎獲得象徵價值,也能獲得出版社與其他創作者的社會資本,是進入本土推理創作文化生產場域的管道。 本研究也發現,這些本土創作者儘管部分堅持推理小說獨特的美學,但主要是受到翻譯書市場排擠,只能以文學獎獲得出版機會,被迫形成小眾市場。本土推理創作因此在台灣形成「小眾」的「通俗文學」。 / Since 2000 A.D, lots of translated detective novels have being published in Taiwan, and noted American and Japanese novelists come to Taiwan to do signing for new books, which demonstrates that detective novel is popular in Taiwan. Nevertheless, there are seldom local detective novels to be published compared to the large market. The paper quoted the theory of field of cultural production by Pierre Bourdieu, and analyzed how the creators and cultural intermediaries’ form of capitals and aesthetic standards have constructing the production mechanism and logistics process of local and foreign novels in order to understand how the market of detective novels in Taiwan are dominated by foreign products. As for the research method, the paper adopts second documentary analysis and in-depth interview. The former is to calculate the published detective novels from 2001 to Sep. 2015 sold in the dominant on-line bookstore, “Books”, in Taiwan, while the latter is to interview 15 related agencies included writers, editors, translators, and manager of bookstore to understand how the whole market of detective novels has changed in recent 15 years and the process of every agency interact with each other through their own capitals and form the production mechanism. The results contain 3 following issues. First, local production has re-started since 1980’s after a long-time decline, while the publishers in west and Japanese have developed into matured system and produced well-known novelist every years. In contrast with spending large costs to cultivate local writers on their own, Taiwanese publishers prefer to produce noted foreign works, while their taste have an influence on the judgement of works. Secondly, literary awards are the vital way in the production of local works, served as the way that the local creators enter into the field of cultural production. The creators receive symbolic capital through awards, and even obtain more opportunities to publish their works or cooperate with other related organization, which means the acquirement of social capital. Nevertheless, the publishers mainly promote those local works through the reputation of awards, so the novelists are still little-known in the popular market, and they still cannot survive through the creation of detective novels. Finally, the market of local detective novels is forced to be the field of restricted production as a result of supplanted by translated novels. There the local works can only be published through literary awards. As a consequence, the production of local detective novels becomes popular literature of niche market.

網際網路資料庫選擇模式之研究 / Internet Database Management and Systems Selection Study

謝麗芬, Hsieh, Li-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
最近幾年來,網際網路的出現及應用面的廣泛,改變了企業的資訊架構。從Client/Server擴展到以Web為應用程式的平台,企業面臨了資訊架構的重整,企業網路、電子商務都是現今最新的應用。由於全球資訊網採開放架構,並以HTML、HTTP為標準,使得資訊業者有所依循,開發出許多產品來滿足企業的需求。隨著Web的廣泛使用,應用程式架構、介面與行為特質都將與以往有著大大的不同,元件及交易導向的Web應用程式是勢在必行的路。 對此變革,企業最重要的課題之一是,如何建構完整的企業網路環境以增強競爭力。資料庫系統是企業各種資訊軟體的基礎,在以Web為應用程式的平台的架構下,它仍是其中重要的關鍵元件。選擇資料庫系統必須考慮許多因素,而且現有的資料庫系統的產品很多,各項產品的特性與優點均有不同,每一種產品甚至可再細分成許多元件,可依照需要選用,因此資料庫產品的選擇變成一種複雜的過程。若選擇錯誤則不僅是金錢耗費的損失,更深遠地影響整個企業的順利運作,甚至是企業競爭力的下降,更可能嚴重到影響企業的存續。故資料庫系統的選擇不可不慎。 本文提出一網際網路資料庫體系選擇模式,協助企業在全球資訊網的開放架構及多階層應用系統環境下,評選出符合企業本身狀況及需求的網際網路資料庫系統。此模式內容包含,需求分析與確認、第一至四級網際網路資料庫體系需求屬性之彙整、兩階段的廠商篩選及含加權機制之廠商評比。 最後並將此模式運用於,行政院衛生署藥物食品檢驗局之購置網際網路資料庫設備計劃。 / Internet technology has drastically changed the enterprise computing and platform. Database management and systems represent the core of the change and the key of the new revolution of the information technology and infrastructure. Business information and models have been stored and manipulated through the use of the database technology. Due to the fast growing speed and variety of the database products in the marketplace, managers are having difficult making the right decision in selecting and maintaining the Internet database management and systems. To tackle this issue, we propose a requirements-based software selection model from the user’s viewpoint. In this research, we develop a five-step choice model with an emphasis on the requirement analysis and rank analysis. We collect and compile the functional and non-functional characteristics and features of the Internet database management and systems. We classify and organize them into a four-layer hierarchy and work with the weight mechanism in the rank analysis. This choice model adopts another five-part rank policy in order to produce the final suggestion of software selection. In the end, we apply the new model in a field case study of the Web Database Systems Procurement Project with the National Laboratories of Foods and Drugs, Department of Health, Executive Yuan.

開放系統發展策略與管理績效關係之研究 / The Study on the Relationship between Open System Development Strategy and Management Performance

簡燦重, Jian, J. S. Jason Unknown Date (has links)
開放系統已蔚為資訊技術的主流,但目前關於開放系統之研究多半屬於技術層面之探討,缺乏從管理面探討開放系統之研究。因此,本研究旨在進行有系統的探討國內企業對開放系統發展策略之採行措施的調查分析,以及所產生的管理績效是否達到預期的水準。探討「發展策略」與「管理績效」二者之間的關係,並進一步檢視發展策略的不同及現存的「技術環境」、內部的「組織特性」的差異,對其管理績效的影響關係。 本研究屬於實證性研究(Empirical Research),針對國內大型企業的資訊部門主管進行問卷調查,根據76份有效問卷之資料統計分析、檢定,獲致下列研究結論: 一、 對國內企業而言,受訪者認為開放系統發展策略的重要性因素,包括妥善規劃發展準則、引用正規的發展方法、運用專案管理技術、標準化的遵守、應用元件的整合性等規劃措施,以及強化目標平台能力、風險低的實施策略、資訊教育訓練與推廣、安裝及測試完整性、適當處置政治因素等實踐措施。 二、 本研究將國內企業之開放系統發展策略區分為應用者、業務者、功能者三個策略群,採應用策略者一般來說,有較佳的發展成本、資訊提供、使用者效果、系統整合之管理績效,但僅在系統整合上有顯著差異。 三、 技術環境的影響關係上,在技術產品效用性高及標準化需求的遵守性高的情況下,發展策略採行應用策略者並取得良好的配合,則有較佳的系統整合績效產生。 四、 組織特性的影響關係上,在組織結構為有機式之情況下,發展策略採應用策略者,有較高的系統整合績效。在資訊部門員工人數少時,發展策略採功能策略者,有較佳的使用者效果績效。


郭大仕 Unknown Date (has links)
廣告訴求的方式可分為理性及感性,所造成的說服及溝通效果也有不同。一則好的廣告必須針對產品特性及消費者特徵,設計正確的訴求,以達最佳的溝通效果。為能設計有效的廣告,必須對廣告訴求的效果進行釐清,本文主要的目的有三。其一,探討理性訴求、感性訴求及兼具訴求的廣告效果;其二,產品之涉入程度、購買決策程度與廣告訴求之關連;其三,消費者之腦側化、產品知識與廣告訴求之關連。 本文在實證分析方面,採用實驗法進行,探討訴求在平面廣告上的運用。主要的操弄變數有廣告訴求型態、產品的涉入程度、產品的購買決策、受測者的側腦偏向、受測者的產品知識等五個。希望透由變數的操弄,瞭解廣告訴求適用的時機,並對學術上及實務上提供一些建議, 經由實證分析後,結論如下: (1)理性訴求可以增加產品對消費者的說服效果,感性訴求可以增加產品對消費者的情感效果,兼具訴求融合了說服效果及情感效果。 (2)在資訊處理過程中,注意過程的來源為圖案,理解、接受、保留過程為文案所支配。 (3)複雜購買決策的產品應該使用理性訴求,簡單購買決策的產品較適合使用感性訴求及兼具訴求。 (4)高度涉入的產品宜使用理性訴求的廣告,低度涉入的產品宜使用兼具訴求或感性訴求的廣告。 (5)複雜決策購買可使用理性訴求,降低失調購買及尋求多樣購買可使用兼具訴求,習慣性購買可使用感性訴求。 (6)兼具訴求較能同時滿足左腦側化及右腦側化消費者的偏好。 (7)對產品知識低的消費者可使用感性訴求的廣告。

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