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電腦中介傳播人際情感親密關係之研究探訪電子佈告欄(BBS)中的「虛擬人際關係」 / A study of emotional and intimate interpersonal relational - the exploration of virtual relationship in BBS.吳姝蒨, Wu, Shu-chien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的是探討現今人們透過電腦中介傳播系統(computer-mediated communication, CMC)發展出的人際情感親密關係。研究動機是基於網路目前的風行以及研究需要,並視網路為「虛擬情境」,稱此通道下之人際情感親密關係為「虛擬人際關係」,與親身接觸發展出的人際關係有相同與相異之處。
研究探討的重心有三:1. 欲了解「虛擬人際關係」的發展與組成,以及這種人際情感網絡對於現實生活中人際網絡具替代或互補作用;2. 了解「虛擬人際關係」與親身接觸人際情感關係的異同;3. 找出人們尋求「虛擬人際關係」的原因。
本研究以電子布告欄(Bulletin Board System, BBS)為研究情境,選擇清大電機BBS站心情類版為研究個案,採用俗民方法學的態度,以觀察、親身參與其人際互動、社會網絡分析、深度訪談、電子郵寄問卷等方式探討BBS中的人際親密關係與情感支持。
因此,「虛擬人際關係」可以使人發展親密關係並有情感互動,它無法替代實際人際情感親密關係,人們也不可能脫離現實的人際互動,但即是如此,由電腦中介傳播媒介建構的情境卻可以是一處情感交流與宣洩的地方,科技進步也可有溫情的人際效果。 / The study mainly attempts to explore intimate and emotional interpersonal relationship through the computer-mediated communication(CMC) ,orthe Internet, which is regarded as a "Virtual context". The relationship is named as "virtual relationship" which is different from face-to-face(FTF) one.
The study examined several related researches from 1970s on "media choice theory" and "interpersonal interaction". The former includes social presence theory, media richness theory and social information processing(SIP) theory. The latter combs the differences in the interpersonal emotion, ve.rbal/nonverbal cues and human interaction between the CMC and FTF chanell. and interpersonal relationship .Besides, the author describes Walther's SIP theory a lot and suggests it can also be applied to the research of internet-based interpersonal communication. The study also suggests that the most important in the research of CMC is to undesrstand the connection among the users, especially in emotion and intimacy.
There are three points in the research:(1)the development and constitution of the virtual relationships, (2)the difference in between virtual and FTF relationships, (3)finding out the reasons why people come to virtual relationships.
The methods of the study include ethnographic participant observation, social network analysis, depth interview and E-mail questionnaire to discuss the internet- based interpersonal intimate relationships and emotion support. The "feeling", "manwoman" and "love" boards at NTHU were chosen to be the case study .
The results find that "virtual relationship" is most BBS-users's expansion of their social networks. The developing process of virtual relationship is similar to that of FTF relationship, including self-disclosure, sharing and understanding.The different, however, fall on nicknames, verbal interaction, image and anticipation in the BBS. In addition to the development, the constitution of virtual relationships is based upon nicknames, use of emotion, users' idiosyncrasy, BBS experiences and computer skills that are also the reasons why people need virtual relationships.
Virtual relationship, therefore, enables one to develop intimate relations and share each other's feelings. However, the interpersonal relationship under FTF remains unreplaceable. No one can do without the interaction. Even so, the "virtual context" still provides a space for the expression and sharing ones' emotions; therefore, technology progresses also promote the warmth in interpersonal relationships.
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物件網際網路資料庫系統中介模式之研究 / A Language-based Gateway between OODBMS and Web韋凱忠 Unknown Date (has links)
同時,物件資料庫的兩大標準,SQL3與ODMG,在許多觀念上不儘相同。因此,本研究嘗試從物件模型及查詢語言兩方面著手,以物件觀點來分析兩者的相同及相異處,提出一對應模式,並實做一個資料庫中介系統,以轉換兩種語言在語法上的差異。 / In recent years, the complexity of database systems has been enhanced under the development of client/server architecture and distributed computing systems. Usually this type of system combines different hardware, network protocols or DBMSs.
Because the Internet and WWW are more and more popular, many people regard "Network as a computer" or "Network as a global database." It is obvious heterogeneous databases will be connected via WWW in order to provide more information. In the meantime, new OODBMS standards, SQL3 and ODMG, are emerging. Although the two standards both support for object facilities, they are quite different in object model and query languages. Therefore, the mapping between these two standards is necessary. We propose a comparison model and develop an experimental gateway according to the model.
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三角行不行? PTT中三角關係之權力語藝分析 / A rhetorical analysis of power of the love triangle : perspectives from the couple, the player, and the homewrecker on PTT戴宜庭 Unknown Date (has links)
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行禮如儀─探討Facebook互動儀式鏈與互動策略 / Go Through the Motions: “Like” as Social Strategy in Interaction Ritual Chain on Facebook黃淑琳, Huang, Shu Lin Unknown Date (has links)
上述貌似「行禮如儀」的社交互動行為隨著訊息事件的種類而變化,行動意涵亦不停流動、轉變,逐漸成為眾人心照不宣的隱藏邏輯,內化成為使用者的行動策略。成為具有「僵固的儀式形式,多元流動的儀式意義」的互動行為,亦可作為網路世代專屬的行動符號。 / Social network sites, such as Facebook, enable users to interact with friends and maintain their relationship. The growing scope and scale of social network require users to cope with huge numbers of friends in formulated and standardized ways. These formulated actions practiced repeatedly on Facebook have become ritualized and thus shape the particular cultural landscape. However, these interaction actions gradually become alienated from original social intents. Facebook users tend to push “Like” bottom whenever they read friends’ news updates, but they just go through the motion without any meaning.
This particular research applies sociologist Goffman’s interaction ritual theory and Collin’s interaction ritual chain theory to the context of Facebook behavior. The researcher attempts to answer 2 questions: 1. What a complete social interaction ritual chain would be like on Facebook? And what are its ritual ingredients and outcomes? 2. Does social interaction behavior mismatch its social intent? If the gap exists, why does it happen? This research collects data from researcher’s 750 friends’ information in time frame from March 2013 to April 2013. Four Facebook events are chosen as critical cases. Content analysis and deep interview are employed to discover the ingredients, process and outcomes of interaction ritual chains and every detail on Facebook.
The result indicates it’s highly possible that every social information event would develop a complete interaction ritual chain. But the difference of event characters may have impacts on people’s forms of participation. Secondly, Facebook users often depreciate the meaning of “Like”, however “Like” turns out to show multiple meanings. Whenever Facebook users’ physical action couldn’t match attempts, “Like” would serve as the buffer solving the inconsistency. Finally, pushing “Like” bottom becomes “formulated but with multiple meanings”, and it also becomes exclusive action symbol of Facebook generation.
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嘻哈、故事、與廣告效果 / Hip Hop, Storytelling, and Advertising Effect劉思劭 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 消費者認知的廣告嘻哈性或故事性愈強時,對應的廣告態度、品牌態度、購買意願皆愈佳。且當消費者認知的廣告故事性愈弱時,廣告嘻哈性與廣告態度之正向關係愈強。亦即當廣告的嘻哈性或故事性同時增強時,對廣告態度的正向影響會有飽和的效果。
2. 廣告嘻哈性與故事性對廣告效果的影響,會受到消費者嘻哈偏好的干擾。消費者的嘻哈偏好程度愈高時,廣告嘻哈性與品牌態度、購買意願的正向關係愈強。而當產品傾向於感性時,消費者的嘻哈偏好程度愈高,廣告故事性與廣告態度之正向關係愈強。此外,消費者的嘻哈偏好程度愈高,廣告故事性與消費者對產品回憶的正確程度的正向關係反而愈弱。
3. 廣告態度不具有廣告嘻哈性與品牌態度關係間的中介影響力,亦即提高廣告嘻哈性,可直接對品牌態度產生正向影響。此外,當消費者的嘻哈偏好低時,廣告態度會扮演廣告嘻哈性與購買意願的中介角色,但是當消費者嘻哈偏好高時則否。表示嘻哈性強的廣告,可以打動嘻哈偏好高的消費者,讓他跳過廣告態度而直接提高購買意願。
4. 廣告態度在消費者的嘻哈偏好程度低時,是廣告故事性與品牌態度的中介變數。表示只有在消費者的嘻哈偏好程度高時,提高廣告故事性才能直接對品牌態度產生正向影響。此外,廣告態度也是廣告故事性與購買意願的中介變數,表示提高廣告故事性對購買意願產生的正向影響,其實是先影響廣告態度而後才影響購買意願的「兩段式」影響,作用有限。
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中介化審美經驗怎麼研究?打造一個實用主義符號學的分析與詮釋架構 / How to research mediated aesthetic experience? Building a frame of pragmatic semiotic for analyzing and interpreting柯籙晏 Unknown Date (has links)
受到電玩遊戲Wii Sports在全球的熱銷,以及研究者個人玩Wii Sports的審美經驗啟發,本研究旨在打造一個能夠用以系統地分析與詮釋中介化審美經驗的工具架構;然後以所打造的架構,實際示範中介化審美經驗怎麼研究;最後回過頭根據研究結果檢討所打造架構的適用性。
據此,本文首先在第二章主要根據Huizinga與Caillois關於嬉戲與遊戲的理論範疇描述,Mead、McLuhan、Winnicot與Bateson對於嬉戲作為一體兩面的、社會化與創新溝通行動的媒介,以及Gadamer的藝術作品本體論(本文稱之為嬉戲-作品-玩賞回饋系統)等理論的探討,整合無論傳統或新媒介所中介,無論玩家或閱聽人,對於嬉戲/遊戲或敘事的審美經驗本體論範疇;其次在第三章透過Dewey與Bentley關於社會科學本體-方法論類型學,以及Peirce與Morris的實用主義符號學的探討,提出一個基於實用主義符號學,適用於系統地分析與詮釋各類型中介化審美經驗的工具架構;第四章利用第三章提出的架構,實際分析與詮釋Wii Sports審美經驗的意義;並在第五章根據第四章的分析與詮釋結果,回過頭檢討第三章所提出架構的適用性。
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兩岸經濟合作架構協議對臺灣之金控子銀行與非金控銀行經營績效之影響 / The Operating Performance Effect towards Taiwanese Financial Holding and Non-Financial Holding Banks under Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA)張敏瑛, Chang, Min Ying Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果發現:1.銀行經營績效深受外在金融環境及規模大小影響。2.全體樣本銀行於簽訂ECFA後之平均效率不如簽訂ECFA前,惟部分銀行效率值提高。3.簽訂ECFA前非金控銀行純技術效率優於金控子銀行;簽訂ECFA後金控子銀行整體效率、純技術效率及規模效率皆優於非金控銀行。4.簽訂ECFA前後公股銀行之整體效率、純技術效率及規模效率皆優於民營銀行。 / The financial industries led to a red ocean market due to high and intensive competition many years ago. However, the relaxation of government policy of substantial cross-strait economic interactions has brought the turning point since 2008. Especially, the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) between Taiwan and China was signed in 2010 and the financial service industry is covered under the Early Harvest list which can make Taiwanese bank sectors shorten the time and enter the Mainland China market early.
This study is to research 31 domestic banks (exclude professional bank and foreign banks) and choose interest expense, operation expense and deposit as the three input variables and interest revenue, non-interest revenue, loan and discount and investment as output variables from 2007 to 2013. With the use of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Tobit regression mode, it explores the effect of operating performance for the banks, the financial holding banks and the Independent Banks under the ECFA.
Finding: After the signing of the ECFA,the sample banks' efficiency is not as good as before the signing, but some banks to improve the efficiency. Before the signing ECFA, the pure technical efficiency of non-bank financial holding is superior than financial holding banks ; however, efficiency of financial holding banks ,including technical efficiency pure technical efficiency scale efficiency,is superior than non-financial holding banks. Overall, the performance of public financial holding banks is superior than the private banks. However, the performance of banks is impact by financial environment and the size.
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黨國的選擇:「組織創造」與「組織改造」--中國地方黨政機構與社會組織的互動 / The choice of Party-State: the interactions between the social organizations and local government馬浩然 Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在討論地方黨政機構對當地社會組織的治理動機及治理行為,以「統合主義」結合「國家能力」作為理論工具,觀察中國現階段地方黨政機構與社會組織互動的實質情況。本文認為,中國的國家與社會關係,目前處於國家統合主義的大架構下,地方黨政機構及官員在對經濟性中介組織進行治理時,其主要理性來自於「幹部責任制」 ,官員為確保自身政治前途,而會極力設法達到上級政府訂定的經濟指標──如「經濟增長」及「財政收入」──因而會產生「增強治理能力」和「延伸治理邊界」兩種動機,對合乎其要求的社會組織進行選擇性的治理行動,即「組織改造」或「組織創造」。文本同時提出,在地方層級,「黨」與「政府」的角色有所分化,地方政府會基於「增強治理能力」的動機,選擇是否創造一個社會組織;而地方黨組織則會基於「延伸治理邊界」的動機,決定是否將已存在的社會組織納入管制範圍,其前者是經濟性的動機,而後者則是政治性的動機,二者分別決定了政府部門與黨組織的行動方式。至於受到選擇的社會組織,因處於國家統合主義的制度環境下,通常會與政府合作作為交換利益的方式,而雙方互動的方式則是以社會資本為媒介進行的組織資源移轉。
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電視劇迷在虛擬社群中的交談意義謝佳凌 Unknown Date (has links)
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整合性製造管理資訊系統開發之研究祝天雄 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 企業流程再造BPR是工作流程、組織結構、資訊技術及工作內容等之合理化與重新設計,使績效大幅改善。
二、 雖有大量投資,但整合後系統的顧客價值不一定增加,例如:業務模式無法吸引更多的客戶時,系統整合後的價值也不一定增加。電腦系統整合的困難度應有企業內充分且全面性溝通的時間。
三、 將所有的資訊應用建置於同一超級資訊平台上作業,很難做到。分散式應用程式讓企業在建置資訊系統時不論在採購上或建置上都更為彈性,企業可依需要不斷的擴充系統,而不需在初期即一次購足。資訊服務網(Web Services)的發展促使企業應用整合EAI技術能滿足此一需求。
本研究係以應用於國防工業體系之中心工廠整合性製造管理資訊系統發展模式為例,國防工業是軍公民營企業合作發展模式,其具有穩定、不易外移、及能帶動相關產業發展之特性,相關產業的資訊整合均面對類似的問題。期能藉由本研究之結果,提供企業進行資訊整合時之參考,使其產品資料能於電子化環境中即時而正確地共用與分享。 / In today’s economy, product lifecycle has been significantly shortened. All manufactures are faced with the challenge of making high quality products within a short product introduction time while reducing costs as low as possible. Product lifecycle management (PLM)is an emerging solution and information integration is a core to address this challenge. Without an efficient methodology to integrate data and processes, PLM would be impossible.
This research explores thus the methodology and IT requirement for the integrated product manufacturing information management system, with the following research goals:
1. To investigate the methodology needed by manufacturing companies to implement the integrated product manufacturing information management system to achieve PLM.
2. To investigate the information integration framework for the integrated product manufacturing information management system.
Based on analytic method originated from Zachman Framework, this research conducted a case study on a defense industry. The core of this case study is to identify the Framework provides a means for organizing the models of Enterprise Applications Integration (EAI) into useful categories. Model is composed of multiple modeling methods integrated in a way that is sufficient to describe the system. The main models are:
(1). Information models for the representation of product data are being developed as an international standard (ISO 10303) informally called STEP. STEP (STandard for the Exchange of Product model data) is designed to enable the exchange of product data between heterogeneous computer systems used throughout the product life cycle.
(2). A neutral model of engineering and management data, developed based on the eXtensible Markup Language (XML), can be a standard interchangeable information representation for manufacturing information integration in PLM, and is developed in this research.
(3). During several of the BPR steps, the critical process pieces are identified and designed together using IDEF Models.
A last, with respect to enterprise information technology integration, this research comes to the conclusions as follows:
1. The primary goal of a BPR effort is to document the current and future business process and to ensure stakeholder buy-in and support.
2. Enterprise information integration is still relatively new, and its best practices are not fully disseminated, which helps to explain why Zachman Framework and analysis tools are important.
3. Since the structure of the data changes too rapidly, integration at the physical source level does not work. Web Services provide a distributed computing technology for revealing the business services of applications on the Internet or intranet using standard XML protocols and formats. It enables EAI to be an ongoing process of creating a flexible, standardized enterprise infrastructure that allows new IT-based applications and business processes to be easily and efficiently deployed.
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