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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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岩永, 安浩 25 September 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(経済学) / 甲第20650号 / 経博第550号 / 新制||経||282(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院経済学研究科経済学専攻 / (主査)教授 砂川 伸幸, 教授 江上 雅彦, 教授 若井 克俊 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Economics / Kyoto University / DGAM

台灣壽險業投資外幣計價國際債券之風險評估 / Risk Assessment of International Bond Investment in Taiwan Life Insurance Industry

吳倬瑋, Wu, Juo Wei Unknown Date (has links)
2014年保險法第146條之4修正,增列保險業依保險法規定投資於國內證券市場上市或上櫃買賣之外幣計價股權或債券憑證之投資金額,可不計入其國外投資限額。本研究探討台灣壽險業投資外幣計價國際債券不納入國外投資限額對於台幣公債市場籌資之影響,並分析壽險業投資國際債券之贖回風險。 主要研究結果發現:(1)開放投資國際債券後,壽險業資金運用增加國外投資,但減持公債及國庫券。依據統計分析,顯示壽險業資金運用於國外投資佔比大幅增加時,除專案運用及公共投資外,其餘項目之佔比皆減少。其中台灣公債及國庫券佔比與國外投資佔比呈高度負相關。(2)壽險業對公債需求程度影響國庫籌資之成本,需求程度越低,國庫長天期籌資成本越高。透過複迴歸模型分析發現,壽險持券比(即壽險業持有公債餘額佔公債未償還餘額比例)越低,30年期公債殖利率越高。 透過本文模型,投資國際債券時,應考量可贖回國際債券相對公債之加碼、閉鎖期、國際債券再度發行之可能性與未來市場利率可能走低之幅度。以投資30年期債券為例,當可贖回國際債券相對公債之加碼減少,閉鎖期縮短,利率走跌幅度增加時,贖回風險將增加。因可贖回國際債券之高利率僅為收益率錯覺,利率走低時之贖回風險將抵銷此高利率。依據2014年至2016年債券市場資訊,本文模型評估投資人提前贖回風險為52.45bps。 / The 2014 amendment of Article 146-4 of Insurance Act extending the overseas investment ceiling to the value for foreign currency denominated listed or over-the-counter certificates of domestic stocks or bonds that are invested in by insurance enterprises in accordance with provisions of Insurance Act. This paper investigates the impact of funding in Taiwan government bond market under the overseas investment ceiling with the exclusion of international bonds investment in Taiwan life insurance industry, and analyzes the call risk of international bonds. The main results show that: (1)After the 2014 amendment of Article 146-4 of Insurance Act, foreign investments are increasing, while government bonds holdings are decreasing in investment portfolio of life insurance industry. Based on statistical analysis, as the ratio of foreign investments surging, only the ratio of authorized projects or public investment is increasing, others are falling. Especially, the ratio of government bonds and that of foreign investment are strongly negative correlation. (2) Demand of government bond of life insurance industry has impact on the funding cost of Taiwan government. The lower the demand, the higher the funding cost. Through multiple regression model, the result shows, the lower the bond holding ratio of life insurance industry, the higher the yield of Taiwan 30-year government bonds. According to the model in this paper, spread between callable international bond and government bond, lock-up period, the probability of re-issuance in international bond market, and the downtrend of interest rate should be all considered when investing in international bonds. The high yield of callable international bond is yield illusion to investors,since is largely offset by call risk. According to the model with bond market data between 2014 to 2016, the assessment of call risk is 52.45bps.


吳佩倫, WU,PEI-LUN Unknown Date (has links)
我國目前的證券市場過份偏重於股票市場,忽略了債券市場,使得市場上彌漫著投機 氧氣,養成社會大眾不勞而獲的心理,為了改正這種氣習,需要加強債券市場的發展 ,使股票市場與債券市場齊頭并進。 而我國一般民眾對債券市場并不熟悉及熱衷,為了發展債券市場及吸引投資人的注意 ,可引進一新工具,那就是可轉換公司債。所謂可轉換公司債為一公司債訂有一轉換 比率,使得可轉換公司債之擁有者可將其債券轉換成該公司的股票。 由於轉換公司債的特殊性質,同時兼顧了債券與股票的雙重特性,使得其成為證券市 場上極具吸引力的一項商品,可抓住投資人的興趣,使得投資人逐步邁進債券市場。 由於可轉換公司債的特殊性質,使得判斷其價格是否合理,較判斷股票及公司債困難 許多。因為其較一般公司債多了一轉換權利而增加了資本利得的機會,也較股票多了 一最低保值額,所以可轉換公司債的訂價方式也就顯得較復雜,而不易判斷其價值。 本文除了介紹可轉換公司債的基本性質之外,還特別著重於可轉換公司債的訂價研究 ,希望藉此研究,可得出一結論對於投資大眾及發行公司都有所助益。


何啟嘉 Unknown Date (has links)
橫諸國際情勢,憑藉著貿易自由化,擴大了企業於全球的佈局。於多變的企業競爭環境下,更進一步帶動了整體金融市場的自由化與國際化。在貸款與資本市場等傳統之金融工具已無法滿足多元化的融資與投資需求下,衍生性金融商品的發展更一日千里。包含不同幣別、不同交易環境與不同報酬型態的新金融產品,不斷推陳出新,應用範圍更涵蓋資產與負債管理。專業分工的財務交易已然成型,藉著將傳統金融市場工具之移轉、拆解、重組、槓桿操作等,賦予金融商品收益增強之功能,也達成企業或銀行的風險規避需求。 金融業最重要的資產在於專業人才之養成。然財務工程專業素養之建構,卻有其一定之困難度。實因財務工程為跨領域之學門,不僅需具備發現市場可能契機之敏銳觀察度與洞察力外,同時也須具備高度縝密的數理邏輯分析能力。當前台灣,甚而擴及大中華,具這樣背景的人才並非多數,在這樣時空背景下,於第一線的業務端,除產品經理對財務工程此技術較為熟稔外,短期內實難達成所有業務皆備齊產品設計概念之目標。立於每位金融從業都該是財務顧問角色之長遠定位下,財務工程此技術,並非僅該限於產品研發部之專利,反而更應該熟稔於此。 雖未有完美的模型,但模型的立意,並不在於預測之精準度上,而應著重於模型背後是否能對各資訊判讀有所助益。本文之動機,即在於透過對模型的概述與介紹,輔以個案之分析邏輯,搭配對經濟情勢之整體判斷,從而能讓更多金融從業一窺財務工程之奧妙,具齊自己的專業素養,進而成為其客戶深賴的財務顧問。本篇論文要旨即在於,藉助兩連動債券個案之評析,從中探究產品研發設計之各時機與敏銳度,發掘投資人潛在之需求,進而為金融機構帶來豐厚之收益。 金融商品設計,須將各環節納入考慮,包含收益率、債券期間結構、波動度等。若未欠周詳之研擬,即匆忙將其評價,則不但或有反向預期之情境,致使發行商遭逢損失外,若情勢對投資人不利,在結構型商品次級市場較欠缺流動性之下,不僅使投資人權益受損,更將使發行商本身之信譽大減。本篇論文所選之兩個案,在贖回條款此權責劃分上,即扮演著吃重之角色。以利率連動債券為例,未加此贖回條款,商品之內含價值竟達111.44美元,而將此贖回條款納入考量後,商品內含價值則據降至100.61美元,雖超過本金,然發行商依然可藉研判未來之趨勢,藉設計期初對自己不利,然後其對自己有利之產品。然未來趨勢難以捉摸,因此發行商亦應以發行成本低於發行面額之結構型商品為宜,以獲其固定之手續費收入。


鄭昭佑, Cheng, Chao You Unknown Date (has links)

公司治理、盈餘管理與可轉換公司債發行後長期績效之研究 / Corporate governance, earnings management and the long-run performance of convertible bond issuers

林士韡 Unknown Date (has links)
可轉債近年來已成為我國公司進行籌資活動時的主要工具之一,但可轉債的宣告效果多被市場視為不利的消息,發行後之長期績效也呈現持續惡化的趨勢,除了市場反應不足外,發行公司進行盈餘管理亦為重要的影響因素之一;公司於可轉債發行前利用盈餘管理的方式提升績效,將造成發行後產生盈餘反轉的效果,因而使得長期營運績效與股價表現不佳。而操弄盈餘的行為在較嚴格的監督機制與完善的內部治理制度下,能夠因為外部約束的力量以及公司內部的自律機制而有所減緩,故進一步利用公司治理變數檢視對盈餘管理的影響,並探討國內可轉債與海外可轉債兩者間因為投資人區隔、發行市場差異的影響,對於其盈餘管理以及發行後長期績效的影響。 本研究之主要之實證結果如下: 1. 可轉債發行之宣告效果皆為負向,但海外可轉債之異常報酬率的惡化程度不如國內可轉債來的嚴重,其發行之訊號效果優於國內可轉債;長期而言,不論國內可轉債或海外可轉債發行後之長期股價報酬皆為顯著的負值,於發行後三年內皆呈現持續惡化的情形,與先前相關文獻之結果一致。 2. 國內可轉債與海外可轉債發行前夕公司皆有刻意進行盈餘管理的行為,並於發行後發生盈餘反轉使得公司營運績效下滑;利用多元迴歸分析觀察盈餘管理對長期績效的影響,發現公司於可轉債發行前進行盈餘管理對其發行後之長期績效有顯著的不良影響,而海外可轉債發行公司由於受到外國規章監督,其進行盈餘管理將受到更為嚴重的處罰,導致股價下跌的幅度較大。 3. 進一步以多元迴歸分析檢視公司治理對於盈餘管理的影響,發現當發行公司的治理制度越佳,代理問題越小時,較不會在可轉債發行前進行盈餘管理來欺瞞投資人;而可轉債發行地點亦為影響盈餘管理程度的另一項因素,當可轉債為海外發行時,發行公司進行盈餘管理的幅度顯著小於國內發行的公司。

附認股權證債券定價之研究 / The Pricing of Bond With Warrants

王駿東, Wang, Chun Tung Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,台灣在經濟結構的巨幅轉型下,已喪失了原有比較優認股權證具 有類似選擇權的特性--以小博大及有限風險,因此對個人而言,是一項吸 引人的理財工具;而對公司而言,是籌措資金的重要管道之一。本研究的 目的在於: 1.深入探討各認股權證評價模式,並比較其間之異同。 2.以 國內上市公司為實例研討,並運用電腦模擬,藉以找出在何種情形之下, 較適合國內企業的評價模式。 3.建議投資人可選擇一適當的評價模式來 反映真實的認股權證價值,以進行套利的活動。 4.日後政府核淮發行附 認股權證公司債時,供政府有關單位及發行公司對認股權證評價之參考。 本研究第壹章為描述研究動機與目的,說明對認股權證的研究範圍,解釋 本研究的研究限制,並簡述本研究的章節安排情形。第貳章為文獻棎討的 部份,首先對認股權證及附認股權證債券的特性做一介紹,其次對選擇權 理論做一探討,再其次對認股權證的各個評價模式做一探討,最後對國內 外有關認股權證評價模式的實證部份做一檢視。第參章是研究設計的部份 ,本研究的研究架構在本章有詳盡的說明,包括所欲研究的評價模式、資 料的蒐集、研究樣本的簡介、研究中操作性名詞的定義、及所欲使用電腦 模擬的方法。第肆章是實證結果的整理、分析與解釋,用電腦模擬方法, 對個案公司進行實例研討,並對各個評價模式做敏感性分析。第伍章是結 論與建議,由第肆章的實證分析,找出最適合國內企業的評價模式,並據 以提出對主管機關、發行公司、投資人及後續研究的建議。

探討標準化偏斜Student-t分配關聯結構模型之抵押債務債券之評價 / Pricing CDOs with Standardized Skew Student-t Distribution Copula Model

黃于騰, Huang, Yu Teng Unknown Date (has links)
在市場上最常被用來評價抵押債務債券(Collateralized Debt Obligation, CDO)的分析方法即為應用大樣本同質性資產組合(Large Homogeneous Portfolio, LHP)假設之單因子關聯結構模型(One Factor Copula Model)。由過去文獻指出,自2008年起,抵押債務債券的商品結構已漸漸出現改變,而目前所延伸之各種單因子關聯結構模型在新型商品的評價結果中皆仍有改善空間。 在本文中使用標準化偏斜Student-t分配(Standardized Skew Student-t distribution, SSTD)取代傳統的高斯分配進行抵押債務債券之分券的評價,此分配擁有控制分配偏態與峰態的參數。但是與Student-t分配相同,SSTD同樣不具備穩定的摺積(convolution)性質,因此在評價過程中會額外消耗部分時間。而在實證分析中,以單因子SSTD關聯結構模型評價擔保債務債券新型商品之分券時得到了較佳的結果,並且比單因子高斯關聯結構模型擁有更多參數以符合實際需求。 / The most widely used method for pricing collateralized debt obligation(CDO) is the one factor copula model with Large Homogeneous Portfolio assumption. Based on the literature of discussing, the structure of CDO had been changed gradually since 2008. The effects for pricing new type CDO tranches in the current extended one factor copula models are still improvable. In this article, we substitute the Gaussian distribution with the Standardized Skew Student-t distribution(SSTD) for pricing CDO tranches, and it has the features of heavy-tail and skewness. However, similar to the Student-t distribution, the SSTD is not stable under convolution as well. For this reason, it takes extra time in the pricing process. The empirical analysis shows that the one factor SSTD copula model has a good effect for pricing new type CDO tranches, and furthermore it brings more flexibility to the one factor Gaussian copula model.

台灣信用卡,現金卡(雙卡)信貸危機(卡債)之探討 / Study the Taiwan Credit Card and Cash Card Lending Crisis

趙菊香, Chao,chu- hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
近年來由於國民所得的提升、外匯增加,消費貸款相關法令鬆綁及政府政策刺激消費下,臺灣信用卡市場在外商銀行、新銀行的強力業務主導下,從1991年到2005年歷經了蓬勃發展、同業之間的激烈競爭、現金卡的發行加入競爭行列、整合型小額信用貸款的竄出,讓金融業以市場行銷為業務主導下,逐漸放鬆銀行的授信政策。在市場競爭及飽和下,消費者過度地消費和整體經濟持續低迷,終於引爆了嚴重的信用卡、現金卡逾期無法繳款的雙卡卡債問題。本研究欲從信用卡的成長、輔助現金卡的加入競爭行列,由各代表性的銀行發展中,探討出發生嚴重逾期放款的原因,再使用各銀行提供給金融監督管理委員會的重大資訊逐一分析,作為佐證之依據。 研究結果如下: 1. 銀行業為了業務成長,並未正確及適時地看待相關風險的控管,不斷的簡化辦卡程序、提高信用額度、增加信貸總額,以期增加信貸客戶數及客戶忠誠度。 2. 銀行業在擴張業務的同時沒有充分考慮到客戶的真實收入與負債比例,進而在發生嚴重的信貸危機時,違約比率不斷增加,銀行業亦承受了相當大打銷呆帳的金額。 3. 政府主導的統一債務協商機制,各銀行已逐漸從混亂中,走上標準作業,協商成功比率陸續提升中。未來卡片市場可否走向更健全:金融業、全民、主管機關都應更謹慎地處理消費者信用貸款的問題。 / Credit card market, driven by foreign banks and local new banks, had been boosting from 1991 to 2005 derived from GDP growth, hike of foreign exchange reserves, laws ease up, and government policies creating friendlier environment to boost consumer spending. In the same time, banks’ credit policies were loosened due to fierce competition among credit card issuers, issuances of cash card and integrated unsecured loan led by sales and marketing. Given the situation of over-banking and competition in credit card market, consumers overspent under the consistent economy recession triggered credit crunch for credit card and cash card, so called “Credit card and cash card lending crash”. This research intends to search for the root of this credit crunch by investigating the history of the growth of credit card business and issuance of cash card of major players in the market. Furthermore, this research also evidences the concluded root reasons by analyzing the important information reported to FSC by all the banks. The conclusions of the investigation are as follows: 1. Banking industry overemphasized on business growth so the related risks were not properly and timely controlled by simplifying application procedures and increasing credit lines hoping to enhance number of customers and strengthen customers’ loyalty. 2. Banking industry ignored the percentage of customers’ real income and liability while expanding their business rapidly. It further deepened the delinquency ratio and card issuers wrote off enormous amount of bad debts when credit crunch happened. 3. Debt Negotiation Plan (DNP) led by government enabled banks to set up “Standard Operation Procedures” (SOP) which helped banks to resume their card business back to normal. The success ratio of DNP is increasing gradually. The future of credit card market all depends on how banking industry, consumers, and government deal with the issues on consumer unsecured loans.

臺灣中央政府應計基礎下的資產負債表 / The Balance Sheet on an Accrual Basis of The Central Government in Taiwan

謝淑津 Unknown Date (has links)
2001年國際貨幣基金 (IMF) 為使各國政府財政資訊能更完整的表達其全貌、提高營運績效、加強財政責任、提高財政透明度,進而詳實評估政府活動對總體經濟影響程度,並使各國間與學術研究機構有一致性的比較基礎,捨棄1986年版現金基礎的政府財政統計手冊,重新公布改採權責發生基礎記錄經濟事項的政府財政統計手冊。 我國政府會計除基金別之外,又有機關別;會計基礎之採用除現金基礎,又有修正現金基礎、修正應計基礎及契約責任制等,致政府所編製財務報表,非專業人士難以瞭解其報導內容,大大降低財務報表的有用性。八0年代以後,歐美先進國家財政改革過程中,改採以應計基礎編製政府財務報導,藉由成本會計管理觀念的導入,提高政府財政效率及效能,並有效加強資產及負債的管理績效,故本研究以應計基礎試編我國93年度中央政府的合併資產負債表,以呈現政府目前的財政狀況。 本研究將93年度中央政府 (1)普通基金公務機關決算、(2)非營業特種基金決算、(3)國營事業決算、(4)已結束營業尚未清理完畢之前省營或國營事業清理期間決算等四大部分,將未依商業會計應計基礎所編製的平衡表,經調整、補列各項資產及負債項目及沖轉內部交易等事項後,試編93年度中央政府合併資產負債表,其淨值為7,529.85億元。 / In 2001 the International Monetary Fund (IMF) dedicated for the various countries' government finance information more integral to display the complete visions of government finance, to enhance the operation efficiency, to reinforce the fiscal accountability, and to uplift the fiscal transparency, furthermore to evaluate the effects of government activities on the overall economy, and to enable the various countries and the academic research institutes to have the coherence comparison benchmark, abandoned the cash basis of the Government Finance Statistics Manual of 1986, and renounced to adopt the economic transaction record of the Government Finance Statistics Manual 2001 on an accrual basis. In Taiwan government accounting has been classified by institutions as well as by funds. All kinds of government accounting basis adopted in Taiwan are as follows: the cash basis, the modified cash basis, the revision accrual basis and the contract responsibility system. Therefore the financial report forms and contents published by the government, could not been understood by the public, except the professional. Therefore the usability of the financial report forms is greatly reduced. After 1980s, during the fiscal reform in European and American advanced countries, adaptation of accrual basis to establish government finance report form, by introducing the concepts of cost accounting, enhances the government finance efficiency and effectiveness greatly, and strengthens the performances of asset and liability management. Therefore this research employs accrual basis trying to establish a consolidated balance sheet of 2004 fiscal year for central government in Taiwan, and to show the fiscal stance of this country. This research tries to combine the fiscal year 2004 final accounts of central authorities, including (1) the agency unit general fund’s final accounts, (2) non-profit special fund’s final accounts, (3) state-owned enterprises final accounts, and (4) not yet sorted out but finished business of the province-owned or the state-owned enterprises liquidated period of final accounts, which are all not arranged according to commercial accounting basis. After finishing adjustments and additional arrangements for some items of assets and liabilities and off-setting the amounts of internal transactions, fiscal year 2004 central government consolidated balance sheet’s net worth is 752.98 billion NT Dollars.

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