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金控通路之保險行銷策略 / Bancassurance Marketing Strategy in Financial Holding Company.劉靜文 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來金融市場資金較為寬鬆[註1],銀行保險適時成為調節及平衡的良方,不但為銀行消化浮濫的存款資金,並爭取到優渥的業務佣酬,也為保險業開發過去較無法接近的客戶層,產生新的業務量以降低銷售成本。由於銀行與保險業營利周期不同,因此,銀行與保險的結合,可以使收益或績效穩定成長,前者藉此減少對於利差收入的依賴,而後者則可擴大通路版圖,並有效地開發創新商品,讓消費者依據生命週期得到完整且便利的金融服務,因此,我們說銀行保險理想的效益,應該是「多贏」的局面。 但多數銀行未將保險業務做清楚的區隔與標示,並僅銷售極少數特定保單,或將保單包裝為投資商品並與其它金融商品作不對稱的比較。相較於傳統保險業務員,銀行理財專員較著重保險商品的投資性、銷售主導性較低、對保戶後續服務意願也較低、業績壓力相對較高,認知失調的情況較保險業務員高出許多。其種種現象將陸續影響消費者對於保險商品的認知,或使消費者得不到適當的保險規劃。
1. 台灣金控市場發展與歐美市場的比較,落實3C[註2]目標及通路運用成功實例分析。
2. 金控法規範交叉行銷涉及之「共同行銷」與「合作推廣」法令,相互間不明確與實務間落差的問題。
3. 透過財富管理平台建置,保險行銷策略中最具績效的「人員行銷模式」所運用的各式通路與方法,及其利基與差異之所在,彰顯金控競爭間的創新與差異性的重要性。
4. 無遠弗屆的「電話行銷」模式,帶領金控通路保險行銷至另一個高峰,藉由簡易 明確的手法,創造客戶、金控、保險公司多贏的局面及其運用之策略。
5. 對現今金控通路保險行銷發展之建議、未來面臨問題及趨勢分析、大陸金控通路發展之預測、進而期許國際市場的參與,提出中肯的建議與結論。
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政府干預對產業合作網絡的影響沈明展, SHEN, MING-CHAN Unknown Date (has links)
自行車產業從OEM 轉型為OBM 的經驗裡,企業家精神和國家創新系統二者的相互配合被視為成功的關鍵。自行車業的轉型經驗暗示後進者在全球生產網絡中,並非只能扮演旗艦廠商代工廠的宿命角色,後進者是有機會運用商業模式創新與區域治理,提升其全球生產網絡的位置,成為品牌廠商。而此過程端賴企業家精神和國家創新系統二者的相互配合。產業發展初期,由於廠商缺乏規模、品牌故被動地納入全球生產網絡,此時政府應整合不同廠商,建立中衛體系改善廠商關係來做為發展合作網絡基礎,並和世界知名旗艦廠商談判,維繫該地區的全球連結,如引進外資、代工生產訂單和取得技術…。而當廠商轉型為OBM 時,政府應改變主導者角色,成為合作參與者之一,適時提供領域內的行政協助與公權力;讓龍頭廠商繼續地帶領合作網絡,面對全球競爭、維持品牌聲譽。
最後,本文透過調查與訪談,探索傳統工藝產業-鶯歌陶瓷業的合作網絡。研究發現鶯歌陶瓷產業浮現類似義大利Tuscany 陶瓷產業的發展軌跡。它們的合作網絡早已跨越到不同地區;主要合作對象多數不在鶯歌鎮內。因此「鶯歌」之於陶瓷產業,除了固有的技術工和原料土質的生產優勢外,產業空間聲譽與集體行銷合作效應其實大於傳統的生產網絡。當然,這和近年來政府資源,如觀光、文化活動與空間規劃的投入,促使其成為重要的行銷地點,繼而誘導在地行動組織的合作,有密切關係。如此可知,傳統工藝產業在面對全球發展議題,發展自發性網絡組織時,可能需要政府不同於以往的關注方式。既非利用扶植目標產業廠商來主導產業的合作網絡,亦非運用對外談判或外部壓力,重新調整廠商關係,促成彼此合作;而是透過在地網絡行動組織來主導發展議題,尋找發展走向。
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電子文件註記系統之探討與實作江柏寬 Unknown Date (has links)
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鶯歌陶瓷產業網絡型態及研發之研究 / Study on the Network and Development of Yingge Ceramics Industry洪茂傑 Unknown Date (has links)
四、當地陶瓷產業網絡尚未形塑高度創新氛圍及環境,惟各家陶瓷工廠內部屬性卻顯著地影響其創新成效,對於促進產業創新研發而言,格外著實重要。 / Propagation, continuity, management, and innovation of knowledge become important themes in the era of the globalization and ever-changing industries. Either for taking more market shares from the fast-growing market or for more new application and new niches, approaches to competitiveness and growth are needed. Yingge ceramics awash with local traditions and a unique culture of its own has a long history of development and hence not only is a part of locals’ daily lives but also becomes the chief ceramics cluster in Taiwan. Therefore, this study looks from the view of “technical innovation” into the ceramics dealers in Yingge and discusses their trade networks and internal attributes.
After analyzing the details and internal functions of the cooperation network, this study describes this network in Yingge and then looks closer into the role each industrial party plays in this network, in order to know their sources of knowledge for innovation. Next, based on the ceramics dealers’ innovative motives, external cooperation networks are classified and the dealers’ internal attributes are distinguished. Further, this study adopts a computational model to empirically discuss the correlation between efforts on innovation and effectiveness, and tries to understand the role each industrial party plays in this network and how the parties interact with one another, so as to further probe into factors affecting the said correlation.
With the empirical study on Yingge ceramics, this study makes four conclusions:
1.For now, Yingge ceramics industry network is a part of grand Taipei where ceramics dealers are main momentum, but they cannot utilize the geographical intimacy to have knowledge spilled over, so that they can absorb received “tacit knowledge” for more effective innovation.
2.The scale of a factory is highly in inverse proportion to the effectiveness of innovation; the establishment of R&D is directly related to research manpower.
3.That an agreement-based cooperation network without high trust is not for innovative information sharing, and an unofficial cooperation network aims only at higher profile and more outlets, cannot lead to effective innovation
4.Although the external ceramics industry shows no innovative atmosphere and environment, internal attributes of each ceramics factory can significantly influence on the effectiveness of innovation and hence are weighty factors to industry innovation.
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「九一一」後美國與印尼反恐合作之研究田漢宇 Unknown Date (has links)
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俄羅斯能源戰略與俄中能源合作 (1991 – 2008)于琳 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞 : 能源外交, 俄羅斯能源戰略, 俄中能源合作, 能源安全. / Since 1993, China has become an importer of oil; the oil consumption has been growing.At the same time, China couldn’t increase the oil production, as the result, the lack of oil supplying has continuously increased. If we analyze from the point of international resource consumption, China comes to be the key country between those, who will struggle for the energy resources in the future. Since 1993, energy factor has been implemented to the consideration in the Chinese diplomacy. China has started to pay more and more attention to the energy factor while dealing with its international affairs. In 21 century, the oil price has been increasingly rising, that has become a serious danger for Chinese economy. The sudden lack of energy resources will be the great threat for fast developing Chinese economy. Also, been increasing its military power, China needs to create strategic oil stocks in order to move effectively its military forces.
If we consider from strategic point of view, China is in the center of Asia, with Pacific Ocean on its East Coast, bordering with Pakistan on the South, China has very favorable geographical strategic advantages. China needs to use its strategic position for early planning strategy in its “non-blood war” for oil resources. Otherwise, China will face containment from the other countries. The purpose of this study is thus to investigate the following issues based upon the date for the influence of energy factor on Chinese foreign policy and intentions during the period of 1993-2003: 1.Understanding the trends for the future growth of energy demand in China. 2.Investigating what kind of measures can be applying by Chinese government in the face of these trends. 3. Figuring out how big the role of energy factor in the Chinese foreign policy implementation.
Keywords: Chinese foreign policy, oil, energy security.
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線上小組遊戲競賽教學法對學習成效影響之探討(以高中數學為例) / An Investigation of the influence online team game tournament has on learning performance: take senior high mathematics for example蘇順聖, Su, Shun Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
本篇研究屬於行動研究,在「資訊融入教學」的口號下,利用moodle 系統
在2007 年3~4 月期間,對研究者所任教之台北市立陽明高中一年四班、一
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女性BBS社群的衝突處理--從符擔性概念談PTT「站崗的女人」版集體合作溝通行為 / Conflict Tackling in Female BBS Communities -- Taking An Affordance Perspective on the Cooperative Communication Behavior of PTT's GFonGuard Discussion Board王靜怡, Wang, Flora Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究者採取合作原則與符擔性理論的觀點,以在台灣特有的徵兵制度下形成的「站崗的女人」版面為田野,探究其使用者面對衝突事件時採取高度合作溝通行為的原因,其中特別關注在使用者最後決定採取高度合作溝通行為之前,她們如何思考自己與環境(社群/介面)以及她們與其他社群成員的關係。研究發現,「站崗的女人」版成員面對衝突時,並不尋求長足的討論並推衍出結論以解決該衝突凸顯的問題,而是採取情感取向的方式,求急切、快速地平息衝突;採取此溝通模式的過程中,她們透過文章與推文的文字感知到社群的溫馨氛圍,並修正自身的溝通方式,集體追求在短時間內平抑衝突以確保個人層次與社群層次溝通目的的存續。本研究並且發現,在她們的思考過程中,人際的因素比介面的物理因素影響其溝通行為更甚。 / This research aimed at taking an affordance perspective on the collective cooperative communication behavior of members of the GFonGuard discussion board amid conflicts in one of Taiwan’s most popular bulletin board systems (BBS). The researcher was most interested in the reasons behind the conflict tackling mode of members of the GFonGuard – an online community whose spaciotemporal peculiarity results from Taiwan’s compulsory military service – and how members of the community deliberate over their relations with the community/text-only medium and with other participants of the communication while deciding on how to tackle conflicts. The research found that members of the community sought to immediately quell the conflicts instead of seeking a lengthy discussion and a final resolution to the problems the conflicts highlighted. Throughout the deliberation process, the members perceived an amicable atmosphere via the choice of words and tone of articles on the discussion board. They modified their own communication style and pursued immediate appeasement of conflicts in an attempt to ensure the survival of their communication goals on the individual and community levels. The research also found that they were more concerned about “interpersonal” factors than about “medium” factors during their deliberation.
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台灣、香港、大陸地區之學術合作研究─以工程類為例 / Research collaboration in Taiwan,Hong Kong and China: A Case of engineering study郭政遠, Kuo,Cheng Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果在為兩岸三地工程學門文獻之作者生產力提供一個概括呈現,以了解不同的工程學門間之差異,並協助高等教育評鑑對於工程領域的學術生產力概況有一背景瞭解,作為日後之評鑑參考。 / The purpose of this research is to discuss the degree of collaboration among engineering literature authors within Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China from 1989 to 2008. We use the quantity of literatures that are collected from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China by the SCIE database to further observe the number of authors in fourteen engineering subjects, the people with whom the authors collaborate, the high production organizations and the people with whom they collaborate, and the correlation between the number of authors and the frequency of being cited.
The findings are as follows. Biomedical engineering has the highest average number of author collaboration in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China. Environmental engineering also has high average number of author collaboration in relation to other subjects in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China. Therefore, we can see that immunity biomedical engineering and environmental engineering are the subjects that require more scholars to collaborate. The percentage of multi-author literature is approximately 90% in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China. There are fewer sole-author literature. For high-production organization, the majority of author collaboration has higher concentration in National Taiwan University, National Cheng Kung University, National Tsing Hua University, and National Chaio Tung University in Taiwan. In addition, the researchers from National Taiwan University collaborate mostly with the researchers from the same university.
In addition, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China has the most international collaboration with the United States of America. Finally, we discuss the correlation between the number of authors and the frequency of being cited. The finding is that the sole-author literature in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China has lower frequency of being cited in general, but we cannot find the correlation between the number of authors and the frequency of being cited.
The findings of this research is to provide a general representation of literature author productivity in engineering subjects in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China, to understand the differences in different engineering subjects ,and to assist higher education institute with background understanding in evaluating the academic productivity of engineering areas in the future.
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從數位落差到數位機會:「數位人文希望關懷團隊」的行動與協調合作蔡欣雅 Unknown Date (has links)
根據以上研究發現,本文也對個案提出相關的建議,包括:加強部落電腦教室的管理與維護、在目標下創造各方合作的利基、確立團隊溝通管道與平台、確認各方權利義務與增加行動管理的合作夥伴。 / Digital environment contributes opportunity and divide at the coming of information society. Since the late 1990s, digital divide becomes a popular issue in governments and societies, among which children in the remote district are the one who need more concern.
Digital and Cultural Hope (DCH), which is composed of a few groups, is one participant from the nonprofit sector. DCH believes it should not only just bridge the digital divide, but also use the information and communication technology (ICT) to create the opportunity for the children. Hence, it runs a project from an idea like email pal to encourage children’s motives of using ICT and acquiring knowledge in a rural community. This is an effective and unique way to solve the problem. Therefore, the study wants to explore the course and the impact of the DCH project.
The study, through interview and questionnaire, finds the DCH project does make its goal after a year of implementing. The motives of children help them improve the digital literacy and school learning. Meanwhile, the DCH project also changes the atmosphere of the community. However, the DCH project does face some challenges. First, the different perception of demand between DCH and the community makes some conflicts. Second, it is difficult to maintain ICT infrastructure for the community. And, at last, one member of DCH closures the collaboration and quits the project.
Collaboration is an important issue for the project, because its service is delivered by the collaboration of the groups in DCH. The study, through network analysis, finds the structure of DCH is dense, but not highly central. It also finds five issues of collaboration, and finds network does have an indirect impact of collaboration. Last but not least, the study discovers there is a perception gap of collaboration in DCH, and considers DCH needs to concern about the issues of responsibility between team members and institutionalization of collaboration.
According to the findings, the study brings up some suggestions as follow. First, DCH needs to strengthen the maintenance and management of ICT infrastructure by training the community residents and acquiring other supports. Second, it should create the incentives of collaboration for the team members. Third, the information exchange platform is suggested for team communication. And, the right and the duty of the members should be confirmed by each other. At the end, the study advises to invite new participants for managing the project.
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