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黃逸甫, Huang, Yves Unknown Date (has links)
服務品質、價格、品牌形象與品牌個性對顧客滿意度之影響─以銀行業為例隨著經濟發展與產業結構的改變,服務業佔國內生產毛額的比重逐漸提高;同樣地,服務業管理和服務業行銷的重要性亦與日俱增。鑑於服務業因無形性、不可分割性、異質性、與不可儲存性等特性,與實體商品行銷產生不同的觀念;加以國內相關研究,大都著重在服務品質、產品品質、顧客滿意度,或是知覺價格以及顧客忠誠度等方向為主,就品牌與服務品質、顧客滿意度之間的關聯性較少著墨,因此本研究加入了品牌形象、品牌個性對顧客滿意度的影響之探討。 本研究之研究目的為:(1)界定服務品質的構面,並探討知覺服務品質評價對顧客滿意度之影響。(2)探討顧客對知覺價格的接受程度對顧客滿意度之影響。(3)界定品牌形象與品牌個性的構面,並研究顧客對其重視的程度。(4)探討品牌形象與知覺服務品質間的關係。(5)探討品牌形象與品牌個性認同程度對顧客滿意度之影響。(6)建立服務品質、知覺價格、品牌形象、品牌個性與顧客滿意度之間關係的一個完整架構。 本研究為一探索性研究,首先依據文獻探討建構研究架構,並發展問卷設計,同時選擇無形性比重較高、在服務業具重要性與代表性的銀行業為實證對象。研究結果顯示,除了知覺服務品質與知覺價格中的存款價格與顧客滿意度為正相關外;品牌形象、品牌個性與顧客滿意度亦呈正相關;而且品牌形象與知覺服務品質亦有正向關係。同時,本研究還發現品牌個性及品牌形象透過服務品質對顧客滿意度有一間接的影響。

消費性耐久財創新擴散決定因素之研究-以蘋果iPad為例 / A study on consumer durables innovation diffusion dominant factors - based on Apple iPad

呂政霖 Unknown Date (has links)
現代科技產業發達,「消費性耐久財」,也就是所謂的科技產品日新月異,新產品推出後開始其創新擴散與為大眾所接受的過程。在科技產品相同品項中,常存在著代表標準的主流技術或產品,而該主流品牌易成為上下游廠商競相合作的對象,這樣的地位也保證著高度的消費者採用意願。個人自我創新特質可決定是否採用新技術產品,不可忽略的是來自週遭人群採用的網路外部性影響,越多人採用能降低使用上的風險與不確定性,並提高生活與工作上的效率;互補性產品推出亦會因多人採用而越發完善,如此便能更確立其產品或技術在市場中的主流地位。 本研究以2010年初上市的蘋果電腦iPad為主要被接受科技,至今已帶動許多科技大廠投入平板電腦市場,其中不乏電腦與智慧型手機業者,甚或是電信業者亦欲加入此新世代多點觸控風氣盛行的平板電腦產業,蘋果電腦iPad的銷售量居高不下,顯示其儼然已位居主流產品地位。為了能探究其活化已瀕臨死亡的平板電腦市場之因,本研究認為應以創新擴散理論、科技接受模型與網路外部性的組合做為研究探討基礎理論,並採用品牌形象、涉入程度與資訊構面來輔佐加強,以達到與過去國內科技產品創新接受模型的差異化的目的,提供不同方向的切入點。本研究盼能在以問卷量化設計的構面採用中,將蘋果iPad此等消費性耐久財的廠商面與消費面間策略取得平衡探討,提供給平板電腦廠商思考行銷與聯盟策略上的參考依據,而本研究結果發現如下: (一) 個人內在創新特質與兩種外部因素代表的網路外部性,會正面影響採用者對於蘋果iPad的正面創新知覺特質,形成正面的採用態度;在採用者部份負面創新知覺特質上,也有負面效果存在。 (二) 尚未購買者的採用意願較不受負面創新知覺特質影響,正面知覺特質有助於增加已購買者的未來繼續採用意願。 (三) 有形與無形品牌形象中,唯有無形者對於繼續採用意願的增強無效。 (四) 加入對於蘋果iPad產品涉入程度考量後的廠商與消費資訊,並不完全提升對繼續採用意願的影響效果,且對於採用意願無顯著影響。 故整體而言,平板電腦廠商,應能由廠商與消費面切入思考產品研發與行銷策略,由目標市場的需求做基礎考量新產品功能,並善用品牌、銷售與廠商策略聯盟資訊,增強採用者的好印象,才能真正擴散其創新科技以達永續經營。 關鍵字:創新擴散、科技接受、網路外部性、涉入程度、品牌形象 / Global technical industry booms, especially the “consuming durable,” or the so-called “technical products” evolves fast. After new products are launched, the innovation diffusing and generally accepted procedure starts. Among the same technical items, there is always a mainstream technology or product which could play the role as a referred standard. And the mainstream brand would easily become the one that up and downstream manufacturers long to cooperate with. The position will also present the highly consumer accepting intention. Self-innovation could be an important dominant factor deciding whether to accept product with new technology. However the external network effect from the acceptance of people around is indispensible as well. As a rule of thumb, more acceptances could reduce the risk and uncertainty when using the targeted product or technology. Meanwhile, this will also increase the efficiency in daily life or at work. Complementary goods would develop more completely because of mass acceptance and this way it will help ensure the mainstream role of product or technology in the market. The research would take Apple iPad which was launched in the early of 2010 as the main accepted technology. It has encouraged many famous technical firms to join the new generation tablet PC market, including not only the originally computer and cell phone but also telecommunication firms. The highest sales among the tablet PC market showed iPad’s role as the mainstream product and technology. This research would take innovation diffusion theory, technology acceptance model and network externality as the basic theoretical combination to discuss the phenomenon that iPad helped excite tablet PC market. Besides, we add brand image, involvement, and information factors to our research framework so as to distinguish from and hope could provide more perspectives to the past theories discussing consuming durables’ innovation diffusion. And we expect to design ideal questionnaires including all the factors discussed, strike a discussing balance between firm and consumer strategies, and providing the consequence for Tablet PC firms’ considering marketing and cooperation strategies as supporting references. The following points are main conclusions of this research: 1. Internal self innovation and two kinds of network externality have positive effects on consumers’ positive innovative perceptions when accepting iPad; negative effects on negative innovation perceptions. 2. Potential buyers’ accepting intentions are less affected by negative innovative perceptions, but positive innovative perceptions would positively affect buyers’ continuing accepting intentions. 3. Only intangible brand image has no effect on buyers’ continuing accepting intentions. 4. After taking iPad product involvement into consideration, we found that the effects of information on accepting intentions will not be enhanced but will have partial effect on continuing accepting intentions. Considering everything, Tablet PC firms should do the product R&D and marketing plan on the basis of firm and consumer, launch the new function by taking consumer’s demand into consideration, and take full advantage of brand, sales and firm cooperation information to leave good impression on consumers. This way, they could really diffuse innovation and fulfill the goal of eternal operation. Keywords: Innovation Diffusion, Technology Acceptance, Network Externality, Brand Image, Involvement.

不是品牌的品牌—由無印良品看 生活雜貨品牌的價值傳達 / The brand of no-brand: a study of zakka brand’s value conveying of MUJI

陳竹儀 Unknown Date (has links)
「生活雜貨」(zakka)風潮由日本興起,並在台灣已風行數年,相關品牌亦如雨後春筍般陸續開展。其中無印良品(MUJI)自2004年進入台灣市場後,至2011年在全台已有21家門市。根據行政院主計處的行業標準分類,生活雜貨產業屬於綜合商品零售業,由於是以內需市場為主的業別,特別容易受到經濟景氣所影響,但是無印良品卻在金融海嘯發生的西元2008年先後於世界各國開設新據點,在台灣其營收更逆勢成長,無印良品總經理王文欣表示原因在於無印良品擅於溝通產品的價值,並藉此建立了許多忠誠的顧客。因此本研究嘗試以量化與質化並行的方式來探討台灣無印良品之消費者所認知到之品牌形象、知覺價值、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度以及之間的關係,並依據研究結果提出生活雜貨產業行銷之具體建議。 研究方法部份,本研究於量化研究採線上調查法,蒐集一年內曾於台灣無印良品消費之消費者之資料,有效問卷共522份並進行統計分析與假設驗證。統計結果發現人口統計變項中之婚姻狀況、居住地區、教育程度、職業與通路使用情形在部份構面上達到顯著。另外各研究構面間之關係發現:品牌形象對知覺品質、顧客滿意度、忠誠度有顯著正向關係;知覺價值對顧客滿意度、忠誠度有顯著正向關係;顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度有顯著正向關係。 質化研究部份採深度訪談法,訪問八位台灣無印良品消費者,以彌補量化研究中未能探究部份,兩相參照後提出五點行銷建議: ㄧ、致力縮短品牌形象與知覺價值間之落差 二、提升消費者對價格的接受度 三、針對強調專業功能性之商品提供合作企業之資訊 四、提高線上通路的使用率 五、把握龐大的單身商機 / “Zakka” phenomenon has spread from Japan and been popular in Taiwan for years, accordingly, many zakka brands have emerged. Since MUJI came in, there have been 21 stores in Taiwan till 2011. In 2008, MUJI set up new stores in several countries in the world while the financial crisis was sweeping the whole world. Taiwan MUJI’s general manager Wang Wenxin said it’s because MUJI is good at conveying its value so that it has built up plenty of loyal customers. Therefore, MUJI is the main case for this research to approach the complex relationship among the brand image, perceived value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty of zakka brand’s value conveying by using both quantitative and qualitative research methods: online survey and in-depth interview. By online survey, this research took customer who ever purchase products in Taiwan MUJI in one year as sample, 522 valid questionnaires were analyzed. By the part of in-depth interview, there are 8 participants included in this research. After analyzing, this research comes to the following conclusion: A significant positive relationship exists between brand image and customer satisfaction; A significant positive relationship exists between brand image and customer loyalty; A significant positive relationship exists between perceived value and customer satisfaction; A significant positive relationship exists between perceived value and customer loyalty; A significant positive relationship exists between brand image and perceived value; A significant positive relationship exists between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The obvious variations of brand image, perceived value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty are displayed only among some of the demographic variables. This research also provides 5 marketing suggestions as following: 1. Shorten the gap between brand image and perceived value to customers. 2. Increase customers’ acceptance of the price. 3. Offer more information about co-operative manufactories. 4. Promote MUJI’s online channel. 5. Grasp single customers.


董瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
CIS目前一般譯為企業識別系統,或者稱為企業形象戰略。許多研究認為CIS即企業識別系統是一個社會組織(企業)為了塑造組織(企業)形象,透過統一的視覺識別設計,運用整體傳達溝通系統,將組織(企業)的經營理念、企業文化和企業經營活動的信息傳遞出去,以凸顯組織(企業)的個性和精神,與社會公眾建立雙向溝通的關係,從而使社會公眾產生認同感和共同價值觀的一種戰略性的活動和職能。 本研究之目的即在針對企業識別系統改變過程中有關行銷、推廣傳播此兩方面之手段、工具做一回顧與整理,並對視覺設計與企業理念協同發揮,做一實證的引申。並以類似相關企業做相互對照,希望能找出其間之關聯與比較,藉以收鑑往知來之功,作為後繼有志推動CIS的企業的實務參考。 繼企業識別之外,品牌對於企業而言,不單只是區隔與其他公司的差別,而應為一個企業在消費者心中的形象、承諾、品質、經驗的集合體。 採取的品牌識別與品牌打造行銷策略及其所隱含的思維與目的,是希望將此經驗以系統性的理論架構做出整理,重新詮釋品牌打造計畫,萃取出品牌經營的關鍵因素與策略,並給予其未來計畫建議。 「企業公民責任」,進入21世紀人們對企業的期望,已經不僅僅是解決就業、賺取利潤和繳納稅收的功能,人們更希望企業能有效地承擔起推動社會進步、關心環境和生態、扶助社會弱勢群體、參與社區發展、保障員工權益等一系列社會問題上的責任和義務。對於企業來說,經濟效益固然重要,但同時更應承擔相對的社會責任。一家真正成功的企業,應該在創業的同時心繫社會,擁有強烈的社會責任感。因此要促進社會和諧發展,強化企業的社會責任尤為必要。 在一連串的評比與對照兩家國際級航空公司面臨困境均極為相似的種況之下,在長達十年觀察的各項表現評比,雖互有擅長,但其獲利表現卻呈現極大的差異值得深究,依本研究長期工作所接觸之資訊、親身體驗與近距觀察,公司內部之「企業公民責任」氛圍是一重要關鍵因素,是決定內外部客戶滿意與獲利豐碩與否的重要指標。

銀行保險產品行銷策略之研究-以Y銀行為例 / The Study on Bank Insurance Product Sales Strategy- An Example of 「Y Bank」 Case

林永傑, Lin, Yung Jie Unknown Date (has links)
銀行產業在台灣是屬於一個高度競爭的行業,在競爭下為求生存只能不斷創新獲利模式。由最早的企業金融放款,演進到個人消費信用貸款;由信用卡手續費收入,演進到財富管理手續費收入。回顧過往銀行發展的產業史,可以發現銀行已由承擔放款風險的利差收入,進化到藉由專業化服務賺取無風險手續費收入的新世紀。財富管理業務已是各家銀行兵家必爭之地,而其中決戰的主戰場又以保險產品的行銷最為激烈。 本文以Y銀行為個案研究目標,因為它是首波台灣政府開放民營銀行中,由專業經理人創設且迄今於銀行的各項業務中皆名列前茅的模範生代表。銀行近年來已成為保險公司最大的行銷通路,最主要的原因在於市場低利率的環境下,保險產品能提供相對定存為高的報酬且能享有稅賦上的優惠。然而在主管機關加強對保險業的監理,要求類定存保險產品淡出保險市場後,銀行未來行銷保險產品的策略又該何去何從? 本研究使用問卷調查量化分析之方式,以Y銀行顧客中曾購買過保險產品之顧客為研究對象。另外,也將問卷調查中所發現的問題設計成訪談大綱,針對Y銀行通路主管進行質化深度訪談,期望藉由探討「服務品質、品牌形象、認知價值」對顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度之關係,提供Y銀行未來訂定保險產品行銷策略的建議,更希望能健全保險產業的發展,讓保險產品回歸最原始的保障需求。 本研究得出下列結論:第一、銀行若能持續提供優質的保險軟硬體服務,銀行通路仍將長期佔據保險公司最大行銷通路的王座。第二,銀行的品牌形象優於保險公司,但仍需慎選合作的保險公司,避免損及自身品牌商譽。第三、認知價值對顧客滿意度及忠誠度影響很大,銀行應善用顧客對銀行認知較保險公司為佳的優勢。第四、銀行應加強理專的保險教育訓練,提升同仁專業的保險知識與行銷技能,方能滿足消費者對於銀行理專服務品質提升的期待。第五、銀行應該多行銷保障型保險產品,讓保險回歸保障之本質,讓顧客保險需求得到滿足,因此產生滿意度進而帶來忠誠度。 / Banking is a highly competitive industry in Taiwan. Banks have to keep renovating the profit model to survive. Banking evolution starts from early corporate lending, consumer lending, and credit card fee income to wealth management fee income. Learnt from the history, banks fee income is moving from lending, which banks bear the risk, to risk free service fee by providing professional services. Wealth management business is now the battle field in banking, and insurance product business is the fiercest area among others. The subject of this research is Y Bank. Y Bank was selected because it’s one of the top banks in all banking categories, established by professional manager, and it’s in the first wave of the Taiwan government to open private banks business. Banks are becoming the largest distribution channel for insurance products. Primarily is due to in the low interest rate environment insurance products could provide higher than fixed deposit interest rate and the tax benefit. However, now the authority is tightening the control in insurance industry and expect the Deposit Classed Insurance Products to be phase out the market, what will be the banks’ next step in insurance business? This study used quantitative analysis of questionnaires way to the bank customer in Y Customers who bought insurance products for the study. In addition, the questionnaire design issues found in a interview outline, qualitative in-depth interviews conducted for the Y channel bank supervisor. This research is looking in the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty from service quality, branding, perceived value aspects. Furthermore, hopefully could provide the future insurance product strategies and recommendations to the banks, develop the soundness of insurance industry, and guide the insurance products return to it’s original purpose, protection. In this study, the following conclusions: First, if banks continue to provide hardware and software quality insurance services, banking channel will occupy the throne of the insurance company's largest long-term marketing channels. Second, the bank's brand image is better than the insurance company, but bank still carefully chooses insurance companies, to avoid compromising their brand goodwill. Third, the perceived value of a great impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty, banks should take advantage of the customer perception of banks is better. Fourth, banks should enhance the knowledge of insurance professional colleagues and marketing skills in order to meet consumer demand for banking services designed to enhance the quality of management expectations. Fifth, the bank should be more marketing protection-type insurance products, the protection of the insurance back to basics, so that the customer insurance needs are met, resulting satisfaction and thus bring loyalty.

品牌代理商降低拉式策略威脅之研究:三方交換關係觀點 / An investigation on how distributors reduce pull strategy threats: A triadic exchange relationship perspective

林智偉 Unknown Date (has links)
有越來越多品牌商除了管理直接客戶(代理商)外,也會積極與非直接客戶(下游客戶)建立關係,這樣的拉式策略不但能夠幫助品牌商取得市場資訊,也可藉此讓下游客戶對品牌商產生偏好,讓代理商因此對品牌商的產品產生需求;在這樣的情況下,代理商可能套牢在與該品牌商的關係中。本論文探究在品牌商的拉式策略下,對於品牌商、代理商與下游客戶的三方交換關係所造成的影響,以及處於中樞地位的代理商應如何降低負面衝擊。 本論文以台灣代理商為研究對象,藉由177份有效樣本進行實證研究。子研究一以品牌商觀點出發,研究結果指出,「品牌商對下游客戶的專屬資產投入」與「品牌商的品牌形象」將正向影響「下游客戶對品牌商的關係承諾」,進一步提高「代理商對品牌商的依賴」;另外,此研究也發現,代理形式將在「下游客戶對品牌商的關係承諾」與「代理商對品牌商的依賴」兩者的關係間扮演調節變數的角色。 子研究二則從代理商觀點出發,研究結果指出,當「下游客戶對品牌商與代理商的關係承諾正向差距」越大,則「代理商對品牌商的依賴」將越高;在這樣的情況下,若代理商提高「對下游客戶的專屬資產投入」與「對下游客戶的快速回應能力」,將有助於減少「下游客戶對品牌商與代理商的關係承諾正向差距」。另外,「代理商高層與下游客戶高層間的人際關係」與「代理商與品牌商的結盟程度」在本研究中則扮演調節變數角色,當「代理商高層與下游客戶高層間的人際關係」及「代理商與品牌商的結盟程度」越好時,將弱化「下游客戶對品牌商與代理商的關係承諾正向差距」與「代理商對品牌商的依賴」的負向關係。 / Increasing numbers of brand owners are actively investing marketing resources in not only their direct customers(distributors), but also those customers’ customers (downstream customers). This indirect customer marketing approach follows the “pull strategy” principle proposed in the channel literature. This kind of strategy provides the brand owner with valuable market information, creates product preference among the downstream customer, and aims to stimulate derived demand. Thus, the distributor faces a lock-in situation, and this leads to the brand owner occupying a stronger position and enhancing its profits. Under such a situation, the distributor may change its cooperative behaviors with the brand owner. The study interviewed 177 independent distributors who sell brand owners' products to downstream customers. The dissertation has two sub-studies. Study One is from the brand owner's perspective to investigate how the brand owner get stronger position in the channel system when it expands in overseas markets. The result showed specific investments from the brand owner to the downstream customer and the brand owner's good brand image may increase the downstream customer's relationship commitment to the brand owner. If the downstream customer’s commitment to the brand owner is high, the distributor may increase its dependent on the brand owner. In addition, the research also found that the number of distributors plays a moderating role in this study. If there are multiple distributors, the positive relationship between commitment of the downstream customer to the brand owner and the dependence of the distributor on the brand owner may become stronger. Study Two of the dissertation is from the distributor’s perspective. The brand owner's pull strategy may cause a decrese in the relationship performance of the distributor to the downstream customer. In order to solve this difficult situation, the study provides the distributor with the following solutions. The distributor can make specific investments to the downstream customer or improve its responsive ability to decrease the difference of commitment between the downstream customer to the distributor and the downstream customer to the brand owner. Moreover, the distributor can develop personal guanxi with the downstream customer or try to align with the brand owner to reduce the negative impact from this commitment disparity.

網路教學品質、品牌形象對顧客滿意與行為意向之研究──以政大公企網路學院為例 / A Study of Customer Satisfaction and Behavior Intention by E-Teaching Quality and Brand Image – A Case Study of NCCU E-College

楊忠銘, Yang, Chung-ming Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,由於網路科技與相關基礎建設的日趨成熟,讓網路廣被接受與使用,也對網路教學產生推波助瀾的效應,使網路教學成為全球一日千里,發展迅速的產業之一。   由於網路教學產業發展的前景可期,近年來許多大學院校及私人企業也都紛紛投入開發;但值得我們關心的是,傳統教育與新興的網路教育,到底有何差異?網路教學如何在提供教育的同時,也兼顧到顧客 (學習者)的滿意度呢?   本研究藉由文獻回顧以及與相關人員的深入訪談中找出學員在網路學習上所注重的因素,其中包括網路教學品質(包括:資訊品質、系統品質、服務品質)、教學互動以及品牌形象;除了針對這五個構面的品質表現進行敘述分析,本研究並使用LISREL進行驗證性的研究,瞭解此五構面是否分別和顧客滿意與行為意向有著正向關係,以提供網路教育者設計出更符合顧客需求的課程。   未來,網際網路科技將更加地進步,透過網路的學習也勢必更廣為普及,因此如何提供更優質、更具效率的網路學習環境,來吸引顧客,並建立起長期關係,對網路教育提供者將是很值得研究的議題。 / In less than two decades, the expansion of internet technology and relevant infrastructure are getting ripe to yield many positive results, such as the varied way people communicate and the daily information convey by media has shifted from papers to electronic. Moreover, one of the most noticeable outcomes is the development of learning through internet, the so-called E-teaching, which is undoubtedly becoming a rising industry. E-teaching industry now has been mushrooming and there have been plenty of universities, colleges and individual enterprises joining this trend. Therefore, it is also the time to think about some elementary but crucial tasks of E-teaching. What’ the difference between traditional and such state-of-the-art style of learning, for example, and how to take care of customers' (or E-learners') satisfaction with E-service? By interview with relevant personnel and retrospect with historical references, the research attempts to indicate five important factors that E-learners concern most during their learning process, covering from the internet teaching quality (includes: information quality, system quality, service quality), teaching interaction and brand image. In order to provide E-teaching designers with more practical guiding principles, to build up better courses to meet customers' need, the research tries to figure out the relation between these five factors and customer satisfaction and the behavior intention through the narrative analysis and LISREL based on E-College of National ChenChi University case. In the near future, the internet technology will be more universal, while learning through internet will be accepted more extensively. Meanwhile, how to offer higher quality, better benefit, and attractive elements to catch customers’ eyes and keep long-term relationship with E-learners will be the topic worthy for an advanced study.

由購買動機、品牌形象探討顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度關係-以日本UMPC品牌KJS為例 / Through purchase motivation, brand image to research on the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty relationship─A case study of UMPC-KJS brand

許敦傑 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以日本UMPC超級行動電腦品牌KJS為例,探討「消費者購買動機」、「品牌形象」與「顧客滿意度」、「顧客忠誠度」間之關係及影響因素,以期提供小型可攜式電腦產業及UMPC品牌業者行銷策略與品牌發展之參考。 本研究採問卷調查與深度訪談方式進行研究,問卷調查方面,共取得267份有效問卷,並運用敘述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、相關分析與迴歸分析,將資料進行統計分析及獲得假設驗證;深度訪談方面,共進行兩次的深度訪談,藉由訪談專業人士,探索個案品牌行銷策略與產品規劃。 研究結果得知,消費者對個案品牌產品之滿意度,受人口統計變項中之性別、年齡、教育程度及擁有可攜電腦數量等變項之影響;而消費者對個案品牌產品之忠誠度,不受人口統計變項的影響。此外,消費者對個案品牌產品之滿意度,受消費者購買動機及品牌形象部分變項的影響;而消費者對個案品牌產品之忠誠度,也受消費者購買動機及品牌形象部分變項的影響。整體而言,個案品牌產品顧客滿意度之高低,會影響顧客忠誠度之高低,且呈現正相關。 針對目前個案及市場現狀,在產品方面,建議個案可再加強宣傳觸控螢幕及產品娛樂功能的開發,品牌方面則是不論從問卷資料及訪談資料中,均顯示出KJS在台灣市場擁有很好的品牌形象,因此應以此為品牌核心價值,專注於原本的利基市場,雖然可以視市場狀況延伸產品系列,然不宜投入過多資源進入低價市場,與低價小筆電作正面廝殺,而應作適當區隔。 / This research aims at discussing the relationships among purchase motivation, brand image, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, and the influence factors of the four dimensions through a case study of UMPC-KJS brand in order to provide reference of marketing strategies and brand development for netbook and UMPC industry. This research used a questionnaire survey and in-depth interview to study. With regard to questionnaire survey, 267 valid samples were obtained by stratifies sampling. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation and regression analysis. Besides, through in-depth interview with two professionals in this field to explore the marketing strategies and production planning of KJS brand. According to the results of this research, the customer satisfaction could be influenced by the demographics varieties from sex, age, education level and the number that one customer has, however, the customer loyalty could not be influenced by the demographics varieties. Besides, not only customer satisfaction but customer loyalty could be influenced by part factors of purchase motivation and brand image. Finally, customer loyalty gets higher if customers are satisfied. According to the present condition of the netbook market, there are some suggestions to KJS brand. First, KJS is proposed to focus on the development of touch-screen and entertainment features. Second, since KJS has a very good brand image in Taiwan, this should be the core values of the brand and KJS should focus on this original niche market. It’s necessary to make some market segmentation from other netbook brand.

打造一個成功的零售服裝品牌:以Abercrombie and Fitch公司為例 / The Making of a Successful Retail Fashion Brand:Abercrombie and Fitch Co. as an Example

樊亭余, Fan, Christine Unknown Date (has links)
此研究將探討台灣消費者的消費行為對於國外知名零售絣牌Abercrombie and Fitch Co. 本品牌建立位於美國以休閒服裝為主,。此研究會探討品牌知名度, 品牌形象, 購買意向對於這個品牌。 此研究採用便利抽樣調查以定量分析取出結果。本研究採取192個樣本中34.9%為男性,65.1%為女性。研究員採用階層回歸分析調查出本研究調查。調查結果指出消費者俱有高度認知對於品牌知名度和品牌形會有嚴重影響消費者的購買意向。同時,消費者俱有高度炫耀性消費和時尚觀念對於Abercrombie and Fitch Co. 品牌知名度和品牌形的認知會增加。Abercrombie and Fitch Co. 的資訊來源大多數以網路和朋友,因此也提升消費者的品牌知名度對於此品牌。 / In this study the researcher examined the influence of Taiwanese consumers behavior towards overseas retail fashion brand Abercrombie and Fitch Co. The brand was established in the United States of America that offers a range of products such casual sportswear apparel, outerwear, and accessories for men, women, and kids. This study investigated on Taiwanese consumers brand awareness, brand image and purchase intention for the brand. A quantitative analysis will be used for this research by using convenience sampling survey which were distributed online. A total of 192 samples were used for this study (34.9%) of the respondents were male and (65.1%) were female. The researcher used hierarchical multiple regression analysis to test for the results that were needed for this study. The findings indicated that purchase intention is heavily influenced by brand awareness and brand image; meanwhile, consumers with higher levels of conspicuous consumption and fashion conscious orientations have greater brand knowledge and better brand image about Abercrombie and Fitch Co. Getting fashion information from friends and internet led to greater brand awareness about Abercrombie and Fitch Co.

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