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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

過錯的界線:戰後初期臺灣與韓國的轉型正義比較分析(1945-1950) / The boundaries of wrongdoing: a comparative analysis of transitional justice in early postwar Taiwan and Korea, 1945-1950

吳宗達 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著世界各國在民主化後對重新審視、扭轉過去壓迫性政權作為的嘗試,近年來以臺灣史料為題材的研究中,以轉型正義為主題的論文也有逐漸增加的趨勢。不過多數研究習慣將視野集中於國民黨來臺後的族群歧視、整個國家退守臺灣後基於反共/防共的白色恐怖對人權的侵害、或是臺灣政治民主化後的補償與歷史正義,相對少有探討臺灣戰後初期對日本統治的反省內容,同時也缺乏比較性地跨越不同政權統治時期,嘗試從外來政權如何統治社會與汲取資源方式的角度,研究國家建構如何影響轉型正義主張與行動的作品。   相較先行研究,本論文以從日本殖民時期以至戰後初期的臺灣與朝鮮為研究對象,指出日本對新領土的國家建構工程使兩地在戰後初期都出現了轉型正義的行動與主張,而兩地在遭受殖民前與殖民期間發展出的共同體意識、社會成員處境、和殖民者建構國家的手段與過程均影響了兩地轉型正義的內容與強度;而兩地在戰後分別受到外來政權統治,再次出現國家意圖控制社會的國家建構行為,使兩地原有的轉型正義主張遭到壓抑-在臺灣,新統治者與臺灣社會認定的犯過錯者結合,以自己的轉型正義標準壓制臺灣人的權利和對政權的批判,臺灣人因此重新審視共同體界線;朝鮮/韓國對民族獨立與犯過錯者的究責要求則一直未滅,然而新統治者與其後繼者為了穩定政權,出現了無視社會要求,以新標準區別敵人並阻礙轉型正義的情形,最後,戰後初期統治兩地的新政權皆為其國家建構目的犧牲了社會的轉型正義要求,同時製造了新的不正義。 / With countries of the world tried to review and redress doings oppressive regimes did in the past after democratization, the number of theses topic on transitional justice by studying Taiwan historical resources increases recently. However, most of the researches focus on ethnic discriminations after Kuomintang seized Taiwan, human right violation and persecution in white terror era, and redress or historical justice after political democratization. There come relatively fewer discussions on reflections on Japanese rule in early post war Taiwan, and lack of comparative, cross-regime works try to explain how state-building influenced transitional justice ideas and actions, by applying viewpoint that different alien regimes carry out ruling and extraction resources from society.  Compared with former researches, I adopt the era Taiwan and Korea under Japanese colonization to early post war period as research subjects. I first point out Japanese state-building crafts brought out transitional justice ideas and actions in early post war Taiwan and Korea, different development degrees of community imagines, situation of society members, means and process colonizers took to build state before and in the colonial period made postwar transitional justice different in the two places. Next I point out new alien regimes befell post war Taiwan and Korea, new state-building process came out once again, and transitional justice was repressed. In Taiwan, new rulers built a patron-client relationship with local wrongdoers, they put Hanjian accusation standard on Taiwanese, suppress their political right and critique, and therefore Taiwanese started to review the boundary of community. In Korea, desires to nation independence and punish wrongdoers never faded, however, post war rulers ignored society requests and used new standard to mark new enemy within, blocked transitional justice for stable regime. At last, regimes ruled Taiwan and Korea in early post war days sacrificed society requests for transitional justice, instead by pursuit of state-building goals, and brought out new injustice.

Post-election violence and governance in Kenya : the rise and fall of the Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Commission (TJRC) / ケニアにおける選挙後の暴力と統治:真実正義和解委員会(TJRC)の興亡 / ケニア ニオケル センキョゴ ノ ボウリョク ト トウチ : シンジツ セイギ ワカイ イインカイ TJRC ノ コウボウ

室仁 多日帝, David Muroni 19 September 2020 (has links)
この論文は、ケニアの選挙後の暴力の年表に焦点を当てています。それがどのように始まり、頂点に達し、減少、そして再発を探ります。ケニアで2008年に創設された真実、正義、和解委員会は、独立後35年間の過去の人権不正と不正行為を文書化に行なった。複数の要因が組み合わされ、複数政党の大統領選挙で暴力を引き起こします。政府が問題の一部であるため、委員会による良心的な最終報告書と勧告は保留中です。 / This thesis focuses on the chronology of post-election violence in Kenya. It explores how it started, peaked, faded, and returned. The Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Commission created in 2008 in Kenya documents 35 years of past human rights injustices and malpractices from independence in 1963. Multiple factors combine and trigger violence in multiparty presidential elections. The conscientious final reports and recommendations by the Commission remain in limbo as the government is part of the problem. Unequally shared land resources and a grave presidential contest cause post-election violence. Empowering the Supreme Court is a necessity for fair justice. / 博士(グローバル社会研究) / Doctor of Philosophy in Global Society Studies / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University


許紹峰, Hsu, Shao-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
針對「有害廢棄物污染與環境管制政策」的論述主軸,本研究除歷史地探究戰後台灣有害廢棄物污染問題的形成脈絡之外,並選擇「桃園RCA土壤及地下水污染事件」為研究個案,探究在該等污染事件發生之後,如何被定義及解決的具體過程,並闡述地方社區民眾的訴求與心聲;最後則是總結前述研究結果,論述研究個案的政策意涵,並針對「土壤及地下水污染整治法」以及相關的環境管制政策建構提出批判性的思索。 首先,本研究指出有害廢棄物污染此一結構性的問題其實反映了戰後台灣所謂「優良投資環境」的利基之一-相對低廉的環境成本,表現於外便是長期放任與形式化的環境管制。並且,在相關污染事件陸續爆發的1990年代,事態的嚴重性已然超乎政府的能力所及,故而在「私有化」的政策取向之下,政府企圖利用各種「獎勵投資」的策略,例如稅賦減免、放寬 / 簡化土地使用管制、國營事業土地釋出、加強查緝以穩定廢棄物的供給量等措施,藉以扶植民營廢棄物清理業者,並且巧妙地將廢棄物的生產與整體的資本擴大再生產連結了起來。可以預見的是,此一策略或許在短期內可以稍微抑止事業廢棄物流竄的問題,然而卻更進一步地深化了「大量生產-大量消費-大量棄置」的資本主義運作邏輯,絲毫無助於更積極地從源頭減少污染危害的產生。 其次,透過對「桃園RCA土壤及地下水污染事件」的考察,本研究指出戰後台灣具有強大相對自主性的政府雖然以各種政策工具創造出所謂「優良的投資環境」,但是彼等所依恃的環境管理體系偏重「事後管制」而無力於「事前預防」,使得鄰近污染場址的社區民眾、農民與勞工成為環境污染的直接受害者。在跨國資本「賺飽就跑」的移動邏輯,並將污染惡果轉嫁予地方社區之下,後者無異是與總體之「發展」脫勾的。繼而,觀諸污染整治之過程可知,該污染事件徹底地被設定為一個純粹的「技術」問題,由於風險詮釋權力的偏差動員,政府與資本藉由特定科學知識的引介與轉譯所啟動的「技術動員」,其實亦代表了特定「利益動員」之實現。換言之,在「權力動員 → 技術動員 → 利益動員」的過程中,與資本再生產攸關的變更開發利益被普遍化、極大化,地方社區民眾所可能遭致的污染危害則是被選擇性地詮釋,甚至於忽視。此一過程除體現出環境風險「在地化」的脈絡,亦隱含著環境污染所肇致的決策權力不平等,因為民眾們失去了直接參與瞭解,並決定攸關其生活之行動方針的權利與能力。而該等污染事件除指涉環境惡物的生產與分配外,更是和勞動安全、民眾健康、性別平等、社區發展、權力分派等關乎社會正義的問題密切相關,是一個「多元不平等」的公共議題,要解決環境污染所肇致的不平等,便不能忽略其他的社會不平等問題。 基於前述研究發現,本研究提出下列政策建議: 一、在相關污染整治的問題方面: 當污染場址受限於整治技術無法回復至先前狀態,污染行為人亦不須就損害負起賠償責任時,讓受污染土地變更使用應是可以接受的原則,否則土地的閒置將使地方社區再次成為最無辜的犧牲者。不過,為了使環境風險與開發利益能夠得到衡平的考量,整治決策及土地使用變更審議過程中應適度納入民眾參與機制,其意見亦應被尊重與採納,而不是被選擇性地忽略或詮釋,以強化決策之正當性。 二、 在「土壤及地下水污染整治法」之修正方面: (一)管制手段應考量整體工業體系之生產過程,俾積極地從源頭減少 污染危害。 (二)應以「無過失賠償責任」作為追索污染責任之原則,而溯及既往責任應擴及污染之損害賠償責任,賠償範圍亦應增列自然資源之損害。 (三)在公害行政救濟上,相關之污染受害賠償法制、污染補助(償)基金及環境損害強制責任保險等制度,應儘速予以研訂。 (四)在資訊公開與民眾參與方面,應在肯認受污染影響之地方社區民眾擁有「充分資訊的權利」、「公開聽證的權利」、「民主參與及社區團結的權利」、「賠償的權利」,以及「污染清除與被破壞環境復原的權利」等公民權的基礎之上進一步予以強化。 (五)中央政府應適度下放人力、財力與權力,以強化地方政府執行污染防治或整治之能力。 (六)結合污染整治與土地再利用之原則應以更積極、實質的民眾參與為主導。 三、在相關環境管制政策之建構方面: (一)為了打破決策權力不平等所加諸於弱勢者的「環境不正義」,本研究主張政策的制定 / 執行通常是一種主觀的價值選擇,而非如科技決定論者所謂的客觀事實之認定。在一個民主的社會裡,選擇的權力應該保留在民眾的手中,也唯有經由民主的參與才可以促進理性目標的達成。 (二)在相關污染事件的整治過程中,科技專家的角色應該不再是決策的「仲裁者」或「決定者」,而是各種民眾參與機制的「促進者」;並且,彼等的基於高深的統計數據或模式之論述典範亦應稍作轉化,俾使民眾能夠更清楚地瞭解科學論述的意義,而非反倒成為其參與之障礙。 (三)正因有害廢棄物污染危機實源自於資本的生產決策(其將污染惡物之處理成本外部化),進而在既有環境管理系統無法控制經濟事務的窘境之下,唯有藉由民眾參與的不斷實踐來尋求「生產的民主化」,讓資本自行擔負起應有的處理責任,才是解決當前困境之道。質言之,民眾參與除了技術層次的探討(如哪些人參與?如何參與?參與程度為何?)之外,更應肯認的是其實質定位與意義(如決策權力的賦予或分享、風險論述之地位平等)。

暴力與和平:列維納斯的道德形上學及其政治蘊義研究 / Violence and Peace: Studies on Levinas's Moral Metaphysics and its Political Implications

鄧元尉, Teng ,Yuan-wei Unknown Date (has links)
本文嘗試以和平問題與暴力問題為焦點,重新理解列維納斯道德形上學之梗概,並解決其政治蘊義所造成的疑難。列維納斯的哲學基本上是一種和平哲學,其所論之和平乃被界定為對暴力的非暴力抵抗,並在其前期作品中具體展現為倫理學對政治學的抵抗。但此一抵抗關係隨著列維納斯的思想進程而逐漸呈現出一種兩歧性,從而引發其思想是否前後不一致的批判,亦產生對和平之純粹性的質疑。筆者的努力即在於說明此一疑難的成因並構想一調和方案。筆者主張,應將列維納斯的思想進程視為一條闡發其倫理學之政治蘊義的思路,但這條從倫理學走到政治學的和平之路,須途經社會學的迂迴方才可能,而如此一種中介性的社會學之建構,惟在列維納斯的他勒目詮釋中獲得。因此,本文綜觀列維納斯的哲學作品與宗教作品,先是闡述責任倫理學的和平蘊義,再從其宗教詮釋學對以色列社群的刻畫得到那基於倫理學之社會學的基本模式,最後參照解構主義的批判,在對質疑政治學與回答社會學的構想中,統括列維納斯的倫理思想與政治思想。 / Peace, as the non-violence resistance to violence, is one of the main topics of Levinas's philosophy. In this dissertation, I attempt to summarize Levinas's moral metaphysics and reflect its political implications by investigating the relation of peace and violence. The relation which in Levinas's early works could be seen as an opposition between ethics and politics has some ambiguity in his later works that emerges in a dialectical way: ethics both opposes and demands politics. My opinion is that this problem can be solved by referring to his religious works, especially his interpretations of the Talmud. In brief, the path of argument is from ethics to politics through sociology. First, I describe the basic principles of Levinas's ethical metaphysics by illustrating the typology of the other and the genealogy of the same, i.e. the phenomenology of the face of the other and the transformation from the same in itself to the same for the other. Second, I find the basic political model in terms of the hermeneutics of Talmud, especially the texts about the people of Israel. Final, I try to appeal to the postmodern thoughts in order to reconcile the risk of violence in Levinas's religious works, and integrate Levinas's ethical thoughts and political thoughts by constructing the politics of questioning and the sociology of response.


李國維 Unknown Date (has links)
國族是什麼?國族主義又是什麼? 面對許許多多歧異又紛雜的關於國族與國族主義的論述,本論文嘗試另闢蹊徑,從哲學層面來闡釋這一問題。本文區分國族之形成的主觀條件與客觀條件,認為國族不同於國家與民族,不能單純以客觀條件作為依據,而是必須以主觀條件作為依據。本文又進一步區分形式條件與實質條件,認為主觀條件中必須同時包括形式條件與實質條件,也就是說,一群人若要組成一個國族共同體,這些人必須是出於各自之自由意志,決定共同組成一個不同於其他之團體的共同體,而且要尋找並形成某種歸屬核心,當做共同體之根本質素,使之成為維繫共同體之長久存續的道德基礎。 本文以羅爾斯的政治自由主義與民族觀點作為論述根基,由此開展一種新的國族觀點,一種特殊的、只在自由主義式的民主政治體制中存在的政治共同體。並認為,人類理性必然要求人類朝這樣的政治共同體邁進,使每個人的自由都夠有最合理的、最和諧的發展,而不致釀成戰爭衝突。 / What is “nation”? And what is “nationalism”? There are many diverse and conflicting theories about nations and nationalism. We look into these theories and then abandon them because there are too many definitions. We believe that the nation is a special and unique political community and it accrues only in the liberal constitutional democracy of the modern period. There are two kinds of conditions for the construction of a nation: the subjective condition and the objective conditions. The former is an inner characteristic, while the later are external features. Unlike a state or a people, a nation must be founded the subjective condition as much as the objective conditions. In other words, the subjective condition, human beings’ free will, is the essential bedrock for the construction of a nation. In this perspective, we further distinguish the formal condition from the substantive condition. The formal condition has no content; its only function is pure decision-making. If a group of people is willing to associate together and form a community, it’s necessary for them not only to make a decision but also to decide what community they want to be. Furthermore, they have to search for and fashion their own defining core as the underlying element of the community as well as the moral foundation for the continuance of the community. Based on John Rawls’ political liberalism and his views about peoples, this paper evolves a new viewpoint of the nation as a unique political community that exists only in the liberal democracy. We also assume it is required by human reason that mankind should move forward to such a political community, enabling everyone to develop his or her liberty in the most reasonable and harmonious way without leading to wars and conflicts.

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