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傳統招牌材料經銷商與新式噴畫材料經銷商之競爭與合作策略比較 / Comparison of competition and cooperation strategy between traditional signage distributor and fashion graphic distributor郭豐誌, Kuo, Norman Unknown Date (has links)
1. 從資源構型分析傳統與新式材料商的差異,顯示雙方並未有太大的差異,而傳統經銷商略具優勢的資源有組織資本、關係資本與財務資本,新式經銷商在人力資本與實體資產上略優於傳統廠商。
2. 傳統招牌經銷商與新式噴繪經銷商其所面臨的外在環境不同,雖然傳統經銷商所面臨的外在環境比新式經銷商更加艱辛,但他們普遍都不覺得。
3. 以內部的組織規模而言,雖然在員工數量上兩者並無太大的差異,但傳統經銷商的員工平均年資則高於新式經銷商。
4. 在策略方面,傳統經銷商比較傾向採用「以大量進貨取得較便宜的單價」競爭策略,及「願意與其他廠商換貨與調貨」之合作策略。新式經銷商最常使用「與客戶的採購人員保持良好互動」之 競爭策略,及「願意與其他廠商換貨與調貨」之合作策略。
5. 傳統經銷商由於其年度營業額較高比較傾向採用「大量進貨取得較便宜的單價」的競爭策略。新式經銷商由於其人力資本以業務人員的數量較多,所以最常採用「與客戶的採購人員保持良好互動」之競爭策略。傳統招牌材料經銷商由於關係資本較佳,所以最常採用「願意與其他廠商換貨與調貨」之合作策略。新式彩繪材料經銷商由於在人力資本及實體資本上較具優勢,最常採用「願意與其他廠商換貨與調貨」之合作策略。
6. 傳統招牌材料經銷商因外部環境競爭較強,因此最常採用「運用3M業務人員,要求招牌商配合採購」、「與客戶的採購人員保持良好互動」之競爭策略,以及擇「願意與其他廠商換貨與調貨」的合作策略。新式彩繪材料經銷商由於外部環境競爭較弱,為了與客戶建立長期關係,故採用「與客戶的採購人員保持良好互動」為主要的競爭策略,以及「願意與其他廠商訊息交換與分享」為最常使用的合作策略。
7. 傳統經銷商的組織規模較大、庫存量足,故採用「完整的庫存因應客戶的需求」為競爭策略。而傳統經銷商的員工較資深,故願意採用「願意與其他廠商統一專案價格」為主要的合作策略。新式經銷商因規模較小且因企業結構中人員的資歷較資淺但學歷較高,故較常使用「願意與其他廠商訊息交換與分享」為主要的合作策略。 / The Taiwan outdoor signage market had growing up with Taiwan’s business market at 40 years ago. In this 20 years the most popular material is traditional maerial that include banner substrate with color film cover with protect film. Now because of the printing technology and printing material had improved its durability so much, so they can print color on the banner directly by printing machine. New fashion graghic sign almost replace traditional outdoor sign to become ths most popular material in the market. Traditional signage material distributor is losing their market lots. Although market trend is good for new fishion graphic signage material distributors, but the new style material distributors face that old and new different market. It still has much difficulty to solve.
Now there are have no paper atudy about Taiwan’s outdoor signage market before, but outdoor signage business still have lots management and strategic issue need to study. So this paper will study Taiwan’s outdoor signage market and divide it into traditional signage material distributor and new fashion graphic signage material distributors. This paper will study in to three area about that the outside market environment、 the company inside scale and resource configuration. In order to study this paper the student had interview 7 corporations 3 is tradition distributor and 3 is new fashion distributor and one distributor is from tradition changing to new style distributor. Finally we got 7 results after the study.
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有線寬頻服務產業競爭策略分析林茂陽, Lin, Mao-Yang Unknown Date (has links)
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產業環境因素與企業競爭策略之關係研究趙郁文, ZHAO, YU-WEN Unknown Date (has links)
(Porter. 1980)有關產業分析與演進之論著為主,並參考吳思華教授之「產業
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我國發光二極體顯示屏產業的經營策略與競爭優勢之研究駱玉盛, Lo, Oliver Unknown Date (has links)
資訊時代的來臨,與人們越來越重視戶外的休閒活動,加上都市化的因素,使人們花在交通時間也越來越多。這些種種因素皆使人們會較以往花更多的時間關注在戶外媒體。隨著R、G、B 3原色LED的成功量產,使得發光二極體開始進入全彩大營幕顯示領域。發光效率的提升,使其在戶外環境的表現比其他顯示技術更加優異。LED顯示屏和傳統印刷式戶外廣告比較,其並不會製造廢棄物,又有節省能源的附加效果,全彩LED顯示屏已經成為電子看板中被看好的一支。
經由分析與整理,本研究最後建議四個發展方向,包括策略面、技術面、行銷面與營運面,以供產業界參考,希望能儘一份綿薄之力,提升我國產業的競爭力。 / The rising energy demand and higher inflation pressure have increased the importance of less-energy consumption technology。Light Emitted Diode (LED) has been using as light source in lighting related applications widely because of unique performance of higher light efficiency and colorable character. From LED industry perspective, the cost of lumen (lumen per dollar) will be becoming cheaper as soon as the era of LED lighting arrived. This is the result of economy of scale and customer will get benefit from it。
There are many fundamental changes that have increased popularity of out-door media activities。These changes include higher importance of casual life and activity, information era and urbanization. LED video board had entered full-color stage as soon as technology of R、G、B color has developed。Full Color LED Video Board shows up higher performance than other display technologies because of the unique Luminance performance of LED。LED Video Board is environmental friendly technology because of higher energy efficiency and less wastable consumption。LED Video Board has became the primary display technology among digital signage technology several years ago。
The research is firstly to study strategies that are being applied in Taiwan LED Video Board industry and to figure out national competitive advantage of the industry。The research is aimed to work out proper competitive strategy for companies that are based in Taiwan and the industry according to grand theory that was founded by Michael E. Porter,The five competitive forces and Diamond theory。
The research is ended up by four recommendations from sustainable competitive advantage perspective for those companies that are planning to enter into business in the future or currently competing with international competitors。
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台灣文具業的國際競爭策略分析:以P公司為例 / The International Competition and Strategic Analysis of Taiwan's Stationery Industries—with P Company as an Example范清富, Fan, Ching Fu Unknown Date (has links)
文具的歷史源遠流長,許多數百年老店,至今屹立不搖。國際文具市場的規模約六千億美金,以歐、美、亞太為三大市場。目前世界文具市場年成長僅約4%,歐、美、日更低於此數字,可見已有飽和趨勢。而台灣的現代文具產業,起始於二次大戰後。最早的業者有兩種: 一為台籍人士接下日人留下的設備與技術;另一則是從大陸播遷來台的文具商人另起爐灶。隨著70年代台灣出口導向型的經濟成長,文具業者開始進軍國際。挾日系技術、及當時低工資的優勢,搶下一席之地。然自1980年代後期起,大陸、東南亞的製造商,從低價市場搶進,藉由模仿開始做起。近年來更在不斷引進新設備及技術下,開始有足以與台灣文具業抗衡的業者出現。至此,台灣的文具業不得不開始改變策略,一部分開始外移到東南亞或大陸,尋找製造成本更低的生產地;一部分則投入研發,尋求高附加價值;更有業者是兩種策略都採取。顯然,在總體經濟環境改變、內外在競爭優劣勢消長的情形下,台灣文具業者的策略也跟著在因應、變動。然而,文具產品雖消耗數量大,但單價低,產值亦偏低,故多不受政府、學界重視,相關研究付之闕如。 / 自波特於1980年發表競爭策略(Competitive Strategy)一書以來,競爭優劣勢分析,成為現代企業策略訂定時必做之功課。本文對台灣文具產業的發展做一回顧,並詳述並分析目前市場環境,再以波特的競爭策略理論(五力分析、國家競爭優勢—鑽石體系),分析個案P公司的競爭優劣勢,及未來策略的建議。研究結果顯示:(1)資訊流通的容易、技術門檻降低,易吸引文具業新進者,造成產業飽和;(2)現有業者的背景、實力相近,又為成熟產業,又本地文具業者多為家族企業,在情感包袱下無人輕易退出,造成競爭激化。再者,全球文具市場成長趨緩的情形,導致市佔率掠奪戰;(3)大型通路取得議價力量。且文具規格已定型化,網路搜尋又日益便利,買主轉換供應商的難度低。又各國不斷推出的新法規,大幅增加了成本;(4)個人電腦侵入了傳統文具的空間。但傳統文具的易攜帶性與低廉價格、美術顏料技法的多變性,仍非電腦設備所能取代;(5)我國文具上游廠商精密技術不足,關鍵零件掌握先進國家手中。但近年韓、大陸供應商漸成氣候,或許可扭轉此情勢。又,文具業多為中小型企業,採購量低,難取得議價力量。 / 最後,對P公司及文具業者的建議:(1)持續研發,創造新利基,建立難以模仿的核心能耐(core capability);(2) 在低階大量產品市場,如無意繼續投資,則即應選擇退出(或淡出);反之,可考慮製程外包,或考慮使用替代原物料以降低成本,更可努力提升生產自動化程度;(3)於高階市場,品牌行銷有賴耕耘,若中小型企業財力不足,可考慮自小區域做起,另更可考慮以OEM/ODM形式為歐、美品牌代工;(4)為對買主提升其轉移成本,應努力降低道德危機成本與建立共同資產;(5)專注電子產品尚無法取代的功能加以發揮,並進一步與電子產品結合;(6)持續尋求原物料來源分散;(7)善用專業經理人協助管理。又,對政府的建議為:(1)加強總體競爭力;(2)特別加強對中小企業的輔導;(3)協助廠商開拓大陸市場。 / Modern stationery industry of Taiwan sprouted since the end of World War II. Early industry players could be roughly divided into two kinds: (1) those stationery dealers emigrated from mainland China after Chinese Civil War; (2) locals that bought out manufacturing facilities left over by departing Japanese. With the roaring up of Taiwan’s export-oriented economy, stationery players extend their business into the international markets. With their Japan-rooted technologies and low labor costs, Taiwanese stationery makers became major suppliers for the world, elbowing their way through German and Japanese competitors. / With the economic reform and liberalization of mainland China since late 1980’s, however, Taiwan’s stationery industries went over a turning point. Those low-cost mainland Chinese makers, providing products mainly copying advanced counterparts in other countries, first entered low-price markets. After years of imitation, learning, and introduction of new facilities and technologies, they gradually establish capability strong enough to compete with Taiwanese. To cope with this change, Taiwan’s stationers either move to Southeast Asia or China to gain cheaper production cost or stay home and invest more in innovation for upgrading their produce and making more added values. Obviously, the change in macroeconomic environment and competition has forced Taiwanese stationers to adjust themselves accordingly. Studies on this developing progress, however, can hardly found within governmental authorities or academic communities. The absence of research on stationery industries could most likely be attributed to the fact that this business accounts for a truly tiny part of the world’s economic production. / In view of this, it arouses the interest in discussing the competitive advantages and disadvantages—an idea brought about by Michael Porter, with his publication of Competitive Advantages in 1980—of Taiwan’s stationery industries for finding a new way. Thus, this thesis is intended to provide an overview of Taiwan’s stationery industries—their history, development, and analysis of current environment. And then, through Porter’s competitive theories—five forces analysis and diamond of national competitive advantages—it looks into the current competitive advantages and disadvantages of Taiwan’s stationery industries and tries to find strategic suggestions for Taiwan’s stationers as well as government. / The conclusion is:(a) for the industries: (1) keep on investing in innovation and finding new niches in order to establish sustainable core capabilities; (2) as to low-end markets, either fade out or stay but pursue low cost by production outsourcing, using alternative materials, and automation; (3) for high-end markets, branding marketing could cost a great deal, a regional, small-scale trial to begin is a safer way; besides, OEM/ODM for existing foreign brands can be a choice; (4) for enhancing switching cost of buyers, lower their moral hazard risk and build up common assets; (5) focus on functions that electronic alternative products haven’t covered, and further incorporate electronic functions with traditional stationery; (6) diversify sources of materials; (7) make good use of professional managers;(b) for the government: (1) keep on enhancing macroeconomic competitive advantages; (2) render more assistances to small- and middle-sized business like stationery industries; (3) render more assistance to business planning to enter mainland China market.
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傳統航空公司、低成本航空公司與專業包機航空公司之營運策略比較分析 / The business models of airline operations:comparisons among conventional airlines、low cost carriers and charter airlines朱曉芬, Chu,Hsiao Fen Unknown Date (has links)
低成本航空公司近年來在航空市場掀起一股風潮,某些低成本航空公司的營運績效甚至威脅到同一競爭市場中的傳統航空公司,例如美國的西南航空公司(Southwest Airlines)、馬來西亞的亞洲航空公司(Air Asia);另一方面,亦有新興的航空公司採行低成本航空之營運模式,卻於營運不到幾年後就因經營不善而必須宣告破產或倒閉,例如加拿大的祖恩(ZOOM)航空、香港的甘泉航空。到底航空公司的營運模式該採行低成本航空公司之模式較佳?維持傳統航空公司之操作方式較優?還是另有其他模式尚待開發?本文中亦將介紹現行航空公司操作方式中一塊較少為學術界及商業界討論的模式-包機航空公司,並將以上述三種經營模式進行比較。
最後,將以本國航空公司現有之條件,針對其可採取的經營策略加以建議,以期台灣的航空產業,除了在兩岸定期航班即將開展所帶來的商機之外,亦能因採行正確的營運模式,在未來的航空產業發展中持續蓬勃興盛。 / Low-cost carrier in recent years in the aviation market set off a wave. Some low-cost airlines even threat the conventional airlines in the market, such as Southwest Airlines in the United States, Air Asia in Malaysia. On the other hand, some low-cost carriers went bankruptcy due to poor management, such as Zoom Airlines in Canada, and Oasis Hong Kong Airlines.
A natural question arises: which type of business model, low-cost carrier, conventional carrier or chartered carrier, should airline operations adopt, low-cost carrier? This study applies Porter's (1990) ``Diamond`` analysis, together with SWOT analysis, to the aforementioned question. The research identifies the corresponding competitive conditions and strategies for each business model. This gives important implications for the aviation business in Taiwan.
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價值單元展開分析法與策略矩陣:以3D感測產業新創科技公司競爭策略為例 / Value unit expansion analysis and strategic matrix : competitive strategy of technology startup company in 3D sensor industry黃紹峯, Huang, Shao-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
「價值單元展開分析」法追尋理性與系統化思考,為公司導入嚴謹明確、量化、及標準化的度量衡工具,使公司得以更加周詳完備與深入地分析其條件前提,將策略最佳化。且此架構具高度延展性,得充分配合公司進行各種思考面向之分析。此外,「價值單元展開分析」法亦可完全結合與相容於「策略矩陣分析」法之中,形成易於溝通與同步的策略系統模型,利用此特點解決公司在策略規劃時可能遭遇之混沌與困難,將效率、效益、及效能用在得當之處,使公司未來發展更符合目標。 / This study investigates the methods of analyzing and planning competitive strategies, with a case study of a technology startup company – “L Company” in the 3D sensor industry. Based on strategy analysis and Strategic Matrix Analysis, this study developed a new analytic framework – “Value Unit Expansion Analysis” which is a systematic model integrated into Strategic Matrix Analysis. By verifying the systematic model through the case, this study proposed a more precise and optimization–capable method to form a company’s future competitive strategies.
Value Unit Expansion Analysis is a clarifying, quantifying, and standardizing method for the company to pave the path for factor condition analysis and strategic optimization. The structure was designed with a high flexibility in correspondence to different considerations and changing aspects; it is compatible and can be built within Strategic Matrix Analysis. The systematic model is liable for communication and synchronization during the process of strategy planning and, therefore, setting higher efficiency, benefit, and utility for pertinent strategies that fit into companies’ goals.
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台灣中小型科技公司競爭策略與競爭優勢之研究-以噴墨列印產業為例 / Competitive strategy and competitive advantage of High-Tech SMEs ─ a case study of Taiwan's ink jet printing industry黃志民, Huang,Jyh Min Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以”台灣中小型科技公司之競爭策略與競爭優勢”為架構,以” 噴墨列印產業 ”之利基創造為導入實例,進行對台灣中小企業科技核心能力的認知,應用策略、經營模式、與變革創新的階段性探討與分析。期能從競爭策略的面向,提出問題與理論驗證,並提出一成功營運模式的研擬。此外,再以其在高競爭障礙市場的成功實績,進一步探討台灣中小企業如何善用獨持資源與策略轉折,創新創造利基市場,由小做大,建立跨國的成功創新商業模式,甚至建立自有品牌。最後,期望本研究的理論參據與實績驗證的內容和建議對台灣中小企業在困境中的力爭上游能有所助益。 / Since the time of creating the original driving force of Taiwan's economic miracle to late 1980s, the development of Taiwanese SMEs has been facing serious challenges and experiencing major changes due to rapid changes in domestic and international environment. Even today they are facing a more severe test because of the impact of globalization, and very few of them are able to grow to large multinational companies while most of them have been going through the continuous cycle of survival and extinction. Furthermore, Taiwanese enterprises have become larger in scale gradually, and large companies have begun to gain dominance of Taiwanese economy. The proportion of SMEs in Taiwanese economy has gradually reduced. However, in the global supply chain, most of the enterprises in Taiwan, no matter SMEs or MNCs, play the role of “ production and OEM/ODM” and rarely place the upstream of the supply chain as suppliers of raw materials and technology. This current situation seems to be attributed to the market mechanism fitness and few further specific and practical solutions have been discussed and conducted earnestly into the innovative business model in depth. However, from a number of successful cases, we discover that there are some SMEs, who are capable of core competencies and special advantages yet inadequate resources and capabilities, the changing market ecology, and the plight of organization corresponding ability, have successfully developed their own business models by their core competencies and the development of theoretical and applied science, the precise implementation of extension and expansion of core competencies and the strengthen of pro- action flexibility of competitive strategies as well as the capability of organizing, and gradually achieved the innovation and progressive development of the unique successful business model.
In this research, the technical core competences, application strategies, innovative transformation and new business model of Taiwan's SMEs will be carried into analysis and discussion based on the framework of " competitive strategy and competitive advantage of High-Tech SMEs in Taiwan " setting the foundation of "The ink jet printing industries" as an illustration. For each stage of competitive strategies, the questions will be presented with theories to verify, and the simulation of successfully-operated models will be brought out. In addition, from the successful examples in high competitive barrier market, this research will further explore how good Taiwanese SMEs are by using the core capabilities and strategy transition to gradually innovate the global niche market with successful innovative business models, and even establish their own brands. Finally, I hope the theoretical reference, content and recommendations of performance verification can be helpful to get through the plight of the striving SMEs in Taiwan.
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後iphone時代智慧型手機產業環境因素對宏達電競爭策略影響之研究 / The Smartphone Industry Environmental Impacts to HTC Competitive Strategy After iphone Era王俊雄 Unknown Date (has links)
(一)開發中國家的企業要成為國際企業,宜採取漸進式方式,經過多年的耕耘,逐漸成為國際知名企業。(二)智慧型手機開放性架構有利於手機生態系統的競爭,傳統電信營運商將可能淪為數位匯流時代之配角。(三)技術創新的本身並不重要,只有在技術創新影響到產業結構及企業競爭優勢的情況下,才突顯出它的重要性。(四)技術創新可能會影響產業結構,導致市場轉移,企業內現有競爭者必須快速因應。(五) 企業以大量客製化的服務方式來滿足客戶的營運模式,似乎較難進行破壞性創新。(六)企業的能力與稟賦,皆會影響公司的獲利,且會受到技術及市場知識所影響,領導企業具有提供低成本和差異化的能力與稟賦。非領導企業最好在低成本和差異化兩策略上擇一為之..等.
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