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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


劉興岳, Liu, Xing-Yue Unknown Date (has links)
在能源危機日趨嚴重的今日,人們似乎已忘了在各種資源中,人力資源也有驚人的 被浪費的情形存在,即使行為科學已有相當的成就,但是吾人不能否認,人力資源 還是沒有被充分的利用,而且吾人有理由相信,這也是構成能源危機的間接原因之 一。 本論文旨在探討台灣企業界有關人力資源運用之情形。本論文共分七章,第一章緒 論。第二章討論經理人員特徵、第三章討論領導方式與其衡量之方法。第四章討論 員工士氣的理論與其衡量之方法。第五章介紹本研究之對象、問卷設計、調查方式 與資料分析之方法。第六章討論經理人員特徵與領導方式之間的關係,以及領導方 式對員工士氣的影響。第七章結論及本研究之限制與建議。 #2810557 #2810557


陳彥霓, Chen, Yen-ni Unknown Date (has links)
為釐清經理人異動對公司日常營運決策及績效之影響及資訊內涵,本研究透過分析國內近五年來上市櫃公司樣本後發現,大多數發生經理人異動之公司多為一次且自願性之異動,而不是經常性之活動,此為一家公司經營權輪替之正常行為。至於其他發生非經常性異動之公司則多在5年內有高於2次以上之異動行為,此和該類公司經營績效不佳及集團內部有爭權行為有很大之關係。關於經理人異動事件宣告效果方面,本研究實證結果顯示,無論是何種異動原因,市場似乎皆呈現負向反應,且以非自願性異動事件負向反應程度為大。 至於經理人異動對公司投資及融資比例之影響方面,本實證結果顯示,不同之異動原因對公司投資、融資比例之影響亦不同。以自願性異動事件來說,事件發生前之固定資產成長率呈現遞增的現象,顯示經理人異動前其投資決策普遍較同業為積極,而事件發生後卻轉而成為較同業保守,顯示新上任者可能因為經驗之不足而不敢採行太積極的策略,而其負債比例在事件發生前逐年遞減,發生後則呈逐年遞增的現象。至於非自願性異動事件,本研究發現其在事件發生前即開始採行較保守的投資策略,推論可能和此類公司基本面較差,或是經理人進行資產誤置之行為所導致,異動後新繼任者之投資轉趨積極;而其於事件發生前負債比例增加,發生後則呈現減少的現象。 至於經理人異動後公司之績效情況,本研究結果顯示無論是會計指標或是市場績效指標,自願性異動樣本之結果在事件發生後公司經營績效皆較之前為差,和市場對事件宣告之反應相符合;但以非自願性異動樣本來說,事件發生後公司經營績效之指標皆較之前為佳,顯示當初事件發生時市場之反應似乎太過悲觀,但這部分的結果可能存在有存在偏誤(survival bias)之問題。 上述的實證結果使得台灣公司經理人異動和市場宣告反應、經營決策及績效首次獲得連結,對投資人在未來從事投資時可作為參考依據。 / In order to understand the information content of CEO turnover to corporate operating decision and performance, from analyzing the listing companies between 1997-2002 in TW, this research found that the most CEO turnover is once and voluntary activity, this is normal in the daily operation. As for the other involuntary turnover activity, which often happened in the company with bad performance or takeover. As for the announcement effect about CEO turnover, the article found that no matter what reasons, the effect is negative, and more significant in involuntary turnover. About the CEO turnover influence on corporate investing and financing decision, this article shows that different turnover reason would result in different decision. Take the companies with voluntary turnover for instance, the fixed asset growth rate grew before turnover but fell afterward. I assume that’s because new CEO takes more conservative investment decision than original one. And the leverage rate in this kind of companies falls before the event but grows afterward. As for the companies with involuntary turnover, this article found that the original CEO took more conservative investment decision than new CEO, this might be because of the worse fundamental situation in this kind of companies or the asset misallocation of the original CEO. And the leverage rate of involuntary turnover grows before the event but falls afterward.


洪士剛 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要在探究專利權對於高階經理人薪酬制度之影響,並提出以下之假說:(1)專利權與高階經理人之現金薪酬有正向關係;(2)專利權與高階經理人之年度股票薪酬有正向關係;(3)專利權與高階經理人之年度總薪酬有正向關係;(4)專利權與高階經理人之股票薪酬所佔總薪酬比例有正向關係。 本文以美國製造業的高階經理人薪酬為樣本,經實證結果發現,專利權申請數、股東權益報酬率及股票報酬率對於高階經理人,無論是在現金薪酬或股票薪酬制度下,皆有顯著正向影響,此正說明在製造業的公司中,專利權對高階經理人薪酬是很重要的非財務性指標。並且,專利權亦與股票薪酬所佔總薪酬之比有顯著正向相關,也顯示有專利權的公司在對經理人的薪酬上較為偏好使用股票薪酬。 / The research is to explore the association between patent count and top management remuneration system. I hypothesize that : (1) CEO cash compensation is positively associated with patent count; (2) patent count and CEO annual stocks compensation have a positive relationship; (3) patent count is positively associated with CEO total annual pay; (4) The proportion of stock compensation in CEO pay is positively associated with patent count. Using a sample of manufacturing firms I document that patent count is positively associated with CEO compensation, consistent with my hypotheses. I also find strong evidence that patent count impacts the proportion of stock compensation in CEO pay. Overall, these findings suggest that patent count is an important non-financial indicator in CEO compensation.


廖思瑋, Liao, Szu Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要針對影響高階經理人酬勞與盈餘品質關聯性之因素進行探討。當會計績效指標在薪酬契約中的角色因為過度的操弄而受到爭議時,公司管理當局是否會為了緩和經理人的短視行為,而加入盈餘品質的考慮因素,調整會計績效指標於薪酬契約中的重要性。另外本研究從公司治理之角度,以股權結構(機構投資人持股、外部大股東持股、董監事持股持押比例、經理人是否同時為董事會成員、董事長是否兼任總經理與股份盈餘偏離倍數)相關變數,探討其對於高階經理人酬勞與盈餘品質間關聯性之影響。 實證結果顯示,外部大股東持股比例越多,對於高階經理人酬勞與盈餘品質間的關聯性越重視;而經理人同時擔任董事會成員、董事長兼任總經理與股份盈餘偏離倍數越大的公司,會降低高階經理人酬勞與盈餘品質間的關聯性。

信用評等及經理人異動:SOX之後的重編證據 / Credit rating and management turnover: evidence from restatements after SOX

王雅芳, Wang, Ya Fang Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要換討SOX之後宣告重編公司之經濟後果。探討如下議題:(1)信用評等是否/如何反應公司的重編資訊;(2)重編內涵與經理人異動之關聯性;(3)經理人異動、信用評等改變以及重編嚴重性三者之關聯性。 / Following the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX), the increasing occurrence of accounting restatements has drawn considerable attention concerning the financial statement quality and adverse consequences of accounting restatements from investors, regulators, auditors and business communities. The primary purpose of this research is to investigate the economic consequences of accounting restatements announced after SOX based on their relations with credit ratings and management turnover. To examine the following research issues of (1) whether and how the credit rating reacts to companies’ restatements, (2) whether restatement characteristics are associated with management turnover, and (3) what the association among management turnover, credit ratings, and restatement severity is, I gather data on 1,838 companies that restated financial statements between 1997 and 2005. In the first part of the study, my results provide empirical evidence consistent with the conjecture that higher severity restatements are more likely to be followed by subsequent unfavorable ratings. Furthermore, rating agencies using accounting-based measures to predict the probability of bankruptcy perform better in assessing ratings in the post-SOX period. Moreover, rating agencies give auditor changes a “fresh-look” after SOX. In the second part of the study, the likelihood of CEO/CFO turnover significantly increases for companies with higher restatements of severity, and a CEO is more likely to be terminated if the company credit rating following restatements is downgraded. The results show that there is no “cop a plea” effect and when restatements are prompted by companies, management turnover appears to be more concerned with the dollar amount of overstatement on income and/or restatements affecting core earnings. In addition, when executives window-dress earnings to portray a more favorable earnings picture, they are more likely to be terminated following subsequent financial restatements. Moreover, results also indicate that after SOX companies seem more likely to blame their auditors for restatements of higher severity and dismiss their auditors afterwards to maybe avoid the replacements of management.


陳姿伶 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討,企業社會責任這個議題,是否能跳脫傳統從企業道德﹝business ethics﹞的角度,以更實用性的思考,結合企業所最為關心的經濟利益考量,成功地說服企業用更主動積極的方式從事與企業社會責任相關的決策與投資活動。為了達成該研究目的,本研究採用由道瓊永續性北美指數2005-2007連續三年評選入榜的企業為研究標的,觀測其財務績效相關指標是否明顯優於其餘未入榜的企業。而在現今許多所有權與經營權分離的企業當中,如何成功地降低待理問題,使高階經理人能將組織長遠永續發展的目標結合自身利益,為股東與其他利害關係人帶來最大的利益是本研究第二個探討的議題。藉由分析S&P execucomp資料庫2005-2007年的資料,本研究從高階經理人的年度薪酬資料,去了解企業社會責任執行佳的企業是否在薪酬結構的設計上有不同的設計。資料分析結果顯示,連續三年評選進入道瓊永續性北美指數的企業,其公司成長性顯著優於未入榜的企業;而主要與企業短期績效表現連動的薪酬制度──紅利,其所佔比例越高,將誘使高階經理人挪用於其他能創造短期財務績效的投資活動,長遠來看,將不利於公司企業社會責任活動的執行與發展。 / The goal of this study is to examine whether business performance is affected by the adoption of practice included under the term of “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).”To achieve this goal, the relation between CSR and some accounting or market indicators are analyzed and the existence of significant difference in performance indicators between North American firms that have adopt CSR and others that have not is also examined. Besides, this study takes a further step to explore the extent to which Boards use executive compensation to incite firms to act in accordance with social and environmental objectives. The Dow Jones Sustainability Index- North America is used for distinguishing firms that constantly comply with CSR practice for 3 years (2005-2007) from the rest. Empirical analysis supports the conclusion that differences in performance exist between firms that belong to the DJSI-North America (doing CSR good) and the rest (not doing CSR good). Moreover, the bonus of executive compensation has significant negative relationship with CSR. This finding implies that the compensation linking to short-term performance provides no incentives to executives for doing CSR which has long-term benefit for firms. This in turn suggests that executive compensation can be an effective tool in aligning executives’ welfare with that of the “common good”, which results in more socially responsible firms.

創新生技醫療器材經營策略之研究-以L公司為例 / A Study on the Business Strategy for Biotech &Medical Equipment Industry– TheCase Study of L Company

洪一平 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣員工薪資將近二十年一直無法明顯的提升,主因是國內產業大都著重各產業鏈的代工,產業代工毛利不高,因此產品受制於研發設計及通路行銷歐美先進國家,所以台灣產業風險較高,製造相關業者也利潤較不佳,業者必須投資價格高昂的成本如土地,廠房,機器設備---等。醫材是少量多樣,國際化,可靠性及精密度高。人口老化,所得提高,因此全球醫療市場逐年成長 ,各國陸續推行醫療改革,帶動醫材市場成長。台灣代工能力很強,醫材產業是協助中小企業技術/品質升級、轉型,提升市場競爭力的最佳途徑。台灣中小企業若能加強投資生技醫材的研發及產業鏈建立,較能改變台灣的產業價值與環境。 因此,本研究是以台灣中小企業如何由製造業加值產品服務,提升產品附加價值為研究主軸,探討微創醫材的經營策略模式,並藉由經營策略模式的研究,據以作為投資該產業的依據。因此,本研究根據分析的結果,獲得了以下幾項研究發現且概述如下: 1.核心技術是中小生技醫療器材產業創造高獲利空間的基礎,也是帶動成長的趨動力; 2.人才資產管理是中小企業的重要投資,目的是讓人才資產達到最大的效益,創造最大的績效和價值,以完成企業的經營效果效率,並且能達到創造人才最佳的價值與企業永續經營; 3.中小企業透過異業結合,可以將不同領域之創新技術導入醫材產業,開發或創造新的醫療需求已成為目前生技醫療器材的開發重點; 4.中小企業針對市場產品提出改進產品,漸進領導產品市場佔有率,或提出破壞性產品,重新建立市場規則,若能夠持續在市場生存時,必能找到利基市場。

基金經理人替換與風格移轉之研究 / The Study of Change of Mutual Funds Manager and Equity Style Shift

蔡承家, Tsai, Chen-Chia Unknown Date (has links)
基金經理人相較於一般投資大眾,具備了相當豐富的財金背景與知識,並且幾乎每天都拜訪各上市上櫃公司,深入瞭解各公司營運狀況,而各投信公司內部又設有研究部門,協助基金經理人收集資料、分析報告,因此投資績效相對於一般大眾好。只是國內投資信託環境還不夠成熟,基金經理人的更換太過頻繁,早已嚴重影響投資人的權益。此外,一般相信在投資組合的資產配置確定時的那一刻,便已經決定了報酬的多寡。Sharpe(1992)曾提出資產類別因素模型,發現基金績效表現可由基金之投資風格所解釋,那麼基金的正確分類便顯得非常重要,而其投資報酬,也在其投資風格確定的一刻起,便早已決定了。 本研究試圖構建出基金的投資風格指數,並檢視基金經理人異動之後,基金的績效表現、風險偏好、選股與擇時能力是否有顯著差異,最後,根據構建出的風格指數,檢視各基金在經理人替換後,是否發生風格移轉的情形,進行相關探討。 本研究利用Sharpe指標與Jensen指標來檢視基金前後期績效之差異,並分別利用統計檢定檢視其風險上的差異,此外,引入Treynor-Mazuy迴歸模型,用以分析前後期基金經理人的選股與擇時能力,最後,利用二次式規劃求解來分類並檢定其前後期投資風格是否一致。研究期間為民國89年4月以前經理人曾經替換過之基金,共篩選出28支曾經歷過經理人替換之開放式股票型基金,實證結果如下: 1.僅有跳槽此原因能顯示出經理人替換前績效優於經理人替換後績效,其他諸如離職或內部轉任等,皆無法有顯著差異情況。整體而言,基金經理人替換和績效表現並無顯著相關的情形。 2.實證結果顯示,不論在總風險、系統風險與非系統風險上,經理人替換後皆明顯的低於經理人替換前。 3.實證結果顯示,在基金經理人替換前後期的選股與擇時能力上,在基金經理人替換前後期的選股能力上,經理人替換後明顯優於經理人替換前,但在基金經理人替換前後期的擇時能力上,經理人替換前卻明顯優於經理人替換後,二者間似乎存在一種抵換關係。 4.實證結果顯示,在研究的28支基金樣本中,有27支基金在經理人替換後發生風格移轉的情形,風格移轉比率高達96.43%。

女性經理人成功典範之探討--已婚者與單身者的迷思 / The female executives' psychological adaptation process of getting balance between work and family lives-some myths about the married and single ones.

蘇鈺婷, Yu-ting Su Unknown Date (has links)
一般社會大眾的刻板印象為:女性事業成就高,一定還沒結婚,或家庭不幸福;本研究即據此導出研究問題:「有婚姻家庭與無婚姻家庭之高成就女性主管,其事業發展與家庭生活的種種面向為何,其自我評價是否會因為婚姻家庭的有無而有所不同?」研究者採用質性研究方法,藉由訪問四位四十歲以上的高階女性經理人(已婚者與單身者各半),來了解女性經理人面對家庭與事業的心理調適歷程與自我評價狀況。 研究結果如下: 1. 已婚受訪者積極主動、勇於面對和解決問題的人格特質,對於其工作與家庭生活的適應具有決定性的影響,且處於不同的家庭發展階段,其適應的狀況也不同,無法單純以「資源有限假說」或「資源擴張假說」來解釋。 2. 已婚女性受訪者的家庭與工作生活是處於同一個系統當中,彼此會相互影響、扶持。 3. 無論結婚與否,受訪者都或多或少能從家庭中獲得社會支持,如單身者因為與父母同住,所以能得到原生家庭的支持。 4. 單身受訪者因為沒有婚姻的負擔,所以初期對工作的承諾感和企圖心很高,往往因過度投入工作而忽略了其他生活面向的平衡發展。 5. 對於本研究的受訪者而言,結婚與否對其目前的自我評價並無影響。 最後,研究者根據研究過程與結果提出建議。 第一章 研究動機 ……………………………….1 第二章 文獻探討…………………………………5 第一節 工作生活的適應 ……………………7 一、 學習男性典範……………………7 二、 高階女性主管的適應……………9 第二節 家庭生活的適應 ………………12 一、已婚者 …………………………12 1. 資源有限假說 ……………13 2. 資源擴張假說 ……………17 二、單身者 ………………………19 第三節 女性主管的生涯曲線 …………22 第三章 研究問題 ……………………………27 第四章 研究方法 ………………………………28 第五章 結果與討論 …………………………36 第一節 女性經理人的工作歷程 ……36 第二節 已婚女性經理人的家庭生活歷程 51 第三節 單身女性經理人的生活 ……66 第四節 女性經理人的生涯特徵 ………74 第六章 結論 …………………………………81 第七章 研究限制與建議 …………………85 參考文獻 ……………………………………87 附錄一:研究參與同意書 附錄二:訪談大綱 / Managers are often stereotyped as a man’s job in the public eye. Thus, female managers usually have to conceal their feminine characteristics and imitate their male colleagues’ behaviors in order to fit in the existing managerial culture. This may cause high pressure for them and make them lose their flexibility and energy. At the same time, married female managers are expected to be good wives and mothers. As for single females, although they can devote all their efforts to their work, the social support they have is less than married female managers. Many negative impressions are put upon them, such as people regarding them as too ambitious to be good women. To sum up, female managers are faced with many difficulties both in their work and family lives. This study would focus on how they deal with their demanding lives and how they evaluate themselves under traditional value system of our society. Four female executives- two of them are married, and the others are single- were interviewed in depth. Due to high pressures in the working environment, all four interviewees reported they tried to act like men in the beginning of being managers. Two of them (one is married, and the other is single) had a very difficult period in their careers. They felt extremely tired and anxious all the time. They were irritated because they were so worried about their performance that they became burnt out. Fortunately, they both left their work temporary and found ways of releasing the pressures so that they could get rid of the ‘ burn out’ syndromes and promote their quality of lives. The married interviewees’ life qualities depended on which family stages they were in. When the interviewees’ children were very young, they needed to spend lots of time and energy on being mothers. They reported that they were exhausted then, and could not handle so many requirements of different roles at the same time. But as their children grew up, the load of being mothers decreased. Meanwhile, as a manager for several years, they learned many problem-solving skills in their jobs, so they could take active strategies to solve the problems in their families. They felt they could manage these roles well now. It was also reported that the married interviewees’ family and work lives interacted with each other. Their work experiences could diffuse into their family lives. What they learned from the families could also help them deal with business. Different from the married interviewees, the single female managers mainly concentrated on their works. They still lived with their original family so they could get support from their parents and siblings. But they indeed got involved in their work too much that they started to ignore other aspects of their lives. One interviewee discovered that she was completely sensible and could not feel the emotions in her mind. She lost her feelings due to putting on professional mask for a long time. The other felt really unhappy in her thirties because of exhaustion. Now they both try to enrich their lives with things other than work. The four interviewees were not satisfied with themselves before. However, after reflecting the meanings of their lives in the middle age, they gained new insights about themselves. They all said they were satisfied with themselves now, despite being married or single, and all believed they would be better in the future.

上市公司自行公告營收額與會計師簽證金額之差異研究 / The Adjustment of Net Sales Revenue

黃文君, Huang, Wen Chun Unknown Date (has links)
每月公告營收額實施由來已久,過去文獻之研究,其實證結果大多具有資訊內涵,惟該資訊之允當性如何及其與會計師簽證數之差異如何均未曾加以探討。本研究之目的乃在探討公告營收額與會計師簽證數間之差異狀況,並試圖尋求解釋該差異之因素與解釋模型。   本研究主要分為二部份:一為目前差異情形之分析,一為假說之檢定。文中以代理理論為基礎,導出董監事持股比例、經理人持股比例、長期負債權益比、總資產金額、已上市年度數、以及簽證方式等六個代理變數,並加入產業變數進行分析,以尋求最佳之解釋模型。   研究結果顯示:(一)敘述性統計顯示實施查核程序之調整金額常高於執行核閱程序之調整金額,在調整金額之方向則調低營收額之次數高於調高營收額之次數,而調整門檻粗略估計約為10萬元左右,調整金額之百分比大多在簽證數之20%以下。(二)迴歸分析實證結果得知:(1)董監事持股比例與差異數有顯著關係,但董監事持股比例愈高,差異數愈小。(2)經理人持股比例與差異數幾乎無關,其原因可能為經理人持股普遍太低,操縱營收額可能對其持有或出售公司股票獲利之誘因不大,也可能是因為營收額之允當與否,代表經理人是否盡了代理人之職責,若有太大差異可能會影響其報酬。(3)長期負債權益比與差異數幾乎無關,其原因可能為債務合約關注之重點為淨利、流動比率、利息保障倍數、抵押品等因素,而對營收額之允當性可能沒有規定或監督。(4)公司總資產額愈大,差異數愈大,此與假說相反,其原因可能為公司愈大,其業務較為複雜,以致產生差異之機率增高,再者公司設置監控系統之成本在目前國內證管會之要求下已固定,且其成本於上市公司並非重大,以致考慮成本效益之情形大為降低。(5)公司上市愈久,差異數愈小,此與假說相符,換言之,公司之內部控制愈好,差異愈小。(6)簽證方式不同,差異數不同,查核之差異高於核閱之差異,此與假說相符。

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