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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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羅先治 Unknown Date (has links)
提 要 一、對於中共動武的研判,係基於目的論來分析其意圖;在和平時期,中共對台政策為反獨與促統。若一但決定使用武力時,則考量在「迫統」目的不成下,轉而採取「逼降」的高強度進犯手段。 二、中共對於美國軍事介入台海戰爭的反應與處置,其態度是讓美國面對既成的事實,最有利於中共動武;在美國發動反制作為前,就能成功收回台灣,才是防止美國干預的最佳選項。 三、國軍嚇阻戰略有效的條件,源自於中共對於犯台必須面對的犧牲與代價,其接受度與認知的問題。奢談嚇阻不如務實防衛,因此,防衛作戰在野戰戰略層次的戰略目的應該是「固守殲敵」。在作戰中,劣勢部隊致勝的關鍵因素就是擅加利用有利條件,避敵之強與擊敵弱點,化被動轉為主動,使敵人追隨我方意志與行動,打一場自己規劃的戰爭。台灣的軍事地理條件適於持久還是決戰?戰略方式的選擇因素,不應該是口號與氛圍,應根據主客觀條件來分析決定,而非三軍的各自表述。 四、按軍事戰略與野戰戰略權責劃分,建軍構想與用兵構想應明確區隔。建軍構想係為未來戰爭而規劃的構想,屬於遠程戰略構想,具有主動性;用兵構想係為準備當前戰爭而考量的構想,屬近程備戰與用兵構想,較為被動。故台澎防衛作戰為統一指揮的聯合作戰,其野戰戰略層級的作戰構想就是防衛作戰構想。 五、美軍的聯合作戰型態基本上就是統一部隊、特設部隊與聯合特遣部隊的聯合作戰,所有聯合作戰都在統一部隊的統一指揮下遂行。國軍的聯合作戰概念源自於美軍,惟戰略指導又堅持「軍種聯合作戰」概念,無法體會統一部隊聯合作戰的精神與價值。 六、國防二法後的國防組織,在軍事戰略層級上,由文人部長領導的國防部,軍政、軍令、軍備系統分離而無關聯。軍事戰略由軍政部門而非由軍令系統策擬,使軍事專業無從發揮。文人部長必須獨自面對複雜而龐大的軍事專業事務,在無力指導與負荷下,傷害文人領軍精神;在野戰戰略層級,作戰指揮事項由總長全權獨裁決定,且並無任何軍事專業的監督機制,使總統與部長亦不容置喙,易使用兵傾向偏執與專擅。 七、台澎防衛作戰是一場統一指揮的聯合作戰,故應揚棄軍種聯合作戰概念,編成統一指揮的聯合作戰司令部,專司野戰戰略層級的作戰指揮,使事權統一 。不應以軍事戰略機構兼野戰戰略指揮,違背國防體制精神。


野口, 優 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(文学) / 甲第17998号 / 文博第635号 / 新制||文||599(附属図書館) / 30856 / 京都大学大学院文学研究科歴史文化学専攻 / (主査)教授 吉本 道雅, 教授 杉山 正明, 准教授 中砂 明徳 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DGAM

米国海兵隊の電撃戦の起源 : 機動戦構想の思想的背景と採用、制度化 / ベイコク カイヘイタイ ノ デンゲキセン ノ キゲン : キドウセン コウソウ ノ シソウテキ ハイケイ ト サイヨウ セイドカ / 米国海兵隊の電撃戦の起源 : 機動戦構想の思想的背景と採用制度化

阿部 亮子, Ryoko Abe 20 March 2018 (has links)
ベトナム戦争後の米国海兵隊(以下海兵隊)の基盤ドクトリンの変遷に着目することで、2003年の海兵隊の「電撃戦」型戦いの起源を描いた。2003年の海兵隊の基盤ドクトリンで採用されていた機動戦構想は1970年代から海兵隊で議論、形成され、1980年代後半に正式に基盤ドクトリンに採用され、編制や教育を通して制度化された。機動戦構想の思想的背景と採用に一考察を与え、要求特定システムと教育における制度化を扱った。 / This dissertation examines how the U.S. Marine Corps institutionalized warfighting concept, maneuver warfare in the 1970s and the 1980s. It emphasizes that the Alfred Gray and his reformers attempted to institutionalize the concept through building new requirement system and reforming its education in the 1980s. The MC's requirement system was fundamentally changed from the physical element-based system into the future-oriented and warfighting concept-based system. Also, the education was shifted from knowledge focusing to military judgment focusing. It argues that, on the other hand, the influence of new strategic circumstance and new exercises, combined arms exercises, on the introduction of maneuver warfare was limited. / 博士(政治学) / Doctor of Political Science / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

兩岸軍事互信機制建構之步驟與限制 / Instituting Military Confidence Building Mechanism(CBM) across Taiwan Strait -- Approach and Limitation

余華慶 Unknown Date (has links)
戰爭不會無故發生,和平也不會從天而降。沒有辛勤的灌溉,哪有豐盛的果實!你要坐困愁城,還是破繭而出?這正是近幾年兩岸關係發展過程的最佳註腳。2008年以前兩岸相互敵視,臺海上空始終籠罩著戰爭的陰影,2008年以後則在馬英九就任總統起,對中國大陸採取務實、彈性又具謀略的作為,終使兩岸撥雲見日逐漸看到和平的曙光。但也由於某部分因素,看似光明的前景卻又沉浸在茫茫白霧之中。 「信心建立措施」(confidence-building measures, CBMs)是國家間用來降低緊張局勢,並避免戰爭衝突危險的工具;CBMs並不是直接用於解決已發生的衝突或對立,而是建立一套架構用來避免或降低,由於不確定和誤解所產生的衝突或對立。而「軍事互信機制」即是整個「信心建立措施」最重要的核心,因為其他型式的信心建立措施固然可以降低雙方敵意,卻不具化解危機與防止戰爭的功能。「軍事互信機制」可視為軍備管制的一種型式,藉著刻意設計的、明確的合作方式,使得參與各方的軍事意圖變得明確清晰,降低軍事行動的潛在性威脅以及對發動奇襲或使用武力威懾形成制約。 兩岸間建立「軍事互信機制」的複雜程度,在國際間可說是前所未見,因為影響的因素多元且難解。它包含有國內的因素如安全威脅的認知、嚴重的政治分歧、領導人的風格特質等;也有中共的關係如長期威脅、政治企圖、終極目標的不同;更有國際間的角力,以美、日為其代表,美國尤居最重要的關鍵。也因此,造成兩岸「軍事互信機制」的多重困境,如共通性的問題、美國的因素,加上筆者獨特認為難以理解之恐懼的謬誤(先政治後軍事、共識問題、美國軍售、信心危機、軍力比較等)。以至於開創兩岸新局,成就歷史大業的契機,正慢慢的流失。 對於建立兩岸「軍事互信機制」,不論學、政界各方均有相當的論點,也由於立場與角色的不同而隨之變化。經筆者的整理與研究,在目前的環境下其進程仍宜以穩步為基礎但可多變的方式進行,區分近、中、遠三個階段實施。初期嚴格以純軍事議題為主,後續則依進展的程度與當時的環境,適時加入非傳統軍事的因素;同時以積極不致爭議如授權智庫、培育談判人才等的作為充實之。總之,兩岸信心建立措施的推動是受到許多主、客觀因素的限制,臺海兩岸若欲獲得維持一個長久的和平與穩定之環境,避免不必要的軍事衝突,亦唯有戮力於兩岸「軍事互信機制」的規劃與運作方可見效。兩岸關係能否更進一步的改善,「軍事互信機制」的建立具絕對的關鍵指標,更是政治協商前的最後一哩路。

從中國的崛起探討對我國防政策之影響 / The Rise of China at Taiwan's National Defense Policy.

孫國華 Unknown Date (has links)
由於中國經濟快速的成長,綜合國力逐漸提升,更因成長趨勢顯著,不但引起世界各國的注意,並讓周邊國家及國際強權產生壓迫感,遂有「中國威脅論」的出現。自2003年下半年起,中國領導階層與主要分析家即開始提倡「和平崛起」概念為其未來數十年的戰略路線;因為中國領導人瞭解其快速提昇的全球經濟與安全事務影響力,已造成主要強權和亞洲各國的普遍憂慮後,正試圖以此概念向世界消毒。而「和平崛起」係中國研究歷史後,瞭解新力量崛起時可能產生的問題後所採行的國家戰略路線,希藉此向世界宣示其力求避免衝突的決心,本概念即係中國對「中國威脅論」的回應。 現代國家的國防安全已不是單純軍事範疇的問題,而是政府針對國家安全情勢需要,對政治、經濟、心理、軍事整體國力的統合運策施為,以確保國家安全的全面國務大政。承平時的「嚇阻」及戰爭時的「防衛」為推動國防政策的必要觀念;因此,外部的軍事威脅仍是影響各國國家安全的最主要因素。 中國積極推動軍事現代化的短期目標雖然還是在於以武力脅迫台灣,並準備可能的台海衝突,但長期而言,中國不僅有能力而且有野心去挑戰美國在亞洲區域內的霸權地位。比起美國近年超過3000億美元的軍事預算和先進的武器裝備,中國的軍力雖略顯渺小,但其增長的速度卻十分快速。自1990年代以來,中國官方的國防支出即以每年兩位數的成長率增加,中國的崛起以及伴隨而來的快速軍力擴張,已經成為影響海峽兩岸穩定與安全的最大變數。 國防建軍的理念,不在與敵人作量的競賽,而是建立一支高素質、高科技的精銳武力,以確實嚇阻敵人;因此,就現況而言,維持兩岸現況以及足夠的嚇阻力量,乃是降低兩岸動武機率的兩大要素。 / The rapid growth of China’s economy and advancement in national comprehensive power have drawn attention to the world. China’s neighboring countries and great powers are sensing the escalating pressures of “China Threat”. Since the second half of 2003, China’s leadership and analysts have initiated the concept of “Peaceful Rise” as China’s future strategy in the next few decades. China is now attempting to change the international community’s misconception toward China. The national defense is aimed to the need for the overall national security. National defense encompasses political, economical, psychological and military aspects rather than just for the military motive. To “deter” in the peace time and to “defense” in the war time are mayor concerns of national defense policy. Consequently, exterior military threat remains the top issue in each country’s national security. China’s military modernization for the short-term goal is to coerce Taiwan and prepare for any possible cross-straits confrontation. China not only has the ability but also the ambition to challenge the U.S. hegemony role in the Asia. China’s military budget is relatively small compared to the U.S. military expenses in the last few years. However, China’s military modernization is very phenomenal in the past few years. Since the 1990s, China’s official documents reveal that its military expense grows in the rate of more than 10 percent. The rising China and its rapid military expansion become the most unpredictable variables for the stability and security in the Cross-Straits region. The ideal type of building military forces is to build a high-quality and high-tech forces rather than to compete with the enemy in terms of figures. Inferring Maintaining status quo and have the forces to deter China’s military intention are two important factors to reduce the military confrontation in the Taiwan Strait.

中共軍事思想之研究 / China's Evolving Military Theory

郎錫恭 Unknown Date (has links)
中共軍事思想之形成,主要受毛澤東軍事思想、全球戰略形勢與周邊戰略形勢、及中共自身條件等因素之影響。從毛澤東時期「早打、大打、打核子戰」的人民戰爭思想與積極防禦,轉變至鄧小平時期「和平時期建軍」、與「打贏一場局部戰爭」的戰略思維,以至江澤民時期強調質量建軍、高科技建軍,打贏一場高科技條件下的局部戰爭等,突顯中共在不同形勢變化之下,軍事思想所強調之目標,對其軍事發展的過程,皆有重大的影響。   本論文的目的在於瞭解,對中共而言,什麼是軍事思想,其「軍事思想」的發展階段為何,其演進過程的內容及影響軍事思想發展的因素等。 / Clearly,China's military theory was largely shaped by Mao's military theory of people's war concept, perception of global and regional strategic environment, as well as China's own capabilitiy and priority. Mao Zedog has emphasized to fight "a early, large and nuclear war" under the context of people war.Deng Xiaoping changed Mao's policy,emphasizing a military construction under peaceful environment, and fight a local war. Jiang Zemin made further change, switching to emphasize fliilitary buildup based on quality and high technology,and to fight a local under high technology condit ion.These changes reflect how Chinese military theory has adapted to changing environment. This paper discusses what is junshi sixiang means in Chinese military vocabulary, the evolution of China's military theory, and factors influencing its development.

蔣中正、毛澤東軍事指導之比較研究: 以剿共戰爭時期為例 / Chiang Kai-Shek and Mao Zedong 's military conduct in comparison: take Encirclement War for example

羅國儲 Unknown Date (has links)
蔣中正和毛澤東,同為二十世紀中國的重要領導人物,其影響不僅是在政治上,更在軍事上。兩人都是偉大的戰略指導者和軍事理論家,或者至少他們的追隨者如此宣稱。在超越領袖崇拜的今天,這個形容仍是事實嗎? 蔣、毛第一次在軍事上對決是在江西第三次圍剿。毛澤東已取得前兩次反圍剿的勝利,他發展出一個理論應付國軍的圍剿:集中兵力各個擊破國軍分散的各路。加上共產黨的動員力量,國軍的圍剿相當困難。蔣中正有鑑於此,做出了戰略上的轉向,新的戰略結合碉堡戰術、封鎖、「三分軍事七分政治」等方針。最終對贏得了第五次圍剿。毛澤東在長征中重新取回領導權,他馬上面對的是國軍在貴州的新一波圍剿。由於遠離蘇區戰鬥,因此只有很少的補給和援助。會戰展開也不順利,土城、魯班場之戰戰敗,而僅以慘勝贏得遵義之戰。但毛終究設法逃出蔣的包圍圈,並離開貴州與紅四方面軍會師。由於毛澤東和張國燾的戰略歧見,毛澤東獨自帶領紅軍北上抵達陝北與當地紅軍會合。紅軍東征入晉,宣稱要到華北抗日。但為蔣增援山西的中央軍所擊退。在紅四方面軍北上之後,為了在甘肅、寧夏打通蘇聯援助路線,紅軍渡過黃河。但為蔣中正命令下的國軍所切斷,這個行動最終導致了西路軍的潰滅。 在剿共戰爭當中,蔣中正和毛澤東各自研發出他們的理論與對中國戰爭的認知。他們的共識是中國的戰爭是不同於外國的戰爭的。此階段可以視為他們的軍事思想奠基時期。毛澤東所寫的「中國革命戰爭的戰略問題」成為以後他的軍事著作的先聲。另一方面,蔣中正對此的經驗則比較是方法上的,以軍官訓練團訓練軍官及幹部、親自編撰各式「手本」等戰術教材,這些方法的延續持續到抗戰之後,甚至到臺灣時期。 / Chiang Kai-Shek and Mao Ze-Dong, two great leader of 20th century China, not only politically but also militarily. Both man are, or so claim separately by their followers, are great stretegist and military theorist. Beyond the worship of both man, is that true? Chiang and Mao’s first military encounter was the third encirclement campaign of Jiang-Xi. Mao already won the first two, he develop a theory to counter Nationalists’ encirclement by concentrating strength and attack the enemy detachment separately. Along with the mobilizational power of Communists, Nationalists’ encirclement campaign turns out very difficult. Chiang realize that, and making a dramatic turn of strategy, combine with bunker tactics, blockade, and political mobilization of people. Chiang eventually won the fifth encirclement campaign over the Mao-absence Communists. Mao took back his command during the Long March. He soon faces the Nationalists’ encirclement again in Guizhou. This time he is not fighting on a soviet area, therefore gain little support and reinforcement. The battles are not quite well either, Lost two of them and won one costly. But he still manage to escape from Chiang’s encirclement, and leave Guizhou to rendezvous with other Red Army. Because of strategy difference between Mao and another Communist leader Zhang Guotao, Mao leads his troop go north to Shaanxi, rendezvous with local Red Army. Mao attacks Shanxi by claiming they want to fight Japanese evasion at North, driven back by Chiang’s reinforcement to local warlord Yan Xishan. To fulfill the strategy goal of reaching USSR to get supplies, Communists launch another campaign in Ningxia and Gansu and crossed Yellow River. But the Red Army been cut off by Chiang’s nationalist army, this later leads to the elimination of the west side detached Red Army. During the war, Chiang and Mao both develop their own theory and knowledge of War in China, which they both believe in common is different from foreign wars. The period of first Chinese civil war, can be seen as their military thought’s foundation. Mao wrote “Problems of Strategy in China's Revolutionary War” to conclude this war, became the pioneer of his military works later on. Chiang, on other hand, took the experience most in method way: retrain officers in special facility, write tactic handbooks.These methods cotinuely used by Chiang on later wars against Japan, even in Taiwan in his late years.

蘇後俄羅斯軍方政治參與之研究(1992-1999) / On Political Participation of Post-Soviet Russian Military (1992-1999)

邱國棟 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之研究目的是企圖從前蘇聯文武關係研究途徑與克里姆林宮政治研究途徑來探討蘇聯解體後俄羅斯軍方之政治參與範疇與背後之動機。 就軍方政治參與之範疇而言,蘇聯於1991年底解體後,俄羅斯軍方在政治舞台上扮演了重要的角色。首先,我們可以從軍方在1993年俄羅斯新軍事準則成型的過程中,其強硬主張佔了主導的地位。第二、軍方在「近鄰」與前南斯拉夫維和行動的政策即便與外交部意見相衝突仍獲得最後主導權。第三、軍方在1993年10月政爭中並未完全保持中立,而最後軍方是站在葉里欽總統一方結束了此一政治危機。第四、軍方試圖從俄羅斯獨立後歷屆國家杜馬選舉中,藉由其投票行為或是主動參與競選來表達其政治態度與影響有關軍事方面之政策。 本論文以為,蘇後俄羅斯軍方的政治參與背後動機之主要原因有二。其一是蘇聯解體以後俄羅斯軍方制度利益嚴重惡化:蘇聯解體以後,軍方在軍事改革上無法有效進展、軍事預算嚴重不足、軍中生活條件惡化以及國防工業轉產上面臨了嚴重的問題。這些皆使得軍方為了自救不得不試圖從政治層面來解決軍隊之問題。其二是受到克里姆林宮政治互動之影響:葉里欽為了鞏固政軍大權,運用高超的政治手腕以及「分而治之」的統御方式,引用軍方的力量來打擊政治對手,另一方面也運用政治危機分化軍隊之團結性,使其無法在政治上形成對統治者之威脅。 / The purpose of the thesis attempts to analyze the scope and motives of post-soviet Russian military’s political participation by using former Soviet civil-military relations approach and Kremlin politics approach. As far as the scope of military’s political participation is concerned, since the dissolution of USSR in 1991, the Russian military has been playing an important role in Russian politics. First of all, during the process of formulating Russian new military doctrine in 1993, Russian military’s hard-line position dominated this process and its opinion finally won out. Secondly, peacekeeping operation took by the Russian military in the “Near Abroad” and former Yugoslavia, especially in Kosovo, usually conflicted the peaceful option hold by the Ministry of Russian Foreign Affairs, but the Russian military still took control of the final policy initiative. Thirdly, in October 1993, the Russian military didn’t remain neutral in the political struggle between president and Congress of People’s Deputies. It sided with president and therefore ended this severe political crisis. Fourthly, in each Duma election hold after Russia’s independence, the Russian military tried to express its political inclination and exerted its influence by voting, even actively took part in the election. This thesis is taking the position that the political participation of post-soviet Russian military is driven by two motives. First and foremost is the institutional interest of Russian military suffered great damage since the breakup of the USSR:military reform hasn’t made much progress; military budget received hasn’t sufficed the need of military; military faced the growing acute social problems within itself; the conversion of defense industry encountered difficulties. These problems made the Russian military try to preserve itself by political means. The second motive is affected by Kremlin political interaction:in order to strengthen his control over politics and military, Yeltsin used brilliant political art and managed the military by means of “divide and rule”. He used the military to attack his political opponent, on the other hand, he made use of each political crisis to split the military and therefore the military couldn’t constitute a political threat to the ruler of Russian polity.


歐陽文山 Unknown Date (has links)
2003年年初與1994年北韓核武危機似有雷同之處,都是北韓打核武牌,迫使美國解決伊拉克問題,同時無暇兼顧東北亞地區,也是金正日慣用的戰爭邊緣(Brinkmanship)做法,利用研發大規模武器或從事作戰準備,要求直接談判,簽署「互不侵犯條約」,互相外交承認,以換取北韓停止發展核子武器計畫,從以獲得相關的經濟援助。隨著蘇聯政權解體,東歐各國和平落幕的局面並未擴散到東北亞地區,北韓趁著冷戰結束之際,大舉研發核武動作,對東北亞地區構成重大影響,也從孤立無援的弱國擠身成為談判大國。畢竟東北亞地區複雜的局勢與中東地區不同,周邊強權看法、主張亦不同,增加處理上的難度。 第一次北韓核武危機以來,透過日內瓦協議架構(Agreed Framework)和KEDO的運作,日本首相小泉還於2002年9月首度訪問北韓商談雙方建交事宜,使東北亞暫時獲得安全與穩定。然而,由於美國布希總統點名北韓為「邪惡軸心」,再加上美軍進攻伊拉克的行動,使平壤產生威脅感,深恐美國出兵發動第二次韓戰,因而利用美國集中精力對付伊拉克之際,重新啟動核電廠到試射飛彈,乘機以核武敲詐美國,並以威脅南韓和日本進行要挾,一時東北亞情勢有如三溫暖般急熱急冷,這也是北韓在第一次核武危機後,嘗到甜頭的代價,試圖在美國分身乏術之際,再來一次看看。朝鮮半島的穩定攸關東北亞地區安定,若以冷戰期間的思維考量,似圖以經濟制裁與圍堵政策欲想解決北韓問題,在金正日靈活的外交手段及戰爭邊緣的策略下,短期看到成果極為不易。北韓的問題不僅是核子問題,亦有生化武器、飛彈研發、武器輸出等嫌疑。因此,只要北韓的意圖不明朗,那麼,北韓的威脅對東北亞地區將具有很大的影響力。南韓、日本受限與美國訂定條約關係,無法發展長程飛彈,然北韓一再研發大規模毀滅性武器及導彈飛彈,甚至還發射飛彈從日本領空飛越,普遍提醒日本、南韓民眾,國防事務應該要注意,提高警覺才是正確選擇,也激發東北亞各國對區域安全的重視。 美國正透過以軍事全球化的方式,進行全球性的軍事收編。這種以美國為主導,以軍事力量為工具,以全球為客體的軍事全球化,在打倒阿富汗的神學士政權與剷除伊拉克海珊政權達到頂峰。但遇到東北亞的北韓,美國的軍事力量便遇到挫折,原因在於東北亞的權力版圖太過於複雜,各方的勢力與利益均在其中,特別是北韓可能擁有核子武器,而美國也表示,美國可以同時進行兩場戰爭,短期間戰爭的恐怖陰影正籠罩著東北亞地區。現階段俄羅斯、中共、日本、南韓並不想與北韓之間有任何的衝突發生,因為維持區域內的穩定和平,才助於各國的經濟發展,若有任何的衝突或戰爭發生,對東北亞各國均會造成重大傷害。美國未嘗不是以經濟的角度,來看整個區域相關的情事,其實美國在東北亞利益與美國的國家利益幾乎完全相同,就保護美國本土不受武器攻擊而言,美國主要憂心的是大規模毀滅性武器與飛彈漫無張法的擴散,在東北亞地區,擁有核武國家包括俄羅斯、中共、北韓在內,潛在的威脅是其他沒有核武國家錐心之痛。以北韓核武、導彈發展的現況,其投射技術與命中公算逐年都在進步,連美國本土也被受威脅,更加深東北亞各國的擔心。 南北韓與朝鮮半島周邊四強―美、日、中、俄,透過談判對話方式和平解決北韓核武危機,美國與東北亞各國對北韓核武問題各有不同看法與立場,要在短期內形成一致共識實非易事。關鍵的因素在於美國與北韓的態度,美國政府首要條件是強烈要求北韓放棄發展核武,不可擁有、不可輸出、接受嚴格的安全檢查,當北韓同意之後,再談關係正常化及經援之事。而北韓則要求美國先同意簽訂互不侵犯條約,保障北韓政權的安全後,在討論對北韓核武設施檢查問題,雙方針峰相對互不讓步,陷入僵局在所難免。美國布希總統曾表示,「如果北韓放棄核武發展計畫的話,美國會在多方框架下,向北韓提出書面安全保障提案」。這顯示中共人大委員長吳邦國、外交部副部長戴秉國、美國國務院助理國務卿凱利,這段時間來回穿梭於北京、平壤、漢城、東京,希望第二次六邊會談儘速能實施,然美國與北韓立場不同,尚需共同努力以赴。 總結來說,北韓慣用「戰爭邊緣」政策,步步均在險中求勝,但大都能為平壤獲取不少的政治及經濟利益。東北亞地區在冷戰結束10餘年後,仍處於不穩定的狀態,最主要的原因就是本地區缺乏類似北約組織的集體防衛體系,及有效解決區域問題的多邊安全對話機制,六邊會談的重要宣示,不管其談判成果如何,在首創東北亞多邊安全對話的先例,與會各國若能把握契機,共同努力推動建立東北亞多邊安全對話的正式機制,和平解決北韓核武問題,必然較為樂觀。兩岸關係應著眼於「戰略性」、「結構性」層次的問題,尋求長期解決的方案。究竟應該定位為「國家對國家」之間,或「政府對政府」「政黨對政黨」等主體的競爭,這是存在兩岸各自內部之間一直有很大的爭議,也是雙方形成共同「國家利益」的重大障礙。在政治上,中華民國是民主法治國家,因此,當主流民意認為應該放棄戒急用忍政策,政府當局就應該改採務實可行的路線,擴大執政的合法性基礎(九二共識、新中間路線、四不加一個沒有、經發會共識、國統綱領)。經過分析中華民國的「國家利益」,兩岸未來的「統獨」立場,將取決於兩岸雙方能否有意識「共同利益」的真諦,尋求國家利益的「平行一致」?若然,兩岸關係發展方向將會持續和平落幕,最終邁向統一;否則,兩岸關係繼續長期「零和對抗」、「利益衝突」,臺海雙方終究不免一戰。


張馬可 Unknown Date (has links)
兩岸兵役制度的演變,雖然每一時期或階段不盡相同,但亦有其可變性與不可變性的本質。惟其差異與特色乃反映出,當時期兩岸互動、國內外政、經、軍形勢發展、假想敵能力、人口政策與民意及輿論的需要。 國家安全並非是一種靜態的概念,而是隨著時間之動態不斷的演進。因此,國際社會已將「國家安全」擴展成為綜合性安全。是以,就國防安全而言,兵役制度政策對軍事產生的效能外,同時也會影響、牽引到橫向的政治、經濟等安全戰略的目標與運作。 首先,在政治方面,徵兵制的兵役制度近來不斷地成為民意與輿論熱門議題,除了影響國軍建軍備戰工作外,亦影響到為國服務、犧牲的意願及國家生存與發展的安全。惟該等議題之爭議實已點出國人對「政府正當性支配」、「流通性」管道阻塞、兵役法的適法性與國家認同等疑慮。 其次,在經濟方面,徵兵制造成役男役前、役後的高失業率,除衍生出新的社會問題外,也造成附加價值高的勞動力閒置,而不利國家經濟發展與競爭力。在成本效益及國家財政支出上,徵兵制較募兵制所費不貲,其因在於訓練頻繁及人力資源運用缺乏彈性,導致人才錯置,難以人盡其才,阻礙工作效能與部隊戰力的提升。 最後,在軍事方面,徵兵制與募兵制對於軍隊屬性(攻勢或守勢)、兵力需求(傳統或高科技)、兵員素質(高技術、多專長)、社會工程(公民素養)、文人統制(軍文關係)與軍方籓籬(特殊階級、文化)等等議題,有著舉足輕重的影響力。然而,對我國而言,要順利漸進降低徵兵比例,提昇募兵比例,則需良好的兩岸關係、適當的規劃時間予以轉型、武器裝備的更新、準則的發展與修訂、訓練方式的改變與相關兵役制度配套措施循序漸進的執行,才能圓滿克竟其功,達到預期的目標。 / Although each period or stage of the cross-strait military service system evolution is not quite the same, but it still has the changeable and unchangeable essence. The differences and characteristics between them reflect the cross-strait interaction, development of domestic and diplomatic political, economical and military affairs, imaginary enemy ability, population policy and the need of public opinion at that time. The national security is not a static concept, but it is a process of unceasing evolution along with the time. Therefore, the international society has expanded the meaning of "the national security" into “the comprehensive security”. That is, for national defense security, except the efficacy brought by military service system policy to the armed forces, it can affect the goal and operation of crosswise political, economical security strategy as well in the meantime. First, in political aspect, conscription of the military service system continuously becomes popular subject of the public discussion these years, this kind of phenomenon influences not only the foundation in armed forces and preparation for war of the national troops, but also the wish to serve and sacrifice for the country, even influences the security of national survival and development. Only this dispute of the subject pointed out the qualms of our countrymen in "the government reasonable control", "circulation channel obstruction”,” the legality of military service law” and “ the recognition of our country”. Second, in the economical aspect, the conscription made the high rate of unemployment of our servicemen before or after service, then new social problem came out, highly appended value labor force left unused, these are all disadvantages for national economy development and competitive ability. Finally, in the military aspect, conscription and enlistingsystem have played a decisive role in the army attribute (offensive or defensive), the military strength demand (tradition or high tech), the soldier quality (high-tech, multi- specialties), the social engineering (citizen accomplishment), the civil governance (military and civilian relations) with the military hedge (special social class, culture) and so on. However, it also need steady cross-strait relations, suitable schedule for the reforms, weaponry renewal, development and revision of the criterion, change of the training method and the necessary measure of correlation military service system proceeded in an orderly way, for our country to gradually and smoothly reduces the proportion of conscription, increases the proportion of enlisting,and at last reach the anticipated and satisfactory goal.

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