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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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張禮範, chang, li-fan Unknown Date (has links)
半個世紀以來,中國的威脅一直是我國「國家安全」意涵中最主要甚至是唯一的焦點,因此可以說「國家安全」意涵是與軍事安全概念一致的。國家安全的威脅,不僅是來自外部的各種挑戰,還包括了來自內部的天然因素與人為因素的威脅,殆無疑義。921大地震、桃芝颱風造成嚴重傷亡與財產損失,就是例證。國內的安全維護,顯然必須兼顧非軍事面的安全戰略研究、設計、宣傳與執行,才能達成全面性的安全保障。因此,建立全面綜合性安全觀念,乃是不論政府與民間,必須確立的基本共識與觀念,亦是我國邁入21世紀所必須積極著手的準備。然而,當前對我國安全深具威脅的因素中,反而非軍事性因素居多,值得深究。 因此本論文研究側重於中國運用非軍事手段之方式,破壞我國重大設施之國家安全面向為主要探討範圍。並將進一步探討:中國對我可能採取之戰爭型態、影響國家安全之重大設施現況、中共利用政府採購管道進行超限作戰、國內重大設施應有之防護作為等問題,探討的重大設施著重在與民生關係緊密的公共設施,包含(電力、自來水、交通、電信、科學園區、機場、港口、公路、鐵路)等,中國對我使用非軍事手段方面除經濟貿易、環境、能源、族群衝突、民主化發展、毒品與犯罪、恐怖主義、以及疾病傳染等等外,最可能從介入此類重大公共工程設施之防護以進行秘密活動,伺機安裝引爆裝置,並使全台各重要據點所預置之破壞因子同時發作,致使國內救災體系整個癱瘓、民生丕變、金融交易停滯、高科技產業停擺、並形成一陣社會恐慌、社會失序、終致形成無政府狀態;值此同時,中國即以維護國內秩序之名義接收政權,國際團體及友邦無法介入支援或救助。對內完成統一大業,對外宣示一個中國,順理成章地以達到以非軍事手段替代軍事行動所產生之最低成本換取最高效益。 / Since the past half century, the threat of China has been the most important spotlight in "national security". Therefore, it is the same concept with both of national security and military safety. The threat of the national security is including not only the various challenges that come from the exterior but also the natural factor of the inner part and the threat of the artificial factors. It is doubtless that the 921 heavy earthquakes and the Typhoon Torajis cause serious dead, injured and properties lost, are a series of illustration. The domestic security safeguards must look after both sides of the safe strategy research, design and publicize and carry out obviously in the parts of non- military. So we can reach the comprehensive security guarantee eventually. Therefore, establish overall synthesizes safety concepts are our goal to exceed into 21 centuries must begin actively of preparation; in spite of the government and civilian. This thesis research lays emphasis on making use of the non-military means breaking our country’s public facilities by China. Also I will further inquire into: What kind of war type will be adopted by China? How about the current conditions of domestic public facilities? China probably makes use of the governmental procurement to carry on super limit's battling. What kinds of protection we should take in action on regarding public facilities. The major public facilities which I focus on are people's livelihood. It will contain(electric power, the resource of water, transportation, telecommunication, science-based industrial park, airport, port, highway, railroad) etc., In addition to economy trading, environment, energy, ethnicity conflict, democratization development, drug and crime, terrorism, and diseases infecting the etc., the most possible of China is using the non-military means to get involved in breaking major public facilities in order to carry on the secret activity, wait for an opportunity to install an exploding device, and make each important spot prepare to place of the breakage factor goes into action meanwhile. So that It would cause domestic disaster response system whole paralyze, people's livelihood largely change, the finance trade stagnate, high-tech industry lockout, become a social dismay and lose the preface, eventually with the result that formation anarchy appearance; meanwhile, China namely with safeguard the name of the domestic order to receive the political power. And then the international group and allied countries can't get involved the support or salvages. China will claims to have completed to unify the whole country in the inner part and claims to have one China to all foreign country. At last, China will reach to act for the military action with the non- military means to exchange the highest benefit the lowest cost of creation.

中華民國「軍事事務革命」研究 / The study of revolution in military affairs in the republic of China

羅曉東, Lo, Hsiao-Tung Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討中華民國「軍事事務革命」研究。本論文是以「巴特雷特模型」(Model of Bartlett)概念,說明中華民國推動「軍事事務革命」(Revolution in Military Affairs,RMA)主要因為中華民國國家安全在內外因素影響下產生了變化;外部因素為中共解放軍的武力威脅,內部因素為中華民國在國防政策、軍事戰略與軍文關係上發生重大轉變。以上兩樣關鍵變數的糾結難解,讓中華民國國家安全起了變化,導致中華民國在國防上必須針對軍事戰略、兵力規劃、兵力整建、國防科技等重要的變因尋求精進之道,自然加速了中華民國「軍事事務革命」的推動。中華民國軍隊正大力推動「軍事事務革命」,國防自主化為當前國防建設的重點工作,文章中曾就中華民國國防自主化實施評估並提出建議,俾利中華民國「軍事事務革命」的施行。 關鍵字:「巴特雷特模型」(Midel of Bartlett);「軍事事務革命」(Revolution in Military Affairs, RMA) / The Study of Revolution in Military Affairs in the Republic of China This Article is to study the Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) in the Republic of China (ROC). According to the Model of Bartlett, this paper discusses the external threat from People's Republic of China's (PRC) military forces and the internal factors such as the ROC defense policy, military strategy, and civilian-military organizational culture. In this transition era, the factors do also affect ROC's national security and its national defense policy. As a result, the ROC national defense in the military strategy, force planning, force rebuilt, and defense technology have to seek improvement. The author analyzes the external and internal factors to make a constructional suggestion to accelerate the revolution of military affairs. Recently, ROC military has done a great effort on the implementation of the RMA. It is the most important to construct ROC national defense self-reliance. By pointing out some problems of ROC's defense strategies, the author proposes that the defense self-reliance has to be reviewed and rebuilt to make the implementation of the RMA. Keywords: Model of Bartlett, Revolution in Military Affairs


李志堯 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文是以探討軍事戰略與兵役制度的關係,說明有國防建設就有軍事戰略的制定,其是建軍備戰的指導,旨在規劃武裝部隊的發展,以建立一支能打未來戰爭,有效捍衛國家安全的勁旅。然軍事戰略的範疇,不只是籌獲武器裝備的問題,尚包括整建陸、海、空三軍武裝部隊之事宜,而兵役制度的任務,即是供應建軍所需的各種兵員,以支持軍事戰略的規劃。因此,基於國防安全情勢所制定的軍事戰略,對兵役制度的選擇有直接影響。唯評估中華民國當前軍事戰略對建軍備戰規劃與現行兵役制度對兵員供應配合,發現仍有下列落差:(一)守勢戰略與兵力結構的汗格; (二)科技建軍與兵員役期的脫節;(三)戰備要求與訓練投資的罅隙;(四)役男適應不良與部隊管教困擾。倘若上述問題未能藉由施行募兵制加以克服,則軍事戰略的規劃難期落實,軍隊戰力之維持將行衰退,而國家安全的維護亦會受到影響。既然走向募兵制已是時勢所趨,故需營造招募市場誘因,妥採相關的配套措施,方利招募工作之推展。 關鍵字:軍事戰略、兵力結構、兵役制度、徵兵制、募兵制。


房彼得, Fang, Bi De Unknown Date (has links)
中共軍事思想發展之歷史軌跡已歷經三代領導人,分別為毛澤東軍事思想、鄧小平新時期軍隊建設思想及江澤民國防和軍隊建設思想,三者依序反映出各時期之相異背景與時代特徵。 江澤民主政期間一面遵循鄧小平理論政策,一面強調「一個中心三個著眼」,逐漸形成「打得贏、不變質」的國防和軍隊建設思想,其重要決策諸如:建立新時期軍事戰略方針、堅持「科技強軍」政策、提出「兩個武裝」號召、以「三步走」和「跨越式」為發展戰略、加速新型武器裝備與軍事人才之建設、積極於共軍機械化與信息化建設、要求貫徹「三個代表」思想、推進「中國軍事變革」等。 江澤民國防和軍隊建設思想,成為建設國防和軍隊的基本理論與指導思想,因而確立江澤民軍事思想於中共現代軍事思想之地位,並為現階段胡錦濤時期之國防現代化與信息化發展奠定根基。

美國與印度軍事及安全合作之研究1993-2008 / A Study of the military and security cooperation between the United States and India,1993 - 2008

劉明龍 Unknown Date (has links)
從美國的外交與戰略規劃觀點,印度在冷戰結束前,一直被視為「停滯區域」,這固然與冷戰期間分處不同陣營有關。但21世紀南亞日漸成為美國國家戰略的重要核心。而印度為南亞的重要國家,擁有超過十億人口,是新興的強國,更是重要的夥伴,且印度的政經發展實力崛起、亦位居印度洋關鍵性的戰略位置,及美國涉入全球反恐等因素,其地位大幅提昇。 基於民主性、多元民族與法律規則等共同價值,美國與印度的確具有成為「戰略性的夥伴關係」的重要條件。2005年,美國與印度簽署一項為期十年的國防架構協議,開始擴展雙方安全合作。許多經濟性、安全以及全球的新計畫,包含「民用核能全面合作計畫」都持續進行中。這項計畫係由小布希總統於2005年啟動, 2006年獲參議院通過(海德法案The Hyde Act),並於2008年10月經眾議院的通過。另外;自2002年,兩國已共同參與許多前所未有的聯合軍事演習,美國對印度的重大軍售也都在計畫中。 自911事件後,美國全球戰略的思維被迫做出重大改變,反恐成為戰略優先目標。因此,為防範恐佈組織勢力擴張、非傳統安全問題及大規模毀滅性武器,落入非國家行為者所操控,均形成當務之急。而這些重大議題,與印度皆有密切關連性,就地緣政治考量,印度積極向東擴展,逐漸與亞太國家經濟發展相連結,許多美國企業認為印度是絕佳的投資市場。美國支持印度努力在經濟轉型,以利從社會主義經濟改革,轉變為開放市場經濟,尤其是面對東亞地區的區域整合部份,印度亦極力爭取參與東亞區域合作組織的機會,就其政軍實力已成為區域強權之一。分析家認為印度逐漸擁有抗衡中共的影響力,此外,印度近來在國際上積極涉入各相關事務,企圖爭取聯合國安理會常任理事國席位。美國為了區域穏定,亦寄望印度與巴基斯坦進行和平會談,亦有日漸和緩趨勢,故積極推動戰略伴關係,不僅對美印雙方具有重大意義,且實質意義遠大於美印軍事及安全合作的範疇。


傅茂田 Unknown Date (has links)
近年國際紛爭不斷、金融危機,及兩岸關係多變,對國家安全充滿挑戰。再則我國分於民國95年(2006年)公布首部《中華民國國家安全報告》、98年(2009年)3月公布《四年期國防總檢討》(Quadrennial Defense Review , QDR),此一時期正適逢我國政黨輪替執政,先後均基本闡述國家安全政策大方向。惟並未明確、完整擘劃我國的「國防戰略」,進而與國家安全戰略相銜接;本論文以並以2008年政黨輪替為時間切割點,針對國際環境變化、國家安全情勢及中共軍事威脅等情進行研究,探討我國「國防戰略」轉變。倘若能拋磚引玉,進而促使有關單位進行政策面的探討與研究,甚或是更完善制定一套屬於符合我國國家安全的「國防戰略」,為本論文之核心價值。 本論文獲致以下研究成果: 一、「國防二法」已明訂國防政策之決策機制,係透過總統、國家安全會議、行政院及國防部等決策過程,以確保政策方向正確,並爭取全民的認同。因此,國防部部長可依職權透過「軍事會談」及「行政院院會」之召開,將「國防政策」、「國防戰略(狹義)」建議分別向總統及行政院院長報告,以利整體國防事務之推動。 二、行政院應採「綜合性安全」概念,整合國家政、經、軍、心、科技諸層面,綜整敵情、友軍、我方及地緣戰略,做好國家戰略情勢判斷,從而建構我國全般的戰略構想及「國防戰略」指導,並建立「預防性國防觀念」,結合「預防外交」、及「戰略嚇阻」之途徑,維護台海區域穩定與國家安全,以擘劃屬於廣義的、國家層級的「國防戰略」。 三、國防部則整合軍政、軍備、軍令三大體系,擘劃屬國防部狹義層級之「國防戰略」,於《國防報告書》、《四年期國防總檢討》,亦或仿效美國撰擬年度「國防戰略」,公諸於國內、外,讓國人、國軍幹部知悉國防部的「國防戰略」。 四、為因應未來全球、亞太區域、台海兩岸等發展與關係日益複雜,我國「國防戰略」之新願景,應該在兼具因應傳統與非傳統威脅的能力、建構嚇阻戰力保衛國家安全等兩大項。 五、透過區域安全機制,國防建軍上多方規劃與預判,未來影響國家安全之主要因素。 關鍵詞:國家安全、國防政策、國防戰略、軍事戰略、同盟

認同與轉變: 中華民國(台灣)軍民關係的認知研究 / Identity and Transformation: Perceptions of Civil-Military Relations in the Republic of China (Taiwan)

康迪恩, Dean Karalekas Unknown Date (has links)
隨著政治在台灣不斷發展,兩者之間的關係也隨之而來 中華民國(ROC)軍事和社會。 民主化,民間社會的增長,經濟和社會自由化,以及更大 在性別和性取向方面的平等標誌著一個台灣社會 成為自由主義,大部分是在西方大部分地區發生的相同模式。如 社會變得更加開放和自由,一直有政府的傾向 政策制定者推動軍隊 - 一個重要的社會制度 - 在這個方向。 然而,問題出現,當西方例子遵循沒有適當 評估它們是否適合當地條件。一個例子是push 將中華民國軍轉變為全志願軍:這在西方工作,因為它 有機地發生,並基於之前進行的詳盡的社會學研究 實施。但對台灣來說是正確的嗎? 為了評估西方例子的適用性,本研究使用其理論 構建後現代軍事模型,這是一個用於描述的理論構造 如何通過感知威脅的變化驅動軍民關係的變化。由開發 美國軍事社會學家查爾斯·莫斯科斯,約翰·艾倫·威廉姆斯和大衛·西格爾 PMMM描述了在美國軍隊和其他地方發生的變革 武裝部隊在世界上,並有助於理解軍民關係的狀態。這個 研究根據PMMM的11個維度來評估ROC軍隊 確定軍民關係的現狀,同時也提供評估 該模型適用於台灣的獨特背景。 本研究採用定量方法,使用對提供初級的中華民國公民的調查 數據,輔以文件證據,以確定民用軍事的現狀 關係使用PMMM的11維度作為框架。分析結果 表明,中華民國軍隊不適合PMMM的模式,但在某種程度上 雖然如此,卻揭示了台灣軍民關係的現狀。仔細看看這些 維度揭示了PMMM如何,而不是政策制定者的適當路線圖 但是它是了解中華民國軍民現狀的一個很好的工具 關係,還可以有助於形成更好的政策。 / As the polity continues to evolve in Taiwan, so too does the relationship between the Republic of China (ROC) military and society. Democratization, the growth of civil society, economic and social liberalization, and greater equality in terms of gender and sexual orientation have marked a Taiwan society that is becoming liberal, largely in the same pattern that has taken place in much of the West. As society becomes more open and free, there has been a tendency for government and policymakers to push the military—an important social institution—in that direction as well. The problem arises, however, when Western examples are followed without a proper assessment of whether they are appropriate for local conditions. An example is the push to transition the ROC military to an All-Volunteer Force: this worked in the West because it happened organically and based on exhaustive sociological research conducted prior to implementation. But is it the right thing for Taiwan? In order to assess the applicability of the Western example, this research uses as its theoretical construct the Postmodern Military Model, which is a theoretical construct used to describe how civil-military relations transform driven by changes in perceived threat. As developed by US military sociologists Charles C. Moskos, John Allen Williams, and David R. Segal, the PMMM describes the transformations that have taken place in the US military and other armed forces in the world, and aids in understanding the state of civil-military relations. This research assesses the ROC military according to the 11 dimensions of the PMMM to determine the current state of civil-military relations, while also providing an assessment of the model’s applicability to the unique context of Taiwan. This study employs quantitative methods, using a survey of ROC citizens providing primary data, supplemented by documentary evidence, to determine the current state of civil-military relations using as a framework the 11 dimensions of the PMMM. Analysis of the findings indicate that the ROC military does not neatly fit the pattern of the PMMM, but in a way that nonetheless sheds light on the state of civil-military relations in Taiwan. A closer look at these dimensions reveals how the PMMM, while not an appropriate roadmap for policymakers, is nevertheless an excellent tool for understanding the current state of ROC civil-military relations, and can yet contribute to the formation of better policy.

一九五八年以來中共戰爭觀的轉變 / The change of the PRC's view of war since 1985

周飛來, Chou, Fei-Lai Unknown Date (has links)

中共對南海政策:外交與軍事手段之運用 / PRC'S Policy Toward the South China Sea: Diplomacy and Force Instrument in Operation

張執中, Chang, Chih Chung Unknown Date (has links)

美中軍事關係-- 從卡特政府至布希政府 / The United States and China's Military Relations: Carter to Bush Administration

孫紹正, Sun, Shao-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
美中軍事關係之起伏隨著兩國國家利益、領導人特質、國際情勢等而定。 / The United States-China’s military relationship has undergone uneven developments since 1979. The main theme of this thesis is that the bilateral military relations have been experienced periods of better cooperation, and ones of suspicion and confrontation. The research questions of this thesis are as follows: What are the potential risks and benefits of mil-to-mil relations to the U.S. and China security? What are the obstacles of the two militaries interaction? What is the U.S. and China, respectively, debating over regarding military relations? This thesis focuses primarily upon the relationship of two militaries relevant to interests of their countries, changing international politics and leaders’ perspectives by reviewing crucial historical events. The author attempts to explore the evolution of the U.S.-China military relations, which are influenced by the changing of the international environment, domestic issues, national interests, and the prospective of leaders after the Post Cold War. Also this paper will try to explore the intention of why these potential opponents cooperate. This thesis intends to dig out the mentalities of the leaders on both sides in establishing their military relations. The author would also adopt the Morgenthau’s rational approach (interests in reaching value-maximizing choices), Allison’ bureaucratic politics approach (decision-making of the President with his inner circle of advisors), and Gilpin’s international system (states tend to expand interests as their power grows) to examine the military relations. The framework is illustrated as follows: Chapter one gives the background stories of the bilateral relations, the purpose and methodology of this writings. Chapter two elaborates U.S. interests in China, and U.S. Policies concerning China. Chapter three further explores China interests in U.S., and China policies concerning the U.S. Chapter four describes the U.S.-China military relations since the Carter Administrations. Chapter five explores the U.S. and China views of their military relations. Chapter six lists constraints of U.S.-China military relations, and concludes with findings and conclusion.

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