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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

臺灣地區多國籍企業行銷資訊系統使用現況與資訊需求之研究 / An Empirical Study of Marketing Information System for Multinational Corporations in Taiwan : Usage and Information Requirement

施穎偉, Shee, Y. Daniel Unknown Date (has links)
在當今競爭激烈的全球性經營環境中,許多企業在經營上均遭遇到某種程度的競爭與壓力,為了解決此種問題,它們必須從全球性經營管理的觀點來採取某些適當的策略,並且藉由資訊科技的使用以獲取關鍵性的資源,進而支援公司的全球性策略活動,以獲取競爭優勢。   本研究的主要目的,在於針對國內的多國籍企業,其使用行銷資訊系統的現況,做一個普遍性的調查。調查的內容包括:企業組織之策略目標、資訊部門之架構、行銷資訊系統之架構、開發方式、負責管理之單位部門、行銷資訊系統本身所包含之資訊和資訊的來源、主管常面對的決策問題與行銷資訊系統能夠支援的程度、網路行銷的使用情形.....等。此部份研究的主要目的是希望能夠從現有使用行銷資訊系統的企業中,了解此系統所存在的企業環境與背景為何、主管對於此系統的使用情形與態度等。   此外,本研究也將分析目前國內的多國籍企業行銷資訊系統的資訊需求。希望藉由此一深入的研究,能夠歸納出一套適用通則,使得目前與未來想要開發行銷資訊系統的企業能有所參考與依據,以期未來開發的成果能應付企業營運之需,提昇企業的經營績效,進而成為企業的一個競爭利器。 / There are many firms facing operational pressures from the global business environment. For the sake of dealing with such dilemmas, these firms must adopt strategies with a global perspective and utilize information technology to gain competitive advantages.   The purpose of this thesis is to determine the overall status of marketing information systems (MkIS) for multinational corporations in Taiwan through empirical study. Several aspects of marketing information system usages are described, including strategic goals, organizational architecture, development of system effectiveness, managing departments, information categories, information sources, decision content, and the scenarios for network marketing utilization.   This thesis further attempts to establish feasible recommendations for these marketing information systems' critical information elements by analyzing current marketing information requirements for multinational corporations in Taiwan. It is hoped that multinational corporations seeking to undertake successful MkIS development will benefit from recommendations proposed herein, and that these suggestions will help those companies to eventually establish greater operational effectiveness and competitive advantages.


王月皎, Wang, Yue-Jiao Unknown Date (has links)
住宅市場因其內容包括各類住宅次市場,又因為實質住宅單位難以衡量,以及實證資料難以蒐集等原因,使得住宅需求分析較為複雜。 本研究主要在探討何種函數形式較適合使用於住宅需求模型,而該種函數形式必須能對實際的住宅需求變動情形充分說明,並非如一般住宅需求模型之建立忽略了函數形式與模型之間的關連性;以外本文對不同所得階層、不同區位對位宅需求是否有明顯的影響之課題作一深入探討。而值得注意的是,不論對不同所得或位於不同區位的住宅需求來說,利率對住宅消費性需求的影響並不顯著,有別於一般利率對住宅需求有明顯影響力的印象。 本研究共分為五章,摘要內容如下: 第一章:介紹本文的動機、目的,研究限制與架構,並界定本研究之研究對象為住宅消費性、有效需求。 第二章:針對發展較成熟的國外文獻作一回顧整理,藉以發現一般在研究住宅需求相關課題時可能遇到的問題;此外介紹建構本文之基礎理論。 第三章:在對國外文獻進行回顧之後,本研究尚對國內住宅需求模型作驗證分析,探討造成各模型差異甚大的原因;並特別針對住宅價格資料之課題作比較分析。 第四章:在以Stone-Geary 效用函數以及目的變數建立住宅需求模型之後,以台北市為實證範圍,進行縱斷面的迴歸分析,發現以Stone-Geary 效用函數建立的住宅需求模型,頗能說明台北市住宅需求的變動情形。 第五章:針對國內外文獻處理以及實證分析結果,提出本研究之結論建議與後續研究。

國民住宅供需之研究 / Supply and Demand Studies on the Public housing

謝志鴻, Shieh, Jye Horng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究所要探討的課題主要有以下三點:1.現行國宅等候制度有何缺失?應如何改進?2.我們由台灣省各縣市等候名冊申請登記戶數情形可以看出,目前國宅需求集中在政府直接興建國宅,而輔助人民貸款自購住宅之需求則相對較少,其背後原因為何?應如何改進?3.各縣市國宅資源是否真的不足?目前以供給面的政府直接興建國宅為主的住宅補貼措施是否適當?應如何改進?   為針對以上問題加以解答,本研究首先以國宅等候制度在實際執行上所應發揮的三項功能:掌握國宅需求、決定國宅資源分配順序與提供人民充分資訊為觀點,對現行國宅等候制度加以檢討,最後並對我國國宅等候制度未來的改進方向提出具體的建議。   其次,本文以國宅需求量本身之決定因素(資格、意願、負擔能力)作為研究基礎,以臺灣省21縣市為實證範圍,估計歷年國宅需求量,進而探討影響國宅需求量變動的各種因素,特別強調不同補貼額度對國宅需求量的影響,透過計量經濟分析方法,最後驗證了補貼額度與國宅供給速率對於國宅需求量確實存在有顯著的影響。   最後,本研究以資源公平效率分配的觀點,配合國宅供需現況,以模擬分析的方式對臺灣省二十一縣市的國宅資源分配加以試算,結果發現,各縣市國宅供需失衡之主要原因不在國宅資源不足,而是在資源分配之不當,若將供給面補貼的政府直接興建國宅資源部分分配到需求面補貼的輔助人民貸款自購住宅,大部份縣市均能在短期內解決其國宅供需失衡問題,且可有多餘的資源用於增加如出租國宅、租金補貼、售屋不售地國宅及特殊弱勢團體住宅等國宅產品。 / There are three main subjects that we want to explore in this study: 1.What problems exist in the public housing waiting system in Taiwan? 2.What reasons cause the demand of public housing much more than the demand of mortgage subsidy in Taiwan? How will we improve it? 3.Is the housing subsidy policy in Taiwan moderate? How will we improve it?   To solve the above problems, we first review merits and demerits of the public housing waiting system. We examine three practical functions of the public housing waiting system. One is having the demand of public housing in hand, the one is deciding the order of public housing allocation, and the other one is providing sufficient information to people. From the review, we suggest the directions to improve the public housing waiting system.   Second, based on the factors of demand to the public housing (capacity、 willing、 afford ability), we applied regression analysis on the 21-Taiwan-county data. The regression model shows the main factors are the amount of housing allowance and the speed of public housing construction.   Finally, with the view of justice and efficiency on the resource allocation of housing subsidy, we simulate the resource distribution of public housing subsidy in the 21-Taiwan-county. We ascertain the main factor of public housing disequilibrium is inappropriate resource allocation. Have we transferred the resource from the public housing for selling to the mortgage subsidy, most counties could solve the disequilibrium problem in short run. In the long run,there are more resources to increase the supply side.These extra-resources serve the public rental housing, rental subsidy and welfare public housing etc..

香菸稅的理論探討與台灣之實證研究 / Cigarette Tax : Theory And Empirical Evidence From Taiwan

羅光達, Lo, Kuang Ta Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的研究目的,主要是從理論的探討與實證的研究出發,評估國內以香菸稅做為反菸工具時的可行性與適當性。   由於近些年來,在反菸團體大力地宣導吸菸有害健康的警訊之下,香菸似乎被貼上了罪惡的標籤,除了對人體健康有直接的危害之外,吸菸行為在醫療資源上的浪費與經濟成本上的損失更是不容忽視的問題。因此,除了一般性的租稅課徵之外,許多的學者都主張應再對香菸課以重稅,以期減少社會大眾的香菸消費量。不過在另一方面,亦有學者指出,目前在探討吸菸行為所引起的疾病成本或外部成本時,都忽略了外在環境的改變與其他因素的影響,而使得菸害成本有被高估的可能,因此反對重課香菸稅。其次,由於香菸稅基本上是屬於銷售稅的性質,因此在課稅之後,勢必會對經濟體系造成若干程度的影響,所以本文在理論探討的部分,除了分析香菸稅的理論依據之外,亦將課稅之後所可能產生的經濟效果做一分析與整理。   而在實證研究的部分,本文則利用主計處「個人所得分配調查報告」的原始電腦資料,以橫斷面與虛擬長期追蹤模型資料(pseudo panel data)分別估計國內的香菸需求函數。根據研究的結果顯示,國內的香菸價格彈性在-1.35~-1.56之間,表示當價格上升10%之後,香菸的消費量將減少13.5%~15.6%,可見以香菸稅做為反菸工具的效果相當地顯著。   總之,若政府的政策是以維護國民的健康而欲減少國內的香菸消費時,透過對香菸課稅的方式確實能達到「以價制量」的既定目標,而且其政策的效果相當地顯著。不過值得注意的是,香菸稅的課徵,雖然可達成上述的反菸政策效果,但卻也會造成租稅累退與超額負擔的發生;甚至由於菸害成本的高估現象,而使得香菸稅率有偏高的趨劫。因此,政府在訂定香菸稅的政策時,除了考慮價格效果之外,同時也必須平衡其所產生的經濟影響,如此才能訂出適當的稅率以充分反映與矯正外部成本的發生。因此,一個最適香菸稅率的決定,則是未來所必須面對的問題了。

我國健康保險部分負擔制度之財務效果推估 / The Financial Effects of Cost-Sharing System in Taiwan's Health Insurance

李竹芬, Chu-Fen Li Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在於瞭解臺灣地區有關醫療需求與利用之行為,並進而藉其 研究結果來推估部分負擔之實施成效。針對「八十年家庭收支記帳調查」 之 1,327戶家庭之資料,本研究分別以多元迴歸之線性模型與指數模型來 從事分析,並獲致下列之重要結果及發現: 1.門診價格偏彈性為 -0.27 至 -0.28 之間;住院價格偏彈性為 -0.06之間。可見兩者均欠缺彈性, 且住院較門診的彈性值更小。 2.門診之住院交叉彈性為 0.0015 至 0.0016 之間,顯示門診與住院之間有些替代效果存在。 3.門診之所得偏 彈性係數為 0.19至 0.22之間,表示門診是種正常品,且其彈性值並不大 。 4.部分負擔在門診上所節省之保險給付,若以負擔率為 10%來看,約 佔保費收入之 6.6%至 10.2%;醫療給付之 8.2%至 24.9%。但若提高部分 負擔至 25%時,則上述各數值約增加為兩倍。可見部分負擔對於保險財務 之補充,實具有相當功效。 5.以 10% 至 25% 的門診部分負擔率來估算 ,一般家庭於一年內須自付之門診費用,約佔家庭消費支出之 0.3%至 1.3%,佔儲蓄金額之0.7%至 3.0%,佔可支配所得之 0.2% 至 0.9%。其比 率並不算高,應不至於對一般家庭形成過重之經濟壓力。但若常使用醫療 資源的話,負擔將會更加提高且不容忽視。 / This research attempts to estimate the financial effects of cost-sharing system in Taiwan's health insurance. According to book-keeping data of 1,327 families, the study uses the linear & exponential model of the multiple regression to analyze the demand of the medical resources in Taiwan. The major results are as following: 1. The partial price elasticity of the outpatient care is esti- mated between -0.27 and -0.28, while the partial price elasti- city of the inpatient care is -0.06. Both are inelastic, but the inpatient care is ever more inelastic than the outpatient care. 2. The cross elasticity of the outpatient visits demanded with respect to inpatient price is between 0.0015 and 0.0016. It shows that there are some substitutions between two kinds of medical care. 3. The partial income elasticity of the outpatient care is esti- mated between 0.19 and 0.22, which reveals that the outpatient care is a normal good though the elasticity is small. 4. As to the potential effect of cost-sharing system on saving outpatient benefit, if the cost-sharing ratio were 10%, the reduced payment as the share of the premium is expected from 6.6% to 10.2% and as the share of the medical benefit from 8.2% to 24.9% depending on varying assumptions. If the ratio were raised to 25% , the reduced payment is projected to be twice as above. It implies that the cost-sharing system could be effective to improve the insurance finance. 5. It is further estimated that, when the cost-sharing ratio of the outpatient care were 25%, the cost-sharing burden for an average family is 1.3% with respect to the consumption expend- iture, 3.0% with respect to the savings and 0.9% with respect to disposable income. These ratios are not too high and an av- erage family can afford it. However, for those using medical services more heavily, their burden could be much higher and should be seriously considered.

從工作分離及需求變動觀點考量不同開發方法之軟體境外開發績效表現 / Considering development methods on offshore software development performance: from work dispersion and requirements change perspective

黃釗熠, Huang, Chaoyi Unknown Date (has links)
全球化使得軟體開發活動轉移至新興或開發中國家,快速變動的商業環境則趨使軟體開發朝向敏捷開發演進,然而軟體境外開發產生工作分離現象,負面影響軟體開發績效,此外敏捷開發法與境外開發環境存在衝突,本研究將軟體開發方法視為一連續漸變的光譜,包含規劃導向、風險導向及敏捷開發等三階段,探討在境外開發的環境下,哪一類型的開發方法能夠擁有較好的績效表現,並能減緩工作分離的負面影響,其中軟體開發方法光譜與績效表現呈現曲線關係,工作分離負面影響敏捷開發端之績效表現,需求變動則負面影響規劃導向端績效表現,結論將從工作分離與需求變動程度觀點,分別探討不同情況下所應採取的專案執行方式。 / Affected by globalization, software development activities have transferred to developing country. On the other hand, driven by turbulent business environments, software development methods have become more flexible like agile method. However, work dispersion derived from offshore software development has negative impact on performance. Besides, offshore environments have conflict with agile method in some aspect. There is a need to know the fit of between development methods and offshore modes. This research view development methods as a continuous spectrum, consisting of plan-driven, risk-driven and agile methods, and will probe which part of the spectrum perform better in offshore context and can alleviate the negative work dispersion effect on performance. The result shows that software development spectrum and offshore software development performance have curvilinear relationship. Work dispersion has negative impact on agile method, while requirements change has negative impact on plan-driven part. We’ll conclude from work dispersion and requirements change perspective, discussing how should practitioners conduct offshore project in different situations respectively.

台灣半導體通路商發展策略之研究 / A study on the development strategies of semiconductor distributors of Taiwan

林奕良, Lin, Yi Liang Unknown Date (has links)
通路商在「供應鏈」的角色,除了必須發揮原廠與客戶端中間橋樑之基本功能以外,尚須面對外部競爭及內部營運績效提昇之考驗。在面臨內外在環境的衝擊及市場的激烈競爭,通路商如何發展其競爭策略來厚植其競爭力,謀求生存利基,是一值得探討的問題。 本研究主要目的是在探討台灣半導體通路商之發展策略,透過對於國內有效問卷之180家通路商作分析,經有系統的收集與整理資料後,利用隨機效果的橫斷時間序列資料迴歸模式分析,結果顯示: 一、組織績效正差會增加通路商對於新產品與新客戶開發的發展策略。 二、組織績效負差會增加通路商對於新產品開發的發展策略,但減少新客戶開發。。 三、領導者的認知度需求度對於新產品與新客戶開發的發展策略有負向影響。 四、領導者的冒險傾向對於新產品與新客戶開發的發展策略有正向影響。 五、領導者的認知需求度對於績效差與新產品開發有調節效果。 六、領導者的冒險傾向對於績效差與新產品開發有調節效果。 / The role of distributor, basically, not only supply chain management but also “bridge” between suppliers and customers, Meanwhile, they encounter external competition as well as challenge of internal performance improvement. Beset by difficulties both at home and abroad as well as fierce competition, distributors need to modify their competition strategies in order to enhance their competitiveness and chip in the niche category they can rely on. It is worthwhile to understand how the semiconductor distributors in Taiwan keep their competitive capability under the challengeable situations. The aim of this study is to investigate the development strategy of Taiwanese small and medium distributors who exclusively manage semiconductor products. After the collection of 180 leader-company dyadic data, this study utilized the random-effects panel regression models to examine the hypotheses. The results showed: 1. The positive difference between organizational performance and past performance increased distributors’ development strategies of new product and new customer exploration. 2. The negative difference between organizational performance and past performance increased distributors’ development strategies of new product exploration but decrease new customer exploration. 3. Top leaders’ need for cognition had negative effect on both of new product and new customer exploration of development strategy. 4. Top leaders’ risk-taking propensity had positive effect on both of new product and new customer exploration of development strategy. 5. The need for cognition of a top leader had moderating effects on the relationships between performance differences and new product development. 6. The risk-taking propensity of a top leader had moderating effects on the relationships between performance differences and new product development.

檔案管理人員繼續教育滿意度與需求之研究 / A study on continuing education satisfaction and needs of archivists

陳秋瑾, Chen, Ciou Jin Unknown Date (has links)
隨著現代資訊科技與資訊社會的發展,檔案管理業務亦相應產生變革,為了因應檔案管理業務之進展,加強檔案管理人員的專業能力,並促進專業持續發展,檔案管理繼續教育有其必要性。 本研究透過文獻探討,瞭解國內、外檔案管理繼續教育實施管道和課程內容,再藉由問卷,調查曾經參加檔案管理訓練課程的檔案管理人員,對於繼續教育的滿意度和未來需求,最後以深度訪談法,蒐集國內培訓單位與參訓檔案管理人員對繼續教育訓練資源的意見,以探討國內檔案管理繼續教育之發展。 本研究主要提出以下結論:(一)國內、外檔案主管機關強調實務訓練,專業學會或培訓機構則提供廣泛專業學理和實務知能,支援檔案管理人員發展專業。(二)參訓檔案管理人員對於參加繼續教育的整體經驗感到滿意,並肯定繼續教育有助於提升專業知能及促進社群交流;(三)檔管人員期許培訓單位提供具有進階性、新穎性,且能應用於實務工作的繼續教育。(四)檔案管理人員呼籲主管機關推動專業人員認證制度,強化檔案管理人員專業地位。(五)國內培訓單位應從課程內容、進修管道及遠距教學等面向,發展檔案管理繼續教育訓練資源。 根據研究結果,本研究對國內培訓單位提出六項建議:(一)維持基礎與進階兩層次的核心課程,另增設專題性課程。(二)提供課程大綱與介紹,安排豐富多樣性的教學內容。(三)增加大臺北地區以外的繼續教育進修管道。(四)開設檔案管理學分班或在職進修專班。(五)建立檔管人員社群交流平台。(六)檔案主管機關加強檔案知識的橫向宣導,並推動檔案管理人員專業資格認證。 / With the development of modern information technology and information society, archives management work also consequential changes, in order to enhance professional competence of archivists, and to promote professional development, archives management continuing education is necessary. This study explored the way of the domestic and foreign authorities and professional institutions offering archives management continuing education and their training courses, and then surveyed the continuing education satisfaction and needs of archivists. Besides, the study also interviewed with domestic training institutions and archivists who have lots of training experience. Finally, the study discussed on the development of domestic archives management continuing education. The study made the following conclusions: (1) Domestic and foreign archives authorities stressed practical training, professional societies or professional training institutions provides extensive theoretical and practical knowledge to support the professional development of archivists. (2) Archivists are satisfied with the overall experience of participating in archives continuing education courses. Most participants agreed that continuing education help to improve professional abilities and knowledge, and to promote the knowledge exchange among archivists. (3) Archivists need advanced courses, or courses about practice and new archival issues. (4) Archivists expect the archives authorities to promote the professional certification, strengthening the professional status of archivists. (5) To develop our continuing education resources by improving the course content, increasing training opportunities, and offering distance learning or E-learning. According to the conclusions of the research, there are six suggestions as follows: (1) In addition to original basic and advanced courses, Training institutions may offer additional courses about specific subject. (2) Training institutions should provide the course outline and course introduction, and arrange a rich diversity of course content. (3) To increase the opportunities of attending archives continuing education for archivists who come outside Taipei area. (4)To offer credit classes or in-service continuing education classes. (5) To establish knowledge exchange platform for archivist community. (6) The archives authority should enhance the archival knowledge to the whole government agency, and promote the professional certification.

影響社群網站自我揭露行為之研究 / Study on the Impact of Self-disclosure on Social Network Site

孫曉雅, Sun, Hsiao Ya Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以人際關係為出發點,希望了解在社群網站形成的人際關係網絡中,個人自我呈現需求和人際關係需求與自我揭露之關聯,揭露對象的差異以及人格特質的影響。本研究以問卷調查法進行,對擁有Facebook帳號者之使用者發放問卷。結果顯示,個人提升自我形象、主動包容和情感期待需求對於在社群網站中向普通朋友及親密朋友的自我揭露有正向影響,情感表達需求對於在社群網站中向普通朋友的自我揭露有正向影響;被動歸屬需求對則普通朋友及親密朋友的自我揭露有負向影響。 此外,外向與自戀人格特質的使用者自我揭露行為上,也有不同的發現。內向的人的被動歸屬需求對普通朋友及親密朋友的自我揭露有負向影響,且被動引導需求對親密朋友的自我揭露有正向影響。而自戀的人的主動控制需求對普通朋友的自我揭露有正向影響。 研究結果提供了基於人際關係需求的社群網站自我揭露動機,並分析面對不同揭露對象時,人際關係需求對揭露的差異,對社群網站使用者的動機和行為有更深入的了解,並提供理論基礎。而針對不同人格特質的使用者,比較在社群網站自我揭露之差異,了解社群網站使用者的不同面貌。 / This study tried to understand the influence of self-presentation need, interpersonal need on self-disclosure of normal friend and close friend at the social network sites. Sample survey was applied to investigate Facebook users. The result reveals that “self-promotion”, “expressed inclusion”, and “wanted affection” needs have positive impacts on self-disclosure of normal friend and close friend in SNS. “Expressed affection” needs have positive impacts on self-disclosure of normal friend. In addition, “wanted inclusion” has negative influence. Furthermore, there are some different findings among extroverted, introverted, narcissistic and non-narcissistic groups.

The Impact of IEA Reports on Oil-Related Markets

陳俊源, Chen, Jiun-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
國際能源機構(IEA)每個月的石油報告已經變成預測世界石油供給與需求一個很重要的資源。因此,我們蒐集從1990年10月到2005年12月中國際能源機構所發佈的179次宣告,利用事件研究法來衡量國際能源機構對石油相關市場的影響性。 實證結果顯示,國際能源機構的石油報告的確對石油相關市場傳達重要的資訊;而國際能源機構報告的影響效果似乎會隨著國家的不同而有所不同;在當中,石油的生產和消費量多寡、石油的密集度和油價中稅占的比例都扮演重要的角色;此外,在國際能源機構的報告中,關於預測石油需求變化這方面似乎特別被大家所重視。 / This study examines the impact of International Energy Agency's Oil Market Reports on oil-related prices. The IEA reports, published monthly in Paris, have become the primary source of world oil supply and demand forecasts. We collect 179 announcements that released by IEA over the period October 1990 to December 2005. We analyze the effects of these reports on three oil-related markets, IPE Brent Crude futures, oil industry indices and stock prices of oil companies in six countries. Moreover, we separate the effects of IEA’s forecast changes on oil supply from non-OPEC countries and oil demand from North America and China in IEA’s report. The results confirm that IEA’s reports carry important information source for oil-related markets because more than one half of our sample companies have abnormal returns around the announcement date of IEA’s reports, and we explore these prices respond negatively to the release of IEA’s reports. We also find that the actively traded IPE Brent Crude futures contracts are affected by IEA’s reports, particularly for the change of demand in North America. Forecast changes in IEA’s reports regarding supply in non-OPEC countries, demand in North America and China show that most countries are affected by the changes in these reports. The evidences also show that British and Norwegian oil stock markets react more strongly to the change of oil demand in North America and China. Moreover, we find that participants in the oil market put more emphasis on demand changes reported by IEA, especially for China demand. And we provides empirical evidence that these companies are concerned more about the related releases of decreased demand in North America and increased demand in China. Finally, cross-sectional analysis of cumulative abnormal returns suggests that the reaction of American and Norwegian companies to IEA’s announcements is stronger than other countries, and the change of demand in North America and China and the size variable for individual company contribute to the changes of abnormal returns around IEA’s reports.

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